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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm +03

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of jobs losses prove tries to control the sport of the coronavirus. plus the brigadier who claims to want the world trade organization. charge of a cost 0. 0 . 00 this is the news hour on al-jazeera. from our world headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes police confront anti-government protesters in bella ruse as people take to the streets calling for president alexander lukashenko his resignation a divided nation voting is underway in palm entry elections that could set montenegro on a new path also this hour salvaging whatever they can severe flooding in sudan's capital with a threat of more as
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a nile river reaches precedented levels and khattala announces sweeping labor reforms as it has closer to hosting the 2022 foot or walk. to school including missing mixi also known as prayers turn up for pre-season medical stories in motion of the telling the truth he wants to leave. thank you for joining us police in bella rules have detained at least a dozen people as anti-government protests sent to their 3rd week them and straighteners and a growing number of striking workers are demanding political change present alexander lukashenko is accused of rigging his reelection earlier this month to continue 26 years of all authoritarian rule the interior ministry says rallies on sunday are unauthorized niger. i will say now working under severe restrictions
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many have had their accreditation withdrawn. bareness made this following developments from lithuania's capital vilnius joins us now live on the news hour so big crowds again this sunday in men's tell us about the situation right now what a year and what are the challenges the protesters are facing today. foley we're hearing from people that we have in minutes because this is a very large protest and from the pictures we're seeing coming in still a significant crowds turning out and certainly many tens of thousands there's also told a much heavier police and military presence than one has been over previous weekends this is now the food we can the food then to the 3rd week since these protests have started on the hope was all the fear was amongst protest organizers that they were
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going to lose momentum and that might have been a hope of the or far it is but from the pictures we've seen today meant i'm still seems to be there the 1st 3 days of the protests were met with a very severe crackdown by the authorities 7000 detained hundreds injured and 3 killed when water cannon and rubber bullets were used in flash bomb grenades were used to disperse crowds but heavy handed approach stopped have been people yes detained but the bulk of these protests have been allowed to go out not just in minutes but in cities all over belarus we're hearing many thousands of people are protesting burnage we're hearing that russia's president putin and president had a phone call and yet we know what came out of that conversation. the phone call was described by the kremlin as a birthday phone call from brother in putin to the 66 years. all to today the
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2 men arranged to meet in moscow in a few weeks clearly no sense of urgency from either side no law no love lost between either side either before the presidential election luka shanker was saying that russia was trying to divide and so they should vote for him to protect belarus and these changes choose since the election now says nato in the e.u. are threatening valorous but whatever the 2 have agreed to meet and voted no putin has offered a rapid reaction police force should look at need it to deal with protests further down the line here and lithuania way you are burnett is pushing for a stronger response from the european union and it's also considering banning alexander lukashenko what can we expect from europe what sort of support will they provide the anti-government protesters and the opposition in lithuania should this situation continue. well lithuania is
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already been offering safe haven to some protestors coming from before the fall of the soviet union this place was it was come to as much of a soviet satellites as belarus was that they diverged at the end of the soviet union and lithuania and the other baltic states chose the democratic path that's not happened in belarus so lithuania going to very strong defender of the protests . there are people who had to leave but those who come here i'm in a food shelter here in building this is the law is the closest city to minsk outside of belarus lithuania wants the e.u. to take a strong line and there are sanctions in the pipeline and that's the way india will be announcing some sanctions next week largely essentially perhaps symbolic but significant a little radio nevertheless thank you very much for that bernard smith reporting there live from the capital of nathan waiting in delhi is now valery said conall is
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a belorussian opposition leader carried me in neighboring poland he believes president look i shan't go has underestimated the movement against him. everybody understand and the stand very well that look at santa maximum got 'd. 10 percent of the public support this was the real result of the presidential elections but in fact you wrote him. he declared that he had to go out 80 percent of the public vote which was absolutely not true well bill rousseau will never be the same that's very obvious. now. post from different sides i mean the look us encourage him you know look at seneca faces the position 1st of all from the side of the bill was publica society civil society 2nd from the west that didn't recognize the
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results of the presidential elections and the 3rd also is russia because now kremlin understands very well that look a sense good doesn't have the support to incite his own country and i think that he is a kind of isolated from belarus itself or ability to speak pull itself from the western countries and from russia who publicly support him but in fact understand very well the real support of local center inside bill respectful and they will treat him respectfully. a strong turnout is being reported in montenegro a spot of entry election president. says bonnet in the capital. his governing party is facing opposition from an alliance seeking closer ties with serbia and russia it kind of h.'s government has led the country almost continuously since the
