tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera September 22, 2020 5:00pm-5:34pm +03
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nations in new york the 75th session of the united nations general assembly underway this is the u.n. the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. speaking just ahead of the address of the prerecorded address of president donald trump let's listen in from the risk of death and injury as i sit before you today the u.s. brokered peace talks between the parties in afghanistan are underway women now occupy positions within the afghan peace process and president trump is convinced there is a clear relationship between women in positions of authority and a brighter and more peaceful future for the afghan people yet again the president has shown the fortitude necessary to bring together longstanding adversaries to work toward sustainable peace through his bold leadership grit dogged determination and an unmatched ability to break through the status quo and
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make a deal president donald trump has delivered on the promises that he made to the american people and the world is more peaceful as a result. mr president mr secretary general distinguished delegates fellow ambassadors and world leaders my commander in chief and president of the united states of america donald j. trump thank you. it is my profound honor to address the united nations general assembly 75 years after the end of world war 2 and the founding of the united nations we are once again engaged in a great global struggle we have waged a fierce battle against the invisible enemy the china virus which has claimed countless lives in $188.00 countries in the united states we launched the most
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aggressive mobilization since the 2nd world war we rapidly produced a record supply of ventilators creating a surplus that allowed us to share them with friends and partners all around the globe we pioneered lifesaving treatments reducing our fate tally the rate 85 percent since april thanks to our efforts 3 vaccines are in the final stage of clinical trials we are mass producing them in advance so they can be delivered immediately upon arrival. we will distribute a vaccine we will defeat the virus we will end the pandemic and we will enter a new era of unprecedented prosperity cooperation and peace as we pursue this bright future we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague on to the world china in the early is days of the virus china lock down travel
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domestically while allowing flights to leave china and in fact the world china condemned my travel ban on their country even as they cancelled domestic flights and locked citizens in their homes the chinese government and the world health organization which is virtually controlled by gianna falsely declared that there was no evidence of human to human transmission later they falsely said people without symptoms would not spread the disease the united nations but us hold china accountable for their actions in addition every year china dumps millions and millions of tons of plastic and trash into the oceans over fishes other countries' waters destroys vast swaths of coral reef and emits more toxic mercury into the atmosphere than any country anywhere in the world china's carbon emissions
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are nearly twice what the u.s. has and it's rising fast by contrast after i withdrew from the one sided paris climate occurred last year america reduced its carbon emissions by more than any country in the agreement those who attack america's exceptional environmental record while ignoring china's rampant pollution are not interested in the environment they only want to punish america and i will not stand for it if the united nations is to be an effective organ. ization it must focus on the real problems of the world this includes terrorism the oppression of women forced labor drug trafficking human sex trafficking religious persecution and the ethnic cleansing of religious minorities america will always be a leader in human rights my administration is advancing religious liberty
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opportunity for women the decriminalization of homosexuality combating human trafficking and protecting unborn children we also know that american prosperity is the bedrock of freedom and security all over the world in 3 short years we built the greatest economy in history and we are quickly doing it again our military has increased substantially in size we spent $2.00 trillion dollars over the last 4 years or our military we have the most powerful military anywhere in the world and it's not even close we stood up to decades of china's trade abuses we revitalized the nato alliance where other countries are now paying a much more fair share we forged historic partnerships with mexico guatemala honduras and el salvador to stop human smuggling we are standing with the people of cuba nicaragua and venezuela in their righteous struggle for freedom we withdrew
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from the terrible iran nuclear deal and imposed crippling sanctions on the world's leading state sponsor of terror we obliterated the isis caliphate 100 percent killed its founder and leader al baghdadi and eliminated the world's top terrorist because him so let me this month we achieved a peace deal between serbia and kosovo we reached a landmark breakthrough with 2 peace deals in the middle east after decades. no progress israel the united arab emirates and bahrain all signed a historic peace agreement in the white house with many other middle eastern countries to come they are coming fast and they know it's great for them and it's great for the world these groundbreaking peace deals are the dawn of the new middle east by taking a different approach we have achieved different outcomes far superior outcomes we
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took an approach and the approach worked we intend to deliver more peace agreement shortly and i have never been more optimistic for the future of the region there is no blood in the sand those days are hopefully over as we speak the united states is also working to end the war in afghanistan and we are bringing our troops home america is fulfilling our destiny is peace becker but it is peace through strength we are stronger now than ever before our weapons are at an advanced level like we've never had before like frankly we've never even thought of having before and i only pray to god that we never have to use them for decades the same tired voices propose the same failed solutions pursuing global ambitions at the expense of their own people but only when you take care of your own citizens when you find a true basis for cooperation as president i have rejected the failed approaches of
