tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 22, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm +03
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effectively respecting the embargo or arms embargo decided by the united nations this embargo has been violated by a number of hours and that is not sustainable a number of the powers have continued to import combatants from the syrian stately theater thereby exporting terrorism to the region despite the interests of libya despite the interests of hell neighbors or european. collectively we have been too silent about these actions and we need to speak up and you have a much more in the coming weeks and working together with our partners in the neighboring countries of libya in order to obtain a lasting cease fire and then to start a process which will allow for the peaceful resolution of conflict under the auspices the united nations is france's initiative to be in the coming weeks to work with the secretary john and i did nations to bring together all the neighboring countries of levy at this recommitment of the neighboring countries is
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necessary over the term. in the eastern mediterranean you know if we have to commit to an effective plea a dialogue of the 2 in a forward to a new space of confrontation which would jeopardize international law on the mediterranean countries of the european union have spoken clearly in favor for this as they did a few days ago in ash acciona q we respect turkey are giving we are ready for dialogue but we expect her to respect european sovereign to the international law to provide clarification about her action in libya and in syria. insults are fruitless. body and all of these words and all of these acts only have a place in responsible relations people do not have a place in responsible relations between states calling for responsibility but is what we need we as europeans are ready for dialogue and for the indispensable describes the construction of
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a pax mediterranea but not at the price of intimidation might is right and so on what we need is respect for international law and cooperation respect between allies when it comes to the ukrainian crisis the normandy format does allow does with the german chancellor to make some progress with the situation in bella bruce brings with it the risk of a new fracture in our continent but the coverage of the belorussian people brings the admiration of all of these aspirations should be respected and we stand shoulder to shoulder with them and i want to put that quite strongly. a national political dialogue should be set up and any meddling from outside should be avoided . wanted to get together with the chancellor of germany. and with the president of the council we had the opportunity to talk to president putin and to advocate for the mediation as proposed by the o.s.c.
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. we see no other option no one we say no to intervention no to a guilty silence europe also must be up to its responsibilities to its history and its geography equality. but believing in peace and stability in our region also means wanting to build for the continent of europe a new paradigm of some kind for sustainable stability and this cannot be reduced to historic agreements nor ultimately to the dismantling of those agreements that we have seen in recent years when we talk about peace stability and collective security for europe. i cannot avoid today the fact that we are living in a situation where our security instability very largely depended on agreements that were signed in the past between the united states of america and the soviet union and that these agreements have been progressively dismantled over the last 10 years the end of the i.n.f.
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treaty not an important step that we must address people this is why i hope that we europeans can recommit to a complete and discussion with all of our neighbors for our collective security and to build a new paradigm which will take into account the end of these historic treaties i put this also very clearly we cannot delegate our collective security to other powers outside europe. thirdly we must protect our common goods. this is our shared responsibility and goes beyond our national interests or our regional balances protecting our common goods does not run counter to our sovereignty it is rather the only way for us to really maintain it by keeping control of our own destiny this is exactly what the crisis that we are going through shows us once again in contestable fashion that. the health
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of one person in the face of an epidemic is the health of all and we have a unique opportunity to make the means of combating the pandemic public goods a global level that everybody should have access to this is the russian abhi tied behind our action within act a and which will we will aim to roll out in the coming months over a number of areas including strengthening health care systems health is a public good a global public good that's a battle that we have waged in recent years and that we also carried out in leone when it was a question of re mobilizing the international community to finance the fight against. yes epidemics in the past and this is what we will continue to do and we must do this even more forcefully in the months to come but the climate and by diversity must also be at the heart of our collective agenda not in words but in actions that go in december it will be 5 years since the paris agreement was signed
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and we already know that the objectives that we set collectively will not be achieved by the response to the pandemic can change everything that the recovery plans adopted. across broad scales in many countries are a historic opportunity for us to transform our economies and development this should be at the heart of our the ambition of the european union and i thank the president of the committee of the commission for her commitment this must be at the heart of our work imagery 7 in the g. 20 it's essential and this is also why i would like france to mark the 5th anniversary of the paris agreement by once again mobilizing the international community. so that each of us can look at where we are on our commitments without changing the measurement if you like or without any obfuscation or confusion. but by a remote allies in our countries and our regions in total transparency. but in
