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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 26, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm +03

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giving it away at the control to bring you more reward when documentaries and light leaves. on air and online. 'd al-jazeera. hello there i am how i'm here dean and this is the al-jazeera news our live from doha coming up for you in the next 60 minutes the government of cyprus response to an al-jazeera investigation into a cash for passport scheme were convicted criminals and fugitives are among those who bought citizenship. to people are killed in the u.s. state of wisconsin injuring a 3rd night of process over the police shooting of a black man. only hear my dad's voice. my brother's
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voice emotional statements from the family members of victims of last year's most shooting in new zealand at the gunman's sentencing hearing. and flash floods in parts of afghanistan and pakistan kill more than $200.00 people dozens are still missing in. and around town how much with all the sporting clearing a record breaking night for the l.a. clippers who are now just one win away up of the n.b.a. western conference semifinals. all just serious investigative units is standing by its exclusive report which the government of saudi press is cohen propaganda the investigation focuses on a cache of confidence. documents listing 2 and
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a half 1000 people who've purchased citizenship in cyprus some of those who've obtained cypriot passports or criminals or others are seeking a safe haven away from their own governments deborah davis has this report. a meeting of presidents to discuss greater links between cyprus and china but away from the public glare hundreds of chinese have quietly paid for a personal connection aboard cypriot citizenship a few likely criminals he sanctioned by the u.s. for laundering stolen cryptocurrency others like tang yall are politically connected he's boss of a state owned energy company the chinese presence is increasingly visible in cyprus 2 and a half $1000000.00 for citizenship and a passport which can be invested in a luxury home is a modest price for china's super rich young man and i spend both have separate
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passports through her family real estate company country garden she's worth an estimated 27000000000 dollars and is often called asia's richest woman. but paying for the passport and moving assets to the island isn't straightforward because china has strong currency controls strictly speaking is all illegal very often they use hong kong as a way for getting their money out of china and there are many kuwaiti ways for doing so and they sometimes also used in macau as another way all getting money out of china another category in the cyprus papers includes those we are not naming for their own safety that applies to a woman whose relative was secretly abducted from long kong by chinese security agents and several names from saudi arabia applications for cypriot passports from
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the kingdom have increased since the rise of crown prince mohammed bin salmond like china he announced a crackdown on corruption which critics say only targets his political enemies one member of the bin laden family holds a cyprus passport their business empire has been effectively confiscated by the crown prince another is a relative of one of the hundreds of wealthy saudis detained in 2017 at the ritz carlton hotel in riyadh without charge until they paid for their release there's also a broker of the saudi foreign investment deals although still well connected a cypriot passport provides a potential refuge should the political tide. but we'll be speaking with deborah davis in just a moment but 1st here's what cypresses interior minister has said about it's the investigation. there were hearings that are going on with the media have now or the
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interior ministry has investigated all the information al-jazeera has given to the public and all the names brought up by the investigation have been looked into when they applied for the visas there were 100 percent entitled to it was no criminal record in their home countries and with there were living we investigated and there were no complaints against them from any other sources or interpol this is deliberate distortion and deception of the elements biol dizzier. well deborah davis from the investigations team is live for us tonight from london at tepper the cypriot governments of course is rejecting the findings of your investigation describing it as propaganda how do you response. well 1st of all what the ministry said is not accurate i mean we've researched all of these names very very carefully and in many cases they were wanted they did have convictions in some cases they've been under investigation for years crimes like corruption money laundering and bribery so our report is the largest leak up to date but the
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basic allegations which the secret government is not addressing have been around for a long time which is these schemes are a way for criminals and the corrupt to hide who they are where the money's coming from and the criticism has come from the e.u. from the commission from the european parliament meant corruption campaign is for several years now and that's what the separate government is still not really addressing and up or just reminds us why this report's an investigation is so important after all it's not illegal to sell citizenship in many countries do it. many countries sell residency and after many years you can then become a citizen what cyprus is one of only 3 e.u. countries to do is to quickly and easily well easy if you're rich enough sell you
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citizenship so within 6 months or so. 1000000 dollars you can buy a cypriot passport and the key thing is that the people buying this passport aren't doing it because they want to become citizens of cyprus they want a way into the rest of europe and that's what an e.u. passport gives them and that's why european politicians are so concerned it called the scheme a trojan horse a backdoor into europe for money launderers and the corrupt ok deborah davis there joining us live from london thank you very much indeed for that so bring in an m.e.p. to discuss this sophie and felt is a member of the european parliament chair of the e.u. parliamentary justice and law monitoring group and joins us now from brussels thank you very much for talking with us here on our just 0 what's your response to the al jazeera investigation in seeing the cyprus papers. well it is it's not
