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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  August 26, 2020 8:00pm-8:34pm +03

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now all jews are. entering. iran reaches agreement with the u.n. nuclear watchdog on new inspections at its suspected former atomic science. on canal santa maria in doha with the world news from al-jazeera greece says it will extend its territorial waters amid an escalating standoff with turkey in the eastern mediterranean also 2 people shot dead in the u.s.
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city of can assure in violence that's followed the police shooting of a black man. i also ask people to stop the violence and looting being in the name of justice while at the same time u.s. 1st lady melania trump calls for calm and unity during her address to the republican party convention. so iran 1st of all where in agreements been reached to give the u.n. nuclear watchdog access to 2 of the suspected former atomic sites leaders in teheran announced it in a joint statement with the international atomic energy agency the i.a.e.a. president hassan rouhani also promised to continue cooperation more from assad begun teheran on the outcome of that meeting. iran had said that they were willing to grant access to these sites if it had ended questions if it ended questions once
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and for all and that was a vague precondition but it seems like now it's obvious that the 2 sides have come to an agreement now iran will grant access to these 2 sites and the i.a.e.a. has said in this joint statement that according to the information that they currently have they will have no further questions or acts ask for access to sites that haven't already been declared by iran so the i.a.e.a. has what it wants iran has what it wants but most importantly in this statement the i.a.e.a. has said that they would take iran security concerns into consideration because iran was concerned that its information that security information was not shared with the united states and in this statement says that they will protect under their protocols to confidentiality the wrong information for both sides have what they want and iran is showing the world right now that they are still a part of this 2015 nuclear deal and willing to cooperate with the i.a.e.a.
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on to other news in the greek prime minister. says his country will extend its territorial water claims westwood in the ionian sea it is a legal expansion it's in an area between greece and italy so it doesn't directly affect the territorial claims at the center of its dispute with turkey however it's a stock is added greece may increase its claims in other maritime areas in the future i can almost greece will extend the coastal zone to the west from 12 to 6 miles greece's growing others have said this building where the ones who are putting this into practice. before that announcement was made reject tiber on warned greece not to test his patience president one added turkey will never compromise on what is our us the 2 countries are in a standoff over maritime borders in the eastern mediterranean and the potential natural gas wealth beneath it. so you know. we're determined to do what every
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regime uses here in the military political and economic sense we invite your counterparts to get it together and avoid mistakes that would bring the destruction . iraq has worn turkey over its continued air strikes saying it will respond to any attack threatening its security iraq's ambassador to the u.n. made those remarks during a virtual session of the u.n. security council is warning comes a day after turkish air strikes killed 2 high ranking iraqi security officials in northern iraq turkey says the military campaign which began in june is a necessary counter terror measure against the kurdish fighters which it considers terrorists gunfire has killed at least 2 people in the us city of during a 3rd night of black lives matter protests video on social media reportedly shows a gunman shooting at protesters and people running away from the line of fire police haven't revealed details of either the victims or the attack.
