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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 21, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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anybody the only killed. people who see every 2 years something to invest the profit of they want. to the last drop on al jazeera. this is al-jazeera. this is the news live from coming up the next 60 minutes calling for sanctions against alexander lukashenko by the roots his opposition leader appears before a european parliamentary panel the un global nuclear watchdog says iran has complied with demands for access to sensitive sites a day after a u.s. threat to impose more sanctions.
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protests in egypt demonstrators to the president steps down plus. a region of southern chile where a confrontation with indigenous. and install. u.s. open the shambo securing victory by 6 shots to claim his 1st major talk. about the russian opposition leader. says the e.u. must impose sanctions on president alexander lukashenko she's in brussels for a meeting with top european union officials the government in belarus is accusing the e.u. of interfering in its domestic affairs it comes after tens of thousands of people marched through minsk on sunday demanded the president's resignation. this is.
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ok so the 4 hour wait a minute. this is a nice job to. make me. believe that. the 18 edition was. made to get the only player who was. in the ok. i cool name we didn't hear all these. newcomers. we didn't think there was. sort of awesome is live for us from minsk joins us from band al step how much concern is there in the capital there about the prospects of sanctions. well it's been a delicate balancing act here between the opposition and also europe on these
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sanctions and the pressure that they want to put on the. regime out of fear that his regime will be furder in the influence fear of russia but clearly patience is running out there was a meeting last week a week ago exactly between look and president putin and russia in that meeting put and has reiterated his support for look at shankar fully he promised one and a half $1000000000.00 for his regime so basically what's happening now is that the opposition and also the european union has been stepping up the pressure on the lookout shanker and of course there has been an angry response from the side of look at shanghai but also from moscow about it even the visit of the kind of skier to brussels has led to an angry response from the ministry of foreign affairs a spokeswoman in most saying this is an interference in internal affairs it's on
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the my in the sofa ran a team of balor was and also shows that europe wasn't telling the truth when it was saying that it wasn't interested in any geo political act here in valor was this of course always been the fear underside of putting that bellows would fall into the influence fear of europe and mainly nato so that's why this balancing act has been happening since the start of the political crisis but now as i sat patience is running out and the pressure is actually going up talking about pressure officials announced just what a couple of hours ago that there were hundreds of arrests in yesterday's protests how is that impacting the situation there. yes that's has been look at shank us response the more pressure is coming from my. from the european union european parliament actually adopted a resolution last week saying that from the 5th of november that's the official and
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. they won't accept him as a president of fishley anymore and they want to discuss any relations with belarus with the opposition so that has angered. a lot since then the tensions have increased and also the crackdown on the opposition have increased 442 people were detained on sunday on saturday we had 400 women detained it's basically our no weekly basis more than a 1000 people maybe 2000 people on a weekly basis in total in the last 6 weeks since the election result was announced more than 12000 people have been detained here in belarus many of them have been released but the opposition is still behind bars if not had to was forced to flee the country of course this has led to a lot of trauma and increasing anger actually on the side of the people here and bellows it's not having the effect that look at shankar wants which is that people are too afraid to take to the street no they are not afraid to go to the streets
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and continue to go to the street. right thanks so much to fasten in minsk. now the un's nuclear watchdog says iran has complied with demands for access to sensitive science the comments from the international atomic energy agency were made during the group's annual conference in vienna comes a day after the u.s. declared it will unilaterally bring impose sanctions on iran under a clause of the nuclear deal while iran's supreme leader says the country will not back down in the face of what he called aggression sunday iran's president threatened a strong response if sanctions are imposed britain france and germany saying sanctions relief will continue. joins us now from the iranian capital so i said as i mentioned there are some comments from the i.a.e.a. about iranian compliance how those going down in iran. well it's just to reiterate what they've already been saying now last month the
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head of the grocery had visited iran over these 2 sites that iran had been blocking access to grossly met with president has and rouhani foreign minister divides of the high ranking officials in that officials are now what came out of those meetings was that iran would grant access now that i see that they have taken samples from one of these sites that's alleged nuclear material stored or used in the early 2000 so they've taken material from one of these sites and that will be analyzed and access to the 2nd site will take place later this month and it's important to note that i already has access to iran's new nuclear sites and they are under $24.00 seventh's online monitoring so if the united states was looking for some sort of ammunition against iran why the i.a.e.a. well they haven't got that the. thing that the way forward is diplomacy and that will be warmly received here in iran because the iranian officials were keen to
