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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 25, 2020 12:00am-1:00am +03

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like the last warrior a witness documentary on jesse i can't say. al-jazeera . this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london coming up. senior republicans distance themselves from president refuses to commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the election but. calls for calm after a night of anger across the united states over a decision not to charge the police officers who shot dead briana taylor. as france and the u.k. announced record numbers of new coronavirus cases fears britain's government isn't
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reacting fast enough. and israel tightens its 2nd nationwide knocked down further banning protests and ordering all non-essential businesses to close. with one of the biggest football stars in the world. for coronavirus. a senior republican politicians in the united states have been promising an orderly transition if donald trump loses november's presidential election this after the president refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power during wednesday's white house briefing senate majority leader mitch mcconnell tweeted that there will be a peaceful handover of power as there has been every 4 years since 792 leaving the white house a short while ago trying again questioned the fairness of postal voting. we want to
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make sure the election is honest and i'm not sure that it can't be i don't i don't know that it can be with this whole situation until is it valid there unsolicited a big sense to everybody who will say but if you remember hillary clinton just a week ago or so dove joe biden did not accept the results of the election under any circumstances but you don't ask her that why should you only have the the right . opposition democrats are united in their condemnation of trump including the senate nita chuck schumer everyone from schoolchildren to the most senior among us know that the peaceful transfer of power is one of democracy's core attributes there is no democracy without it and like the rule of law the separation of powers checks and balances everything we have learned that is great and noble about our
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system in government president trump has sullied diminished and now he threatens to actually dismantle the grave is threat to american democracy right now is donald trump a white house correspondent kimberly how could says trump may decide to interpret the phrase free and fair election in a way that suits him. the u.s. president has said that he really 1st of all believes that there will be a continuation of the words he doesn't kill lose but what he's done is said that if i do lose it may suggest that there was vote rigging that there was fraud and this is something the president has done for weeks now is suggested that because of mail in ballot being due to cope with 19 the fact that many people don't want to stand in line for in person balloting that the results could be questionable now the white house press secretary kelly machinating was asked about this she said that the president would accept the results of an election but only with conditions the
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president will accept the result of a free and fair election he will accept the will of the american people who loses and it's free and fair he will accept i have answered your question he will accept the results of a free and fair election now it's important to point out that the interpretation of free and fair could be very broad and interpreted in a number of different ways leaving open the possibility once again that the president may not accept the results now the other thing the white house press secretary did in her briefing was point to the fact that it is not just the republican president but also some prominent democrats who are casting doubt on the election pointing to the fact that donald trump is challenger and 2016 hillary clinton has in more recently said that she believes that joe biden the current democratic presidential nominee should not accept the results essential he should not concede under any circumstances so what we've seen for americans here the bottom line here is that prominent members of both the republican and also the democrat party have really undermined the credibility of elections at
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a time when americans are looking for some leadership and also some certainty as they approach this very important what could be a potentially pivotal vote. donald trump page's respects to the nate supremes court justice ruth bader ginsburg whose coffin is on display in washington d.c. . he received a less than warm welcome with protesters chanting the vote him out trump says he will announce this weekend his nominee to replace justice ginsburg who was a liberal and strong advocate of women's rights she had requested to but her replacement be chosen by the winner of the embassy election. joining us now via skype from washington d.c. is republican strategist and consultant when the shah has publicly endorsed joe biden rather than donald trump thanks very much for being with us so there has been quite a pushback from senior republicans against this idea that there might not be
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a peaceful transition of power why how significant is this though in terms of the fact that he's part thomas said this and the fact that republicans are reacting against it. would put them where. the dems peeking out now does not really matter i don't know what they can do to ensure that there is a peaceful transition of power when we know for sure that this senate under the leadership of mitch mcconnell has done nothing to secure our elections from border interference that was the 1st step they could have taken and they have not taken that step in these 4 years so now it's you know a daily than a dollar short as we like to say here in the states and we are in a moment of great crisis we are in a moment of a constitutional crisis almost if you will and i believe that republicans are welcoming it because it would be to their advantage particularly to trump's advantage to prolong this election i mean nutriment has made various comments in
