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tv   The Apology  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2020 9:00am-10:01am +03

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investigating claims that he's a military training and testing triggered cancer birth defects amid the local population. secret sardinia people in power on al-jazeera. your child is there with the cell robin in doha a reminder of all top news stories the un security council is overwhelmingly rejected a us bid to indefinitely extend an arms embargo on iran just one other country back the move while european allies abstained from the vote but means unless further action is taken iran will be able to purchase conventional weapons from mid october kristen selebi has more from un headquarters in new york. it was
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a quick an unceremonious and to the united states' efforts to extend the iranian arms embargo that is out of the war if their followers who want to favor words against 11 have abstention the draft resolution has not been adopted everything very quiet numbers in a statement u.s. secretary of state mike pompei all called it an inexcusable failure saying quote the security council paved the way for the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism to buy and sell conventional weapons without specific u.n. restrictions in place for the 1st time in over a decade. under an agreement negotiated by the 5 permanent members of the security council and germany aimed at stopping iran from developing nuclear weapons the 13 year old ban on conventional weapons sales is due to expire in october russia and china accusing the us of undermining the deal had threatened to veto the resolution
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but didn't have to the dominican republic was the only other countries to vote for it well it's a diplomatic pastorally it just demonstrates that. president trump and his team are not only bad at the strategy of approaching iran they are bad at just the day to day tactics of diplomacy it is unconscionable that they couldn't round up more than one vote for a resolution like this the u.s. has threatened to trigger the return of all international sanctions on iran through a snapback provision written into the nuclear deal but other members of the security council said the us lost the right to do that when it withdrew from the deal 2 years ago europeans are warning of adverse consequences for the security council if a legal dispute over snapback ensues for them preventing iran from getting a nuclear weapon remains paramount kristen salumi al-jazeera the united nations there are tens of thousands of people have been protesting in belarus for
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a 6th day over the disputed presidential election and a violent police crackdown the european union says it'll initiate sanctions against those responsible for violence arrests and fraud in connection with the vote. the u.s. watchdog is investigating the nation's postal service which has warned it might not be able to deal with a large number of mail in ballots in the vendor's election the postmaster general louis de joy denies allegations by democrats of intentionally slowing down the postal service now there is expected to be a huge rise in mail in voting due to the pandemic president trump has tried to restrict the method because he claims without any evidence that it's susceptible to fraud garza's health ministry says israeli airstrikes of injured a 3 year old palestinian girl friday's attacks were the 6th such nighttime operation this week israel says it's been targeting hamas facilities because the armed group has been sending balloons which start fires into their territory. the
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u.k.'s new 14 day quarantine period for all travelers entering from the netherlands malta and france has come into effect but ish tourists cut their holiday short as a scramble to return home ahead of the deadline an estimated 160000 british tourists were in france when the quarantine was announced and japan's emperor has expressed deep remorse for his country's water and passed as a ceremony marking 75 years since japan surrendered to allied forces during the ceremony at emperor no hue 2 prayed for world peace and said he hoped the ravages of war will never again be repeated prime minister shinzo are they avoided a personal visit to a controversial shrine which is cause division between japan china and south korea instead he sent a ritual offering to the sunni shrine which on the water at those were the headlines peter dhabi will be here with more news in half an hour we return to witness here on our desire to stay with us.
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'd oh.
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'd the i. know. he. was that he was about. the least little. bit allison that. he did. although. he. didn't. play a role. that. he would. have told. all.
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i mean he. only. she knew she did not think she's come under a guy who was. such
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a thing that you'll see this. when he says. something. fishy she know what she will pay and. i'm not a big blue. now you're pretty good thoughts on the backlog isn't it what you want. to go to jail to get out of the yeah. i'm. not. sure i would do that.
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but this was. what. i. was. just using you know. you know because there's a time if you wish. it wasn't. not that. bad . it was a lot you really. mean i just want to know what i was thinking was if it was something else. to know because it was not with the goods on that it really is not your nose doesn't. matter what you did it was not. oh this is a moment to let you. know. i
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want you. recent remarks from a japanese politician saying sex slaves during world war 2 were necessary have sparked outrage from the korean victims 88 year old kimball dong and 86 year old kid one or 2 elderly victims will embark on a 2 week tour in japan to protest the offensive remarks by japanese politicians and spread the truth. you want what was going on and this is somebody who will be. the person. who. answered.