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surprising it's not unexpected we have seen that similar schemes in mulcher for example raise the same concerns and we have to be honest and your reporter also said that this is not about selling cypriots or maltese citizenship or any other national citizenship this is about providing access to the european union for people who are involved very often very shady business and this whole screening process is actually you know you can never even if you tell you to not the rules completely it will never be 100 percent reliable because how does that work are we going to ask the chinese authorities the russian authorities the you know to to to to to give us information that the money held by the applicant for a passport is legit i mean that's just not a very reliable source and i think the national governments have the power to
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grant citizenship but they cannot sell what is not there is any you citizenship is not theirs it belongs to all of us this is a security risk for the european union and the european parliament has repeatedly called for these schemes to be shut down and if they cannot be shut down then at least they should be regulated at european level and that's why we are putting pressure on the european commission to put forward legislative proposals that book you raise the point there yourself this is something the parliament has been calling for for quite some time of european union has had several difficulties over the past few years when it comes to the people who the e.u. wants it to be able to access it's ok if you've got 2 and a half 1000000 u.s. dollars to buy access to the european union that's not an option that's available to people who are jumping in rubber boats and risking their lives crossing the
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mediterranean this is always been an issue it's been an issue for a very very long time is the e.u. actually able to do anything about it. well the e.u. in this case no because we have no say legally no because the e.u. has no say over who gets national citizenship at the same time i think this is a political issue we have seen in the past that the e.u. the european commission the council can be extremely creative flexible when it comes to finding solutions for difficult issues for example the the famous or infamous deal with turkey for receiving refugees for which mr erdogan got paid 6000000000 euros. there was no legal basis for that arrangement and yet it exists so if the political will is there anything can be done we are going to look into it to all the possible legal avenues to tackle this because it is unacceptable that
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you know a small group of member states is basically a a red carpet into the european union for criminal activity and criminal money. but i mean you hit the nail on the head there that there is a political element to this do you think there's an appetite to tackle this is there an appetite to tackle these kinds of schemes particularly given how much of a money spinner it is for the governments are involved. yes no of course of course there is no i mean certainly in the countries that benefit very very generously from these schemes no to be cyprus malta there are a couple of others. and the other you know heads of government of the other member states have no appetite tackle it either because it's a kind of gentlemen's agreement you know i hate your law you leave me alone but this concerns the security of the european union and the european citizens so i don't care if they don't have an appetite we will keep banging the drum because you know we have to act in the interest of the citizens and this is also why i expect
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the european commission which is supposed to be independent from the member states and a commission is supposed to serve the citizens and not the governments the european commission has to put a legislative proposal on the table to either ban or regulate these schemes and then you know put the onus on the member states to say no but then at least you know we are standing up for the interest of the citizens for the security of the european ok sophie and felt great to get your thoughts thank you so much for joining us from brussels that sophie and felt a member of the european parliament's well we're going to continue our series of exclusive reports into the cyprus papers make sure you tune in tomorrow see the 5th parts of that series after a week of revelations about the serious flaws in the cyprus investment scheme for passports we'll bring you another exclusive interview with the europeans
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commissioner for justice to renters who will react to our findings that this there is safe from 10 g.m.t. right here on al-jazeera. there's lots more still to come on the news our including storm season is well underway the u.s. gulf coast prepares for the impacts of hurricane laura plus. could messy be on the verge of leaving barcelona we'll have all the details for you in sports. gunfire has killed at least 2 people in the u.s. city over can or should sharing a 3rd night's a lot of lives matter protests video on social media reportedly shows a gunman shooting at protesters and people running away from the line of fire police haven't revealed details of either the victims or the attacker.
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of the attack happens during the latest protest against the killing of the shits an author of jacob bleak a black american is paralyzed after police shot him in the back 7 signs on sunday a state of emergency is being in force and the national guards are on patrol in the city of wisconsin several buildings were set on fire and teare gas farts to protect its prevents the storming of a courthouse or correspondent john hendren is in canossa unfold this report's. smolders the city corrections building burnt to the ground one of 3 dozen buildings left in ruins in a single night firefighters and residents sweep up the wreckage. i am with black live matter. object protesting the obvious what if not immediate.