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the last few months if he suggests the election might need to be delayed and then some of the pain saying it won't be fair now this just about the chance or not happening what kind of checks and balances are there that that would prevent a president who lost from from clinging on to power. well it would ultimately be in the hands of congress but this is a very very murky situation here because so much of our democracy relies on good faith good faith of elected officials and i think that because what happens within $35.00 days of the election state legislators have to certify elect tours to be sent off to the federal government and they'd be easer the electors who will elect the president now those electors typically rely on the popular vote but what trump can do is in swing states where the state legislators are largely republican they're controlled by republicans he can say to them get electors that are ours and ultimately send electors that vote for trump so this is
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a very real scenario one that not many americans are familiar with and then we have essentially defecting of the election by the current president what we see he's doing is setting the stage to prove that there is rampant corruption right now that is one tactic in strategy he's using another one is to hopefully prolong the election and do that very thing that i just talked about with state elect george ultimately the supreme court will decide but we're down one justice and that is why he won the 9th one because he believes he will have the advantage there is a flaw there is a flaw and that flaw is that the justices could rule against term. in what's your impression of how this is playing as you go to an eye on the republican camp in this case you're supporting a democrat that does does this whole rouse strengthen biden's chances or doesn't appeal to trump space enough to mobilize them even more. well look i'll tell you
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what really is going to mobilize trance state more than anything else it is going to be the death of ruth bader ginsburg the justice it's debt has really really brought it down to the core of what it's always been about which of voters it's been about conservative judges and justices votes that will help overturn the laws that govern abortion in this nation that is what conservatives have largely wanted let's not forget that today's republican party is dominated by anti-abortion folks there is been a very very small group of people within the republican party lifelong republican like myself who are actually pro abortion we are pro-choice and so when i look at the republican party i think there are quite mixed in being able to get another justice out of this president before november 3rd and that is what i think there is no stopping there have been 2 senators that have said they do not believe we should do this and those are female senators who are republicans however nobody else the
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to see the big problem and the hypocrisy rhenish i thank you very much indeed for talking to us options there certainly thanks for having me andrew vale is bracing for a 2nd night of protests over the decision not to charge police officers for the death of briana tayla one man has been charged of a shooting and injuring 2 police officers during protests in the kentucky city on wednesday night the rest began after a grand jury decided against charges for 3 offices for the black woman's death during a drug raid in march 1 officer was charged for endangering taylor's neighbors $120.00 protest as for arrested overnight with demonstrations taking place in several other cities maryvale is called for calm as the city approaches another not time caffeine what we saw last night with the 2 police officers being shot is obviously completely unacceptable by alliance will only be a source of pain not a cure for pain and we know that violence is never the answer our community is
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hurting. many see brianna taylor's case as both the tragic death of a young woman and the continuation of a long pattern of devaluation in violence that black women and men face in our country as they have historically but the question obviously is what do we do with this pain there is no one answer no easy answer to that question but i do know this violence is not the answer and destruction is not the answer was going after john hendren and louisville kentucky and that 1st night of protests that happened where do things stand illustrates now. well i'm standing exactly the right place to answer that question that is the jail conveniently close to the center square where most people are protesting and where most of the 127 people who were arrested overnight wednesday were found and that
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was because they were violating the curfew so out of that door you see people come one at a time and if we happen to see one you'll hear the crowd cheering each individual as they come out so most of the people in there were arrested for violating curfew some of them were arrested for violating orders to disperse in the middle of the day but really it was a mostly peaceful night with one major kaviak police have charged one man with firing at police officers striking in injuring 2 who are recovering today one of them is out of hospital the other remains there i would other than that we haven't seen the kind of massive violent response burning that we saw in minneapolis minnesota after the death of george florida or in konoha wisconsin after the shooting in paralyzing of jacob blake so police have come here in force you've got national guard state police and you've also got the local louisville police all
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manning the streets and being very aggressive. in. holding that curfew they they issue orders to disperse of people don't disperse they go ahead and arrest them on mass and that's what happened after the curfew last night they gave people about an hour to protest and then they came in with horses and officers and arrested them there were a couple attempts to set fire one of them to a court house police put those out very quickly and so what you have here is a day after a night of largely peaceful protest here and of course across the country and that means the focus is on the message of the protesters and that message is that the lack of charges for the shooting of briana taylor is simply not enough and tony i interviewed ben crump to know if brown a tennis family stay what detail have to say. crump said that what happened was adding insult to injury injury because there were
