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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  August 26, 2020 11:00am-11:34am +03

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pushing the boundaries part of the plan for most always on the love we are the while traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. in . their. protests late into the night in the u.s. city of can osha has the family of a black man shot 7 times by could be exist demands their arrest so. what he did not. but my son murdered. him commit all this is al jazeera line from doha also coming up. this president has led bold initiatives in nearly every corner of the world u.s.
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secretary of state breaks with tradition to speak in support of president trump's reelection while a broad on business. turkey says is ready to talk cover disputes in the mediterranean but it won't accept any preconditions from greece. indonesian textile workers struggling to find business best skills to making most. protesters in the u.s. city of could osha have defied a curfew for a 3rd night the demanding justice for black man jacob blake who was shot in the back by police. tear gas was fired to keep demonstrators from entering the courthouse building several buildings were set alight a state of emergency is in place with extra national guard troops deployed to the protests are going ahead despite blake's mother calling for unity and. john had
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reports from. smolders a city corrections building burnt to the ground one of 3 dozen buildings left in ruins in a single night firefighters and residents sweep up the wreckage. i am glad. protesting that i met with. the unity philip merry arrived to find the windows of his 92 year old office smashed but it was largely spared his neighbor wasn't so lucky. senseless it is. someone's property the mother of jacob blake the black man whose shooting by police set off the demonstrations says he would not approve if. you knew what was going on as far as that goes the violence and the destruction. he would
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be very pleased blake's family spoke of the latest incident of alleged police brutality captured in this viral video of an officer shooting in the back his 3 sons watching from inside the car. several pints. something. like he didn't matter but my son matters blake's attorney say he underwent surgery on tuesday and remains paralyzed from the waist down i'm not sad i'm not sorry i'm angry and i'm tired i haven't cried one time i stopped crying years ago i am numb. i have been watching police murder people that look like me for years as her family struggles with what
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happened so does a battered city while police were protecting government buildings the looters came here to be uptown neighborhood and they fire bombed and looted each of the stores for a couple of blocks until they got here to kingdom word ministries that's where david my gomery is pastor actually we had somebody actually take a. big large rock and throw it to the window and we started yelling hey this is a church marriage several people say you don't touch a church you know now one of the firemen said a pastor it looks like your building is going to be the only thing to say you know it's just a miracle from god one building salvaged amid dozens of burnt out holes and more broken hearts john hendren al-jazeera konoha wisconsin. u.s. president donald trump 1st lady madonna and secretary of state was because on day 2
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of the republican national convention breaking with decades of press and the 1st lady spoke from the white house rose garden recorded his address while on a diplomatic mission i was house correspondent complete help that has more. explore together. america it was a night billed as a tribute to the great american story and the people empowered to succeed by president trump's policies many of those stories appeared to be produced by the former reality t.v. star himself breaking with precedent that presidential candidates lay low until the final night at the convention trump appeared 3 times granted john i'm not sure you know those a full pardon he issued a presidential pardon restoring the rights of a bank robber who has made it his mission to improve the lives of convicts and repeat after me in another made for t.v.