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the past and i am proudly putting america 1st just as you should be putting your country's 1st that's ok that's what you should be doing i am supreme lee confident that next year when we gather in person we will be in the midst of one of the greatest years in our history and frankly hopefully in the history of the world thank you god bless you all god bless america and god bless the united nations. the president of the united sates donald j. trump addressing the 75th session of the united nations general assembly let's bring in our diplomatic it's a james pace at the u.n. james what are we to make of that. a machine gun style delivery from the u.s. president to one country more than any other in his sights that was china just took
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him 15 seconds to say the china and then almost laws against china with regard to covert 19 and other issues in the world i think it's worth reminding everyone some of that needs to be fact checked number one and number 2 although this was a speech to the u.n. general assembly this is a law right and carrying out terrorist work and china terms are going to be ready to i'm sorry because the president which i type or the one is speaking let's listen so. do you do go to the children. work at the united nations during this difficult period. i also wholeheartedly congratulate my former colleague ambassador. who has taken over the presidency of the general assembly. embassador both elections to this post with the support of the overwhelming majority of countries is a sign of his personal qualities as an experienced diplomat and politician as well
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as competent in turkey as the 1st turkish citizen to undertake the highest ranking position within the united nations system and i believe that ambassador both care will be the voice in conscious of this international community. i have no doubts that he will carry out his duty in a fair and transparent manner. i wish mr bush could every success in his duty which he assumes on such a meaningful date as the 75th anniversary of the founding of the united nations i think holding the general assembly under the fight against covert 19 in multi-lateralism is a right decision. as turkey we stand by our commitment and we are determined to maintain our support of the fight against covert 1000. so the pandemic caught the
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world at a time when it was having difficulties and coping with various challenges. rules based international system in the multilateralism which were already the subject of discussions are now even more questioned under the impact of the pandemic when we look at the picture in front of us we need to accurately and sincerely evaluate the full and empty parts of the glass. and part of the glass there is the need of a reform for multilateral organizations in particular the united nations we have seen how ineffective the existing global mechanisms have been the during this crisis this was so much true that it took weeks even months for the security council the most fundamental decision making body of the united nations to include the pandemic on its agenda at the beginning of the pandemic a scene emerged where countries were left on their own it thus we have once again
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seen the rightfulness of the world is bigger than 5 piece. which i have been advocating for years from this rostrum. the fate of humanity cannot be left at the mercy of a limited number of countries in order to prevent the loss of reputation of international organizations we must 1st review our mentality institutions and rules. affected multi-lateralism requires affective multilateral institutions. we must rapidly implement comprehensive in a meaningful reform starting with the restructuring of the security council. we must provide the council with a more effective democratic transparent and accountable structure and functioning likewise we should also strengthen the general assembly which reflects the common
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conscious of the international community looking at the full parts of the glass the united nations preserves its potential to be the turning point in humanity's quest for peace justice and prosperity. considering that we have not yet overcome the pandemic crisis so we should try to use the institutions the mechanisms that we have for multilateral cooperation in the most effective way . where problem is our global local solutions and only save the day. international solidarity is essential for long term solutions in turkey since the early days of the outbreak of the crisis we have called for cooperation all international platforms. we have been in the forefront of efforts to combat the pandemic in the g 20 turkey council make the organization of islamic
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cooperation and other platforms. we reached out to 146 countries and 7 international organizations that requested medical equipment is said schools with the understanding that assure friend is known in unsure times. with the repatriation operations we carried out we ensured the return of more than 100000 of our citizens in 141 countries to their homes. with the same flights we carried more than 5500 foreigners from 67 countries to their home but. we did not do all of these things with the intention of carrying out a coronavirus diplomacy we did not expect and still do not hope for any compensation from anyone for our aid and repatriation efforts. standing with the victims and be oppressed is in the veins of our nation and in the essence of our enterprising in humanitarian foreign policy i once again call for the supply of
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medical equipment and drugs and vaccine development efforts not to be made a complication. no matter which country they're produced in vaccines to be made ready for use should not offer to the common benefit of humanity. their delegates. with the pandemic we have once again experience together and how vital elements such as state capacity affect the governance and resilience are. behind turkey success story lies elective governance mechanisms that we have established with the presidential government system high capacity developed by our infrastructure investments in the area of health and qualified human resources.
