tv The Ottomans Al Jazeera August 18, 2020 4:00am-5:01am +03
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even in the face of ongoing obstacles ricky cheating pretty name is. al-jazeera funds the remarkable work. and run the salon. on and to see her. 100 hours g.m.t. here on al-jazeera i'm kemal santa maria and these are the top stories the u.s. democratic party has just begun its national convention to formally name joe biden as the party candidate for president senator bernie sanders and 4 with 1st lady michelle obama will headline the 1st night of speeches in a mostly virtual event due to the coronavirus and i know joe he is a profoundly decent man guided by faith he was
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a terrific vice president he knows what it takes to rescue an economy beat back a pandemic and lead our country and he doing this since he will tell the truth and trust science he will make smart plans and manage a good team and he will govern as someone who's lived a life that the rest of us can recognize with more from the white house says alan fischer it will be interesting this time around because there's going to be 15 keynote speakers all giving my course speeches all changing the way this is done because most of it will be viewed online but the networks are still giving the coverage something donald trump has talked about he's concerned that the democrats have had a lot of air time over the last few days well they better sit down and get comfortable there's 4 more days of it before joe biden gives his big speech and accepts the nomination of the democratic party. in other news the belorussian president has
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told striking state factory workers there won't be any new elections and they supposed to kill him thousands of people walked off the job a 9th straight day of demonstrations calling for alexander lukashenko to step down the main opposition leader. says she is ready to lead a transition and is calling on security forces to switch sides the youth leaders will also hold an emergency meeting on the issue. here state fasten in minsk extraordinary scenes here all day already at t.v. national state broadcaster who has been accused of being a propaganda mouth before look people here have been calling for the truth to be told to stop airing lies they have still shouted here behind me they were joined by also workers from other factories that are on strike here in. one of these factories this morning and he wasn't really received as planned
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because the workers are actually in front of him and his face which is absolutely extraordinary shouted also there for him to leave. have been fired at protesters in sudan's capital on the 1st anniversary of a landmark power sharing deal demonstrators in khartoum so the transition to democracy is too slow following the overthrow of long time leader omar al bashir the defense ministers of turkey and qatar were in tripoli on monday to discuss corporation with libya's internationally recognized government's efforts continue to secure a cease fire in the divided country turkey and qatar support the tripoli based government and they defeated a 14 month campaign to seize the capital by world order and the fafsa. government troops are surrounding a port in mozambique after it was captured by eisel linked fighters last week it is the 3rd time the moken border prayer a key town in
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a gas rich province has been attacks this year regional leaders have agreed to support mozambique in combating the threat lebanon's health minister says the country's overwhelmed by new coronavirus infections following the deadly port explosion in beirut earlier this month a record 456 new infections were diagnosed on monday edging the nationwide total closer 210000 the health minister says a new 2 week lockdown is needed after the blast but some hospitals are out of action had been a lockdown plan but it was then postponed when thousands of people were less homeless by the explosion. finally parts of argentina's capital of been brought to a standstill by protesters calling for an end to months of coronavirus restrictions the latin american nation has been under lockdown for more than $150.00 days but it still has one of the highest rates of corona virus infection in the us today with the headlines here on al-jazeera beginning next world war one through arab.
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but this was a war fought on many fronts. so there's another story rarely told. of huge importance during the war. kind of lasting significance. the story of troops who fault and died but who are often forgotten. and driven outcomes that shape the middle east of today. this is gold more one through our oh i see the cuckoo.
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malick to rekey the 2 new zealand writer and broadcaster is taking is on a personal journey across a dozen countries. his grandfather's generation fort and the war. so far he's explored how thousands of arabs were conscripted by the british and french colonial powers in north africa. and how arabs were forced to fight on both sides for the european allies and the central powers setting muslim against muslim. and the vital role played by arab troops in the ottoman army again literally.
