tv Everything Must Fall Al Jazeera September 11, 2020 4:00am-5:01am +03
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don't you see on tuesday nights are remarkable. i'm wrong. on i'll just 0. hello there i'm a star with the top stories for you here on al-jazeera a large explosion has rocked the outskirts of jordan's capital it happened in gov that's about 30 kilometers northeast of amman jordan as minister for media affairs says that blast happened in a warehouse where unusable mortar bombs were being stored he also says it was caused by an electrical short circuit in colombia renewed protests are taking place over the death of a man in police custody violent demonstrations on wednesday left 9 people dead hundreds injured in the past couple of hours riot police have fought again with demonstrators involved attach the anger has been driven by a video showing
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a man being repeatedly shot by offices with a taser stun gun javier odone as died shortly afterwards police say the lawyer had broken coronavirus show social distancing roles asunder m.p.'s he is in bogota. thousands of people are out on the streets for a 2nd night here in the capital as you can see behind me we are in front of one of the many neighborhoods police stations in bogota and many of them were burned to the ground last night the protesters have been hurling rocks at the police at this station throwing molotov cocktails at this police station to try and light it on fire this is just one of the 15 different demonstrations that have been called for this 2nd night of protests and riots that were sparked by the killing on part of the police about 43 year old
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a lawyer that was out on the streets drinking with some friends in violation of coronavirus restrictions the situation is quite tense here at the it could get quite more animated any moment now. and that we're going to have to see if tonight that will be as violent as last night just to remind you 9 people were killed last night shot to with gunfire another $66.00 people were injured by firearms. sudan has to head an economic state of emergency after its currency fell by more than 40 percent over the summer the transitional government is blaming the decline on manipulation by its opponents special courts will be set up to counter smuggling and the anisette activities officials say those involved in such crimes have been part of a systematic operation to vandalize the economy. now months of heavy rain in asia
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have left at least 65 people dead and 330000 homeless the government says dozens of people were killed when their homes collapsed and at least 14 of us drowned several areas of the capital now may remain underwater now this is one of the world's driest countries but climate change has worsened news as rainy season. fi is about $100.00 wildfires are currently ripping through the u.s. west coast and i've already caused at least 8 fatalities tens of thousands of people are under evacuation orders across the states of oregon washington and california a record 3400000 acres of land have been so far we are now approaching over 900000 acres burned across the state to put that number into perspective in the last 10 years we see an average of 500000 acres burned in an entire year we've seen that nearly double in the past 3
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days we have never seen this amount of uncontained fire across our state this is a mere 2 ordinary series of a very 3 have suffered there the result of your out of crawford and her problematic . would you love. her and as far. along the way to talks between afghanistan's government and the taliban to stop the sas today they'll be held and cats and could bring the country a step closer to peace after decades of war the 2 sides agreed to go ahead with the talks after resolving a dispute over prisoners well those are the headlines i'll have more news for you here to witness everything must fall stay with us.
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but. it was a very odd figure and a very high figure well we're going to accept the increase oh we're going to fight and we were clear that we're going to fight. to space we don't have a language we don't think that the way the university structured favors students. if you think that you know there's no way a student can never win anything. but clear message that we have for the diversity is that we can't continue like this. i must know of 3rd no no no. i'm not good. enough what do you want in south africa large. enough
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to know. this is something you bought i look at the freedom charter and the police and army these but our fathers were martyrs see the grief that you see the run in this university of lions who we see which started started on yes. we have beaten as black people excluded from the education system for such a long time if we are interested about the sting called transformation then we have to ensure that this justice. this is like a food security project whatever food is produced room and bank and gets given to the students that have been fisheries of the food bank program.
