tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 18, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm +03
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the people that need me people that are sick and dying and not isn't right people shouldn't be dying when there are people who can help them. this is al jazeera. global come on peter dhabi you're watching the news our live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes 15 years after the former lebanese prime minister rafiq hariri assassination a u.n. backed court convicts the main suspect. reacting to the ruling his son says that now the truth is known justice must be done. everybody's expectation was much higher than what came out but i believe that the tribunals came out with
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a. result that is satisfying. also ahead on this program ali and is gather again to demand the resignation of the president after reports of a military mutiny. no protests and strikes in belarus where pressure is mounting on the president alexander lukashenko over his disputed reelection. if you think things cannot possibly get worse trust me they can and they will if we don't make a change in this election and the former u.s. 1st lady michelle obama declares the president donald trump is in over his head during a plea for voters to back joe biden. tribunals
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has convicted a member of hezbollah over the assassination of the former lebanese prime minister rafik hariri the killing in 2005 set the stage for years of confrontation between rival political forces judges in the hague were found. guilty of committing terrorist acts and of homicide the. bought the explosives and coordinated surveillance on hariri beforehand the 3 other members of hezbollah were acquitted because of a lack of evidence none were in court today as barlow denies involvement and has refused to hand the man over the judges say that while hezbollah's leaders and the syrian government might have had motives to kill harry there's no direct evidence they did but they say the nature of the killing was clear the attack was an act of terrorism that was designed to spread fear among lebanese population it was committed for political and not personal reasons the trial chamber is of the view
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that syria and hezbollah may have had motives to eliminate mr hariri and some of his political allies however there was no evidence that this hezbollah leadership had any involvement in mr hariri is murder and there is no direct evidence of syrian involvement in it well rafik hariri son the former prime minister says his family does accept the ruling but wants to see a punishment being served we had like many presidents and many from the prime ministers were killed either in the office oh outside the office and we never had any truth of what happened i think today is. i mean everybody's expectations was much higher than what came out but i believe that that tribe came out with a. 'd result that is satisfying we accepted.
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a lawyer representing one of the 3 men acquitted says the trial was ill conceived. these accusations against hussein his son as he should have never been me he should have never been approved and this process should have never taken place today we're obviously very happy for mr honesty but at the same time i am particularly very saddened that millions of dollars were spent on a file so empty and a verdict that was from the beginning said to be so mediocre ok let's go live to beirut and our correspondent there. so do we think this will do anything to mend the divisions that vs across lebanon now. well how do you do skilling and the subsequent creation of the international tribunal divided this country the country the nation is polarized ever since that day it depends who you talk to supporters of hezbollah will call this court
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a political tool that is being used by the united states to diminish the group's influence but the families of the victims as well as other lebanese will say that justice has been served 5 men were initially indicted one of them has since died in mysterious circumstances in syria must have been a very well known howsabout commander and the court finding one man guilty acquitting the 3 others now the international could try bunol its mandate at the house to find and ensure the guilty verdict without beyond reasonable doubt and that is why it wasn't able to quit at the 3 others but at the end of the day it linked or affiliated solely miach the man they found guilty which has a lot and it's not just that they affiliated him was most of about 3 d.
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and and hezbollah does not deny its links with these. men in fact the secretary general calls them our brothers so at the end of the day this tribunal does not have the mandate i think this is very important it doesn't have the mandate to try countries or states or governments or organizations and this was the agreement when it was set up in the united nations but now there is a guilty verdict will it heal divisions it's unlikely today we are joined by a victim so why if he was the head of security your husband then what do you feel today and it's going to speak to us in arabic and i'm going to do my best to translate what you tell. when she'd have the homes. when the. person they could. not to be in the had high compared to what i had. and on one kept me bus on the.