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philip mary arrived to find the windows of his 92 year old office smashed but it was largely spared his neighbor wasn't so lucky. senseless it is. dandelion is someone's property the mother of jacob blake the black man whose shooting by police set off the demonstrations says he would not approve if. you knew what was going on as far as that goes the violence and the destruction. he would be very pleased blake's family spoke of the latest incident of alleged police brutality captured in this viral video of an officer shooting in the back his 3 sons watching from inside the car. 7 tang. something.
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like he didn't matter. but my son matters blake's attorneys say he underwent surgery on tuesday and remains paralyzed from the waist down i'm not sad i'm not sorry i'm angry and i'm tired. i haven't cried one time i stopped crying years ago i am numb. i have been watching police murder people that look like me for years as her family struggles with what happened so does a battered city while police were protecting government buildings the looters came here to be uptown neighborhood and they fire bombed and looted each of the stores for a couple of blocks until they got here to kingdom word ministries that's where david my gomery is pastor actually we had somebody actually take a. big large rock and throw it through the window and we started yelling hey this
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is a church and marriage several people say hey you don't touch a church you know now one of the firemen said a pastor it looks like your build is going to be the only thing to say you know it's just a miracle from god one building salvaged amid dozens of burnt out holes and more broken hearts john hendren al-jazeera konoha wisconsin. turkey's president has warned greece knots to test his country's patience its the nations are locked in the disputes over oil and gas resources in the eastern mediterranean well this follows an announcement by greece that it will extend its territorial waters both countries holding military exercises in the region despite its diplomatic efforts by the e.u. to find a resolution and those tensions are likely to feature in discussions between european union defense ministers meeting in berlin there focusing on what's known as the
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e.u. strategic compass as a framework for responding to threats and challenges as a bloc protests in béla reduce have also been muted for discussion let's go live now it's a barrel in and speak with al-jazeera dominic dominic the dispute between greece and turkey assumes will dominate that meeting but what sort of role can the e.u. effectively play in minutes not a bystander in this dispute at least to member states are actually getting involved . well the interesting things to remember here is that in so far as the e.u. is concerned turkey is not passive it and yet obviously to 2 most european countries it's very important its role is very important and remember it is a key member of nato given the amount of nato forces that are that are in in turkey but also using turkey in so far as the situation in syria and iraq is
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concerned and that's why you have today taking place this meeting at which the nato secretary general yan shelton is also an observer but as we know mr aerator one president at a one is not there and yet the comments he has come out with today clearly are saying that the greek government is on the path to ruin saying that his government the turkish government believes it has the right to assert its rights in the 3 seas that surround his country that's the aegean sea the black sea the mediterranean sea this is all wrapped around the problem that has emerged following the discovery of vast amounts of petrochemicals that's natural gas and oil around the island of cyprus which of course is a very contentious island given the fact that it is divided between its greek and its turkish elements so you have that sense that mr erdogan president aerator one is really the rhetoric from him very strong indeed and all the while you have on
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the other side in the east the mediterranean nato partners e.u. partners the french the italians the greeks the cypriots staging a joint military exercise which is why we can be sure that although mr erdogan the president is not there his comments clearly are and the tension between the greeks and the turks is clearly that to be seen dominic kane that live for us and barry lynn thank you very much indeed. now a prominent member of the opposition and bella russa's called on russia to help bring president alexander lukashenko to the negotiating table nobel prize winning voices that lana and lex of it made the of killed before being questioned over her involvement in the opposition coordination council it was formed last week to help broker a peaceful transition of power as calls grew for the paris president to step down but it's now been accused of trying to seize power illegally that's one of the
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government of. now look because speaks only to putin we need him to speak to the people maybe the world can help us so that look a shame korean negotiate with somebody the more restate together the stronger the real be and the greater chance we will have of making their our target is told to us. look at because opponents are keeping up the pressure on the president to resign more than 2 weeks after his disputed election victory and to government protesters are expected to rally later in the capital after 2 prominent opposition leaders were jailed the president's supporters are also expected to demonstrate step for us and reports from minsk the. solidarity for those punished protesting against a look at shankar regime musicians have gathered at the theater in minutes every
