tv [untitled] September 28, 2020 2:00pm-2:30pm +03
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it's a comedy started speaking about the old. before even the saudi government to just come out. during the saudi consulate on al-jazeera. for a 2nd day armenian and forces fights over the disputed territory of not going to cut about both sides are reporting casualties. i'm sam is a band this is al jazeera live from also coming out. to shake news story lucia excuse me that. tries to dismiss reports he paid no tax in 10 of the last 15 years after his records were leaked to the new york times. farmers
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are on the margin india against 3 new laws they say will threaten their livelihoods . and the nice years giant mapping project to end land disputes are not everyone's been allowed to have a say. fighting between armenia and azerbaijan is continuing for a 2nd day heavy artillery is being deployed by both sides in the garden of kut about drone footage released by azerbaijan claims to show strikes against armenian positions armenia has condemned what it calls a full scale attack military personnel and civilian deaths are being reported on both sides international leaders calling for an immediate cease fire and dialogue. alexandra steele janowicz of freud is live in moscow tracking the reactions from
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the kremlin there 1st let's talk to rob walker he joins us live from georgia's capital tbilisi following developments on the front line so how does the front line look at this point in time how's the fighting progressing. this is very much an active theater of war and the both ministries of defense as you've been saying really giving it a constant updates stream of video footage and material very much trying to control the information side to the war but certainly confirmation that yes they've been harry heavy artillery used again by both sides during the night from sunday into monday and continuing today yesterday azerbaijan congratulated itself on having recovered territory all villages today armenia saying that it has taken back some of that territory and discovered
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a field of. military casualties dead bodies on the ground in its wake so very much an ongoing fighting situation here with reports of more casualties both military and civilian and not only those different narratives about casualties in the fighting also when it comes to mercenaries to write robin. yes that's an interesting development with both sides claiming that syrian mercenaries have been deployed by the other there was a lot of talk about this in the days preceding this outbreak in fighting as a by john had offered salaries to units to minutes militant units in syria to come to azerbaijan but a lot of that was being dismissed as as this information and now we're hearing those claims made by armenia's top brass with its to moscow
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citing information that the as aries have deployed syrian units they are also accusing azerbaijan as well of involving turkey in the fighting and saying that turkey is actually using some of its military hardware to help the is aries f. 16 fighter jets and drones but those claims have not really yet been independently verified so we have to treat that with some caution or good stuff there thanks so much to walk there from tbilisi russia has been leading mediation efforts between the 2. fridays live in moscow to tell us more so what are the russians saying right now about what they want both sides to do. well what they're basically saying is is that everybody should drop the war retore
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they should stop fighting immediately and start talking start negotiating because what russia says is that arms is not the way using arms is not the way to solve the conflict in the got look at a bar that it should be a peaceful ways it should be a dialogue between the parties involved the spokesperson of the russian president vladimir putin the me that it's said that the russian ease in a good position to mediate because it has a balanced approach to the situation he said it has good relations with both parties and that it can help resolve the situation he was also asked about a water reading officials announced yesterday saying that it might recognize the region of not going to cut off as an independent country what mackoff said that all sides should refrain from taking steps that can further escalated the situation the situation of armed conflict which he said is slipping into
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a war situation russia is saying that they are in conflict with also with $33.00 the ministers of foreign affairs and that they are ready to mediate. the oil c.e. minsk group established in the ninety's exactly to resolve the conflict. now russia does have a lot of influence in the region whether it's from its diplomatic role in the minsk group to arms sales to even investments in the energy sector is there right. yes yes indeed this is a very important strategically important region for russia this is very close to its southern borders which in the past were very unstable and saw in their own time also also fighting and separatists and movements they are in good relations with both i mean in azerbaijan they try to balance this relation so if they're meeting one side they will very soon meet the other they are selling arms to both of these