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smith and economic position the command of when. has happened to me because of what she's saying is that they waited for 15 years and they wanted justice and right now what. has done is just name a few people what was it that you were expecting more of i let them into my kill in this play by my feet and look if you did see him again found the dude how they wanted to keep. the same minute i could none of the money be dull and look the hum . leftist but then him and moon of the minority and my name on. my name on it to him it. to him. i would be. just. who were in. the has it
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so. that she begun on the might come in and say yes when there's a it's a same it must not have that exam and this behind the but also a little intimate that i mean that he's said he's the only thing what that sam is saying is basically that this you know so there has been a lot of criticism directed at this court saying it is politicized which is saying what you saw today that it is not politicized because they acquitted 33 people because they didn't have enough evidence against them but what is your reaction to sidle. statements such that he made following the. on the side could not to be in one car and it had me to come in to a hospice or sideline would be that everyone will decide there is mina not in the open on one passivity in the. nation on the wall in one motion i'm with. my camera
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. and then by to see the whole and know heart as how they must feel just. a number of the hutton. and i'm at the helm they behave under fisa how stupid that i laid it then don't. mean meant to me. so basically what i'm saying is that you wanted them to spell it out not not an indirect accusation that the group was behind the killing of the correct. me. if you can but because. it would. mean. i'm not. sure he didn't hear and. i'll go somewhere and hide them
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in the mail. to me ok so i'm not a. command he in my letter to deal in. his if. he 1st said he and the higher the son. of a hey the immersion law yes so so basically this is what a lot of people have told us that indirectly hezbollah has been blamed for for the assassination that the courts affiliated these men with the group one way or the other what people like a son wanted to hear was a clearer statement on who was who was responsible for the killing so some are disappointed they wanted much more but right now we have to wait to see the political fallout of this verdict zain thank you very much cross all the developments i'm sure in the meantime we'll talk to you later. joining us now is kevin john hello international law professor at the university of copenhagen he
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joins us on skype from melbourne australia kevin hello welcome to the news how can this be enforced. well it can't really be enforced. obviously there was only one conviction out of the original 5 defendants and if in the unlikely event that the tribunal or the authorities were to ever get their hands on mr the convicted defendant he would be entitled to a full retrial so basically they would have to start over and prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt all over again so there is a long way to go between this verdict and ever seeing mistry osh pay for you know pay for his sins really why would he be entitled to a full retrial given the events today in the hague. it's actually a provision in the statute of the special tribunal for lebanon that when you try a defendant in absentia that if in fact they are later apprehended they're entitled to a full retrial and and that's also consistent with international human rights law so
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that's not really a unclear legal question at this point the court of public opinion in lebanon on clearly has its reaction set in stone to the events of today and indeed the events of 15 years ago is there a chance despite the chaos for slightly different reasons given the explosion 2 weeks ago now is there a chance that we see some sort of legal process taking place inside the country or is that just completely a nonstarter if only because of the the political traction that hezbollah has the way it's managed to weave itself into the political machinery in the country. well i think you definitely have to separate the legal and the political there legally there is certainly no reason why if in fact mr yosh was ever apprehended that he couldn't be prosecuted in lebanon but but as you say politically it's probably a nonstarter i mean there's a reason why you know to some extent lebanon was in favor of an international process to begin with precisely because of the difficult political situation when
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you have crimes that are at least allegedly tied to hezbollah and to syria so whether we're talking about the domestic legal framework or the international legal framework can be up to question of law because that's what we've seen at the hague today you seem to be saying this isn't an end to the process this is just the end of a chapter in a potential process which could in theory on unfold in multiple different scenarios . i think that's a very good way to characterize it yes what might happen next. well there will certainly be an appeal you know this doesn't even end this chapter of the process obviously the convicted defendant is entitled to appeal the prosecution has a right to appeal there is going to be a whole another chapter that is written you know we don't even really know how long that will take the 1st stage of this process took
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a very very long time so the 1st thing that has to happen is the appeal will run its course and then they'll have to decide based on who's convicted who's acquitted what the next step is in in force meant and it's very unclear how you would even begin to try to apprehend mr i os or any of the other defendants who perhaps you know would be convicted on appeal it's there's really no clear path to accountability in this case and i think that's been one of the major criticisms of the tribunal trying the defendants in absentia really from the beginning ok we must leave it there kevin howlett many thanks let's bring in. the executive director of the arab reform initiative he joins us here on the news from paris not important what does this do to lebanese politics. it depends who you ask in many ways the judgment each side of the divide in lebanon will find some solace in it