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show that they were complying they were keen to show that this was a goodwill gesture in terms of granting access to those sites now the same time the supreme leader's had some comments about what he called the double standards when it comes to arming iran this is a sensitive time or. an appropriate time shall we say or it's quite timely given the deadline that's approaching for the expiring of the arms embargo on. absolutely he was speaking on the occasion of the start of the iran iraq war 40 years ago and what he said was that the west the united states and the west armed iraq gave him weapons but didn't arm iran and he said specifically talking about the west he said that the europeans trampled over their human rights when they were dealing with iraq and arming saddam hussein and said this is the west we should remember this we should keep these memories in mind when dealing with the west now
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that's a message not just for the iranian citizens it's a message to the institutions here and the politicians but also western leaders and he's letting the west know this is the pro choice the approach to iran takes that it has been shaped by that conflict the iran iraq war and how the west armed hussein so iran is still very suspicious and skeptical of the west and in terms of buying arms well yesterday divides the foreign minister said that iran hasn't bought had has had arms trade with the west since the 1979 revolution here and they're looking to friendly countries essentially russia and china but how many of the spiritual and political leader of the country also issued a warning he said that any aggressor should know that iran is that we know iran is and we can they would think twice before attacking the country because they know that iran won't be backing down from a fight or as a bait that. iran continue discussion that we have sound sharp joining us
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is a policy fellow at the european leadership network he's also a nuclear security specialist joins us from london good to have you with us as i'm sure you're aware the i.a.e.a. has been holding its meetings is the controversial u.s. announcement of reimposing u.n. sanctions impacting how the. can work and carry out its mandate. i thank you 1st of all for having the simple answer is no the agency and iran have come to an agreement on the issues that they had over 2 particular sites but even through the coded pandemic the agency has been granted access to all of the sites that you were on is meant to give access to last year there was a record number of over 400 inspections in addition to kind of complimentary access visits which are on short notice and also real time monitoring through the
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incredible verification technology that's part of the iran nuclear deal last week we had the board of governors convening where the u.s. tried to again. so-called iran in noncompliance with the agreement but they were very isolated the meeting this week the i.e. a general conference is an annual gathering where all member states not just the ones on the eve board of governors will meet to approve the agency's budget to discuss outstanding issues etc but the general consensus is the meeting will not have iran feature heavily on the agenda as it did in last week at the board of governors meeting and that's mainly because the agency and iran are in a good place at the moment it's becoming clearer and clearer how much isolation the u.s. is facing specially in the security council is that the case and the i.a.e.a. as well. absolutely the ether
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e you know america's closest longstanding allies had a statement at the board of governors meeting just last week as did many other countries which firmly stated what their opinion is on us standing on snapback and its participation after it stopped complying with the j.c. self so the us is you know trying the strategy of america 1st but realistically in real terms it's looking very much like america a lot of and that is happening not just in new york but in vienna as well at the at the agency how does that impact though how the i.a.e.a. can kol iran to account. the world's preeminent superpower main power in the un. is not abiding by the same commitments on the. well exactly what the u.s. has done by trying to. get in really what he did by leaving the iran deal in the
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1st place which is backed by the u.n. security council resolution which it doesn't undermine is it damages the authority and legitimacy of the council and the u.n. at large to carry forward decisions and respect of the respect of the same city of agreements so you know you can think of it in this way say you have 2 parties that are getting married right everything that goes into a marriage that is important is trost loyalty communication when you get married there's a marriage certificate save those things break down the trust the communication the loyalty and somebody asks for a divorce you cannot then 2 years later refer back to the marriage certificate and say that because my name is on this search i think it i'm entitle to the benefits that i was entitled to under the marriage that i was once a part of you know the united states it's a it's we don't need a long legal or political explanation as to why what the united states is doing is
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absurd it is just basic common sense and you know i think that most international leaders the international community at large as well as international organizations are all very much noting the fact that there is no consensus on whether the snap back process was even initiated so the strategy at large is basically to ignore the fact that the united states has done this and realizing that trump will probably have to resort to unilateral measures on his own and he's trying to do this mainly to look tough on iran ahead of the u.s. presidential election but everybody is holding their breath to see what the election result is and say if former vice president joe biden wins then there's going to be a lot of hard work that has to be done by the europeans and others to try to rebuild the trust but to put in place a kind of interim arrangement and get things back on track rather quickly. all right thanks so much for analysis. thank you for having me protesters have
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defied security forces in egypt to hold antigovernment protests police fired tear gas in these are just south of the capital cairo the demonstrators are calling for president of the fact that his c.c. to step down. those protests continued into the night in the egyptian capital these are pictures of a march through one neighborhood demonstrators were heard chanting slogans against the military in egypt 2nd largest city alexandria there was a heavy police presence security had been heightened across the country after calls for mass gatherings exiled opposition figure $100.00 ali the former contractor for the egyptian military is asking protesters to stay out until their demands are met to how most egyptians unite out of love for the egyptian people take back your country again don't leave it in all cities hands down with the sisi regime down
