tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 13, 2020 12:00am-1:01am +03
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about how they're going to pay the bills about how they were going to make it simply make it growing up in scranton and claymont delaware i saw that struggle with my family as well cobble a software hers as well and millions of americans are living that struggle as we speak especially in this moment of crisis especially was so many jobs lost common i both know that all folks are looking for as my dad would say isn't even shah just give me a shot a fair shot a shot at making it and it would be the work of our administration to make sure they get a fair shot working families need someone on their side in this nation because they certainly don't have anyone in the president now on their side that's going to change in a biden has said mr ation is going to be gratifying to see the strong enthusiasm
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reaction to senator harris as our next vice president you know it comes from people all over the country it's already occurring all over the country all it illogical views all backgrounds of vents of course we are predictable some of them become some all over except of course from donald trump's white house and his allies you all knew it was coming you could have set your watches to it don trump has already started his attacks calling kamel a quote nasty whiny about how she's quote mean to his appointee he says it's no surprise because whining is what donald trump does best better than any president american history is anyone surprised on trump as a problem with
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a strong woman or strong women across the board we know that more is to come so let's be clear. if you're a working person worried about whether or not you have a job to go to whether or not you're be able to pay your mortgage pay your rent worried about the poison of the air you breathe the water you drink worried about your civil rights even your basic right to dignity which is under attack with this administration comma harris has had your back and now we have to have her back she going to stand with me in this campaign and all of us are going to stand up for her on january 20th 2021 ra going to watch senator harris raise a right hand and swear the oath of office as the 1st woman ever
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to serve in the 2nd highest office in america in this land and that we're going to get to work fixing the mess a president trump and vice president of pence have created both at home and abroad through 4 years of mismanagement and coddling of terrorist and thugs around the world not only will america dig itself out of this hole they put us in we're going to build we're going to build back we're going to build back better we have a public health crisis while he's in court trying to do away with health care with more than 5000000 reported infections 165000 people dead and climbing as a consequence of code 90 and still no months later no real leadership or a plan from the president on states how to get this pandemic under control
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no real help for the states and local governments trying to fill the vacuum of leadership from the white house no real help. for children and educators for small businesses and front line workers that hold on to their ones are holding our country together instead. he's issuing executive orders and making promises that the end will define end of the social security system all insisting that this virus will disappear the joe biden income will hire us administration to have a comprehensive plan to meet the challenge of covert 90 and turn the corner on this pandemic maskey clear science based guidance dramatically scaling up testy getting states and local governments and resources they need to open the schools and businesses safely we can do this we just need
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a president a vice president willing to lead and take responsibility not as this president says it's not my fault the government the governor should thank me more as a whole saying goes give me a break we have an economic crisis but more than 16000000 americans 16000000 still out of work donald trump is on track to break another record on track to leave office of the worst jobs record of any american president modern history but instead of doing the hard work of meeting face to face with congressional leaders democrats and republicans in the white house like every other president is done in a crisis to get americans the relief they need and deserve donald trump is
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on the golf course if i told you this 3 years ago you look at me like i was being crazy he hasn't even met with the leadership he doesn't have time it appears. with the climate crisis that donald trump refuses to even acknowledge and he thinks about climate change all here we hear is the word hoax biden has the ministrations going to meet the climate crisis protect the health of the american public and along the way we're going to deliver one word jobs good paying jobs who are racial cry just as crisis doll shop seeks only to inflame it with this politics of racist rhetoric and appeals to division
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you know today's not only the day i'm proud to do senator kamel harris as the vice presidential nominee of the democratic party it's also the 3rd anniversary of that terrible danger charlottesville remember remember what it felt like to see those neo nazis close your eyes and those klansmen white supremacists coming out of fields carrying lighted torches faces contorted bulging they pour into the streets of historic american city spewing the same an isometric bile we heard in hitler's germany in the 30s remember how it fell to see a violent clash ensue between those celebrating hate and those standing against it