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some will say look one of the main suspects was convicted and that shows that hezbollah is guilty those depending on whose boat that was say well the other 3 were not guilty of the other 4 and there was no responsibility. in a way lebannon had already absorbed the shark of these findings many years ago there is nothing new factually speaking in the judgment today and i have to say not with pain because the process has taken so long the special tribunal for 11 on is a bit of a relic of the past it was really put to my eyes the divisions between the march 8th and march 14th these divisions that really dominated the mid 2011 on flooding and even early 2000 really 2000 to one but today the real division in lebanese society is between those who really want to change the entire system and the existing oligarchs in power and it's very interesting that actually hezbollah
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and how do you we have been together in government now many many times over and last october when lebanese protesters were demanding that how they resign one of the biggest defenders of how do you really were house and so politically in a way b.s. the. relevance to daily political life and love and on. has been reduced over the years how does it play into the scenes of anger that we're say seeing now day after day on the streets of lebanon off the back of the bay reporter explosion blended together with the political situation as of today which in of itself is chaos anyway. it's a very important question and there's a very interesting development i mean the creation of a special tribunal for not been on back in you know 20052006 was in a way the lebanese political class saying we don't want to handle this issue we
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don't know how to hold anyone accountable so please come and handle this for us today the mood in number not is very different for the 1st time in lebanon's recent history there's a real popular movement demanding accountability demanding an end to impunity in the country demanding that those responsible not just for the murder of how do you rebut the murder of thousands and thousands of innocents of other politicians but also lot of every day bystanders be held to account now i don't think we will see in the judgment of the special tribunal for lebanon in answer to their demands but i think that drive for justice is essential and in this very bleak period for a lot going on for me 2 of the last rays of hope that for the 1st time that's a real movement demanding accountability rejecting the compromises of the past and saying we can do it and i think this is really the the moment i think of the
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lebanese population to realize there is no shortcut to justice they're going to have to build an independent judiciary they are going to have the political will to hold those responsible accountable and i hope that there will be a demand for hezbollah to give any information they have and i yash the convicted suspect but as the country moves forward to a point of having one hopes clearly free and fair elections the thing about lebanon on surely is this politicians here today gone tomorrow they come and go but the system of quotes corruption in lebannon seems to represent primacy to everyone. that literally buys into the political system or works their way into high political office so people can get elected into high political office without buying in to the system that is endemic. you're right and
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i think you know and many people and lebanon have come to the realisation that this is a system that you cannot reform and that you actually need to change completely now well may be able to that is the big question today and of course this this regime because it is a regime in plate is not going to disappear from one day to the next but you are right that it cannot be reform but it has to be changed and one of the characteristics of this system is its impunity and this is what made the spectrum for lebanon in a way an oddity because in lebanon unfortunately no one is ever held accountable for political crimes be they big or be they small just simply there is no accountability there was there's not a single political assassination where someone went to jail for it in lebanon and this is the system we need to change many people and i have to say i was one of
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them had hoped that back in 2006 that the special tribunal for love and on could break that cycle of impunity could basically get the country into a different dynamic that didn't happen and it became very clear early on that the investigation was not going to under out of the system and today i have to say i am quite disappointed because the verdict regardless of what however you want to read it does not answer the fundamental questions which is who did it and why and so the narrative the lebanese are going to remain divided by it and there isn't really a sense of justice at least for me today and ultimately would really be for the victims and their families to decide that and the fault isn't really with the tribunal as such but it's really been a failure of the international investigation to really break the case and give the answers that many lebanese wanted ok we'll have to leave it that not important that and paris we really appreciate getting your thoughts on the still developing story thank you thank you. ok we'll have the rest of the day's news for you still to come
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including $2000000.00 people in gaza face power shortages after israel cuts fuel supplies to the territories plus. a on the thai border as peace talks resume between the government and rebel armies we'll tell you why there's little hope of any significant progress. with international able to take this has taken a very different. story for you in about 25. dollars go back to lebanon for another updates on an aspect of the lebanon story i guess you could say a judge there has issued a warrant for the arrest of the manager of the port in beirut he is already detained at home almost 3000 tons of highly explosive chemicals stored improperly