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many academics find themselves throughout the year being approached by students for money to buy food you have put the students who have to sit in the same cross or students who when their 1st year when they pass matric the parents buy them a seat has been told b.m.w. so they can drive to university. the inequality is far more benefits at a place like that university and other former you know english speaking war you know the top white universities and these things contribute to the kind of consciousness and the politics that have evolved in the feast must for movement. you sit in these institutions and you think you're in cambridge there was purposeful these institutions were made primarily for white middle class men. these institutions were in fact a primary part of building and developing
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a party south africa and colonial africa. was. not only a students oppressed by the violence of the system in that they financially excluded but saw workers right and to an even worse extent because workers have even less agency than students to write in some ways the university needs us to exist as opposed to workers who can be more easily replaced. and not employed by over it but knew where and contracted companies in 2001 when this outsourcing started the employers who were employed by
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vets they now became ex vets and that and what they lost was up to half this the levies and the i had medicaid 8. i'm from the. idea it's part of the same struggle you want a more just society you want to dignified society and you want to dig commodified university. we are very smart for that a lot of money i think go back into our communities and to make sure that the uplifting and it. might. fail at. history is a nightmare from which we're still trying to wait. if you want people to have
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a shot it changing the social economic reality that they've inherited then you have to prioritize higher education. post 994 we get a message occasion which means that these universities can open up to black people and to poor people and to woman in ways that was you started to not possible as you have this happening you have the state withdrawing subsidy. it was an argument made in the ninety's particularly by people in positions of power at the time that we needed to think more critically about priorities and it was felt that higher education wasn't one of those priorities all of. the big universe. the ones we the elite used to go and preach the fees by double
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digits. the logical thing to do because as the subsidies gay you want to retain quality you. the poorer universities couldn't do it so they did increase fees but by no one among us. this is a special moment for me as i symbolically assume the vice-chancellor ship of that universe it. was my dad was.
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god. they didn't make me sit on the floor i came yeah i walked to them and i said. i was criticized by the vice-chancellor they said i gave birth to the struggle to give oxygen to the substances they write i did i do not know those who didn't want. good news if you know do you know the 2 need to know why do. you not understand now. that mandate is to keep this university. a quality institution and that means i need to keep its income streams so there's no way i'm giving zito until the state makes up the. i don't have be but in his student days
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was probably the equivalent of what we are now. i don't mind him that he wasn't life but we hear that he was focused. at him sees himself both as a scholar of the left and as a participant of the left now finding himself in a position of authority in which that authority has constantly been challenged by this emerging student. i believe profoundly that the world will be a father better place. if we lived and created a more egalitarian outcome. the struggle for a free education system is an important player in that together with.
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limited. release i have. had a meeting of this nature taking place where the university management the executive committee of council would have to sit in front of students and engage with the students it is what intelligent person who's who to whom. no news under new management and not management to sit in the. news. servants there's only been 9 university assemblies this is
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a creation where the entire university comes and decides on a particular issue a burning issue. of who. had blocked us out of and the fact was that completely shut it down did the private security temples control the but campus control was on our side was and we understand that they wanted to do it on the lawns because it's much easier to disperse people in an open area. the around 1 o'clock they still hadn't opened it up i was off the hook with must the power structure in the university been immersed and actually the students really for a moment for a while were in control of this the reason was. was
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. that in the last time we had a significant generational conflict was the sixty's early seventy's and i think we're entering that moment again. you're beginning to see it in multiple manifestations you seen it in the emergence of student protests in south africa. the was that statue symbolizes the exclusion of black bodies from a particular space and it stands there proudly at the entrance of the university and that's symbolism is a representation of how much needs to change was
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was that our judging. if you can have an education that is number one f. or centric way african ideas. at the center and important and over emphasize as waste and ideas ah we have african ideas being valued out african knowledge systems being valued. then for me that is d. couldn't i say should. we got comfortable at settlement house. it was so important in building new nitty insulin down amongst ourselves. on.
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education team also started to playing around with the idea of what would the library look like so it provided also in no tentative it created a world we wanted to live in. in the room of philips with us to come and teach the ideas and find expression let's put them to the test this thing through together. i mean there was something about affirming a way of knowing something that has not been affirmed in this place was a language a song your grandmother sang with you to feel something you know in your whole life has been affirmed. and for you to claim like that space is to take your own the land into.