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countries but i have to note that it is armenia that is a member of almost all the organizations that idea sponsored or organized by russia that are concerning this post saudi it's a. region armenia sees russia as its ally the biggest ally and allies a lot on russian support but russia wants to keep its influence in this region and for sure it doesn't want to lose it or doesn't want this conflict to spill over to it's on the borders we saw the warnings of the russian officials that if this escalates can have it could have catastrophic consequences for the whole region. not a feeling that there is a bigger regional rivalry game going on alexandra between the russians the turks the iranians and so on and. well that might be so because you know it wouldn't be the 1st time russia and turkey are not
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seeing eye to eye or are finding themselves on 2 different sides of the rope in their boss they managed to find compromises on this issue we heard turkey taking a very clear stance in and this respect almost immediately they said that they are with azerbaijan that they will offer any help or give any help that might be needed so it might turn out this to be yet another. field or a playground for the lack of better word for these store forces to arm wrestle on the with their influence in in this in this region or i will leave it there thanks so much alexandra so you know which. take a look at minsk process alexander was alluding to world powers have of course been trying to resolve the conflict for decades you may remember in 1902 the organization for security and cooperation in europe set up the minsk group with the
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goal of finding a peaceful solution it's co-chaired by france russia and the united states with permanent members from right across the region its work known as the minsk process has 3 main objectives conflict resolution peacekeeping and working toward a final settlement of the nagorno-karabakh dispute it's provided a forum for dialogue between the 2 sides who regularly agreed to lower tension along the line of contact despite this been several flare ups over the years and the rivalry remains unresolved thomas de wall is a senior fellow at carnegie europe specializing on the caucasus region he says that despite the region's international importance the outside community remains disengaged from the dispute. unfortunately this round of fighting promises to be the worst probably since since the cease fire and of course the workman $990.00 s.
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was a very low tech and now as we're seeing today a much more heavy weaponry on by side a certain destructive power is much greater but but ultimately this is a conflict of identity of territory between 2 nations armenia and azerbaijan and the outside world is not going to solve that they're going to kind of try and lead this horse to water but that they can't make it their own region of international importance which is actually growing more internationally important if in the last 25 years because of the oil and gas pipelines through the region it's a region that borders iran so sure it's the european neighborhood as well as the russian they the hood and the u.s. was a got involved in the 1990 s. unfortunately what what we've seen lovie is disengagement by the u.s. in this issue used to take much more leading role than it does now and cynically one might say that it was by john has launched a military offensive. in the last as it looks like yesterday one of the reasons it
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may have done so is because the u.s. is so disengaged and there's very little russia can do to apply a bit of leverage and pressure but both sides in a way have to be able to declare success after a few days and maybe you know unfortunately maybe the casualties mount up and we're already probably seeing least a 100 people dying yesterday and then that may be a reason for both sides to think that we can't continue with this. the new york times is reporting the us president has paid 0 tax in 10 of the last 15 years it says he avoided taxes by declaring large business losses and now personally as credits as more than 300 $1000000.00 trump has dismissed the reporters fall so hard to joe castro explains. in 2015 a year donald trump emerged from a golden elevator to declare his candidacy he paid 0 dollars in federal income tax
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just as he had in 10 out of 15 years prior in 2 101617 president trump paid just $750.00 a year in federal income tax while the average middle class american family paid more than $10000.00 the new york times says it reviewed more than 2 decades of trump financial records the account published sunday describes a businessman president who avoided taxes by declaring huge losses but now personally owes creditors more than $300000000.00 soon to be due trump's prized golf resorts reported losses of $350.00 nearly and dollars since 2000 times reports the washington trump hotel shows a loss of $55000000.00 from has long sought to suppress his financial records taking the fight to the supreme court at a hastily called press conference sunday trump sought to discredit the new york
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times reporting based on leaked information store fake news they were through the same stories eucharist in the same questions for years ago had a litigators and talk about it total fake news no actually i paid tax but then you'll see that the service might actually change the it's under the banner of for a long time. indeed the times reports the internal revenue service audit. concerns the legitimacy of a $72000000.00 tax refund that trump began receiving in 2008 and then there are the potential conflicts of interest trump has refused to divest in his businesses while president the times reports his mar-a lago resort has made $5000000.00 a year in new members since trump became president and his resort in dural collected $7000000.00 from the bank of america overseas income brought him 73