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at the port blew up the force more than 200 people were killed hundreds of thousands were left homeless stephanie decker joins us live from the port area steph what happens to this individual next. well as you mentioned he's already been detained around 10 days ago along with 24 others so we are understanding that these were can appear but what they support this means is that he is now officially arrested today this question for 4 hours around 4 hours by the judge yesterday the head of the customs of the poor it underwent the same kind of questioning he also had an official arrest warrant issued for basically what you're seeing now peter is small steps in sort of officiating the detention of the individuals who are in charge of this port as part of this investigation again this is an investigation being carried out by the lebanese you do have the f.b.i. and the french involved in it when it comes to the forensics but certainly
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interesting we were talking to a family. earlier today their husband and father worked at those signs and actually called me around half an hour before the explosion happened they know exactly where he was and he says he's still missing they don't believe the search is continuing they're getting no information from anyone and they say what they want is an international investigation because they hold the system here inching your guest was saying that can the system be reformed well many people here think no and they believe that it can only be an international best occasion that gets real answers as to what happened here and who is responsible even in its current form the investigation is multi-agency multi country but 2 points point number one who's pushing it who's driving the investigation in point number 2 how is that going to the people of beirut. guess what it's led by the lebanese it took a while to appoint a judge who seemed to be acceptable. to all sides which again a lot of people here would tell you that they were looking for someone who is going
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to be less independent people who are calling for an independent investigation peter because they've lost faith in the elites in the system in the system that has been so entrenched here for decades and that's basically you know they blame this as the symbol really of what's endemic here corruption mismanagement negligence i mean we saw the protest movement you and i spoke back in october when people were protesting against basic needs saying this is a government that doesn't even take care of the basic needs of its people it doesn't remove sewage it doesn't provide us with 24 hour elektra city it doesn't provide us with clean water it doesn't do anything that in the elected government needs to do it's only more concerned with lighting its pockets and the catastrophic explosion that used to happen here again allowing that amount of explosive material to be stored in the middle of a heavily populated capital me you've seen the pictures over the last 2 weeks and just looking behind the camera it is a gallant sort of a city it is a broken people the people i've been speaking to just
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a. i've been here the last couple of days will tell you this time it's different we are strong we've been peaceable rulers nations but this time the explosion came into our home unexpected one woman who lost her husband said you know it came in our happiness it took our souls another month. of diving here in the days after the explosion said nothing is going to change it's simply going to continue he said but again this is different we've all been traumatized he says i think you see next to the same people see an accident of lebanese wanting to leave the country because they've never seen anything like this before a lot of people have hope that anything is going to change anytime soon what's happened in city peter's been catastrophic it's going to take billions of dollars to rebuild it's an economy that was already people most of their life savings you had that you have corona on the rise it is it's a very sad situation here at the moment people not very hopeful. stephanie thank you step back there i correspond reporting live from beirut now to breaking news
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out of mali where there are reports of a military mutiny soldiers have taken off in the town of county that's about 15 kilometers from the capital bamako we're hearing that senior ministers and army officials have been held but it's not clear by whom president abraham. has been taken to a safe location there are also reports of heavy military presence near the radio station and the airports let's go live now to our correspondent. who's following the developments from nigeria's capital. do we know where the president is and is he safe. well basically what we hear is that the president and his son karim have been taken to the united nations missions in mali in mali and where they're being accommodated for the time being and from indications they're safe would be nice but on the streets of the macaw things off
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well we. saw of the military there's no more gunfire over the last one hour or so but the mutineers out on the streets controlling movements there see heavy military presence on the radio stations broadcaster or r.t.m. and some witnesses are talking about military presence also at the airport now already reactions coming in from different parts of west africa and beyond what for the 1st time since events started unfolding in bomber coat today the regional bloc they could have a community of west african states said recognize that they has been a mutiny in bamako has been a mutiny in mali and he's asking the soldiers to return to the barracks however it's not clear whether the u.s. will take heed what we're seeing also on the independence square venue of regular demonstrations by opposition supporters. there is
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a large gathering of young men and women protesting who've been protesting against president abram but what kind of kids are asking him to leave they are there. in solidarity with the muted yes that's what we hear for now and so far many people civil servants have been asked to go home and the markets and shops talking to close ok. for us here on the news many thanks let's bring in susanna wing she's an expert on mali and associate professor of political science at haverford college in pennsylvania and she joins us from there suzanne a great to have you back on the news hour again is this a coup or is it something less than that because if you haven't got troops on the streets of the capital bamako and if you haven't taken state run radio state run t.v. it doesn't feel like it's getting any place particularly fast. well you're right to point to the national television control of the national television as being