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law. by. by monday we had a call to meet the minister and when the minister had engaged us the idea of the 6 percent which is inflation no real increase we bought into the. stakeholders agreed to encourage their respective constituencies to engage in institutional new causations at universities with
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a view to achieve if increase of not a higher than the a c.p.i. related increase of 6 percent for twin to 16. you believe. this genders don't accept this will. help students much for let you think that god was. the anger among students had left those had joined us. students had entered the back of parliament and 11 side in the gate was open in the frank and me just intake was when you got inside that's when the. police respond differently to white protestors and so quite spontaneously
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a white person curtis is were asked to to offer themselves into the front of the march such that they could protect some of the black students. and it worked once or twice but when it got to parliament and people realized that they these people doesn't matter what color they're going to storm this parliament this is like and he started given that we need to stop this. was was. i had never seen the power of students like that i think back i was like you i was it was just you know you were doing this for your children also
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you can't afford this and yes yes going to these was. was. was was was to us was. the emergence of some sort of beginnings of a national coalition that exists outside of the control of the a.n.c. allied movements but it really just represents a growing movement that people are realizing that we need to work together now to make it against. militant islam to my movement was. i was. i wouldn't want to hurt her and was. a reminder she is
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standing there on the stage and i see because this is not going to have this guy must come down it was all staged to be assumed by us. i'm going to go. was the the old the rule peaceful movement came about ok nicky it belongs to everyone and no one at the same time and i think that's something that i'll do sometimes forget that we're stuck to dinner very different way to talk politics that they used to. i got a call from the presidency saying when he says after consultation my v.c. i released a statement saying the university vice chancellors of the construction as it was. there are some people who said that this is a flip flop actually i don't buy that we see ourselves as progresses but in the kind of managerial position and who are governed by the systemic parameters. and
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when space is opened up we take the opportunities and when systemic around it is opened up afterward is the movie who hate you take the gap now flip flop it's understanding how social struggle. works and to actually me in gauging what i call a structural transformative struggle. was. that there will be a 0 increase of university fees in 2060 2 was. the. no that doesn't take the money from here on the fee for people from the oval office and to come to some of the
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north. was was. the. was. the. we want to continue to use the machinery keep them here. but. what is your 1st thing for you to find out we're not. going to. give up my. theology. yes it's what we got there we saw things we as leaders felt that it would be irresponsible to take students inside. the fire and. we sold showed us that we went
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exactly as united and as on the same page as we thought well what resort as like kind of middle class activists was these guys taking the cops on and wanting to storm the union building. these are students from poor black high education institutions who in fact been struggling around exclusion for a long time was that right that. was the 1st job and i fear this time it got the comrades who were inside solvents marching politely on the outside and one of its one students wanted to jump on the bus some of these other students were in the end wanted to attack them and say this is how you guys go back to your we started to white institutions and settle for north percent and everything's ok we can do that we're going to be excluded next year because we can't afford even the north pacific. was.
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is nothing more violent than poverty and we come from poverty stricken homes and that is why we are fighting for free education you say it like you will not be cheated you would not there into is if it's a choice but it really isn't because if you do retreat what he lived where it was. played important role. to trace. one of australia's most loved making random. is under threat is probably agonizing to say but one wild one term president is dedicated you know
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a lot to say what i want to east makes the woman he spoke. journeys of danger. and hope. to do is to get to drive. out to 0 corners for refugees facing the challenge of building a mine from europe but staying close to their roots i still have this moroccan brown earth i'm very proud of and all the time the house i'm not going to be a place of refuge room and i'm still on al-jazeera. from our coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of every time i travel band whether it's east or west africa people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate our coverage and our focus is not just on their suffering but also on the more happy lifting and inspiring stories people trust on to c.n.n. to tell them what's happening in their communities in a clear and i'm biased way and as an african i couldn't be more proud to be part of
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the whole. remove. the a. rule. how again i'm missed all the attainder how with the top stories here on al-jazeera india and china have agreed to stop military provocations and a disputed border area in the himalayas guns were fired earlier this week and in june chinese forces killed 20 indian soldiers and a joint statement both countries vowed not to escalate the situation further and said troops will maintain proper distance along the line of actual control now in some places troops are reportedly just 300 meters away from each other. a large explosion has rocked to the outskirts of jordan's capital it happened in the zaka governorate about 30 kilometers northeast of amman jordan as minister for media
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affairs says the blast happened in a warehouse where unc usable mortar bombs were being stored he also says it was caused by an electrical short circuit in colombia's capital bogota when huge protests are taking place over the death of a man in police custody the anger was sparked by a video showing a man being repeatedly shocked with a stun gun have you or don as died shortly afterwards so violent demonstrations on wednesday left 9 people dead and hundreds injured. so much and there were bombs along what happened last night in bogota is not only regrettable it is possibly the worst thing that has ever happened in our city i wasn't just indiscriminate use of far arms cannot be considered police abuse this is a direct attack on our citizens civilians the vast majority of them young people. months of heavy rain in asia have left at least 65 people dead 330000 homeless the
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government says dozens of people were killed when their homes collapsed at least 14 other people drowned several areas of the capital niamey remain underwater now despite being one of the world's driest countries climate change has worsened news as rainy season in recent years from floods to fire and about 100 wildfires are ripping through the u.s. west coast and of course 8 fatalities tens of thousands of people are under evacuation orders across the states of oregon washington and california a record 3400000 acres of land have burned so far long awaited talks between afghanistan's government and the taliban are due to start the saturday they'll be held and cats are and could bring the country a step closer to peace after decades of war. well there's other headlines now it's back to part 2 of witness everything must fall to stay with us here on out of there .