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it was a wake up call for all of us as a country for me it was a call to action my father used to say silence is complicity not a riginal to him but he believed it at that moment i knew i couldn't stand by and let donald trump a man who went on to say when asked about what he thought he said they were very fine people on both sides quote very fine people on both sides no president of united states america has ever said anything like that. seme continuing to attack everything that makes america america i knew we were in the battle for the soul of the nation. that's why i decided to run and i'm proud now to have senator harris at my side in that battle because she shares it with the same intensity i do for she someone who knows what's at stake the question is
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for all americans the answer who are we as a nation what do we stand for. and most importantly what do we want to be. you know someone who knows that the future of this country is limited only by the barriers we place on our own imaginations because there's nothing americans cannot achieve. when we put our minds to it and we do it together. one of the reasons i chose comma is because we both believe that we can define america simply in one word possibilities possibilities that he said again possibilities that's america that's what sets this nation apart. is that everyone. everyone the ability for everyone and we mean everyone to go as far
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and dream as big as hard work and their god given ability will take them. when i agreed to serve as president obama's running mate. he has been number questions as have hass comma the most important was he said to me what he asked me what i wanted most importantly. i told him i wanted to be the last person in the room before he made important decisions. that's what i asked camelot . asked common would be the last voice in the room. always tell me the truth which she will challenge my assumptions if she disagrees ask the hard questions. because that's the way we make the best decisions for the american people. i got a chance to spend some time in my home today. with kamel and doug. the want to
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thank them i thank the members thank them publicly for green to join and take this journey with killing me doug. you're going to have to learn what it means to be a barrier breaker yourself in this job you're about to take on america's 1st 2nd gentleman. and all there although they're not with us here today i want to thank ellen cole was well i did chance to speak to doug's mom and dad and ellen cole and we're going to get our kids together to let them know what what's coming our grandchildren are about the age of their children. got to speak to them my campaign has always been a family affair every campaign i've run. so i've got some news for you and. you're
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all honorary bidens. and here's the best part camila you've been an honorary biden for quite some time. you know i came 1st to know how common it was through our son beau biden. they were friends they served as attorney general at the same time it took the same big they took on the same big fights together kamel in california well here in delaware big fights that helped change the entire country i know how much ball respect to comment on our work and that matter a lot to me to be honest with you as i made this decision. so now we need to get to work plea this nation out of these crises we find ourselves in getting our economy back on track you 19 this nation and yes we need the battle for the soul of america my fellow americans now let me to do is to you for the 1st time your next vice
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president of states kamo parents probably. floors your. money. thank you joe. thank you jeff. as i said joe when you called me i am incredibly honored by this responsibility and i'm ready to get to work i'm ready to get to work. after the most competitive primary in history the country received a resoundingly message that joe was the person to lead us forward. and joe i'm so proud to stand with you and i do so mindful of all the heroic
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and ambitious women before me who sacrifice determination and resilience makes my presence here today even possible. this is a moment of real consequence for america everything we care about our economy our health our children the kind of country we live in it's all on the line. we're reeling from the worst public health crisis in a century. the president's mismanagement of the pandemic has plunged us into the worst economic crisis since the great depression and we're experiencing a moral reckoning with racism and systemic injustice that has brought a new coalition of conscience to the streets of our country demanding
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change america is crying out for leadership yet we have a president who cares more about himself than the people who elected him a president who is making every challenge we face even more difficult to song but here's the good news we don't have to accept the failed government of donald trump and mike pence in just 83 days we have a chance to choose a better future for our country. so. dr biden. thank you for the trust you've placed in me jill i know you will be an incredible 1st lady. and my husband and i are so grateful grateful to become a part of your extended family. and ever since i received joe's call i've been
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thinking yes about the 1st biden that i really came to know and that of course is joe's beloved son one of his beloved sons bow in the midst of the great recession bo and i spoke on the phone practically every day sometimes multiple times a day working together to win back billions of dollars for homeowners from the big banks of the nation that were foreclosing on people's homes. and let me just tell you about beau biden i learned quickly that bo was the kind of guy who inspired people to be a better version of themselves he really was the best of us and when i would ask him where do you get back where this comes from he'd always talk about