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a spirit that is proactive in. europe will reach an agreement in the coming weeks to address its aim for carbon neutrality by 2050 the president of the european commission set the target of reducing greenhouse gases by at least 55 percent and 2030 this means we need to work more quickly and more powerfully on. emissions trading system a minimum price for carbon and a carbon boarder tax. these measures constitute a totality between themselves one will not be as effective without the others alongside our british and european partners we will look for commitments from the large emitters. with a view to cop $26.00 and we will be alongside our partners to meet their objectives the meeting in december will be essential in this respect in november we will meet
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in paris 4 with the development banks to ensure that financial flows contribute to a in a recovery that is environmentally friendly and in solidarity only on biodiversity it has links with climate change and human health of already been established we will organize a meeting and in mass say with the united nations the world bank it will be a one planet summit that will allow us to build an agenda or a specific actions on protected areas of land under sea agro ecology financing for biodiversity under fight against the forest station as well as the protection of ecosystems and species of the oceans and seas the poles and the tropical forests belong to humanity's global heritage we should protect them and we will do this. in view of the decisive deadlines that have been set for the united nations through the cop conferences on the climate by deficit ing and the fight
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against as it is occasion in order to meet our deadlines i propose that a summit be organized next year in new york in advance of these 3 conferences to give them a decisive impetus and to reach tangible results. the digital space is also a common good for a unique common good open and trusting which should be subject to new governance so that it is not captured piracy to instrumental ised this is the rationale behind the initiatives that we have carrying out it's really the information and democracy partnership of the christchurch appeal as well as on the global partnership on artificial intelligence which is consolidate each of these partnerships and make progress on the aqaba process here i welcome the commitment of the prime minister of new zealand as well as the king of jordan on this agenda these are not specific actions but above all now we need not only commitments but also actions from the large operators actions from the large scale platforms and
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a commitment from all to legislate and to regulate regional level in order to meet our commitments the fight against hatred the fight against terrorism. the creation ultimately of a public order on the internet are as important as any technological information innovation and freedom because they can be no freedom without public order we need international commitment and i don't think that the protection of the freedom of expression can accommodate. terrorists discourse hate speech all the anonymity that in some way covers for a lack of inhibition in violence this agenda is essential so that for all of us we will continue to work on it powerfully and finally and i say this in a context which is marked by the epidemic education is an essential common good
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that we will continue to commit to in the years to come the. hundreds of millions of our young people have left education because of the epidemic but education in particular the education of girls continues to be a priority particularly in africa. side by side with president macky sall we are committed to the global partnership for education we have raised new funds to finance the actions within this partnership all of the role today of the world bank the united nations the global partnership for education. all of the role also of our bilateral actions should be strengthened to work more effectively in the months and years to come to improve education in particular for girls this fight is not over far from it and we will not forget it it is at the heart does not get
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a france's commitment on defense and to fight for global public goods to get our 4th priority is building a new era of globalization the 1st era of globalization was opened by the journeys of christopher columbus under the macallan the era of discovery the 1st invasions as well. that's the kind of trial and error. kind of. fascination and on occasion of mutual misunderstanding the 2nd was the era of colonial empires and the industrial revolution of the 19th century this with globalisation through trade the 1st openings but also slavery exploitation the development of some and the enslavement of others the 1st movements of the population and a recomposition of our world along the line of these dominations the 3rd began in
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1909 with the fall of the berlin wall the opening of borders the creation of a belief in the possibility that the circulation of goods and people and then the generalisation of the internet could lead to a convergence of interests values and ideas ultimately it is in this era of globalization which i am galloping through wishing that we can we could separate the each of these areas into different periods but it is this which has been challenge for 10 years now because the deep conviction the t.v. ology that accompanied it was that this globalization would be the globalization of peace a repression of values a universal is ation of respect for the other. you know and it has been a challenge because the financial crisis the transformations in the world the return of people's national conscience is now and ultimately because of the global
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pandemic it's also been challenged by a deep crisis the crisis in the middle classes in the west which at some moment feared that this new order that some might call the happy globalization they feared what it might bring them these middle classes which above all in the west it could have often been. part of economic and cultural variables of this world that is open so we cannot deny everything that this period has brought in terms of progress all of that this area of the mobilization as allowed us to bring in terms of prosperity it has brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty precisely by the redistribution support brought about by trade and global production and openness has allowed us to be aware of the journeys and this. that has in parts brought peace to our relations and it would be dangerous to close ourselves into a kind of generalized protectionism through customs and through trade wars and