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my mountain dooku i have. changed. my mind who took. my you know no wait. a 2nd it's had one thing in. my. mind. and i. can see. the even.
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beyond there's a lot of you know. all of. those oh god which is all the jews are the body. so what. they are. you know who are the.
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i'm. all right what's here are. now one just in general one suit does not change you know this let's talk more to this with us. when i can tell you what others who say what i. just. go go go go go on about why because the. job level over. the last moment i have to put up how do i want that how is i was
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highly. look i don't. know that bilbo homeowner no luck. has already. hustle to the moon. so the higher you have. to do the top. selling and. then we'll find you know my mother goose. passions a winning team the woman's eyes which will. knock you down and down so i can't have. i can.
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oh no murkier solid color sunday there was. no no though oh by that one i was. doing that why you're right for wearing a black so around here they don't wear. the fabric so. what if you got fired i walked out on my not all right beata. ok you know what i got ok i have a back your wallet. oh i don't know my well along yet. he didn't even look.
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at us what's going on. you told my mail to. the. one mama sounds ideal start. a family i was given the whistle. blow up a shot. a. cop a cow i watch a bus. are
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going to hold. me. once and. i. are on fire the old lady i'm not putting my own son a gun here ya done a damn one of us uncoerced. of billabong. was done oh it was a worry still going on that was 1950 or i was 14. no i'm daily the 8th of may monday i don't get it or so because of that damn it's
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really. 2 it. makes. me happy.
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i did because i'm a good unless i'm going to show them you know but i. i look like the old golden days well yes. but still
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a. bucket that's like that she bought. in a funk. not one not a little button. a mock up all. over the. field not going to get a film. which i. want to spotlight not when i grow up. but they. bought. the book shock when did you come on for 10 years or. thank you sucka the. doctor got it. so that there's something. on the subject in a book you not. only. blow. up
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obama you know about. him among a lot of exiles. 'd the you might suggest maybe that i'm not the answer but you know all the it's all about the faults it's all the you know the meat out the baby the news out the joy the out stuff. but. that's all about. even.
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if. you get. to 20 make sure you. could have. been up. to the. point i mean again i'm not saying that in an immoral. to make up the law can do us a lot to me to either. pay money. or not you know not.
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even. by just. b.n.c. . richness. this is. a oh that doesn't mean you couldn't you can you can see. it on the end. oh. my.
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god. you know you're a server but i'm going to. feel i'm making you want to sell her. myra or you go to south america or go down to ground 0 on. well he doesn't want rianna taking up almost the whole motherhood's when i walk in again. maybe some more yet it was hard on the nobody on the org not your. idea of a good reform. and .
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i think if you don't like it. to move up the money you know. you love us and. i think us no not one of those. who need to know about what.
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it will be on the edges. maybe hey it's for real i mean yeah. yeah there are. the here is all. that he wants her for saying this. truth can cause all this long. ah well as the list goes on all children should watch and. if this had a little. luck. you'll let me. know when one time is money. out of the bush oh aka.
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you know what i. couldn't stand. to look at the top hasn't really added. i don't really look at. your home or walk on the work of. one of. my i'll buy one of their. harley lark. you know. i know why he's ahead but he listens.