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his dad. and i will tell you the love that they shared was incredible to watch it was the most beautiful display of the love between a father and a son. and botox about how joe would spend 4 hours every day riding the rails back and forth from wilmington to washington so he could make breakfast choice kids in the morning and make it home in time to tuck them in bed each night all of this so 2 little boys who had just lost their mom and their sister in a tragic accident would know that the world was still turning and that's how i came to know joe. he's someone whose 1st response when things get tough is never to think about himself but to care for everyone else he
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someone who never asks why is this happening to me and instead asks what can i do to make life better for you. his empathy his compassion his sense of duty to care for others is why i am so proud to be on this ticket. and joe and i yes we are cut from the same cloth family is everything to me too and i cannot wait for america to get to know my husband again our amazing kids colin allen. because whether i'm cheering in the bleachers at a swim meet are setting up a college room dorm or helping my god daughter prepare for her school debate are building lego's with my god son or hugging my 2 baby nieces or cooking dinner sunday dinner my family means everything to me. and i've had
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a lot of titles over my career and certainly vice president will be great but mama will always be the one that means the moused. and you know my mother and father they came from opposite sides of the world to arrive in america one from india and the other from jamaica in search of a world class education but what brought them together was the civil rights movement of the 1960 s. and that's how they met as students in the streets of oakland marching and shouting for this thing called justice and a struggle that continues today and i was part of it my parents would bring me to protests strapped tightly in my stroller and my mother schama braised my sister maya and me to believe that it was up to us and every generation of
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americans to keep on marching. she tell us don't sit around and complain about things do something so i did something i devoted my life to making real the words carved in the united states supreme court equal justice under law. and 30 years ago i stood before a judge for the 1st time breathe deep and uttered the phrase that would. that would truly guide my career and the rest of my career camila harris for the people. the people that's why i represented his district attorney fighting on behalf of victims who needed help the people that's who i fought for as california's attorney general when i took on transnational criminal organizations who trafficking guns and drugs and human beings and it's the people who i have
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fought for as a united states senator where i've worked every day to hold trump officials accountable to the american people. and the people are who gel and i will fight for every day in the white house and let me tell you as somebody who has presented my fair share of arguments in court the case against donald trump and mike pence is open and shut just look where they've gotten us more than 16000000 out of work millions of kids who cannot go back to school. a crisis of poverty of homelessness afflicting black brown and indigenous people the most a crisis of hunger afflicting one in 5 mothers who have children that are hungry. and tragically more than 165000 lines that have been cut short.
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many with loved ones who never got the chance to say goodbye. it didn't have to be this way. 6 years ago in fact we had a different health crisis it was called ebola and we all remember that pandemic but you know what happened then barack obama and joe biden did they are job only 2 people in the united states died too that is what's called leadership but compare that to the moment we find ourselves in that. when other countries are following the science trump pushed miracle cures he saw on fox news. while other countries were flattening the curve he said the virus would just go away quote like america. so when other countries open back up for business what did we
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do we had to shut down again. this virus has impacted almost every country but there's a reason it has hit america worse than any other advanced nation it's because of trump's failure to take it seriously from the start his refusal to get testing up and running his flip flopping on social distancing and wearing masks his delusional belief that he knows better than the experts all of that is reason and the reason that an american dies of covert 19 every 80 seconds it's why countless businesses have had to shut their doors for good it's why there is complete chaos over when and how to reopen our
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schools mothers and fathers are confused and uncertain and angry about childcare and the safety of their kids at school whether they'll be in danger if they go or fall behind if they don't. trump is also the reason millions of americans are now unemployed he inherited the longest economic expansion in history from barack obama and joe biden and then like everything else he inherited he ran it straight into the ground. because of trump's failures of leadership our economy has taken one of the biggest hits out of all the major industrialized nations with an unemployment rate that has tripled as of today. this is what happens when we elect the guy who
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just isn't up for the job our country and in tatters and so does our reputation around the world. but let's be clear this election isn't just about defeating donald trump or mike pence it's about building this country back better and that's exactly what joe and i will do we'll create millions of jobs and fight climate change through a clean energy revolution bring back critical supply chains so the future is made in america. built on the affordable care act so everyone has the peace of mind that comes with health insurance and finally offer a caregiver is the dignity the respect and the pay they deserve will protect a woman's right to make her own decisions about her own body root out systemic
