tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera August 28, 2020 3:00am-3:34am +03
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frank assessments what are you seeing. this in the 6 percent who told the police. the big stuff this is true and in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on al-jazeera. donald trump has failed at the most basic and important job of a president of the united states. he failed to protect the american people democratic vice presidential nominee com allow us attacks donald trump's conduct ahead of his address to the republican convention.
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hello i'm down in jordan this is out there at live from doha also coming up nato warns russia are against meddling in belarus as president putin promises troop support of protests get out of control the. search and rescue operations are underway after one of the strongest storms to hit the u.s. batters southern louisiana thus. anger in argentina over a government plan to reform the judicial system critics say it'll be used to protect the political elite. democratic vice presidential candidate commissaries has delivered a preemptive strike on donald trump just hours ahead of his speech to the party faithful that the republican national convention harris condemned trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic and addressed the unrest over the police shooting of jacob blake saying america must fulfill the promise of equal justice the reality is
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that the life of a black person in america has never been treated as fully human. and we have yet to fulfill that promise of equal justice under law well earlier trump praised the national guard's efforts to quell protests in the city of can osha suggested the same approach should be used in other cities like portland and as the president prepares to make his speech from the white house not some just a couple of hours from now black lives matter protesters have gathered nearby in the hope of drowning him out well let's go live now to our white house correspondent kimberly how get kimberly so the democrats have clearly thrown the cats amongst the pigeons on trump's big night out how is blasting trump over the pandemic and racial divisions tell us a bit more about what she said. yeah the democratic vice presidential nominee come on harris is free bottle if you will was very strong in terms of how she
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eviscerated donald trump and his platform his record in the white house so far particularly when it comes to his handling of cope with 19 that has cost the lives of more than 180000 americans and resulted in millions of americans losing their jobs she may said that the early missteps made by the president resulted in so many lost lives she also said he doesn't seem to understand the presidency that it's all about him and as a result there is a disregard for the american people instead of worrying about their health and safety a pandemic is unforgiving. if you get it wrong at the beginning the consequences are catastrophic and it's very hard to catch up you don't get a 2nd chance at getting it right well president. he got
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it wrong from the beginning and then he got it wrong again and again so it can be all eyes then on trump's official acceptance speech later tonight presumably we can expect him to go on the offensive against biden in the house what's he like to say. yeah absolutely that is already being set up on the south lawn of the white house behind me where we're told there are hundreds of people already gathering not wearing masks even though we are in the midst of a pandemic we expect these people listening to the president's speech to be sitting shoulder to shoulder now in the midst of all this outside the white house the protests are also forming we know that many people have traveled around the united states hundreds are expected even potentially thousands the goal is to try and drown out the president as he except his party's nomination and we can tell you that the security is high for this speech there is a perimeter fence all around the white house campus now in terms of what the u.s.
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president is expected to say we are watching very carefully to see if he will mention the name of shake a leg that is the 29 year old man who was killed in wisconsin a black man that was killed by a white police officer up till now the republican party has mostly spoken broadly about social unrest it was said and also on the west coast of the united states so democrats are challenging him to say his name and that is something we are watching for as well we are expecting the president hit back hard against the statements made by the democratic vice presidential nominee with respect to cope with night scene particularly challenging joe biden for his so-called strategy of republicans which they say amounts to nothing more than hiding in his basement he'll also challenge the former vice president on his record in office not hitting back against china and also whether or not he has what it takes to create the jobs and
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bring this economy back all right secondly how could they in washington d.c. can be able to catch up with you throughout the night of course thank you for that's well clyde wilcox is a professor of government at georgetown university he says we should expect the gap between republicans and democrats to narrow. i think that it will be time for the violence in these protests to disappear that does definitely play into trump's hands he had been wanting to may have surely protest and saying this is what will happen by us mere of course it's actually happening from severe so the crimes argument is essentially a little you can save from what's going on during my presidency but the law and order argument is about is best argument at this point we would expect the gap to narrow a little because republicans seeing a republican convention or attempting to come back to their candidate there's a lot of republicans out there endorsement by in their hearts a lot of republicans want to vote for their own party but hillary clinton was
