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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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comes the youth it stretches far why. this is al jazeera. i know i'm not matheson and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes i can't for. the souls of 51 and. their only crime. off their relatives and survivors recount the heart of last year's massacre at 2 mosques in new zealand prosecutors say the white supremacist gunman planned to cause maximum carnage. to members of the opposition
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coordination council are detained in belo loose a day after one of the biggest protests against president look at. my pump a 0 expresses hope that other arab states will follow the u.a.e. and establishing diplomatic ties with israel as he kicks off a middle east tour. buses of mining giant rio tinto lose their bonuses over the destruction of sacred aboriginal sites and this trail but critics say it's an empty gesture. i'm going to go with the sports as bind me to becoming european champions for a 6 time with victory of a paris century man in the champions league final. the gunman who murdered 51 people at 2 mosques in new zealand last year has faced survivors of his attacks in a courtroom day one of brunn's in town sentencing has begun with harboring accounts
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from survivors and families of some of the victims talent has already pleaded guilty to dozens of charges it could be handed new zealand's 1st life sentence without parole when he reports under heavy security brinton terrence was flown by the new zealand air force back to christchurch the city where he inflicted so much pain on so many since the attack the australian has been held in a maximum security prison in oakland where once the sentences handed down he's likely to spend the rest of his life there was also tight security at the court with terence will sit for the next few days facing and listening to the victims and their family members. but. he will always be the light of our lives and we will. her son was one of 44 people killed during friday prayers at the el nor mosque
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where terence began his assault armed with 6 high powered guns he then drove across town to the lynwood mosque and killed 7 more before he was arrested he streamed the attacks on the internet and did earlier uploaded a manifesto detailing his obsession with white supremacy and his hatred of muslims the court heard he wanted to inflict as many fatalities as possible and burn down the mosques afterwards he'd studied to floor plans in advance and targeted the mosques when he knew they would be busy the planes timed entry was to ensure the mix of the number of wishes would be present if in that analyze the mosque layouts to determine likely exit routes fleeing which was what you said last. survivor spoke of his failure to achieve his goal of spreading hate and sowing divisions oh . we come more. from the. former. after
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a surprise guilty plea in march terran sentencing was delayed because of coronavirus restrictions despite the lack of a trial the judge said he wanted those affected to have their say in court to help bring finale and closure that painful process is under way and a sentence is likely to be handed down on thursday when hey al jazeera praveen men on his beauty for thomson reuters new zealand who's following the proceedings he says there's been a stream of support for survivors. these attacks were approached a very good differently by news in a moment this happened there was an outpouring of grief. led by the prime minister just another herself and that the re action from the community has been more of supporting. people who actually lost loved ones or victims of this attack and it it was a wake up call for that for the country and and the prime minister has said it was
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so that you know things are not perfect here but there is an effort now to world changing things it's opened the country's eyes towards racism towards islam of all the others will turn out all the and you know there is there is now acceptance of this as as you say as you saw it even in you know today on social media there was a lot of pouring in support coming from people who were actually going to these statements or the muslim community themselves people coming out and showing their support in different ways so it although the intention of the attack was to divide 8 i actually the opposite has happened here is. 2 members of the opposition coordination council have been detained in bello reuss it comes a day after one of the biggest anti-government protests in the country's modern history despite a military deployment on the streets of the capital around $200000.00 people turned
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out to demand president alexander lukashenko resigns they say he returned the election this month. ok let's cross over to moscow xander starting over scott why as a journalist based in the russian capital she is joining us live given everything that was happening in belarus yesterday on sunday alexandra how do we think that moscow and russia is viewing what's going on in the country. well moscow and russia specifically are clearly siding with local schenkel. russian president's press secretary today had a press conference his regular press conference in which he said that it is good that the protesters didn't provoke the police and that it should stay that way but at the same time he was he was also saying that that russia for instance has more appeal to the politicians who are for friendly relations with
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russia then to the coordination or council which they view as opposite of that so something that wants to spoil this relations he again called that there should not be any foreign interference in russian things that when it comes to that he was asked about of the violence against the protesters and he said that russia doesn't intend to interfere in that that is something that is of internal affairs of the bell russia alexander also one of the things that russia is closely watching i would imagine is what actions being taken by countries around the rooms because that if there was any sense that there was any attempt by other countries neighboring brothers to move into bella ruse that would give russia a reason to take action itself but as far as we can tell there is no action from nato lithuania poland or any other country so one would assume that russia is basically sitting on the sidelines watching to see what is going to happen is russia really interested in taking military action inside the us.