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a space of doubt that would lead us to close down all to to give in to a logic of power because we can see that this crisis cannot be solved through turning in our nationalism or the violence of populism or extremism or by the return to thinking only of power but it is clear that the chains of value of a global level need to be rethought today because the crisis has shown that the dependence of strategic sectors such as health care the digital sector artificial intelligence and food to make. it jeopardize the free exercise of sovereignty but we also have see that there are good dependencies and there are dependencies also alongside those that make us fragile we need to keep international trade and openness because it is good for us in economic and social terms. because we cannot bring everything back into an internal
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level because that and also because of the dependencies that in the room posed by corporations but the complete dependence on some powers whether these are technological food or industrial create vulnerabilities which will not allow us to establish the balances that go hand in hand with our global world finally integrate the inequalities in this new global order also unsustainable we have brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in certain countries we have reduced some of the north-south inequality is what we have created inequalities within our countries and this new. order makes these things in sustainable more in democratic terms we've also created a globalization of conscience which is today globalization not just not of the knowledge that underlies the internet but it's become the globalization of emotion and resentment. and each of these crises we have to provide a response that it is this strategy that the european union is trying to come up
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with other powers it is essential that our international rules are ducted to take account of these new realities and that they give us the means for international cooperation that is balanced and that respects the sovereignty of each for the benefit of all i think. the fight against inequality should very clearly be at the heart of our new globalization that france has provided initiatives that have brought results in a female entrepreneurship a global partnership on education health all the fight against inequality but we have to go further with. in some way as you can certainly see the world that we live in is based on an academic consensus that has become a political consensus and a consensus in the market what we often call the washington consensus it has survived and. we need to lay the foundations of a globalization that is fairer more balanced more equitable and more lasting we
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must think of the terms for globalization that can rethink the terms of a fair sovereignty under fair trade which integrate at the heart of its being the fight against inequalities in all of their forms whether because of gender the economy the fight against climate change and for biodiversity which allows us in lasting fashion to integrate a new global balance. here again we can make specific proposals in a few weeks at the paris forum and get the work begun with the european commission the international monetary fund and many other powers in good faith will be essential like so article africa with europe will be the driver for this redefinition of globalization and that is why we will continue our efforts as part of the initiative that we have built to help african countries to face the pandemic
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in health economic social and humanitarian terms november's g 20 will be decisive in implementing at that the moratorium that we have acted for and also to go further we must also better support the immense energy of civil society of the young people in africa who are its power and its future this is the rationale behind the initiatives that we will produce in the coming months with the da asper us and with the support and in supporting the african private sector finally the 5th objective that i would here like to propose. for our collective respect for international humanitarian law. the fundamental rights of each person was that i believe that this is essential to the very survival of our organization . and if it is indeed in this area in this area we've seen a series of setbacks and very often too much silence since the creation of the
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united nation by the united nations of a global humanitarian day 5000 workers have been attacked and 800 have been murdered in the last year was the deadliest. and i have a particular thought for. those young french men and women. within the organization acted working exactly in this framework in new share and who were killed in terrible conditions last august of. the united nations cannot remain in active in the face of this regression but this is why with french n.g.o.s and with our international partners we are building an initiative to ensure the effectiveness of international law the protection of humanitarian personnel and the fight against impunity and the humanitarian space is a common legacy that we have to protect by guaranteeing access for civilians and
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for that the personnel who support them to protection we have seen. here we've also seen the practices including by members permanent members of the security council. and acceptable action in particular in syria than each ality of humanitarian action needs to be respected and we must prevent it from being criminalized taking on our responsibilities in the humanitarian sector is also evidence of our solidarity and our humanity and this also must be adjusted only when it comes to migration and that is the situation in greece at maria it's very difficult france alongside germany and its partners will take on its responsibilities and hosting refugees we must act together to manage migration flows to end human trafficking and crossings that lead to death and to end people being compelled to take on these journeys this will be at the heart of our european agenda in the coming weeks i'll have the opportunity to come back to this we must intensify our fight against traffickers and must meet our responsibilities find