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a very unpopular candidate joe biden's actually very likable very popular and donald trump was right he won't promises look what i'm going to do i'm going to make his great you know for your show he will be a little harder for him to close and yet the real threat in this election is are we going to get all the votes is there going to be irregularities in delivering the mail ballots and that's what that for hundreds of federal and regional troops are patrolling the u.s. city of can osha after several nights of violent protest spot by the shooting of a black man how about there's been relative calm on thursday activists all pushing for charges against the officer who opened fire on jacob blake the 29 year old was shot 7 times in the back as he opened his car door on sunday the incident led to protests across several city it's 2 people who were shot dead during demonstrations in kind of shot on tuesday a 17 year old suspect has been arrested and charged let's go live now to john hendren he's in kind of said john so major national guard and police reinforcements
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was sent into kind of last night tell us what's been happening there today john. well there an 8 is 7 o'clock local time and that means it's curfew we've all gotten the notices on our phones and as you can see behind me there are still dozens of protesters there were more doing a march a little while ago but they've shown an absolute determination to violate the curfew every night and tonight appears like it will be no different now last night was the 1st night where we had real massive reinforcements of both federal troops and police from other agencies coming here into town and at 7 o'clock last night you saw an armored personnel carrier pull into that park behind me as kind of a warning sign letting people know the curfew has begun it's time for you to go and then later they got more aggressive and they've been doing that over the past
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couple of nights but every single night this week except wednesday into thursday. there was massive looting fires said a couple nights ago 3 dozen fires were responded to by firefighters but this morning when people woke up they learned that that didn't happen overnight that things had changed rather significantly whether that will continue we don't know we'll find out in the coming hours and john reports that this teenager has not been charged with 1st degree murder following the deaths of those 2 protest as well can you tell us. that's right kyle rittenhouse is a 17 year old earlier today we heard that he was charged with murder and now those charges have been increased that he's been charged with 2 counts of 1st degree intentional homicide or murder and a raft of other charges including in danger in the public and interestingly possession of a dangerous weapon under the age of 18 so while we have liberal weapons laws here
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here in the united states you still can't go out in public with an assault weapon as he did on that night the video that we've all seen on. the internet or many of us anyway shows him or what police say is him on the ground apparently after a scuffle with protesters then getting up in firing into the crowd killing 2 people and injuring one who is expected to recover and that's caused a lot of upset not just out here among protesters or across the country but among the icons of american sports the national basketball association postponed all 3 of its playoff games on wednesday night because the players wanted not to play in solidarity with the protesters that similar boycotts happened with major league baseball the women's national basketball association and the national hockey league and that makes it not just something that affects sports here in the u.s. that makes it a cultural phenomenon is obviously become something that has spread across the
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nation here you had jesse jackson here earlier today demanding the arrest in charges against the officers involved in the shooting of jacob blake we are told by the way also by his father that as he lies in a hospital bed paralyzed from those police bullets he is handcuffed to that bed all right john hendren there live for us and kind of show wisconsin john thank you now the head of nato ponens prime minister russia not to meddle in the crisis in belarus it comes up about a minute putin sent his clearest signal yet that he's ready to use force to support the bill or russian president putin said it was a police force has been set up to help alexander lukashenko but will only be deployed if the unrest spins out of control they've been mass protests across the country since the shank of the committed another overwhelming victory in the election just over 2 weeks ago thousands of opponents have been detained and on wednesday more than 30 journalists were arrested but boy is from the massachusetts
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institute of technology and is originally from belarus she says russian involvement could take several forms. indirect help from russia is indeed the what's likely scenario so for instance. russia could in full continue to contribute to the spread of misinformation about the protests it could keep signaling because one of the the signals is that again targeting the protesters was a warning that had if that may be the best outcome for them is to go home and prevent russian intervention. i believe in direct support assurance to a question assurance to the security forces of bell roost might be some of the approaches russia could take what is most recent statement as a warning so this is a warning that is pro really signaling to the e.u. to stay away signaling to broader stairs to stay away and i
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believe that you know that if that came as a statement the deployment is likely only produce spin out of control is an important element certainly. would create the illusion that sings a spinning out of control but that is also perhaps not in his interest. time for a short break here and al-jazeera when we come back. protests against police brutality in south africa after a disabled teenager is shot dead. on the crisis deepens in the eastern mediterranean as turkey and greece step up the rhetoric of a maritime discipline and say.