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end of communism in the 1990 s. making him one of europe's longest serving leaders ivan path of a child the latest from the capital of montenegro now and he explains why voters are more divided than ever. turned out to actually very significant almost 15 percent is better in comparison with previous elections 4 years ago and now there could be a couple reasons for that for example of a there are expected hard day so people decided to go to walter earlier if possible but i think that's the main reason the political heat in the country where both sides of the governing party and of main opposition politicians mark the selections as he started one i want to say curse it depends on who you ask actually for all the party a speakeasy space itself statement a negro and also almost a new ground identity on the other hand for the main opposition a quality sions for a serbian opposition at stake is a serbian orthodox church and the future of the country and of the people. the
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vision in the country deeper and more of each of these controversial or controversial low on the religious freedom which resulted by the end of the last year of soul was there be an orthodox church believes is the main targets that the law should provide the state a possibility to take control over all the religious sites be able to before 918 when montenegro join a union of the city of solar city an orthodox church holds its largest religious organisation in the country believes is the main targets of this law they organize a huge protest almost every day in this country they communicate main political leaders of the country from church and from christianity and now they openly call people to world for pro serbian opposition. in other world news dozens of migrants who were rescued from the mediterranean sea last week have been brought to the
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tyrion island of lampedusa they were among more than 200 picked up by charity vessel funded by the british street artist banksy shallot bellis has more. after radio silence from the italian coast guard on saturday they responded to calls for help transporting 49 migrants from charity luis michel to the island of lampedusa it was 32 women 13 children 4 men and one body and an identified migrant who failed in their dream to start a new life in europe. they had been on the louise michel a search and rescue ship funded by renowned british street artist banksy named after a 19th century french an artist banksy painted it with a fire extinguisher and tagged it with a modified image of his balloon go i did launch last week from near valencia but the sushi media ship and its crew of team have been quickly overwhelmed. it came
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across nearly 90 people floating in a rubber boat on wednesday in 130 more off the coast of libya eventually with an overcrowded did they take the life rafts to the ship and most are in germany for urgent help but received no assistance the reason that there would not ever to move were because they were going to live for a long time to not of a crowd that so much and also to have. 5 a place for the body that they found. as the drama unfolded banksy posted this on instagram because i think it's a guy writing like most people who make it in the art world. to cruise the meat it's a french navy vessel we converted into a lifeboat the authorities deliberately ignore distress calls from known europeans he goes on to say black lives matter. the u.n.
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says 44000 migrants have crossed the mediterranean this year 5000 have been risk use mainly by charity ships 500 have trained there is a very dire a very. provent a bowl and a very unacceptable situation going on in the in the mediterranean right now there is deeply deeply concerned by the continued absence of search and rescue search and rescue vessels the u.n. has cooled for europe to do more as a whole suit countries like italy imports like lampedusa don't bear a disproportionate lawyers in the migrant crisis fellas al-jazeera and another both with hundreds of migrants and refugees has been allowed to dock at the port in lampedusa patrol boats and the town and coast guard rescued the vessel with about 450 people on board the boat was in danger of capsizing because of strong winds.
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there's lots more ahead on this al-jazeera news hour including lies destroyed abandoned homes thousands flee after heavy flooding in kenya. and. demanding answers the families of victims of enforced disappearances in pakistan edge the government to take action and the milwaukee bucks return from their social justice protest and reach the n.b.a. playoffs semifinals don't have the details in sports. qatar has just announced a series of reforms to its labor laws for the 1st time it has set a monthly minimum wage for employees regardless of nationality or type of job it also gives workers the ability to change employees without meeting their sponsors approval imran khan has the details. after
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a 2 year long consultation process with the u.n. body the international labor organization the state of cattle has announced sweeping reforms in the way employees are treated in the gulf state some of the changes include the introduction of a minimum wage of $1800.00 tare rails around $500.00 u.s. dollars a month which includes an allowance for food and accommodation there's also freedom of movement between employers without the need for what's called a no objections difficult the law applies to all x. party employees in the country including domestic workers employed by individual families there's concern that previous laws in place to protect workers haven't been in force properly local media have reported that some construction workers were paid for months at the start of the coded in $1000.00 pandemic the international labor organization says the new laws will be enforced and they will be more outlets to resolve labor disputes. we had to jointly with the state of qatar study its impact its paper ations and ensured that it's been official for all
