tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera August 27, 2020 5:00am-5:34am +03
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talking winter and yet again mass is a snow day for the mountains. donald trump sends in federal law enforcement hours after 2 people were killed during protests against the shooting of a black man. hello i'm don jordan this is on jazeera live from doha also coming up in the spotlight at the republican national convention u.s. vice president mike pence is about to make his pitch to the voters. bracing for the worst hurricane laura heads towards texas there's a warning storm surges could be unsurvivable. resumes president accused of rolling out handouts to win support immigration criticism of his handling of the
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coronavirus and then. we begin in the u.s. city of kenosha where reinforcements are being deployed as outrage continues to grow over the police shooting of a black man jacob blake president trump says he has called in the national guard following 3 straight nights of protest which have occasionally turned violent in the most serious incident 2 people were shot dead a young white man has been arrested investigators have named the officer who shot blake in the back 7 times as rust and sure i say that blake who is now recovering in hospital had a knife in his car at the time. mr blake walked around his vehicle open the driver's side door and leaned forward while holding on to mr blake's shirt officer ruston chef ski fired his service weapon 7 times officer he fired the weapon
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into mr blake's back during the investigation following the initial incident mr blake admitted that he had a knife in his possession and the cia agents that's the division of criminal investigation recovered a knife from the driver's side floorboard of mr blake's vehicle a search of the vehicle located no additional weapons. the action against racial injustice has now spread to american sport the n.b.a. postponed all of wednesday's playoff games of the milwaukee bucks boycotted that match in protest of john hendren joins us live now from in wisconsin we know that wisconsin's attorney general has been giving more details about the events leading up to jacob blake shooting at what most even say. well the attorney general's big news was that this story is not entirely as presented by the family of mr blake at least that is his perspective. he said that
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police were seeking blake because his girlfriend had complained that he had trespassed at her house so they were trying to arrest him at the time they say they say they tried to tase him but that did not succeed and then they followed him at some point apparently they did ask him if he had a knife or he disclosed that he had a knife not clear whether he had it on his person at the time they say they found on the floorboard of the card the car afterwards but at no point in the 20 seconds of viral video that so many people have seen on the internet and elsewhere do we see him threatening police in any way in fact when he shot his back is turned to officers as he's climbing into the car where his 3 young sons are sitting so that is the gist of what eternity generals' information is he also goes on to say that the investigation is continuing what we don't have is any kind of firing of
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the officers or the criminal charges he did disclose the officer's name but that was about it and we heard the the prosecutor the district attorney say that they were disgusted by the kinds of activities that you see going on late at night the looting and all that sort of thing. we saw an armored personnel. just a little bit earlier cleared the town square not only temporarily they used tear gas to get rid of people but it is really another hour or so usually until the night tends to go seriously downhill so let me show you how these towns prepare for this this is normally a vacation town and so restaurants like this one would normally be filled but they're not just closed for the early curfew that goes through sunday night they're also boarded up and that's because they're afraid of looting and in fact when people live up stairs above the shops they put out signs like this that warn there are people out there that's a sign saying please don't fire bomb this place because there are human lives above
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and often they leave a little supportive black lives matter sign as well so right now it's fairly quiet we hear some helicopters but all we know that there are many more police here tonight that have been here on other nights and things don't generally start at this hour so we're waiting to see what happens all right john hendren live for us there in kind of show wisconsin john thank you for that. give us some breaking news coming into us here at al-jazeera the new zealand must shoot brant and tyrant has been sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole let's bring in wayne hay who's been following developments now from the thai capital bangkok wayne so brant on top of this is just breaking news now brant and tolerant how to already pleaded guilty to the charges against him talk us through the sentencing and how significant this is for new zealand's legal history. yes well it's the 1st time that this sentence has been handed down the 1st time
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that someone has been sentenced in new zealand to life in prison without the possibility of parole that sentence coming down from the judge in the high court in christchurch justice cameron manda just a few minutes ago and it was a very long sentencing procedure this was the 4th day of the sentencing in the course and in the actual redan of the sentence all of the summing up of all the facts that have been presented to the court the judge spent more than 2 hours reading through his sentence and continuing a theme that we've seen over the past 4 days which was of was of course very emotional harrowing at times listening to our what all the people went through on that day on the 15th of march last year how methodical the gunman brinton tyrant what was that thing continued with the judge going through in great detail exactly
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what happened on that day he went through name by name the people who were murdered exactly where they were in the mosques in christchurch or indeed outside those mosques he went through those who were injured as well as detailing sometimes very emotionally exactly what those family members of the victims and survivors are still going through today. as you mentioned brenton tarrant issued a surprise plea back in march reversing an earlier decision to plead not guilty to the charges with the judge in his sentencing said he was very skeptical about that decision to change his mind and also what he had seen and heard from brenton tyrant since that decision in march this year to change his mind particularly referring to interviews and statements that he had given to psychologists and others leading up to this sentence. when terence apparently changed his mind about his beliefs in
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the white supremacy etc in his how to treat all muslims and non european immigrants but again the judge expressed a lot of skepticism about whether those beliefs really had changed when stay with us weren't you because some of the families of the victims are speaking now outside the courthouse in christchurch let's just listen to what they're saying welcome back to the 2nd. 2 d. . is that. the best. to come to new zealand. for the justice served and only just to be she should be under the same tone. to let everyone know.