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happened during the latest demonstration against the shooting of jacob lake a black american man is paralyzed after police shot him in the back 7 times on sunday a state of emergency is being enforced in the national guard is on patrol in the city in the state of wisconsin several buildings were set on fire and tear gas was fired to prevent the storming of the courthouse as well john hendren has more now on how the have been escalating these protests. i saw armed civilian men yesterday in konoha carrying around assault weapons and side arms and they said that they were going to protect the city. in this instance there are some reports which i can't confirm that somehow one of those armed civilians died in direct conflict with some of the protesters and that's where the shooting began and that's according to some things that the sheriff has had to say but the details on
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that are are very sketchy what we do know is that the nights have grown increasingly violent and one of the reasons for that is just the lack of police power throughout this city of can no sure they simply haven't had enough people to control that city couple 100 police officers and then they had 125 national guard troops last night they had more control over at least this center of town where they were concentrated because they added more national guard troops and now yet again here on wednesday there is a news conference on 1 o'clock we expect people to discuss national guard officials to discuss whether they should add new national guard troops into no shit so this problem has just continued to escalate at the damage the looting the fire bombing has increased and so have the number of police so what setting up right now is a more intensified conflict in that small city of the notion. of u.s. 1st lady melania trump made
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a plea for racial harmony during her speech to the republican national convention i urge people to come together in a civil manner so we can work and leave up to our standard american ideals. i also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice and never make assumptions based on the color of thurston's ski. instead of tearing things than tearing things down that's a flat on our mistakes be proud of our evolution and look to other way foma. always talk to joe want to republican strategist who is also a former white house aides to president george h.w. bush he said the party understands there is a need for police reform you've got a lot of different voices on the republican side on monday night you heard from tim
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scott a republican united states senator also african-american and he talked about the importance of having police reform legislation that he's sponsoring as a member of the united states senate support of a lot of republican senators and he was saying that the only challenge is getting democrats to work with him to get this present a law so that we don't have any more of these these tragedies because obviously if you have police reform or leave some kind of national standard were police conduct that will keep these kinds of credits from happening again so you had them talk about it on monday night you have a lot of trouble and today night dressing it again is the wife of the president united states so it's certainly something that's important to republicans and it is only the key issue is going to use this content in their marches and their protests and even some violent protest this will be something that republicans will have to address so that covers some of what was said on the 2nd night of the u.s. republican party's convention
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a white house correspondent kimberly hellcat now wraps up the rest of the evening much of which broke with decades of precedence. explore together. america it was a night billed as a tribute to the great american story and the people empowered to succeed by president trump's policies many of those stories appeared to be produced by the former reality t.v. star himself breaking with precedent that presidential candidates lay low until the final night at the convention trump appeared the re time granted john i'm not sure you know there's a full pardon he issued a presidential pardon restoring the rights of a bank robber who has made it his mission to improve the lives of convicts and repeat after me in another made for t.v. moment trauma corporative a citizenship ceremony into the program to reach out to voters of color touting his
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push for legal immigration breaking with tradition secretary of state mike pompei appeared from west jerusalem well on official government business despite telling his own diplomatic corps weeks earlier that overt partisan politics violated u.s. law he told voters only president trump will keep american freedoms intact because president trump has put his america 1st vision into action it may not have made him popular in every foreign capital but it's worked. the 2nd night of the republican national convention remained a family affair as it had the night earlier 2 more of trump's children spoke his son eric and daughter tiffany railed against the media coverage of their father people must recognize that our thoughts are pinions and even the choice of who we are voting for may and are being manipulated and visibly coerced by the media and tech giants. but it was 1st lady molony
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a trump who delivered tuesday evenings marcie address making an appeal to women voters to support her husband she outlined the challenges he needs to overcome for racial unrest to tens of thousands of americans dead from cope with 19 i know many people anxious and sound feel helpless i want you to know you're not alone. my husband's administration will not stop fighting until there is an effective treatment or vaccine available to everyone indeed the 1st lady was one of the few speakers at the republican national convention to acknowledge the personal devastation and heartbreak that americans have faced during the pandemic it's a pandemic many blame president trump for not doing more to stop it's a narrative he may not be able to overcome with just 10 weeks until the election
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kimberley health at al-jazeera the white house. in the news ahead coronavirus re-infection why the world health organization says we shouldn't panic and flash floods in parts of afghanistan and pakistan kill more than 200 people and dozens more are missing. how their i think we'll see a few more thunderstorms build in the mountains in this part of amman because the whole lot it's edge of a trough that's brought thunderstorms up through pakistan to afghanistan and has slowed to retreat beyond that is still hot and drives an increase in the breeze coming out of iraq through kuwait and down towards the gulf picking up a little bit just not a huge amount is not a particularly strong breeze but it's enough i think to temporarily take the
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humidity down in for example dukkha which is going to be breezy on friday then there's a breeze does away sunday in particular will feel pretty close. now most north africa is dry heat is still quite hot in morocco and algeria in love even on the coast we've got robots at 31 degrees inland where in the forty's of course big sun storms and masses of them which is starting more or less around nigeria moving westwards are going offshore just about to run the gambia maybe a bit further north and back in the next mass is already forming in the kenai faster as you can see the slow moving they produce local flood again as they move slowly west sas of all this it's still winter and winter storm should go trust the far side of south africa they're doing so but in slow process so it's fine. for. frank assessments saying that. there's.