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no charges against the officers for shooting and killing briana taylor insult because the only charges that were levied were $1000.00 in danger made against one officer who fired into apparently indiscriminately into a neighboring apartment where 3 people lived happen to be a white family in that case and he says that's simply an inadequate response he says he wants to see the information that was presented to the grand jury to see if prosecutors aggressively pursued the prospect of charges against the officers who fired on briana taylor and he says that he wants the movement in this street to become he wants this moment to become a movement in the street he said the election was very important to the people who were protesting and to him personally to advance the cause of civil rights and he also said that despite the fact that brianna taylor's family got a $12000000.00 settlement that's not the best way to hold police accountable this
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is what he said. if they're held accountable if they are arrested and put in prison we believe that will serve as a deterrent for future kim and future. that we see have every much and america if not every week. has represented and number of people involved a number of african-americans black people here in the us who have had confrontations with police that have either resulted in death in the case of george floyd or wounding in the case of jacob blake and he says he keeps seeing this in there's not the kind of systematic change that he says it is needed and to do that he says people have to vote this november and they have to emphasize civil rights when it comes to the supreme court appointment that will nominate a successor to ruth bader ginsburg the president president of trump is planning on
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going ahead with that crump says the american public led by the people out here in the streets has to call for change john hendren thank you very much indeed. on this news hour from london sweden's prime minister warns of a worrying rise in covert cases saying caution has been replaced by hugs and parties. rival groups fatah and hamas reach a deal to hold the 1st palestinian elections in 14 years. and support action from the n.b.a. playoffs including at her a performance or a play called here. as europe sees a 2nd wave of covert 19 france has reported record numbers with hospitals struggling to cope the country reported 16096 cases over 24 hours its 4th
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record in 8 days the government warned it's a race against time to stop a repeat of the crisis in march on in spain 10600 factions were recorded health authorities are asking madrid residents to brace for tough weeks ahead as new restrictions are introduced. the u.k. has reported its highest ever number of daily new cases at 6634 it came on the day the government unveiled new measures to help workers and businesses and orders from bars and restaurants to close early came into force yes costa need barker who's out in central london so neve was around in a space to close around 15 minutes ago and they complying ray you are. well look at the scene behind me believe it or not only 1520 minutes ago this lane here was packed full of tables and chairs they've all been told to leave all the people that were enjoying a drink here if left very compliant leaves social distancing was
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a little bit questionable at times but yeah they are following the rules businesses have definitely done exactly what's been asked of them we have also seen for the 1st time here in soho in central london covert offices going around here making sure that all the businesses are indeed sticking to the rules because there is of course a chill in the air the specter of rising infections and also a whole raft of new restrictions that are affecting how businesses can operate in many of the companies here in the hospitality sector but deeply wired that the government may be going a little bit too far in its bid to try and bring the infection rate under control but others including some leading scientists are asking perhaps the government should be going even further. just. a shake up for england's night time economy. a new 10 pm curfew is put the squeeze on this
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cocktail by. part of a careful mix of measures the government says will stem the runaway infection rate the move i'm welcome news for a sector struggling to recover the time pm curfew is limiting our trading affectively means that we can only really try to 25 percent capacity of what we're doing pretty covert and yet you know all of our costs are pretty much the same. thousands of businesses have been dependent on government grants to pay workers' wages that schemes coming to an end but with infections doubling every week the government's been forced to find an alternative to avert must job cuts it's announced it will provide tax breaks extend loans and top up workers' wages up to 2 thirds of their hours for 6 months the government will directly support the wages of people in walk giving businesses who faced depressed demand the option of keeping employees in
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a job on shorter hours rather than making them redundant. while the government shores up the economy it also wants to tackle the virus by limiting social interaction weeks after people were told to eat out to help something they did in great numbers there are no bigger fines for not wearing a mosque limited numbers that can attend weddings and funerals and people are being told to continue working from home if possible there's also a new contact tracing up launch moments behind sched jewel it's all a step in the right direction say the scientists but some fear it's not enough falls in restaurants may have a new curfew for the virus doesn't the earlier you cut it off you can avoid a lot more cases and hospitalizations and deaths and we sort of missed that window in march we can see now from what happened with that curve that if we had act you know acted about a week earlier we could have you know avoided a lot of unnecessary cases and deaths of the feeling that were hesitating until
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it's way too late is a bit of deja vu and i and i hope we can you know do the right thing this time. with dark evenings drawing in britain's bracing for an uncertain winter for many this feels like a lol before another full a lockdown if infection spiral or storm since promised tighter measures many businesses warn of devastating consequences others are asked why wait. and in those cases going up is the country any better prepared for the for this potential 2nd wave if it comes in terms of hospital admissions and so on. absolutely a lot of lessons have been learned we know exactly. much more about how the virus spreads there are also therapeutics available to help people recover in hospital we know the value of mosques so we know the value of social distancing as well but there are all of course still still huge holes in our knowledge there's any 8
