tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 18, 2020 12:00am-1:00am +03
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latin america a giant in time oil on al-jazeera. al-jazeera . hallow of revivalist bar welcome to this news hour live from london coming up in the next 60 minutes better reuss a country at the crossroads opposition against president look at grows stronger and international pressure continues to build. the democratic national convention is due to kick off soon a virtual event which will see joe biden formally named the party's candidate for president. angry and exhausted by months of lockdown argentinians take over the
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streets of. plus. there's gold in these hills that i'm standing on perhaps 3800000000 dollars worth armory chalons in northern ireland keep watching to find out why some people here want to stop the comedians from mining it. in sport barcelona her fired their manager a key case sets sets in paying the price for the club's humiliating champions league exit. follow the protests against last week's disputed election in battery showed no sign of ending with people marching through the capital streets of the capital minsk yet again they say president alexander lukashenko ric's the pole to cling on to power when he came face to face with protesters when workers at
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a state run tractor factory heckled him the chance of go away he told them there would be no new elections unless he was killed when his opponents that lana took on a skier has released a video from exile in neighboring if the way nia saying she's ready to step up as the country's temporary leader well the wall international pressure is mounting the u. says it stands with the protesters calling for those behind abuses of demonstrators to be held to account and was there step process reports from minsk. strikes are now snowballing around better loose one after the other factory workers joining in truck tractor metal fact with most of the country's strategic industries are now experiencing large scale strikes. we don't agree with injustice the power doesn't listen to me for 26 years they run away they don't want to listen to a voice they want to know anything about real problems. by the. workers chanting no
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more fear assigned it out to 26 years of living under look or shank us auto repair in rule they are ready for change the markets have now the bad the factory original i was destroyed that's right and you can actually see people coming out from inside the 1st 3 rounds also president bush and i was in his face right words for us to resign in an unprecedented move workers started shouting at the president a man who has long been referred to as the father of the nation because he used his hopes thank you so much that everything you can shout go away. even previously most loyal media like balanced television went on strike broadcasting an empty studio in the morning protesters gathered to pressure the station to stop airing government propaganda and stop telling the truth including about a violent police crackdown last week during election protests if. the recent television
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national television will start covering this information like what was actually done on the streets i think that the regime will fall soon or you have gagne palin resigned last week from his job as one of the main anchors an interest in our country started what can we receive many information about. people who are prisons. and we. we didn't. show this information on our t.v. channel so there's a reason it's impossible to work these possible see them off of truth not even hard but a small part of the truth look i shan't go initially refused new elections is now keeping options open but only he sat after the constitution has been changed a process which could take years protesters see this as a way for the president to buy time and trying to cling onto power they say they
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want him out now step class and al-jazeera minsk. or the european union's top diplomat jos a barrel has joined in the criticism saying the sheer numbers clearly show that the better received population wants change and will see now the e.u. stands by them with more and more shocking reports of injury man conditions and treatment in places of detention the european union expects a thorough and transparent investigation into all alleged abuses in order to hold those responsible to account and e.u. leaders will convene an emergency summit on battery so on wednesday out of there is dominic casey has more from berlin. there's been a chorus of condemnation from across europe capitals to the events that have unfolded in minsk and in barrow belarus at a wider level in the last few days in the last week or so and in this capital city in berlin the government pressing for strong measures to be taken part of
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a raft of ideas that are coming from europe right now the polish government a view from the being that the european endowment for democracy should be enacted to help the situation in ghettos and then at a pan-european level from brussels the president of the european council calling a special summit video conference of heads of state heads of government for wednesday to discuss what more can be done given the fact that the european union's clout as it were is political and economic not military so the european union looking to try to ratchet up the pressure it can put in yellow rose to help the situation there remembering that one head of state the french president emmanuel makkal has said that the views of the protesters in the other us must be respected if you view things from that prism it explains how the european union reaction is unfolding at the summit to be held on wednesday to discuss what more can be done or
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president lukashenko once said that a woman could know what's believed to have been erased now those comments a come back to haunt him with a female candidate staging the biggest threat to his presidency we can talk more now about the role women are playing in the protest movement with melinda herring who is the deputy director of the atlantic council eurasia sense of bikes for being with us on the program what you think has prompted so many women in better rows to actually come out and take to the streets and demonstrate against president bush. i have clothes that is great to be here with you i think women are sick and tired of lucas if you study the social movements in the movements of the protests in it in minsk in belarus over the last 26 years it's a lot of cycles and the thing that's different this time is women women have taken a spotlight role in organizing the protests and also as running is candidates they're sick and tired of losing it one of the interesting things is how well