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then i'm going to get if. i have to put under 100 tests and i do wonders why lie one on me. the young. man. i met. in 2008 al-jazeera documented a groundbreaking school. preparing some of india's poorest children for entry into its toughest universities 'd. we returned to see how
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the students and the scheme of helping change the face of india. super 30. there's a wave of sentiment around the world people actually want accountability from the people who are running their countries and i think often people's voices are not heard because they're just not part of the mainstream news narrative. obviously we cover big stories and report on the big events are going on but we also tell the stories of people who generally don't have a voice and then when i was a child my debts never be afraid to put a hand up not a question and i think that's what our series does we asked the question to people who should be accountable and also get people to give their view of what's going on . progress. or a serious mistake. artificial intelligence is slowly invading every aspect of our lives. but very few of us really understand its capabilities for
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better or worse. in a new documentary al-jazeera explores the impact of they are accessing vast amounts of our personal data data land on al-jazeera. the. hello again peter they'll be here in doha your top stories on al-jazeera u.s. efforts to extend an indefinite arms embargo on iran have been overwhelmingly rejected at the united nations that means unless further action is taken iran will be able to purchase conventional weapons as of mid october the u.s. says it will seek the resumption of all u.n. sanctions on iran over the coming days kristen salumi has more now from u.n. headquarters in new york catch here is that the united states withdrew from the
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nuclear deal 2 years ago and so members of the council are arguing particularly russia and china that the united states doesn't have standing to make such a claim because it withdrew from the deal unilaterally it can't now come back and claim to invoke part of that so there is no clear legal mechanism to settle this dispute in the council if the united states decides to go forward in that way this could be really. time also was time for the security council and there is no clear mechanism for resolving the dispute meanwhile the u.s. says has made its biggest seizure of iranian fuel more than a 1000000 barrels were confiscated from 4 tankers headed for the on his way into tehran's denied any involvement in the shipment of tens of thousands of people have been protesting in belarus for a 6th day over the disputed presidential election result of the violent police crackdown the e.u. says it will initiate sanctions against those responsible for the violence arrests
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and fraud in connection with the original vote for the 1st time in 6 months passengers from mainland china being allowed to transit through hong kong's international airport it's a boost to the city's flagship carrier cathay pacific which has reported a loss of more than $1000000000.00. us watchdog is investigating the nation's postal service which has warned it might not be able to deal with the large number of mail in ballots in the vendors presidential election the postmaster general who is to join denies allegations from democrats of intentionally slowing down the postal service japan's emperor has expressed deep remorse for his country's wartime past at a ceremony marking 75 years since japan surrendered to allied forces earlier the prime minister shinzo abi avoided a visit to a controversial shrine which is cause division between japan china and south korea those are your top stories 30 minutes of al-jazeera world news in 30 a season. the health of humanity is at
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stake a global pandemic requires a global response. w.h.o. is the guardian of global health delivering lifesaving to school supplies and training to help the world's most phone mobile people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and effects in working with scientists and health workers to learn only we can about the virus keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the woods and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential health services now more than ever the world needs w.h.o. making a healthy a world for you. for everyone.
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on. it in without even though. it without. k.p. without. ya. ya ya's that you hear god knows. why do you out here when god is out how on the proto he said i'm not. here here at all if there are. cover all of this idea with those of us i.
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i love a. lot of them alive. for the hello. oh oh. oh oh oh oh. cause i know that. was. ever come on your.
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mind. right now whoa whoa i didn't have it. on. my. mind up would ask.
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well it's about how are you and i each and i will say to me if i. made less than one yard by neocons they are those the corner on. what happens if i wasn't watching. with. him in a couple. they one knew her and i knew i knew haha tilts why don't you hassling shelter where we're getting the new our job now to sort out how you can be a this is who or what you pierre are you who turned out of the you who so many who . that's.
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not. the way. i've ever heard a. day . that i don't care i'm home to live it up to see a. very. very mythical good then we even have. happened then we get more time to almost.
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sometimes think right i'm sure. no one on when when did it come and go i. may need to get the basis may be that the man. you say he needs to be made goes through abortion but a short book and goes yes i think that gets you. to say very nothing has been. yes.
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truman did send the man bija because again i like that well that a lot. like you doesn't want to give out a 1000000 what was iraq. in need i'm going to let that i'm a man and then another. 1000000 long long long long long. enough you're not going to any of my life why let nothing will happen on a. leash on top or become an eagle storm and on the way have some was awful and.
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go yeah i want to live here but i go on according to the one thing i want. when. i. 'd
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so now i want somebody down. he says no. easy. is it. did he was you do you do. you say.
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this has. this is. how i wish i could be in korea and you know when. you're rally and shit in that sense i hope i have that that's good help. feel good there really do you know it's. one. of the the of. the i.
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would. like to. be with the. room. they ignore me the. students home. thank you. you don't look. well you're talking. to them and. you know what. i see sick and the kids is. to leave. now.
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none. the more not in a good captain how long. could they. also use a solid. ordinary you know you need in. the row all mama citizen. soldiers here only. male my dear then. how come you. don't care. who. the hell you.