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percent of the population that are showing immunity to this and without a vaccine more restrictive measures are what's needed which is why the government has decided to ramp up the rules going forward the infection rate recorded today is that 6600 back in may was 6000 huge kaviak to that being that mass testing began the end of may only june which is why the numbers are this high a little bit earlier headwall man say to another see you in 6 months you know that may be a valedictory joke but there is something lurking underneath that a deep army a deep anxiety about what may happen as the country heads towards winter we've already been warned by the government to brace ourselves for the long haul but if there isn't any sign that these latest measures are having an effect who knows what
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could happen next any pocket thank you very much. sweden is urging residents to limit social gatherings as it attempts to avoid a 2nd wave of the corona virus a rise in local cases has prompted health officials to ask the public to avoid private parties crowded places and to work from home schools and restaurants remain open but plans to lift a 50 person limit on gatherings has been postponed on those suggestions that sweden had bitten the coronavirus pandemic to a policy of herd immunity rather than lock downs on is a safe and often told swedes they become too relaxed about following antiquated guidelines. the manifesto is so utah food for most people in sweden still take a big personal responsibility to stop the spread of gluey coronavirus but many have become less cautious the caution that existed in the spring has more and more been replaced by hugs parties bus trips in rush hour traffic and every day life that for
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many seems to be a return to normal israel is imposing even stricter coronavirus not down measures after a surge in infections from minister benjamin netanyahu says the restrictions are necessary to keep the country from being pushed to what he calls the edge of the abyss are a force that has more from west jerusalem. israel was already one week into its 2nd coded 1000 locked down now with new cases nearing 7000 a day and the health system issuing warnings of overstretch daily life in the economy to be restricted yet further. in the past 2 days we heard from the experts that if we don't take immediate and difficult steps we will reach the edge of the a bit in order to save the lives of israeli citizens we are required to impose full lockdown for 2 weeks. that means all non-essential businesses will close at an estimated cost of $10000000000.00 with around a 5th of the workforce unemployed the measure was opposed by the finance minister
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as unnecessarily damaging and it's a hard sell to a public already doubting and in many cases defying the current rules i think the government. is using and deploying actions that there is no medical agreement that are necessary i think that the government is completely dysfunctional i mean nothing nothing that is related to the country to the citizens and it's. a priority. the restrictions will stop the weekly anti netanyahu demonstrations in west jerusalem political protesters will be able to gather only in groups of 20 no more than a kilometer from their homes prayers will be subject to the same rules with the exception of the jewish holy day of young people next week when synagogues will reopen with restrictions. that's led to fears of further spread within ultra-orthodox jewish towns and neighborhoods already hotspots of transmission netanyahu has been accused of failing to impose early targeted measures on such
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places because of the influence of the ultra-orthodox political parties and so with the competing factional demands confused messaging coming from the government there's been an erosion in a crucial commodity public trust a poll this week put support for benjamin netanyahu as handling of the crisis. at just 27 percent palestinian areas have also seen high infection rates and sporadic government enforcement especially in the patchwork of jurisdictions that make up occupied east jerusalem the man in charge of tackling the pandemic went himself on thursday to the refugee camp within jerusalem but beyond the separation wall to find business is open and people mixing. when you look at the streets here you see people without vests who are worried that it's not the picture to expect in a neighborhood with such a high rate of people dying of course at 19 the. israelis have been watching the numbers grow with deepening alarm for weeks now they wait to find out whether this
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hastily arranged much argued over extra lockdown who work when so much is failed ari force it out just syria west jerusalem. that and how must have reached a deal to hold the 1st palestinian actions in 14 years the poll is due to be held within the next 6 months and coincides with a move by the 2 groups to form a united front against israel itself and. established diplomatic ties with israel any of this month angering palestinians in the queues the arab neighbors of the trail in iraq than what i had there is that restoring our national unity is a strategic and dialogue is the only course to take elections and the democratic process are the only means a clear cut agreement has been reached there are elections on proportional representation basis are the most conceivable course to take with a timeframe no later than 6 months need abraham says this isn't the 1st time the 2
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groups have agreed to hold elections. senior leader john breed of 2 has talked about the consensus and agreement that has been reached between fatah and hamas to hold elections in stages 1st to start by the just of the council elections the presidential ones and then the palestinian national council elections which are expected to be including the palestinians and that they also are of course this announcement comes after a series of meetings between fatah and hamas the started with a press conference between. either years in july in which they vowed to work together against israel's plans to annex parts of your pride west bank course events after that continued and the palestinians where surprised with the announcement of the u.a.e. and beheading signing normalization deals with israel and that has led. by their meetings and say they really have so many limited options that they only hop