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life thinks look this is an informed opinion this is a therapy on the verge of breakdown many cops are the only every 10 are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate of that is a proxy he does not preserve the enters the bill if you feel in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on al-jazeera. world. the top stories this hour on mel just syria iran has agreed to give the u.n. nuclear watchdog access to 2 of its suspected former atomic sites leaders in
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teheran announced that joint statement with the international atomic energy agency president hassan rouhani also promised to continue cooperation. greece says it plans to extend its territorial waters westward in the ionian c. the expansion doesn't directly affect the area in dispute with turkey to the eastern mediterranean and governments killed at least 2 people in the u.s. city of to know she was told something that happened during the 3rd night of protests over the police shooting and wounding of an unarmed black man. al-jazeera is investigative unit is standing by its exclusive report which the government of cyprus is calling propaganda investigation focused on a case of confidential documents that lists 2 and a half 1000 people who have purchased citizenship in cyprus some of whom have got those possible it's now are criminals others were seeking a safe haven away from their own governments the support is from devore davis. a
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meeting of presidents to discuss greater links between cyprus and china. but away from the public glare hundreds of chinese have quietly paid for a personal connection aboard cypriot citizenship a few likely criminals he sanctioned by the us for laundering stolen cryptocurrency others like tanya are politically connected he's boss of a state owned energy company the chinese presence is increasingly visible in cyprus 2 and a half $1000000.00 for citizenship and a passport which can be invested in a luxury home is a modest price for china's super rich young husband both have cypriot passports through her family real estate company country garden she's worth an estimated $27000000000.00 and is often called asia's richest woman but paying for the passport and moving assets to the island isn't straightforward
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because china has strong currency controls strictly speaking it's all illegal very often they use hong kong as a way for getting their money out of china and there are many creative ways for doing so and they sometimes also used in macau as another way all getting money out of china another category in the cyprus papers includes those we are not naming for their own safety that applies to a woman whose relative was secretly abducted from long kong by chinese security agents and several names from saudi arabia applications for cypriot passports from the kingdom have increased since the rise of crown prince mohammed bin salmond like china he announced a crackdown on corruption which critics say only targets his political enemies one member of the bin laden family holds
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a cyprus passport their business empire has been effectively confiscated by the crown prince. another is a relative of one of the hundreds of wealthy saudis detained in 2017 at the ritz carlton hotel in riyadh without charge until they paid for their release there's also a broker of the saudi foreign investment deals although still well connected a cypriot passport provides a potential refuge should the political tide turn deborah davis al-jazeera london so that's the story from our investigative unit here is how the cypriot interior minister reacted. well yes they're going to use the media have now or the interior ministry has investigated all the information al-jazeera has given to the public and all the names brought up by the investigation have been looked into when they applied for the visas there were 100 percent entitled to it was no criminal record in their home countries and with there were living we investigated and there were
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no complaints against them from any other sources or interpol and this is deliberate distortion and deception of the elements biol dizzier. still one more part to come in this series. on thursday we have the 5th report on the cyprus papers after a week of revelations about the serious flaws in the cyprus investment scheme for passports we have an exclusive interview with the european union's commissioner for justice did and there's who will react to our findings that will be thursday the news hour at 10100 hours g.m.t. hurrican laura is quickly gaining strength and raising fears it could actually become a catastrophic category 4 storm there is expected to make landfall in the u.s. gulf coast late on wednesday more than half a 1000000 people have been ordered to leave their homes near the texas louisiana state border authorities say the storm poses an immediate and grave danger to life and the gallagher reporting now from miami. all eyes on hurricane laura 'd now the
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national hurricane center here in miami say overnight it had a remarkable intensification making this now for the middle storm a category 3 hurricane that still has some way to go before it hits those coastlines at the moment all the models are converging on the state line between texas and louisiana with the potential for this storm to become a category 4 potentially the most powerful storm to hit this region in a decade that means winds of at least 175 kilometers an hour storm surges of up to 4 meters not including the waves that will be on top of that now what is vital to all this is when this storm will hit it predicted to hit late on wednesday into the early hours of thursday morning if it hits in the early hours of thursday morning that will coincide with the high tide in that region making things even worse the authorities there now on full alert half a 1000000 people have already been evacuated and 20000000 people are in target to