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however. the pandemic adversely affected the conflict dynamics around the world and increased vulnerability and. we regret that the united nations secretary general says call for global humanitarian ceasefire which we also support has not produced concrete results. as turkey we are looking for ways to eliminate threats to our country and humanity by taking any kind of initiative if required so the conflict in syria which entered its 10th year continues to pose a threat to the security and stability of our region. as the country that struck 1st and most serious blow against dyad in the region. we continue to fight against the p.k. k y p g terrorist organization. as the international community we
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cannot find a permanent solution to the syrian issue without adopting the same principled attitude and decisive stands against all terrorist organizations. this approach is also essential for ensuring safety voluntary returns to syria. the return of more than 411000 syrian brothers and sisters to the regions we liberated from terrorist organizations in syria is the most clear indicator of this . likewise thanks to the regions we need secure we succeeded in preventing that millions of syrians living in different parts of the country particularly left their homeland. turkey has approximately 4000000 syrians on its own territory for years by addressing all their needs. we also meet the needs of approximately the same number of syrians
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on site in the region that we kept under control especially in areas close to our border. ultimately we are building tens of thousands of brick houses they did that and elsewhere for our brothers and sisters. we carry out all these activities with our own meals and with the support of our people without a significant support from the international community or international organizations so it should be a priority for all of us to resolve the conflict in syria on the basis of a road not endorsed in the united nations security council resolution 2254. to this to end the political process initiated under the auspices of the united nations which is also syrian own and syrian led should be brought to a successful conclusion. this is the only way that syria can achieve
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a lasting peace while preserving its territorial integrity and political unity. until this goal is achieved we are determined to prevent terrorist organizations that intend to pose a threat to our national security and as well as the political unity and territorial integrity of syria. today countries like turkey which are hosting the highest number of refugees save the dignity of all humanity through their sacrifices look out however some state. clued in some european countries unfortunately violate the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. it's time for the united nations to take up the firm stand against these violations that corrode the geneva convention and the international human rights system. the attacks launched by the coup plotters in libya last year overthrow the
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legitimate government of national accord have brought only pain and destruction to this country. the international community couldn't ensure that neither the coup plotters nor their supporters have been made to account for the massacres human rights violations and especially for the mass graves in target. turkey has been the only country to give a concrete response and provide support to the call for help of the legitimate government of libya. we believe that a permanent political solution in libya. can be established through an inclusive and comprehensive dialogue conducted by the libyans. it is also under the responsibility of the international community to stop the bloodshed in yemen which has been continuing for more than 5 years and stop the humanitarian crisis history
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will not forgive those who covered yemen sovereignty political unity and territorial integrity with the intention of gaining influence in the region and those who overlook the continued sufferings of the yemenis. it is our sincere desire that iraq does not turn into an area of conflict for external powers and reaches a position to produce the ability and process buried for our region while we support our neighbor iraq and every field we would like to cooperate more closely as well i specially in the fight against terrorism so we expect a genuine cooperation from the international community and iraq concerning the uprooting of the p.k. k. terrorist organization which has been invested in iraq just as it has been the case for diaspora. clearing the region from terrorist organizations will contribute to the in the light of the future of iraq. which hosts the most ancient geography of
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humanity because. we are in favor of resolving the issues about iran's nuclear program by could take into account international laws through diplomacy and dialogue and. i would like to reiterate our call for all parties to abide by their obligations under the joint comprehensive plan of action which significantly contributes to regional and global security. the order of occupational oppression in palestine which is the bleeding wound of humanity continues to hurt our conscience was. the dirty hand that reaches the privacy of god where the sacred places of the great religious coexist is constantly increasing its audacity and. the palestinian people have suited up against israel's policies of oppression
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violence and intimidation for more than half a century. upon rejection of the document of surrender which was tried to be imposed on palestine under the name of the deal of the century israel this time accelerated in its attempts to have an inside track with the help of its collaborators. turkey will not support any claim that the palestinian people did not consent to. participation of some countries of the region in this case does not mean anything beyond serving israel's efforts to a road international parameters. countries that have declared their intention to open and the seas in jerusalem in violation of the united nations resolutions and international law so only serves to make the complex more complicated with their actions. the palestinian conflict can
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only be resolved with the establishment of an independent sovereign contiguous state of palestine based on the 1967 borders with east jerusalem as its capital. seeking solutions other than this are in vain one sided and unjust. armenia who attacked the azerbaijani territories in july has once again proved that it is the biggest obstacle to lasting peace and stability in the south caucasus. we are in favor of resolving the conflicts in the region as soon as possible especially when the corner cut about conflicts in line with the territorial integrity and sovereignty of azerbaijan in georgia and the resolutions of the united nations and the o.s.c. eat. the kashmir conflict which is also key to the stability and peace of south asia is still
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a burning issue. steps taken following the abolition of the special status of a job to kashmir further complicated the problem. we are in favor of solving this issue through dialogue within the framework of the united nations resolutions and especially in line with the expectations of the people of kashmir. distinguished delegates. behind the tensions existing in the eastern mediterranean for a while there are countries with the understanding of the winner takes it all. the futile steps to exclude our country had no chance of success. we do not have designs on anyone else's right remedy and illegitimate interests neither in the eastern mediterranean nor in any other region. however we cannot turn a blind eye on the violation of the rights of our country and the turkish cypriots
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and to the fact that our interests are being ignored. the reason for the problems existing in the region today is the one sided steps taken by greece and the greek cypriots since 2003 with maximalist demands. turkey is a country that is compelled to shoulder the burden of any negative development in the eastern mediterranean by itself. on the other hand ignoring our country when it comes to natural resources in the region can't be explained neither by wisdom in conscience nor by international law. our priority is the settle disputes in a sincere dialogue based on international law and on an equitable basis. however i would like to clearly state that we will never tolerate any in positions of harassment or attack in the opposite direction.
