tv Chronicle Of A Pandemic Al Jazeera September 17, 2020 1:32am-2:00am +03
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out for at least the past 2 to 3 hurricane seasons the head of libya's internationally recognized government has confirmed he's stepping down from minister made the announcement in an address on national television peace talks are due to start in geneva this week so russia's triply based government will negotiate with a rival administration in the east of the country led by warlord khalifa haftar seraph says he will stay on until the end of october of wall and new leadership is chosen a prominent belarusians protest leader has been charged with undermining national security maria kolesnik a covert has been detained in a minced jail since last week when she ripped up her passport so avoid being expelled to your train. those that are his headlines here on out to sara stay with us people in power is coming next up i. russia now seems to be going off to the main economic resource which is a cool story we bring you the stories and developments the rapidly changing the
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world living presidents promise america 1st policy trigger to try war that morphed into a technological war counting the cost on al-jazeera. with around 28000000 people infected and approaching 1000000 dead the global coronavirus pandemic continues to exact a heavy toll but after the 1st appearance of code 19 could the world health organization and a few more effective when it's more than $1000.00 the international response a few months into the crisis a team of swiss italian filmmakers went in search of answers.
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we have the 4 men system and that could be 19. 100. when the director general of the world cup oaken ice ation made this announcement on march 11th 2020 it came as little surprise to anyone by then from its origins and who had china the coronavirus had been spreading internationally for at least 2 months already infecting 118000 people and a 114 countries. as we now know tens of millions more would eventually be infected and to date at least almost a 1000000 people. of diet as things stand the covered $1000.00 pandemic is far from over. yet back in those early uncertain weeks as the world was waking to an
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unprecedented threat the w.h.o. came under face attack. the agency is responsible to the united nations leading the global response to contagious disease but critics accuse the organization of failing in its mission and every acting too slowly to the parents of the coronavirus some even claim to have been too ready to believe what it was 1st told by the chinese government about the nature and severity of this new disease. as these criticisms grew we went to w.h.o. headquarters in geneva to find out if it senior officials could have done more sooner to allow the world. travel to be with. me a joint t.v. . show c.n.n. picky ok to feature a. new feature cina. in
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some. ways a moment in. itself. on january 5th the w.h.o. issued a reassuring press release about a mysterious new disease on the 31st of december 2019 the w.h.o. china country office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology detected in rancid a total of $44.00 patients with pneumonia of unknown. based on the preliminary information from the chinese investigation team no evidence of significant human to human transmission had been reported earlier joe advise is against the application of any travel trade restrictions on china. but if all was still common geneva in taiwan an infectious disease specialist had been having sleepless nights but that was december 31st the last day of the end of the year. i saw it around
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530 because i woke up really early that day just happened i couldn't sleep well. young many copies are pick up that message then hold that to our lying group and about the very. interesting but also. there was a post about a mysterious outbreak of pneumonia in china. talk to lou you is the deputy director of taiwan center for disease control he says that from the outside there were 3 crucial indications that something very serious was happening in china. the growth is be sure announcement by the us or storage to the hospitals these were reminding the toll there is outbreak on your morning. happening in hospitalized patients so be careful about
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taking those cases and the 2nd message doctors reminding each other while be careful because it could be dangerous to us so be careful that these patients were isolated and under-served message was about her doctors chatting about well in my house we talk i've found so many cases of pneumonia and they seem to be associated with the full market and preliminary laboratory results there's it's probably sars . the 2003 songs epidemic which also began in china infected over 8000 people around the world and killed 73 people in taiwan one of the worst affected countries it had left the taiwanese very sensitive to the dangers posed by viruses capable of human to human transmission in order to limit any such threat the authorities knew that very strict containment and isolation measures would be necessary. the around 630
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it's still early in generally it's ok for me to post in our colleagues web chat group so i i send a message on that chat group saying well there is an important message i just saw earlier on and we need to clarify that was the chinese authorities. at the center for disease control didn't just ask beijing for more information on december 31st also raise the matter with the deputy chief of. the leather says the news resources today indicate that at least 7 were to be called pneumonia cases were reported in china their health authorities replied to the media that the cases were believed not sars however the samples were still around during the examination and the cases have been isolated for treatment i would have greatly appreciated if you
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have relevant information to share with us thank you very much however chan and his colleagues at the c.d.c. believe the w.h.o. if only warnings about the virus because taiwan over which china claim sovereignty is barred from full member status. check number one in the house will sorties in beijing or in dublin sure they are on top of these event if it's really a even a number to come for it starts or not. it be and are used the only investigating or not. that e-mail has since been at the center of a route between taiwan and the w.h.o. . according to taiwan the fact that patients had been placed in isolation was an intrinsic alert of a human to human transmitted disease. before say. that they. may said that they wanted to. know. me
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scoop of. me because on me. and for most of them it was infamous and i saw as the other for me that. we thought well the message you we provide. in addition to requesting more information. you have to pay really careful attention to these event they say they are they are in touch with. they didn't reply that they were out thank you we have received. taiwan decided it couldn't afford to wait for the w.h.o. on december 31st it began implementing its own emergency containment measures their response was to prove highly effective taiwan has a population of 25000000 and sits only 93 miles from the chinese mainland to date it has had 498 cases of corona virus and only 7 deaths meanwhile louis chan says
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the chinese authorities kept annoying the problem. press release on these numbers 31st and said well it's not it's not stars and there's no evidence of human to human transmission but we still think ahead we cannot risk the small possibility that it's really sars. so after all these gusher internally at the agency. the prime minister's office we decided to start on board. inspection of all the direct flights coming from things that day and the use during our time we had a round trip off the red flies on a weekly basis. by now residents and $100.00 were also becoming alarmed. the border. of course i. want to reach him so much i don't know.
