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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  September 2, 2020 1:00am-1:34am +03

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if you want to help save the world. these are not acts of peaceful protest but really domestic terror president visits can osha to see the damage by rioters and show his support for police despite appeals to stay away. and again i've listed by and this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. protests against lebanon's leaders as the french president visits again and gives politicians in 8 weeks to deliver on for us. schools of students detained as they
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march in batteries demanding that president lukashenko resign. and as schools reopened around europe for the 1st time in months the u.k. government steps up efforts to get people back to the office. u.s. president donald trump has defied pleas to stay away from the city of konoha he traveled there to show his support for police and called violent protests in the city domestic terrorism well city leaders had feared his presence could cause more and rest after police shot an unarmed black man in the back 7 times jacob blake has been left paralyzed trump is accused commotions democrat leaders of being weak in the face of demonstrators prompting accusations his visit is more about election campaigning than bringing harm he's now off of the city and state of wisconsin more
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than $42000000.00 in funding. we will provide $1000000.00 to the can osha law enforcement so that you have some extra money to go out and do what you have to do you took a rough it was a rough week to put it mildly and you've done it incredibly well i'm also providing nearly $4000000.00 to support these small businesses that i talk about today that got burned up burned. and we're going to be providing over $42000000.00 to support public safety statewide including direct support for law enforcement and funding for additional prosecutors to punish criminals and resources to provide services to victims of crime take a blakes uncle is called on the people of can i should be peaceful and support his family along with local leaders they've been holding a justice for jacob community celebration cheering trumps as it yeah we're asking people not to be violent not to destroy our community but in the same breath we're
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asking to stand with the black family come on over here we were not mad at you when instead you're angry and upset and we could see why you would want to burn some down who asked you not to that 1st there to put up an anger where it's going to raise up high and unity and come or go with the blacks were going to make some big changes that affect all the little jakes over honest and well have been some clashes in can i shall there not as big as in previous days john hendren was there and also explains why this area is so important for the presidential campaign. well asking the president not to go somewhere is often a guarantee that he will go there especially if it's a democrat doing the asking what he wanted to do was to come here and to take credit for the law enforcement effort as you can see there are a number of police vehicles down there at the end of the road right there which tells you that he did leave a city divided what's happened is that a couple of trump supporters were here in a crowd of black live matter supporters and they came into conflict and the crowd
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followed to trump supporters all the way down there and i'm guessing that is the conflict that 7 or 8 police cars and a national guard armored personnel carrier or 2 are taken care of behind me in case you're wondering what's going on there so the president came to praise law enforcement for their efforts he came to condemn the black lives matter movement saying it was a terrorist organization and he also going to take credit saying that he had helped talk this state in to calling in the national guard the fact is that the president can nationalize the federal guard but that's not what happened in this case the governor simply called them in on his own but as trump was here touring some of the damage and. visiting a police command center. the crowds here clashed a little bit there were some trunk fans in and of course there were the protesters who've been here for many days protesting against the shooting of jacob blake
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a black man 7 times in the back and he remains nearby in a hospital paralyzed from the waist down voted for donald trump a majority of them in 2016 and then switched in 2018 and voted for a democratic mayor trump probably would not have won the 2016 election without the electoral votes of the state of wisconsin hillary clinton famously did not visit wisconsin because she thought she had it in your pocket she didn't trump one with the democrats don't want to make that. mistake again so joe biden has gotten involved he has been praising what the black lives matter movement has done in terms of the peaceful protests condemning the violence but president trump would not say the name of jacob all day today and he has simply praise law enforcement so you can see the battle lines being drawn here for the state of wisconsin a black cyclist has been fatally shot by los angeles county police in another
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instance of police in the u.s. killing a black man a lawyer for dijon family says the 29 year old was shot more than 20 times in the back as 2 deputies tried to stop him for a bicycle code violation but the sheriff's department says he was shot fewer than 20 times after dropping a handgun and punching one of the officers. there have been more protests in lebanon's capital beirut this time coinciding with a visit by the french president emanuel mark role police fired tear gas to disperse protesters outside the parliament building in the center of the city there are widespread calls for total political change lebanon's government resigned after the devastating port explosion 4 weeks ago which many blamed on government mismanagement. or president michel has given lebanese politicians until the end of october to start the reform process otherwise he's threatening to withhold aid or