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american. european asian african we are of are you going from that part of the world. you were bundy soon. the same we were burnt we live the same we would dare to sin we guess not different between any one of us your identity your behavior differentiate you when you are good you are the biggest. when you care for life you are the best doesn't matter what color you are you are what little you i may be just street to street strip or. ended up as building as a derrick the if you are your heart is now clean over there your do worst and if this must repeat history is the best if that is killing is the best human being so to be. i think this country the people of new zealand and the entire human
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every every one our own do. the police only choose the best in your life to be kind clean from the inside. clean from the insert you will ever the big you will remain the best till you die thank you very much. so some point remarks there from some of the families of the victims who were killed by brenton tyrant there talking outside the courthouse. and a little bit more to what they have to say why should they throw us with a flower so we thank you very much every one of them very much and we thank you the. whole judiciary system of news even justice is done as a mom say is no justice is enough for those when you know they lost their family member and loved one but at least something is done that take the pain and
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take the load we had in our heart from us so we thank the media for reporting and we thank everyone in project in whole or around the world in new zealand terrorism doesn't have as i said in my coat impact statement terrorism doesn't have language race color anyone can be a terrorist so we are not terrorists we are loving people we are the same as any person yet in new zealand thank you. dr salaam aleikum what happened on 15 march 2009 here was in not only an attack on the muslims of new zealand but the country is out. their wish. was to take that day. like. a. dignified way they held up throughout the trial.
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some of the families of the victims there speaking outside the courthouse in crisis let's go back to wayne a even monitoring developments for us from the thai capital bangkok wayne i remember you covered the aftermath of these shootings extensively for al-jazeera and you never think of these sorts of mass shootings happening in a country like new zealand you know new zealand well i mean how is the country come come to terms with the crime almost chains since then. yes i was there in the immediate aftermath and i have to say it was quite a surreal experience having covered many tragic stories in different parts of the world to then arrive in my home country and to cover such an event there was quite a surreal and emotional experience but then there was a sense of pride i think and that was echoed around the world because you know there was so much positive reaction to how everyone in new zealand was responding
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to this unprecedented attack certainly in modern history on new zealand soil everyone from the prime minister done down to those in christchurch and indeed in other parts of the country who weren't directly affected by these attacks and then with the swiftness i think with how the government moved to amend what can only really be called loopholes in the gun legislation i think that caught many people by surprise in new zealand that the that the laws the regulations surrounding the ownership of the guns that brinton terra used in these attacks were there in the 1st place i think people thought in new zealand because gun crime is relatively low that the laws must have been tight so the government moved very quickly on that to close those loopholes to pos legislation and of course the obvious comparison was made with the united states where this you this issue was brought up constantly because of the high rate of gun crime there and and mass shooting so yes it was an
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emotional surreal experience and i think that going back to this case in particular the judge commented on the fact you know back in march when the guilty plea was entered by brenton terence that meant that meant of course they would be no trial therefore no opportunity ok possibly for the survivors and the family members of the victims to have their say in court well they certainly did over the past 4 days all right away in a live from bangkok wayne thank you let's just listen now to wayne's reports on those tragic events of last year which left him. people dead in christchurch. at just after 140 in the afternoon on the 15th of march last year emergency services received the 1st calls a shooting was underway during friday prayers at the el nor mosque in central christchurch. the final. stop in here the people. in total $44.00 worshippers were killed by brenton terence at el norte in
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an attack he live streamed on the internet he then moved on to his 2nd target across town the lynwood mosque where he killed a further 7 people the youngest victim just 3 years old the eldest 77 he was arrested by police as he was making his way to a 3rd mosque in the town nearby it is clear that this can now only be described as a terrorist attack. that was determined because of the preplanned nature of the attack and the ideology terence subscribe to the australian had studied the layout of the mosques and their busiest times he had uploaded a manifesto detailing his white supremacy beliefs and his hatred of muslims and non european immigrants as the wider population rallied around the new zealand muslim community attention turned to the high powered weapons he fired how he obtained them and in some cases modified them legally i can tell you one thing right now our