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deal with this major potentially devastating hurricane now these are very low lying areas that are used to this kind of weather but of course we're dealing with a pandemic as well so the authorities are dealing with how to shelter people telling people to go and stay with friends and relatives rather than gather in a vacuum ration centers so this is a very serious situation the latest on bellerose russia is being urged to help bring president alexander lukashenko to the negotiating table the nobel prize winning writer svetlana alexa which made the appeal before being questioned about her involvement in the opposition's coordination tonsil that was formed last week to help broker a peaceful transition of power council's been accused of trying to seize power illegally while protesters accuse the president of rigging his reelection and demanding his resignation. the son of god he took us in now look because speaks only to put him we need him to speak to the people maybe the world can help us so
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that lukashenko we will negotiate with somebody the more we stay together the stronger we will be and the greater chance of making the torah to talk to our. opponents keeping up their pressure on him to resign after 2 prominent opposition leaders were jailed anti-government demonstrations and are expected to again rally in the capital but so too are the president's support so paulson reports now from minsk the. solidarity for those punished protesting against the. musicians have gathered at the theater in minutes every day so it's iraq for supporting the protests from a culture minister. faces a criminal investigation and says this listen he's become one of the key members of the opposition council. performances are cancelled an excess of all resigned in
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support of him including all agog both was been a popular performer for decades but you. there are a lot of resignation letters at the moment we are lucky we are united in stick together your parties don't know what to do with us we don't know what will happen to us next. and if i and the actors openly displayed the opposition flak after police took it down to the us and you want to see where it's impossible to work under such a regime we are heavily censored in our salary is miserable and we cannot express our opinion as a person of culture under this regime our profession makes no sense the actors joined a rally at the ministry of education with teachers also gathered to protest against lookers shankar's this beautiful reelection earlier this month he's announced that all teachers who don't share his ideology will be sacked. i've been working at the school for 35 years i've come here to declare that teaches don't agree they are
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very brave people because it is scary for dismissed teachers there are plans to establish private schools so they can take children and still earn money thanks while hundreds of teachers stage a peaceful rally police vehicles arrive some protests are scary and children shout we are not scared. was going to science and in fact there is again and still to this broadcaster saying thank you thank you thank you for the story in spite of crisscrossed by the fact that we. made teachers taking to the streets it seems the president is increasingly alienating professionals who are the pillars of his government for fashion also have become more and more united in their fight against him and his 26 years in power step fasten al-jazeera mints. but ryan has sidestepped the u.s. push to normalize relations with israel king hamad bin is sell khalifa told the
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visiting u.s. secretary of state much of peo that they want to see the creation of a palestinian state 1st on pay as been minimal as part of a middle east trip aimed at forging more links between israel and the arab oil that was after the u.s. brokered the israel u.a.e. deal told him they stand by the arab peace initiative which calls for israel to withdraw from palestinian territories occupied after $967.00 the world health organization says it still believes there is only a small risk of being infected with covert 19 a 2nd time this is in response to reports a man in hong kong contract it again 4 months after he 1st filial so we've had anecdotal reports every now and then of people who have tested negative then tested positive and it hasn't been cleared up until this case whether that was simply a problem with testing or whether people well getting infected if they can time but
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it's very important to understand what this means in terms of the musicians and this is why we have got a lot of research groups actually tracking people measuring antibodies trying to understand how long the immune protection lasts the natural and new protections and that should be understood as it is not the same as the immune protection that a vaccine provides that the government from new zealand's worst mass shooting has faced the survivors and relatives on the 3rd day of his sentencing hearing brenton turned killed 51 muslim worshippers in christchurch last year he is likely to be given a life sentence without parole when he reports. for a 3rd straight day brinton terence was brought into the high court in christchurch handcuffed and shackled he again set largely emotionless as he listened to and faced family members of people he killed or injured and those who survived his