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even impose sanctions if corruption can be proved or his speech came after his lebanese counterpart michel aoun on a french air force fly past displayed the colors of the lebanese flag to mark 100 years since the creation of the country also told a news conference that lebanon how do you agree to form a new technocrat government of non-politicians in the next few weeks to help take the nation forward say a honda has been following the latest developments from beirut. this is his 2nd visit in less than a month since that port explosion he came with the same message as the 1st time if you do not carry out reforms there will be no money to help revive the economy and kick start the economy that has been his message to the political leadership but this time around he's talking about timetables and he's talking about consequences he said that the lebanese leaders promised him that within 2 weeks
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a government will be formed yesterday a new prime minister was appointed in almost record time because in this country too surely takes months before the different political factions agree on a prime minister and a government so now a government is expected to be formed in 2 months and within $6.00 to $8.00 weeks that by the end of october. he's speaking clearly on behalf of the international community to expect the lebanese leaders to start the process of reforms he talked about how reforms have been repeatedly perspire own been stifled over the over the decades and that this time they need to do this or else there will be consequences he said that he will inform the lebanese people that their leaders are refusing to carry out reforms and that's why the international community is not helping them but he went even further and said that ok sanctions are on the table yes sanctions cannot be imposed on officials simply because they don't carry out their duties but it can be opposed imposed on officials involved in corruption so there you have
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really a veiled threat so the international community piling a lot of pressure on the political class which has been governing this country for decades responsible really for decades of corruption and mismanagement for running the economy into the ground telling them now there is a time table for them to act or else they will face repercussions thousands of students have marched through belarus is capital calling for president alexander lukashenko to resign following an election the opposition says was rigged schools were arrested at the un says it's received reports of hundreds of cases of torture based. mistreatment of protesters let us with reports from the capital of neighboring if you. have been barely older than a teenager makes no difference to belarus is masked security forces and what. wasn't but these students in the capital minsk stuck their ground peacefully ignoring warnings that their ali was illegal and to go home i was so with no
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obvious leader the security forces picked on most of the front and started making arrests was. thousands of students at several colleges in minsk answered a call by opposition leader spent mana chicken a skier to boycott the start of the school year on tuesday morning. this year we came to support the people to show our political stance and demonstrate there is no need to stay i should be afraid yes here we are. going to sky and now exiled in lithuania wants a new presidential election. the reelection of president alexander lukashenko on august the 9th provoked protests ever since he says he won 80 percent of the vote your position says the result is great. there's not much sympathy for the opposition from the kremlin nor from the baltic states that have spoken out against lucas schenker who are vigilant. we see no one is trying to hide
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it that our little way near neighbors in my opinion have crossed all lines of decency in the demands they're putting forward we have reason to believe that they along with about larger chicken off sky are using not completely democratic methods which don't exactly respect the sovereignty of the republic of belarus such as on wednesday look at the cloud over what he called the event last summer but looks and now washington says it's considering sanctions on russia if as a senior u.s. official put it in moscow to intervene more overtly. bernard smith al-jazeera brazilian. russia has now reported more than $1000000.00 confirmed cases of the coronavirus the country has the 4th highest case total in the world after the united states brazil and india but the total number of deaths from the virus at more than $17000.00 is far lower than several other european nations. schools are
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back in france with face mask mandatory for many teachers and pupils aged over 11 last wear them at all times including during breaks the same rules are in place offices across france $3000.00 new cases were reported on monday much higher than france's european neighbors. or the u.k. government as a launch of a media campaign encouraging people to return to their offices is an idea supported by business leaders as a way of getting the economy back on its feet but so far fewer than one in 5 workers has returned to their debt. it's important cities to sleep barca reports from london many now prefer to work from home. these gleaming towers are deserted surrounding streets of squares abandoned by soup clad workers are now safe. there are fears struggling city
