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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  September 15, 2020 10:00pm-10:33pm +03

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family how. do you find an lot in america is in bolivia and delves into the world of god a child. on al-jazeera. the united arab emirates and bahrain signed an agreement to normalize relations with israel a deal donald trump described as a dorm of the new middle east but palestinians mourn what they call a black day saying the resolution is a stab in the back. i'm norm taylor this is al jazeera live from london also coming up hundreds of refugees begin moving into a new less boss camp as leaders say it's time to change europe's approach to migration. maintaining their rage despite detention and even claims of torture by
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the russian dissidents continue their presidential protest it's makes me on the embryo and. i just. a feel so much injustice in system. and the united arab emirates and bahrain have signed a deal to normalize ties with israel the elaborate ceremony was held in washington d.c. and hosted by u.s. president donald trump who described it as a dorm of the new middle east but palestinians are outraged the agreement reverses years of regional ill feeling towards israel but lacks a resolution concerning its decades old dispute were dubbed the abrahamic accords by the white house the deal makes the u.a.e. and bahrain the 1st arab countries to normalize relations with israel in more than 25 years the agreement ends the u.s.
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economic boycott of israel and allows the possibility of advanced u.s. representatives to the emirates it could also have major geo political ramifications it's been blasted by palestinians as a betrayal a sentiment echoed by regional players turkey and iran are white house correspondent can be help it joins us live so kimberly the timing of this presumably is relatively helpful for president from just a shawl to the presidential election. yeah there is no question that the timing of this has raised some eyebrows in washington given the fact that the u.s. election is less than 8 weeks away the reasons behind this the u.s. president saying is that the time is right the agreement has been struck but many pointing out that there were already informal relations between israel rein and the u.a.e. that in fact the 2 countries were not at war so calling this a peace deal perhaps is not the most appropriate name according to some critics still it is being heralded 2 by the as those that have participated as
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a template or frame or framework for the future that they hope that other arab nations will join on to the u.s. president saying that there are 5 different nations they are talking to right now that could eventually be a part of the abraham a course at the same time they celebrated those that have already signed on the south lot of the white house calling this an historic day these agreements prove that the nations of the region are breaking free from the failed approaches of the past today signing says history on a new course and there will be other countries very very soon that will follow these great leaders the blessings of the peace we make today. will be enormous 1st because this peace will eventually expand to include other arab states and ultimately it can end the
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israeli conflict once and for all and can be what all the kind of reaction has there been to these deals. well with respect to the fact that the palestinians were not present there have been protests outside the white house the concern about that being that this in no way ends the arab israeli conflict or rather the palestinian israeli conflict the fact palestinians were not even present at this signing ceremony and this is certainly not in any way resembling the deal of the century that was promised by this white house and when the president 1st came into office is providing peace in the middle east in fact many would argue that this isn't peace but in fact this could be a new military alliance or apparatus for future arms cells potentially even putting in motion a new arms race so there's been a lot of criticism from capitol hill particularly among democrats who say they are watching this very carefully well they value israel's security they are watching
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very carefully to see future sales for example of the f. 35 fighter jet to u.a.e. and other military support for conflicts that many in the united states do not support for example the saudi led conflict in yemen or even the question in the past of pro-democracy supporters in bahrain so in some ways there is concern that some of these human rights abuses have been legitimate legitimized and as a result these are all criticisms that are coming forward as there is further scrutiny of the deal that has been signed today can really how could thank you very much indeed. protests against the deals in gaza and the occupied west bank senior palestinian figures have called it a black day for their course it has more from a demonstration in ramallah. the drug use the word many balls than yours are used to describe a year of normalization with israel they say according to a recent poll published. that the is the author of present the fear of the
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palestinian people and show that the palestinian leadership has lost its arab now long. many years that the timing of this going to be worse the u.s. is trying to push for. peace plan this plan was fully rejected by the palestinian leadership palestinians say it doesn't meet any of their aspirations for a future. palestine is for palestinians it's our land doesn't matter if arabs all the rest of the world normalize relations it will remain palestinian. people and legal this is not the bahraini people and people with dignity are rejecting normalization even if the regime of saddam was their top leaders right now any effort on the i'll never live with the old leaders i think it's a really good thing that all the. internal unit the poor the poll. ballot