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well as you pointed out despite of what screaming there is no movement around belorussia so there wouldn't be any reason legally for russia to interfere neither on the on the line or for the good or this state a union state between russia and belarus but russia is not really sitting on the side that we could hear from mr lavrov that they stepped even more boldly basically supporting look at franco and we heard the same lines we could hear about ukraine in 2013 and 14 the dead allegedly there was some program of the kind of which basically pushes that now disappeared but basically pushes all the buttons like removing the russian language going towards nato and e.u. well russia is a very important state for russia it's the only state left on its western border
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that is neither a member nor strives to be in e.u. or a nato so russia wants to keep it that way for them it is important today they denied that they have any contacts with the belorussian opposition or anyone in belarus but that could be the way of of keeping not to say control but keeping things as they are if they would find the son belorussian politician which would want to develop further friendly relations with russia and then the support him for now they are supporting basically look i shan't call that's why they are commenting in that way on the violence against the protesters saying it's their things it's belorussia things they should clear it there and the triangle should actually have a wide dialogue with people but apparently that does not include corgan ational council of opposition and of course we're hearing about these 2 nations council
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members who are being detained do we know any more about who they are and what impact that might have on the council and the opposition itself and the loose. what happened is that the 1st were detained the companion manager of the and another credential council member who easily that are of the strikes in means that our factory they were anything in front of this means that after effect through the coordination council said this is attempts to criminalize the work of the commission or council which basically is assuring the peaceful transition of power later in the day to other strike leaders of 2 other very big plants in belarus so we're also detained another member of the coronation council has been invited to be to report himself to the police tomorrow as witness it says for the case of creating coordination council so what they're saying the credentials of opposition
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get them to criminalize that work well it does look like that at the same time what they think and what they stated is that the government will question call will have to engage in dialogue will then that they don't have any other option they think and that what look at schenkel was doing yesterday walking armed and his son in full gear and also armed and showing the muscle they think actually that's to be a sign of his fear of the street protests and of what people have to say about the elections and he's so far all the journalists on existence on the loose and growth . in the russian capital telling us what the situation is in both moscow but also in the center thank you very much indeed. a serious warning signs are meeting again for u.n. back talks in geneva to find a way to end the country's devastating 9 years civil war the weeklong gathering is
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going to host delegations from the syrian government the opposition and civil society iran russia turkey and the u.s. are expected to be on the sidelines the meeting is the 1st of its kind in 9 months after the coronavirus pandemic derailed previous talks. and power is gradually being restored in syria after a major gas pipeline explosion left large parts of the country without electricity firefighters have now put out the blaze in the out of gas line northeast of the capital damascus this was the scene a few hours ago there are no details yet on what may have caused the explosion but the oil minister is suggesting it could be an act of terror well let's take a closer look at where the blast happened 1200 kilometers out of gas pipeline delivers natural gas to syria from egypt and this fuels power stations in southern syria they explosion hit a section of the pipeline between the towns of odds and doom in or around 30 kilometers from damascus that caused a drastic drop in gas pressure to nearby power stations causing some to shut down
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was in the heart is monitoring the situation from beirut in neighboring lebanon and she says the question is know what caused the blast. authorities the syrian minister. in fact it was a terrorist attack he did not provide any further information he didn't point the finger at any particular group and so far there has been no claim of responsibility the area is under the control of the syrian government in fact there is no rebel presence for my own. position or it is further south in the province but even there there is a low level insurgency and it is the government which has the upper hand now of course there is still. present further east closer to the border with iraq in central theory or an area known as.