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how to suck up the mug. shot of cork open a shortage of. neurons i must try to as an italian who's lived a new hand since 2006 when all my cock took me to cut it. just like a deception the hospital. worker subject to. all. your. support i had a possible cost. on january 23rd 3 weeks after the 1st news of the mysterious virus had leaked and was locked down by then over a 1000 people have been infected what happened in those crucial 3 weeks in january has yet to be fully explained it's rolled out those 3 weeks. almost to issue a press release on a daily basis and all these press release just. sort of message number one it's
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being controlled well and i think there was at least one week there were like 00 new case new all new cases needle the real new ok so it's it's providing. reassurance to the world while these outbreaks being well controlled don't worry about that still number q they kept saying there was no evidence of human to human transmission. the taiwanese c.d.c. had already implemented containment measures but it remained in contact with china . on january 13th along with experts from hong kong and macau it sent a delegation to hand to study the virus we have a meeting with the public knows it all because central provincial public has a story to discuss to ask more questions about the critical courses. that mean to.
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report that there are 41 cases of the typical morning 28 war associated with one man he says michael. and 13 cases totally no association with while and she feels like it is a point i think we need to nor abolish it to him and then the origin of the protein case. the chairperson of the meetin who came from a local authority has said that. there is no evidence of human to human transmission 1st and now we have a lot of discussion and finally the central government of you should say that what you say was all worth mentioning now we are seeing the immediate human to human transmission cannot be included. shewn
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there will be poetry damage or really soon. that crucial news doesn't seem to have reached the w.h.o. . on january 14th tokenize ations director general to draw scuppering sauce tweeted that there was no evidence of human to human transmission. looks like they just totally trust beijing. and all but all these 2 weeks 1st 2 weeks in january. they were basically copycat. remember stay organized. to the members they. cannot member states. in the mean time i think they need the chinese government right to call for a write. in the beginning you basically take. that
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the. chinese government. is a professor of global health studies at sutton hole university in new jersey and an expert on the chinese health system. that is not. government giving was the national health commission in china and the return is my understanding in my research that you state that even the national health commission was and you formed the severity of the true nature of the outbreak so there was clearly local government. by your twenty's even though by that time it was an open secret in the front line. you know there was human to human transmission i should steal you know basically
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stopped at the official. snow. you mean to human transmission. no t.v. was in pain that years ago that seen so much of them into normal notified of it's on a regular basis on a call about this you know so on a lot of those but i think that it will make you cool to do the same but. you don't want to be there. on this course of work because of. yet and early january data collected by chinese hospitals late to published by the new england journal of medicine confirmed that there had been human transmission. it is proven that since mid december human to human transmission happened among people who were in close contact with each other. the 1st 6 people came from the seafood market from january 1 to january 11th but over 80 percent of the patients
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had never been there. according to the same data 70 percent had never had contact with the patients before they had been affected by asymptomatic people. but parents out there. at the mass we. teach them greater where they are god 3 the live events and cora both of these are confirm a k. aid that ain't to be privy to the journey the instructor and so they seem to me ok in the context of it i'm asking of ok being going to miss a train it increased i was reading the paper the real me it was the simple magical power the thing its own and on that horse on that i for those around money 1st that sonia's then that we paul has spread in many years and if you get the u.s.b. who's. going to get it wherever 'd he said it was it shouldn't get away with this. shit just so much better there but. there
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is conservative. so that's a good you know we share. some of the one of the brilliant western artists most of the good shit on the less intimate machine i didn't get into the recently completed . story again with the gnashing effect we're going to have got i've been meddlesome and seen and hearing and sense. and you have only does mr a. which you have tested or sinister bankrupt or. religious 200 is something of a hero in italy having led the fight against the pandemic and then ito where he is the regional scientific advisor it was thanks to his intuitions on the contagiousness of the symptomatic people that the virus in the area was brought under control. but really there was shut off she actually took there the rock where temperament it took teleports you're in a moment 2000000000 children in there been. said earlier. that