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gun laws will change less than a month later most semiautomatic weapons became illegal and the government buyback scheme for guns began. in march this year terrance surprise prosecutors by entering a guilty plea that meant did be no trial but the judge wanted some of the 40 survivors and family members of those killed to have the opportunity to speak directly to the gunman in court more than 60 statements were given during the sentencing he had no issue on strong it doesn't even know. it. has racist this hour with his hide his big powerful. and short lives a little in the form of. she never even saw the child. it took something from me the sentencing of brenton tyrant may help provide some closure and healing but his hatred and terror against the lives of so many and one of new zealand's
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darkest days will never be forgotten wayne hey al jazeera. well more now on the ferrari have a connection to shooting as we mentioned earlier the n.b.a. has counseled a number of top flight basketball games in solidarity with the protests against the shooting of jacob blake let's bring in david holdridge he's the editor in chief of the athletic d.c. he's covered sports for 30 years david great to have you on the show does this auction led by the milwaukee bucks as a force the league to counsel 3 playoff games the bucs of course frog global view as the n.b.a.'s team from wisconsin how significant is this move and what impact is it likely to have to you think well it's it's enormous and it's never happened in the 30 years i've been covering the n.b.a. and you have to go back to 164 really when the league players' union 1st was formed by the star players at that time which included the likes of bill russell and jerry west and ask robertson to threaten to not play in an all star game that they had
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arrived at until their union was recognized by the owners of the lakes teams at the time which they did and really that's the last time i can think of something where the players specifically threatened not to play and nobody has ever actually carried it out and not play so it is a it is a game changer in the sense that it will get the attention of the league and the team owners. but we all understand and the players understand this as well and all right whatever they do it's not going to end systemic racism in the united states yeah that's an important point to make david and it was just a few months ago that many black american sports man and sports women raise their voices over the killing of george freud now we have another shooting of a black man take a black in broader terms david how powerful is sports in bringing about reform and changes in social justice. i think it has a very significant role if it doesn't solve all the problems but i tend to believe
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that you know when jackie robinson broke the color line in 1947 a major league baseball that was a big deal and i was a big deal my mom and ali's said after winning every way championship in 1984 that i could he was free to be whoever he wanted to be he didn't have to be to write white sports writers wanted him to be that was a big deal. it doesn't solve everything but symbols matter symbolism matters in this country and around the world i think and those and sports often not always but often can lead the way towards ok making people kind of stop and think and i think that's what these players are trying to get people to do as the protests over george floyd's death have kind of receded in abdin slowed down somewhat in the last few weeks people have started to forget where they started to revert back to their previous positions and i think the players are saying no we can't do that ok you have to continue the energy that you had before david old has sought we haven't
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even that clip it just a bit push the time but thanks very much david talking to al jazeera thank you. my pleasure. democratic presidential nominee joe biden as promised justice for jacob blake in a video statement biden said he'd spoken to the 27 year old's family and that the video showing blake being shot made him sick presidential hopeful as about peaceful protests against police brutality but warned against needless violence. but u.s. vice president might pence is about to make his case to voters at the republican national convention a socially distance audience of around $100.00 people are expected to watch him deliver his speech from fort mchenry in maryland other speakers on day 3 will include pence his wife karen and civil rights advocate clarence anderson let's bring in kimberly alcatraz joins us live now from outside the white house kimberly so all eyes now on mike pence when he delivers his speech shortly from fort mchenry
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what are we expecting pence to say and was he chose in this location. well it's true of this location because it inspired the star-spangled banner the american national anthem and there has been a very strong stance by this administration with regard to the the kneeling of some athletes in the united states as well as those that support them predominantly african-american who have knelt in protest of police brutality during the national anthem and so what we expect from mike pence is that he will speak out in rebuttal to these athletes protests what we're hearing from the excerpts that have been released is that mike pence will say the american people don't have to choose between supporting law enforcement and standing with african american neighbors we understand that he will also address the end rest in can osha wisconsin where of course following the death of another on our black men by