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including the workers the private sector around the country so a lot of ground work had to be done also the legislative changes the actual law to be prepared but also when it comes to the minimum wage there actually has to be a study done on the needs of the workers councils largest export populations come from bangladesh pakistan the philippines and india the government says that the minimum wage will be beneficial to both employees and the country this is part of it bigger picture there reforms 1st laws are very good these 2 new 2 major announcements today are fantastic for the country but implementation is equally as important so we will be working with the government here. ensuring that the labor inspectors are fully aware of the legislation making sure that their workers are aware making sure that their enterprises companies the private sector is aware because i was hoping these reforms will also address concerns in the run
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up to the football world cup in 2022 human rights groups have highlighted various issues about workers in the country that include some construction sites and inadequate living conditions in the last 6 years they see for workers have died during the construction of world cup stadiums that's brought a lot of attention from the international community on cats are now these labor law reforms are partly the way of dealing with international pressure however the closer we get to the world cup in 2022 the more bright the international spotlight will shine imran khan al-jazeera. well as bring in sharon barrow analyse general secretary of the international trade union confident aeration she's i skype from brussels thank you very much as verified being with us on al-jazeera so what do you make of these new decisions announced by the qatari government a new minimum wage 1st of all for all employees and domestic workers not based on
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nationality as was the case in the past how significant is this for for the region this is a new do on food for workers mind because in good time to have a free system to in the fall a system and normalize contracts with appropriate provisions to have a back up system of the labor cotton grievance procedure is representation of the place but they need to have been known to scrutiny know my age on top of that we are delighted to say that courage in the lead of the qatari government it's been a low journey we thank the ilo and the government for the did it crash into these and frankly it will rank they will come up much will secure environments forward knowing that they have secured an industrial relations system right at the no objection certificate requirement to change jobs for employees has been eliminated
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and this will now allow people to change jobs more easily but as we've seen in the past it's not always easy to implement this how does a government out of the qatari government make sure this is in force and that companies and employers respect their obligations. well this is no different to any other country you have to have the laws in place and you have to have the grievance for sages we see in this case a labor court where employers can be held to account there's no doubt they will still be disputes that's the sign me every country but now we have confident with the laws in place the labor courts in place that workers will be able to get justice where in fact the rewards the brits i am so delighted for migrant workers who struggled with us for we is a need is to get this done and of course to a government that was prepared to ensure a partnership with the ilo and the i-ching see i can only hope that the other gulf
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states there will follow suit in the modern system of slavery put in place an industrial relations system we were met i was going to ask you about that in fact the rest of the region you talked about the fact that this will probably help deflect criticism of qatar ahead of the world cup in 2022 but do you see other countries in the region following suit. not yet we see some movement in oman 'd in no kuwait a little bit of hope was there in bahrain but it's looking very bleak and of course we're in discussions ahead of the g. 20 with saudi arabia but in 2 we see them recognize that the confounders system must be in the transparent system of contracts a minimum living wage and of course the right for workers to be represented and to
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say to grievances when those things are in place then we will say this region is fit for the business but the task really reaches that binge today of course there are things we'll continue to talk to them about we'll continue to think with this with they are actually at the plot of unscrupulous employers but please is a fantastic historic moment and congratulations to all involved and so what does this mean then for migrants who want to to come to qatar and this region do you think this will be that you know this will make qatar more attractive for them now and will the destination countries perhaps change their policies towards some of their people coming to this reach him. i think there can be no doubt about that and also this enables a domestic labor market of course to predominantly migrant workers but the tonight bulls the normalisation know people moving to and from jaws in
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a domestic labor market as well as of course contracts for migrant workers in other countries we necessary so all in all it should be good for the workers it certainly should be good for the business and it puts qatar in a different category in terms of its respect for the workers who helped make the in the strong nation they want to thank you so much for talking to us ms bearish on barrow is the general secretary of the international trade union confederation joining us there from brussels we appreciate your time thank you now more flooding is expected in sudan in the coming days where the government says the nile river has already reached unprecedented levels parts of the capital khartoum are said marriage after days of torrential rain at least $88.00 people have died and thousands of homes destroyed since the start of the rainy season here morgan has more from cottam this is all that remains of sam
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a in jail his belongings after the my river flooded his home and his neighborhood in sudan's capital hard to he says when he 1st saw the river rising 2 days ago he thought he'd be able to save his home but soon realized otherwise. we put sandbags around the entrance of the house so it won't collapse when i went to help other homes much closer to the nile and when the water continued rising i ran back to make sure my house wouldn't collapse but it did and we lost so much i took my family to a relative's house and now i'm trying to see what i can salvage. dozens of other homes have suffered similar damage destroyed by the river less than 5 kilometers away. i took my kids home got submerged in water all our property and life savings have been destroyed by the flood. i have lived here for many years but this is the 1st time the flood has reached this side has caused a lot of damage my house now has collapsed meteorologists say the rise in the level