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the syrian government saying this is a terrorist attack but without providing further information talk so once again under way in solving mollies coup crisis after months of anti-government protests soldiers seized power on tuesday and arrested president. after 2 days of meetings between coup leaders and west african mediators military commanders are reported to be considering allowing him to return home the army also wants a transitional role in ruling he just is following developments from the nigerian capital abuja he's joining us live is this too early to suggest that there is some sort of breakthrough in terms of negotiations between the military leaders and the it was mediators. well since yesterday. he seems to be suggesting that it's a breakthrough although nothing concrete has been achieved and some of these areas
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of course one of the air years of sanctions imposed. its new military rulers in the aftermath of the court there the other thing is the for you to president. which of course is very important to the delegation from the economic community of west african states of course and also looking at a transition timetable. initial rumors when we walk up this morning west but the army wanted a 3 year transition period warning by the impact of what that elite statement would have on my own supporters of the coup and of course the opposition that expressed its support and appreciation of the intervention by the army the army spokesman issued a statement just a while ago denying that a 3 year transition program has been agreed upon by the ruling committee instead it said the spokesman said meeting is still continuing between the leaders and
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of course the delegation from the economic community of west african states meanwhile the delegation met with the constitutional court and discussions will continue a lot of people expected these to be a very very quick job for ecowas go in there. concessions from the new leaders and of course would be the release of political detainees now it's dragging into its 3rd day and from all indications it could probably last and to more on that how are the supporters of president. reacting to all of this. it's more like a subdued reaction a lot of them adopted a wait and see approach there is. very little they can do it exactly in the in the face of current circumstances they kind of they don't have the numbers to rise up against the new military rulers or the cool itself and of course the opposition to
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. even before the before the coming of the military was for huge that it's very very significant it registered on the minds of observers not only within mali but outside of it so that that's the situation now it's more like they are been subdued for that i'd be just reporting to us from a bruiser on the situation in mali thank you very much indeed. any more head in the news hour including. you know that. that's right that's gone testing me. donald trump is training in the polls can he revive his campaign at the republican national convention. citizenship for officials and politicians classified by the e.u. as high risk for money laundering and corruption and al jazeera investigation on the sale of passports by cyprus. and in sports milking the celebrations the japanese driver who's just won the indy 500 for a 2nd time. donald
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trump is hoping the republican national convention is going to give a boost to his reelection chances the republicans will officially nominate the president as candidates for election day in november i see trails democratic challenger joe biden and opinion polls and they haul good reports from the white house. for president large political rallies the 2020 republican national convention was supposed to be donald trump's campaign crescendo helping him cruise toward reelection in november. but kovac 19 and social distancing dash trump's plan to accept his party nomination of thousands of bag a hat wearing supporters. drops claim of creating jobs has also disappeared
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thousands of businesses have closed permanently millions of people are out of work and the stock market has seen historic gains wiped out. we did it we built the greatest economy of this to the world the now i have to do it again. you know that is. that's right that's god testing me trump blames china for not halting the virus but a majority of americans blame him for a mismanaged coronavirus response that hurt trump in the polls with weeks until the election he trails his democratic rival joe biden. problem is after 4 years in office people now know what to expect from a donald trump administration and it's really tough for people to not think about reelection or as anything other than incision about the incumbent and so i'm not sure that the playbook that works for trump and 2016 is going to work this year
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in 2020 with few new ideas some people are accusing the president of employing scare tactics to round up votes and campaign stops trump says if biden is elected taxes and crime will go up the stock market will go down but when it comes to his own campaign promises his vision isn't clear what are your top priority items for a 2nd term but one of the things that will be really great you know the word experience is still good i always say talent is more important than experience i've always said that due to the pandemic most states will allow voters to mail in ballots instead of in person voting trumps arguing with little evidence that mail in ballots are open to fraud democrats say trumps insistence people vote in person during the pandemic is an attempt to suppress the vote with both sides accusing each other of breaking the election results of the 2020 vote are uncertain will
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tropics upset if he loses as he has always said he'll see what happens on and make a determination aftermath donald trump is counting on the republican convention to inject new life into his lagging reelection bid he's planning multiple appearances before pared down crowds of supporters at a week long event that kicks off in charlotte north carolina and culminates here at the white house on thursday when trump will officially accept the republican party's presidential nomination kimberly health at al-jazeera the white house. well alan fischer is live for us. basically when our president is looking for reelection essentially it's i can give you more of the same but it's all going to be much better that doesn't seem as though from what can be saying that that is going to play very well what are the messages that we're likely to see in this convention.