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moment trauma corporative as citizenship ceremony into the program to reach out to voters of color touting his push for legal immigration breaking with tradition secretary of state mike pompei appeared from west jerusalem while on official government business despite telling his own diplomatic corps weeks earlier that overt partisan politics violated u.s. law he told voters only president trump will keep american freedoms intact because president trump has put his america 1st vision into action it may not have made him popular in every foreign capital but it's worked the 2nd night of the republican national convention remained a family affair as it had the night earlier to more of trump's children spoke his son eric and daughter tiffany railed against the media coverage of their father people must recognize that our thoughts are pinions and even the choice of who we
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are voting for may and are being manipulated and visibly coerced by the media and tech giants. but it was 1st lady malani a trump who delivered tuesday evenings marquee address making an appeal to women voters to say. porter husband she outlined the challenges he needs to overcome from racial unrest to tens of thousands of americans dead from cope with 19 i know many people anxious and some feel helpless. i want you to know you're not alone. my husband's administration will not stop fighting until there is an effective treatment or vaccine available to everyone indeed the 1st lady was one of the few speakers at the republican national convention to acknowledge the personal devastation and heartbreak that americans have faced during the pandemic it's
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a pandemic many blame president trump for not doing more to stop it's a narrative he may not be able to overcome with just 10 weeks until the election kimberly help at al jazeera the white house. these are israeli rather military says some of its aircraft are fired at several posts belonging to the iran bank lebanese group hezbollah and response to shots fired from lebanon the israeli military had said it had identified a security incident and ordered people to stay in their homes no injuries were reported last month israel said has block tried to infiltrate a northern border area which the group denied. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is sending a senior delegation to the united arab emirates next week on the country's 1st direct commercial flight to the gulf states the 2 nations agreed to normalize ties as part of a u.s. brokered do you u.a.e. was earlier reported to have called off the meeting netanyahu opposed the sale of u.s. builds f. 35 fine to jets to the. turkey says it's open to dialogue with greece of the
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disputed oil and gas resources in the mediterranean but without preconditions greece is also signaled it's ready for talks the 2 sides blame each other for the dispute despite diplomatic efforts by the e.u. to find a resolution so that reports from istanbul. turkey and greek warships on alert tensions are high as the 2 countries have been locked in a dispute for weeks of a maritime boundary is that offshore rights. germany for its part is trying to mediate a dispute between the neighbors and nato a life as foreign minister hike of last conducting shuttle diplomacy between athens and ancora earlier on to say most wonderful passible catastrophic in the region. of what we urgently need are visible steps towards the escalation and a genuine readiness for dialogue i have been hearing from all sides that there is
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a willingness for dialogue and so we believe holding talks is achievable in the end a binding and peaceful solution to the eastern mediterranean dispute will only be possible if there are direct talks between greece and turkey. turkey calls greece a spoiled child who has and conditional support from the e.u. that's why and honestly you medication is necessary for dialogue your hope that only if you make statements such as we would have window rights we carry our rules we do not say we will make a mistake but we will do whatever is necessary without hesitation therefore do not get ignored by those countries act with common sense tension between the 2 neighbors speak when the turkish research facility or trace began carrying out suspect research in the eastern mediterranean the ship is being escorted by warships between quaid and cyprus where ses is stopping for a diplomatic solution but stands ready militarily. so greece will defend in
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the name of law its sovereignty and its sovereign rights greece will defend its national and european borders the sovereignty and sovereign rights of europe it does not have any other choice but to do sir. turkey's foreign minister sat athens provocator steps on the disrupt stay local between the 2 countries germany revived destination talks between senior turkish and greek offer szell's an initiative started in july but broken up by turkey several weeks later after greece announced a maritime deal with egypt earlier this month turkey says it is open to dialogue with greece only if there's a fair distribution of rights in this in mediterranean but if athens continues presenting preconditions for dialogue and doesn't give up its uncompromising approach in the region and chorus is a real conflict may become unavoidable see now because so little al-jazeera a stumble. the gunman behind new zealand's it was to mass shooting has faced
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survivors and relatives on the 3rd day of his sentencing hearing 29 year old brenton tarrant killed 51 muslim worshippers in christchurch last year he has already pleaded guilty and could be had the use in the 1st life sentence without parole. in your actions with a godless character of a person is nothing horowitz a virtue a shooting a versioning people from behind and people not having a chance of defending themselves your place of oil is someone we don't know. what to realize they're beyond the school over whom as i say they're all the same enjoying all the ins and function the same finally i'd like to tell you that we remember it but there's a scare killer. and nothing more. i want to hear is
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a voice only hear my dad's voice. my brother's voice. and terence sentencing is expected to happen on thursday morning still to come hare on al-jazeera. vowing not to give up the main batteries in all of this indeed it says protesters calls for a democratic transition it will mark the progress. and there's good news on africa's decades long battle against polio the world. hello france says that very obvious deep and completely unknown summaries storm the cause wind damage in ireland and the british isles during yesterday's now sitting in the all sea going across denmark it's you know this is a something you draw on
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a chart in the middle of winter not in late summer nevertheless it is there and it will spend the rest of the day causing flash floods and potential wind damage in the low countries northern germany denmark and southern sweden and then it's heading across towards the baltic states die if you notice of that yes even most of those doesn't warm in stockholm it's $21.00 helsinki the same is true if you're further south as well most of central southern europe is now enjoying warm sunny weather there have been a few sparky showers around the notorious spot off the coast of italy but as you can see the focus of wednesday sees very few of the ones who may be a bug area or turkey that's much the same. it is late warm sunshine if you're not in the north and europe and that late warm sunshine extends across the mediterranean to most of north africa in algeria and records too pretty warm the must be a shower or 2 in the these mountains but it's a hot 34 in robot the what is weather is further south over senekal or the gambia.
