tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera September 1, 2020 7:00pm-7:34pm +03
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to deal with a pandemic before the weeks with child abuse and mass movement of people will accelerate the spread to the coronavirus from indian cities to its rule heart. a message from mark on protesters vent their frustration with lebanon's leaders as the french president to mom's reforms. hello there this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. these are anarchists are using i j their writers their lives their people. u.s. president donald trump heads to konoha defying calls to stay away following protests over the police shooting of an unarmed. a pledge to resolve divisive
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policies from the mugabe era zimbabwe offers to give back land seized from former white farmers. and why a 10 year old child has reignited the debate on abortion and brazil. always starts the spot us and what he said protests and levanon against the country's leaders and their failure to tackle longstanding corruption protests have broken out outside the parliament building with riot police moving in quickly to try to disperse those crowds you're watching live pictures now these protests are taking place as french president emmanuel macron makes a 2nd visit to beirut since that devastating port explosion he's been making clear his demands for lebanon's leaders to set the nation on a new course he says a failure to shift direction within 3 months. risks punitive measures and sanctions
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well our correspondent anahata is outside parliament in beirut for us on the ground there in the last hour we've seen these clashes escalate in that area between protesters and the or thirty's can you talk us through what's happened. oh yes the anti-establishment protesters gathered a few hours ago here at martyr square the epicenter of a protest movement that began in october and some of them tried to storm the vicinity of the area around parliament square as you can see the square is now cleared from protesters because security forces are using excessive amounts of tear gas and a lot of a lot of security forces as well as army personnel are out in force you can see them in the distance and they're still using tear gas to ensure that the square is cleared we've seen scenes like this over and over again in recent months
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frustration anger with the ruling elite many people feel frustrated they feel that their voices are not being heard that there is no other way to confront those in power apart from the use of force they believe that they tried to through through parliament they they they tried through peaceful protests but nothing has changed so today just like in other locations in recent weeks they try to storm parliament building they believe parliament is does not represent the people that those in power are corrupt politicians and that they should be held to account so again tension in the streets of beirut and you mentioned the french president in the country trying to persuade leaders to carry out much needed reforms and to fight corruption in order to be eligible for for international aid and just a day after a prime minister was appointed
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a new prime minister the people who came here who gathered on the square earlier today. said believe that the new prime minister is just a product of the old system he may be a little known and he has no connection to any political party but he was. he was appointed by the political class which has been governing this country for for decades really well as you say of course this is all happening as maclin as in town i see on a schedule that he's meeting with political representatives today and he's obviously already been very vocal about his calls for political reform even though there is a new prime minister designate that hasn't satisfied him. well yes. micron is here's me we're just going to have to move a bit from here as you can see the army and security forces are our have managed to clear the square there's no longer protesters here yes i am on one mccraw hit the 2nd time he's been in beirut and in less than
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a month he visited lebanon just 2 days after the beirut airport explosion he promised the lebanese people that the world the international community would not abandon them and that they would help them get through this this latest calamity really because the country before the beirut explosion was a ready facing a precedent that financial and economic crisis what he's been telling the people is that you elected these these leaders i did not elect them i cannot replace them all we can do is put pressure on the ruling elite to carry out reforms that he did say that the coming weeks are going to be very critical because if the ruling elite does not carry out the necessary reforms then he did threaten sanctions sanctions on the ruling class so carrot and stick kron saying back to up here to intervene or interfere in the internal affairs of the of the lebanese.