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they're doing if you analyze the protests and you look at their tactics women are succeeding as organizers in the evenings you see a lot of men on the streets and they're not as good at organizing people and negotiating so i think that's one of the most interesting things and compelling things about the protests in this cycle the protesters themselves though have they been inspired i mean to what extent have they been inspired by the fact that the opposition movement is being led by fact of the 3 women. that's right that's right . you cannot stay a is an illness her whole crew in her immediate group of people around here are all women and that's pretty remarkable bellew's is a society that is very parochial things that women cannot be president as you noted at the top of the show this is a very conservative society but it was interesting though is to cannot scale the opposition candidate is not in order to minister if you look at her rhetoric she says she wants to be with her husband she wants to be with her children she wants
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to make dinner she she she's not. running british feminist or american feminist by any stretch the imagination she does you know want to be president the women are fed up with this something really interesting happen in the last 10 years more and more women in belarus have got abroad they've got no western education they started business is there more confidence and they're stepping out and they're saying i know it was enough we've had 26 years of this guy it's time for a change what women previously not that interested in politics that they feel they didn't have a voice there was no point in speaking up no it's more these attitudes that women can't get ahead so yes women are interested in politics in every society but there's a very strong sense that politics is a man's game in bellerose and look at she has a very strong attitude that way and he's made that clear repeatedly it's obviously not working for him at the moment but how do you see his future playing out.
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honestly no one knows it doesn't look good for him i do because he has a very we can't 200000 people came out of the streets yesterday the factory workers are out what really matters the thing that i would watch more than anything is the security services if the security circus is the security services break with him he's toast so that's the piece that i would be watching but the thing that the look at she couldn't understand that really interesting thing about this is he underestimated women he and he basically bar all the male candidates all the normal male opposition candidates for running against him in the elections and he said oh so want to add to the north could never be president she's a woman belorussians will not vote for a woman and he was completely wrong bill russians don't care they want competence they want someone new they want him out that much is clear one alarming thing that has come out from amnesty international is reports that women themselves the
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opposition leaders themselves the women protesters have been targeted specifically because they all women talk about things like sexual violence the threat of sexual violence the threat of having their children taken away that's right and the reason we think that ceylon it took you know scale left is because her children were threatened right before the election she sent her 2 children to vilnius lithuania which is a neighboring country they were in safety but after she contested the elections she came in to file an election complaint and she was she was threatened we don't know what was said there her husband isn't custody and these are typical tactics they're they're discussing they're terrible tactics but these are the kind of tactics that luka it is those years over and over again if you're a woman and you have children you're vulnerable and they're going to squeeze you really good to get your thoughts a little herring joining us there from washington d.c. thanks so much thank you. or a still has so on al-jazeera this news hour tension on the streets of khartoum
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a year to the day after sudan's landmark power sharing deal was signed. the trumpet ministration greenlights a plan to allow toil and gas drilling in what is being called america's last great wilderness. and is for some good news the parsonage a man i had at that champions league said before i know i will be here at the top story. the democratic national convention begins in a few hours time where joe biden will be formally named as the party's candidate for u.s. president but the current are a standout that means the event is being held virtually without the usual rosmer. senator bernie sanders and michelle obama will headline the 1st night of speeches an official reports now on how the former vice president finally managed to clinch the nomination. like the poor couvade just as the
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primary process got under way if you would have banked on joe biden winning the democratic presidential nomination the idea he would be in a position to unveil a vice presidential pick as he did last week would almost have been laughable he lost heavily in iowa he had little better in the next 2 contests but was saved by a win in south carolina a diverse electorate just days ago pressing the pundits in the clear this candidacy yes that was a key moment when the democratic party saw him rather than bernie sanders as the man to beat donald trump when i'm sure his convey was that there's no way that you're going to be able to get most of america to support. and as we saw that happen in the primaries the people that support freddie and war in jest they do not show up at the polls before super tuesday when several states hold nominating contests key rivals dropped out people to judge him a clip a short step to citing gave their support he won several states enough to make
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victory look inevitable and so closest rivals elizabeth warren and bernie sanders dropped out to joe biden had all but secured the presidential nomination i think joe biden won with experience also because they coalesced around joe biden because they realize donald trump didn't want to face joe biden joe biden has already spent 8 years in the white house as barack obama's vice president he's been around politics for almost half a century but he's never had to campaign like this is a pandemic changes the face of presidential politics. there are no big rallies no crisscrossing the country to speak with supporters it's no virtually all virtual got only democratic senate small gatherings the sea help joe biden to excel and the crisis has allowed him to highlight the president's actions something one expert believes helps the challenger he doesn't have to travel to. and travel to 4 and 5
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cities and in one day he's able to kind of you know lay back in rest as a 77 year old man so i think it does help so in addition you know all the mistakes and joe that our president trump is you making you know that of course the you know close 216-5000 lives i think and counting i think that you know that helps joe biden 3 decades after his 1st presidential bid joe biden has arrived where he wants to be he's finally convinced his party he's the man for the job no he has 11 weeks to convince the country alan fischer al-jazeera washington and mike hanna is live for us in washington d.c. right now so mike so a couple of hours until that convention gets underway in the meantime bring us up to date with what president trump is up to. well president tran's holding a series of campaign meetings in the course of the day he's flown out to minnesota