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attack i repeat that you thought the riemann do pretty well as i feel the government may feel and find in the store. i stayed in that position and even the police came in and let this out from the. i saw a bit more because. it's had them what's terence was charged with killing $51.00 people at 2 mosques in christchurch on the 15th of march last year attempting to murder 40 more and to engaging in an act of terrorism he pleaded guilty to all charges. i'm uncertain there will be enough justice for what has happened at the hands of a terrorist. you. however i know one thing for sure that this monster and my father and the other beautiful souls that day much is a coward. on the opening day of the sentencing the court heard how terrence
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methodically researched the mosques and planned the attacks for when they'd be busy before entering his 1st target the elmore mosque he uploaded a manifesto online detailing his obsession with white supremacy tyrant declined to address the court but many of those who were affected by his attack chose to speak directly to him i don't know how this justice system would deal with you but i have peace knowing here after you get what you deserve by. might not the beer ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ah. when the sentence is handed down brenton tyrant is likely to become the 1st person in new zealand to be sentenced to life with no chance of parole wayne hey al jazeera now flash floods in parts of afghanistan and pakistan have killed more than
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200 people over the past 2 days the afghan president's ordered a deliveries for the worst affected areas and priyanka could turn out reports. like it was a lot of afghans in power one province rescue their loved ones any way they can. remain flash floods so impoverished through northern region the dozens killed a mostly women and children. others remain missing feared trapped under the rubble of their destroyed homes local leaders say the scale of the disaster is overwhelming and they need help doing to move all of those were removed there was barbed wire on the roof of my neighbor's house i cut that and wanted to take my family to the rooftops the flood water was coming towards us just to save their lives suddenly the flood water flushed out everything and my family 7 members of my family are missing. all over neighboring pakistan it's a similar scene of devastation after days of torrential rain in the largest city
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karachi polluted water from drains flood streets spilling into homes. i promise to run conses troops are being sent to help pump water from flooded neighborhoods of the bombing the other day i want to challenge that you can see there is chaos people are annoyed no vehicles can pass through the streets as all the roads are inundated we appeal to the government they must do something to clean the storm water drains. the monsoon floods in both afghanistan and pakistan are common at this time of the year and so is a threat to life and property with outdated drainage systems and poorly constructed homes adding to the danger. al-jazeera. top stories on al-jazeera this hour iran has agreed to give the u.n.
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nuclear watchdog access to 2 of its suspected former atomic sites leaders in teheran announced that joint statement with the international atomic energy agency the president hassan rouhani also promised to continue cooperation and therefore as months of deadlock though as a setback now reports. these are 2 sites that the i.a.e.a. wanted access to for about 4 months and iran had blocked access to these then in june this year the i.a.e.a. passed a resolution that was put forward by germany france the united kingdom demanding access to these sites now iran has said that these 2 sites apparently suspected of having undisclosed nuclear material either stored or used at these sites were not part of the j.c. p.r. way that 2015 agreement. there were headlines greece says it plans to extend its territorial waters westward in the ionian sea and expansion that doesn't directly affect the area industry with turkey in the eastern mediterranean iraq has warned
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turkey over continued airstrikes saying it will respond to any attack threatening its security it's a day after turkish air strikes killed 2 iraqi security officials in northern iraq so he says its military campaign against the kurdish fighters is necessary ankara considers them to be terrorists a government killed at least 2 people in the u.s. city of commercial wisconsin it happened during a 3rd night of protests over the police shooting and wounding of an unarmed black man president donald trump says he'll be sending in national guard troops. and al jazeera is investigative unit has obtained the cyprus papers of confidential documents listing thousands of people who bought citizenship in cyprus some are criminals and some are seeking a safe haven away from their own governments sampras's interior minister firmly denies the findings and calls propaganda news hour for you in 25 minutes time next to his inside story with agent thinking.
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the beating to death of the eastern mediterranean turkey and greece are up along the heads of a volatile area of both countries claimed rights to energy resources that could this dispute escalate and what would it take to diffuse it this is inside story. i welcome to the program i'm adrian for the concerns are growing that there could be a conflict between turkey and greece in the eastern mediterranean for weeks now the
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2 countries have been disputing maritime boundaries and offshore energy rights on tuesday they sent warships to the wall.


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