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finally fundamental rights are not a western idea that we can oppose as an intervention on all those that refer to them they are the principles of our organization that are enshrined in the text that the members of the united nations fredy consented to and signed up to respect that is the reason why. in particular france has asked for an international mission under the aegis of the united nations to go to john to take into account the concerns that we have collectively about the situation of the weak muslim minority but we cannot we also cannot tolerate that 25 years after the beijing conference the rights of women are also seeing a deep setback and for that reason next summer we will organize the forum generation equality with un women and with civil society for the emancipation of all education of girls and the real and effective exercising of human rights these are the 5 principle that's on which fronts which is to build the foundations of an
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international order. so that the foundations of our organization are not shaken by this pandemic on the contrary. we have to take change by the hand before it takes us by the neck as winston churchill said and this requires the establishment of international cooperation the dysfunctional based on clear defined rules respected by all. multilateralism is not just an act of faith it is an operational necessity. no country can manage this challenge alone don't assume that the international cooperation can be difficult but it is an objective imperative that said we can no longer content ourselves with the multilateralism in words. which allows us to just agree on some lowest common denominator as a way of masking our deep divergences behind
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a facade we have to change the method and also be clear that when some are. when you. that that we have to agree to alliances in principle. multilateralism in this modern world should also involve international organizations private stakeholders and businesses the n.g.o.s researches and citizens so that each is a true stakeholder in the actions we committed to it should be built on a solid basis that is respected and verified between partners in good faith around clear objectives and rules with a true responsibility and accountability mechanisms. that is why the paris peace forum in november we will make an effort alongside our european and african partners and with all those who wish to in asia america and elsewhere to lay the foundations of this new international consensus for the benefit of the future of our organization. i don't believe in some grand day of re foundation i
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believe in determined methodical rigorous and not worth to can build a modern international order which will allow us to spare future generations of war to reaffirm rights human rights under quality between nations to promote social progress in greater freedom that is the very promise of our charter that it is highly timely. i believe in the power of will and the value of sincerity and of courage and in talking to you at this time despite the distance created across our screen us i have in memory the face of a lebanese girl who i met a few days ago who had lost everything everything but who vowed to fight for everything that she believed in. it's also the memory. and of those young french citizens killed in the share because they believed in
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a world of humanity solidarity and fraternity it's the same member that many of you will certainly have and which obliges us to act and which prevents us from falling into cynicism which requires us to act and that prevents us from giving in to discouragement or facile solutions there are lives above all love there are boys and girls who are committed around the world because they believe in our works because they live for and by our principles and if we try them if we betray them we are those who are the most guilty for their disillusionment and the fact that they will lose everything so it is up to us to act i know that we are able in any case. we will do everything that we can and i know that many colleagues are also ready i am counting on each person among you thank you. that
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was french president emanuel mark on giving the very longest speech i believe so far we've heard today very wide ranging speaking to the u.n. general assembly the 75th he talked about everything from the pandemic to conflicts around the world gender violence access to education the poisoning of russian opposition leader alexina valley the treatment of we get is. he talked about the u.s. senate's unilaterally announcing the snapback of u.n. sanctions on iran over the nuclear deal. talked about a new globalization and how the fight against inequality must be at the heart of that let's go live now to a diplomatic editor james bass who is at the united nations james you have been of course listening to what the court had to say perhaps the biggest proponent of multilateralism the theme of this year's u.n. g.a. what did you make of his address. well it was an expansive
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speech looking ass his view of multilateralism and france's power says in the world by my count 48 minutes he spoke that's as you say is the longest speech a little reminder that background information the u.n. countries to submit speeches that are 50 minutes long president trumps was just 7 minutes so president spoke about 7 times longer than president trump in that speech the sort of priorities you'd expect from france things like this a hail his recent visit to lebanon focus there in many ways saying the most important thing though was that rebooting of multilateralism he says that in the 75th year they need to find a way for countries to work better together and his deep concerns about the rivalry between the u.s. and china now of course that is what we heard play out in the general assembly hall with prerecorded speeches of course earlier in the day because we've heard from