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day so it's iraq for supporting the protests while more cultural minister powerful up to scarface is a criminal investigation and says this missile hit become one of the key members of the opposition council. performances are cancelled and actors of all resigned in support of him including our like guy both were has been a popular performer for decades but you. there are a lot of resignation letters at the moment we are lucky we are united in stick together your thirty's don't know what to do with us we don't know what will happen to us next. and if i and the actors openly displayed the opposition flak after police took it down i would have to the rule was a new one assumes it's impossible to work under such a regime we are heavily censored in our salary is miserable and we cannot express our opinion as a person of culture under this regime our profession makes no sense the actors
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joined a rally at the ministry of education with teachers also gathered to protest against lugar shankar's this beautiful reelection earlier this month he's announced that all teachers who don't share his ideology will be sacked. i've been working at the school for 35 years i've come here to declare that teaches don't agree they are very brave people because it is scary for dismissed teachers there are plans to establish private schools so they can take children and still earn money thanks one hundreds of teachers stage a peaceful rally police vehicles arrive some protesters carry and children shout we are not here. just going to be inside the city still because broadcasters say thank you thank you thank you for the story in spite of crisscrossed by the fact that we. made teachers taking to the
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streets it seems the president is increasingly alienating professionals who are the rulers of his government for fashion also have become more and more united in their fight against him and his 26 years in power step fashion al-jazeera mints. hurricane laura has strengthened to a category 3 storm is forecast to become even more powerful before it reaches the gulf coast of the united states hundreds of thousands of people have been told to leave their homes as storm lar approaches texas and louisiana it's already claimed at least 11 lives in the caribbean and sandy kouka reports all along the gulf coast they're preparing once again for the worst when tropical storm laura churned across the dominican republic in haiti it left a trail of destruction and killed at least 11 people the weather system then hit cuba's southern coastline before spiraling into the warm waters of the gulf of mexico now a hurricane it's expected laura will strengthen potentially to
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a category 3 before slamming into the coasts of texas and louisiana produce the. cover up north. all open and that is around there. in the hopefully this repair for the flooding druther based on the parents right there were several reactive on it states of emergency have now been declared in many low lying communities as the national guard deploys troops and equipment to prepare for what could be a major hurricane both least 8 and no stranger to powerful storms they are in the words of the mayor of houston battle tested and ready throw a pandemic into the mix and things become more complicated many residents are being told to keep wearing masks and practicing good hygiene they're also being asked to stay with friends and relatives if they need to evacuate gathering large numbers of evacuees in shelters is say authorities something they'd like to avoid actually
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a hotel motel location is a good type of location when back you a sion or evacuating during a pandemic remember. just because a hurricane is coming to texas does not mean that 19 either has or is going to leave texas in previous years hurricanes harvey and katrina devastated the same coastlines are the cause severe flooding in killed 68 people in houston 3 years ago katrina claimed almost 2000 lives in new orleans in 2005 city officials say they're taking no chances paying attention this thing has been changing fairly quickly and it's still possible for to move even further east and be more of a direct hit to us hurricane laurel will make landfall late on wednesday or in the early hours of thursday morning forecasters say a period of rapid intensification is likely bringing potential storm surges 3 metres and winds of 170 kilometers per hour and
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a gallacher al-jazeera. well let's get more on that storm's progression from al-jazeera meteorologists. and this is dot hypotheses looking pretty dangerous actually i'm very sad a long run so far it's come right across the these islands here from friday all about taras been gathering and when it left cuba it rapidly intensified it's now a category 3 hurricane just gone into that category and it's creeping up towards because you can see its current stats are 100 to 5 kilometers per hour winds steady that gusting more than that it's bringing with the storm surge already forecast to be approaching farms meters and of course rainfall loads of it there are these companies favors it's moving fairly quickly is not going to sit around like harvey did but it is still dangerous i thought you'd like to see this this is a satellite picture taken from the space station and you can see the front of this . and the from coming into new orleans now the winds about $45.00 committees
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relevant in new orleans so we just see the winds pick up now and it's going to be the rest today daylight hours where the storm makes it towards the coast somewhere other than texas or louisiana and you see of course. the effect is going to be far wider spread than just the r. that's the timing we think it will be there as you just heard and they go it's a journey darko is probably round about midnight when it makes landfall that's just the i now at the time of the a category 4 was certainly and the winds spread outside the 110 kilometers at hurrican strength landfall member that storm surge of course it won't fall where we say it is toward this chart there's a gap between dallas and morgan city somewhere the i will come up come on shore and the other side of that how can strength winds rain storm surge a storm surge it could go 50 k. the inland the year old keep an eye on it thank you very much indeed. more still ahead here on out is here a. little left standing we look at how destructive wildfires have been in the u.s.