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jump into the stream and julian on global community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media on hand will online be part of the debate let me put some you tube comments to you when no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic arliss that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to be to transform lives the way he gets he way to business if we're going to adapt to climate breakout this street on al-jazeera. virtual. home.
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now watching al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour protesters in the u.s. city of can osha have defied a curfew for a 3rd night demanding justice for black man jacob black who roots blake rather who was shot 7 times by police in the back. just present donald trump the 1st lady and the secretary of state spoke on day 2 of the republican national convention and a break with tradition manami a trump spoke from the white house rose garden might appear recorded his address during a diplomatic mission. turkey agree say they are open to talks over disputes to boil and gas resources in the eastern mediterranean follows an escalation in tensions on tuesday as both sides held naval exercises. anti-government demonstrations are expected to resume later and by the roots true prominent opposition that this was jailed rival demonstration is also due to be held in support of president alexander because he's resisting calls to step down after a disputed election but
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a steadfast and reports from minsk his opponents are keeping up the pressure. so although a t for those punished protesting against the look i shankar we jean musicians are gathered at the jungle theater in minsk every day so it's our rector was sacked for supporting the protests. well more culture minister powerful up to scratch faces a criminal investigation then says this missile hits become one of the key members of the opposition council performances a cancel an access of all resigned in support of him including our like guy both was been a popular performer for decades but you. there are a lot of brezik nation leaders at the moment we are lucky we are united in stick together your parties don't know what to do with us we don't know what will happen to us next. and if i and the actors openly displayed the opposition
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flak after police took it down to the rulers the new one assumes it's impossible to work under such a regime we are heavily censored in our salary is miserable and we cannot express our opinion as a person of culture under this regime our profession makes no sense the actors joined a rally at the ministry of education with teachers also gathered to protest against lookers shankar's this beautiful reelection earlier this month he's announced that all teachers who don't share his ideology will be sacked. i've been working at the school for 35 years i've come here to declare that teaches don't agree they are very brave people because it is scary for dismissed teachers there are plans to establish private schools so they can take children and still earn money. while hundreds of teachers stage a peaceful rally police vehicles arrive some protests are scary and children shout we are not scare. was going time and in fact there is again and
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still because protesters say some things thank you for the story in spite of crisscrossed by the fact that we. made teachers taking to the streets it seems the president is increasingly alienating professionals who are the pillars of his government. fashion also have become more and more united in their fight against him and his 26 years in power step and his era. is being called an historic day for africa the world health organization declared the continent free of polio on tuesday it's been 4 years since a case of the virus was reported as a landmark in the decades long campaign one about the disease world wide amid interest reports from nigeria's capital abuja. the announcement has come too late for tens of thousands of polio victims here with paralyzed lives life gets harder
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in a country where little attention is paid to the needs of the disabled. but for parents of future generations a major source of worry is lifted completeness a success was delayed because of vaccination or stopped for years in many parts of northern nigeria. some parents said they ordered polio approx and was a birth control. bookworm attacks are another major obstacle to the immunization campaign the challenges was inaccessibility the challenges where how you deliver backs in hard to reach areas the challenges that how you gain the trust those who need the vaccine. global intervention especially by unicef and the bill and melinda gates foundation was critical in achieving success with even a session was restarted. a clear indication that no matter what the challenge is when all of humanity comes together with one dedicated propose for caused
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in all our resources to really confront whatever challenges we fade we face there we can be triumphant this is an example of crayons i guess a disease that is ancient however experts one of the threat of an outbreak remains some parents still resist immunizing their children and there is a danger of a false sense of security. officials want to take their experience in fighting poorly or further by using similar resources defeating the fall of either 6 years ago the same lessons the same resources the same front line technology is what we're using to address cope with 19 in nigeria world health organization praised nigeria success as a victory for africa but one that regular vaccinations and increased vigilance are required to defeat polio once and for all comedy greece al jazeera reporter.