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have believe i am. she does will see me. like this when. you got here and i wish. i'd seen him around but honey more there than he will meet in my boy boy let up or what i was. so good to of what the punk i am. the owner says i don't know. she means you have got to know god it's your war rearmed good i can call it or pop or somebody or a lot of game will do that near so. would.
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you know live in the land i don't know you just a little. tiny and there's still nothing so him only his you got. it well you know there is no secret source you can run from select and they are you what you bought and the people here who would you say are some of them i go along with you in a bar the kind that you haven't got telling me to achieve it and then to tell us you know she had to go talk i'm going to go call people as having it will be just where it would not be what we were going to be back look at you when you go back to
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my hammock i was fucked up when it was all each had here to us hold up under us all and would appear that we got to get that was about to have or not someone has us they're going to tell. i. don't know how to look. at in and then out and i mean that's a moment that. i barely run and a ally in the. attic i was 8. so there is a out in. the attic and. for history of. your i don't know. the load. the old. the was the little cool.
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the and. the link. of the 1st on the phone. to. the builder though. because what the father did. and he said i said that some of it is so nuclear since another that i. think. deserves
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a hug asuka is a sense of how the human heart you must onion he added and take it to its edges jihad so silicosis is. serious in that since he doesn't have somebody audience and it says. so there's a new kind of gulf weed in them that some businesses. become because they either need 701 side or the other so i guess to do that this is what all goods of trust in civil rights is a bit of was so the thousands have just as easy a mere mop quite neat stuff for 5. 0045. 5.
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will. you be on top was not going to juggle guess i didn't get here i just now and that i doubt i doubt you know the significance of the number was a lie i'll. say don't give me that people take it it's a one in what they are. what appears on earth do you want to. talk to you when you know even when young women don't earn money to give us a job the english other came out to. get. up here it was either. going to get our take on a younger i guess
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a lot. of. even one young picked up and when your mother. was in a one time denting and summing up. the community the terms of it is all you have here could you say it we don't you think it's obvious that you talked about that america. and others and they get of yes i'm sick. i loved it i did too for for this. going to go out can either have their thought for now this is what i . mean i think if you've been that.
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way but thank you so. much to the game until we can get we're to see. i'm young but the way it is you know i'm going to smoke up my street you. just need. to look just because this is. just the.
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sort of thing. i really like. pool talk assume you are going. home as part. mourners who knew her year day and then he got his 1st song a son a result. the king for those who are in the war to care guy and destiny got. to do no less frustrating special long study or denying the truth
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from the beginning wouldn't get on going to new. paul wood or goods which most of us travelled as fart for ourselves or. 2 you know what to when the nice. guy said give us strength.
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saskia can help us with. the president said thank you very much. for an award i. want to kill you and i will. come up with time and on and
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deal. with yes oh oh. seeing. the more. you oh ok. he. told. the teen. samsung. story. i 77.
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we've got the winds picking up over the next couple of days many parts of the middle east lousy dry as one would expect a chance of the odd shower just around the southern end of the read say the main feature really is going to be that way and spilling out of iraq coming out across kuwait into the northeast of saudi arabia him caught so we could see a little bit of lifted dust and sand as we go through saturday and on into sunday temperatures again getting up into the mid forty's a similar temperature there for baghdad that we want to showers up towards the black sea the caspian sea and once again because he wanted to shout just around the southern end of the red sea and beyond some showers there just a round of a tremor spilling across a theo p.-a all the way into the northern half of the democratic republic of congo say some lively showers for a time just making the wear cross uganda and eventually we could see some showers just starting to push into the coastal fringes tanzania easing up into that eastern
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side of kenya showers continue over its was the gulf of guinea some rather heavy showers possibility into the central african republic easing towards the share further south that is generate dry but there is a change on the way we got a little more on the way of cloud just running towards the southern capes a sweater and windy weather coming in and it's a cold wind temp just now hot and 30 something. talked to al jazeera we as is the government in this area actual to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that air travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the old a 0. al-jazeera
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. and. the 13 year arms buying embargo on iran is set to end as the u.s. fails to get its way at the u.n. security council. welcoming peter w. watching al-jazeera live from our headquarters here and also coming up washington says it's confiscated for shipments of iranian fuel on their way to venezuela but
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tehran says it knows nothing about them. holding bella roofs accountable the e.u. is preparing sanctions against.


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