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in this episode he looks at the roots of why the ultimate is joined the war at home . how the european powers viewed the ultimate empire as right for division and exploitation. and the suffering when the also man government of young turks cracked down on the arab provinces. and the little known story of a future zionist leader in the ultimate world. the bullish jewish students who walked along here 1911 his name david been guardian all would become the 1st prime minister of israel. cannot live there how to go after half a year let their kids. the machete had the most money him but the good it don't have a funny. horrible irony of the way i want to follow do it or. i'll
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be there as he ought to be another one of the as silent. without her judgement and. bitterness with their edges. in so cal. is it cuz. i let the kind of that even when i do. have the ability one at the about how the hell beat out in a courage when he derek spotted be nabbed as mike to study how dare. you have that whether you don. how they have how to land at the land they have here how are german name than a poor new mayor the color and it to how do you. a very good question and one with roots deep in autumn in history. before eating 30 the ottoman empire
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stretched from mesopotamia in the east to the red sea and most of the north african coast. but over the next 80 or so here's the ottomans lost algeria tunisia egypt and in 1912 libya. then the last territories much closer to home and the balkan wars of 912913. so britain france and russia began plotting how to exploit the potential collapse of salt on our docket needs empire for their own individual benefit. not to have made the 2nd will rule the empire from 87629000 or 8 or 9000 or 9 felt that western european powers were playing dirty games. in his mind and the minds of advisers around him and many ottoman observer near appealed powers were supporting. a nationalist independence movement within the ottoman empire he
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thought that the great powers were using religion especially christianity to mobilize those nationalist movement in an effort to undermine the ottoman empire. the sultan's view was not wrong the european powers so on rest in the arab world after nearly 400 years of autumn and rule as an opportunity. but there was a stumbling block provincial arab leaders and intellectuals were thinking about gaining independence from the ultimate. but for ordinary arabs the sultan in istanbul was the kaleb of islam the leader of the muslim world. whichever side you were on there was a close bond with the calle of respect and loyalty for him across the arab world. an incident later in the war illustrated this clearly. the british captured 700
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iraqi soldiers in 1970 and sent them to egypt. the british offer to free the prisoners if they would support an arab revolt against the ultimate ends led by sorry for saying of mecca but few iraqis accepted most were uneasy at the idea of challenging the kale of. books such as the 1938 work by george antonius the arab revolt exaggerated the support of sharif hussein's 1916 revolt against the ottomans and exaggerated and painted a very negative image of on him in a rule of 400 years of ottoman rule and even many european colonialists tended to denigrate the ottoman past and to the point of referring to it as so despotic and backward that it almost welcomed the arrival of european colonialism.
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they also manami was also diverse in november 914 up 230-0000 of their troops were arabs from greater syria. of the army's 9 most senior commanders 2 were all bamian 2 from the caucasus and 2 arabs. and in politics saeed halim pasha the grand vizier all prime minister was from egypt. the british had to find a way to challenge this holy bond between the kaleb in istanbul and his loyal arab muslim citizens. they approached hussein bin ali the sheriff of mecca he was a descendant of the prophet muhammad leader of the hush my people and ruler of islam's most holy place. the british thought he alone could challenge the kayleigh from istanbul. but he would not be straightforward. on the eve of world war one most arabs were largely supportive of the ottoman empire. they regarded it
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as a protector of the an islamic identity in an era of expanding european colonialism even many arab christians and jews especially after $1008.00 welcomed the liberal reforms and wrote glowingly hand the of these reforms and have these iraq and rarely ever call for independence for the arab people. to 19 away it was a significant here in this unfolding story that was when the new leaders of the committee of union and progress the young turks staged a coup removing sultan our bill from me the 2nd from power. they started ours in 1000 feet with a project of trying to hold that in good there on the basis of question. but at the same time they found themselves in the position of
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trying to defend it maintain them. against all reporting to actions and it is new nationalist the president's former even. when the young turks reconvened parliament they created optimism in the arab world but this soon turned to disillusionment. over all the may not have intended it that they found themselves fighting to me in n.p.p. treat. from 9. 11 points from italy's in the nation own words then came the balkan wars and then there came to create. this change this transformed issue actually. promising and bringing freedom to not people's into one of meeting in. defeat in the
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balkans hard in the young turks and they tighten their grip on their arab possessions the market of 191213 catastrophic defeat and finally the action from what had become of all kinds brought about and enormous fun to jump in the development and education of turkish nationalists and also they became more and more dictatorial. the young turks had hoped to stay out of the war and ally themselves with britain and france but neither of these 2 countries would go against russia so they were not an option. besides the ultimate ins and germany had a history of friendship. geyserville him the 2nd 1st visited istanbul in 889 to befriend sultan. 9 years later he landed at haifa on a state visit to the ottoman east.