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at least 70 people have died in flash floods a northern and eastern afghanistan rescue workers are trying to locate those missing and feared trapped under the rubble hundreds of homes have been destroyed over nice in part what prompts local officials say they are struggling to help those affected and have appealed for federal help. hundreds of thousands of people are being told to leave their homes on the u.s. and gulf coast as hurricane nora bears down on texas and louisiana and so on the already came at least 11 lives in the caribbean and it has just strengthened to a category 2 system but is expected to grow even stronger and it gallacher reports . all along the gulf coast they're preparing once again for the worst when tropical storm laura churned across the dominican republic in haiti it left a trail of destruction and killed at least 11 people weather system then hit cuba's southern coastline before spiraling into the warm waters of the gulf of mexico now
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a hurricane it's expected laura will strengthen potentially to a category 3 before slamming into the coasts of texas and louisiana verges the. cover up north. all open and that is around there. hopefully this pier for flooding druther parents right there are several reacted on its states of emergency have now been declared in many low lying communities as the national guard deploys troops and equipment to prepare for what could be a major hurricane both the state and no stranger to powerful storms they are in the words of the mayor of houston battle tested and ready to throw pandemic into the mix and things become more complicated many residents are being told to keep wearing masks and practicing good hygiene they're also being asked to stay with friends and relatives if they need to evacuate gathering large numbers of evacuees
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in shelters is say authorities something they'd like to avoid actually a hotel motel location is a good type of location when a back you a sion or evacuating during a pandemic remember. just because a hurricane is coming to texas does not mean that cobra 19 either has or is going to leave texas in previous years hurricanes harvey and katrina devastated the same coastlines all the cool severe flooding and killed 68 people in houston 3 years ago look at ciena claimed almost 2000 lives in new orleans in 2005 city officials say they're taking no chances paying attention this thing has been changing fairly quickly and it's still possible for to move even further east and be more of a direct hit to us hurricane laurel will make landfall late on wednesday or in the early hours of thursday morning forecasters say a period of rapid intensification is likely bringing potential storm surges of 3
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meters and winds of 170 kilometers per hour and a gallica al-jazeera. cooler weather and reduced wind speeds are helping in the battle against while 5 new us state of california 7 people have died and nearly 1500 homes have been destroyed or battles for homes. this is but a small sample of the destruction wildfires have inflicted on california one house burned to the ground cars incinerated a stone chimney the only thing left of this home scorched trees and ash blanketing the hills this is the aftermath of the lake fire that burned through this part of los angeles county more than a week ago because we had those heavy rains over the winter all of the brush had a lot of growth and so because of that heat wave it just dried all that out and one little spark could start a fire again fire officials say the lake fire is almost contained the situation is far worse in northern california where the 8000000 residents of the san francisco
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bay area are being forced to breathe extremely polluted air and are essentially surrounded by a burning ring of fire huge places have charred more than 450000 hectors but firefighters were caught. just lee optimistic about making progress in containing the blazes weather conditions have improved and lightning storms that were feared did not materialize good news we can tell you to make progress on containment we're up to 1717 percent containment of this morning with that we still have 25000 structures that are threatened by this incident and we can confirm that 330 structures have been destroyed by the fire robert macneil lost his mother to the fire burning in napa county if he was one of the most caring people that i've ever met i mean i'm hoping not i can get half of that. in my cell 70 year old marry him to my or died when she headed back to or burning
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home to retrieve her companion's wheelchair next thing you know the thing rewrapped and i went through that whole canyon and nobody had a chance 240000 people have either fled the fires or are under evacuation orders mike johnson watched helplessly as towering flames destroyed his house it's kind of hard to process and if i think too much about it. that's when you get emotional 12000 firefighters are on the front lines working long shifts in difficult dangerous conditions we're stretched thin all the way from southern california to the northern california we've already sent troops that were here fighting fire on this fire as soon as they could be released they were released and they didn't even get to go home they went straight to the fires up in northern california california's fire season started early this year it usually is at its worst in october and november so firefighters will need all their skills in in durance to stay ahead of the destruction rob reynolds al-jazeera lake hughes california.