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it was even a question of documentaries you talk about if you're going to meet they're going to be more certain that this isn't a revolution under this method that's just sort of. interesting to look people. but where you're going to be weapons or do you want to grab it well neither should merit or against it descriptive of what i want and 2nd of every response are you know going to muscular instead be that when the body getting it does she know without having to be sure to start our missile it will be even its turn it will be more into the people that. will face madness i'll be among the number one. important successful actors that one can have controlled well. i mean i think he is special because. a lot of the
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patients are actually symptomatic with me they don't need them to do anything so all you'd be only ask people we think turns to wear a mask you will meet a big proportion of those who can still trance meet but there was no protection of the patient to others. that can not use that cuisine cheesy in our day not a duty to put that it was to my. they're going to have all of this soon though some more of us from that list in the main for them that are there and here step up what out in the schools is purcell this election was for the better than session t.v. live events. dog the chicken or you push them apart ladder oh my to measure the distance a sense of my screen no longer see i want to get a quest but a few days after this interview was recorded on june 5th the w.h.o. changed its guidelines on mosques which are generally dress. in light of evolving evidence w.h.o.
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advises start governments should encourage the general public to rid of mosques where there is widespread transmission and physical distancing is difficult it's this kind of apparent inconsistency that has brought the w.h.o. criticism which the organization says is unfair. you know everything. because you're non-committal. they are already. on a c c. but what still puzzles many is why it took the w.h.o. so long to declare events in china a public health emergency of international concern this fake notice would have galvanized the international community into an earlier and arguably more effective response but weeks after the w.h.o.
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was notified about the one outbreak the matter was still under discussion actually was the director general decided to. be declaring. just. it's an action. get used basically the government chinese government providing. the. is working without a partner it is night and day in china and the other affected countries at the regional level and here at the headquarters to fill the gaps in our knowledge as quickly as possible wives. trying to. fake. trying to make disease reagan's fish a new country. shining. finally on january the 29th 10 truscott france sauce flew to china on an official visit.
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to. start this mission. port and. instead. praising you few sea leaves a chinese response you have to also recognize the mishandling of the you know if they could just say well you did a great job of responding to the outbreak a you know even though we're in the beginning you miss and you know that may happen though call never you know i think that would howl. more credibility on his return on january 30th the w.h.o. as director general finally declared a state of international emergency. health checks were now among the measures it suggested to member states 4 weeks after taiwan had implemented the same procedures
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but surprisingly the w.h.o. did not recommend any travel restrictions with china and. dozens. and actually open. any regions for travel and trade or under the games. but that means that. consistency. there to guide us. crazy right the chinese government for taking those drastic. measure might you need me to write this back into writing. but in the meantime you were telling other countries like don't impose those travel restrictions continue to accept. the passengers from china. and they could organize and so on across. the political.
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people i meet somebody very soon is she very little closer that's all. it would be another 2 weeks before the w.h.o. sent its own group of experts to study the situation in china initially the official program didn't even include a visit to hand the epicenter of the epidemic where there were 56000 cases of infection after pushing back the expensive venture he spent 24 hours in the city. to the surprise of many the final report continue to emphasize the w.h.o. his position that contagion from a symptomatic patients was not clear and was in any case ran. the better course as well that this. well it's going to work. so. well you know.
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that's. just the way following the ex-pats returned to geneva on february 24th it would be another 18 days before the agency officially declared a pandemic. you know say the situation is under me where the abandoned mia. more than a stamp by a motor that will be our pool because we're out of the corners that i am going to some of the more i. find the music works it works because like a mascot he said what in my twenty's. she said i'll made going deeper than that i want to feel. like a causal person and they got out of the process put a rope of people in here to see the way this is a bit a more the norm. my idea abroad.
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we are going home to both lima when modern mankind originate. many moons ago mankind migrated from the majestic coyote to begin the journey of the modern human across the world and as the dust settles everyone is welcome back home to. our pride your destination rewind returns. with updates on the best around to see this documentary. it's. to. remind continues with uncomfortably this is gospel central
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jail and this is the section where they're holding prisoners on one charge its users and dealers here is 120 of them in 3 different sounds on al-jazeera. a powerful storm smashes the u.s. gulf coast unleashing flooding hundreds of people are moved to safer ground. about the sun and this is all just live from doha also coming up donald trump contradicts a top health officials timeline for corona virus a vaccine claiming at least a $100000000.00.
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