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of the nile river is due to heavy rains in the south of the country they also say climate change has increased the amount of annual rainfall flash floods have killed scores of people since the start of the rainy season a month ago thousands of properties around the country have been destroyed hundreds have been displaced some living in tents of us staying behind to guard what is left of their shelters for many families who've lost their properties in the floods they journeyed to starting over is one that will take some time the country is going through an economic crisis with inflation soaring at 150 percent and as families wait for the water levels to recede they remain concerned about the potential spread of water borne diseases such as malaria and cholera sudan's government says it expects more floods in the coming days as heavy rains continue to fall in the highlands of neighboring if you are the source of much of the miles of water not that. we speak to an increase in the normal level in all situations especially from khartoum going northwards so we're doing those people on the banks of the neulander
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sprach is not just to be alert but to help protect the areas in their villages and come together for osama the damage is already done he's hoping the government now focuses on assisting those who have been affected by the floods so that they can get over the crisis and rebuild their lives he will morgan on to 0 her term. it is president of the world association for sustainable development he says the sudanese government hasn't done enough to help those affected by the floods. the current flooding in from. the capital which we all see but across the whole river not from doing well off from across the central part of sudan is primarily a natural disaster no one can argue against that and that the defense of the sudanese defense or the bridges are all that that the birth diction mechanism which only you need to understand very well they have failed to deal with it not because of the failure of the system i'm always been
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a critic of the government but this is serious i think we have to be to give 6 right that advantage of that what these can hold in terms of quarter is being frock and it's a broken record it's quite heavy flooding naturally they come with serious health issues there will be loss of b c's loss of property even now some environmentalist trying to help the country by giving them warning about insects which would come out of the water it's a very serious humanitarian crisis come don't it's a natural crises nothing to do is it down but it needs the government where does the minister of social affairs this is the time where you see a social fabric so bored by government with the vision and leadership we have never seen a single talk from any of the government officials prime minister is in different ways he doesn't feel the benefits i think this is a real classic example of a government fairly you have to support is this and i guess one example george w. bush lost. his leadership when he failed to respond to
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a national disaster in the us i think what is we're seeing is international disaster with believe that government failure. flooding has forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes in the share at least 45 people have been killed after the river overflowed in heavy rain the capital niamey has shut down hundreds of grain stores have been damaged and the rain is also causing big problems in kenya where thousands have abandoned their homes environmentalist say decades of deforestation grass heavier downpours and usual have contributed to the disaster catherine so it has been to make baringo where water levels have risen around 12 meters in the past 7 years. that's our boat on lake baringo in kenya's rift valley but this area was it all is covered by the lake and its waters are hundreds of homes some schools clinics and markets many thousands of acres of
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farmland as well as several islands also marched as a water continues to rise at about 2 and a half centimeters a day longer sariel and who has recently moved to higher ground after house was claimed by the lake villages on an island that has been split into 3 and the winner of this island was whole and we could move around now the waters separated us from our relatives i don't even have a boat to go to the other parts of the village people here say they started seeing the phenomenon in $2318.00 since then the water level has risen by up to 12 metres environmentally c decades of deforestation siltation and unusually heavy rains this year because this is a new village that was built a few months back after people were displaced by the floods the water is again on their doorsteps and they will have to move soon they tell us life is stuff they're dealing with the cold mosquitoes and other animals like crocodiles and he pulls yet
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they don't know where to go next i had spoil was recently killed by a crocodile several tourist hotels are also struggling to stay above water. this is a reception area of the lodge where we were staying beyond it was a car park 6 years ago and right here the lake was about 500 meters away as you can see in the hotel next door is all gone the manager shows us what remains of a one story cabin that accommodated up to 7 guests and a picture of what it used to be 6 years ago we had for this go to this head and the 4 burned us. of a large camping ground over there and this was sitting on around 10 acres piece of land this is a freshwater lake which hundreds of thousands of people depend on for their basic needs it has no known outlet and is largely fed by reverse whose source is a mouse forest one of the region's most important what catchment areas but