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centers may never recover if people don't return to their offices now is the time says the government for white collar workers to go back to their desks where it's possible and people can now return to work it's safe to do so who actually now people will start to return to the office but i suspect we'll see more flexible working than we've seen in the past and it will be for employers and employees to work out the right balance in their particular cases many businesses have brought in new safety measures to entice staff back offices or a puzzle meant of signage and one way systems rules govern our movements companies also have to contend with a dramatic shift towards home working. but pandemic has proven that for many working from home can indeed work some even claim to be more productive now they don't have to face the morning and evening commute but according to a poll by cardiff university 9 out of 10 people prefer it so can and should we go
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back to the way things were before. those supporting a return say rich companies have a moral duty to help revive the economy the people really taking the risks in this economy right now are by and large lower wage employees are prime who in this country depends for a ton of different services and what we don't see happening is the same courage and determination by and large amongst higher wage employers and employees and we need them to step up and to come back to the office as much as they can responsibly. despite government efforts multiple city firms expect only a fraction of staff to return to the near future and some large companies have decided to close offices altogether. the government suggested staggering start times and a mixture of office and home working but few expect these commuter trains to ever
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be full again. on every level the coronavirus crisis is redefining the way we live and work needs barker al-jazeera london. still ahead on the program why many hong kong residents are deeply skeptical of a mass coronavirus testing campaign underway in the city. and ecosystems under threat one of argentina is most biodiverse region is some monks there is being ravaged by wildfires. hello. northerly wind can be a very warm wind in australia no you can't see it from here you can see it think we're sunshine through most places winter fronts of late winter early spring front running through the bike just catching parts of south australia and victoria are
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inducing in the look at sydney's temperature $25.00 here now that outstrips perth which is cloudy with a southwesterly nick cave's or showers and then we get to 30 rock to 29 are quite record breaking but certainly very enjoyable there are coastal showers a wet through tropical queensland and this improper rain down the victorian a.c.t but it's not particularly stormy which is in complete contrast to what's happening there the side of the equator we've got typhoon maize and now it's reached its peak is starting to slow down in strength but it'll make very little difference to how it's felt on the ground direct northward movement so it's juror in wednesday daytime it will still be of the water will be felt in western parts of japan the main rounds more especially the korean peninsula and then when it gets dark it'll go over land so thursday it will be in north korea and gone beyond i will be looking at the likely damages done to south korea police thursday looks
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a fine day. for . a unique yet endangered biodiversity lies in the heart of one of the back windows tropical jungles there was a lot of misinformation about the animals that we have here and now all the probabilities become boss at their stuff conservation their communities algis their journeys deep into the rain forest to follow a scientist and head teams after to save the flora and fauna so precious in the region women make science ecuador's hidden treasure on al-jazeera. the.
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book a backyard reminder of the top stories here on al-jazeera u.s. president try and pass expressed his support for the police during a visit to the city of commission which has been rocked by violence following the police shooting of a black man city and state officials harder to nourse to visit. lebanese police or fire tear gas to disperse anti-government protesters outside the parliament in the said to a favorite it came as the french president was visiting he's given politicians 8 weeks to deliver reforms or financial 850 with helped. scores of university students have been detained by police after marching through the capital better reese calling on president alexander lukashenko to resign. a mass coded 19 testing campaign is underway in hong kong but activists and some health workers are a boycott they're worried about the involvement of mainland chinese authorities and
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who might get hold of their data so a cop reports from hong kong. hong kong's chief executive was one of the 1st to take the crown of ours test alongside members of the government's executive council on day one of the city's universal screening program most of the community testing centers were fully booked as a city battles a 3rd wave of covert 19 infections carry lances mass testing is a crucial step to identify the silent carriers who are spreading the disease thing this testing program is safe quick and convenient to flush you know perth a community testing scheme have to fight against the fires and beneficial fatty food away and combat the fire if and help the economy to recover the laundry scheme is being paid for by china's government in beijing the testing programs led by a team of 60 health experts from province with 3 mind men by slobber trees processing d.n.a. samples so far less than 10 percent of hong kong's 7000000 people have registered