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a white police officer there has been protesting but there's also been violence and looting and we also expect that he will make the case that as there are increased calls for defunding police departments as a solution that this will only make americans less safe in fact the vice president expected to say you won't be safe in joe biden's america and that he is a trojan horse for bringing in the radical left so expect very strong comments to come out of the vice president when he is set to take the stage in the coming hour kimberly and you mentioned those riots and can osho wisconsin they've taken up much of the headlines across the usa i mean president trump wasted no time in declaring he was sending in reinforcements to quell the protests presumably he sees this as the perfect chance to show that he's actually been tough on law and order. absolutely we saw the president signaling this when he tweeted earlier in the day he said that he would be sending in the national guard to support at the request of
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the wisconsin governor and his exact wording was we will not stand for lawlessness on american streets because of course is the death of george floyd in that viral video where we saw a white police officer kneeling on his neck before he died there have been protests all across the united states now we should point out that the u.s. president is expected to appear alongside mike pence as he makes this speech and that of course we should also point out that here at the white house on thursday the president will officially be accepting his party's nomination we're already i can tell you that the fence around the white house has been put back up much like we saw weeks ago when the protests here in washington d.c. were at their height we are once again expecting that there will be protests as the president makes his speech making the case that he is a law and order president distinguishing him he says from his opponent democrat joe biden or a committee outside the white house committee will no doubt come back to you. the
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vice president mike pence makes his speech let's cross over now to steve clemons in washington d.c. he's he's washington editor at large for the hill and the host of course of al-jazeera is the bottom line steve always great to have you on the program look we expect you to speech to be strong on the anthem and american symbols patriotism and also to extol donald trump's leadership but pence of course is the man steering the white house response to coronavirus how do you think he's likely to respond to not to say that the trumpet ministration has completely mishandled the pandemic. well i think that throughout this convention that's for far where you've seen the president meet various victims of the coronavirus and have and wish them well folks policeman frontline health workers and you've heard so many republicans in this convention talk about coal bid in the past and they're ignoring the fact that coal bit is still spreading like wildfire through many parts of the united states and that we have now upwards of 180000 people who have died who would not have died at
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this time in their lives because of this virus and so right now the attitude might and to everyone else is just to keep saying that they're going to improve things to celebrate the heroes on the front lines and not even address the inadequacies or the confusion in their response to this crisis so it is a response that by not responding i'm steve we've got about 4 minutes or so to go until pence appears at fort mchenry so let's just keep going with this i mean president trump has wasted no time in saying he'll be sending in reinforcements to kind of show where those protests are taking place he made no mention though of the shooting of jacob blake another unarmed black man so where does the g.o.p. stand on police brutality on this issue of police reform which of course are political hot potatoes right now. i think if you want an honest answer the g.o.p. is divided what you see in the convention tonight we had the head of the national police association also not mention jacob not mention the victims of violence but
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talked about defunding police where that pressure on reorganizing police was somehow going to leave communities vulnerable to hooligans bug's violence etc i think that the you know issue right now in terms of how they respond on this is that i've i've interviewed recently chris christie the former governor who is an advisor who talks freak frequently to president trump who's been helping him prepare for his debates who shares the story of how when in camden new jersey they had serious problems of police brutality they got rid of the police and they started and then tiredly new retraining program that is from a major republican in the united states who said that there are lots of other republicans that feel that way too but when you get above that level of you know the divide right now it's very similar to what i just said about coded it's to to side with those that worry about that by looking at the protests by and by associating too much with the social justice campaigns and protests going on in
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america rather than the police they are going to lose independents lose their base and so i think right now it is it is law and order and it's more law and order state president trump wants to use the convention and fuse his base but only evidence seems to suggest the trump is a losing support among working class white voters particularly women i mean how much of a blow could this be to his reelection jonson's do you think. well i think that the secret of donald trump i don't know how things will look you know next month but the secret of donald trump is that he doesn't move in a straight line is unpredictable he can he can turn on a dime and help appeal to people we now we have a serious group of independents if democrats were making the choice then of course he wouldn't be president those that are going to be the makers of the next presidency are those that are neither republicans nor democrats and they're waiting to be lured in to be brought in to be appealed to and that's where many white