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racism in our justice system and pass a new voting rights act a john lewis voting rights act that will ensure every voice is heard and every voice is counted. the civil rights struggle is nothing new to joe it's why he got into public service it's why he helped to reauthorize the voting rights act and restore unemployment discrimination and employment discrimination laws and today he takes his place in the ongoing story of america's march toward equality and justice as only as the. as the only who has served alongside the 1st black president and has chosen the 1st black woman as his running mate. but as joe always points out this election is about more than politics it's about who we are as
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a country and i'll admit over the past 4 years there have been moments when i have truly worried about our future. but whenever i think that there is a reason for doubt whenever i've had my own doubts i think of you the american people the doctors and nurses and frontline workers who are risking your lives to save others the truck drivers and the workers in grocery stores in factories and farms working there putting your own safety on the line to help us get through this pandemic the women and students taking to the streets in unprecedented numbers the dreamers and immigrants who know that families belong together the l.g.b. t.q. americans who know that love is love people of every age and color and creed who are finally declaring in one voice that yes black lives matter all across this
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country a whole new generation of children is growing up hearing the cries for justice and the chants of hope. on which i was raised some strapped into strollers of their own and trust me it's a song you'll never forget so to everyone keeping up the fight you are doing something you are doing something great you are the heroes of our time and you are the reason i know we are going to bring our country closer to realizing its great promise but to do it we'll need to work organize and vote like never before because we need more than a victory on november 3rd we need a mandate that proves that the past few years do not represent who we are or who we aspire to be joe likes to say that character is on the ballot and it's
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true when he saw what happened in charlottesville 3 years ago today he knew we were in a battle for the soul of our nation and together with your help that's about all we will when earlier this year i said. i'd do whatever joe asked me to do and so now i'm asking you to do the same so visit joe biden dot com to get involved in this campaign and vote because electing joe biden is just the start of the work ahead of us and i couldn't be prouder to be by his side running to represent you the people. thank you and make god bless the united states of america. to that is joe biden appearing for the 1st time together after announcing that they
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are running mates on the democratic ticket in the presidential election we heard from biden there describing why he'd picked coming to harris saying she was smart tough experienced a proven fighter for the backbone of the country he said he promised to with her turn the corner on coronavirus and tackle the economic crisis and also battle for the soul but there's certain action would be a battle for the soul of the nation and he would both of them are defined america in one word possibilities she also explain why she decided to accept the offer becoming his running mate she described his empathy compassion and sense of duty in caring for others and they were both very keen to attack president trump both on his record in handling coronavirus and also what they described as his failures of leadership let's bring in mike hanna who's been watching this with us so coronavirus i'm just mentioning now and is clearly this is this of headline summers there that they are putting back their masks there in at this event which has been
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a very different event from any normal situation where someone is announcing the running mate has an. oh indeed yes obviously in a time of pandemic social distancing in place that news conference joe biden has very rarely directly attacked president trump but all of that was put aside in the speech that he's made he repeatedly lashed out at president trump challenging his record on the economy and importantly most importantly perhaps his record in terms of are you willing to deal with the pandemic calling this a failure of leadership that has led to the loss of tens of thousands of lives so certainly. joe biden very hard on president trump as indeed was common who basically picked up on a number of points that joe biden has made in particular about the election saying this is an election that will change the country for a lifetime that this is an inflection point within american politics and
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importantly that this election is not only about politics it is about character it is about americans designing the society that they believe represents them or rather than the society that has been created over the 4 years of president trump's rule so very strong words from both the presidential candidate and his vice presidential running mate this a significant moment a significant news conference no president has already attacked as nasty and that was picked up by biden who said that the response wasn't surprising said whining is what trump does best and that's what he described this as a talk us through how how complicated it is for these 2 harrison biden who were originally political rivals now to come together on this same stage and and have a coherent campaign together how difficult is that going to be for them.