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government officials say people are destroying the forest through illegal logging and farming some people are suggesting building a canal for the excess water to flow out by it's not clear what impact that will have on those downstream and the lake itself for now known this area and thousands of other kenyans who leave here have to fend for themselves they say at the rate the lake is rising they might soon run out of higher ground catherine soil al-jazeera kenya our time now for a check on the world weather and jenny here with the latest on a typhoon in the philippines say yes is a mean thing to these the philippines for the last few days following and this is a very powerful typhoon this one so our show exactly where it is on the satellite you can see probably it is this mass indeed here and this is how it has been moving over last year for the 1st 24 hours or so it was actually fairly stationary but now it has been moving up towards the north a look at this already winds right now 140 kilometers an hour gusting stronger than
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that but already the waves within this storm up to nearly 8 meters so this is a very powerful storm very strong and also very dangerous now as we go through monday it continues its journey up. towards the north it's beginning to move now at a better speeds of course taking it away from the philippines but by then through monday winds expect to be sustained over 200 kilometers an hour and oversee the gusts stronger than that so of course as you can imagine the stronger the winds even bigger of the ways will be and obviously more dangerous so as we continue its journey northwards as we push on into chooses moving further way of course in the philippines also beginning to clear away from taiwan but it will have an impact on eastern china and to really begin to impact western regions of japan in particular the the storm is expected to continue to strengthen probably in the next 48 hours and then beyond that it is expected to set about the same strength and i can see it's heading up towards the korean peninsula literally a week off to typhoon bobby made landfall this expected to come on shore late
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wednesday into thursday so fully this is a system of only watching very very closely very strong very powerful heavy rains again flooding the usual i work a bit close eye on it thank you so much for that cheney and still ahead on al-jazeera volunteer to help find a coronavirus vaccine will meet the indonesian sisters taking part in human trials past a devastating toll of the oil spill admirations springs people on to the streets they accuse the government of failing to act quickly enough and another record for tennis is world number one but he has met resistance for an idea some deem inappropriate peta we'll explain in sports to stay with us we're back after the break. rewind returns with a new series and brand new updates on the fans to be around to see this documentary i will complete the onion. of the sweetest box in the house to see the company you
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go to to rewind continues with campbell usefulness in business. this is actually to the crazy scene and just an artist becomes full sheets from the internet they now come on now and we could just try and live with them. on al-jazeera. an image can change the way we see the will if we see interest we will be talking about it it can spark mass action or serve the interests of the powerful moment for a photo opportunity that can obscure the truth this is a legitimate news story but this clips and turkey coins look pretty i don't see how it can forge narrative. right through the listening post gives you the full picture .
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again you're watching the news hour on al-jazeera with me fully back to remind of our top stories torrential rain and floods have submerged many parts of sudan's capital khartoum the government says the nile's braver's levels are unprecedented dozens have died in fouls and homes have been destroyed since the start of the rainy season. police in bella rose have detained at least a dozen people last protests enter their 3rd week protesters are demanding political change president alexander lukashenko is accused of breaking his reelection earlier this month the protesters want him to step down and voting is underway in montenegro to elect a new parliamentary president may know you kind of each cast his ballot early in the capital is governing bodies facing opposition from an ally and seeking closer
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ties with serbia and russia. well for more on those elections in montenegro let's now speak to me or philip of a chose a policy analyst his via skype from thank you so much for joining us so voter turnout is at an all time high for this election in montenegro tell us 1st why people are so enthusiastic about this election what is at stake. you know because being all old oh apologies we seemed to have lost our connection there with our guest in montenegro who is going to do a bit of analysis of the election there which is underway today hopefully will be able to reconnect with a missy there can you name a set filippovich yes i can get ram sorry yes that's ok yeah what is at stake in this election why are people going out to en mass to vote so it's as the result of a time long long going long month 1010 months long campaign that had been in place
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since the summer last year it's going to take to do controversial low on religious freedom that provoked the church to take active part in the come and this campaign was very aggressive very this busy retorts were used and frankly the election day is going true smoothly and it has been surprising be peaceful yes so far as it is not 11 pm we have a turnout of 4554 percent which shows and being new to it since since that time so the referendum in 2006 right the democratic party of socialists led by the president a kind of ha is facing significant challenges have been a series of anti-government protests in the last few months what is at the heart of the discontent or is it simply a case of people in montenegro wanting a new leader after 30 years of the same. i wouldn't say so we have protests in
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the last couple of years that have been focused on the reforms on the corruption but this has all to do with the church we be interethnic conscience we complain that we have been with the visit compay media company coming from serbia and russian republic of srpska in the last couple of months so because last election this can been and this company has many fuel by its pain which has spread and incorrectly hatred and we are paid some now. it's such such a turnout just because just because this mainly the campaign hasn't been told at the questions of the competence of this government they met the khulna why wrists how hot i was their phones response to the corner but why risk on the mic mainly disoblige accent today subject during the elections and hospital they were all over