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hello to a tropical storm by the continuing to work its way northward the beyond the korean peninsula and into the north east of china see this massive cloud here that is the progress of the storm it will stay a tropical storm for the 1st calls of friday and then finally it does fall apart sickles the women's easing below tropical storm strength but still some very heavy rain in the forecast and again trading right there down across much of the korean peninsula so it'll just add to any flooding that is in place meanwhile some very heavy rain as well through these eastern sections of china and it stays in the forecast friday and saturday shanghai seeing a particularly wet couple of days but again that rain pushing across the korean peninsula and working its way through to the far northeast scottish. areas of japan and largely dry across much of mainland china that we had across tools india not particularly dry here of course more heavy rain in the forecast as we go through friday it's going to be through much of profession again extending further to the west across into rajastan and the rains quite heavy again 3 go down across the west and gas it is drier across the south and across areas to the east a not
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a bad day friday across much of bangladesh in the rains also have eased across much of me i'm also as we go on into saturday again those rains very heavy through the central region so we could of course see more flooding over the next couple of days . a victim. being his past as an instrument of pinochet's brutal dictatorship a father tries to forget. but his son's quest for answers reveals there are often 2 sides to even the darkest of stories witness the color of the chameleon on out is there.
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welcome back a good amount of our top stories here this hour democratic vice presidential candidate common interest as attack president trump's record hours before the final light of the republican national convention she's condemned his handling of the conduct and calls for racial justice. meanwhile hundreds of protesters are gathering outside the white house ahead of president trump's speech to the convention people officially accept the republican party's nomination in a few hours time. on federal and regional troops on patrol in the u.s. it if you know shot to several nights of fun and hotel spot a shooting of a black man activists are pushing for charges against the officer who opened fire on. now the u.s.
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states of louisiana and texas have been battered by one of the most powerful hurricanes ever to hit the region again nora made landfall in the early hours of thursday morning as a category 4 at least 4 people were killed and hundreds of thousands are without power at a gallop i reports. the sheer power of hurricane laura left a wide trail of destruction through louisiana the storm didn't bring the un survivable tidal surges forecasters predicted but the damage is severe neighboring southeast texas escaped the worst of lloris 240 kilometer per hour winds but more than half a 1000000 in both states without power as the storm steam rolled through louisiana it ripped facades off buildings down telephone poles and left in massive cleanup for those that rode the storm out it's pretty bad i mean you can it's really right around the corner there the whole garage is small. down the power line is is down in the yard. fences down so. it's like
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a long road to recovery all i can do is pray that i have the faith of god right now they i know i have to have for my kids that if i panic they're going to panic so i have to keep it together and that's what i'm doing in westlake louisiana the hurricane caused a fire as a chemical plant while flooding in some areas is still a major concern and the full extent of the damage won't be known until the winds die down the storm surge recedes and officials consider some of the more vulnerable communities it is clear that we did not sustain and suffered the absolute catastrophic damage that that. was likely based on the forecasts we had last night but. we have sustained a tremendous amount of damage we have thousands and thousands of our fellow citizens whose lives are upside down. because their businesses and or their homes
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have been damaged a massive search and rescue operation is now underway those who were evacuated was sent to hotels to avoid a potential spiking cases of the coronavirus it's clear that hurricane laura could have been much worse but nonetheless the lives of hundreds of thousands of people have been impacted industries been damaged homes lay in ruins and a full recovery could take months president says he plans to visit the region in the coming days now it turned out we got a little bit lucky it was very big it was very powerful but it passed quickly and so everything's on schedule will probably be going on saturday or sunday and will be heading to texas and louisiana and maybe an additional 6 louisiana has already been hit hard by the coronavirus with a 145000 confirmed cases now they do. with another disaster and gallacher al-jazeera. to lebanon now at least 2 people have been killed and others wounded in
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the heavy clashes between supporters of sunni and shia parties. gunfire was exchanged during the confrontations and some houses and cars were set on fire in cali south of the capital violence reportedly erupted over a dispute involving a flag related to the assurer religious ritual the lebanese army has been deployed 4 people have been arrested including 2 syrian nationals saudi arabia says it's intercepted a missile coming from yemen local media is reporting that who the rebels fired a ballistic missile targeting a civilian area in. the province has suffered hundreds of drone and missile attacks since the war began the saudi led coalition has been fighting with the rebels backed by iran since 2015 after they took control of the yemeni capital sana'a. u.s. secretary of state mike pompei is on his way home after a quick trip to the middle east he had hoped to make progress in getting more