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a marker of a coup honestly we don't know yet we don't have enough news in terms of the control that the so-called mutineers have you known this reporting that i've just heard is the 1st time that i've heard that in fact it's been confirmed that there's a connection between those outside of the wire to am and mutiny in katty and so we're really all just watching to see how this doesn't fold and. and we'll say will this please the protesters that we've seen on the streets over recent days and weeks. well i think that is exactly at the last 2 months we've had massive mobilization of the population in bomber co. and without the backing of the military it's unlikely that there would have been any transition but of course if there is a mutiny if there's something going on in kutty and their soldiers who are about to
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take over the national radio and television station then yes those who have been demanding the president step down will certainly be pleased at this turn of events because as long as the president controls the actions of the military it's unlikely that there would be any real governmental change but if that has shifted then those who've been demanding a big step down are probably certainly feeling positive this morning do you think right now probably as we speak the president is talking to senior members of the military if he can and his calculation will be look they've gone for this place 15 kilometers away they haven't tried to take the capital they haven't tried to take the presidential compound so maybe i can push back but he's got to rely on having the support of a big percentage of the military. well that's absolutely right you know in 2012
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when there was the coup that took place and janet it began in kutty and so. the president absolutely needs to get the military back on his side and backing him we have no idea how large a movement this is within the military it could be a small number or it could really be the top brass all the way down and so all we can do is wait and see but the president absolutely needs to have the top brass of the military behind him and able to control the rest of. the military and without that you know he's going to be hunkering down and and then we'll see what happens ok i suspect we'll talk over the coming hours or days but in the meantime suzanna wing many thanks thanks for having me. now the top story to europe for the government's ability to submit some police have resigned as pressure grows on the
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president alexander lukashenko to go as well more workers are also on strike to the delight of the demonstrators was. how they say last week's presidential election was rigged from the perfectly detailed opposition leader surrogates accounts cry of supporters rallied outside the prison where he's been held since the month of may start boston has more now from the capital city minsk. here at the k.g.b. prison in the center of minsk. you cannot presumably be held but some reports say that he was brought away from this prison to another because some people have been gathering here for his birthday which is today. is the husband of for the main opposition candidates for the planet the kind of guy who also had a message for his birthday but that message was directed at the government. this blatant injustice and lawlessness demonstrates how this decaying system works the
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system where one man controls everything one man has been holding this country in fear for 26 years already one man stole from belorussians their choice my husband asked me to pass you his words he and other political prisoners are wasting their time in jail he asks you not to waste your time not to sit still but to do everything possible in order to live in a country for life happy birthday sergey while protests and strikes are still ongoing and valorous is also increasing diplomatic russia. the european leaders. are well mcallen have been in touch with put in. interesting lead they have been calling him and not look at shanker that means that putin is increasingly turning into a mediator and even possibly a kingmaker in the situation and the future in the balance of course for russia it's very important that the bellows is not too much under the influence of the
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european union or nato even so there's a key role for moscow here but it's also very questionable if put in a still willing to to back a look at shanghai was on the increasing pressure to resign and who has lost so much support in the last couple of weeks so another solution could be in the making to look at the not or a less toxic leader here in. which is agreeable to the european union and also to moscow. the former us 1st lady michelle obama has delivered a passionate condemnation of the u.s. president on the trumpeter on the opening night of the democratic national convention the party put on a show of unity as it prepares to officially named joe biden as his nominee to take
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on trump in november's presidential election alan fischer begins our coverage from washington. a moment of american political history the 1st but chill presidential convention the democrats gaveling to order online large gatherings cast aside because of covert but a party torn by infighting 4 years ago this was about presenting a united front it's not easy to unite the democratic party were rydberg his group joe biden's pulled it off so on the 1st night the man many thought would secure the nomination this time around bernie sanders or to his supporters to backbiting in response to the unprecedented crises we face we need and unprecedented response a movement like never before of people who are prepared to stand up and fight for democracy and decency and against greed oligarchy and bigotry a huge technical team spread around the country dialed in reactions trying to make
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it feel more familiar and there were moments that will go viral every single. brings. to special plays for me there are still celebrity appearances musical breaks and in this project and moment cross party endorsement america is at the junkie sick the former ohio governor who ran for the republican nomination 4 years ago giving his support to the party he spent a lifetime campaigning against and no one person or party has all the answers but what we do know is that we can do better than what we've been seeing today for sure and i know that joe biden with his experience and his wisdom in his decency can bring us together to help us find that better way the job is hard then the keynote speaker for the evening former 1st lady michelle obama a woman who says she hates politics delivering a scathing assessment of 4 years of trump donald trump is the wrong president for