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well it's interesting that the republican party doesn't have a platform for this convention normally the only out there policy details this time they've just said that they're adopting what they've said in 2016 that fits in with what donald trump said in an interview on sunday night when he was asked what his policy objectives would be for a 2nd terror and he said we will build on things we've done and do new things it's hardly a bumper sticker is it to sell to the american public so this will be a very interesting convention indeed donald trump we are told is going to speak on every single night that is unusual normally you get what we saw with the democratic convention that when the nomination is secured you hear very briefly from the candidate himself to say thank you and then trail with his big speech on the final night of the convention which this time will be thursday but donald trump is aware that he dominate this party so much saw that the slogan for this convention is
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trump 2020 the g.o.p. convention the g.o.p. being the grand old party and american shorthand for the republicans so it shows just how much he absolutely dominates republican thinking and a lot of the speakers will be his family not his sister who's been in the news over the weekend for being highly critical of donald trump but certainly 2 of his sons his daughter ivanka and also his daughter tiffany who we are told is that big fun of a lot of the policies he's done so that will be interesting to see how he speaks as well because also controversy too in that might pompei or is going to address the convention it is very very on. usual for the secretary of state to address a political convention the fact that he's doing it from jerusalem as well adds to that control for c. the republican party is saying that all costs involved now will be met by them no state department official will be involved in either the writing of this speech or
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the setting up of that address but the democrats did get a boost from what they did last week and with the thing you have to remember is back in april they decided the were going to have a virtual convention so what very quickly very tightly to deliver what they delivered which many people think what incredibly well until the middle of june the republicans were still saying that they were going to have a fool convention and so it'll be interesting to see the contrast between the 2 given that they're publicans have had less time to work on paula showing. elements of what they will deliver to the american public donald trump will be in north carolina in the next couple of hours he's going to be some of the delegates there he's going to speak to them and then of course there is as kimberly said the big set piece here at the white house on thursday we're already seeing preparations for that with army arriving the military arriving there so it is going to be a very interesting 4 days for donald trump the republicans and all of america allan
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thanks very much as you've been talking we've been seeing some of the pictures of the scene setting that's been the preparations that are going on head of that convention and of course as it moves in the next few hours we're going to come back to you for some more coverage but right now alan fischer at the white house thank you very much indeed was and was just mentioning the u.s. secretary of state might compare is in west jerusalem where he's going to give his support to a deal between israel and the united arab emirates the 2 nations agreed to normalize relations earlier this month says the move is a step towards the trumpet ministrations plan in bringing prosperity to the region . i want to come here today in part to congratulate the prime minister will travel to the emirates to meet with them and congratulate them to what's taken place here is deeply consistent with what president trump set out to do create a more stable more prosperous middle east this is a really good step in that direction economic relationship between the emirates
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opportunities for innovation and science travel between these 2 places will now be open and that's important it's important to create between israel and this arab state this opportunity so highly for us it was following the press conference and western money has more details. as you heard from from both men then was to emphasize the common interests in the region both on combating iran as they see it trying to buttress more support for the u.s. position and the israeli position to extend arms embargoes and get the snap back of the j c p o a deal in place despite the fact of course the united states pulled out of the j c p o e p o a iran deal also to talk up what has just been done between israel and the united arab emirates in terms of the normalization deal and as you heard from pump a 0 to try to to persuade more such countries to follow through to follow suit he
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will be traveling to sudan to bahrain and to the u.a.e. on this trip potentially other countries as well and for the u.s. administration it's also an opportunity to talk about what has been done so far in terms of moving the u.s. embassy to jerusalem recognizing jerusalem as israel's capital the recognition of the golan heights the recognition you just talked about as far as the united states is concerned that settlements aren't per se illegal despite the fact that as far as international law is concerned there's a broad consensus that they are it's worth noting that this is the 1st day of the republican national convention in the united states later on on monday and controversially pompei will be making a speech from here with the backdrop of jerusalem into that convention remotely that isn't something that's been done in the past by u.s. secretaries of state went on official government business abroad so that's
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potentially why he was emphasizing those points at the end of his remarks just now . 2 topical storms opposing a back to back strikes to the u.s. state of louisiana tropical storm marco is to make landfall later on monday and the governor says water won't have time to recede before tropical storm laura that is currently passing over the caribbean it's already responsible for 11 deaths there well let's go live to jay gray in new orleans in louisiana jay we're going to be talking to mutate meatier all this rubbish about laura in a couple of minutes let's talk about marco which is already closest to you what kind of preparations are going on in louisiana for this. look we're in the french quarter which is usually bustling even at this time and it's relatively empty the preparation has been a bit patchwork you've got this business which really doesn't seem that worried at all but right next door you've got another restaurant that is completely boarded up