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they made a ceremonial entry into jerusalem. and visited the tomb in damascus of salahuddin the famous mediæval muslim oriya who defeated the crusaders. there was mass celebration when he announced the germany would pay for the renovation of his grave. the kaiser also declared his friendship of the world's 300000000 muslims and gained the nickname. vilhelm so germany was a natural ally. but the young turks were also gambling that the european war might be over quickly . at the time there were series and. prospect of voice in europe that in fact the civilized european powers would not
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fight each other for very long that this was a crisis but a cry for that might. come to an end funeral rather than later ultimately there is hope that there would be able to favor the alliance with germany which they had signed for 7 years not necessarily a protection but an alliance with germany that would help the ottoman state to consolidate its. its borders its institutions and to restrain finn and that period under which there would have germany as an ally. however germany needed this deal as much as the ultimate. they were outnumbered on the ground in europe and could open a new eastern front against russia and the british.
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the german general eric wrote that ultimate entry into the war enabled the central powers to soldier on for another 2 years otherwise the war might well have been over by 916. this is the house in istanbul of anwar pasha he led the secret negotiations with germany on behalf of the young turk or unionist government. here on the night of the 1st of august 1914 he secured his treaty of alliance. unwarped pasha was a fan of everything german he spoke the language trained in military college there and admire the way chancellor autobahn bismarck had modernized the state. they had enormous admiration for passion is for be spark in is and for the germans on
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that rick germany had to follow its own special path and it was envisioned as and it became a path in which the german military the german army played god to the nation and the state it was perceived and it really was true to a large extent that the german nation and the german state called prof in a very strong sense by prussia and the pression army and this is what the spark in his was all about the units perceive themselves as pursuing a kind of oppression path in the context of thought to manpower. and it wasn't just the young turks who admired germany some arabs were impressed by its achievements national unity military expansion scientific research and economic development.
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the lebanese white a slave and that he wrote a poem called the 20th century was. well in my knee feels more as he said to. me and to me and to say. them feedback and if you gave me. 11 feet believe me i did it in the. festival. hall who would love to see. the booming food move north dad. in august 114 and one person's treaty was still a secret. but in the 2nd week of november came the formal ultimate entry into the war. and the grand mufti has called for muslims to join a jihad against the own powers of fatah mosque in istanbul.
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it was a call for a holy war to old listenings including arabs who supported the canaan. the germans believed that this cold could undermine their enemies war efforts. there were millions of muslims in the british and french colonies where the germans hoped for mass uprisings. they launched a campaign to influence muslims fighting for the allies. it was led by german lawyer diplomat and ancient historian max von. it was obviously very dear to his heart because of his german pictures and so on. and his interest in the middle east but in a very specific way by 899. was it no one had a reputation as an experienced and really very well informed travel are.