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our country he has had more than enough time to prove. that he can do the job but he is clearly in over his head he cannot meet this moment he simply cannot be who we need him to be for us it is what it is. will hit the campaign trail again during the democratic convention determined to grab the headlines as the democrats try to highlight what they see as his feelings of his time in office alan fischer al-jazeera washington but now it's the white house and our correspondent there has ever kimberly how could kimberly hi there what else is mr trump saying about the d.n.c. . well he's continuing his counter-programming on twitter he said and really fired back directly at the very popular former 1st lady michelle obama suggesting that he would not be in the white house at all if it weren't for the
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fact that rock obama in his view had not done a very good job for 8 years he also noted that there was a rather an enthusiastic endorsement by barack obama the former president when it comes to his vice president joe biden who now of course is running to win the white house in 2020 so this is really something that has been consistent with donald trump what he is doing is sort of painting an apocalyptic future if the democrats take control of the white house and in fact that's a message that he is taking on too were once again all following his midwest tour on monday he's now going to arizona a very competitive battleground state as well as an i.o.i. to continue to sell his message to the american voter on the senate intelligence committee has now put the final parts of its russia interference investigation take us through the. here this is the 5th and final chapter of the very long
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russia investigation into whether there was collusion between donald trump's 2016 presidential campaign and russia not a lot of big surprises in this given the fact that they've is kind of the 5th report that we've had on this it once again backs up the claim by donald trump that there was no collusion between his campaign and russia having said that there are once again extensive ties drawn though between some of the members of his campaign and russian government officials and what this is going to do and democrats have seized on this particularly chuck schumer in the republican controlled senate he is of course the top democrat is once again is playing the seed of doubt in americans minds about the legitimacy of the trump presidency it also is underscoring once again what the intelligence agencies have said all along that lattimer putin and russia sought to deliberately undermine american democracy in 2016 and are seeking to do so again along with the help allegedly according to this report of iran and
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also china ok we'll leave it there thank you so much can be healthy at the white house correspondent. staying in the states the women's rights activist who played a pivotal role in the u.s. suffrage movement to meet hundreds will be pardoned by president double trump susan b. anthony was arrested for voting in 872 in violation of laws that allowed only men to cost a vote she was fined $100.00 but the case brought national attention to the women's movement a rocket attack on independence day in afghanistan has killed at least 3 people including a child at least one rocket landed near the main diplomatic district in the capital kabul is not yet known to find at the. gaza's only power station has shut down threatening more electricity cuts for nearly $2000000.00 palestinians israel close the border to cut off imports of diesel which fuels the station it supplies a 3rd of gaza's power needs the israeli restriction is one of several in response
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to a century balloon launches and rocket fire from the proceeds strip run by hamas are a force that has more now from west jerusalem on the potential impact that would mean that the amount of electricity being supplied would be reduced to just 3 or 4 hours on and then up to 16 hours off so that is something that affects of course the whole industry and society will affect some 2000000 people are also talking about the impact on sewage treatment but that will have to end and it will mean a return to pumping last amounts to rule sewage straight out into the mediterranean of the time of course in high summer when people do use garza's beaches as a bit of a respite from the heat and the immunity and this is all tied to the recent rising tensions which is included rocket attacks which is included those incendiary balloons and overnight a 7th straight night of israeli airstrikes on gaza israel saying it targeted underground targets infrastructure belonging to hamas that has been attempts to
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mediate an egyptian delegation was inside gaza on monday they returned to israel with a series of demands from hamas including help with infrastructure projects allowing more material into the strip allowing workers once again to go out and work inside israel those that of course has been shut down by coronavirus addictions among other things and so much now depends on how that egyptian mediation goes. the pakistani taliban has reunited with 2 factions who previously broke away the consolidation comes as the army hill successes in cracking down on the armed groups col hyder has more now from islamabad. it's very good taliban pakistan had made an announcement that 2 major plane terror groups which had party where you read the t.t.p. were back in the mainstream now the announcement was also made by your model r.r.
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which was implicated and held responsible for the deadly attack on army public olympic showered grantee 14 which was condemned at the time by the leader of the technique a taliban pakistan however it was an attempt to send a message that they were still strong after they had been driven out of pakistan's tribal territories and out of court included several. operations by the pakistani military to drive out the good taliban pockets on other cards as well as other various groups operating from their tribal territory along the afghan border the t.t.p. in afghanistan got to introduce. some of the leaders that were trying to reunite succeeded in bringing back jim you. back into the fold of the t.t.p.