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as you move through not only this area but the entire city you find the same situation marco expected to deliver some rain and wind not the intensity that laura has but still it's going to cause some problems in this area that's already below sea level we're going to see flooding in areas that normally flood with just the rain and now we've got this tropical system moving in and as you talked about the problem is going to be that the water will have anywhere to go before loral moves in and so it's just going to grow upon the other water that's already there and could cause some very major problems jay thanks very much indeed that's a great in new orleans in louisiana. a let's go time for a little weather here is rob mccallum we and rob just were saying they're the governor of basically saying that their water is going to have time to to recede before laura hits and that is a serious as a possibility have some better news i think but let's just follow this through i
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mean lower could be the better as the worst threat it's the biggest storm by air if you look down from space is currently sitting over cuba now lower itself only a tropical storm at the moment actually bush says marker with wind stops at the strong the risk has always been the amount of rain and potentially on the coasts the wave height and of course a storm surge not going to affect cuba very much but this is about 3 interviewees are ready to happen in haiti much the same happened in puerto rico much as they were happening in cuba at the moment so you're going to get some areas with flash flooding there will be damage is killed 11 people already that are aware of us so today lower spends its time in cuba doing much the same thing now you just saw the preparations in what was like a weapon optically bad louisiana and the reason is this marco is no longer a hurricane it's a tropical storm but actually strange beast it's had the rain sheared away from it in the last 24 hours it's gone towards florida towards about $250.00 millimeters of
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rain in the panhandle now there is still certainly rain around here but it's quite possible there are say not likely that this thing will just end up being a load of rain showers and that was the good news i was talking to rob out just now now whatever it does it is going to make it extremely wet and fairly windy along that coast of louisiana from new orleans westward most likely going to get to tuesday you've got 2 storms haven't seen 2 in the same place to go of mexico for about 60 years but the size of lower is the potential problem and of course its path is what happens during choosey and wednesday as laura gets close to the coast by this time laura may well be a category 2 or 3. erica and it's paul overlaps markers so that's an area where we have an overlap and the potential risk of double trouble. at the moment isn't particularly wet so fingers crossed you have fingers across into them of course
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we're going to be monitoring that as it progresses forward so we're going to be covering that over the next few days rob thank you very much indeed and still ahead on al-jazeera. a bombing prophecy in regional australia looking at how board a plane to deploy the 19 of course the major problem for the nation's multi $1000000000.00 overly story. back on top of the world golfer dustin johnson wins by 11 shots in boston. dreams jones and entertainments a way for people to rise above the violence around them so it's my role to give these girls a different idea that they can leave the wards of this community 3 short films show moments creates a home and family and gives hope and opportunity. a.j.
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selects on al-jazeera. his country's begin easing coronavirus restrictions scientists warn of a 2nd wave of infections. of the neighborhood and many feel the economy is be prioritised about for human life. the poll. results here the last. places we bring you the latest developments from across the globe coronavirus fund special coverage on a. or. or. or.
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you want to go to 0 mind of our top stories this hour the gunman who murdered 51 people to 2 mosques in new zealand last year has faced survivors of his attacks in a courtroom families recounted how do we experience is a brinton town sentencing hearing. to members of the opposition coordination council have been detained in belo loose it comes a day after one of the biggest anti-government protests in the country's modern history. power is gradually being restored in syria after a gas pipeline explosion left large parts without any tricity firefighters managed to put out the blaze and the out of gas line northeast of the capital damascus. 2 explosions in the southern philippines have killed at least 10 people several of those injured in the town of holo in sulu province initial reports say a homemade bomb on a motorbike exploded close to military vehicles there's been no claim of responsibility jamil and organise in manila with the latest. these particular
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explosions today happened just as cheap away from her law cathedral which was also attacked early last year by armed groups which left at least 20 people dead now that attack last year was claimed by a group linked to i say which pledged allegiance to i so though this particular attack there's been no claim of responsibility or any group owning up to this attack but local militia officers say that the 2nd bomb was actually detonated by a female suicide bomber this happens at a very difficult time at a time when just a few months ago for intel officers who were reportedly going after suspected bombers were killed at point blank range by local police officers but there is a question as to whether the killing of in the officers actually left a vacuum of critical intel operation or information needed to prevent these particular attacks today in this area of the law has a very high level of insurgency and at this week as well many are questioning the
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timing because this week there are also several change of command of the local military officers on the ground here. all disease investigative unit has found the government of cyprus sold passports to senior officials and politicians were classified as high risk for money laundering and corruption by the european union the findings of in the cyprus papers a large scale leak of documents obtained by al jazeera in a 2nd report to double davies reveals the country made millions of dollars selling citizenship violating e.u. anti corruption rules. fighting in the afghan parliament it began after the narrow election victory of mir rahman ramani the speaker of the lower house he's a former general who became businessmen. what's not been public until now is the 2 years earlier ramani paid 2 and a half $1000000.00 to buy himself and his family so-called golden passports from