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with the sisi regime don't go home do not go if you go home they will detain us don't go home we're in the streets and now we need to stay there. william lawrence is a professor of political science and international affairs at the american university he says most egyptians are still reluctant to take part in demonstrations. well they're not that large not that widespread yet but that's largely because of the actions of the egyptian regime it were over a 1000 preemptive detentions that metro stations bus stations areas like this and there's been a crackdown arrests of intellectuals university students so common citizens all to preempt larger protests i think what's important here is not. their size and the protests over the fact they're happening at all in such a tightly controlled situation and really provoked by nothing as this is just the anniversary of the protests last year now we do have an egyptian citizen die from
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torture maybe 2 weeks ago you have a large lawsuit with us against the former prime ministers and i think that should be torture and so all of this is really about china's. vice grip human rights violations egypt and i expect larger future. where there's continuing humiliation of egyptians by regime officials and of course the living conditions getting steadily worse so all that comes together to create a certain alcoa level of anger and then each potential protester has a choice do i go out and was being arrested a risk if i arrested to have my family cracked down upon or am i gonna sort of play it cool and wait for a larger protest. plenty more on the news hour including. sudan braces for more heavy rain as it deals with the cleanup from record high flooding probably lives by
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the river nile state. not paying the price how the world's richest people are fueling a warming global climate and it's more of sanjay's they can secure a last 2nd win in the n.b.a. playoffs and we will be here with that story. of. how governments across europe are re imposing restrictions to combat cope with 19 is the number of new infections rises in spain's camp thought partial lockdown has come into force around 850000 people in madrid will only be allowed to leave their area for work school or health care new rules are also being implemented in 2 french cities deemed virus red zones more than 10000 new infections were confirmed in france on sunday and in the u.k. the government is again warning stricter measures could come into place if cases
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continue to rise on the back is following the story from outside westminster in london but 1st let's go to paris and the tasha battle and the tasha let's start with france numbers there rising how much concern and worry is that causing. well it is cause for concern because in the past 24 hours we've seen 10000 new cases of corona virus being registered and we've seen cases climb steadily over the last few weeks what we haven't seen until now though is hospital admissions really going up but that does seem to have changed doctors in some cities including mass same bordeaux is seeing saying that they're seeing so many people coming into hospitals now that they're intensive care units could be under serious pressure very soon if that continues to be the case now the french government is continuing to tell people to be extremely vigilant and what is done in order to try and avoid
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a national lockdown because that's something that the government has said repeatedly it wants to do it is given thora to ease in the regions and the local regions to put in place local restrictions so we've seen some towns like must say and nice put in restrictions on the amount of time people can stare at tonight so for example they will no longer be able to stay out. in the streets or bars after 10 o'clock at night the city of nice in the south imposing a new restriction today allowing people only to gather in groups but not more of 10 people and the french president about all my craw has said that even though the virus is very much among us and we are seeing these cases climb he has surged french people to continue to try and live as normally as possible that was certainly a message he had last week when he visited the tour de france the famous cycling
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race which took place in the middle of a pandemic doesn't seem to be just. that you look right across europe it seems to be a story of many cities regions like madrid trying hard to avoid going back into a national long. yes across europe there's a difficult balance that has to be made by governments on one hand trying to keep economies afloat on the other hand trying to protect people's well being and their health and more is saying in spain a country that was so badly affected in march and april at the height of the pandemic then we're seeing cases rise again rapidly in the madrid region local authorities there putting in a partial lockdown people are being urged to stay at home in many districts but they can still go out to work so again trying to keep the economy afloat trying to keep people in jobs but nevertheless these restrictions will affect more than
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800000 people across countries like the czech republic registering more than 3000 new cases a day that's much higher than before than they saw in march and april russia more than 6000 cases a day in the german health ministers saying the way the virus is circulating in countries like france and the netherlands in austria is extremely alarming. but it's going to talk about what's going on in europe with neve barker he's outside westminster in london and guess the big question is are they heading towards another lockdown. now. well the figures appear across the board to be going in the wrong direction and the prime minister boris johnson has spent the weekend mulling over the possibility of new restrictions whether they be the circuit breaker approach more localized introduction of restrictions or something much wider nationwide possibly i was just wrapped up a downing street is