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and their bold. took early june to move to the new delhi masood who is the lives of the t.t.c. and the announcement that i read in the press was that they really tried to home as much as they can the government of pakistan now of course it will be seen as symbolism specially after time when the united states is close to our daily with the afghan. dollar bond palin run a reality. in the american dream and to resign to. win tonight. there'd be a would not now of the un has gone far to be used by anyone against america or in any other country dollar bond on the other hand i've already made it quite clear that if they come back into power. on our dollar bond markets can
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grow again. meanwhile a stalled peace process will restart with another round of negotiations between the government and fights is there more than 20 armed groups have been demanding independence for decades now when hey look so why progress is proving difficult in many remote mountainous areas of me and my rebel soldiers are in control here on the border with thailand the qur'an national liberation army has been in charge since 1949 when it took up arms against the government in a fight for self-determination. we demand that all ethnic groups to me amal have equal rights we want harmony not conflict but we haven't achieved our goals for the qur'an people. that's a sentiment echoed by many armed organizations and me and mom who are fighting all negotiating for a federal political system and with it greater rights for their people when the national league for democracy party won the 2015 election its leader aung san suu
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kyi said peace was her top priority but after 3 rounds of talks little has been achieved. here it is just the movie river that separates me from thailand and over the years tens of thousands of qur'an and other ethnic minorities have come across this border to escape the fighting which in some places shows little sign of ending despite the existence of a so-called nationwide cease fire agreement. so-called because fighting continues in several areas the worst is in rakhine state in the country's west where the our economy has been involved in regular battles with the me and my military the government has designated the rebels as a terrorist group and they won't be invited to the talks for those who do attend experts say there is little hope of any major developments because government negotiators don't have the expertise to get the job done 'd.
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it will be less. frustrated by a lack of progress the qur'an fighters withdrew from the process almost 2 years ago . have decided to rejoin but they're not hopeful suchi can deliver what they want. we're all we need she has been in office for years but the hopes of the ethnic groups in me amar have not come true so we have to stay in the battle field and be prepared. this round of negotiations is likely to be largely symbolic and designed to ensure the process continues after the general election in november meaning the long wait for permanent peace will go on wayne hay al jazeera on the time me and my border major earthquake struck the central philippines killing one person and injuring dozens province was the epicenter of the magnitude 6.5 tremor one family was trapped in the rubble of their home when it collapsed cracks
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appeared in roads and scattered streets there was no tsunami warning but aftershocks are expected. south africa is easing coronavirus restrictions in an effort to revive its economy one survey found the break cause more than $3000000.00 job losses only essential workers were allowed to leave their homes when one of the world's strictest lock downs was imposed in march nationwide travel is allowed and the ban on alcohol and cigarettes is being lifted for me to miller is in soweto with more. we are the street and so we're told this is one of johannesburg's most popular tourist attractions this is a street that was once home to the former president nelson mandela as well as archbishop desmond tutu and for that reason both local and international tourists visit this area because of the historical significance but right now it's deserted following the lockdown people here say they have not seen tourists in months and
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even those of africa is now easing those restrictions now officially moving to level 2 where people can be in public spaces where people can also move across the country and visit places like this it's going to take some time before people here see the benefits we've spoken to a call card who says that he relies solely on the income he gets from looking after cars in this area because there are no visitors there's no income restaurants are quiet and there is concern here that it will take some time to see any changes so that rika is also unbanned alcohol for several months now during the lockdown the government had said that alcohol could not be consumed in public places it couldn't be sold and this severely impacted the restaurant trade some restraint saying that they had a trading capacity of not more than 40 percent now the concern from the government is the impact on the economy in previous months president i had said that he had to
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look he would wanted investment of up to $100000000000.00 for south africa over the next 5 years that plan is of course been put on the back burner because of the lockdown people here talk about losing jobs and the tourism industry the hospitality sector has been severely impacted the minister of tourism has said that potentially 400000 jobs could be lost people here are hoping that the easing of restrictions will reinvigorate the economy and that people here people here may not lose their jobs. all the sports news including a football team that was founded barely a decade ago is now within sight of the champions league final and d.c. in 60 seconds.