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i would like to repeat here our call per stablish in dialogue and cooperation between coastal countries of the eastern mediterranean. for this purpose we would like to propose the convening of a regional conference including turkey cypriots in which the rights and interests of all the countries of the region are considered. one of the reasons for the crisis in the region is the absence of a fair comprehensive and permanent solution to the cyprus issue during the negotiations that have been continuing intermittently says 1968. the only obstacle to a solution is the uncompromising unjust and spoiled approach of the greek cypriot side. during international agreements of the greek cypriot side aims to make the turkish cypriots
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a minority in their homeland or even completely exclude them from the island. as a guarantor country we have never left the turkish cypriot people alone in their rightful cogs and we will not leave them in the future. the solution to the cyprus issue is possible only by accepting the fact that the turkish cypriot people are the coders of the island. who we will support any solution that will permanently guarantee the security of the turkish cypriot people and their historical and political rights on the island. distinguished delegates. this year marks the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki. this armament is of vital importance for ensuring global peace and security. in contrast to
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the architecture of arms control has suffered significant damage in recent years. the international community must move forward on the basis of equality and justice in this regard eliminating all weapons of mass destruction. another important issue where we have an obligation to act together is climate change. we see how human interference in the balance of nature can lead to heavy cost. we must stop and reverse this bad course. as turkey and we sincerely support the efforts in this struggle and fulfill our obligations even though we have an almost negligible historical responsibility at this point. in the recent past we hosted the conference of the parties to the united nations
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conventions to combat certification. we have conducted food folk operation with many regions in countries especially in africa. we also undertook to host the 16th conference of the parties to the convention on biological diversity to be held in 2022. and now i want to draw your attention to a problem that threatens humanity but for some reason is considered invisible. reeses in. xenophobia. islamophobia and speech have reached an alarming level. in the course of the pandemic acts of violence against vulnerable people especially the migrants and asylum seekers accelerated while zena proby and racism increase. muslims are most exposed to these dangerous tendencies fueled by prejudice and ignorance.
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those who are primarily responsible for this dangerous course are politicians who turn to populist rhetoric for the sake of votes and marginal segments who legitimize hate speech by using the freedom of expression. i urgently call on all international organizations to take more concrete steps in the fight against this mentality. i read in rate my call for march 15th the day of the terrorist attack perpetrated in new zealand against muslim is to be declared by the united nations as international solidarity day against islamophobia. as the 2nd largest international organization after the united nations the organization of islamic cooperation has officially recognized this day. the pandemic and
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the escalating economic crisis associated with it also had negative effects on sustainable development and on the 2030 goals. developing countries and countries with low income are more affected by this crisis. in fact what happened during the pandemic has shown us that sustainable development goals have to be an important guide in combat in all kinds of global crisis. we should also use the transformative power of digitalization in preparing economic perceptions to survive the crisis we support the united nations secretary general for digital cooperation. we also set the theme of the 1st on tell you diplomacy forum which we have designed to address global and regional issues as diplomacy in the digital age. we also host the united nations
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technology paying for the least developed countries. being the eastern most european and the western asia increases turkey specifically in all areas. with asia a new initiative we will give our relations a new dynamism in our current time when the pendulum of history is shifting again towards asia. we have also gained significant momentum in our relations with that. which we have humanitarian and historical ties connecting our close geographies. we plan to implement projects aimed at strengthening africa's capacity at the 3rd turkey african union partnership summit that we intend to hold in turkey next year . so as i conclude my remarks i
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