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countries to normalize their relationships with israel after securing a deal with the u.a.e. particle haim has more so he left with high hopes u.s. secretary of state trying to build momentum after the u.s. announced israel and the united arab emirates would take some steps towards normalizing relations both countries trying to send the message that this is a big deal i'm very hopeful that we will see other arab nations join in this i think it holds a new era where we could have others nations joining we discuss this and i hope we'll have good news in the future maybe in the near future if you meant on this trip that didn't happen in sudan where the u.s. appears to be offering sanctions relief in exchange for better relations with israel or bahrain no announcements from here his last stop oman the state department says the focus was on ending the 3 year old g.c.c. crisis but didn't announce any movement the one thing the pompei 0 did produce on this trip controversy the president exit the u.s.
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from the disastrous nuclear deal with iran giving a speech from jerusalem to the republican national convention that is something a u.s. secretary of state has not done in 75 years democrats say they will investigate if that broke federal law that bars government employees from working on political campaigns there's a real question here about whether mike hale went to jerusalem to do official business legitimately or went to jerusalem on the taxpayers' dime to give a political speech and we have to take a look at the arrangements were made the timing and the planning or preparation that went into all of the secretary of state pale was there to highlight what he sees as the president's foreign policy achievements it's not clear that this trip will do anything to add to that list patty calling al-jazeera. the united nations is warning that the real number of coronavirus cases in syria far exceeds official figures nearly 2 and
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a half 1000 infections have been confirmed but humanitarian chief say many are reluctant to seek treatment and cases have not been properly traced they say the situation is particularly serious and refugee camps in the north east of the country reports of health care facilities filling up or rising numbers of death notices. all seem to indicate that actual cases are exceeded vision. what the official figures to show is the community transmission is widespread over 2140 cases. are the syrian ministry of the majority cannot be traced to a no no. rising christian numbers are adding pressure to the fragile system protests have broken out in south africa after police killed a disabled 16 year old boy the family of nathaniel jr says he was shot because his condition made him unable to answer questions from an officer with a miller has more now from john his book. anger boils over in eldorado pocket after
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the death of 16 year old nathaniel julius a police officer allegedly shot the teenager with down syndrome on wednesday and he died later in hospital protesters who fought running battles with police say it's just the latest example of police brutality in the community south of janice bug. you know when a son was shot his mother bridget says he'd done nothing wrong we asked him to predict does he have a killed us. why. if it did but again just the only way out is still cool people out there it doesn't merely fuel police men or of the local whatever it is cool people out there i learned today this cruel people out. why do we do you smoke to shoot my son what winterreise my the police haven't responded to all to serious questions about the shooting they say an investigation is under way and are
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calling for calm but people here want the police officer they say is responsible for the killing arrested and charged with murder the accused local police officers of ignoring the community's needs. in that i think that. is the police report that's what police work that's criminality that is what it is that these. standoff between police and protesters is continuing late into the day police are using rubber bullets protesters are throwing rocks at police to keep them back police have also used water cannon they've also used tear gas to try and disperse protesters here but protesters say they're angry at the killing of nathaniel julius the community says police are using gang violence in the area to cover up the killing. and i saw in the flying
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squad both in the 1st 2 party berth and they came in after i understand shot the other just sort of political i was by the way with something and the doctor pulling out somebody and threw me in the van and drove off there were no gang fight last night it was very very quiet protesters say they'll continue demonstrating as long as nothing is done to address their anger and a mother questions what she called the senseless killing of her son loved by his community for me to al-jazeera johannesburg. turkey has extended its mediterranean gas exploration mission and ordered new naval drills as its dispute with greece deepens turkey says the exercises are not related to the standoff with greece of a potential oil and gas reserves. athens has ratified a maritime agreement with egypt which turkey opposes both countries have been holding drills near an air and sea that they both claim. germany's top diplomat had been calling for an end to turkey and greece exercises in the