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where he spoke at the airport there to a crowd of a few 100 and now he's on his way to wisconsin where he'll also be addressing supporters at that airport in wisconsin so he's out there campaigning while the convention here is about to get underway as you heard from the convention is a virtual wonder to will be a mixture of taped messages as well as a live internet messages from various personnel various high profile people but president once again just attempting to keep the spotlight on himself holding these campaign rallies as the democrats together do not together pull their convention here mike he's been dismissing claims hasn't he that he's sabotaging the postal service what is it about this issue that is so important to the election. well it's absolutely critical in this time of pandemic there voters have the option
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of either mailing in their ballots or dropping them off at some point the idea of standing in long queues to cast a vote in this time of pandemic is very disconcerting to many voters so the bulk of them are expected to vote by mail or to drop off filled in forms at collection stations in a staggered way so you do not get any huge amounts of crowd at any particular point so obviously the post office in this is absolutely crucial the postal service is the way in which people many will get their votes to be counted and this is the whole issue that has surrounded the president denigration in recent weeks of the service the fact that he's a has got somebody in there who's a close. friend of president trump who he continues to defend despite the fact that louise joy has been heavily criticized by many for the cost cutting exercises as he puts it that he's carried out in the u.s.
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postal service so this is a major issue but president trump's done something of a somersault up until the weekend he was basically saying no i do not want any funding for the post office because that will allow them to conduct mail in voting which i do not agree with he said that bluntly now in the course of the day you suddenly changed tune in saying he's instructed everybody in this administration to speed up the postal service he's defended the joy as a very good businessman who will help you get better the postal service but that is very much a somersault by president trump and it's no doubt in response to the wave of criticism bipartisan criticism in many cases that has followed in the wake of actions done to the postal service since the jury took over back in may all right mike in washington thank you. to gas and stun grenades have been fired at protesters in sudan's capital on the 1st anniversary of alone while power sharing
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deal demonstrators say the transition to democracy has been too slow following the overthrow of longtime leader of al bashir if a morgan reports from khartoum. granting their frustration on the 1st anniversary of the signing of sudan's power sharing agreement but a planned 3 and a half hour rally in her tone was cut short when police fired stun grenades and tear gas many people had hoped the deal which followed months of political turmoil and protest or killings would be a new start for the country but they see they have not seen enough change a lot more good for sort of on when we started the revolution it was because of the economy and when the 1st massive fell the goal became justice for those who had lost their lives in this revolution we promise to hold those who killed civilians to account their main demand is not yet means they can be no moving forward if the main demand of those who took to the street is not achieved his friend says the
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power sharing agreement between military and civilian leaders is flawed total of all here and of either the political parties did not have a long term vision they were in a rush to reach a deal they lacked a national spirit and went into negotiations based on the interests of their own respective parties and leaders now it's difficult for them to lead in the interest of the people at heart to get the deal known as the constitutional declaration came after months of negotiations following the overthrow of president obama and bashir the forces of freedom and change which led anti-government protests demanded as the government and ended up with a plan for the military to lead for the 1st 21 months and a civilian for the remaining 18 months until elections also included were more freedoms and ending conflicts such as in dar for was made a priority the transitional government admits that changes the low but says it takes time and there are challenges. there's still time to 7 months to go in the transitional period before elections are due but many of the provisions of the
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power sharing agreement are yet to be implemented a peace deal is it to be signed and there was still no legislative assembly that is supposed to oversee the transitional government. the military has ruled sudan for more than 50 of the 64 years of independence some analysts see it's up to the international community to ensure the transition to democracy is completed but also the story of the constitution declaration was a settlement to reach a political stability in this country it's been a year since it was signed in the people who protested are still guarding their revolution and the international community is one of the important factors that can make sure that no one hindrance this transition the u.s. has sanctioned people it deems hindering the transition the international community should now act as a safeguard to the deal that was signed last year. as the they'll continue campaigning until they achieve their democratic goals for sudan people morgan al-jazeera. as capital have been brought to a standstill by protesters calling for an end some months of coronavirus
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restrictions sunday marks the latin american nations 150 a day in lockdown still it still has one of the highest infection rates in the world all the 280000 cases have been confirmed there with at least 5600 deaths and al jazeera stories about you can join us live now from the capital buenos aires center right to tell us more about what's going on. here right in the center of where the site is understands us of people that have come here to protest against the government of a lot of the fatah members some of them came by car in order to respect social distances others by walking their home their homes carrying arms in times like today's the mercy of the death of argentina's independence hero fish a machine and many of the people who came here are taking advantage. of this way to protest against the government of the finance they said but none this imposed.