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to conciliation and unity as the only way forward but it's it's worth mentioning that this is not the 1st time the 2 ports is agree and talk about conciliation and wanting to pull to elections there's also more still to come this hour why a years long effort to protect a lake chad has been derailed by one of the country's borders it. stood for millennia but could the pyramids and other ancient sites and swept away by the recent floods. and in sports return to render and under it i was. fitted for a new seat head of his for me no one come. hello there not much in the way of sunshine across areas of europe you can see here
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the. me across central europe. also across much the mediterranean wanted to pass in chiles and of course some thunderstorms still only class slightly ahead up into scotland this country rain on the way and also some pretty strong thunderstorms have been impacting parts of italy so you can say hey dramatic night skies over the city of rome but what a messy picture on friday plenty of heavy rain fairly vigorous system really impacting eastern sections of the u.k. that will spread the rain across into southern scandinavia and in fact that rain training all the way down towards the owls but not just rain of course snow as well in the forecast the next few days as winds a strong come into the bay of biscay and they will sweep across the mediterranean some very heavy rain again through will central and southern areas that will work its way towards greece as we go through saturday and some very heavy rain on the backside of this area of low pressure really impacting much of germany says some very heavy downpours we could well see some flooding from all this rain over the next few days is not bad though in london we've got mostly dry conditions roll the
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more in the way of class by the time we get to sunday and monday and then in paris the game was certainly sunday monday and how much is really still well below the average. frank assessments saying that. there's. like being sued it's an informed opinion is ethiopia on the verge of breakdown many calls or the only media region are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate after the use of proxy he does not going to resign because the bolivian people in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on al-jazeera. global pandemic. family comes 1st. for every american health care has
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never been more important. because the new disease does not favor republicans over democrats bridge over poor are black over white. america decides how to care for a nation. extensive coverage of the us elections. on al-jazeera. and again are one of the top stories here nigeria senior republicans in the u.s. have been distancing themselves from donald trump's refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses november's presidential election. period bill is bracing for a 2nd night of protests over the decision not to charge police officers for the
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death of 26 year old brianna taylor one officer was charged for endangering her neighbors. and the u.k. and france have both reported record numbers. new cavy 19 cases across recorded 16096 its 4th record in 8 days. in argentina the pandemic impact on the economy is now so bad some businesses say it's not worth staying open the country's 6 month lock down but it's already fragile economy to shrink by a record 19 percent in the 2nd quarter and with kobe duration deaths continuing to rise the government finds itself in an impossible situation as daniel sheiner reports from one of. the shutters are down in these normally bustling streets customers with less money to spend being asked to stay home on employment of 13 percent the 15 year high that. georgina reform
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a teacher with 5 children was homeless before the pandemic this is a noticeable increase in those joining her it was an afghan official opening we asked for money and people help us to have some more crops up we do it being on the street people don't give us much room because they're scared of disgusted but we survive oh there is plenty of monitoring corkey have kept their downtown restaurant open with lockdown restrictions no sit down customers just take away meals another there's nothing you serve 4 or 5 meals what can you do with that it doesn't cover our costs we're at our limit and ready to pack it all and. similar stories are told across latin america it's particularly bad in peru brazil chile and mexico where many work in the informal sector what the pandemic has done is exacerbate existing structural problems right across latin america lack of investment in health and education a massive inequalities and nowhere is that more severe than here in argentina
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already saddled with crippling debt and barely recovered from previous economic crises and one of them being president the birth of a man this is calling for long term measures to tackle deep rooted problems addressing the. united nations general assembly on tuesday he said the country's debt burden should be eased. by player but no country can pay its debts at the expense of its own people without being left with no health education security or growth capacity. ocean tina recorded 470 more coverage related deaths on choose day bringing his total to more than 13000 when he says his priority remains public health it still has to keep the economy functioning the only way to keep it going and hope for. economic reactivation even the i.m.f. has said this is through massive government subsidies to the private sector to individuals to try to keep things afloat so that eventually once we have
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a vaccine or whatever. and can start going back to normal. argentina pays 5 percent of his g.d.p. on those subsidies wondering like everyone else how much longer a consisting of such a delicate balancing act and he's trying to 01 osiris. the u.n. secretary general has told world leaders they have failed to fight the coronavirus prefer and to trade well rather than unite in the face of the pandemic it was speaking as representatives from the u.s. and china used a session of the security council to clash over who is responsible mike hanna reports the normally unflappable secretary general could not disguise his anger at the lack of international unity in response to the pandemic the president make is that good tests of international cooperation at best we have essentially fate is eschewed nearly 1000000 people around the world infected over certain indian and