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it was a very very difficult point in the movement because there were clear reasons why we had to continue and then there was just not enough momentum. and not enough energy. contraction has become undone and that if is best for you sort of thing is the enhance what others do can happen if you could issue the 0 percent fee increment in $1.00 week maybe if you can push for longer we can achieve more. we have the university by the scruff of the neck i 2 years lease now when we can squeeze more out of that. number was less significantly less than it was before but the workers were still there in the original number that they were so it was very difficult to look workers in the eye and say to them we are
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done we'll see the issue later really i mean really the last night in the museum you know what an awful it was and if it can explain. how much what needs to what they need everybody you know of and i think everyone i'm not laughing about me like you do. that you or you know i haven't done and i'm bashing something i don't know about you out of your hands at the time said the captain and we love you and she could say yes immediately. but by i would be in violation of my mandate i would not have to understand the financial implications of the decision i cannot make a decision now and declare bankruptcy 3 months later that would be a response. to . the who worry. or.
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was missing 1st is an education is able to transform kinetically society what is the primary source of a university it's not the papers that get annoyed in a gimmick journals it's the young people young minds that come through an institution. this is been a system that has really almost say he didn't curriculum to everyone who comes to a university that it's ok to treat poor black people as if they are sub human we've managed to show that if we united and if we're mobilized we actually have a very strong voice and we have a very strong influence over what happens at our universities and if an employer
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society. we have to find the money now arjen 50000000 cut you can do once you can do it again and if you implode this institution you break the institutional mechanism that can address inequality in this. when i vote in the voted security instruction is no guns. no purpose but. to give every chills but you can't are weapons of aggression if you like the strict controls. of the yankee you know who it was a ridiculous amount of effort to ensure that students didn't have safe places to meet it was about killing the movement. the university space as a space of intellectual robust intellectual encouragement of open democratic
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discussion debate need to be protected protests must be seen as part of in my view the learning exercise must be seen as part of what she does in cage with because there was no occupation we didn't have the time. i now wrote a lot of issues and really deal with the heart of what we are fighting for. in the end of fighting a lot in meetings and obviously the louden prominent voices would be the ones that are heard when we spoke as woman you could tell by the our body language is likely to get bored up until one person stands up and say you know what we will not be led by women. and we will not be led by gay people because this thing of gay ness it was started by the creeks when they were at boat.
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so 4th of april happens after the is this history. books or as a way number line of of of existing and revolting but then it was also a way of saying that we are tired of being those wonderful fragile people we won't stand up for ourselves and we will fight. but. the make up of the movement is as important as the outcomes of the movement because who makes up the movement translates into like the movement become. the. other. some of the complications is when you try to hold the b.c.