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a briefing by the chief medical and scientific offices and they have shown a bleak picture charts off the charts showing the figures going up rather than down this of course after the prime minister admitted that the country is in the grip of a 2nd wave according to the latest data the number of infections is doubling every 7 to 8 days and if it continues to go up at this rate by the middle of october we're talking about $50000.00 new infections a day a month later possibly $200.00 deaths day now there are various different reasons for why the figures are going lie and there's the government been accused of not doing enough to ramp up testing that doesn't appear to be the kind of capacity needed in laboratories to be able to increase testing also the message simply doesn't seem to be getting through in some parts of the country is believe that as many as one in 5 people are not following instructions to isolate when they're being told to do so one case in bolton a town in the northwest of england recently
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a man came back from holiday he had tested positive for the infection ignored the instructions to isolate went out of the town and that led to an increase in infections there the worry is that similar scenes may be played out across the country and something needs to be done there will be we think an announcement from the government later on this week possibly as early as tuesday but at the moment what we're hearing are the cold hard facts that the figures are the data is going in the wrong direction. all right thank you very much from outside westminster. are some of the world's largest banks have allowed trillions of dollars in suspected illicit funds to be transferred that's why a report by the international consortium of investigative journalists it names 15 major banks including h.s.b.c. standard chartered and the central bank of the united arab emirates it says they
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sent more than 2000 suspicious activity reports to u.s. authorities over 17 years these are not necessarily proof of wrongdoing but the bank says of the report rather says banks allowed money to be moved despite concerns over the origins h.s.b.c. and standard chartered told reuters news agency they've reformed and invested heavily in their ability to fight financial crime world leaders are set to address the united nations to mark 75 years since it was created secretary general antonio terrace will open the special ceremony later one day ahead of the annual general assembly but this year the event will be almost entirely virtual because of the pandemic our diplomatic editor james bays reports from the subdued u.n. headquarters in new york the u.n. is marking its 75th birthday but there's little mood for celebration normally leaders travel from around the world to new york this year nor the coming it's all
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being done remotely. the general assembly hall is often packed to normal years this time it will look like this a strict limit of just one delegate per country i have the immense privilege of addressing you today president trump seen here last year had toyed with a non-person visit again but he decided against it probably because of the lackluster atmosphere. this year like all the other leaders will be on the big screen only was speeches played on video. much of the real diplomatic work is normally done join countless face to face meetings but this year the normally bustling corridors are empty we'll do several virtual meetings with as of states in different areas that are very relevant for us but we will miss that contact that personal contact that i believe is very important for the plumbers had to be think when we look at the ambassador christophe has been is one of germany's most senior
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diplomats he was charged in the merkel's foreign affairs advisor and now serves on the un security council ambassador we're speaking face to face see to be distance of course in your world diplomacy most of the meetings now 1st chill meetings what's lost when you don't do things in your world face to face diplomacy is about finding solutions finding compromise and you don't get that you know virtually you need to talk to to you know to the people that have different opinions you have to be able to sort out compromise you have to find out where the red lines and you cannot do that sitting back home and go on on screen you need these personal meetings there's one place that the lack of world leaders at this year's general assembly will be celebrated and that's among the population of this city it means that we know closed roads and no traffic jams with ome of convoys on the city's
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streets jamesburg sirrah at the united nations. let's catch up with some weather it's a rainy day as it looks like for us have it and they yeah my fright maybe not here in doha but i've got a lot of rain to talk about in the forecast for nearly minus 3 whole days in a row sammy without a new tropical storm forming anywhere on earth now we have the deceptively friend sounding tropical storm dolphin making its way to sound. too nice to be a store and does not say nice business hopefully it's not going to be as bad as it might be ahead of that though let's talk about the remnants of new all that's making its way from postal knew what made its way across the vietnam laos pushing across myanmar into northern parts of india along the western side of india on the other hand it's the southwest monsoon this new position a terrific amount of rainfall mangalore $288.00 millimeters of rain in the space of just 24 hours that's the highest recorded rainfall anywhere on earth actually september average for them is $291.00 millimeters so we're not too far shy of that
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and that weather will continue that western side of in the carolinas and up to coupling up to. nothing further north which in here we go with the remnants of what was new will bring some very heavy rain in joining up with the southwest the monsoon into where me and mine to bangladesh into the far north east of india running across the northern plains and then popping up as it hits the high ground running up towards nepal push a little further east and see what dolphins up to so you can see this area cloud here in the northwest pacific an area of low pressure is going to make its way further north which it has now just been named so this is tropical storm dolphin not looking too bad at the moment is making its way fairly quickly towards southern parts of japan it will bring some very heavy rain here over the next couple of days and is likely to cause some flooding sammy thanks so much of it and still ahead on al-jazeera hundreds of mysterious elephant deaths in botswana but now scientists