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the outbreak of cover 19 is challenging creative industries around the world and in asia many artisans adepts to keep their businesses viable textile design isn't helping combat the pandemic by making millions of masks a day just washington reports from jakarta. this is what it takes to make indonesia's famous textiles intense concentration and an eye for detail this technique of making prints hand printing wax on dyed fabrics is called bartik is a workshop in jakarta is in a social housing complex and provides employment opportunities for the women who live here. but sales have fallen with more people staying home because of the pandemic there's less need for new clothes. and we couldn't sell any so we had to use monster truck buyers again and that's what we are focusing on it's what people need know mosques are compulsory across indonesia and traditional
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textiles producers have helped to make them more accessible for the know what i'm getting ahead of us and we have to wear masks so we need to tell the government that because we all need to take care of our health. these fabrics are usually used to make shirts or dresses but covert 19 has changed that each month this small team produces around $100.00 sheets of fabric which they turn into masks like businesses around the world they've had to adapt their practices and even their designs to stay afloat during a pandemic. designing prints for masks makes painting the designs even more difficult prints have to be smaller and more details are not the solution we used to working on more surfaces but now we are using smaller surfaces it is challenging for my eyes design a nonna has also had to adapt to the reality of life during the pandemic some weeks hope popular brand a modern take on ancient japanese fabric had no sales at all we are seeing our
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insights for what we do during the pandemic well from there i came with the ideas off. limits from celebration fresh am in 2. years and. before the pandemic dresses were the brands most popular offering these days her handmade mosques often sell out online. with cases of covert 19 rising by thousands each day in indonesia the demand for reasonable mosques is likely to grow jessica washington al-jazeera jakarta. i'm terrible with the headlines on al-jazeera protesters in the u.s. city of kendo sure have defied a curfew for a 3rd night demanding justice for a black man jacob blake who was shot 7 times in the back by products he's now
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paralyzed below the waist the state of emergency has been declared in the city extra national guard troops deployed to take a break family is appealing for peace. please. let's begin to pray for healing for our nation. we are the united states have we been united you understand what's going to happen. when we walk because house didn't give each other their. 2 are that i am praying for you. there is president donald trump the 1st lady and the secretary of state spoke on day 2 of the republican national convention and a break with tradition molony a trunk a 1st speech from the white house rose garden and my pompei recorded his address during a diplomatic mission. turkey and greece say they're open to talks over disputed oil
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and gas resources in the eastern mediterranean follows an escalation in tensions on tuesday as both sides held naval exercises. this really military says it's fired at several posts belonging to the iran backed and lebanese group hezbollah a response to shots fired from lebanon earlier the israeli military said identified a security incident and ordered people to stay in their homes. hundreds of thousands of people have been told to leave their homes on the u.s. gulf coast as hurricane nor approaches texas and louisiana it's likely to get stronger before it hits late on wednesday or has already killed at least 11 people and parts of the caribbean. those are the headlines to stay with us here on algis they're up next is the street. is the government not the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues
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we listen i still think that travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter there oh. i am from you ok if you want to change history better ways president alexander lukashenko is facing the most intense opposition since he came to power 26 years ago is what demonstrators had to say about him sunday. thank you i came out here because of the injustice and those lies lies from the media lies from the president lies from all the government organizations leading us i want change i want freedom i want to live in a free country i don't want my children to leave they live here and raise their children and help the economy of our country of starting. 2 the people's.


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