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president xi of china and of course the 2nd speaker by tradition was president trump his was as he said just said minutes given with some machine gun style delivery his speech and in his sights although you mentioned iran the main country was china. like all the other world leaders speaking at the u.n. president trump speech was prerecorded his words were as controversial as. we have waged a fierce battle against the invisible enemy the china virus which has claimed countless lives in 188 countries checkers in a country that suffered more than most from cope with 19 are likely to question those claims as the chinese ambassador to the un listened in the general assembly hall the president intensified his attack on china we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world china in the early is days of the
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virus china locked down travel domestically while allowing flights to leave china and infect the world china condemned my travel ban on their country even as they cancelled domestic flights and locked citizens in their homes. before introducing president xi the chinese ambassador made an impromptu intervention complaining about bullying here and. china resolutely rejects the baseless accusation against china his president in a clear contrast to president trump said international cooperation was the key to combating covert 19 shish. changing taliban covert 19 reminds us that we are living in an interconnected global village with a common stake all countries are closely connected and we share a common future no country can gain from others' difficulties or maintain stability
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by taking advantage of others' troubles. and of course we have just heard that long speech by president following from what you heard there let me just quote one bit of it today's world cannot be left to the rivalry between china and the united states regardless of their weight in the world that these 2 great powers share regardless of the history that ties us especially to the united states we must build a new order and i think there'll be some others in the general assembly the body of the general assembly who are getting increasingly concerned about this growing tension one could even say a clash between china and the u.s. particularly in the halls of united nations ok thank you for that diplomatic editor james bangs. well iran's president has taken aim at the us accusing us of bullying in an attempt to crush the country with unfair sanctions at
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a time of global crisis so. all of us across the globe are experiencing difficult times however my nation the resilient people of iran instead of enjoying global partnership and cooperation is grappling with the harshest sanctions in history imposed in blatant and gross violation of the charter of the you ladies and gentlemen the footage broadcast to the world concerning the treatment of an african american by the us police is reminiscent of our own experience we recognize the feet kneeling on the neck as the feet of arrogance kneeling on the neck of independence nations. are said big is live for us in the iranian capital tehran i said but any surprises there from rouhani. not really it was a appeal to the international community was reiterating the defiant stance of iran
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like he spoke about the effects of sanctions he actually acknowledged the effects of sanctions he said life under sanctions is tough but life is harder without independence and said that iran won't trade its domestic freedom for foreign intervention and it's something that's been a common theme throughout president rouhani speech but not only him but through his foreign minister devolves reef and other high ranking officials that iran is still committed to the c.p.o. way that 2015 nuclear deal he called it the greatest diplomatic achievement but said that iran doesn't deserve the treatment that it's getting he pointed to iran's peace initiatives in the region from syria dealing with turkey over the syria issue as well as opposing saddam hussein's occupation of iraq but he appealed to the world he said that they must stand up to us. and that this was the time to make a choice so in contrast to what donald trump has been saying about iran he is saying that not asking people to stand with iran but stand up for what he called
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was the rule of law because the united states has considers those u.n. sanctions back in place and iran desperately needs the world community the countries especially the europeans not only oppose the united states but actually stand up to them and not give in to what the united states considers the u.n. sanctions been put back in place ok thank you for that as said bag there live from tehran for qatar the mayor called out the international community for failing to confront israel for its illegal occupation of palestinian land. the earth for the steam the lingering of the palestinian cause without a just solution and israel's continued settlements and creation of pretexts on the ground without being deterred pose the biggest question mark on the credibility of the international community and its institutions which we call on the international community especially the security council to assume its legal responsibilities to
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obligate israel to lift the siege on the gaza strip put the peace process back on track through credible negotiations based on the international resolutions and not on force to address all final status issues in the patient with in space of time frames and establishing an independent palestinian state within 167 borders with easter islam as its capital. is there as a senior political analyst bashar joins me now from paris 'd to talk more about what we've heard today let's talk about a man you might call on the longest speech by a father longest address by far what stood out for you. but i think this was a lecture or sort of question eddie or much because at one point you used knowing what the president micro speed as the president friends but it meant members of the u.n. security council is 11 percent think it's all and you know it europe is basically
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the most prosperous based biggest economy in the world today so he's basically speaking but a company that executes reads between. the united states and china and hence he is presenting a 3rd dimension where i think reading all 'd of the challenges challenges facing the world and you reading of history short one but certainly and your perspective on the 5 main guys aren't for the future and if i had my temper rectal i would say that the pressure president is presenting and ultimate to the washington consensus the washington consensus just to be brief all their viewers around the world is basically the bible for new liberalism around the world or for school more new liberalism that's really went wild and