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open heim was an adventurer and archaeologist but was also involved in planning the route of the balland to baghdad railway. the german government wanted to build the line to compete with the british to give them access to oil and bring the region under stronger influence. nothing unusual about the fact that siemens who was then the director of the dogshit bank which was largely in charge of the financing of the car into baghdad railway should contact him about the extension of the line from a low. to muzzle has fought that particular strange and he asked him if he would do some prospecting and advise them on what was the best route and he wrote about all the advantages that the best and most efficient relying to follow for the railroad
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and all the advantages that would accrue from following this route rather than that route and so. after troubleshooting for siemens at deutsche bank he'd made a historic archaeological discovery in northern syria in 1909. it was in a certain sense by accident that he made the greatest discovery of his career that she discovered tell her laugh. because really what he was trying to do was do this prospecting on his own. an officially for the village of baghdad really and she did write he did write a brief to report and devoted many more pages of that the report to route from aleppo to missouri than he did. to that he had discovered to tell how tough. open heim returns to excavate tell how often 1011 and discovered
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a city built in 6000 b.c. . the bell into baghdad will be took 37 years to complete by which time europe would be at war again. still to come the devastating impact of the war on greater syria and its people. we think about world war one we think about the british and french and the germans but really the ottoman empire suffered far more than any of the continental powers . the terror. the facts of the ultimate repression of our of nationalists. and a modern greek city and 8 story of one of the funders of israel. and
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progress. or a serious mistake. intelligence is slowly invading every aspect of our lives. but very few of us really understand its capabilities for better or worse. in a new documentary i'll just 0 explores the impact of a are accessing vast amounts of our personal data data on al-jazeera. these men are survivors of covert 1946 year old money or is a limousine driver is the only one here who needed to go to hospital when he became ill in early march with. 40 or. balance board in november
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so deep is a 34 year old driver for guitar a family and he tested positive my body is good it was always more of what you want to give the health officials say the rate of new infections as low the goal here is to conduct a broad serving to better understand transmission and asymptomatic cases which in turn could help paul see this issues in the future so it would be easy for us to inform the decision making on what to do next the goal now is to increase testing and contact tracing. the government provides retesting a medical treatment for those who need it while campaigns to raise awareness continue. it starts in coral communities with the promise of a prosperous marriage. but countless young indian women find themselves g. commodify saul and sold again. to toil by day.
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of will through our buys is coming up and i'm i'm 1st will check the headlines and the u.s. democratic national convention to formally name joe biden as its presidential candidate has begun with the current of us pandemic still raging the 4 day event is being held virtually vermont senator bernie sanders and former 1st lady michelle obama will headline the 1st night of speeches which have been largely prerecorded. at the white house. it will be interesting this time around because there's going
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to be 15 keynote speakers all giving my course speeches all changing the way this is done because most of it will be viewed online but the networks are still giving the coverage something donald trump has talked about he's concerned that the democrats have had a lot of air time over the last few days well we better sit down and get comfortable there's 4 more days of it before joe biden gives his big speech and accepts the nomination of the democratic party the other headlines and the belorussian president has told striking state factory workers there will not be any new elections thousands of people walked off the job in the 9th straight day of demonstrations calling for alexander lukashenko to step down tear gas and stun grenades been fired at protesters in sudan's capital on the 1st anniversary of the landmark power sharing deal demonstrators in khartoum say the transition to democracy is to slow or in the overthrow of longtime leader on one of the shia the defense ministers of turkey and qatar are in tripoli on monday to discuss
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corporation with libya's internationally recognized government if it's continue meanwhile to secure a ceasefire in the divided country to support the tripoli based government which recently defeated a 14 month campaign by the ward khalifa haftar to seize the capital. government troops are surrounding a port in mozambique after it was captured by ice a linked fighters last week it is the 3rd time the open border prayer a key town and a gas rich province has been attacks this year regional leaders have agreed to support mozambique in combating the threat. and parts of argentina's capitol of been brought to a standstill by protesters calling for an end to months of coronavirus restrictions the latin american nations been under lockdown for more than $150.00 days still has one of the highest rates of infection in the world. will be back in about half an hour's time continuing coverage then of the democratic national convention speeches from bernie sanders and michelle obama to come.
