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tv   Vote for Me  Al Jazeera  September 5, 2020 3:00pm-4:01pm +03

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in the whole d.n.a. and now there are still even use on behalf of people who are subject to decisions made by the pound limply no way to put all these people they're willing to be true to children that would like to get back stories this place has become a complete crap you have to hear all of them and to treat them with something that in respects. 1200 hours g.m.t. on al-jazeera i'm come all santa maria and these are the headlines health officials in iraq warning hospitals may soon lose control within days over new spike in corona virus infections more than 5000 new cases were confirmed on saturday the highest daily number yet the health ministry has largely blamed it on people who've been taking part in large gatherings without masks or social distancing here is still such a barrier with more from baghdad and what is behind this record surge. this is
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because last sunday on august 30th it was the holy day of assura in iraq it's a very important day for share muslims across the world it is a day that the grandson of the prophet mohammad it was killed in karbala in 688 d. and they converge on to curve a lot to commemorate his passing and although the government had this had said that they will be a limited number of people able to allow and enter the shrine of imam hussein there were still hundreds of thousands who attended to pay their respects as opposed to the numbers we've seen in the past last year there was over 3000000 people who visit a curb along the shore and the government has urged people to try and abide by the guidelines but after that day we've seeing a spike over 5000 positive cases in the past 24 hours this is something the authorities are very worried about the country's already in a semi lockdown there is a partial curfew from 10 pm till 5 am 25 percent of government employees are
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allowed to go into work schools are still not reopening here until probably the end of october for now so there is a lot of concern that these numbers will continue to increase because people did not listen to officials although the government didn't shut down the shrine they said that they could not close it down but they did allow a limited number of people to go in but it still has managed to increase the numbers of positive cases the world health organization has also said that even prior to assure they were concerned by the alarming rate of increase in numbers in iraq and that they urge the authorities to do everything they can at all costs to try and limit the spread of this pandemic but many people here we are seeing on a regular basis just do not listen to the guidelines and there is really very little the government is doing to enforce the rules and regulations that they have put in place over headlines and sudan's government has declared a 3. state of emergency because of weeks of floods that have now killed nearly 100
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people the nile river has risen to levels not seen in a century 100000 homes have been badly damaged or of collapsed entirely and all told half a 1000000 people are affected us police in portland have broken up protests as the city heads towards 100 consecutive nights of demonstrations have been arrests to all of this going on since the death of george floyd in police custody back in may and in rochester in the state of new york protests against police brutality continued well into the night dozens of people are seeking justice over the death of black man daniel proved in march he suffocated after being arrested by police officers put a mesh hood over his head and held him down for 2 minutes while he was handcuffed since then 7 officers have been suspended as a result. people living in the u.s.
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state of north carolina become the 1st to vote in november election by mail 600000 ballots are being sent out postal voting in itself has become an electoral battleground with president donald trump claiming without evidence that it is vulnerable to fraud earlier this week people try voting twice which is illegal to test the security measures sri lanka's navy has total oil supertanker it's on fire off its eastern coast after began drifting towards land and says for now there's no danger of a large spill on the fire is largely under control but they were trying to extinguish it since it broke out in the engine room on thursday one crew member killed in that as well human gas pipelines exploded in bangladesh killing at least 11 people it happened near a mosque while worshipers were finishing their prayers this is just outside of dhaka dozens of people were taken to hospital with critical injuries you are up to date with the headlines to this hour on al-jazeera the slum is next.
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15 years from now one in 3 people worldwide believe in tsunamis like these in this rolling megacity of manila. built without proper sanitation lacking medical facilities. used as a dumping ground of the city's rubbish along with a step closer to the something going on. and with the rising crime the reason you have never been there. a little bit about was when the last.