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in lebanese politics but there is no doubt there's mixed messages on his visit so you can see some stand their ground in the face of power it's people are frustrated they feel that they've lost everything what he's chanting is revolutionaries revolutionaries we will continue our struggle just to one man now standing holding the lebanese flag which has come really to symbolize this protest movement of people trying to speak in one voice in a deeply divided nation in a country plagued by political and sectarian. visions for such a long time so it's very symbolic to say this man's found his ground and people here. but but they're up against the militarized state as you
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can imagine oh i'm sorry it's very hard to speak with with easier than a thank you so much for that update you can see that take us there we will be hearing from french president emmanuel mack on very short he will be bringing you that live here on al-jazeera then a lot of al correspond on the streets of beirut thanks so much and please do stay safe well moving on now and u.s. president donald trump is on his way to commercial despite appeals by city's leaders to stay away from fifa unrest the police shooting of an unarmed black man jacob lake has sparked anger in that city in wisconsin blake has been left paralyzed after being shot 7 times in the back tensions remain high following protests and violent clashes but the president says he's visiting the city to highlight his law and order campaign one of the reasons i'm making that trip today and going to wisconsin is we've had such a big success in shutting down what would be right now
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a city that would have been you know share a city that would have been burned to the ground by now. we're going to really say how did law enforcement and the national guard and it all stopped immediately upon the national guard's arrival so you know the easy to stop i saw last night where these radical anarchists were trying to. get into the mayor's house and lots of bad things were happy were foolish very stupid there. well we have our correspondent john hendren standing by for us with all the latest from commercial with the president is usually arrive very shortly but 1st let's be trial white house correspondent can be how that she's in washington d.c. can be as we've been saying despite joe biden's challenge to president trump to condemn the acts of violence we've seen by his supporters and the political right he really hasn't done that. well the u.s. president issued a challenge essentially to joe biden just now if he spoke from the tarmac on his
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way to connote she was constant what he also is doing is blaming the media for what the president sees essentially a selective reporting saying that the media is fueling the social unrest in the rioting in wisconsin in portland and other places around the united states and he believes that it's a disservice to the country what he's saying there what he is alleging is that the media is seizing upon opportunities or missteps that have taken place on the part of trump's supporters but they are less likely in his view to report on the missteps of those that commit acts of violence on the left so what he's talking about is the house a man who we could go shot to left wing protesters in wisconsin the president accusing the media of publicizing that but not publicizing as much in his view the attack and what the president called the execution of
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a trump supporter at the rallies than subsequently violence in portland oregon so this is what the president is alleging he's also saying that he will not back down in his approach of law and order he believes he is a law and order president he says this is not just white communities that want this heavy handed approach but also he says communities of color including black and hispanic families kim as you say no one when it clearly an issue we're going to get lots of discussion about heading towards november both candidates trying to show they are very strong on that front but with very different approaches from both men . different approaches but in some ways similar approaches what we saw from joe biden as he made his speech about 24 hours ago from pittsburgh pennsylvania is the gloves are off and these men in some ways are very similar in that they take kind of a common man approach to confronting so we're in for
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a wild ride as we approach the last 63 days of this u.s. election it's very clear that both of these men are saying that they will not tolerate the violence condemning it in the case of joe biden but take a very different approaches to trying to resolve it in the case of the u.s. president he in particular is pushing again the national guard saying that he will send in the national guard but to be clear it is governors that must request it the president even striking a fight with the governor of wisconsin where he's headed socially saying that he was the one that suggested that the police need to go in whereas the governor says no i was the one that asked for it can be held at their our white house correspondent in washington d.c. thank you very much kelly well let's now go to a camp he was referring to in wisconsin where john hendren as live for us john as we've been saying we know the president wanted to come the governor didn't want him
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to come he's still going ahead with his business what kind of a welcome should he expect. that's right the best way to guarantee that donald trump will come somewhere is to have democrats ask him not to the president is coming within the hour and we know a couple of things he plans on seeing some of the damage that the fires here in connecticut have caused and then later on he goes to a police command center but i just want to show you a little of what he might see this is the uptown neighborhood across the street you can see those boarded up buildings or have been fire bombed inside that whole block looks like that and if you just. look over here this used to be a mattress shop and it is now just utter rubble and to the left here you can see him and cleaning up after what used to be a danish community center and that is the kind of thing the president is likely to