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well there is going to be difficulty in terms of aligning their various agenda there are differences in their approach on issues like climate change on issues of how to deal with big business but the gap is not that large that is one point the other point that yes you're quite correct there was acrimony between the 2 when they were both contending the presidential nomination for the democratic party but joe biden as actually in a way had a master stroke here appointing as a running mate a person who was bigger recently critical of him in the past now a couple of harris was very quick after she stood down from that presidential candidate race to immediately back to joe biden joe biden has a step forward in terms of making very clear by her appointment that he is not going to put some lucky in the 2nd most important position in the united states that he wants somebody who will criticize him he once somebody who will not stand back and just let things happen around her so this is
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a very significant decision by joe biden which followed months of the search for the vice presidential candidate he interviewed 11 people all told 11 women all of them before nominating carla harris to stand as his running mate and that in itself is a historic occasion she's the 1st black woman to stand on a national ticket in the presidential election she is the 1st asian african american woman to do so as well so this is a very significant tickets number of ways and one actually is potentially exceedingly powerful we've already heard in the hours since she was nominated reaction from wall street by nancy is who have been donating to joe biden's campaign to the tune of 5 times as much as that. president trumps according to a number of polls we've heard from silicon valley where camila harris is very high
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. regarded the technological firms so there is a real broad based swelling of support for the presidential ticket and certainly joe biden has got to going has got to traction going one must know as well is that the fund raising broke a one hour record shortly after he announced calm of the who is running mate once again you can see the impact that this will have on the presidential campaign perhaps some of argue joe biden has been slow in getting a and running but it certainly exploded into live with this news conference today mike hanna thank you very much indeed. some other news now and belarus where at least one detained protester has died after police crackdown brutally on demonstrations against the president the u.n. human rights chief has condemned the use of force while this year in year poland and latvia have offered to mediate but they warned sanctions could be imposed if the violent crackdown continues with them $6000.00 people have been arrested in
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belarus during 3 nights of rallies against the landslide victory of president alexander lukashenko opposition leaders say the vote was rigged many of them have been detained or forced to flee the country including the main candidates for atlanta dickon a skier because franco won around 80 percent of the vote it's been in power since 994 and is considered by many as europe's last dictator step bason has been a shift from minsk. worried about the fate of their loved ones relatives and friends outside his detention center in minsk child cries of support without knowing if they can hear it. or you are all heroes they scream at us calling out her sons and daughters wives looking for their husbands after days of arrest many are still missing a 17 year old boy was released after he was arrested while sitting on a bench in the city center he says he was severely beaten the. riot police came to
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me with 6 men and started beating me when i grabbed the stick they started to beat me even more and sprayed something in my face it was burning when i asked for medical aid they did not help me volunteers are trying to help locate the thousands of detainees president alexander lukashenko has condemned those detained describing them as a criminal underclass. the core of the so-called protesters are people with a criminal past and those who are currently unemployed those who don't have a job walking the streets and avenues that's why i'm kindly ridging everyone who is unemployed to get a job police violence has increased in belo. those during the 3rd night of protest with the best koreans and cars attacked often randomly. but that did not deter hundreds of women from protesting to condemn the violence a march for peace and fair elections president lukashenko has been in power for 26 c.s.'s he won sunday's disputed presidential poll with more than 80 percent of the
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vote to claim many in bellows have called observed income trust a police man wearing black all these women are wearing white carrying flowers as a sign of peace stop beating us is their main message women have been leading the growing opposition movement against look ashamed as government with 3 women dominating the election campaign now again women are defiant and are risking arrest they can come to your home they can break the door in your apartment they can cut you anywhere when you go shopping or go to the hospital they can find you and detain you are you yes my child still i don't. sense to die for a peaceful bella roost and for fair elections on the streets drive a show their support for the protesters including bus and truck drivers that emotions running high after what have been traumatic days for many belorussians it seems unlikely to strategy of violence to government is using will work step