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for the free tests before i have confidence in the government and i'm not requiring that my personal information will be disclosed or used for other purposes yet i want to check if i got infected i'm not worried the government will destroy the data the hong kong government says no personal data will be released and specimen samples will be destroyed pro-democracy political groups aren't convinced and suggest the d.n.a. harvest could be part of beijing's crackdown on the city's democracy movement it seems that the pandemic can be used as the most politically convenient excuse for anything to crack down on any political protest this program has been highly politicized driven by distrust in the hong kong government and china's involvement despite calls for a boycott of the city's latest are hoping that up to 5000000 people will sign up in the next 2 weeks sarah clarke al-jazeera hong kong china plans to double its
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stockpile of nuclear warheads in the next decade from the low 200 supporting to a report released by the pentagon. he says china's nuclear forces will significantly evolve as it modernizes diversifies and increases its number of land sea and air base nuclear delivery platforms where even with such increases china's nuclear force would be far smaller than that of the united states which has an estimated $3800.00 active warheads the trumpet ministration has been urging china to join the u.s. and russia in negotiating a 3 way deal to limit strategic nuclear arms but china has declined chinese and indian military commanders have held talks for a 2nd day to try to defuse tensions over their disputed border they accuse each other of provocations in the ladakh region 3 months after clashes that left 20 indian soldiers dead china is also thought to have suffered casualties both sides accuse each other of crossing the line of actual control india says chinese
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soldiers entered its side of the border 3 times in the last 3 days in march china is calling on india to withdraw all troops who it says illegally cross to its sides catarina you in beijing says china is putting out a tough reaction. we have heard a more aggressive response from chinese state media got here the global news the global times which is the english language newspaper of the global times and the headline is about india saying that indian troops have made in a legal crossing in the area and quite aggressive editorial in this paper today on tuesday saying that india should india to withdraw its troops to to make sure that these tensions are escalating saying that china will not hesitate to protect its sovereignty and will do everything to repel india and attacks if there is any agitation made by new delhi and also saying that india should be under no illusion
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that the chinese military is not willing and ready to take on india that china india simply nor match for the chinese side and according to the global timetables undertaken a survey of its readers saying the vast majority of chinese readers say that they're tired of what it's called hostile behavior from the indian side and that 90 percent would support military action should the chinese government think about it is fair to do so but of course there's also been an acknowledgement from china that media is also a very important neighbor a lot of trade is done with india and they would like to maintain peace and analysts say that india and china have been conducting talks for the last few months for every week almost but these talks seem to have been very limited in the amount of progress they've been able to achieve so far the philippine president is ordering the country's top customs official to shoot dead drug smugglers or drink or deter to express disdain over the amount of drugs entering the country so he was
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shocked that one had yet been killed he came to power in 2016 with a controversial anti drugs campaign and 5 and a half 1000 drug suspects have been killed during his term human rights groups have accused police of killing suspects and framing them to make it look like an act of self-defense. i told him straight drugs. i'd like you to kill there anyway i'll back you up and you won't get jailed if it's drugs. that's. colombia supreme court says it's transferring a case against former president. to be attorney general as alleged pressurize ex paramilitaries into withdrawing statements linking him to the armed groups. reports from bogota of the. most powerful divisive and until recently untouchable politician former president. i. the
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country's supreme court should no longer handle the investigation into alleged witness tampering and fraud in a case linking him to paramilitary groups the former president currently under house detention resigned from a senate seat earlier this month to force the court that deals with criminal proceedings involving lawmakers to transfer his case to the attorney general's office. a move critics say to place the case in a more favorable legal body the attorney general francisco as a childhood friend of current president. had repeatedly said the supreme court was biased against him. this decision shows to quote adherence to legality it demonstrates its rules according to the law it doesn't have a political interest attorney general is not a complicated position any decision he will make will be closely watched and