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see here as he talks about his law and order message he may be meeting with the pastor of the mother of jacob blake's mother jacob blake of course being the young man who was shot 7 times in the back by police and remains paralyzed in the hospital but he will not be meeting with the blake family as you say he won't be meeting with the bank blake family but i see that the family themselves have decided they want to have some kind of a peaceful gathering what kinds of gatherings should we be expecting today to to greet donald trump. will there will be an anti trump rally trump arrives within the hour or an hour after that or within an hour after that there's going to be a rally in the town square that's where most of the protesting have gone on we've seen a plane here telling people to vote against trump so there's going to be somewhat of a hostile reception but interestingly there are
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a number of trump supporters here the voted for president trump in 2016 switched and voted for the democratic governor in 2800 so he has supporters here and we have bumped into them but i think what he what he needs when he goes down town if he's going to be hearing any of these protesters in the street they're not going to be happy to see him. john hendren that in knesset wisconsin will bring you all the latest from that trip here on out is there thank you for now john. now the french satirical weekly charlie hebdo is to republic controversial cartoons of the prophet muhammad it's marking a trial juz a start on wednesday of 14 alleged accomplices to an attack on the magazine's headquarters back in 201512 people were killed including some of france's most celebrated cartoonists the cartoons of the prophet muhammad were 1st printed by the magazine in 2006 and caused anger across the muslim world. i saw as leader in
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turkey is under arrest and was caught in the southern city of daraa by security forces they say he was receiving orders from iraq and syria to launch an attack in turkey and i will nightclub attack killed 39 people 3 years ago and a bomb attack in istanbul killed 12 people and 2060. now israel has reopened its only border crossing with gaza after return an agreement with her master and 2 weeks of hostility if along that border a cease fire deal brokered by katha well allow for critical supplies including fuel to cross into the before. our correspondent how a force that has morphine for mastery through. israel brings an end to the in century balloons and rocket fire that have been coming out from the gaza strip at a time when they don't really want to be focusing on a military confrontation they'd rather be focusing on the normalization deal with the united arab emirates and of course for hamas they are dealing with a major covert outbreak the 1st community level covert outbreak inside the gaza
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strip since the start of the pandemic trying to do so under the current situation or the previous situation with these very restrictive punitive measures imposed by israel in terms of reducing the fishing area down to 0 not allowing any diesel in for the only power station in the strip was becoming pretty much untenable and so that was the opportunity one which most recently was seized upon by the qatari envoy hamas is saying that that that was the that the most recent bit of mediation that came through with this deal and under its terms we've seen the fishing zone reopened although fishermen can't go out because of the coded restrictions gaza is under complete lockdown crucially there will be diesel coming in so the electricity situation is due to go up from 3 to 4 hours followed by 16 to 20 hours without electricity to an 8 hours on 8 hours of patent $27000000.00 worth of qatari money
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coming into the strip as well what's more controversial and potentially more important in terms of the longevity of this deal are the other things that hamas is demanding in terms of interest infrastructure projects such as water treatment plants and industrial zone things which will crucially if they go ahead create jobs in an area which is so beset by poverty and unemployment. hostel ahead of you here on al-jazeera how to get u.k. businesses back on track threats are being encouraged to return to the office but millions are not social. workers. hello typhoon maize x. already cost some wind damage in okinawa it's still strengthening was almost at its
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peak now but it's still moving north and it's not going to lose much strength from the point of view of what you see on the ground so to go out waves of something ridiculous like 14 meters and wind speeds recruitment of a force 2 or 3 it will be about that when it makes landfall late on wednesday on the korean peninsula science career and of course it will throw off some visit fact into the major islands this part of japan that it spends overnight on wednesday struck the korean peninsula then during thursday's in north korea and goes beyond so we'll see what happens by thursday morning but it's potentially very dangerous another circulations already forming here not assert a fall in the same footpaths but close to there's also a massive shows further south that's right indonesia malaysia southeast southeast asia generally thunderstorms about and they are certainly showing up now in java jakarta's not going to be very dr in the next day or so this is right this time the
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it just happened as a big expansion fairly quickly the monsoon rains are going through in bursts now as to you got some up in northern pakistan but this mass in india is drifting west woods. rewind returns with a new series and brand new updates on the best about just this documentary this guy will compare it to an onion we have in the onion the 5th box of the heart the food that can come out if you go all to rewind continues with cambodia is often in business. this is actually totally crazy cinna just allowed us to pick up full kits from his infinite action they now con out and we could just drive off with them. on al-jazeera. order to form.