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the church and the out of church proper and above the serbian terms that that's the model that they have and i think the church has been at the heart really of the issues there so you have now a strong correlation of process and anti e.u. parties that have been backed by the church that seem to be making ground what would a victory for them mean for montenegro space in the balkans and also in europe. i hope it will not come to this to this scenario but it certainly means that we've built. so change it's strong change in foreign policy which will be directed not think that it's about the inbuilt radar or even in most who we are we to be recognition at school so we would our nato membership and of course the very existence of the pendants state question because not only wants to be me are these in the position of question the month i'm going in the terms of the
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russian knowledge for. us thank you so much for talking to us thank you for your analysis leave amir filippovich former mayor of wood and a political analyst joining us there with more on the election in montenegro thank you thank you thank you as a foreign minister is warning grace that is sponsor extend territorial waters in a j. and c. could lead to war he announced 2 weeks of military exercises northwest of cyprus both sides have accuse each other of violating their airspace have been months of tension over who controls gas raisers in the eastern mediterranean to his vice president echoed the foreign minister's warning should go to look at them and do the greece wants to expand its maritime boundaries for 12 additional miles that means we will not be able to move not our commercial ships nor our tourism ferries nor our fishing books they really expect us to accept this if this is not a cause for war than what is. to the us now and one person has been shot and killed
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in the city of portland the violence broke out between supporters of president donald trump and counter protesters at a rally on saturday or lent has been the site of nightly demonstrations for more than 3 months now since the police killing of george $48.00 in minneapolis in the capital washington d.c. police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse anti-racism protesters who had gathered near the white house police say the crowds were ordered to leave after throwing bottles at officers and setting fire to newspaper boxes. to pakistan now which has one of the worst records in the world for enforced disappearances rise for say thousands of political activists and human rights workers have been taken against their will and held in secret al-jazeera has spoken to one woman whose father was seized by armed men last year just laugh it has a story. tanya contacts father idris is a well known human rights campaigner in pakistan on november 13th last year he
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disappeared in a police statement his driver said that an identified armed men stops their car put bags over their heads and drove them away in a separate vehicle the driver was released 2 days later and recently has been through for. me he's tried to knock on every door of the mountains and police and. unfortunately powerlessness. and it's so hard for him to see that so many families have to go through this the true silurian years and the really under. and. in the end this still has you won a zation defense of human rights pakistan says it drew she's one of the around 5000 people put it is having been subject to in forced disappearance in pakistan in recent years to include journalists political and human rights activists and
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suspected members of groups many protests against the practice of being held families are demanding to know the whereabouts and fate of their missing loved ones in june the united nations released a statement condemning what it described as the widespread silencing of human rights defenders through intimidation secret detention torture and in 1st disappearance with the direct involvement of the pakistani government with its complicity complacency. those are my brother has been missing since 2017 and since then my mother self has deteriorated we're worried about our health we demand pakistan's army chief to help us in his recovery as promised by his. prime minister in iran khan was a vocal critic of enforced disappearances while in political opposition after being elected in 2018 he approved a draft law criminalizing the practice but to use later the law still has not been
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presented to parliament for approval it is absolutely shameful that after 2010 there was a report of the national commission on it forced disappearances nor elected government has enforced or implemented any off its recommended pakistan's minister of human rights offers no explanation why it's taking so long to pass the law. on the step why do we need more and more on this one plus one. that. is you begin to believe that he be ready for the moment when this if we look forward focused on i want to tell him that he must made a video as part of the family's campaign demanding more information about their missing father in a rare acknowledgement of an enforced disappearance the military has confirmed that
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it receives facing charges on the pakistan's secrets act the family have filed a petition in the high court ordering the government to tell them where he is so far they have heard nothing they are increasingly afraid about the safety of a man they say has for years worked tirelessly to improve human rights in pakistan stratford al jazeera. dane is a south asia campaigner with amnesty international she says there's likely to be a high number of people who have gone missing and what's being reported. inforce disappearances are certainly something that because they're shrouded in secrecy we're never going to have an idea of the exact numbers of what exactly how many people have been disappeared especially in boston and across the region but in box and we see that it's very much an ongoing phenomena it is something that we see almost daily reports often it doesn't really show any signs of relenting and intrude on the scene and sort of moved on to a looking at as i said