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a lot of people have requested it especially during that and then nick when so many countries can't so defend the from other countries including on food and medicine and so on so who are so what is the micro is doing and how would that then he briefly he's asking for an alternative to the washington census and perhaps he is proposing a adverse consensus annual paris consensus to replace the washington consensus that. means the way for a new vision and you were all between need of a browser and socialism it's sort of a compassionate can't miss it. let's talk now about iran we had earlier from house on rouhani we talked a little bit with i said in tehran about if it wasn't anybody presenting aaron is as a defender of peace as a victim of of unwarranted sanctions. this is the but cut to
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be if this is. the wrong way in the region it's fear and there's a will but internationally it resents so as a think that i'm of american what's that specially american. so while it's been regarded as a when we say syria lebanon on yemen. it sees itself as a would be over over more supreme or group of us and that sense and speech you know as they say in for instance recession arms the more it changes the more it stays the same you could have picked this speech any time in 79 to be over the last 40 years begin reading it emphasis regarding the united states has not changed perhaps will be exceptional doesn't mean 2016 after the signing of that you could have deal with the obama administration then we would have rather through the
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problems if you will between the right to launch anything besides that today's speech like everyone to speak to or about were mir's has been iran complaining about american worrying why are if you are ignoring its own well being with the region. ok and just finally. we had from bin hama the emir of qatar. who talks about the blockade on qatar talks about the palestinian cause expressed solidarity with lebanon on the wake of the port blast. what did his interest say to you about how qatar is wanting to position itself on the world stage look clearly it's a very very small country but but but it has a big message and i think today's message was this by 30 years of
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blockades 'd we are not i don't think there was any one speech that could speak to that if you are lucky. then today speak with a sense that empathy and a half years why do we. care and. lucky but the small country that it's and they have its leader this coming with this speech the united nations assists look we are steadfast in supporting the. rights of the people of our star i'm one of the emotional united nations solution we are standing with the people of syria against the euro's. so we are standing with the people of libya and the international community recission there we're also standing with the people of yemen again in line with the international community so in a sense properly positioned pretty blockaded after rocket that it makes
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a saying that best to paros the india for. its missions ok thank you for that says senior political analyst mom on the show and paris. let's talk now to 0 in washington d.c. the director of just security 2020 with the stimson center a washington think tank and i want to go all the way back to the start and kind of take. a bigger view of what has happened today we have 1st or at the top near the top from u.s. president donald trump who is very inward looking how does his address compare to what we heard from other world leaders thinking china russia. with china and russia they could not be have been more different terms of style substance china mentioning it in great detail how that will channel new funds
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through the u.n. system to deal with the crisis at hand the pandemic the us on the other hand as your viewers know is already initiated a process of withdrawing from the world health organization so to the extent that it talks about the u.n. system which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year it's about withdrawing and reducing its contributions and quite a contrast in global leadership i thought our last speaker though president mccrone from france there that was extraordinary because he showed that he's not just the leader of france or even the e.u. as your previous commentator know that but he's known as the leading champion today of multilateral institutions starting with the u.n. and talking about core values that the presidents of russia and china of course not allude to those being democracy human rights and justice you know what i saw a little bit more about. as you said a very wide ranging spate 45 or 40 minutes i believe and talked about
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a new globalization putting inequality of fighting inequality at the height of that and more of our previous analysts has suggested that perhaps a man of our corn is asking for an alternative to the washington consensus want to take. you know in one sense on neo liberal economic policy there are some arguments to be made about managing globalization he spoke at length about the middle class feeling left out of globalization those are fair arguments for happening in the united states they're happening elsewhere but i think he also rekindles the spirit of the san francisco conference from 1905 which of course the u.s. can be was the major leader at the time in the post world war 2 era and he won through it was a quite an extraordinary address the peace and security agenda climate it really didn't leave any important issues i'm glad i finished on the humanitarian crisis so
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many of the world leaders today including king of the of jordan president ever want to turkey you mentioned earlier the amir of qatar spoke to the humanitarian crises and we are open hearing about the specter of famine but maybe some of your viewers are unaware that the number of internally displaced persons refugees has literally doubled over the last 10 years we have not seen such a crisis since the end of war 2 now it's exacerbated further course by the pandemic so to bring up the arguments about humanitarian space protecting humanitarian workers and then getting into the related issues safeguarding human rights and not even holding back these are the another great power in permanent member of the security council china when president mccrone proposed the need for an international miss mission to look into human rights abuses in jan province the situation with the weavers also emphasizing women's rights and referring to the now