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that's remind you of our top stories here this hour riot police have quickly moved in to discuss crowds after protests broke out in downtown beirut demonstrators are voicing their anger lebanon's political class that unrest coincides with a visit by the french president who has been calling for the quick formation of a new government you're watching live pictures right now on the streets of the capital where fires have been lessened as you can see plenty of tear gas fired we will continue bringing you all the latest as it happens. and israel has reopened its only border crossing with gaza after reaching an agreement with the months to end 2 weeks of hostilities along the border a cease fire deal brokered by qatar will allow for critical supplies including fuel to cross into the besieged plain. white farmers in zimbabwe can now apply to
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get get back land that was seized when robert mugabe was president more than 4000 families were forced from their land almost 20 years ago now mugabe said zanu p.f. policy was to undo the racist inheritance of colonial era land grabs their vixens provoked international sanctions which are blamed for destroying the economy our correspondent. from harare. robert mugabe 2017 he was under a lot of pressure from a new way in government to implement reforms economic reforms human rights reforms in terms of making the right to protection of property and the rule of law and to deal with the issue of land government is not trying to raise more than $3000000000.00 to compensate white. during the land reform program the. bombing about $200.00 of them there going to be. 99 year leases and in foreign
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white farmers who are here because of bilateral trade agreements for example. if they lost their land they have the right to apply for that land and if they were canady away black people have been told on that land those people will then be moved to other parts of the country now it's a divisive issue a lot of people every emotional bond in some black people are very unhappy about the government the argument is that why i think his came to this part of africa in the 1819 they call that they forced thousands of black people to move off they land into land which is hard to cultivate and you were given tracts of land by the bin government to that later liberation war and 980 this country then became them with black majority rule but still most the good land was still in the hands of white minority farmers so that in the land reform program after the war veterans are forced to give black people the land so all of this playing out and going on all the time with the government if you think these people remember in 2013 the bobbins
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participated in a referendum and that referendum people are should the rights of property be respected should be respected white family compensated and the jockey people at that time voted yes and that clause is not in the current constitution. now the british government is set to launch a media campaign encouraging people to return to their offices 2 weeks after coronavirus restrictions began to ease but while business leaders do support the idea many are sticking to working from home practices. from london. these gleaming towers. surrounding streets. there are few struggling city centers may never recover if people don't return to their offices now is the time the government for white collar workers to go back to
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the desks where. possible and people can now return to work. it's safe to do so gradually now people will start to return to the office but i suspect will see more flexible working than we've seen in the past and it will be for employers and employees to work out the right balance in the cases many businesses have brought in new safety measures to entice staff back offices are a puzzle meant of signage and one way systems rules govern our movements companies also have to contend with a dramatic shift towards home working pandemic has proven that for many working from home can indeed work some even claim to be more productive now they don't have to face the morning and evening commute and according to a poll by cardiff university 9 out of 10 people prefer it so can and should we go back to the way things were before those supporting a return say rich companies have a moral duty to help revive the economy the people really taking the risks in this
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economy right now are by and large lower wage employees or point home this country depends for a ton of different services and what we don't see happening is the same courage and determination by and large amongst higher wage employers and employees and we need them to step up and to come back to the office as much as they can responsibly despite government efforts multiple city firms expect only a fraction of staff to return in the near future and some large companies have decided to close offices altogether. the government suggested staggering start times and a mixture of office and home working but few expect these commuter trains to ever be full again. on every level the coronavirus crisis is redefining the way we live and work needs barker al-jazeera london. now the boss of
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south korea's industrial giant samsung has been indicted which paves the way for another corruption trial the j. young denies accounting fraud and stock price manipulation went to some some affiliates merged 5 years ago 10 other executives also face trial aleve has already served jail time for bribing former president park geun hye to support. now facebook is threatening to stop users in australia from sharing news on its platforms that if a proposed law is passed which would make facebook and google pay local media outlets for their content the social networking giant says the bill being drafted by the straightest top competition watchdog is ill timed and misconceived the government says the proposal would create a more sustainable media industry the norwegian parliament has been hit by a cyber attack in a statement norway's national assembly said hackers had managed to download data from its servers the attackers also broke into the e-mail accounts of several