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a transitional justice to read they're not ongoing but families are still waiting for justice but i think the most critical number that really sort of defined the phenomenon of the horse's appearance in south asia is the number 0 which is the number of prosecutions that have taken place that is one of the biggest reasons why continues to happen with the force that it does it's one of those situations where it really has gone if the political will doesn't exist it doesn't really matter what the background was of how the government was functioning or how entrenched that were in the military effect because as we see that even in a democratically elected government that spent this important branch to continue to happen relents that the and even in sri lanka of course we've had civilian governments that have subsided over this we've seen in the fall that has been the case we've seen that in kashmir that continues to happen so it's really just if you don't have the political will and if the if the act itself is not criminalized to continue unabated. global coronavirus cases of now surge past 25000000 according to
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sunday's john hopkins university tally scientists worldwide are working against a croc to find a vaccine for the past 3 days indonesia counted record numbers of infections and is advancing trials of a potential vaccine developed in china al-jazeera is there is jessica washington has more from bundled. these sisters are used to doing almost everything together and now yet another shared experience they are part of the trial of a potential covert 19 vaccine. if this vaccine works praise god indonesia will go back to normal and we can go anywhere without being what each day they feel in a health report and so far they've had no side effects on the head and arms of it and when you get that they did human trials and phase one and 2 and they were fine and so there's no need to be afraid more than 2000 indonesians signed up for the
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trial of the vaccine developed by chinese pharmaceutical manufacturers sign of back dr ecu 1000000 or has also volunteered indonesia's medical community has been hit hard by the outbreak and dozens of doctors and nurses have died he hopes he can help his colleagues. no i mean. i don't feel like we're being used as guinea pigs in this time of the pantomimic this is an honor for us. the proposed vaccine has previously been tested in china now advanced trials are taking place in countries with high rates of infection base 3 trials are expected to last around 6 months and if the vaccine does work indonesia's state owned pharmaceuticals manufacturer says it will increase production capacity and aim to produce around $250000000.00 doses of the vaccine by the end of the year. the government has signed a deal with son of that to purchase 50000000 doses of vaccine concentrate and take
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part in a technology transfer according to those running the trial in indonesia that's good for both nations. the covered one thing infection rate is still high here we can benefit from this trial if it is successful in the michele field one of the 1st countries to get the vaccine. analysts say the outcome of the vaccine race could have long term impacts on global politics if. we had. a. son of a vaccine candidate is also being tested in brazil and has been approved for late stage trials in bangladesh just to washington al-jazeera bando indonesia are still ahead in sports bra and james lazy lake is on and off the court at the n.b.a.
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playoffs we don't have the details next. and the disease counts 50 percent of only deaths children and. that's. likely to save every child to get a. new leader to. try. to. cease.
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the to. whom you. are come back they've been protests in over the government's slow response to an oil spill people say the environmental damage is wise to it might have been more than a 1000 tons of fuel spilled out when a japanese ship struck a coral reef in july carol leg reports. said the final desperate moments of
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a mother trying to save her dying cough. this footage was filmed by a fisherman as he tried to help the pair as they struggled in waters contaminated by oil in militias but they join dozens of others that have washed up dead in recent days that's happened after a japanese own tanker struck a coral reef in july and leaked more than a 1000 tons of fuel oil into the sea nourishing or 30 states not yet clear whether the spill is to blame for the dolphins deaths but environmentalist and experts warn the worst is yet to come on the strongest ship is stranded on coral systems and destroying the creatures creating clouds into the water inside the coral reef despite the moorish and government's efforts and a team of specialists sent by japan the people here say not enough has been done. thousands gathered in the capital port louis calling for an investigation and for government officials to step down the government says it has set up
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a commission to look into the spill and promised autopsies on all the dead dolphins but many say that's too little too late since the one i have been like soliciting our government about are there any precautions to prevent maneesh into the ocean but i've never once thought they were completely in action they are the full impact of the spill is still unfolding but scientists are warning of a major ecological disaster one that could impact militias and its tourism dependent economy for decades to come car leg al-jazeera. canvas horse has peter thank you funny little missy has failed to show for a pre-season coronavirus test at barcelona's training complex the argentine is fighting with the club to let him leave after announcing his intention last week basis teammates all turned up for the medical test earlier on sunday he's absence means he won't be allowed to join them for the 1st training session on monday
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before it has asked for a meeting with the club's board to negotiate his exit but barcelona refused to end the deal which expires next june unless another club is willing to pay $833000000.00 for him the n.b.a. has returned to action after days of strikes by players protesting social injustice the milwaukee bucks who began the movement put their energies back into the playoffs on saturday as they face the orlando magic during a geyser of school reports please join us in observing a moment of silence and return to the courts in florida but this day was about so much more than just basketball it began with a minute's silence for amongst others actor chadwick boseman who played black panther and who died aged 43. and then again the milwaukee bucks and orlando magic players now for the national anthem an ongoing call for social justice it's still strong in the wake of jacob blake shooting which sparks the bucs