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cyprus. that among 2 enough 1000 names we've seen in confidential government papers many new cypriot citizens hold official positions in countries where their original citizenship makes it difficult for them and their money to move freely around the world mohammed jimmy il c.e.o. of his family's business empire is a member of saudi arabia's general investment authority. heads his family company and sits on the saudi arabian monetary authority as an elected or appointed state representative there defined as politically exposed persons or peps on the international financial regulations definition includes relatives so tom is a pep as brother of the former lebanese prime minister najib mikati even if an individual is honest being a pap is considered a legal liability
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a risk of being corrupt or corrupting others you have to. sit in on a government contract and. mission to make decisions. and. we've identified more than 2 dozen high level political figures from russia ukraine kazakhstan china and vietnam as well as the middle east who've already paid for citizenship hussein el new ways represented the united arab emirates in foreign trade deals and moved in influential circles as a pap he now be banned from buying a cypriot passport and a tighter rules on who is fit to be a citizen nicholas norris the interior minister said cyprus was functioning in absolute transparency but he didn't explain why pep super already bought passports would be allowed to keep them separate davis al-jazeera london. more
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findings from the cyprus papers will be revealed through the week here and on al-jazeera dot com then part 3 we're going to be looking at how more than a 1000 russians have bought separate passports in the last 3 years and includes business leaders close to vladimir putin the president and those wanted for corruption fraud and money laundering that's on tuesday from $10.00 g.m.t. here on al-jazeera. zimbabwean journalists hope no no has been denied bail for the 3rd time a judge says there are no new facts water until his release general was arrested in july and charged with incitement ahead of anti-government protests president emerson has been accused of cracking down on dissent as calls grow for his resignation. the us president is hailing the authorization of an emergency plasma treatment for covert 1000 as a breakthrough and he uses the plasma of recovered patients to treat virus patients
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but there's no conclusive evidence of benefits. dr dollar is a senior scholar at johns hopkins center for health security he says the president's actions will hurt the response to the coronavirus treatment. when people recover from the crow virus they develop antibodies and what convalescent classman does is takes their blood the portion of their blood that contains those antibodies in transfused out into someone who has corona virus and those antibodies help to neutralize the virus help them recover quicker and this is something that has a lot of biological possibility but we do not yet know whether this works because we don't have randomized control data to show that it is definitively beneficial i believe the president's move will hurt the medical community we were able to get convalescent plasma i've given it to every patient that i needed to give it to i've had no problems giving it to them under expanded use with the f.d.a. what the president's move does is makes it very unlikely that we'll get a randomized controlled trial result so we may end up in the end not knowing
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whether or not this worked or not nets not how we want to do medicine we don't want politics to be injected into the f.d.a. decisions we every time the president has intervened in this pandemic it isn't it is actually hurt the response of the pandemic so we saw it as a hydroxy clark and we don't want to repeat of this this is actually something that there is a promising signal here and we want to know exactly when to give it and who to give it and the only way we're going to know that is through rigorous randomized controlled trials and this is going to discourage people from enrolling in the trials because the president has now and put his finger on the scale so to speak hong kong is joining the global race for the coronavirus vaccine and voluntary mass testing is being launched next month to combat what's seen as the 3rd wave of infections medical experts from mainland china reviving to help but they're not welcomed by everyone they go public reports hong kong's latest outbreak with the worst and most widespread prompting the government to impose its fix to social distancing measures here it's proved effective for now but according to the medical
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community here this will not be the last way for the city when i think ours is a very smart virus so is behaving more and more like influenza. so is likely to be staying with us for a long story and the way to combat this virus will be by vaccination dr ivan hung is a very religious treating coronavirus patients at one of the city's main hospitals and is working with the university of hong kong to develop a vaccine hopefully our own vaccine will be able to go into phase one in the coming november and the vaccine will be inhaling vaccine it's still in the early stages of development but at least 5 chinese companies are already in phase 3 of clinical trials that's the last stage of testing required for approval which means they could introduce a vaccine for public use early next year for now hong kong's government believes mass testing is the best way to control the spread of the virus or in the past
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month we've been the only hong kong profitable or trade to be appointed by the whole government for mass community testing so in the past month we've already done 200000 tests and we will continue that with the high cluster areas danny and is the c.e.o. and co-founder of primitives it's one of 5 companies unlisted to help with mass testing set to begin next month kinetics will continue to focus on high risk clusters all the other 4 companies all subsidiaries of mainland chinese firms who spearheaded the voluntary testing dr hong kong government wants to test at least 5000000 people and about 2 weeks a team of about 60 experts from mainland china that will be leading the process that along with the fact that the majority of the companies conducting the tests have links across the border it's raising concern and suspicion among some groups on sunday activists and local politicians how the news conference calling on people