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state of california. this president has led bold initiatives in nearly every corner of the world as america's top diplomat breaks with tradition to back donald trump's reelection dates we've the latest one life to take 3 of the republican national convention. plus 3000000 suffers a setback ahead of the u.s. open tennis action coming up feed later in the show. september on out is if the trial of those accused of helping in the 2015 charlie hebdo newspaper attacks begins in paris as the world plans to move to was greener and it's a new documentary examines the fresh environmental challenges this will pose following the postponement of parliamentary elections due to coronavirus iranians
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return to the village in bloom's one on one east investigates in-depth stories from across asia and the pacific as u.s. president donald trump's executive order banning will check china's most popular app comes into effect across america will dispose of the strain on the u.s. china relations september on al-jazeera. thousands of children were removed from east timor during the indonesian occupation decades later want to want to join as members of the lost generation as they finally head home. on al-jazeera.
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this is al jazeera our minds are all of the headlines this hour al-jazeera is investigative units has obtained a cache of confidential documents the synthesisers of people who bought citizenship in cyprus some of them are criminals serious interior minister has called the investigation propaganda. a gunman has killed at least 2 people in the u.s. city of can osha in the scones and it happens during a 3rd night of protests over the police shooting of a black man jake blake is paralyzed after being shot in the back 7 times. and turkey's president has warned greece not to test his country's patience is the nation's remain locked in a dispute over all oil and gas resources in the eastern mediterranean this fall is an announcement by greece that it will extend its territorial waters. by the gunman in new zealand's worst mass shooting has faced survivors and relatives
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on the 3rd day of his sentencing hearing friends and parents killed $51.00 muslim worshippers in christ church last year is likely to be given a life sentence in jail without parole when hey reports. for a 3rd straight day brenton terrence was brought into the high court in christchurch handcuffed and shackled he again set largely emotionless as he listened to and faced family members of people he killed or injured and those who survived his attack i really thought that we meant. do pretty quietly as i feel the government may hear and find in the store. i stayed in that position and even the police came in and lets out from the day i saw a big parties or looked up outside the mobs terence was charged with killing $51.00 people at 2 mosques in christchurch on the 15th of march last year attempting to murder 40 more and to engaging in an act of terrorism he pleaded guilty to all
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charges. and says in there will even be enough justice for what has happened at the hands of a terrorist. you however i know one thing for sure that this monster did my father and the other beautiful souls that day much is a coward. on the opening day of the sentencing the court heard how terrence methodically researched the mosques and planned the attacks for when they'd be busy before entering his 1st target the elmore mosque he uploaded a manifesto online detailing his obsession with white supremacy tyrant declined to address the court but many of those who were affected by his attack chose to speak directly to him i don't know how this justice system would deal with you but i have peace knowing in the here after you get what you deserve by the will of the young
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might bugbear ah ha ha ha ha ha ha when the sentences handed down brenton tyrant is likely to become the 1st person the new zealand to be sentenced to life with no chance of parole wayne hey al jazeera. but we are hours away from the 3rd day of the republican national convention vice president's mike pence is on the list of speakers but 1st let's take a look at last night's lineup u.s. presidents don't trump 1st lady millennia and secretary of state might dump a overall on hands and breaking with decades of precedence of white house correspondent kimberly hellcats has more. explore together. america
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it was a night billed as a tribute to the great american story and the people empowered to succeed by president trump's policies many of those stories appeared to be produced by the former reality t.v. star himself breaking with precedent that presidential candidates lay low until the final night of the convention trump appeared 3 times granted john i'm not sure you know there's a full pardon he issued a presidential pardon restoring the rights of a bank robber who has made it his mission to improve the lives of convicts and repeat after me in another made for t.v. moment trauma corporative as citizenship ceremony into the program to reach out to voters of color touting his push for legal immigration breaking with tradition secretary of state mike pompei appeared from west jerusalem while on official government business despite telling his own diplomatic corps weeks earlier that
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overt partisan politics violated u.s. law he told voters only president trump will keep american freedoms intact because president trump has put his america 1st vision into action it may not have made him popular in every foreign capital but it's worked the 2nd night of the republican national convention remained a family affair as it had the night earlier to more of trump's children spoke his son eric and daughter tiffany railed against the media coverage of their father people must recognize that our thoughts are pinions and even the choice of who we are voting for may and are being manipulated and visibly coerced by the media and tech giants. but it was 1st lady malani a trump who delivered tuesday evenings marquee address making an appeal to women voters to. port her husband she outlined the challenges he needs to overcome from