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initial refusal to play midweek and ignited a movement through american sports. so there with there from my heart you know we were talking of different things going on in this world we want action we want to be things be held accountable. and we decided ready to do this as it seemed. the buck shown on the court as well as a combo had 28 points and 17 rebounds as his team beat the magic 11821042 close out the eastern conference series in 5 games they'll face miami in the 2nd round beginning on monday. the l.a. lakers also went through winning their western conference series against the portland trail blazers team anthony davis scored a playoff best 43 bron james had 36 points as the top seeded lakers won a playoff series for the 1st time since 2012 james says he'll keep leading his team on and off the court as the conversation about social justice continues to. change
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. while yes we use my voice yes we respond by trying to create change but no there's not actually. the lakers will now play either houston or oklahoma city the rockets have taken a 32 lead in that series after 811-4218 victory james harden led the scoring 31 points aim to reach the semifinals with game 6 on monday joining us roscoe al-jazeera the n.h.l. are also in their playoffs on the 2018 run as a vegas golden knights of taking a $21.00 lead in a series against the vancouver canucks was a relatively straightforward win for vegas 3 nothing the score in game 3 in edmonton alex tuck zach white cloud and mark stone scoring for the golden knights well robin luna made $52.00 say it's. in the western conference the new york
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islanders saw 21 up in a series against the philadelphia flyers on saturday and surrounds a new york secured a 31 victory in game 3 this game was rescheduled from thursday after the players decided not to play in protest against social injustice tennis will number one never talk of it as equal the rafael nadal's masters 1000 record of 35 career titles the serb chief the feat in new york on saturday with victory in the western and southern open final against me last round match jacobites winning 1663 and 6 for that win also means he is the 1st man to win each masters event at least twice earlier this week the tournament also experienced player protests at the shooting of jacob blake i hope that there is some serious change or goes on through the us and that every woman and child can feel safe in their own communities on the streets meanwhile talk of h. has resigned as head of the a.t.p.'s player council he wants to form
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a new separate independent men's players' association to cater to players needs and concerns djokovic has already met resistance from roger federer rafa nadal and andy murray who feel given the coronavirus pandemic this is not an appropriate time for his idea there's been a couple of groups of $200.00 plus players that have been formed. create covidien also during cove it and sending various letters to a.t.p. and expressing their discontent with certain and certain things that are in place and they wanted more power it wanted more voice and they don't have it. on monday the u.s. open will become the 1st tennis grand slam to take place since the coronavirus pandemic proto shutdowns are world sport serena williams is aiming to equal margaret court record of 24 grand slam singles titles. meanwhile 3 time u.s. open champion kim clijsters will feature at flushing meadows for the 1st time since 2012 a 37 year old belgian retired 8 years ago for a 2nd time but has made
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a comeback in the hope of adding to her for grand slam singles titles it's always a pleasure for me to come to the u.s. open whether it is for legends or for commentary or whatever so to be here as a player is even more special and to be able to practice on arthur ashe and to walk around the courts and seeing everything happen of close is as is is a very nice feeling dustin johnson yama shared the lead going into the final round of gold b.m.w. championship they're the only 2 players under par in the field but a yama with this is eagle at the 5th hole on saturday a shot of the day came though from corey connors who aced the 6th he's in a tie for 21st. ok we'll leave it there for now i'll be back here again later with the sports bulletin folly to thank you very much that's it for this news hour knowledge is here to stay with us and we've got plenty more well news coming up
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including the latest on the protests in bellows back in. september on how to say the trial of those accused of helping in the 2015 charlie hebdo newspaper attacks begins impacts as the world plans to move 2 was green and it's a new documentary examines the fresh environmental challenges this will pose following the postponement to parliamentary elections due to coronavirus iranians return to the voting bloom's one o one east investigates in-depth stories from across asia and the pacific as u.s. president donald trump's executive order banning will check china's most popular app comes into effect across america will this put further strain on u.s. china relations september on al-jazeera. more than 7 decades ago a country was split into
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a bit like it did in india and now around the time combine regional ridhima page all it took was a pan a map and a collapsing empire when the british had to draw a line they pulled his servant who had never been to india before al-jazeera examines the violent birth of india and pakistan and asks what the future holds for these new korea maybe as partition borders of blood. the 2000 mile trip across europe seems impossible. as the balkans route begins to close for refugee it has become a race against time for one syrian family. it's a perilous journey from greece to germany but there's no turning back to the ravages of war left at home. sky and ground a witness documentary on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. every. the way. arrests in bello rule says thousands of people defy warnings to call off their protests against the president. play watching al-jazeera live from doha with me for the battle also ahead a divided nation voting is underway in autumn entry elections that could see montenegro on a new path a minimum.


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