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almost 5 months ago and people are becoming frustrated what's happening here has suffered traumatic and even though the government has not itching a way to slow down the rate of infections compared to other countries event like brazil. and others many here are becoming increasingly frustrated those who we have spoken to are saying that much more needs to be done than preventing people from being on the streets the government a fair amount this announce that they're extending that until the end of the month but people are becoming about what would happen to their shops with their businesses most of those who came here today. a. situation is becoming increasingly difficult to his entourage and to the social security forces from the. flights are coming out of argentina among many other things christians that the from on the 1st imposed. over
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the very beginning to many of those the situation has changed right now they're seriously lot of discontent with what's happening in the country right now and even though the rate of infections has. she she that of the intensive care units on the feces saturated many of those folks so just see here to see that they'd rather have freedom the basic for freedom that he sees the days of with the latest that when assad is thank you. has begun a phased lifting of the world's longest lockdown restrictions are being eased in santiago county all to more than $150.00 days rations had already been lifted in other parts of the country but strict rules were enforced in the capital due to its population density residents and. allowed to leave the house between 6 am and 10 pm and go to work chilly has recorded more than 385000 coronavirus infections and
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10000 deaths on latin america editor lucien newman has more from santiago. and this is the 1st day since the world's longest lockdown until erupted lockdown according to the mayor of downtown santiago was lifted and we've seen huge amounts of people out onto the streets many of them not respecting soul shall distancing whatsoever huge crowds of people in shops in front of banks government offices those are all located here downtown this is an area with a very very dense population and so it's been a sort of a mixed bag in terms of success lots of people thrilled to be filing aloud out of their houses we've seen children. very small children with their parents out looking around as though they had seen the world for the 1st time actually after imagined more than 5 months being locked in their houses but the mare has also told
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us that many people are not really being responsible and that he will not hesitate to reinforce a total lockdown again if necessary dozens of indigenous brazilians have blocks a major highway demanding help to deal with the coronavirus the. people blame the government for the death of 4 of their elders and the infection of dozens more leaders say people from outside their territory has spread the virus among them because there are no restrictions blocking entry to their land remote community hospital access to doctors or intensive care beds plus brain feeling most unfortunately we lost older people due to cope with 19 historical museum for us but had all of our stories unfortunately we lost him. 19 countries in europe now have a coronavirus infection rate which raises early alarm bells the health experts and nations have recorded more than 20 cases per 100000 people every day for the past 2
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weeks to figure is a key indicator of the viruses spread spain luxembourg molson and belgium are among the countries of high concern spain has recorded more than 59000 cases in the past 14 days which small 100 cases per 100000 people a south korean pastor who took part in a mass anti-government rally at the weekend has tested positive for corona virus or 300 factions are now linked to his church the government is warning it could be the worst outbreak there for months and he soon reports. the silent cherry church is the epicenter of the country's 2nd largest cluster of corona virus infections since depend demick began government workers sealed off the house of worship in the capital saw on the same day its leading pastor tested positive wherever in june 1 who is one of more than 300 infections linked to his church. he helped to lead an
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anti-government rally on saturday where thousands of protesters expressed anger at president moon j is decision to be imposed tough social distancing rules congregation members say health workers try to stop that rally with fake test results. one could argue diminutive of all we had 4 people who tested positive then the number became 30 but just before the august 15th protest the number suddenly rose to 300 this shows the government is trying to stop us from protesting. the government denied the allegation june is an outspoken critic of moon's policies the 63 year old pastor is now being charged with this rocketing disease control after allegedly discouraging worshipers from getting tested and underreporting church membership to avoid corn teen health workers say half of the church's 4000 members have been tested but more than 600 who should be isolated could not be reached but
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in time do you know it was as if the child long child church was the only organization subject to cave in 1000 tests in the whole country the government exaggerated to the number of newly infected cases to spark a nationwide fair i have strong suspicions that this is a gimmick to rest reverend john kwang hoon the church also accuses the government of planning to provide false test results for all of its members. in the region we're very concerned because there were rumors among the child on child church members that they would test positive regardless which is impossible because we cannot fabricate 2 stories olds just ship earlier this year the secretive shing changi church of jesus was identified as south korea's biggest virus cluster more than 5000 cases are linked to the group based in the southeastern city of daegu. its leader lehman he was arrested 2 weeks ago accused of hiding crucial information from contact tracers. south korea has been widely hailed as