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connected to the case was been a towering controversial figure in politics for more than 20 years equally. he made security gains against rebel fighters in the country's civil conflict but he's staying near was also marked by human rights violations as right wing paramilitary groups and the army killed thousands of innocent civilians. opposition senator. who accuses of falsely trying to link him to paramilitary groups so this lawyers will demand the attorney general recuse himself from the case. we took the decision to recuse the attorney general and his deputy because there is enough evidence and strong reasons to believe that they can't offer guarantees of an independent investigation of. the court's decision arrived the same day that the classified united states memo shows that a high level pentagon official believed it would quote have almost certainly
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dealings with paramilitaries when he was a governor back in the ninety's this and the courts late this decision will cause further controversy in a country still deeply divided tenure and its violent past alison that i'm just you know well worth. the 90000 hectares of land in argentina have been destroyed by thousands of separate fires over the past few months has hit one of the country's most biodiverse regions to raise above reports from santa fe province environmental groups are blaming locals who need grazing and. the rural police of the province of santa fe in northeastern argentina are called the promise ask you guys are known in south america. in the past month their biggest challenge has been to fight the fires that are destroying these wetlands that cover an area of 14000
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square kilometers. one of the leaders he says he's team has been working nonstop to catch those who've been lightning the fires. we are told that over 90000 hectares of land have been devastated by the fires we're not only detaining people but also working on preventing and teaching local people the consequences of starting a fire. this is the delta in the paranoia river which connects argentina and brazil it's also known as the lemmas on because of the reach biodiversity that exists here over 11000 fires have been detected in the past 7 months because there is an extremely difficult and much stronger is over 30 and here environmental groups say the next fires are started by landowners is known in myers to renew the race and those fires later on spiralling out of control. the government accuses ranchers of setting up the fires but people from the sector say they're not to
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blame if it but this past year has absolutely nothing to do with livestock production or fishermen or anyone just someone thought to burn it all this will be recovered as were the conditions that favor us occur the lack of rain this year has cost us of year drought which makes it easier for the fires to spread like in the central province of core of the law where at least $14000.00 hectares have burned the governor declare the area a disaster zone the fires are now under control but environmental groups say it's an example of how serious the situation is. what it does if it's in it and there is a lethal combination ongoing drought because of climate change and deforestation but also fires that could be caused by human negligence or with an attempt to take over land where there is pastures there used to be native forests we need more laws to protect our forests and cities and our wetlands in argentina environmental
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groups are pushing for a law that will protect argentina's wetlands and impose tougher fines on those who violated. it will also mean more resources to protect this beautiful land and the more than $700.00 species that make it their home. and the face argentina. but reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera donald trump has described anti police protests in the city of connection as acts of domestic terror he's visited the city even though officials had asked him to cancel fearing it could cause more anger connection has experienced days of sometimes violent protests after a black man was shot 7 times in the back by police officers the president has been highly critical of the city's democratic mayor leading to accusations that he's using racial unrest to campaign for november's election trump has also announced
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a wave of new funding for connection. we will provide $1000000.00 to the can osho law enforcement so that you have some extra money to go out and do what you have to do you took a rough it was a rough week to put it mildly and you've done it incredibly well i'm also providing nearly $4000000.00 to support these small businesses that i talk about today that got burned up burned. and we're going to be providing over $42000000.00 to support public safety statewide including direct support for law enforcement and funding for additional prosecutors to punish criminals and resources to provide services to victims of crime the french president says he's had commitments from lebanon's leaders that there will be reform his visit to beirut comes as police fired tear gas to disperse protesters outside the parliament building in the center of the city there are widespread calls for total political change after last month's
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devastating explosion at the city's port of call is threatening a block on badly needed funding if nothing changes by the end of next month. dozens of university students have been detained by police officer demonstrating and batteries andras of students had gathered courser on president alexander lukashenko to step down and plan to march on the education ministry human rights observer said some of them were beaten by police your thought is have used heavy handed tactics during several weeks of demonstrations following last month's disputed election but i have lost 3 of wanted audience. and those are what i just had lies here all al-jazeera coming up next women make science that's more news in about 25 minutes watching. the equipment i report ever got these days it's hard to filter out the noise and keep track of what's really important
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