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bit. but it's not just about poverty and chaos. generations have lived in these. words. the survivor. and s. hide. the lot of the manhunt for one another. these are the stories from the same long. it's the end of the typhoon season and local election fever is sweeping london and . every 3 years over 300000 local councillors and share men and women are
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voted into their bronchitis or districts right across the country. arnold is a local businessman in a roma slum and is standing as a councillor in the upcoming elections. which have been going away with not only a mailing list like. local politics is the 1st step towards power and influence. but today is this day off arnold is taking part in his number one passion and it seems now that whenever you want to get. a bill payment come out so i guess i'm lucky i don't know that. my lab i'm going to pay a lot of money at least you know. if you look at it in a fellow human being like. i'm a lawyer whether or not i don't know i'm not. going to let you know.
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yeah i was wrong i don't look like going to battle again and that it will be. about it but you know you just think about it you know the day i go badly when you go away. you will be able to talk about a.a. i don't need nobody by. me. but by less. than. i think it was it. was it. was. was.
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was was. today arnold watches from the sidelines but soon he'll be in a far more dangerous arena of local politics. was when you know. arnold is also campaigning as head of his local anti crime league. but in tone door district public service is not for the faint hearted i know 7. that was that it. comes.
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up on the news about your i'm coming down our man a man down the line. but he allows me to vicki radius is standing for reelection as chairwoman of her local bar on guy but today politics takes a back seat organizing a burst they were sessions for her patron saying let me have them me and i am the man said the man and a lot of. the it was if they'd let me shoot one of the motherboard out of his mama. they bought an office on the mile of reeky is not the only bar on guy chairwoman but also a mother of 6 and joe working me to wife who may not bottom of the world of saving the bottom of the money that must be on the 55th of the family out of my.
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i mean i'm the guy. and the boy is not the only time these are a minute on the money that they have little man i know i won't believe some of the . summit i'm just going to go my causing a lot of running a lot of us still not. enough. events like these are essential for rally support and boots from both heaven and. let's cut. the fat enough for now not. obvious about
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a couple of months ago. i think it's a lot of numbers on the bottom and that my. hobby level some of them. are. those who are danny's all good as is done in dos. sent it to you at manila city hall and it's considered a man of power and influence. with brown guy in the actions only 5 weeks when he's to take his district beyond. the largest. and one of the most one of the. them. in the
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world i think we have. only 30 of the only $5000.00 per square kilometer. and. majority of the problems here are based on the essentials i mean food and the 3 should be walked or how seeing. the just worry about their meal the next the they leave life. they don't speculate for well for a moment and the i mean can just imagine for say 21 years now so there are 7 say 7 elections and nothing nothing whomp and so can't imagine how what's their mind set piece as far as government sponsored. it's becoming. more expensive because. their votes are for sale so you have to be there to vote
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for you and. i ask you last election lost me there show how much of the going rate for a councillor here. he told me it's longer sperber volver. they say if you win in bondal. you've got mayor of money left. do. you. hold the t. shirts connected wherever they can to. religion and politics are intertwined in the philippines and priests can be valuable contacts with the people you've
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gotten hung up on. this one is one of the fire you started out of your enemy. an enemy through hard yes yes very hard you know how am i going to lawry's bury her voice oh. she's one of us are not. big hard but not good at it it was always about a wobble and i took over all got very soon for her and i was overjoyed then about 500 when this thing started to. get a bit about me all right thank you very true i'm going to move people. to find out what's up because i think. the counselor may be fishing for suits self-appointed bust or running or is more interested in fishing for souls. shut up when they're 11 pin up on the. phone with us and without offering up the
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deficit. by more no i say goes. right sure. and share. their own leader also who will be going to look into better who can do anything no bus tours remember is a man on a mission. everybody see how. the morning. we divided. the rooms. in the morning we have. children in the student and in the afternoon.
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before shooting. it's all dream so me. is the church. say hello to. all of the snow are. going to lead iowa. and then. in the evening we have. equal players in the ring on. a sunday and been the main goal was good he told them something. human about him about the land of a peaceful human up the human. being being human being the only. another. they don't pin it on line and before you know more than the god i said about. her.