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mediterranean he was urging them to pull back from the risk of confrontation i come us both at a meeting of foreign ministers in berlin. and we will see how things develop at the end of this month where the ships will move to and we will also work here to create the conditions for turkey and greece to solve their problems directly with each other and to do everything possible to avoid military confrontation. argentina's senate is debating a controversial judicial reform the government says it's necessary to prevent abuses but opponents say it's a way to absolve the former president cristina fernandez de kirchner from cases against juries about reports. argentina is under threat this people say and that's why they gathered in front of congress to protest against the government's plan to reform the way it delivers justice. even a girl says she's here because argentina's institutions are in danger or get almost
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no reform this is not a judicial reform this does not improve the lives of people on the street the only thing they want to reform is the federal justice system to achieve impunity in the 12 cases against a former president who is being investigated she should show she is innocent instead of trying to get friendly judges in her case. when he took office a lot of the fatah members promised he would reform the judiciary saying it is used as a tool to persecute political opponents was among them former president and now vice president cristina fernandez the kershner the bill voted in the senate increases the number of judges and changes how investigations are carried out in argentina but one of the issues that anger many here is the. commission created to evaluate the possibility of reforming the supreme court part of that commission is the lawyer of cristina fernandez the. senators from the ruling party say the reform needs to happen now they want to have better things done as he was
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a system to persecute opponents and that is law fair that's judicial war did not happen only in argentina but around the region it means persecuting opponents to defend political projects but they do not like. this people here and members of the opposition are questioning the timing of this bill reaches congress i times when argentina struggling with the consequences of covert 19 when there is a lot down in a place that has had a devastating effect in the economy the government has responded to between ford and bills in congress such as the legalization of abortion criminy of the people here there are many other priorities in argentina right now than we form the judiciary the debate over judicial reform has polarized society once again making it difficult for the government and the opposition to find a way out of the current crisis if. argentina has no project no plan and the
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institutions in the social groups that could get us out with a horrendous lack of credibility what roles in argentina is distrust and it's very difficult to build a collective project like this it's going to be very difficult. poverty and unemployment are on the rise in argentina lack of consensus and political strife are likely to make the situation worse. that is how will. all the news of course in our website there is in my screen the address al jazeera dot com. time for a quick check of the headlines here on al-jazeera democratic vice presidential candidate carla harris has attacked president donald trump's reco hours before the final night of the republican national convention she condemned his handling of the pandemic and called for racial justice. a pandemic is
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unforgiving if you get it wrong at the beginning the consequences are catastrophic and it's very hard to catch up you don't get a 2nd chance at getting it right well president trump he got it wrong from the beginning and then he got it wrong again and again for president trump will officially accept the republican party's nomination in a few hours' time he'll address supporters at the white house hundreds of protesters that are already gathering outside. federal and regional troops on patrol in the u.s. city of can osha after several nights of violent protests sparked by the shooting of a black man activist are pushing for charges against the officer who opened fire on the late. head of nato and poland's prime minister have urged russia not to meddle in the crisis in belarus it comes out of that in the putin sent his clearest signal
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yet that he's ready to use force to support the belorussian president. one of the most powerful storms ever to hit the u.s. was battered the southern state of louisiana killing at least 4 people hurricane nora made landfall with category 4 strength and took 11 hours to be downgraded to a tropical storm it sparked evacuation orders for hoffa a 1000000 people. at least 2 people have been killed and others wounded in heavy clashes between supporters of sunni and shia parties in lebanon gunfire was exchanged during the confrontations and some houses and cars were set on fire in cali south of the capital and saudi arabia says it's intercepted a missile coming from yemen and local media is reporting that who fired a ballistic missile targeting a civilian area in not run the province of suffered hundreds of drone and missile attacks since the war began well those were the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera the inside story that's watching.
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