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remains largely artificial. these was the result of a lack of global prefer this corporation unity and solidarity but tone of conflict was said earlier this week in a record address by president trump to the general assembly in which he lashed out at china we have waged a fierce battle against the invisible enemy the china virus we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world president xi jinping sprit recorded speech was restrained at the time making no direct reference to president trump but he rejected what he called the politicize ation of the response to the coronavirus but no restraint from the chinese ambassador in the security council session if someone should be held accountable if you should be a few u.s. politicians themselves the u.s. should understand that believe me our viewers were not solve its own problems while
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not directly naming president trump a number of other representatives made clear their rejection of his attack on china and the us ambassador exploded in anger or shame on each of you i am astonished and i'm disgusted by the content of today's discussion i'm actually really quite ashamed at this council members of the council who took this opportunity to focus on political correctness rather than the critical issue at hand among those who attended the sacramone us meeting with several presidents and foreign ministers in addition to the ambassadors the secretary general's call for unity was ignored if not forgotten and made clear in the virtual session that differences of the past have been gouged further open during the months of this pandemic mike hanna al-jazeera united nations. now 4 west african countries have
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spent years on the process to nominate lake chad as a world heritage site but now one of them wants to drill for oil the lake straddles the border between chad and cameroon but the basin covers nizkor and nigeria to all 4 submitted the nomination 2 years ago now in a letter to unesco leaked to the guardian newspaper in britain chad says it wants to redefine the boundaries of the potential world heritage site because it's signed oil drilling agreements human action has already caused the lake to shrink by around 90 percent over the past 50 years thanks to climate change and use of the water for irrigation and its future is uncertain around 45000000 people are dependent on it using its water in often unsustainable ways johnny vivekananda looks at climate change and security issues for the adelphi think tank in berlin she joins us now via skype thank you for being with us so what do you make of chad's decision to to say to unesco to or to ask us to quote perspire in
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the process of registering a child on the world heritage list. thank you very much for having me i would say it's nothing short of a of a travesty and not just for environmental reasons but also for very few men reasons . the lake is an exceptional natural phenomena and it really deserves you know asco recognition is something of an ecological miracle it's a freshwater lake in the middle of the area to her desert and you mentioned there that it has it it was shrinking yes it was shrinking for. decades in the seventy's and eighty's but it's actually been in a period of expansion for the past 20 years so it's it is this very resilient natural resource that communities around it have been depending on and surviving on for millennia there's really nothing like it in the world and yet at the same time it's also the location of one of the world's worst humanitarian crises since 2009 the region's also been destabilized by alarming violence between armed opposition
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groups or just because iran and islamic state west africa province and state security forces and so combined with the added challenge of climate change which isn't actually shrinking the lake but rather causing the water levels and the rainfall levels to fluctuate so. so severely that is it's very difficult for people living around the lake to pursue their lives and their lives that which will make dependent. so what so that this is a challenge is why why why why the kind of if it had you know scope protection what difference would that make and and you think is this the end i mean if if they do if they are asked to perspire on it does it mean that that actually they weren't even in the end get it. yes soaps the climate change and the crisis the humanitarian crisis that because of the conflict it's displaced over 2500000 people who are essentially living around the very few can of say safe and stable regions surrounding the aid if postponing one
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country postponing this process i don't know that this means anything legally i think. the process of oil rigs its glory action and potential exploitation if it's done to be commercially viable words seriously impede the the efforts to actually. that they were behind the values that this what heritage status would bring to the region i think in such an unstable context this region is already in turmoil and the process of well exploitation could actually fuel the risk of conflict fuel the existing drivers of conflict and i think it would probably potentially really shunt any prospects of of world heritage status of the table because they'll be such
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a critical and intractable conflict on on ones on on on on their hands because oil exploitation has a solid track record of going hand in hand as corruption misuse of natural resource wealth. and has as as a really particularly nigeria just over the border and other states in the region has has. really had a strong role in worsening conflict fueling anti state grievances particularly against a backdrop of already weak governance and corruption which we've seen shattered tonight is that i think because we have had to take you very much indeed for your thoughts thank you sergeant truck. now france has ordered an investigation into a french bank over claims of complicity in crimes against humanity genocide and torture in sudan at the profile as a complaint against being paid launched by 9 sudanese plaintiffs last year they allege the bank was complicit in crimes committed during the conflict of sudan's darfur region as it provided asked and president bashir with financial services.