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man i like to take the chin is even wiser when broadcast is looking at the ultimate strolled in the 1st world war. when istanbul entered the war in mid november 914 arab troops were forced to fight on both sides. of the ultimate means and as conscripts for the european allies occupying egypt morocco algeria and chimneys here. hundreds of thousands died. egypt was still technically part of the ottoman empire but had been under british occupation since 1082.
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when the ultimate to the war britain declared a protective over egypt. the most populous arab country offered britain 1000000 200000 recruits in different rooms during the war across 3 continents. 500000 all of them died. ordinary arab people knew this war had little to do with them but were caught up in it. the jordanian capital amman was then in greater syria. malik went in search of what happened there. or should he have a say bath of a they here and already look at how to move out of that in a so that album yet a jew or a new or a they're not out of an old war well unless you are a land and a how to be an ass at the corner well. i'll be there army if you give me an $100.00
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or other man here. in the hall at the end how to cut our own could be. foreseen was proved right the young to a government appointed passion as governor of great to syria he acted ruthlessly against anyone suspected of arab nationalist sympathies. his nickname was all. the bloodshed. there kenya and of their. general bacha. what can i feel like they don't feel as we are on little barry what kind of. a new york who've come in that kind of scary at the end really must have been active. in late january 1950. marched alterman troops from greater syria into the sinai peninsula.
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in february they tried to cross the suez canal east to west. but the british troops guarding the canal repelled the attack and the ottomans withdrew but it was another just war love mary and you're going to just as well appear howard shapiro john dewey for the moment are up alcohol able inglese which are very big but over the not gonna while you're over there. as jamal pasha and the ultimates face defeated suez scenes revolt was gaining momentum. the british who promised hussein and his family feud to control over a greater arab state in present day syria lebanon palestine and jordan. would rebel basham and the edge of the sheila you buy a little bit here but a lot of. us about how do you walk us apart. would really only
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a theory about. it don't let the money and of that well. be about it at the gate and with a lot of men being. a one would you be going to. burn with a. morning machine or question to. come home and mojo wow i do assure you i have done or did know. during the 915. condemned dozens to death in beirut and damascus he sentenced hundreds to long jail times and sent thousands more into exile.
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a lot of people think that it. son. mentioned it was less will settle magazine it was said stride everywhere all but as i done behind come in visit blood yanni. catalog the losers along the way. but the war did not just affect arab nationalists thousands of men were conscripted crops and livestock were requisitioned arabs suffered disastrously in egypt iraq and bill of the shah greater syria. you know when we think about world war one we think about the western front in the trenches the british the french and the germans but really the ottoman empire
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suffered far more than any of the continental powers about 9 percent of the german population died about 11 percent of the french population died but anywhere from between 40 percent and 25 percent of the arctic population guy. as number then the disappeared meant to them as. didn't. will tell. but i lowered my general yani as well meghann said they were going to be yolland of them. became millionaires the guardian when i became the bad man and. now had a lot of well a b. double a bad. he said i. know my you mean give me about. the olive job you dk me about you willy de ville
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a lot of. people saw. me and khalil believed as there are a hell of a lot. but. it was alan not a lot i'm not. but it was at that minute margin in cuba doing to me. that that there's a. yanni. lead. he said. he said. if i was have been. around all day long about how to. have been a. deal sources i would definitely like. that militia or diane more able. to answer that physical algebra i. see.
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my moon under me is lebanese she's over 100 years old. the war also left its mark on her she still remembers how men used to hide or even dress up as women to avoid conscription. but her most painful memory is of the terrible famine. or. that you could do it. you have not yet. but family was not the only holder the war inflicted on the arab world.