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25th anniversary this year of the beijing women's conference ok thank you so my 5th time went to ponce that director of just security 2020 with the stimson center. the u.s. death toll from corona virus has now passed 200000 that's after another 115 deaths were reported on tuesday it sort of put more of a spotlight on president donald trump's management of the crisis ahead of november's presidential election john hendren has the story from chicago. at washington national cathedral the bell rang 200 times once for every 1000 lives lost to the u.s. to the global pandemic. 200000 dead and i hear about 200000 deaths is just a benchmark of sadness for me and for us as
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a country i think about the individual people that are here or who have died and then i think about multiplying that comes to acknowledge that it is just hard to read even rouse the amount of. according to johns hopkins university the united states with just 4 percent of the world's population has more than 20 percent of the nearly 1000000 kovac 1000 deaths worldwide the number of coronavirus cases in the u.s. is now 6800000 prison a trump says a vaccine could be available as soon as the november 3rd presidential election that is not a view widely shared by medical experts. it's a view the president shares often with thousands of largely unmask supporters at his rally we are getting drugs and this is pandemic and we're rounding around the corner of the bed. his rival for the presidency democrat joe biden has urged americans to wait on a scientifically proven preventive. to treasury do back in february that this was
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an extremely dangerous read a couple disease think about how many people across the aisle. how many empty chairs around those today. because of his negligence and selfishness how many lies lives lost many medical experts say a national strategy including a mandatory mask mandate could have reduced the pandemics toll considerably if they could be made at that point 3 were surely not being one unit and one unified approach throughout the entire. with the number of cases in deaths still far from under control which direction the u.s. takes in the coming months depends on the outcome of the november elections john hendren al jazeera chicago u.k.
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government is bringing in iraq have new restrictions in england with the prime minister warning life may not return to normal for at least another 6 months or stanton said britain has reached a perilous point in its fight against the virus reports from london britain is back where it hoped it wouldn't have to be not the full lockdown of march but facing strict controls on the lives and livelihoods of millions measures that could last for 6 months for the time being this virus is a fact of our lives and i must tell the house and the country that our fight against it will continue we will not listen to those who say that the virus nor to those who urged a permanent lot done. we are taking decisive and appropriate steps to balance saving lives with protecting jobs and livelihoods among the
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raft of measures bigger fines for not wearing a mask and face coverings an hour mandatory for shop staff taxi drivers and passengers from thursday pubs bars and restaurants must close at 10 pm they'll be restricted to table service and takeaways the hospitality sector is still reeling from months of lockdown. there's also a u.-turn on encouraging workers back to offices people are being told to work from home if possible businesses schools and universities will remain open the government says it wants to limit unnecessary social interaction a maximum of 15 people will be allowed to attend weddings 30 at funerals parallel measures have been announced across the u.k. has devolved nations but scotland and northern ireland went further imposing bans on people meeting in each other's houses the backdrop to all of this is an infection rate that's doubling every week hospital admissions are up to and are likely to increase towards winter but this trajectory is not written in stone
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providing urgent action is taken now and that means extra powers to enforce the rules police and local authorities will be given more money and the option of drawing or military support if there's no progress the prime minister's promised more firepower for now he stopped short of introducing a suggested 2 week fuller lockdown to slow the spread of the virus that could still come any measure will need to be delicately chosen to protect lives and the country's battered economy leave barca al-jazeera london. world health organization has warned that the coronavirus pandemic appears to be accelerating globally despite the number of deaths decreasing let's focus in on the 5 countries that have seen the most deaths from the virus the u.k. is the 5th in the world more than 41000 people have died there and it's curve is going the wrong way the u.k. health minister says hospital admissions a doubling every 8 days across the atlantic more than 200000 americans have died
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since february possible admissions are down slightly to around 30000 a day brazil has the worst outbreak in latin america with more than 137000 deaths around 4000000 people have survived it india leads the world in the number of recoveries nearly 4500000 so far 190000 patients are being released a bit but nearly 89000 indians have died from the virus soko has a 10th of india's population but has seen nearly as many deaths more than 73000 cases there's a positive and 100001 monday. but it's big now to lawrence gostin in washington d.c. he is a professor at georgetown university and the director of the w.h.o. collaborating center on national and global health law thank you for your time sir . when anthony found she predicted 200000 deaths of livers back in march it was difficult to believe that could happen in the u.s.