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that was left of an ancient civilization which dominated north east africa for more than a 1000 years but their parents and other sites of the cushite state in sudan are under threat from some of the worst flooding the country has ever seen i'm going to want to find out how they are being protected. these are the ruins of the royal city in but you know we're not all swans the city of the powerful kingdom of push that dates back to the 8th century b.c. there are remnants of temples palaces cemeteries and other places of interest that testified to the wealth and power of the state a major power in the north east africa region for more than 1000 years but now these ruins which have weathered thousands of years under threat through 2 weeks ago also residents of nearby villages join hundreds of students from her term university to protect the ruins ha tim had that was one of them. a senate.
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honestly we've never seen anything like the floods this year they broke all differences and destroyed many homes including mine we're really worried they will sweep away the ruins the kings bought the house one of a few buildings still standing at the site was nearly flooded before the students and locals intervened it's. this is out here it is a mess of history right here that belongs to us and it should be protected properly no river floods every year and there's no guarantee it won't damage the sign a few 100 meters from the ruins of the royal city saddam's murder we pyramids where kings and queens were interred told slender and graceful this moment bear witness to the last thing splendor that was the kingdom that once rival the ferals of egypt through the years the pyramids have been blundered of all their wealth and left to the elements as conventions began here only in the mid 19th century
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a few of the smaller pyramid self since been restored looking new in comparison to their more buttered neighbors but i don't want to go there i don't have any of that these morning ones are not just was today it's something the entire black race should be proud of it just haven't died to have a rich history of white and. weak so flooding in sudan has killed nearly 100 on thought to people and made thousands homeless saddam's prized pyramids safe for now but for how long more floods have been predicted with help that of informal justice was done by the highlands of neighboring ethiopia a killer to say and the destruction to the pyramids as well as the thought was also that the us drew all over the ruins of this ancient city would be a huge loss how about the world does it but you know we're so done. thailand's parliament has voted to delay a decision on whether to amend the constitution opting to set up
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a committee to study the process instead of 1000 protesters gathered outside parliament as the decision was made to minister to say the constitution was drafted to keep prime minister prior to nurture in power after last year's election and a calling for his removal and also demanding reform of the monarchy new elections and an end to the intimidation of political activists. hong kong pro-democracy activists joshua long has been arrested over last year's protests in the city he was arrested when he reported to a police station as part of a bail requirement then released hours later police confirm 2 men were arrested for illegal assembly the latest arrest since china unilaterally imposed a national security law on hong kong in june which critics say targets of states opponents. is the 1st cases that i need to face already since. last june i left prison but no matter what happened i will still continue the races
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and hope to lead the world you know get power halmos here is not to surrender even they can't prosecute us big a rats ass big a loss in prison but they can stand for our commitment continue to fight for freedom. and knowledge number of new detention centers has been discovered in china's northwest changing region and australian think tank says it's identified 380 so-called we get reeducation centers even though the government says they are being scaled back within 60 have been constructed or expanded in the past 18 months the un suspects more than a 1000000 ethnic week is and other muslim minorities are being held in the region. and you know most cleanup effort is underway in australia to dispose of 380 whale caucuses to 500 pilot whales became stranded off the on in state of tasmania in one of the world's worst. after days but trying to free the mammals attention has now
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turned to removing the hundreds who died rescue groups managed to free 88 but there are concerns some may return to seoul and all the 20 remain beached. still ahead this news hour so every day you see something like this from a well chap in peter explain in sport.