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good. mood. after. electioneering is in food on the streets of to talk. to our. minute they marry yes. they are they might know a hot favorite to become the new chairwoman of brown guy one over 5 is so many
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radius. load i'm going to get a loan for the room was the. little bit of barking was lenny is the wife of the current chairman who's already served the maximum of 9 years. that is a little longer a little closer there were already a bit of a good man behind a woman ok when barry. was up at the time on a bus bombing but. a little girl a song about some of the images doesn't equal numbers so you know that when you visit them the most of the almost one of the women does ok i need to follow up incense along the way you look at them and it was so below 000-000-0000 extension 00 that it doesn't.
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need to wife and cheerful but the curious this kicking off her reelection campaign in early. morning and in the hour well it's all you know for them but i know you mean it or not all of these are part of the little bit of the down there that i bought. them. from. appreciate the way on some of my arm and some of the many they made up at the end of the night. the buffalo behind the well i'm up polloi when i'm alone pop up to someone about i'm on a hard metal you. and i both parties one thing in the her. mom of the mother the mother more you supposedly know mean you are saying you're not on the other and you. think that a man's come by me and i make i say a popular myth
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a lot more plans are they gonna be mine and then a adding our cementing name they all must be. my godfather non-college make very nice and bread led by men am a. cut i mean some other thing no not when i have been in i want to go but up because he had to get out of the life that a man bought. it might end up with my old i don't know medicine all. i love all that money was being allowed to leave on singapore no but i'm down i only need one thing up. the inside so you have been going to months of being caught up will not be bought. for a new movie much as i b m m i guess i know i'm right good 7 to bad thing in my life man i'm a desire to be show up at all that. months ago to
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do my thing months up on phone the milligan say can make you one day not something i know go off or yon. there's no fears for her. it's. it's too next to the election and candidates supporters walk the streets seeking the phone. or. you know. another them out and up. among them is spades moodiness from the local charcoal making community. rather. than the service.
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number who are serving. the numbering by name. because they get a little done. nothing. today babes is searching for votes in the squatter settlement of. the move. along. the way you. know what he. sprang up among the ruins of abandoned warehouses it's been scheduled for demolition for almost
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a decade. this is where early into adelia calls hoeing. and that's out of book value 90. 5. i and if i am. not fond of it though i don't know. and i think i knew a lot of bin laden long in the. body and i know you. know a lot. you know by now you know all about my own. and that i tell you and. anyone find i'm not for you live in the land own boss and of. one thing i seem in london if they. gotta come in. and i think big it's going to be done in the.
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name of it in 8095. yeah i mean. and. you don't think i'm going to the poster that gonna solve your problems and the police and i. need you to know when to hold them up i know i'm going to go is a live album got. no moment i mean that i'm going to be in amman by him a lot. of people in a mob. hit it including me not. and then i want to get this i only
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go in a minute i'm on while i'm on the bin i'm going to have been i don't want to die anyway. the. voice by up the. tragedy has struck a room. arnold who run the cock fighter and president of the on to cry baby is dead. his quest for a council seat over before you get. a man wearing a ski mask walked up to arnold and shot 4 times little
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7. arnold is survived by his wife joy and 4 children. that are going to get my mom was one old joy. from arctic and this. time i get up by the seats and i'm for. example this rack. up. a little. bit of.