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racial unrest to tens of thousands of americans dead from cope with 19 i know many people anxious and sound feel helpless i want you to know you're not alone. my husband's administration will not stop fighting until there is an effective treatment or vaccine available to everyone indeed the 1st lady was one of the few speakers at the republican national convention to acknowledge the personal devastation and heartbreak that americans have faced during the pandemic it's a pandemic many blame president trump for not doing more to stop it's a narrative he may not be able to overcome with just 10 weeks until the election kimberly help at al jazeera the white house well and fisher joins us now live from washington d.c. alan we're halfway through the republican convention is the party happy move her is
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going so far. well on the face of it they're saying that they're very pleased what is interesting is that they said that this was going to be a much more optimistic gathering than the democratic national convention just a week ago but there hasn't really been much reach to floating voters it feels as if they're appealing very soul of late to the beast to the people who are donald trump supporters to people who believe that donald trump is the greatest president america has ever had that doesn't seem to be many speeches that reach out to others and of course there's the question about whether or not the trump campaign is skirting the law here i think you have to be a legal scholar to understand the hot shot but essentially what it says is that public officials can't be involved in political campaigning while they're on the job but there was some concern when donald trump said he was going to have his convention speech from the white house even some republicans express concern about
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that and of course he's going to go ahead with that on thursday but there's been a lot more than just a speech we saw malani a trump speaking from the rose garden we saw mike pompei or while on official business in jerusalem telling is that we see the campaign was telling us he was acting as a private citizen when he delivered his tapes his remarks on tape and the other thing we've hired is a number of members of the family but what we haven't heard from them are the warm stories about donald trump what he's like as a person what he's like as a father instead the mitt political statements that anyone could have made so the republicans think they are reaching out to the polls suggest that the racist tightening but of course the concern for them is that joe biden is still in the lead particularly in many of the important swing states well let's look ahead see the day 3 then we have had quite a an interesting line up so far what can we expect on day 3 of the convention.
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why i think some one of the most important speeches is going to come not necessarily from vice president my pen's who will speak but from lot of trump who is the wife of eric trump who has been involved in a much in his reelection campaign is very popular with the base and is actually a very good speaker someone who can probably craft a script that will hit a lot of the main talking points that we have the war on and then there is mike pence no just a few weeks ago there was speculation about whether or not mike pence would be on the ticket people were suggesting nikki haley the former u.n. ambassador might actually be slotted in particularly as joe biden had already committed to picking a woman as his vice presidential pick he'll be speaking from fort mchenry in maryland why is that significant while that is the place where francis scott key wrote the poem that became the american national anthem so you can rest assured that that is the theme that my parents will hit and of course we know that mike pence has been very much donald trump's loyal love tenant all through the last 4
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years he describes himself as a christian a conservative and a republican in that order but everywhere he goes he always says he brings. respect from the 41st president of the united states so you can expect that to be very much what we've seen over the last 3 days which is praise of donald trump we are told donald trump will again make an appearance on the 3rd night but everyone of course is gearing up for his big night on thursday which will be his except in speech in the rose garden kalen fashion there bringing us all the very latest from washington d.c. thank you the u.s. secretary of states has held high level talks in the united arab emirates might compare his visit followed trips to israel sudan and behind the u.a.e. and israel established diplomatic ties under a u.s. brokered deal and there this month. well it for him fry hats is an associate
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professor of conflict resolution at the doha institute's he says despite a push by the trumpet ministration to recognize israel other countries in the region are unlikely to follow the uni's example anytime soon they're out of conscious like bombay and it is possible. i mean practically also in bahrain that has been notable is asian going on for a long time united arab emirates has already come through for him but beyond that i think that it's quite difficult with all mom and also motorola has been mentioned. it's very unlikely to see a breakthrough happening on the on that level but body and especially that that's been its policy is what it policy mostly with the saw with saudi arabia so that it yeah i don't think it's going to happen anytime soon one but oman again also does not would not accept to be. before doing the united arab emirates that is already