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how did the country get here well you know it's the united states you know and demick was ranked number one in the world pandemic preparedness by the global security index i was part of that panel and when it turns out that you know if you don't have leadership and she don't have a national plan. and you know there is virtual energy you united states in terms of mass social distancing. bitterly divided in other words if you politicize a pandemic you're going to do really really badly and that's exactly what's happened in the united states what have been the. 7 downfalls if you like and the government's response in the us that has led to this number you know if i had to choose one thing among many it would probably be the contradiction of science and
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the undermining of public health agencies. almost daily. the white house is criticizing one of our major scientists. blocking guidance from the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention pressuring the u.s. food and drug administration to. to approve a vaccine even before phase 3 trials are completed in other words it's just the discrediting of science and public health. and that's the american public's days they've confused their bitterly divided it's truly is a mess here in the united states and it's very set for me to have to see that particularly when our agencies like the c.d.c. f.d.a. and i are the best in the world and. who in terms of the numbers that we're saying
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now and the infection rate is the u.s. past its peco is on the right side of this virus i mean where where is it at what's the trajectory right now well you know nobody knows and certainly it's in our hands to change the trajectory if we actually behave well but it seems to me that and most public health experts said there's there's more days ahead are over than behind us you know the words we haven't we haven't passed the piece. how does yes we are how does going to how does the death rate in the u.s. compare per capita and. how are we now in a different phase and tens of saying yes we're seeing a lot of infections but perhaps the death rate isn't once what it was that's true. and that's true in a lot of places around the world there are reasons why the death rate. is lower
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in the united states and elsewhere i mean one of them is that we simply have better treatments we know how to diagnose and treat and prevent deaths in hospitals and secondly we've already had a disproportionate burden on. the already sick of the vulnerable the elderly who have very very high death rates now and getting more infections among the young. and the otherwise healthy and so you would expect the death rate to go down. but there will be i'm you know a continual drumbeat of deaths in the united states and around the world we're nowhere near finished with this pandemic in fact i don't think that we're going to be able to get back to anything normal until the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2020 to 2021 and then ok is that because you foresee
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a vaccine and that time and it being rolled out in that time or what's your sort of prediction of how you think this is going to play out where you know i think we're going to learn to live with the virus will get a vaccine. and quite confident that there are now 8. really not and axes in phase 3 clinical trials and many more are in earlier clearly the trials. so we'll see that we're going to get one or more relatively effective vaccines for here's the problem 1st the vaccine is not likely to be fully effective you might even think of it like a flu vaccine. we still get flu people still die of flu but it's you know 50 or 60 percent effective and that's going to be a help. at the same time we're going to get better treatments and we're going to
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get more people that have some kind of a new memory because that had code infections and so combined with that i think you know by the end of. this next summer in the northern summer where likely to be starting to crawl back out of this and getting back to normal but do you very clear cope with will still be around we're just going to have to learn to live with that and we will. thank you so much for your time that is lawrence acosta and in washington d.c. appreciate it time. thank you brazilian officials are debating whether the annual con of all can go ahead in february the event is hugely important to the country's economy people who make a living from a year round us already struggling brazil is one of the worst hit countries in the world with more than 4 and a half 1000000 covert infections. but set for may convey now and the news hour to
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stay with us 3rd london will be with you in just a few minutes with more of the day's news. corruption it is there invisible behind a wall of silence by means of should clear up shin is not something to be told that this. is not. your country his. let's destroy this war. in 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption
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this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. shine a light on your anti corruption hero. nominate now. global community we are our biggest opposition of both but how crazy is that what response that looks like be part of the debate if you're nietzsche can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table you're not afraid of anyone taking power we just hold what. you see is the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer it's not killing the story the system it's just to look at the system and a modern world this street on out is there a. russia now seems to be going after the main economic resource which does of course or we bring you the stories and development is the rapidly changing the world living presidents promise america 1st policy triggers
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a trade war that morphed into a technological war counting the cost on al-jazeera. the global fight against the coronaviruses center stage at the un general assembly the us president blames china all the world leaders say unity is katie. i know i'm maryam namazie and london you're watching al-jazeera also coming up on the program.
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