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let's start with myself a tamiya or iraq with the arrival of 600000 colonial soldiers so these soldiers coming in from for example to other port cities they're all carrying to see typhus cholera dysentery something called a wasting fever which was devastating for you to seizures and coma what a lot of people suffered without ever having gone front was contagious and casualty rate from epidemic is much higher than the casualty rate for being at the front of the front page that played a role especially as refugees fled from the front and mesopotamia and the caucasus in particular they brought with. us and the police on life support scary typhus and malaria was also a concern. on the battlefield however and to the surprise of the european powers
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the ultimate has proved a valuable german. they'd attack the british if this is can all. defeated the deliberately in 1950. the force the so. render of the indian expeditionary force in mesopotamia in 1916. they contain challis fostanes arab revolt along the his as railway line. and they force the british to fight every step of the way in palestine in 1918. but ultimately military commanders also committed catastrophic errors. minister for war and government leader and what pasha sent tens of thousands of soldiers to
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fight the russians at sad accomplished in eastern anatolia during the winter of 1914 and early 1950. he wanted to regain territory lost to russia in 878. few of his troops had proper weapons or even boots to march him. as many as 60000 alterman troops died of whom 2 thirds are likely to have perished from frostbite and typhus rather than fighting the russians. the disaster outside accommodation is still marked by local people. prayers are said every friday for the 3rd autumn an army. some of the older members of the community like this village elders recall
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a popular poem from the time it accuses anwar pasha of betraying his own men a betrayal they say that bordered on treason. wishing again your salgado i've said all day long dark. yellow gold ladder and shuttle to seek out the. el up washable a mile up not to be gay subject. unwater pasha blamed the defeat on armenians who he claimed had sided with the russians. in april 19th 15 the government rounded up 250 armenian intellectuals and community leaders in istanbul. armenia men were killed and army conscripts put into labor battalions. women children and the elderly were deported and forced on to law marches into the syrian desert. the facts are still hard to agree on but some historians believe
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that the young tug government the unionists forced up to a 1000000 and a half armenians from their homes and that as many as 800000 dollars. already at the time of the celica champagne. we had and that cabling and that's it is stamped it's just it's 2nd charge interest the russians. are pushing out all these muslim populations from caucasian towards our minds and they're causing destruction far more effort do you think we should in turn we should be exiled and armenians into russian tended she's less truth in revenge and in not wanting to cause a similar degree of economic and incentive destruction and that says on let's let's
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think about this it's in time this germinal it will be converted into a mass deportations towards that at 10 years close then it may be in south. and armenian soldiers in uniform are separated into forced labor. but the idea has firmly and is that the armenians have become totally undeniable hostile population it seems that and that and conduct more that jim. he's an eminence. treacherous nation and let's not week for it to happen this time let's act 1st and then undertake a massive preemptive. 100 years on these events are still
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a matter of debate. but one of the lasting effects of the armenian exodus to the arabian sun has been the racial diversity it brought to the region. in the 21st century their descendants are now part of the advance rich social fabric in areas like bush the moon in beirut. the measure the horn of. a system built on a high atom in a what was the. link i had been on book but but you know how did with him him. i thought i was a kid i had an idea before so what a whole most of. them some of us might us were.
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really has it all make but i don't kill an economy. bob thought about or says why the certain. ethnic diversity has also characterized this city and the northeast of the ottoman empire and the alley $900.00. vessels only keep salonica in modern greece. after very expulsion along with the muslims from and then you see here the southern spain in 1492 as a father to jews found refuge here in salonika they do. in the center is an ottoman in all of this was mainly the jewish city it was called the jerusalem of the balkans. salonica was one of the cities that benefited from a series of autumn reforms in the mid 19th century these included equality with muslims for both jews and christians.