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a success story in the global fight against corona virus but with nearly 200 new cases reported for the 4th consecutive day doctors warn that story may be changing and they sue al-jazeera. lebanon's health minister says the country is being overwhelmed by new corona virus infections after the deadly explosion in beirut beirut's port caused a spike in cases a record $45060.00 infections were diagnosed on monday edging the nationwide total closer 210000 the health minister says a new 2 week lockdown is needed after the blast put some hospitals out of action a lockdown had been planned but then perspire and when thousands of people were left homeless by the explosion. still ahead so on the news hour mozambique's fight against i saw get support from across southern africa. facebook favoritism an employee in india gets death threats a political practices. at his school tennis as well number 2 joins the growing list
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of players to pull out of the u.s. like. hello autumn's rapidly running into the remains of summer in europe from fright at this mass cloud here is is something of an arrowhead going trust center your tools east where it's still quite warm attempt to run some baltic have been lucky on thursday greece and throughout the mediterranean with still quite high being seen as a mass of blue now that is thunderstorms in the forecast stretching from belarus right way down almost to greece and i think we're going to keep firing up and that's also indication a drop in temperature belgrade will see the temperature go down to some degree that's where the deep reds are the moment germany balti coast and it's sort of bright red for most of eastern europe but that will not last warsaw sees the heat
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start to leak away as thunderstorms come in from tuesday techies up to search but was that happens and that will keep happening because happening further west i'm looking at these various senses of low pressure they look like winter storms are certainly autumn storms and they're driving up towards the british isles that they do actually induce quite a warm breeze up through border peristyle be quite hot but if you look at all and you would want to be there when the hand wet weather not particularly cold again even london benefits briefly for a bit of warmth and the rest of europe sun's come out again. it starts in poor communities with the promise of a prosperous marriage. but countless young indian women find themselves jews commodified souls and sold again. to toil by day.
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only to be violated by night. slavery a 21st century evil continues with bridal slaves on al-jazeera. they come in hope and in search of work to provide a better life for the families they've left behind. but though their labor is vital to least food industry they risk exploitation by corporations and organized crime. trapped in a system with little hope of escape people empower investigates italy seeks lakes on al-jazeera. to me.
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hello again i'd remind of the top stories here on al-jazeera the better a c n president has told striking state factory workers there won't be new elections until moments kill him thousands of people walked off the job in the 9th straight day of demonstrations calling for example. to step down. the democratic party in the u.s. is gathering to formally name joe biden as the party's candidate for president the convention would normally bring together thousands of supporters that this year it's being held virtually because of the pandemic. until gas has been fodder for testers in sudan's capital on the 1st anniversary of a landmark power sharing deal demonstrators say the transition to democracy has been too slow going the overthrow of former leader of al bashir. countries across southern africa have voiced their support for most baek in its
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fight against the armed group i saw government troops are surrounding a key port in the gas rich north that was captured last week by fighters linked to the group are metastasis uptakes from neighboring zimbabwe. the annual say they've heads of state meeting ended with leaders saying they're going to collectively assist mozambique deal with the violence in the north but they didn't say what they were this dense is going to be the speculation a fact finding mission could be sent in the other option is a military intervention it's happened before in the democratic republic of congo. and mozambique back when fighters from the group were raiding villages and towns in so if this time round a military intervention was to happen which countries could send troops in and where will the money come from some and this relief something is being planned but for security reasons leaders can say what that plan is work has begun to remove
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a grounded japanese ship that's been leaking oil to the coast of marine. environmental experts on the island say the bow of the waca sheer will be pulled out to sea and allowed to sink a larger part of the ship will be dragged to a ship's graveyard in india or korea run aground on a coral reef 3 weeks ago and broke up in rough seas. now it's being called america's last wilderness but an expanse of protected land in alaska is now under threats after a u.s. government decision the arctic national wildlife refuge is a one and a half 1000000 acre chunk of the very north east of the state it's home to dozens of species of fish mammals and birds including polar bears and caribou across undisturbed forest and tundra but live beneath these anything from 4 to nearly 12000000000 barrels of potentially accessible oil that part of the interior has now approved a program to least some of that land for drilling it was approved by congress 3
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years ago and thought to be possible without harming wildlife wildlife campaigners have branded it a shameless send off. we can speak now to adam colton he's the executive director of alaska wilderness lake an organization fighting to protect the state's landscape and wildlife and he joins us live now via skype from washington thanks for being with us on the program and the trumpet ministration says the drilling can be done environmentally safely the pump the interior says it conducted an environmentally impact study which concluded that drilling activity would not pose a threat to the native poll of that population why do you disagree with. well it's the clear though are talking about the arctic national wildlife refuge is home to one of the the longest land migrations left on the planet 200000 plus there are who travel hundreds of miles to give birth there each and every year it's most