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here to be wary of the free government testing offered the mosque testing of hong kong government is trying to get the data from hong kong people am a prostitute targets. and so we have that. one if you wanted to or even stand to defend. the government has dismissed the claims saying that no samples will be sent to the mainland and the laboratories will not receive any personal information if you go pollen al-jazeera hong kong the chief executive of a mining company rio tinto will lose his $3500000.00 bonus of the destruction of an ancient rock formation in western australia the joke on george caves were blown up in may to expand an iron ore mine we would tend to release an internal review saying they had authority to blast the caves but neglected its own guidelines and standards the company's chairman described the destruction as
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a failure to respect the heritage of local communities where the caves are over ancestral significance to the pinnacle of. indigenous community the 46000 year old site is one of the earliest known to have been occupied by aborigines the cultural importance of your congo and was confirmed by an archaeological dig carried out just before the blast the big uncovered the oldest known example of bone tools in this trailer including one made from sharpened kangaroo bone which is 28000 years old james fitzgerald is legal counsel that the australian center for corporate responsibility he says rio tinto his management system is such that no one will be held responsible for the damage to your hunger. the company is lacking the essential top down the latest ship on these issues and so that you can go it's tragedy is unlikely to be why not it's more likely to be a hobby in the future while the current senior management is in place the strategy
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is suffers from substandard cultural heritage protection levels that's not my opinion it's being acknowledged by most governments. and. so therefore it is up to lodge and reputable companies to commit to international normative stand it's like the united nations god of principles like the united nations declaration the rights of indigenous people and to what he it's about staind it's what we have in australia at the moment is a situation where manas are enjoying and taking advantage of the substandard protection laws while trumpeting the performance under these various international standards and you know really that they've got to stop walking on both sides of the street they can either have the good standards or they can you know get away with what the law. still had on al jazeera in sport basketball action from the n.b.a. playoffs including a dramatic victory for the dallas mavericks. business
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leaders you know brass power.
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business lakers resort to find the brass power. for. sheep farmers in astray are hoping the price of wool rises before they go bankrupt over $1000.00 restrictions are just the latest disaster for the multi-billion dollar wool industry to add to the problems that are 68000000 sheep and not enough workers to share them nicola gage has the story from rural new south wales. lambing season isn't far off from the sheep and cattle farm on the plains bringing a small sense of normality to an anything but normal few years for david gergen
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he's been tested by prolonged drought then bushfires in january soon followed by coated 19 that's certainly having an impact on on everything especially the the wool market. that is is collapsing as well so and no one knows where we're heading . border and trade route closures during the penn demick have devastated process here with the markets down about 40 percent on this time last year it's also leading to a fool shortage when millions of shape need to be she he she hundreds of seasonal shears normally fly in mainly from new zealand the spam outside goldman is using local but in other parts of the country there aren't enough the government is trying to find solutions with rising unemployment can strike any educated montane the logical thing to do would be to try and move people locally to work in that
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he's happening but it's not that simple of course training takes time to a job that requires he'll and if the process is delighted he will then become an animal welfare problem. and a financial problem to the process have led to a growing still in storage but this shearing contract says for many whiting for high of processes isn't an option that money coming in i cheated by the bill. and that's one of the reverence for a lot on here then you will claim that's the mighty one of the writer incomes as trade tensions between australia and china increase with the restrictions imposed on australian beef imports as well as high tariffs on bali about 90 percent of the strike is full is currently exported to china stage processing the scene everything from clothing to carpet we both need each other we're guys have very strong and
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constructive relationships and i see no reason that chimes in the near or the distant future but the industry is also looking at diversifying with some experts concerned it relies too heavily on chinese by use for david goldman his focus is on producing world class will to keep his farm in business nicola gage al-jazeera regional new south wales that is time for the sport here's joe rob thank you by munich have clenched their 6 european title after beating paris such a man in the champions league final the german champions secured a one mil victory through former p.s.g. player kingsley comins header in the 59th minute in lisbon the win also gave spying a lucrative treble having already clinched the german cup and but just like the titles. mr ivan manages on with his i have to say that you don't just win 3 titles i benoit it was hard work i remember in november the papers wrote that no one fears this point team anymore that no one respects it and how but they are i think the
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growth in the went to sensational there is a nice saying which goes success is on the rented and the rent has to be paid every day this is something the team shows every day with the attitude on the pitch. by his fans celebrated on the streets and in cafes in munich they thanked hansie flick for leading the team to the trouble this is also the 1st time in the competitions history where the final took place without spectators because of the crying virus pandemic. well the mood is very different in paris where riot police made 158 arrests as p.s.g. fans clashed with offices france's interior minister says 16 officers were injured 12 shops attacked and 15 cars vandalized here police raided a bar to roof and we're watching the game with out where you asks also should distancing. barcelona lost out on a place in that final to buy in munich and there's been more bad news for the spanish club the new signing marilyn planets has tested positive for current virus