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do not believe that we're going to be. moments off the deal was signed 2 rockets were fired from gaza into israel are a force that has more from west. it has been confirmed now by the israeli air force that at around the same time as we were hearing live from the amorality foreign minister in washington d.c. these 2 longer range than what we've seen in recent months rockets were fired from gaza north along the coast one was intercepted one fell in the israeli town of ashdod and the israeli authorities are saying that 2 people were lightly injured by shattered glass these incidents are always on a knife edge depending on the extent of injury but eventually death involved in terms of how much it could lead to an escalation i think it is pretty clear that we
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will see israeli airstrikes going in on sites in gaza later on this evening and potentially into the early hours of tomorrow morning it's not entirely unexpected the palestinian factions inside gaza have spoken of betrayal by the rain and as i say not entirely unexpected that an incident like this should take place where he is but now tonight is there a senior political analyst tomorrow and sharon joins us live from paris via skype so long spell out presses what the implications are for the palestinians as a result of all this. well on the short term there's definitely been screwed by this deal clearly there is some momentum in the arab world led by saudi arabia and egypt and of course we're seeing their satellite partners the likes of ahead of the u.a.e. joining in. and that kind of approach and making deals with this around why there
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isn't continues to depress acute body and basically wage a war against them by the stinney and is by any definition factually speaking a betrayal and hence not the kind of syrians who were staff in the back and exposed in the sense that for a long time for decades one of their leveraging points in the negotiations with concern and the united states was that once they make a deal. 20 plus kind of countries and 50 plus was going countries were in for a suit well not without the deal some of those countries are gushing go rushing to make deal with israel and all because shit restaurants for israelis and you know and sort of a celebratory white way appeasement of the most right wing government in the history of israel that continues to settle continues to occupy continues to
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confiscate palestinian ground and depressed him if it were not that all of that of course you know adds up to the palestinians being totally betrayed i would say you know turning into i'm not that out of people in the sense that like the egyptians the syrians and others who just suffered continuously from at the theaters like the saudis of the americas in the thirty's didn't in the past thousands have been a sometimes criticize her not providing a united front in order to move things forward is that something that they need to try and do not think but the thing is that with the doing of presenting a united front this they are this is not good because it has hamas and hamas won an election the last which is that actually it was won by hamas so when that but a serious i damned if they do doubt that they thought. we remember very clearly and
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this is been documented in the american men sued media that would have asked what the actions are hamas and fatah meaning the 2 main factions reached a deal it was the americas of the israelis that did everything possible in order to 'd plant this thing because her plea to break that deal and in fact the americans and the israelis give up by us incentives to break the deal so when the person is united they are looked down at as radicals or so forth and when they separate for the sake of peace they looked at as they fight it doesn't matter what they do as long as they insist on full israeli withdrawals from occupied land in 96 7th and just solution to the perceived refugees as long as they do that no matter who are present to them whether it is meant then i want to clarify whether or not it is a trump or at the end of the now the palestinians will always be rejected on on
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principle not because of their leadership and but what about indications then for saudi arabia say and turkey the other big pleasant region. no there is no doubt that. the united arab emirates certainly behaved could not be present at the in washington signing at the end the way it's been signed without anything after terror and without the top buddhist in theater not church. i would see didn't the conspiratorial thinking of my madness and us all do it they wouldn't did it because these are set the light countries of saudi arabia the fact that the saudis themselves cannot do it today because the situation internally does not allow it and that it didn't the religious establishment and some of the opposition just will not work for them and clearly they're all or they're us presume they're all in the muslim world you know kind of deter them from taking such a vulgar step if you will at on the back of the palestinians but clearly the saudis