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important get a habitat for polar bears united states homes where. millions of marks for birds that nest in station feed their or flying to or through 5 continents so this is often called america's serengeti and the vast majority of america's arctic coastline is already unfortunately valuable for oil and gas exploration well this is in the one area that had been set aside for more than half a century as a wildlife refuge now it's being proposed by the trump ministration is to turn this area into a dust up what's full of of pipelines roads does show facilities landing strips for planes there's just simply no way you can have back time to scale development of the heart while this place left in america so will can you count pain is do you now to stop this going ahead. well i mean a couple things number one this was
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a rush the ministration is racing against the political clock to try to at least sell mistake tackler last if they want to turn this area over to multinational corporations just salish got a new facts on the ground if you will so we're going to be in court we are or. are seeing enormous missteps with the environmental review process by lucian's of us environmental laws like the species act national guard the policy act so that's and will want 2nd trying to send a strong message to any companies that are looking to drill miss landscape that they ought to say well you know there are there are more than 2 dozen international financial institutions that have already said they're not willing to provide financing for any drilling in the american are so this is something that's getting a lot of pressure from investors we're going to turn up the heat on any oil company looking to he sells their oh what do you mean interesting to happen actually being
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a had a great deal of interest but that doesn't appear to have actually been a great deal of interest they fall in companies wanting to drill in that area is that your understanding. well we don't know for sure but obviously oil prices there's a lot of well on the market given the code crisis it's. us production as more and more companies are scaling back on their production plants it seems just from an economic standpoint it seems like a crazy time to be making new areas like this pristine wilderness areas open for development when there are vast areas that are available right now that our companies are scaling back on we won't know but yes there are certainly strong messages from investors banks that they ought to stay out of syria they're setting reputational risk if companies are financial risk is a very expensive area to do business sense and there's political risk because vice
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president biden has made it clear that he strongly opposes growing in this area you had a few dozen women and is elected president there could be a big change in u.s. policy though it make it difficult for companies to move ahead to develop those at least one culture joining us from washington d.c. thanks for your time thank you. california may have recorded the earth's highest ever temperature at the reading of 54.4 degrees celsius comes as firefighters tackle several wildfires across the state the u.s. national weather service is now checking the temperature recorded in death valley deep in the mojave desert the current record is a disputed 56.7 degrees in the same area more than a century ago. now the spare and mountains of northern ireland a thought to be hiding around $3800000000.00 worth of gold about of course is a track to be interest off a canadian mining company but many people that say they will the metal to stay
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underground despite high gold prices on the prospect of new jobs we chinese reports now from qantas are right. there's nothing to leave you could do that would ease my maint and are the only thing they can do is go away go back to canada pack up and go away for doma o'kane is literally sitting on a gold mine all rather what will be a gold mine if a canadian company gets its way to years ago this small protest camp sprang up to oppose it we are absolutely determined there are people here who have said they are prepared to sacrifice their lives for the land and for the air and for the water here to keep it for their children and for their grandchildren concerned for the gift of nature the spin given to us means the gold what is there is no useful value to humanity in gold it's the shiny metal. that's what you get and that's a small bar of real gold let's see $20000.00 for that's $20000.00 worth
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a go yeah very heavy. box with gold prices soaring in recent years there could be considerable value for dow radian gold and northern island too with 10 years of exploring it del radian says the spare and mountains of county tyrone is one of the most promising undeveloped gold deposits in the world peter mckenna is spare in born and bred in it's his job to convince people that dal radians gold mine will be small and discreet and as clean and modern as they come and it'll bring work in building it but there's a construction project that will employ you know true 300 people and then when we're open on them we'll be able to provide 350 direct jobs they would have a supply chain that will push 750000000 times into our local area across the lake for them and many don't believe this or don't care northern islands government has called a public inquiry into the proposed mine after