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a. bit of. my own misha. suite that shower. when i was. working in asia and africa there'd be days where i'd be choosing editing my story is that a refugee camp with no electricity and right now we're confronting some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced and i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and come from miles because of the only way we can try to solve any of these problems is together that's why al jazeera is so important we make those connections. free
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education for all was the promise the reality provoked a generation. there is another plot they want to get on and on how a protest over education fees have morphed into a national revolts and lock their heads down an idea whose time has come. everything must for. a witness documentary on al-jazeera. 967 and the 6 day war was at its height a u.s. spy ship the u.s.s. liberty monitored the conflict from international waters suddenly she was attacked by the warplanes of america's closest regional manager israel over $200.00 were killed and wounded the front part of the ship was just read with boy what happened that day has long been the subject of cover up and mystery mouth the truth can be revealed the day israel attacked america
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a major investigation on al-jazeera. revealing eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet on al-jazeera. part 2 of the slum is coming up in a moment but 1st we'll just check the headlines health officials in iraq are warning hospitals may soon lose control within days maybe over a new spike in corona virus infections more than 5000 new cases were confirmed on saturday the highest daily number yet the health ministry is largely blamed on people who've been taking part in large gatherings without masks or social distancing of the headline sudan's government's declared a 3 month state of emergency because of weeks of floods that have killed nearly 100
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people in the nile river has risen to levels haven't been seen in a century 100000 homes have been badly damaged or collapsed entirely and all up half a 1000000 people are in are affected her morgan has this update from hard to. government officials in sudan are to be eating the reasons behind the level of the nile river to multiple factors they say one of them is climate change which has resulted in heavy rainfall in the if you can high land and that water eventually comes down stream in the blue nile through the blue nile which contributes to 80 percent of the nile river is now the other reasons that meteorologists has resulted in the level in the rise of the nile are the number of dams that have been built on the nile river over the past few years we've got 3 in dams here in the sudan we've got one on the sudanese egyptian border the aswan dam and there is the ground if you printed on them that is still being built on the ethiopian highland antigovernment
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march made up mostly of women is taking place in minsk right now the capital of better demonstrations began last month after president alexander lukashenko was declared the winner of an election that the opposition still says was rigged about 40 protesters were detained on friday. police in portland in the us are broken up protest says the city heads towards $100.00 consecutive nights of demonstrations have also been arrests this is all been going on since the death of george floyd in police custody in may. sri lanka's navy has towed in oil supertanker it was on fire off its eastern coast after it began drifting towards land it says for now there is no danger of a large spill in the fire is under control the trying to extinguish that fire though since it broke out in the engine room of the ship on thursday one crew member has been confirmed to us as we say part 2 of the slum coming up and then the news out.
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election season is raging in the manila slumps but for one day at least the campaigning is halted that. the fire has decimated a squatter settlement it done door. sciri 100 houses have been destroyed. and want life lost. one of the 1st to arrive with aid is bus tour from. this morning about. 12 pm or one of love in the mornings i heard that there is a fire here in a secure the my own saw when i heard that. food for them for about 400 children sold really immediately for the food.
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for jam and rice soup like i'm going to. the fire comes at the end of the typhoon season so the evacuation centers are already forced to burst. the centers for 5 shelter and food if they can get hold of any. one thing that can be guaranteed is politicians grabbing the attention. the wife of manila's mayor has turned up for
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a tour of the. q ation center. after photos and interviews she enjoys a meal brought in from the local fast food restaurant lulu's believe. there's no shortage of evacuation centers so politicians to visit. the vice mayor has arrived at noon to distribute food and told the police. families have been waiting for over 6 hours for his arrival and the distribution of shoot 5 i mean i am very. sorry for you know that the tears. were no more for.
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you for the morning but when i am. least. louie louie please. leave. leave. the victims of the fire in the squatter settlement of the men have been housed in a community hall and basketball court.
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yes. that. bus tours arrives once again with aid and his encouraging. the doing the job he was really getting out of. the call me. me me nobody got me say something made up by me a. bagel i did little i'm not a goalie begin them. sooner or later oh. well over $100.00 or so you lose nothing will finally end because.