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the i but maybe we in you know mom of the united arab emirates said we've seeing this movement is being led by united not a bit but it's so probably the most the maximum would you would that you probably buy it but beyond that i think everything demands about israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu is sending the senior delegations the united arab emirates next week on the country's 1st to write commercial flight to the gulf states that the nations agreed to normalize times as part of a u.s. brokered deal he was certainly a report it's a cold off the meeting at and that's a yahoo oppose the sale of u.s. built f. 35 fighter jets to other dopy. lebanon's supreme defense council has denounced what it calls an israeli assault on the border israeli commanders said warplanes fired at several hezbollah observation posts apparently in response to show from
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southern lebanon earlier israeli residents were ordered to stay home because of the security threats let's bring you some breaking news coming out of iran to has agreed to give the u.n. nuclear watchdog the i.a.e.a. access to 2 suspected former atomic sites that's according to a joint statement which has been released by the i.a.e.a. and the iranian leadership will bring you more on that story as soon as it comes in . a proposed pork production deal between argentina and china is inferior environmentalist's. was protests and police force in the capital buenos aires recesses are demanding protection for wetlands they say would be cleared to make way for new pick farms china is looking to diversify supplies after african swine flu kills around
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a 1000000 pigs on chinese farms. flash floods sin parts of county stand and pakistan have killed more than 200 people over the past few days dozens are missing and hundreds have been forced from their homes the afghan president says ordered a deliveries for the worst affected areas and troops have been sent to flooded regions in pakistan reacted as the reports oh my god what a lot of afghans in power one province rescue their loved ones any way they can. remain flash floods so impoverished through northern region the dozens killed a mostly women and children. others remain missing feared trapped under the rubble of their destroyed homes local leaders say the scale of the disaster is overwhelming and they need help doing to move forward on the remove there was barbed wire on the roof of my neighbor's house i cut that and wanted to take my
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family to the rooftop as the flood water was coming towards us just to save their lives suddenly the flood water flushed out everything and my family 7 members of my family are missing. all over neighboring pakistan it's a similar scene of devastation after days of torrential rain in the largest city karachi polluted water from traced slot streets spilling into homes i was promised iran can say as troops are being sent to help pump water from flooded neighborhoods of the one to china you can see there is chaos people are annoyed no vehicles can pass through the streets as all the roads are inundated we appeal to the government they must do something to clean the storm water drains. the monsoon floods in both afghanistan and pakistan are common at this time of the year and so is a threat to life and property without data drainage systems and poorly constructed
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homes adding to the danger. al-jazeera. cooler weather and reduced wind speeds some helping in the battle against wildfires in the u.s. state of california at least 70 people have died and nearly 1500 homes have been destroyed brennan's reports. this is but a small sample of the destruction wildfires have inflicted on california one house burned to the ground cars incinerated a stone chimney the only thing left of this home scorched trees and ash blanketing the hills this is the aftermath of the lake fire that burned through this part of los angeles county more than a week ago because we had those heavy rains over the winner all of the brush had a lot of growth and so because of that heat wave it just dried all that out and one little spark could start a fire again fire officials say the lake fire is almost contained the situation is far worse in northern california where the 8000000 residents of the san francisco
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bay area are being forced to breathe extremely polluted air and are essentially surrounded by a burning ring of fire huge blazes have charred more than 450000 hectors but firefighters were cautiously optimistic about making progress in containing the blazes weather conditions have improved and lightning storms that were feared did not materialize good news we can do to make progress on containment we're up to 1717 percent containment of this morning with that we still have 25000 structures that are threatened by this incident and we can confirm that 330 structures have been destroyed by the fire robert macneil lost his mother to the fire burning in napa county he was one of the most caring people that i've ever met i mean i'm hoping that by can get half of that. in myself. 70 year old mary
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hint to meyer died when she headed back to or burning home to retrieve her companion's wheelchair next thing you know the thing rewrapped and i went through that whole canyon and nobody had a chance 240000 people have either fled the fires or are under evacuation orders mike johnson watched helplessly as towering flames destroyed his house it's kind of hard to process and if i think too much about it. that's when you get emotional 12000 firefighters are on the front lines working long shifts in difficult dangerous conditions we're stretched thin all the way from southern california to the northern california we've already sent troops that were here fighting fire on this fire as soon as they could be released they were released and they didn't even get to go home they went straight to the fires up in northern california california's fire season started early this year it usually is at its worst in october and november so firefighters will need all their skills and in durance to
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stay ahead of the destruction rob reynolds al-jazeera lake hughes california. so the come on al-jazeera will have the sport for you big news on the basketball star that put aside his problems a massive performance all the n.b.a. play a fraction coming up after the short break. the. business leaders his goal to buy no bra spot.