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a planning application received 40000 responses 37000 of them objections but this is by no means a simple story of local saying no to an international company it's a common place with mining that it often takes place in remotes or rural areas with few other sources of income here in the spare and hills most people either work in small scale farming or trades like carpentry and construction it's by no means a rich area. and it wasn't hard to find people here who want the mine mechanic terry kelly says they're actually the majority that bring back a lot of the old large losses that's left you have to wonder what they're going to see and what the state the main major stadium but leaving them out has experience they wouldn't like that yankee job here neighbor against neighbor brother against brother in this small rural community one of the few things either side can agree on is that this mine has divided them rory chalons out
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a 0 county tyrone northern ireland. india's main opposition party is calling for a parliamentary investigation into facebook and what's up for allegedly favoring the ruling b j p the congress party bases its allegation on a wall street journal report it said facebook ignored its own hate speech rules to benefit a legislator known for anti muslim comments facebook says it in forces its hate speech ban without favor to anyone. in turn is accusing facebook of censoring what they call nationalist voices if you go sharpen it is the editor of the news website quotes india she explains india's importance to facebook. india is very important to baseball we are a country of one going to be nearly half of which are on the internet and look directly has close to 250000000 users in india. to what the numbers even higher so anything that speeds and what might be doing in india in
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the indian internet they would have all over major impact. a lot of youngsters in india you would be in what that regularly for new moves or getting information to be an allegation the cannot be rid of them towards one party or favoritism towards the ruling or in the morning market or the party are pretty serious and for a lot of indians facebook is like the 1st window to develop it's a very popular app in india what that is the most popular messaging app nearly every phone in india has what really in the world when they buy it so it's sort of you know beaten to your day to day life into your new day functioning also you know the the fact that the book is going back to build a lot of indian regional languages so it's penetration is really high because people who do not understand english and still access information on the web and
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want that because it is the backbone with their words in the languages indonesia is marking 75 years since independence but it's a subdued celebration commemorations are being helplessly online because last gatherings a bantu to the pandemic and for many what was supposed to be a day of great celebration has come at a time of intense hardship jessica washington reports from jakarta. jakarta's old town a legacy of colonial rule remains dutch architecture frames this corner of the capital but it's the sea of red and white flags that stands out on the 75th anniversary of the proclamation of independence indonesians are celebrating in their own ways. large gatherings are banned as the city grapples with an increase in covert 19 infections more than 6000 deaths and 140000 cases
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confirmed so far some serious says people in his village usually have an independence day party this year they won't not just as a virus precaution but because they can't afford it. they cannot mix tuition has i mean people it's difficult to get any income i am a street food seller and there are lots everywhere. many low income earners say they're under pressure. this pandemic has really has us we have to pay rent and buy medicine time goes on but the economy is still like this sometimes we have no income at all planned for this is anniversary had been in the works for more than a year but the pandemic has put a stop to that there's no grand parade and no carnival instead the streets are quiet and the mood is subject. to celebrations in the presidential palace was streamed online. dutch colonial rule lasted for more than 3
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centuries and japanese imperial forces occupied for 3 years after japan's defeat in the 2nd world war dutch troops attempted to recall and eyes indonesia by force it's estimated that they killed tens of thousands of indonesians it was only this year that the king of the netherlands formally apologized to indonesians for the brutality during the 5 year war of independence. those old enough to remember the years before the independence proclamation can look back on their own memories. in my village we only got the news 3 or 4 days after it was announced we heard we were very 75 years mean so much to we have to charge out of. just the washington al-jazeera to counter what president was enjoying a day at the beach when he found himself part of a rescue 2 young girls have been dragged out to sea on a kayak song car and so drag them away from the beach before their boat overturned
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71 year old law center about the csa happened to be swimming at the beach at the time he and another man helped rescue the girls had swallowed a lot of water and was struggling to swim. but others but afford it they were dragged away from another beach to this beach and they swallowed a lot of water they couldn't turn the boats up norse with no get back to the boat and the current was very strong so it was possible to push them and help them get away from the currents. on the news hour in school or going to find out what's next . as the spanish aims to recover from a humiliating end to the season. as
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promised the sport now with andy. thank you so much phyllis to a ball salon to find the head coach k. sets and sets in pain in the job for just 7 months the decision follows balsa humiliating 82 defeats can spawn many can the quarterfinals of the european champions league set seems to also finish behind round woodridge in the spanish league will the club ascend in a stamen the new coach will be announced in the coming days dutch national management ronald koeman he's the favorite to take over also on a bicycle rights a ban haywood says fixing the club's problems will go beyond just replacing the manager. and i think it's being gradually going wrong the boss and i race not just a case of one bad night against by munich a to of course