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that is peter with sports. thank you very much one of the world's biggest football stars that any brim of it has tested positive for corona virus the 38 year old
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swedish striker scored 2 goals for ac milan in the opening game of the italian seasoning earlier this week he has no symptoms but has been placed in quarantine at home and will miss the match later on thursday luis suarez has said goodbye to barcelona in an emotional farewell news conference the euro is joining atletico madrid after spending 6 years at boss or to join the spanish giants shortly after being banned for 4 months for biting an opponent at the 2014 feet for world cup and he struggled to hold back the tears when saying goodbye on thursday. it does this is very difficult for me i have nothing prepared i only want to thank the club for everything that they put their trust in me back in 2014 when they signed me they knew that i arrived here under certain conditions because of a mistake i made and i will always be grateful for that. the hate of the
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international olympic committee thomas back remains confident the delayed games can take place next year despite the pandemic games organizers and the japanese government are meeting this week to discuss possible protocols for the games next july which remain in doubt buses he's been encouraged by the resumption of sports around the world. the n.b.a. playoffs saw a heroic performance from a player with a very apt to name the miami heat rookie tyler arrow scored 37 points as they beat the boston celtics to move just one game away from the n.b.a. finals it's david stokes now with the story again for celtics try to even things up as he try to take a commanding lead things were finally poised in the eastern conference finals miami had the chance to go 31 up and that big names began to fire up and made up by a procedure i don't know beautiful from drudge but the night belonged to the
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youngest player out on court here in ny state to get rid of tell everybody to come back this 20 year old here are doing it again for the heat the aptly named rookie tyler hero hit a career high 37 points for miami that's the most by any rookie player in the history of the n.b.a. conference finals here are all factors he was cut short in time here were drawn so now they're trying it's also the 2nd most points by a past 20 years old or younger in play off history behind only magic johnson who hit 42 back in 1980 when only the 6 for my heroes performance helped the heat secure victory by 3 points and puts them in a commanding position over the south 6 problem which. my team i thought about and trust me i'm the oldest guy. and has got all good so like that they really shine a light on me and i think it makes all of us smile i was so happy for him because
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he knows what he's capable of he just plays with so much confidence and that's. the miami heat so he could come in because he was leading the eastern conference finals a rookie performance to remember means the heat and not just one game away from the finals as they aim to win their 1st championship since 2013 they'll have a chance to close out the series in game 5 which is coming up on friday david stokes al-jazeera. the defense of paris sandra man president. has been heard in court for the 1st time in his corruption trial in switzerland he's been accused of buying a vote for form a fee for secretary general jerome valcke in exchange for providing cheap world cup media rights for be in sports of which he is chairman his defense team claim he never owned a villa and so the argument is flawed because being bought the rights for $480000000.00 which is far higher than fee for his target price bornand swiss counsel representing our philosophy said the only charge against mr halevi is
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incitement to not report matters not a single element of incitement has been proven the complete acquittal of mr halevi has been demanded today and emphatically so we are confident that this will be the case and that justice will be served foremost really cricket batsman dean jones has died in mumbai of a heart attack jones represents city's country in 59 test matches and 1641 day internationals he also helped australia when the 987 world cup in india jones was seen as a pioneer for his ability to score runs at a faster rate than what was the norm any easier and was most recently known for his match day commentary he was 59 years old. it's been 14 years since fernando alonso won the formula one championship with renault but now he's getting ready to drive for the team once again the 39 year old has been back at the raina factory in england for a seat fitting better after signing up for
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a 3rd stint with the team where he won both equal titles alonso has been out of if one since leaving mclaren in 20 eighteenth's very emotional days because i remember a lot of things here factory changed a little bit but this remains a model is the same a lot of people that they knew from their previous years here emotional days it's like a 1st day of school you know with a lot of hope some of the new things to learn but very productive this i think the focus from now until next year is to follow it everything what the team needs from from my side i guess going to be a couple of simulator days here at the factory. preparing next year and also helping some some how we can is this year you know i guess i will come to a couple of races has to follow the team on the track side to understand the philosophy working on that we can bring you something shocking now from the u.c.i.
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road world championships in italy on thursday take a look at this this is american chloe di get she is widely seen as the favorite to retain a title in the women's individual time trial but things went badly wrong as you can see they're happy to report that she's ok and already recovering. that's all the sports news laurie. thank you very much definition is trialing a new way to sniff out the code 19 virus what naturally 15 especially trained dogs are testing a scientific theory that they can detect the virus using their sense of smell passengers at the international airport in the capital how sinky wipe their neck with a gauze which is placed in a can for the dog to sniff it should then give an immediate result if successful it could provide a much quicker and more comfortable alternative to the conventional swab test. and that's it for major taylor for this news up on the back in a moment with an awful round of the day's news but so much for watching.
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russia now seems to be going off to the main economic resource which does a story we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world living presidents office america 1st policy trigger detroit wall that morphed into a technological war counting the cost on al-jazeera. hi i'm steve clements i have a question to ask these days it's hard to filter out the noise and keep track of what's really important the bottom line tackles the big issues this is shaping the
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united states its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only on al-jazeera. yes. and the disease accounts for 50 percent of only deaths of children. but it's not. likely to receive any child and i. believe you just leave that to. the cease.
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the senior republicans distance themselves from president trump after he refuses to commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the election. are intended this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. calls for calm after a night of anger across the united states over a decision.


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