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crispin there is no doubt all i can add that when they see it i mean this thing can't stand the sight of their nanny and a basketball player shakira. sat down with them in the 2 months of the ground being big who will be learning move around the. same with. one another gnashing of the they get us seeing i think the years old now and the past and coming. it's a sob just happened i just hope i still work. oh my god i'm just a minute out. that was when i saw it go. and they were in the cockpit at. what is a fun thing the summit was with some of the stores and congress rang up to give me mission thinking singers just without the really mobile knowing obediently you will not only. oh. god those who.
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got the money believe the gold. was so good. at least one. good thing at something doesn't mean that. those who. i think it was the one among be able to look at people's religion that was how much . market owner. so let me go all the usual. way. in the early. morning. everybody made our way to me the name of the name by the sound when i mean so i mean it was good meeting where even god my lot and i think now let me and i mean seem to worry. i'm not going to look for you i'm going to record everything. and. everyone.
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back in the squatter settlement early is hard at work. it will by thinking of why you want to know. when it'll need to what we know. is the one of that up in the wind from. the putting. from my last article if i think. i had to get up. earns about $2.00 a day peeling garlic. back. to numbing younger numb it in the fall.
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this employee got me. why did you not invent. better going on i don't want. to do this again when you know. undoubtedly. i get i'm going. and i thought the. you know in a moment they said oh he's the son of going up to something they don't bust already but well no you will. not allow you in
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a book to go to jail. but . underneath. even the smallest of slums contain potential voters and candidates down their graves the rubbish and garlic peelings of g.k. on her campaign drives. the hormone boost the polls on a look at the situation to the south and gone. down. in the year mourners around at the moment are you going to get another. name it's not about the one that got. the loved ones and the one isn't the one of the not a good long a. good one. of them among them was the mamma did. not
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know the model of being. a woman. isn't about modern about another good and. that but this was how i knew. him perceiving. me bang on a. needle in the morning up on a bundle of the going. election
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day has arrived in different us. close to 16000000000 voters are turning out for better guy elections. sure you know the. grades from the local charcoal making community is one of the hundreds of volunteers who never see the polling station. her job is to look out for anything odd during the photo. thankful days he got in a. little bit of neighborhood. events for him in the movie business and he knew he had been behind them. believe. them and watch or
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to see that he was. back in the slum voters are voicing their dissatisfaction with the electoral process. and more people. are saying i mean i. will. tell you and. say no to. that though. the good old. white. boy. who had these. you know.
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let me handle. them now. well that's how by b.p. . they come to mind about able to learn the only real. 1000. stories of candidates buying votes have also reached babes ears. and hear leave. your name and. mom are interested in the same thing done. 8 am and that's how it is going to be named and the leader. meanwhile across town chairwoman v.q. reyes is dealing with their own election issues her volunteers are being accused of influencing voters. out there saying something like i'm one of
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the taliban shot the muscle in the mouth i think we can all get a molecule out that. i use all the information that was out in the pursuit of that but i made me feel even born of a part of something. about this i don't mean that i'm not saddam enough not to go in there they are letting me send the bottle i said that he. was so good at me but i don't know but it was like to stop him you might not look up some of the mud. and.
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it's been 5 days since the fire in the slums. and bus has raised enough money to feed the children. but it's. just needed his for 5. minutes. to. let you see him without some of the so i love. you not go away yeah we need to be in and deal in the bank but in the ward the level of the little look a little look the month open enrollment in the middle of the middle of us. was to. look.