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the nationalist leader of modern turkey most of our kamaal was born and raised in this house it's now a turkish museum. the story of utter talk as the founder of modern turkey is often told. less well known is salonica spot in the life of another nationalist leader. one who would change the map of the middle east. or polish jewish students there walked along here 911 he wore affairs like any other ottoman citizen he was here to learn ottoman turkish before going on to study law at the university or istanbul his name david been guardian all would become the
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1st prime minister over there are. a. good and was a student in salonica and istanbul he actively supported the autumn an army and encouraged around 40 jews to join a pro-government militia in jerusalem. he visited america to drum up support for the ottoman empire travelling via egypt and gori and toured 35 u.s. cities and hope to recruit some 10000 men in support of the ottoman calls. but he failed and a major british military advance changed his loyalties. in august 1960 the british went on the offensive against the also means in suez under general edmund alamy. by early 1917 that removed the autumn ones from the sinai peninsula and continued their march towards
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palestine. in december allonby entered jerusalem on food out of respect for the holy city. as i'm all patia the bloodshed of greater syria was forced out ellaby pressed on to take the whole of the levant and force a complete ottoman retreat. the signing of the armistice of more drugs took place on the 30th of october $980.00 a month later the whole war was over. once jerusalem fell david ben-gurion joined a jewish regiment of the british army in london before returning to palestine to pursue his political career. ben-gurion story typifies how the war presented opportunity it wasn't so much the speed at which he transferred his allegiance it was more that he recognized that
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a time of radical and far reaching change was dawning in the region. a new world order was about to take shape and he wanted to be one of its architects . the 1st world war gave birth to 3 nationalist movements turkish zionist and i. and the relationship between the turks and arabs changed forever as for centuries of autumn rule one ended by 4 years of conflict and.
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the awakening of consciousness that grew out of this shift in power was a foretaste of the arab nationalism that was to come. in the next episode. britain's contradictory promises that proved impossible to deliver. the secret agreements between britain and france that carved up the middle east for generations they see into these peoples can possibly believe that when the british and french troops are national freedom that it actually meant political independence. the hopes of that independence that were ignited by the war. and the crushing disappointment as these hopes were dashed by colonial self interest in the
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selfie and it was in the truth. in them as that. in the final episode of world war one through our oh i see. history has called it the great war in the final episode the 2 sides fight themselves to a standstill while britain and france conspire behind closed doors to produce a secret agreement that will shape the middle east for the century to come world war one through our bodies on al-jazeera.
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how you probably know that death valley in california has the hottest place in the world at least it holds a record 54.4 on sunday which is quite possibly of the 3rd or the 2nd highest temperature worldwide that's a term ship of course because the big fire is going to big pharma california sometimes sets off showers as well when mixed with humidity but to be honest for cross to choose is not particularly shouty one throughout the plains states want to maybe and up in the mountains too it's just the heat still with us $45.00 in phoenix $28.00 in san francisco if you're on the coast there that's a coolish breeze and the east coast has been so wet recently is also drawing up out in the waters josephine tropical storm and just the sea faster up in both open
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water shouldn't cause any problems except for shipping and they tend to draw much the more towards them so that we have got big showers in georgia and maybe the carolinas is not quite the case up in new york 47 humid degrees and maybe a light show and given what's happening with josephine and the regime of even the one that's full of the coast of mexico there's not a lot of moisture left for spreading showers but we still see some big potential thunderstorms in cuba and probably nicaragua costa rica and panama. but. the latest news as it breaks there is increasing pressure up and nandan to turn its back on beijing and the u.k. is finding itself corpse between the pallets with detailed coverage israel's missed opportunity on testing and tracing is now being seen as part of a wider political failure to tackle the panda from around the world human rights
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groups say that at least 12 people have been either killed or disappeared by security forces. a face can tell a story without uttering a single word. and knowing god can guide. a simple time. inform us. the unconventionality of life witnessed through the lens of the human mind. is what inspires us. to witness documentaries on al-jazeera. all new counting the cost how powerful banking and political plans to destroy it but also a common controversy about trump's troy's to oversee loved america's recovery from the i'm deming plus a company awarded billions for a gas plot that wasn't even a good. counting the cost on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. 'd the democratic national convention begins a virtual event which will see joe biden formally named the party's presidential candidates. 11 doha everyone i'm kemal santa maria this is the world news from al-jazeera. the . protesters in bellerose heckled the president alexander lukashenko while the main
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