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and the iraqis in the bodies are sensing the arak divisions and the app weakness and they're making their own initiative and that has led the trump administration to exploit this that would be weaknesses and they end up weaknesses and to ride high in this new deal and that in turn led that and you hope to exploit trumps frigidity during an election year ok his exploitation of the saudis and of the saudi exploitations of the arab world so you had these 4 layers of exploitation ending with israel and then now benefiting the most out of there's you know smug and spite to the last moment in the speech today in washington basically saying look i've been proven right we don't have to compromise we don't have to give anything to the palestinians because look the saudis under such light partners are happy to gushing are rushing to make deals with us without any compromise with the
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palestinians my mission and i thank you very much indeed. greek police have detained 5 people over the fire that destroyed europe's largest refugee camp last week hundreds have started moving into a new facility although some are refusing about 12000 people remain homeless greece's prime minister says it's time to change europe's refugee policy korea comito talkies is looking for practical support as his country struggles in the aftermath of the fire european council president visited the island on tuesday he's also urging member states to show a renewed commitment to tackle the refugee crisis i would want to see that i refuse to paper over this migration challenge this is a common european challenge by the end of the once used intermission intense to put
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new concrete proposals on the table and we need to be more true we would need to be more permitted to be more efficient and treasuries that of course relates to mooch more progress you know the proof of build a strong tool we need also to have more partnerships with 30 countries stephanie decker is at the new campaign liz boss and says many people are afraid they won't be allowed to move freely once they're inside. and we've seen a couple of more people coming to the camp today moving in because of the p.r. that the authorities here have done is saying papers yesterday in all languages saying that the only way to ensure your safety and to give you food and shelter is for you to come to this camp and most importantly for them is that their papers will be processed only now if they are inside this camp if they remain outside their asylum processes will be put on hold it's a fact that the morea refugee camp the biggest camp in europe the situation was was desperate yes you have schools and medical facilities but it was many disturb
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residents who describe it as well so what they're saying they don't want to go from with that kind of a camp to the same kind of the situation here they're also afraid that this time they'll be completely locked up in the sense that they did out or even the moment before before peronne and say that they're not going to get it here people want to get off the island they want to take this opportunity that the fact that the campus burned down to get us off the island this is something that the locals here want as well in general there's a lot of frustration there is a lot of tension right now when it comes to the situation here when it comes to the refugee population and the local population but certainly the indications as of yet from the authorities here is that they're not going to be leaving the island this camp is still being expanded because it's the law began on the house 12000 people and interesting is well at the moment they're coming willingly and there's not that many the greek minister of migration or said on greek television that it's up to the state to ensure that everyone gets put into this common if they're all going to come willingly and the police are going to have to get involved to put them there.
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still to come on al-jazeera a start fires raged through the wetland in brazil endangered species around this thread thus. my mustache a bottler in the frame jobs where the government hopes that a successful to order for all small broods alert goes wrong despite the growing virus pandemic. we got some cooler weather pushing into western europe over the next couple days with a chance of rain to some is a fair amount of cloud just sliding in here or so the temperature in the southeast of england on monday getting up to 29.6 celsius similar value on cheese day we are going to see things changing in the might we have high pressure very much in charge that high will weaken over the next couple of days putting him in all the way in
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the cross much of the british isles attempt just pipe back to around 25 celsius and forwarding still getting up to around 30 there in paris notice some showers central parts of the alps and notice some showers too to settle parts of the meat mediterranean still very much in place here some live the storms are rumbling away somewhat to weather to around the baltic states that will slide a little further a switch for this a lot of tat and rain down across the alps colder there you notice in london at 21 celsius colder in paris to 28 celsius but notice some cloud and rain pushing into portugal out across the good parts of western spain as we go on through the next a day or 2 fame on into northern parts of africa a chance some showers still just up towards the coastal fringes of libya very heavy rain now setting in once again across the gulf of guinea much of nigeria seeing some heavy rain that heavy rain spreading across much of west africa.
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and life and death struggle for racial equality and a deeply on equal society fortunately there was a spy for the apartheid regime in that group to be very proud of friends like a family getting together 50 years after he used to chant and dechen police custody al-jazeera while tells the remarkable story of anti-apartheid campaigner. down the route south africa in mom who fought apartheid on al-jazeera. amount of the top stories here on jazeera the united arab emirates and bahrain have normalized relations with israel in a signing ceremony pushed in by the u.s.