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believe they know what's causing it to be update coming up shortly. and in sports christiana ronaldo starts the new italian season in. rewind 3 times. we've got. to see this documentary. use pick. up my sleeve to get you to remind continues with uncomfortably now this is gospel central jail and this is the section where they're holding prisoners on one charge users and dealers here that is $120.00 of them in 3 different sounds on al-jazeera overthrow and exiled they appoint a government saying this rule all the swiss let me tell you an intimate film about
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the struggle of the elected leader of madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency he knows that the truth was forged by and we say nothing to do you think she is still already along with nutrition this return of a president on al-jazeera. wow. factor watching on this earth time to recap our headlines now the russian opposition leaders for atlanta different of skier says the e.u. master impose sanctions on president alexander lukashenko she's in brussels for a meeting with a top european union officials. un's nuclear watchdog says iran has complied with
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demands for access to sensitive sites comes a day after the u.s. declared it will unilaterally reimpose sanctions on iran under a clause of the nuclear deal. governments across europe are imposing restrictions to combat coronaviruses the number of new cases rises a partial lockdown has come into force in spain's capital new rules have been put in place in the french cities of beyond and nice. parts of sudan are bracing for more heavy rain as the country continues to claim after record high flooding more than 120 people died in at least 100000 homes have been damaged so add to the difficulties the currency is declining against the u.s. dollar that's leading to inflation and an increase in food prices. u.s. democratic nominee joe biden has criticized president trump and leading republicans
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who are pushing to replace the late supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg he said that would be an abuse of power for november's presidential election senators to delay a confirmation vote until afterwards alan fischer reports from washington. the supreme court has suddenly become the dominant election issue in the united states donald trump says he's going to move forward with filling a big can see this week democratic challenger joe biden says with early voting already under way that simply wrong the people of this nation are choosing their future right now as they vote to jam this nomination through the senate is just an exercise in the wrong political power. no i don't believe the people of this nation will stand for. president trump told a rally in south carolina on saturday he's sending his nomination for consideration to the senate this week it will be a woman a very talented very brave if. you
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average chosen yet but we have numerous women on the list that are thought to be 2 leading candidates amy connie bennett is an appeals court judge a favorite of conservatives and has been considered for earlier vacancies and there's barbarella go up a lot to move in from florida which would be the more political choice but the white house might not be able to push through any nomination before the election in the last 45 years the process has taken on average 68 days the election is just over 40 days away and there's questions about the president even making a nomination before november the 3rd is texas republican senator ted cruz is in no doubt that in order for a supreme court nomination to go forward you have to have the president and the senate in this instance the american people voted they elected donald trump but there's potential for the court to become the center of a constitutional crisis if republicans can push through
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a nomination before the election let me try to do it before the inauguration on january 20th but if joe biden wins that election that could cause problems the democratic leader of the house says the of ways to delay a nomination we have our options we have arrows in aquiver that i'm not about to discuss right now but the fact is we have a big challenge in afghan tree republicans see the vacancy as an opportunity to change the face of the supreme court securing a conservative majority for years to come and they also believe it could galvanize support around donald trump both know and on election day and of people are talking about this they're not talking about the u.s. reaction to covert about unemployment or about health care all big issues before the death of a supreme court justice. alan fischer al-jazeera washington and one of the rising stars of the democratic party had this message for the republican party leader in the senate to mitch mcconnell we need to tell him that he is playing
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with fire we need to make sure that this vacancy is protected that our election continues and that the american people have their say wildlife officials in botswana think they know what's behind the mysterious deaths of hundreds of elephants they're calling something they're blaming something called psion a bacteria it's a type of banks were found in water at least $330.00 elephants have died over the past year in botswana and all in the same area. is following developments from harare so rather they know what the cause is what are they doing about it. well the elephant in the one with found in the bungle delta was the puppet a popular tourist area and this one is home and one of the largest herds of elephants in southern africa now joining the dry season these animals move from
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country to country in the region looking for water in officials here in zimbabwe a thing they seeing something similar the thing in the past few weeks or months dozens of innocence have also died in this country they've been posed to south africa and the united kingdom for taste is still waiting for those results and because of covert 19 national parks in many parts of the region had been closed and so rangers have been sent home and into the body it means that very few places were able to patrol these parks into a safe haven in advance of actually being affected packs of recently opened in zimbabwe who say they're not going to try and increase those patrols and also try to use drones now if the body is not. a stranger to elephants dying for example over the years i gave it one die from cyanide poisoning way coaches put cyanide in the water to kill these animals and when. they don't have the touch on them with this kind of an odd being found with a touch of bobbins which is suspect that he. could be dikembe the same bacteria