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elected members. well brazil has imposed new rules for rape victims seeking an abortion doctors now also have to report the cases to the police this comes 2 weeks after anti-abortion activists around the hospital to stop a 10 year old girl from her pregnancy monahan a calf reports from rio de janeiro. images of anti abortion activists trying to barge into this hospital in the northeastern state of bynum boko still sparking outrage in brazil inside a pregnant 10 year old girl who had been raped by her uncle since she was 6 was having an abortion the hospital in the girl's home state refused to take her in forcing the child to travel more than 1400 kilometers to get medical help there was why this week. we have several units in the country that do not have the capacity
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to take care of women in these circumstances so the situation is dire in brazil. after finding a clinic the girl had to be smuggled into the building in the trunk of a car to avoid a near riot the girl's name and the place where she was having the procedure were revealed on social media by an anti-abortion activist who encouraged her followers to surround a hospital and call the child murder. 2 weeks after the girl's ordeal the government of jailable so now to which opposes abortion has adopted a new protocol critics say the ministerial ordinance makes it more difficult for rape victims to come forward and legally terminate their pregnancies especially those of young age brazil allows women to terminate pregnancies resulting from rape which put their lives at risk the new norm forces doctors to inform the police about the rape or before starting the procedure it also states that they should
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offer the victim the chance to see the life fetus before its removal. women's organizations are mobilizing the international community and congress to have it a no. the health ministry says the protocol was introduced to protect rape victims by denouncing their abusers but congresswoman. who's leading a movement to overturn the ordinance says the government's real intention is to curb women's rights of them. are made of. the new norm violates the medical code of ethics because it forces the doctor to reveal information about the patient to the police it also violates the victim's right to privacy she may not want to report the abuse and it also inflicts further distress on the rape victim by ingesting doctors to show the women images of the fetus in her womb to me that amounts to torture. another women activists have just made that argument in the letter to the united nations human rights commission denouncing the new protocol
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the debate has just been brazil's stark reality center stage every hour for girls up to 13 years are raped and domestic violence has been on the rise with the pandemic monica al-jazeera rio de janeiro. have and this is al-jazeera and these are the headlines right police have quickly moved into dispatch crowds after protests broke out in downtown favors demonstrators of voicing their anger at levon on the political class the rest coincides with a visit by the french president who has been calling for the quick formation of a new government. well u.s. president donald trump is on his way to commercial wisconsin despite appeals by city leaders to stay away for fear a feather under arrest the police shooting of an unarmed black man jacob lake has
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sparked anger in that city but the president says he's visiting to highlight his no one order campaign. one of the reasons i'm making the trip today going to wisconsin is we've had such a big success in shutting down what would be right now a city that would have been you know share a city that would have been burned to the ground by now. we're going to really say hello to law enforcement and the national guard and it all stopped immediately upon the national guard's arrival so you know the easy to stop i saw last night where these radical anarchists were trying to. get into the mayor's house and lots of bad things were happening were foolish very stupid there. israel has reopened its only border crossing with gaza after reaching an agreement with some us to end 2 weeks of hostilities along that border the ceasefire deal brokered by cata well allow for
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critical supplies including feel to cross into the besieged on playing the french the turkel weekly charlie hebdo is to read published controversial cartoons of the prophet muhammad it's marking a trial due to start on wednesday of 14 alleged accomplices to an attack on the magazine's headquarters 201512 people were killed the cartoons of the prophet muhammad were 1st printed by the magazine in 2006 and caused anger across the muslim world. i saw as leader in turkey is under arrest would also done with court in the southern city of a donna by security forces they say he was receiving orders from iraq and syria to launch an attack in turkey. well those are the headlines i'll have more news for you head off to rewind cambodia's. stay with us.
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hello and welcome again to rewind. when we launched al-jazeera english more than 10 years ago our goal was to bring you the sorts of documentaries of a channel simply one doing here on rewind we revisit some of the best of them and find out how the stories of moved on and today we're returning to a film which had a major impact on young lives and changed the way a.
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