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president at the white house israel's prime minister and foreign ministers from the u.a.e. and bahrain signed accords to deepen trade and travel ties. that he has been received with anger in palestinian areas protests were held in gaza and the west bank with senior figures describing it as a black day eating out it states they fear have abandoned their aims for statehood . 5 people have been arrested over the fire that destroyed the morea migrant camp on the greek island of lesbos hundreds of it began moving into a new camp but many others are refusing. poisoned russian opposition leader aleksei novelli says he will return to russia the pledge was made as he posted this picture on social media announcing that he was breathing on his own he's been on a ventilator at a burn in hospital and only came out of a medically induced coma last week the german government says tests show he was poisoned with a norwich uk nerve agent his team alleges he was poisoned on the orders of russian
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president vladimir putin the government in moscow denies any involvement protesters and by the roots are vowing to continue their stand against president on exotica shanker but many of them paying a severe price for their dissent the un commissioner for human rights has condemned what she called violent repression after reports of beatings and detention steadfastness but to activists as they were released by the state. anxious relatives are waiting for news at the a question or detention center where a few weeks ago 103 puerto being badly beaten and tortured 23 year old anna-maria conan and co spent 2 nights here she was detained at a women's march last saturday together with dozens of others she says she was aggressively thrown into a fan intimidated and threatened considering myself a criminal like at all i don't i don't think i've done anything bad. to get that kind of treatment is just. it's very nice seeing
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18 year old i remember my was taken by mass police officers at the same rally standing with her arms locked with other women here in this video wearing sunglasses she was sprayed with pepper spray and there were spraying these guests 2 women women who had nothing not in except maybe flags like. boasters but by then there's yes shortly after she was detained to warn her parents who then started to look for her we were not miserable we knew that we are innocent says we stand for truth so we had nothing to fear we were playing games guessing feelings and just really sitting and loving and. i'm proud of her but i want her to finish her studies i have an operation already and even more. but he realizes there's nothing that can stop his daughter instead of creating fear look
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at a strategy of mass detentions and intimidation to stop the protests same soft had the opposite effect even people who are released after being violently detained now say they are more determined to continue the protests families and friends of detainees point out that since the protests began last month and was sponsored to the disputed presidential election something is different in belarus the whole you know c.t. he's feeling you have to support each other you know just we were getting really close. after taking a rest ana maria sash she will join the protest again it's makes me on the end greer and. i just. feel so much injustice in the system. even after your treatment the experience you had here in the detention center you still go back to the still because they actually proof what you're trying to say.
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all this system is not breakin it's highly unfair it's highly illegal and i know that for these people for my parents for my brother who. is to leave there. we'll fight. and i know that. it's just a matter of time. after meeting these young women it becomes clear that even with look i shan't go still in office has already changed step fastened al-jazeera minsk the governor of oregon is asking for u.s. federal assistance as her state struggles to deal with wildfires a call followed the visit by president trump to california which is also been badly hit he dismissed climate change as the cause clashing with that state's governor who said it had to be recognized trumps rival dr biden has accused him of ignoring climate changes effect on the wildfires which killed at least 35 people in the area
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devastated by wildfires in western brazil continues to grow the region has been burning now for about 2 months the punter now wetland which is the world's largest has been hit with more than $10000.00 fires since the start of this month alone and as laura baron manley reports it's increasing the threat that endangered species face. brazil's puns know what land is a magnet for divest wildlife but now much of the animals habitats have been reduced to charter ashes and smoke many that were unable to escape fires that have been burning for months i think found floating on the quiet river thousands of animals a perished in a region that was considered a century for endangered wildlife i don't know much if i want to and want to be honestly one of the main difficulties here in ponds now is to be able to get to the fire so even if i had resources we wouldn't be able to go directly to the flames. the pond is the world's largest wetland it's networks of rivers swamps and marshes
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stretches across brazil power and bolivia this year more than 23000 square kilometers of land maybe in brazil has been in the gulf in 5 feinstein says and local volunteers are battling the flames day and night but strong winds are making their job difficult a lack of rain and drought is also adding to the problem rendering much the what can and dry but is a large it up i got that build we're putting it out trying to put it out but unfortunately we're not succeeding it's windy very dry and humidity is low it's hard i talk to 55 isn't everyone was unanimous in saying that it's the worst fire that ever faced in their life history. brazil's president jaya both scenario is facing criticism by environmental groups of what many call his weak environmental policies human rights watch says 5 don't come naturally in the amazon but have been deliberately set to clear lines for agriculture it says both in our hasn't done