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it up and i was going to. say some. of the however. i mean a little bit of. it would. be nice. if i had money in the safe and i'm fine i'm not doing anything and busy painting joyce in the mission i mean they need a reason and i get you thinking what i need. to. be a real world. peace could
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be you could be was a little below. a good girl you lose the little guy. do you believe. you'll stand down this good morning you. will know little was going to be unbelievable oh me aren't you old enough of a sure thing. the election results are in a linear way as has one in her brown guy and takes over from her husband
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as chairwoman for the next 3 years. venditti remember him saying no to that to land the land back i'm. not saying. that the nobody big scanned it also won her seat. but chairwoman and need wife vicki lost hers. if it was happening by the time i. was election's over and the past 2 or less in demand he can finally relax with his family. i don't know when it
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is happening and then there are the good. i'm going to kill me for giving you and by now i mean being as i want but let me make that as i mean even as i can not in the home but then by now i mean but again and. again they got me now many. when i'm with him but wonder if i'll start with. you and me are you. so you. saw god. and the boys. we know where you. will go to the reality. if. you do man if they find him again i mean i'm gonna need some dough guiding him fair and plenty of savvy like. me send me
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a postcard because of those requests for doing. this that the english are the only ones who think. that the lead and in the wild are the. many do what i could not what they needed a lot less than to go there banging in there really make it into whatever day you know living the sepals when. the reason. but it. is really good to. have to go i'm. glad. it's been one month since the election. and the flood waters have risen n.g.k. . i mean. we
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don't know when you will be simply human but i know a lot of money really be summed up we have to be in what i'm calling the green fields when i'm done with me. that's my city at the front want to see about me. i know about it was the last thing. simply dealing with about one old son i was alluding. to was on. the. campaign promises to improve the drainage and clears of garbage haven't materialized. and. it was a really. long ago i must say i don't know how i made it the way that or not i
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mean did they want to say or have been that i've not been hey i want it to be more distant i must be left. but she come on out in a yes or no but. human up what they've done until. i've been. hit by you get on with the colorful on the talk show host but. oh i don't want to go on the run but bang it bang it's number i know you've given what is going on and well our that you know why go. well my dad all i know on our buying it would. take all the money to the mentally.
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ill and i doubt about it yes boy get all upset on it but i guess that. would. be about what i'm going to be a whole bunch of going to talk to them on monday i done in the lobby and. then the link. to mention. that i've been absolutely beautiful she said to him. so anyway. his lonesome i mean a. home to extraordinary funny things. dealing
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with health issues though no one's in some of the toughest living conditions in the world. i'll just soon follows the lives of the remarkable people who work. and thrive. on al-jazeera. how about lots of fabulous weather across much of south america largely fine and dry in fact the news really drives
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a good part of brazil up towards and north of brazil we should be seeing more showers in this the church of the showers the just around the northern and western fringes of the country hit just pushing up into heaven as well into a colombia further south we've got a lot of rain that just spilling out of europe wide just edging its way to the fos out the east or brazil system west the weather north that he wants celsius in rio 17 in want to saracens similar conditions as we go on through sunday we will see those showers continuing up towards the north joining up with the showers that we have across central america some really heavy rain coming in here for many just notice a little clutch of storms just around the far southwest of mexico towards a polka we could well see a developing tropical system coming in here that will either way bring some very heavy rain into the southwest of mexico much of southern mexico seeing some wet weather and you see those showers draped across a good part of central america right around 2 this could also see some wet weather
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so expect some rain in jamaica or into cuba or so into haiti for the east and so it does look fine and dry with lots of fabulously warm tropical sunshine. but. i'm steve clemons i have a question has got these days it's hard to filter out the newly sinky track of what's really important the bottom line tackles the big issues this is shaping the united states its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the well the bottom line only. an image can change the way we see the wu asked if we had not seen the us we would be talking about it it can spark mass action or serve the interests of the powerful he created it and. for a follow opportunity that can obscure the truth this is only due to news story that is correct and the talking points are pretty intense because it can forge
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narratives all right through the listening post gives you the full picture. we need to stand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter what we do to the news and current affairs that matter to you. this is al-jazeera. 1300 hours g.m.t. here on al-jazeera i'm come all santamaria welcome to the news hour from afghanistan to mexico to france all over the world the challenges facing students parents and teachers and school restarts during a global pandemic. and
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also after a religious celebration in iraq warnings that hospitals may lose control of rising covert 90.


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