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process and al-jazeera meant. francaise it will increase its military presence in the mediterranean because of a dispute between turkey and greece over energy exploration tensions rose when ankara sent an exploration vessel to a disputed area accompanied by warships days after greece signed a maritime deal with egypt greece and turkey have overlapping claims to hydrocarbon resources in the region the nato allies vowed to defend their interests but signaled a willingness to resolve the dispute on wednesday. more than half of beirut's health care facilities and nonfunctional because of last week's devastating explosion that's according to the world health organization which says the damage will also complicate efforts to contain the corona virus outbreak at least 3 of the major hospitals in in beirut have been less nonfunctional because of that last another 3 hospitals are functioning well below their normal capacity and what that
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means is we've lost around $500.00 it's those 2 hospitals with clear implications for the management of covert as well as other medical conditions. ok up ahead to continuing in the lebanese capital while the city mourns the deaths of more than 200 people bennett smith has more. rich or poor the beirut explosion didn't discriminate 10 people died in the luxury seaview apartments that overlook the port and alice assad's house. she and her 2 children had left home half an hour before the blast they raced back to find this. alice pays a rent fixed in the 1960 s. the common practice here if the landlord can't afford the repairs or release the funds home will probably stay like this i now must lead the most important thing is for the kids to have a place to sleep comfortably with food they will not starve but we need our home back. businesses too must find the money to rebuild if they think it's
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worth it. this country was already enjoying an economic crisis after a shortage of foreign currency last year sent its currency into freefall i don't know if you if you will be able to put more money into it i don't know if we need. not only also earlier everybody. needs someone 70000 homes and a sofa uncalculated number of businesses were destroyed or damaged when 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded at beirut port last tuesday. a dozen schools also need rebuilding this is the city's oldest the school of the 3 doctors the dishy in on the challenges huge an explosion of the scale is exceptional before rebuilding you have to appraise the structure see if everything can hold up sometimes you have to consolidate sometimes you have to destroy to rebuild so it
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will take real building expertise. every homeowner every business every institution needs glass and building materials and nearly all of that is imported. so they need dollars. but their money is locked in inaccessible bank accounts for many here it's effectively stolen by a political elite that's been running the country for decades. so the pressure is on parliament to appoint a new prime minister and a new cabinet and it's been made clear to them that they'll be no international funds for the city's reconstruction until the parliament ends the dominance of iran backed hezbollah and its allies french president emanuel micron's as he wants to see progress by september the 1st bernard smith al-jazeera beirut. the mercian prime minister says almost all of the oil has been removed from a damaged ship has been leaking into the country's pristine blue waters workers have been racing to empty the ship after it grounded off the mission coast last
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month spilling a 1000 tonnes of oil into the sea dead fish already being pulled from the ocean and tourism operators are afraid their businesses will be hit those who play with fire will get burnt that's china's dramatic warning to the u.s. after a senior american delegation wrapped up a historic visit to taiwan u.s. health secretary acts as our as the most high profile american official to visit the island in decades it infuriated beijing which views taiwan as a breakaway province washington insists the trip was only meant to examine taiwan's successful battle against the coronavirus but as our has criticised china's handling of the pandemic and says the u.s. will continue to support the island as a friend and partner. female taiwan's president has called on china to use dialogue to resolve disputes in hong kong instead of oppression have been several high profile arrests in hong kong this week on charges related to china's new national
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security law dying when promised her government would support the people of hong kong adrian brown has more from hong kong of. when you are leader of taiwan you have to do what you can to raise your international profile because of course there are just 15 countries that recognize taiwan was dying when on wednesday was addressing the hudson institute that's a conservative think tank in washington and she had many themes to her addressed but i think the central one were her comments about hong kong she said that the world had been saddened to see that the beacon of freedom of being extinguished in hong kong she said that the ties between hong kong and taiwan go back many years and she also said and this was their only real reference to china without naming china she said that while some countries well the world has been distracted by co that 19 other countries have been targeting democracies around the world now why does all this matter well you know at the moment taiwan is
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a country which is basically regarded by china as a breakaway province to be taken back from by force if necessary president xi jinping had warned just a year ago that the people of taiwan had better accept that one day sooner rather than later they will be reunified with the motherland and the premier of china leak a chunk addressed the national people's congress just a few months ago and he didn't refer to a peaceful reunification with taiwan he simply referred to a reunification so that has led to increasing speculation that eventually china will resort to force to take back this renegade province and in fact many analysts will tell you that the chances of that happening a greater now than they were 5 years ago should and as president has tightened his family's grip on power after swearing in a new cabinet having created 2 of his brothers and a nephew and the ceremony took place at one of the most sacred buddhist temples in