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a humiliating result but i think we look back over the last you know 2 or 3 years season basutos formula to live a whole i don't feel the previous season the last 3 no out romantic rush out the champions they even got to luis enrique in the last season you know bosler not lost who want to inspire a sense of monaco's that came back to win it out but then they crushed out losing 3 now and you venza so they have problems against the big teams in the champions league for a long time so i and i think we're just saying now that the full extent of those issues plus i don't have much money this summer like many clubs use of a situation because of the 90 and you know what needs an overhaul it's amazing what you know it's like louis what it's. even messi 33 years old now but if you go through the team it's a site that meets the needs of you know young blood knights you can come in and press and run like me so if you're buying music on friday night so i think it's
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a lot of work to be done and you know change you coach in the middle of this season ultimately didn't so the issues change in coach now i think it goes beyond the coach i think it needs. a whole and a look at many many things the recruitment policy the academy at nasiriyah and you know changes through the club as. well as much in the night. our essential man manager thomas tickle so struck by is fit enough to start his team's champions league semifinal against rb leipzig the 21 year old striker has been recovering from an ankle injury came on as a sub and it seems quite a final when i've asked our lands about semi coming up on shoes day and manchester city legend vincent company has told the club's fans to keep the faith city losing to leon on the last night of the champions league and they've never worn europe's top club competition company has just announced his retirement from playing to
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become a full time manager of belgian club and elects look at 10 years ago how the club was perceived and the legends at the club has produced now my 2nd most is rude. to have no doubts it's just a matter of time before they were in the temple. and to have no doubts that everything this man do all those doing is far better than anybody else could offer in some honest set up iraq police finalist survey after a convincing whenever shirts are done yet sc in said beating the crimean same 5 nil in their semifinal romelu lukaku scored twice the belgian is not at the knesset a record 10 consecutive europa league games that final against severe is on friday in a lot of. other washington n.f.l. franchise of my jason wright the league's 1st ever black presidents the 38 year old former running back also becomes the youngest n.f.l. president's writes is taking the job just a month after the franchise dropped the redskins name follows years of pressure
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from native american groups who believe redskins is a racist. donovan mitchell of the utah just got a career high 57 points in the opening game of the players his team still lost mitchell's efforts so game one of the series against the denver nuggets going into overtime or not guess eventual coming through to win this 11352125. bron james and the lakers are aiming to win the championship for the 1st time since kobe bryant led them to the title in 28 and the lake is getting ready for their best of 7 series with the portland trailblazers. but they got us just who has been together for years they have the guts. as far as last year so just the john respect for their what they're going to do well let's see some on how it is join the growing list of players to pull out of the u.s. open how it won the prague open on sunday but it's sided against taking part due to concerns over coronavirus the remaining 6 stops and plans to pull out of the grand
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slam which is due to start behind closed doors at the end of the month and a statement on twitter he said with the exceptional circumstances in which we're living i've decided i will not travel to new york i always said i would put my health at the heart of my decision and i therefore prefer to stay and train in europe i wish everyone there a successful tournament's. the rain affected 2nd test between england and pakistan is finished in a draw some play was possible on the final day in southampton england is that cruelly they're taking the opportunity to score a half century england one up in the series the 3rd and final test starting on friday. ok that is how your sport is looking for now let's get back to felicity in london. and if i so much indeed for the last is about it for me 1st of all on the news our team here in london took a far away though there's more news from us in a couple of minutes time by. rewind
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returns with a new scenery. and brand new updates on the past about his ears documentaries. rewind continues we have to be an afghan i have a president i've got a lot and this is the proudest day up i go up my life that was a real turning point for those that give them a lot of confidence that they can beat any team in a shoe on al-jazeera investigative journalism i've got my i day look this is why
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are they on from the press but on the area of their lives the local ex-pats and discussion should reparations be i would call this here on people losing their support the freedom of the people look if you're giving voice to the voiceless it's like you're going to do why don't every time you would programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on al jazeera. stories of life. and inspiration. a series of short documentaries from around the world. that celebrate the human spirit. against the odds. for al-jazeera selects palestinians.
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if you want to help save the world. sneeze into your elbow. but they reduce a country at the crossroads opposition against president lukashenko grows stronger and international pressure continues to build. this is our jazeera live from london also coming up the democratic national convention is due to kick off soon a virtual event which will see.
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