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agenda consciousness agenda with its kind of history of masculinity and the sergeant it's very difficult to hold that with intersectionality or the idea that patriarchy must fall to we've had many conversations with with our comrades where were they saying but really how can you take patriarchy away from us this is the one thing we have and now you coming to say we must change ourselves what do you mean we still do you. suppose. even when. women leading it was not enough until the mills so that is that it. no no no no no name that we men can't leave. us alone a queer people cannot be here. there's no membership to the struggle even as i want to feed you. cation i carry a lot. and i cannot say ok let us focus and keesha now and will focus on me being
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a woman later so for losing is about all forms or symbols of pride of oppression you know all of them my fault and must be one that didn't live. up the past to insert the key of the city to get me to the admin buildings to hear minister of higher education platonism ideas deliver his cabinet's decision on student fees we've looked at the challenges that tend from all sides. and have concluded that the best approach would be to allow the universities individually to determine the level of increase their institutions would require to ensure that they continue to operate effectively the fear just men should not go above 8 percent flatly when you didn't do anything to be
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a biggish it was moved oh wow. so you can be one to make me pretty good. as you did. several university campuses have been shut down a phony announcement by higher education minister blade nzimande. and you can see he's had the privilege on the radio you yes i do thank you thank you. thank you sometimes academics are standing up and saying we must protect you question. how you question and basic education as a public good students made their way up the side of house they were blocked from entering by private security really i didn't like that i mean yeah how do
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we attain fiji cation means having a conversation about what our priorities are as a society is it increased to a military solution is it the ability for us to exist as equals participate in the shaping of society as equals big able to have as members of a south african population the ability to realize our dreams. heck i. think. i am. thank you. i must know of. this no no no. was give up to another what do you want to turn up pick
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up good luck. enough to learn to follow. the law good going all good it was. such. a. situation that you could hate is a bunch of confrontation you need to it's complete the nature of the engagement between protesters and police in the context. we know that in south africa yes we have a legitimate government but we do know more people have died in police custody in the post 94 period than during apartheid and.
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had decided that a very significant move forward could be to get the university to publicly say that they support for education and they're willing to do what it takes with students to hold the state accountable they with the students they meet us to meet the students develop a pledge they would support the goal of free education then we asked will you back as i go to the senate and council can i say will you walk march senate and guns agree to sit in council it agrees to the goal of the education sciri have a general assembly agreed to that.
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the university was demanding that if they were to come to the university assembly and commit to this that we would end the shutdown both the university and students knew very well that immediately when we opened our gates when classes started properly we would lose all bargaining power with the state. it is what do you predict that really amounts to postpone ment of the general assembly that was to be held today. the protesting students effectively wanted the general assembly and the one to the much to the constitutional court to continue but they refused to comment that the academic program will commence on monday it was previously we had discussed. did you think it was going to be tough yes and what would you have about the mad need
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after running that's always with us artie's on of its campus the students and then were pushed off onto the streets on from 20. $30.00. the roads shooting and shooting deliberately into the church grounds we know extraordinary need for officers. through things. that i keep getting from my students and my friends as.
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well. barry. this is absolutely no reason for the kinds of scenes that we would see that took place like this different from us characterize that for why did i do it looking at the throwing up stories and so on that's a vandalism it's something that should have no place in a democratic so that no matter what the issues president jacob zuma has set up a ministerial times team to normalize the situation it higher education institutions. that. this is an entity in see that. elements would not be able to win
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power through the ballot box and they went to discredit. them after i left all the ultra left elements. who have never really had put it develops power in south africa. i'm. i'm. i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm i shouldn't be surprised if political parties have an interest there of course they do that this was one of the most important protests in the post 94 people and but within suggests that the student protests have been orchestrated and controlled by an outside force it's either deliberately mischievous or be trained profound lack of understanding of the student politics.
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so they want to tend to the protest criminalise us but only after that will they 'd do anything with us it will be justifiable because what could he knows by the way. student leader meanies to appear in the hugh problem at just report this morning and what police say was part of an investigation into the intimidation and violence that we've seen in several a meeting has been denied bail by the johannesburg magistrates court let me is facing charges of malicious damage to property theft assault and position of dangerous weapons. political arrests are now being used to kill the movement. within it with the situation minister of stupidity. added to the no trend context
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to this you know. at 4 o'clock in the morning you know people come to see you know the minister wants to retreat. in pretoria these halls and it is then that we realized that actually what we're dealing with is bigger than you know. and now we knew that it wouldn't really touching the new and the who could defend those those was to stay in the public ah. no i want to be there on your property. but you know i've. come for. the safety in numbers as well as being public and we numbers with a but this is definitely a targeted to it i mean that we're sitting in prison my colleagues are sitting in hospital we are you know has to go into some form of id.