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the country leaving sri lanka's minorities wondering if the new government will also act in their interests now for an end as has more from combat. messing's for a new government at the temple of the kings. sri lanka's new cabinet was sworn in by president go to the rajapaksa in the audience hall of the sacred temple of the 2 in kandy the mahdi governing candy is seen as the sort of center of both the religious and secular power because the the story is those who possess the tab the 2. will lead the country you know and the day's all of that so yes a very strong symbol of the primacy of the single a buddhist majority 74 percent of sri lanka's 22000000 people a single the buddhists a large number of them voted for the sri lanka people's front party giving it 60 percent of the vocals the raja boxes of work hard to get the support of the
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majority buddhist community after then president by and the rajapaksa suffered a shock defeat in 2015 many blamed minorities who voted against him in large numbers at the decision to campaign on strong nationalist buddhist lines appears to have paid off 1st with president go to obvious election in 2019 he was sworn in at an ancient put his temple that represents historic saying he's of. his brother mind the rajapaksa who got the highest votes of any candidate in the august 5th the election was sworn in for his full time as prime minister. he had to chose an important temple where the lord buddha is believed to have visited with an entourage of 570 motor says having adopted a strong program is to approach in its campaign the issue is how the government will proceed in power based strong sort of good historian tertian of the campaign
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the reaching out to that single the boot disk constituency and all of that that was very much for political purposes to reach to to reply political capital once in government and with the really secure majority that they do have the question is is are they going to advance this to such an extent that everyone else is going to be ignored or permanently made to 2nd class citizen or whatever it is i suspect not minorities in the country will be hoping he's right. people in colombo or to new government if they can do all i don't think there is anyone who can do and fed up with anything anybody does seem so we can expect good things from. these people going on going again in a moment. i voted for this government and like me all the people who voted for them expect a better future. 28 candidate members and 40 state ministers have been sworn in the
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larger part of knowledge the critical role of the single a buddhist majority played in their return to power and wednesday's wedding in is a nod to that support but analysts say the government must serve all sri lankan communities to take the country forward banana's al-jazeera colombo. sudan's government has deployed troops and opposed to 24 hour curfew in an eastern city after 3 days of violence and he's $25.00 people have been killed since rival ethnic groups began fighting in port sudan it's not the 1st time members of the betty american nuba tribes have attacked each other a state of emergency was imposed last year after fighting broke out between the 2 science hit morgan has more from students capital khartoum. first of all let's look at how this has been unfolding this is not the 1st time we see a tribal clashes between the beni armor and the nuba tribes it's been going on for
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years now and has escalated over the past 12 months for the last year we've seen fighting resulting in the deaths of dozens and injuries of hundreds we've seen a state of emergency impose their will that was eventually lifted but it kind of gives you an idea of the wider context of not just the eastern part of sudan but really the whole country tribal identities and ethnic identities do play a role on how things unfold on the ground now in port sudan it's a toss up between 2 individuals from opposing tribes from the bahraini armor and the move across that eventually pulled in members of the same tribe so we've seen the government responding by sending more troops yesterday the prime minister is due to brief the security and defense committee to morrow to try to figure out a solution on the they've called for calm the newly appointed civilian governor has imposed. a curfew in the eastern city so they are trying to mitigate the tribal clashes between the 2 sides but this needs to be addressed at the root the root
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causes of this conflict needs to be addressed now those 2 sides as i said have been clashing for several years now which has escalated over the past few months no solution no deep rooted solution has been found yet and for many they think that it's an idea and an issue of who actually deserves to be in port sudan who deserves to be identified as part of the east and who is actually somebody who is overstepping on a territory that is not various so a lot of issues right now at stake mostly the issue of ethnic identity and tribal identity and who belongs and who doesn't and it looks like every government does not step in which is something that activists have been call for them this violence will continue clashes between soldiers and civilians of killed at least 127 people in south sudan they army was carrying out an operation to disarm civilians in war up state on saturday when the violence broke out officials say it started when armed use in the area attacked security forces an investigation is underway.