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the bosnian moved to bolster from your dentist as part of a deal agreed in june also say he's isolating at home and feels well but he won't be able to join them for another 15 days. well there were fears of a current a virus outbreak among n.f.l. teams with 77 positive tests reported on saturday but it now appears to be mistake by a lab in new jersey reports in the usa all 77 of them have come back negative on retest 11 teams were affected by the initial positives with some training sessions altered as a result it's not been confirmed exactly what caused the error. the n.b.a. now playoffs and the l.a. clippers thought they had done enough to the dallas mavericks they were heading they were leading with a point with seconds remaining but then this happened. thank god thank you i thank
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god an incredible finish by look at dunn chit chat scored 43 points and crucially tied up the 7 game series to each. the defending champion toronto raptors stormed into the eastern conference semifinals norman powell school 29 points as they thrashed the brooklyn nets to complete the 1st 4 game sweep in the history it was one bit of bad news with col lowery limping off with an ankle injury in the 1st quarter but the raptors are on track to defend their title. and they'll be up against the boston celtics in the 70s the celtics completed a sweep of their own against the philadelphia $76.00 ers kemba walker scored $32.00 points in game 4 and jason tatum added 28 points and 53 pounds. dustin johnson is back on top of the world go frank kings after a huge victory on the p.g.a. tour the american dominated the northern trust just outside boston to win by 11 shots finishing off the tournament with an 8 under par round of 63 he was 30 under
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overall the largest margin of victory on the p.g.a. tour since 2006 when phil mickelson won the tournament by 13 shots. is something you know i'm very proud of is to be number one in the world and you know i'd like to stay there for a little while obviously it's been jumping around a bunch of the last last few months but you know last time i think i was number one i stayed there for quite some time and you know that's another goal of mine is just you know see how are considered number one over in scotland severe pup of became the 1st german to win a women's golf major the 27 year old finished 2 strokes clear at the british open top of has battled lyme disease the 6 years she's never want to tournament before and as the world number 304 she's the lowest ranked player to ever capture a major title. i knew i was capable i just had a lot of obstacles thrown in my way and i just i'm glad i stuck with it you know i
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mean i almost quit playing well steer well thank god i did. japanese ex formula one driver tech who misato has won the indy 500 for a 2nd time. there were no fans for the 1st time in $104.00 runnings because the pandemic there were plenty of incidents out on track with cars setting on fire and several big crashes including one with just 4 laps left plenty of debris to to clear up which meant it wasn't enough time for a proper restart so the race finished under caution and started taking the checkered flag ahead of scott dixon fernando alonso finished 21st celebrated with a customary drink of milk a tradition that goes back to $956.00. as some of the world's best tennis players continue their preparations to next month's u.s. open the 2 top seeds of the western and southern open have been knocked out when the 3 carolina pisk of a crashed out to russia's veronica munto whose ranks 41st in the world
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7564 in their 2nd round match while australian open champion saffir cannon was left shocked by frenchwoman at least corny would not stop her 1st win ever top 5 play in 2 years 6176 meanwhile in the men's tournament reigning a.t.p. finals champions to final sister passed breeze through to the round of 16 in a 6163 win over kevin anderson the number 4 seed will face either john isner or john millman next. and there is one years ago until the delayed paralympics in tokyo the city multi cation by lighting up the sky tree tower in the paralympic colors with a message together we can win as a tribute to japan's health workers fighting the coronavirus turkey's governor wants the games to serve as a symbol of humankind coming together to overcome a difficult situation. all right that is all useful for now we'll have more feel later joe thanks very much indeed and that's it for me rob matheson for this news
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hour i'll be back in a moment with more on the bike. the health of humanity is at stake a global pandemic requires a global response. w.h.o. is the guardian of global health delivering life saving tools supplies and training to help the world's most found mobile people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that. working with scientists and health workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the ward and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential health services now more than ever the world needs w.h.o. making a healthier world. for everyone. mate
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maria driven by poverty into prostitution and drugs as an early age now as a mother she's turning her life around with the help of a theatre a group of colombian women fighting the challenges they face to that opt out as it was compelling series which showcases fresh film i can tell and provide around the globe the find a lot in america presents acting lessons on al-jazeera. a victim. playing his past as an instrument of pinochet's brutal dictatorship a father tries to forget. but his son's quest for answers reveals there are often 2 sides to even the darkest of stories
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witness the color of the chameleon amount is there. republicans begin the process of formally nominating donald trump as their 2020 presidential nominee. but time's democratic rival joe biden is indorsed by more than 2 dozen republican former members of congress. about this and this is 00 live from doha also coming up 3 leading opposition activists are detained in belarus a day after one of the biggest protests against president look. i can't. you get your.


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