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we are on the list there's no doubt about that. but i always say that i can't hide like around we have to come out and do what we have to do be strategic not be alone be with with with suited. that's a safe space but also you know if they're going to come for you they're going to come from. oh we were walking to an open area of grass and along that walkway that particular group of police had just kind of popped out of nowhere. i tried to speak to the police officer and you know me trying to have an interaction with him as i walked forward they formed into line and already i was scared but i had to try and be very you know brave for that for the students who are looking for. the.
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information to a student leader who was believed to be shot 10 times is still receiving treatment and they're. being pressed at this stage i have to run a center here on the university's campus. i tried to speak to the police officer try to i tried to speak to him i tried to. explain to him that really want in trouble and that if they wanted us to disperse we dispersed peacefully but we didn't even get to that point because it it didn't seem that they were there to make a decision it's in that all the decisions had already been made. at the end of it seem to have been that it was 13 rubber bullets it just felt like
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a spray of. things hitting my back and i couldn't sit or lie on my back for about a month. all of that is insignificant to the kind of discussed in this appointment you have with a government to toot its own children. from a short maybe it would have made sense because i perform a question in almost all the time but you know it's always painting when you know the prison and all is asking that we approach it differently all of us can that we do different things different when they 'd did that to show you that we knew that this is actually came to break us as a general thing our academic program was complete and that was our responsibility it
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was my responsibility and every academic responsibility to ensure the 2016 academic year was not. the spirit of his must fall just found in our bodies and he used us and we pray that to find room in other pussies. we love freedom is full i will continue fighting for free education until we get it but not the same way the same strategies that we were using they're not sustainable anymore so we will do what we did in the beginning will surprise people the next and. i can stand and talk about the future of the movement but it would be disingenuous given that this movement doesn't belong to me i don't decide it is a collective process that we hold in very sacred
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a group of friends resist. rescuing books from the rubble they build a refuge for freedom and democracy. a secret library of hope from which they endeavor to rewrite their story and that of their country. witness. a library under bombs on al-jazeera. allys a slight digne good news for the west side the u.s. is still hot was not heat wave is still breezy but it's not windy but there's no rain in sight really the rain that was there which actually brought some snow to
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the rockies is now a warm light again and it's throwing itself across the plain states of enhanced these showers running through south dakota and into the midwest they could be quite poky for a while leaving behind clear skies now it is hot it's still 40 in phoenix but in san francisco and boise doesn't indication here comes on as high as they were prospect to some rain for washington but not until after the weekend the rain here further east could be potentially flash flood the again in any of the atlantic states and there has recently been flooding further south to in cuba significant daily big shaham in the biz to become too much they could carry on the way to the bahamas and cuba possibly hispaniola we've got frequent fairly big showers it's not time of the year the same is true but for the south honduras had flooding a few days ago by get some more of mexico's just full of showers most of south america so waiting for the rains to come back through brazil but the further south you go the more light winter it still is it's hardly surprising that throughout the
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chilean andes there's more snow to come. in response to global warming germany is gradually shutting down its coal industry but is happening fast enough we don't have any time to waste anymore we can't wait so we're taking direct action to call for the immediate phase out of coal interest as climate change activists challenge communities reliant on the industry for jobs people in power who will win the cold war on al-jazeera. for nearly 3 quarters of a century world leaders have gathered at the united nations headquarters each year for a highly visible and often contentious debate this year in the midst of the covert 19 pandemic the session will be mostly remote but the few possible know where the
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exception. join us from new york for our special coverage of the 75th united nations general assembly. on al-jazeera. india and china agreed to ease tensions at their disputed border nearly 3 months after the biggest military confrontation in decades. are there i'm stars here and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up violent protests in colombia's capital following the death of a man repeatedly tasered by police 9 people have been killed. half a 1000000 people ordered from their homes in the u.s. state of oregon as wildfires continue to burn through forests and towns along the
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