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the former head of mexico's state oil company has implicated former president and he kept a new net 0 in a major corruption scandal accusations of cost big ripples in a country where impunity is a major problem and gentleman has more from mexico city. when mexico's x. 1000000 was extradited back to the country from spain on corruption charges it was inevitable he'd start talking and now he has telling prosecutors the next president enrique pena nieto and next finance minister luis be the guy ordered him to pay more than $4000000.00 in bribes to consultants helping with the 2012 election campaign. he says up bribe money came from brazilian construction join oda british already at the center of latin america's biggest corruption scandal all of this is according to mexico's attorney general who put out a video on tuesday. in the case of auto brecht this individual is saying there were
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a series of bribes. one thing that it's important to know is about this the attorney general said in this video that he's is only just looking at the evidence to support the soyuz accusations that's video and so receipts and they'll have to see if they can move forward with this they haven't even called in the ex-president of the act finance minister 'd to give a statement. but raul almost who's been investigating the case for an anti corruption organization says it's already been proven that money was paid from older brush toodles lawyers and more our usa really needs us there are a series of indications that they need the new about the benefits being given to other bridge in concrete days before one of the bribes was paid in 2013 he met with marcello at the branch in that presidential residence they talk about the bridges investments in mexico and a few days later the brows were transferred. presidents and public figures. well
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across latin america in the wake of the ota burst scandal which began around 5 years ago but not here in mexico where literally no one was put in prison up until now from our kind of impunity this whole redskins would like to see change the way they did the other public if memory keeping you near to is charged with graft it would be almost unheard of the country's presidents have long been seen as untouchable. we're still a long way off from that happening even if it does and questions remain if this announcement was just for political points or if justice one way or another will be served john homan al-jazeera mexico city. argentina is ramping up defense of its maritime territories to prevent illegal fishing by foreign ships countries across latin america concerned about chinese fishing vessels entering their waters and depleting stocks tirzah bora ports from what is ours.
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as coast guard is called a chinese fishing ship towards a poorly but i warn you. might want to turn operation by air and sea to control attempts by foreign vessels to fish illegally in argentine waters. the starvation starvation international ships are allowed to fish outside the economic exclusive zone but in recent years there's been a sharp increase in attempts to cross what is known as the mild $200.00 argentine waters begin about the former going to our sea performance one of the richest in the world so far this year we have captured 2 ships already we have a protocol so the captain can act according to international law. using readers and other types of communication argentina contract ships violating its exclusive zone this type of vessels are the ones that are used to patrol argentina's exclusive so if a ship is found to be fishing illegally in those waters the. that ship can be captured
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and the owners have to pay a fine there's a vessel for example have been involved in several operations and it has the ships that it has captured in the past it has their name the date and the country belong to most of them belong to china and then spain. even though there are many companies from different countries involved in illegal fishing china has become a main concern with an overseas fleet of over 16000 ships they pose a major threat to developing countries just recently 300 ships were located outside the galapagos sign and such fishing is not illegal because it takes place in international waters but it can cause damage in one of the richest and biodiverse regions in the world to. international. pressure just like change but most nations do not want
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a conflict with china leaving developing countries to defend their resources in whatever way they can. decide race. spain is seville province has been hit by terentia will rain and flash floods floodwaters not down walls and swept away vehicles in the town of esther on tuesday emergency services are reportedly struggling to clean up the area a major road in the province has been cut off and thousands of people lost electricity. one of the most fearsome dinosaurs to walk the earth had a cousin here in the u.k. 4 bones discovered on a beach in the on of white have been found to belong to a new species of dinosaur this is an artist's impression of what it probably looked like and its last moments the vector overnighter in a pinata lived 115000000 years ago and is related to the turner source rex. and that's it for me to our ted if this news out of the back and without
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a full run of the day's news thanks very much for watching by far. from fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to meet such to moms as a global power develop into the basement company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against eastern we provide business growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and fire mentally sound energy solutions for future generations the breastpin high in the ring future energy.
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every generation has a higher purpose. ours is to stay. history has called it the great war in the 2nd that this and the declining onto an empire forges its alliance with germany and the central powers as the war gives birth to 3 nationalist movements the will determine the future world war one through our own bodies all knowledge as if it began as a dream holiday been turned into a public health disaster one o one east investigates how a cruise ship became the source of one of its trail is largest covert 19 outbreaks on al-jazeera.
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every. historic moment in delaware coming to harris takes the stage with joe biden she is the 1st woman of color to be named on a major presidential ticket. of this is our jazeera live from london also coming up a rare show of defiance in belarus hundreds of women protest against the brutal police crackdown seen thousands of protesters detained. the cost of rebuilding
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