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that caused the deaths of hundreds of innocents in both one of the countries are talking to each other to find their way forward to find out if it is confirmed that boys are affected by this bacteria what is the next to floyd and i can give it more animals from actually dying. so that. now the richest one percent of the global population is responsible for more carbon emissions than half of the world's population that's the assessment of the oxfam and the stockholm environment institute now the wealthiest one percent are responsible for 15 percent of all carbon emissions meanwhile half of the world's population is responsible for 7 percent from 1990 to 2015 the world uses use rather as much carbon as it did in the previous 140 years the report urges governments to cut emissions by introducing wealth and carbon taxes on luxury items
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and use that money to create low carbon jobs and green facilities timothy gore is head of policy for climate and food and land rights and oxfam international joins us now from stockholm great to have you with us so i guess it's not a surprise to hear that the rich pollute the world more than the rest of the world is the rates rising it's more than double the rate of half of the world's population yet thanks for having me i mean of course the rate is really striking that the richest one percent alone are responsible for twice the emissions of the poorest hoch of the global population is just shocking in and of itself but what's really the problem what we're really stressing here is that we are running out of time we can't continue with in this same model highly on equal and carbon intensive growth there is no more time left remaining global carbon budget to keep global
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heating below the target that was set by governments in a paris agreement a few years ago that will run out of courageous in the next 10 years so we need governments to change course urgently now before it's too late you call for changes can changes be made often it is the rich that have the influence in the world when it comes to determining rules and regulations. yeah that's right i think if there's one thing that we've learnt through the global pandemic it's firstly that governments can take quite radical action things that would have seemed unthinkable just one year ago all of a sudden being discussed and also all of us as individuals we've all made quite drastic changes in our lives and it shows that it is possible now that it's happened in a very unplanned chaotic often unfair way for millions of people around the world but it shows that we can organize our societies differently when we're faced with a really urgent threat what we need now is to move to a plan and a fair democratic
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a just transition to a low carbon world that's got to happen now so we're calling on governments that are planning their recoveries from the pandemic to put tackling climate change and inequality at the heart of those efforts that's the only way that will be able to support reducing poverty around the world while preventing the preventing the worst effects of runaway climate change and it's going to happen now or explain this apparent perhaps issue here or the gist of what this report suggests is that as people get richer they cause more pollution because of their consumption patterns and there is a big emphasis for as they should be on moving people into the wealth band which assumably will increase their consumption and pollution patterns how do you resolve you know the need to lessen the world's pollution but also increase living standards and decrease the wealth gap. you know will 1st be one of the one of the problems with the economic model we've had in the last 20 to 30 years is that it's
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actually done not a great job at lifting people out of poverty we still got about half the world's population living on less than $5.50 a day even though we've expanded the size of the global economy shuji over the last 20 to 30 years so something's not working this trickle down economics isn't benefiting the poorest half of the of the world's population so we need a much fairer model that gets more of the wealth and the income to the poorest so that they can of course escape. poverty expand their income expand their consumption rather than concentrating it in the hands of a very small minority of already very affluent people but also the other thing to say here this isn't about you know choosing between a wonderful life which happens to be very bad for the climate crisis or something else we can actually build a better society while tackling the climate crisis we can improve people's health it's no surprise that the risperidone problems we've seen as
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a result been exposed during the covert pandemic those are linked to the same problems that are driving the climate crisis so we can have better public health we can have clean air we can have more time at home with our families we can just prioritize different things instead of increasing the endless consumption of the already affluent we can build a fair a society within the limits of our planet and that you know that can be good for all of us and that's the kind of agenda we think that governments need to focus on if they recover from this pandemic. thanks so much to mexico. now farmers in northern india are protesting against government plans to allow more competition in the industry there's been anger after india's parliament passed 2 bills to loosen regulations most opposition parties are against the new law as well as some allies of prime minister narendra modi supporters of the bills and sister will make it easier for farmers to sell their produce and india's taj mahal has
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reopened its gates to visitors after 6 months despise a rise in corona virus cases across the country a maximum of 5000 visitors will be allowed in each day india has the 2nd highest number of covert 19 cases worldwide it's been reporting around 100000 new infections and more than a 1000 deaths. a monument dedicated to those who have died during the pandemic has been unveiled in brazil the architect of the infinity memorial says she wants to provide families with a symbol of their lost one a chaotic here reports from where the janeiro she said the shore to lost her father to the novel coronavirus 4 months ago her family among the hundreds of thousands who have lost a loved one now their names are recorded on a memorial for vid 19 victims. the 39 neider long monument wing almost 2000 kilos is the 1st of its kind in brazil.