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for. business leaders his goal to buy no bra spot. it's time for the sport here summer thank you very much. barcelona as technical director. says the club once and the n.l.
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message to stay it follows the argentinian forward officially telling bus on tuesday that he wants to leave his announcement comes just days after the team were beaten 82 but by munich in the champions league since they were seeing in 2004 messi has helped barcelona win 10 league titles as well as the champions league 4 times there's not. contemplating any kind of exit by leo from his contract because we want him to stay because i think the leo knows he has in law much respect because we're talking about the best player in the world maybe the best player in history and i'm absolutely convinced the immediate future here can be positive we have to be optimistic and talk about blending new young players into the team alongside the experience of leo together we have to build the boss wants or we've been talking to barcelona based a football writer ben hayward about how messy desire to leave has gone down in the
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city. i think the master show you know it's been a few days it was reported that man she was going to tell that he was too late but i don't think a lot people believe that and. i didn't want to believe that but now with this number of reality. this is a necessity. that he wants to leave the club by the end of my busy. season with the rock. and the sound of that. and maybe the game of the season with descendants of some of the hosts of. sloths this is. the most elite stuff. and he's released for the $700.00 s. and any of the. clubs that are going to have to pay all of that money.
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this one there is. not. this. point. they're going to bring about change 'd 'd. in the city the season anywhere else i think we're. seeing that. clip is on now one win away from the west conference semifinals they dominated that that is mavericks in game 5 in what was a franchise a victory and a tiny return to form for one of this thought that might occur. clippers fans have been waiting for a statement performance from their team in the playoffs and in game 5 against the mavericks they finally got it co i learned looked on stoppable at times the former
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raptors star back 32 points on the night past the frustration. of 3 what made the difference however was the return to form of paul george he's been struggling mentally with life in the bubble years but scored a game high j.t. 5 points for the 6 time all star worked in perfect synchronicity with leonard prompting what would be a history making victory to the clippers run i don't want to fall to want to live in winners franchise record school in the postseason and the 3rd most point scored ever by an n.b.a. team in the playoffs 2 games 234 i wasn't there so like i wasn't here. but you know shout out to the people i was among the owner of the clippers are now just one win away from round 2 so hell malik al-jazeera. so you know indians preparations for the u.s. open has suffered a setback the 23 time grand slam champion was stunned in the last 16 of the western and southern the open williams and led
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a one set lead slip away against 13th seed money. in american struggled with fitness issues are drawing the match i went down 577661 the u.s. open is due to start on monday and will go ahead without fans and attendance. in the menstrual world number one novak djokovic cruised into the quarterfinals this struggled with neck pain in his opening match didn't seem bothered by the injury against it in the center and joke of each other team his opponent in straight sets 6264 to clinton's 28th straight win of the season. just going back for 5 days of face did struggle quite a lot of them wasn't really sure how that's going to react at their 1st match but he did really well and yeah so so i was closest to. painless neck as i can be i mean it's just maybe 5 more 5510 percent more and
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that's it i mean you know i'm feeling very good and that has positively obviously reflected on my game today and in return suffered a blow at the 3 time as grand slam when i was knocked out of the competition in straight sets but minutes ronit the canadians have 18th is against my who's still trying to rediscover his best form following hip surgery. in the n.h.l. playoffs the tampa bay lightning it beat the boston bruins 43 to even their series a one on the lightning had to work really hard to win this eastern conference semifinal clash it would take into overtime by the bruins with the on to. eventually scoring the winning goal. and thus. far as well have more for you later on but now it's back to thank you so much a sign of all that wraps up this news are busy keep it here on al-jazeera i'll be back for the very latest world news after this short break see that.
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alaska's phone nor a pristine environment that's become a battleground with the trumpet ministration king to let oil companies start drilling some in its remote communities are tempted by the promised wealth we live here we may not there but others are bitterly opposed we should not have to trade our culture our oil and gas crossing the high peaks of the arctic circle to
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investigate the people in power at the edge of the earth on al-jazeera. in 2008 al-jazeera documented a groundbreaking school. preparing some of in the as poor as children for entry into its toughest universities. we return to see and the students and the scheme of helping change the face of india. super 30 announces the era. al jazeera. where after.
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iran and the un's nuclear watchdog agree on new inspections of suspected former atomic sites. have a hidden and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the government of cyprus response to an al-jazeera investigation into a cash for passport scheme where convicted criminals and fugitives.


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