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suburban women in the country are and many people look at them as key issues but going to the violence you know that you see in the streets and this could backfire that that the black lives matter movement violence that we've seen these eruptions could drive some of those people back towards president trump when they're not with him right now and i think that's the cynical calculation that some of president trump's advisers are making right now is to get these people scared play to those fears that they have and bring them back into the fold yeah that's a big worry for the democrats the let's talk about joe biden as well i mean he's ahead in the latest polls in most of the key battleground states like florida arizona michigan wisconsin i mean how much of a bounce is the convention like to give donald trump can biden hold on to that lead as trump tries to chip away at biden. well there's a there's
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a historic. moment here where you look back 4 years ago and where was donald trump compared to hillary clinton it was exactly where he is with joe biden it was 9 points behind nationally it will be clinton donald trump is 9 points behind joe biden and it varies up and down in many of the battleground states you just mentioned that difference is smaller and so there's been a narrowing but if the election were held tomorrow i think there's little doubt that joe biden would win but in the next you know roughly you know 2 months in a week a lot can happen and i think you know in that in that period of time we'll have to see how joe biden continues to you know he's been trying to sort of offer a message of unity which the republicans have been characterizing as divison dividing we're going to see who wins that narrative with the american public that i
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think are a bit exhausted to tell you the truth from a lot of the turmoil and turmoil we have but we're 50000000 people who have filed for unemployment in the united states we have a pandemic raging while most of the world has wrestled that down and i think when you look at these and we have the racial strife and protests in the nation so the nation is in real time a lot and i think that right now donald trump is playing to many of the fears of people and trying to keep that drive their enthusiasm for him and we'll have to see whether joe biden and and count mcconnell harris can make people feel enthusiastic for him this enthusiasm gap is very important because it's going to take a lot to get people to go to vote at polls and we already know about by the vote by mail problems that are already out there so enthusiasm is going to be the key indicator and right now if you were to look at those 2 i think there's a lot of enthusiasm or a lot of glue that those people that really support trump is going to have and i think he's move that forward. not sure to the convention the convention has not
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been bad for trump it's been good for him let's just talk a bit more steve because we're still waiting on vice president mike pence to make an appearance at fort mchenry to give his speech on night 3 of the republican national convention the big event tomorrow night of course will be when president trump speaks to how much will that speech tell us about how the republicans hope to fight this election campaign going forward when he tried to ted down biden or is he going to try and convince the american public look the worst of the pandemic is over don't worry about it. well i think the big question is is donald trump going to stick to his speech or is he going to wing it if he wings it is going to engage in character assassination and tear down joe biden that's what he's been doing every moment he's on script that if he is scripted i think his people 'd know that the american public want to hear a vision of the future they want to hear the things that he has done and they're going to say they moved the american embassy from tel aviv through to jerusalem
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they wiped out the isis caliphate they've done you know any number of other things they've lowered taxes and got tax reform in place and they have a laundry list of issues that they'd like to put forward but i think if you listen carefully to some of the other major trump proxy so donald trump jr erick trump even millennia it was slightly a law law. a more aspirational tone in some of their talks and even more policy and less derision of the democratic party there was always some derision but i was impressed that they did raise certain policy issues both eric and don jr and i imagine that what they don't want to do is to repeat donald trump's inaugural speech which was this man it came and you know this nation divided deeply at its core i think they're going to try to strip donald trump i'm guessing as someone who actually does represent the interests of all americans and not a darkly divided nation i could be wrong on this but we'll i think that's what
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they're trying to do and you can see that in the some of the speeches of those who are closest to him so. let's get one final point in because mike pence i'm just wondering out around facts he says going up one of the states now with his wife karen just very quickly steve the coronavirus has forced a very different setting for the conventions this he has missing from fort mchenry who is starting to lose all gain from this change. well i think donald trump loses a bit because he's not able to do the things as he was trying lights he wouldn't have to i'm sorry steve really just enough to jump in because the vice president has just about to speak let's just listen to what he has to say was so so was it what it was that.
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