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seeing his name here has given me closure i feel the memorial has immortalized him he is no longer just a number in the long list of people killed by the pandemic now i feel this as my 2nd home. zagg his father died last may and his body placed in the family tomb for safety measures prevented the family having a proper wake or funeral even those who have not been buried or cremated here have a right to be a part of this memorial there are 30 names that have already been in graded on the medal but as you can see there is space for $4000.00 in total. it's a small fraction of the total of brazil's kovan $1000.00 related deaths more than 136000 have died in the pandemic making the country the world's 3rd largest hotspot and the numbers are still growing architect santos says she has been working in 7
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tears for the last 10 years but never witnessed so much pain she decided to create a memorial to help families move on. virus took us by surprise and put our lives on standby more so for those who lost loved ones and were able to say a proper goodbye this sculpture in the shape of waves is meant to show us that life goes on that's why i called it infinity. the pandemic also seems without end claiming thousands of lives every day in brazil but just said he says the memorial is a chance for people to stand together in difficult times and to honor and remember those they've lost monica and not give all just sirrah rio de janeiro. so i had on al-jazeera installed the gulf and. scientists find the winning formula at the open.
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chill is indigenous might put a conflict to escalate some are hoping the writing of a new constitution could lay the ground for reconsolidation and peace in the trouble torn region of southern chile. groups fighting for ancestral land rights the presence of police have increased violence in the region our latin america editor lasy a new reports from. 21 year old man brandon in bleak is when to call him was brought up to respect julian institutions
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including the police that is until the day 4 years ago when a special forces officer shot him in the back and point blank range in front of his house the no apparent reason. i remember all our dogs run up to me and started licking my blood off the floor like an animal i could see the hole in my back that's when i thank you. 17 operations later he's still carrying more than 100 lead pellets in his body yet what has most enraged the family is the fact that the offending officer is still free despite all the evidence against him now brandon's once docile mapuche a mother has become a tireless activist for months ago the family took older $200.00 hectares of this land that legally belongs to a chilean family rather than fight the owners and at the map which is family estate they were very quick to say what i'm about there's no equality or justice for them up here there's only justice for the rich and powerful this land recovery's
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a way to compensate for the damage they've done many are afraid to do this but we have thick skins to resist all the prosecutions and mediation of the press. brandon is by no means the only man who's been wrongfully shot killed or imprisoned by police i centuries of injustice and discrimination are feeding them up until rebellion and armed groups are increasingly resorting to violence to expel those who they say have usurped their land and driven them into poverty nearly 140 years ago the chilean state recognizes them approaches ownership of much of this territory through land titles called it will last them and says today most chileans believe it's too late to turn the clock back and return the land to the motherboard just which raises the all important question is there any room for compromise so that the chilean state and them approaches can co-exist in peace. and he said an
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emblematic mcclinton uncle or chief was wrongfully imprisoned for 5 years under chile's controversial antiterrorism law today he condemns the violence carried out by whom he calls a minority of muppet to radicals look at what lies ahead this terrible no one says it but this violence the killing of innocent people will bring sorrow at a more forward through to all of us the divisions among us our tragedy but do our best. rival mapuche is protested outside accusing the dean of betrayal he and other long state officials last week to present a 12 point list of demands they include recognition of the language culture social order and autonomy in their territory. the current constitution doesn't recognize indigenous people's existence but next month chileans are almost certain to approve the creation of
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a new constitution which could pave the way for significant changes he said wanted to see hopefully a new constitution if it recognises chillers indigenous people will help but he won't guarantee respect which is very different but it's an important step. that the my putting and children's rights activist believes teaching chileans to recognize in respect of a particular street and culture are key. but while there is growing public support for them up which a cause distrust of the chilean state and its institutions remain deep rooted. and how much both sides are willing to concede especially on the crucial issue of land ownership would terminate whether or not there can be peace in this volatile region. you see in human al-jazeera will you please chinny. all right sports fans catch up on the game with andy thank you so much sammy well process the shamba has won gold u.s. open the player he says he's trying to change the way people think about the sport