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enough to tackle the crisis under international pressure the president has banned all agricultural burning and said the army to tackle thousands of fire some rains brought temporary relief last week but with heavy rain not expected until november many fear the 5 will keep buying more about a man the al-jazeera. french president is heading to the alps on wednesday as the cyclists of the tour of hoss climb the region's mountains as the country's coronavirus infection rates keep rising it's being seen as an attempt to reassure the public the famous cycle race was postponed from july and has taken place under a strict santry protocol that report. to defrost teams arrived in the small eastern french town of lateral due power having been given the all clear off to a round of coronavirus tests it was a tense wait last week several cases were detected and 2 positive tests in any one
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team would have led to its disqualification after a training session grace leader primrose rutledge said the results were a relief. negative. really happy we have more recall racing here the kind of a pandemic is forced to talk organizers to impose new rules on the race teams are regularly tested and kept apart cities and towns on the 3 week route have had to adapt we had planned an open fan zone for the public to see the start of the race but the health crisis meant we had to reduce the number of people on the site then last week the region was declared a code red zone so we had to change again and cancel some of ends in town a few kilometers away thousands gathered but far fewer than in previous years it's different this year you can't get near the vita's at the start or the finish also
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it's september not to long so there are a few fans back it's definitely not the atmosphere previous years covert is a shame but we wanted to come here as we are fans of the toll across the country covert infections are rising last week there were more than 10000 new cases in one day new restrictions have been imposed in some cities including mass a where doctors say intensive care units are needy full. beijing the tour de france during a pandemic is certainly controversial some say it is unnecessary and irresponsible but the french government says that traditional events like this one all the people at the lot of big crowds must continue as normally as possible that will be the french president emanuel macro's message when he visits the race wednesday if all 22 teams reach the finish line in paris sunday without a last minute health scare that will be widely regarded as
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a success even though the precariousness of this year's race has served to highlight the gravity of france's health crisis the tosh about al-jazeera bail out the last drop. and any time on our web site address about his al-jazeera dot com that's updated throughout the day. and one of the top stories on our sara they not arab emirates and bahrain have normalized relations with israel in a signing ceremony hosted by the u.s. president at the white house israel's prime minister and foreign ministers from the u.a.e. and behind signed accords to make peace a diplomatic coup for donald trump marks the 1st treaties with israel more than 25 years and will deepen trade and travel times these agreements prove that the nations of the region are breaking free from the failed approaches of the past
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today signing says history on a new course and there will be other countries very very soon that will follow these great leaders the blessings of the peace we make today. will be enormous. first because this will eventually expand to include other. and old timidly it can. israeli conflict once and for all but the deal has been received with anger in palestinian areas protests were held in gaza and the west bank against arab states normalizing relations with israel senior palestinian figures have described it as a black day hitting out at states they fear of abandon their aims for statehood critics have urged the leadership to amend their strategy or risk further isolation in the region. 5 people have been arrested over the fire that destroyed europe's
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largest refugee camp last week when 12000 people are still homeless or in the blaze at the morea camp on the greek island of lesbos many of the asylum seekers are refusing to move into a new camp fearing that conditions will be no better and that they may not be allowed to leave a vocal russian opposition politician alexei navalny has posted his 1st picture after his suspected poisoning last month he says he is now breathing unaided after coming out of a medically induced coma last week is advisors also say he expects to return to russia soon the german government says tests show he was poisoned with a soviet not be chuck nerve agent there's the top stories do stay with us there at the stream is up next more news for you after that i phone or.
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i haven't located you watching the stream today we are looking at 3 compelling coded 19 stories from around the well as india's surge in coated cases europe's 2nd wave and also the vaccine trials in the united states hoping to involve minorities so much to do so little time if you see or hear something say something in the you cheap comments and you too can be part of today's show who starts in india. businesses job losses and.


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