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rule. over. the. world. time for sports here's andy thank you so much pace or power sanjay man and i'll be live sigar inside of a 1st ever appearance in the champions league final the same face each other in portugal for a place in european football's biggest club game since being bought by qatar sports investments in 2011 peers g have dominated the french domestic game but have failed to replicate their success in europe paris is the sports correspondent for the associated press he says under pressure to not only beat their german opponents but win the whole competition parasitism and this is really the place where they have to prove themselves they've won the domestic travel in 4 out of the last 6 seasons
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but the haven't made it to the champ was li semifinals in that time nor in the decade almost on bachata ownership with all that money spent on the likes of and back pay and neymar in fact it's been 25 years since parasangs amount of made it into the champions league semifinal that was a time when like they didn't even exist they were only founded in 2009 when the red bull ownership took over the license for 50 club but it's been a turbo charged ascent since then they reached the business leader in 2016 and now here they are for the 1st time in the knockout stage all the way through to the semifinals and they've beaten some big teams on the way they knocked out former finalist tottenham and i thought let it go madrid. blobby leipsic have the youngest team and coach left in the competition jillian michaels man still only $33.00 in the german it's already been a top level manager for 5 years. happy that i'm the youngest coach ever reached the same if i was will be happy if i am the youngest guy on his coach to ever win the
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title in a generous league. i'd like to work with young guys and seen against at least get that little that we are a young team who is grateful able to attack who are able to. marshal on 90 minutes and always want to score goals and perhaps it's a bit easier with younger guys than with all the guys. well the opening match of the new french season has been postponed due to an outbreak of coverage 19 cases amar saved saying it's confirmed for positive cases ahead of their opener against the match was due to kick off on friday behind closed doors as of now the rest of the fixtures still going ahead as planned. are running champions league has got off to a winning start in the n.b.a. playoffs some of their championship rivals also are impressed as a helmet reports i've enjoyed the defense has been on display it's the moment every bosky ball fan waits for the start of the n.b.a. playoffs. while the surroundings might be different with there being no live crowd because of the pandemic what remains the same from last year at the very least is
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that the trying to raptors are looking difficult to beat that shot seemed to be the reigning champions got off to a winning start with a big victory over the brooklyn nets 63 they beat them 134-2112 take a one nothing seriously sticks the 3. heart. out. for another one of the top teams in the east the boston celtics also got off to a good start just to see jason tatum put in a big performance double doubling with 13 rebounds and 32 points as they put down the philadelphia 76 ers in 10921012. figure out that it. was going to be aggressive. this.
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pieces. despite losing their last 3 games before the playoffs the denver nuggets had a pretty impressive regular season overall as they captured the number 3 seed in the west. they didn't disappoint in game one against the utah jazz sealing 81352125 overtime win. fans will no fans there was definitely a sense of playoff fever as the l.a. clippers took on the dallas mavericks the clippers the 30 the most likely team to challenge the lakers in the west but they had to work hard to win their opener 29 points from franchise play acquire leonard saw them battle it out 281802110 when the clippers will need him to stay on target as they look to win their birthday ever n.b.a. championship. in the spring so he'll malik al-jazeera or bron james says he's as mentally sharp as ever heading into the l.a. lakers are playing playoff game the 35 year old aiming to win his foles and be a title with his 3rd different city like
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a finish top of the western conference taking on the portland trail blazers not i'm all. right i'm all about in our practice so i'm not prepared to be at staples more with our fans oh. my what a lot of things that's essential to my every day regimen so that's was different as far as mentally. that's always going to be short and the winter games in new zealand the usually the 1st world cup of ends of the season for freestyle skiing is all very different this year international competitors unable to compete utes coronavirus started having 700 athletes from more than 40 countries this time outs as a concept featuring only new zealand's best skiers and snowboarders. or that is how your sports is looking for it thank you very much andy we'll see you very soon when we come back on the other side of the break we'll get the very latest on those 2 jewel stories happening right now with beirut to the lebanese capital i'll see
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you in 2 minutes. and. when the news breaks on the story it's obvious that says i'm going to write about this explosion when people who need to be hugged. we will watch and the story needs to be told al-jazeera has teams on the ground a major challenge. giving it away for a control to bring you more reward winning documentaries and live news. on air and online. when
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a mining company struck gold the local community was promised a glittering future. but their dreams quickly tarnished. their farmland decimated and their pride assaulted the mind soon closed down the impoverished community and left searching for answers no gold for casaca witness on al-jazeera. stories of life. and inspiration. a series of short documentaries from around the world. that celebrate the human spirit. against the odds. al-jazeera selects palestinians. every generation has
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a higher purpose. ours is to say hello. celine jimmy the lead suspects in the 2005 bombing that killed the former prime minister of lebanon on ruffy called hariri has been found guilty. reacting to the ruling hariri son says now the truth is known justice must be done. everybody's expectation was much higher than what came out but i believe that that tribe you and that came out.
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