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secured victory by 6 shots to claim his 1st major title for a small reports. this was the u.s. open where the tournaments lead had changed hands every round. but on the day that mattered the title finished up in the secured grip of bryson on a 27 year old american clinching his 1st major title on my my goal and playing golf and playing this game is to try and figure it out i'm just trying to figure out this very complex multi-variable. game. december has earned the nickname the mad scientist dude is calculated approach to all parts of the sport he's gained weight and muscle to add distance to his driving he's also studied biomechanics to help with his putting it all combined to turn this final round into
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a procession. the day had begun with 21 year old matthew wolfe at the top of the leaderboard he added up a distant 2nd just didn't go my way but 1st u.s. open 2nd place is is something to be proud of and hold your head up high for so and i'm just excited to learn from this experience and it's stephanopoulos time that i'm going to be in a spot south africa as louis lose days and finish 3rd on 2 over par. more rory mcilroy is planned for a final day charge never quite got going. instead makes of power and precision saw him finish 6 shots clear so many times i relied on on science and it worked every single time it's a fun journey for me i hope that inspires people to say hey look maybe there is a different way to do it and you know not everybody has to do it my way i'm not saying i'm just saying in general that. there are different ways to do things it's
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a winning formula that's put dish ambo on top of the golfing world far a smile al jazeera. the l.a. lakers clinched a thrilling victory against the denver nuggets to take it soon nothing late in the n.b.a. is western conference finals of bron james care the lakers in the 1st off is going to $26.00 points and 11 rebounds. it all went wrong for the same after that as they blew a 16 point lead. and then anthony davis came to the rescue for the lakers with a buzzer beating again warning shots. blake is edging past the nuggets 105 it's a warm oh sorry clutch. more. actually works like a. great heiress. slight . of fans want to pass return to stadiums for
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the new italian football season for months supporters couldn't attend games because of covert 19 lock downs but the limited crowd that was present ensured on sunday got to see reigning champions events has beaten some doria christian or an ally getting himself on the scoresheet to cap off a 3 no win. more than 1000 fans are allowed in so much of the leipsic 1st home game of the season in the german league last season's champions league semifinalists were comfortable 31 winners of a mites honestly the title holders by munich that started out with an 8 no win over shell on friday. and english premier league champions liverpool be chelsea soon we'll have a full senegalese strike a study armani's called both goals a system record at their 2nd straight win of the new season a jolt a game away will 'd be for the next 500 years one of the most difficult games you can ever play and it is going to become even more difficult now when. things
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settle clear but you know for today it was to be good enough for us but we did it and i'm happy about. well no but see so i know how it will play carlina perscribe over in the italian open final like to this monday the romanian pushed harder by spain's got binyamin in the semi final hour eventually winning in 3 sets the players all building up to the final grand slam of the season the french open that starts this coming sunday. the joke of it will play argentina's jaegers force in the men's final noise kasper route in the last 4 now all previous rounds were played without spectators around a 1000 fans were allowed in on sunday and will be a similar crowd for both of monday's finals in right. ok plenty more sport throughout the day but i see how it's is looking for now sunny thanks so much and the imbalances to this news hour but we're back with more of the day's news with
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peter in just a moment says they with us. each country has tackled the crisis in its own way some like peru in argentina with strict early lockdowns others like brazil emphasizing the economy over health brazil has just registered 120000 deaths from the virus 2nd in the world only to the united states is that we don't work a day that we don't eat and don't have enough to pay for utilities or anything until many countries in latin america believe their rates of infection will be
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peaking around now and they begin dreaming about the end of the crisis that's not happening the nightmare only continues. this is a story about a small village the society that inhabits it and 2 of its most important characters the villages a telephone and it's a mexican. discovering new film making talent from around the globe to find on latin america delves into this cuban michael. it's only in line to the outside world you look like on al-jazeera. an image can change the way we see the womb if we had not seen that we would be talking about it it can spark mass action or serve the interests of the powerful he created this moment for a photo opportunity that can obscure the truth this is a legitimate news story but this play and talking points are pretty identical it
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can forge narratives or rewrite through the listening post gives you the full picture on a jersey. calling for sanctions against alexander lukashenko the russian opposition leader appears before european parliamentary panel. hello and welcome i'm peter w watching al-jazeera live from our world headquarters here in doha also ahead the un's global nuclear watchdog says iran has complied with demands for access to sensitive sites one day after u.s. threat to impose more sanctions.


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