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$1000000.00 in his 1st 2 years in the white house iraq so if you were to go out and in an arrangement that we do strums taxable income the president's daughter and white house advisor evanthia trump appears to have been paid as a consultant even ashley managed her father's business trump may be engaging in tax fraud on an epic scale where he's using state consultants in i.e. his children to turn businesses that would be turning a profit into losses that he can count on his few businesses that make money but they're only losses because he's making these ridiculous payments to people who are on his company's payroll already the times reports the trove of records do not appear to incriminate trump further in his business dealings with russia the times did not publish the records themselves but democrats on twitter quickly seized on the report a roadmap of possible attacks against the president the new york times says it a tantrum financial records from confidential sources with legal access to the
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information the paper promises to publish more revelations in the days to come this may well be what the trump campaign most feared and earthquake of damaging reports just weeks before voters head to the polls the ground once again shifting in an election year full of surprises. castro al-jazeera washington. the death toll from. coronavirus pandemic is inching towards the sobering $1000000.00 mark taking a look at the latest figures from johns hopkins university around $998000.00 people have died after being infected with the virus the u.s. brazil india mexico and the u.k. have recorded the most deaths the number of corona virus infections in india has passed 6000000 with more than 82000 confirmed cases recorded in the past 24 hours it's the 2nd worst affected country in the world after the us with nearly 100000
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reported deaths. is from the center of social medicine and community health joe are now the university he says there's some silver lining in all of this the most recent good news is that somewhat of a decline in the last week. and it definitely looks as if that the peak has been achieved that we're on and don't work trend however as we have seen with other countries other large countries particularly the u.s. this could write. another there could be another rising fears again but for the person that seems to be on board and these are very short term fluctuations in a random week which is running out of a months if not years. it is don't hold true that following along down which is the unlucky there has been
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a 30 times increase to this current milestone of 6000000 however these are short fluctuations that seem to be somewhat of a slowing down during the end of august also but then there was another rise so this is part of the game in training. man mar is reporting a major rise in cases the total number now stands at nearly $10000.00 that's nearly 10 times what it was a month ago the surge that began in the commercial capital yangon has now spread nationwide well 200 people have died infections are expected to keep rising china has passed a law protecting medical whistleblowers comes months after the death of dr li when liang who was punished for raising the alarm about the coronavirus new hand beijing says the law will only protect what it calls non-malicious whistleblowers and reward verified tipoffs lee's death in february triggered public outcry and
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a wave of criticism towards the government for the 1st time in 3 months this trainee and state of victoria is reporting a single digit rise just 5 infections in the past 24 hours this comes as a lockdown in the state capital melbourne is being eased 5000000 people there have been on the lot down since early august well still ahead of al jazeera keeps on riding in the city of london after a ruling in their favor in the u.k. call. we have another developing thai food in the forecast across the northwest pacific but this one shouldn't cause us any problems that means it's going to be lousy fine in try for japan nice little area of high pressure keeping things quiet the highest
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is a lid on the atmosphere clear skies should be plenty of sunshine around this area of low pressure out into the open waters that says developing typhoon they will stay offshore so this it shouldn't cause too many problems you might just catch on to southern areas all of japan russia japan the fine and dry cooler than of light temperatures 23 celsius with the winds coming in from the north leonel feast the direction through tuesday off and they want to see showers in play just around the korean peninsula they will sink a little further southwards for wednesday showers further west as well into central and northern parts of china but over towards the east shanghai stays fine and try little area cloud some heavy rains southern parts of china that will link its way back towards q.c. and southern parts of honshu might see a few showers affecting the frenchies of india over the next day outside but for the most part it doesn't look too bad as they lost the settled in sunday's show is becoming a little more widespread as we go on through choose day of central and eastern
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areas we want to show it was for the coast. overthrown and exiled they appoint again saying if you're all wrong. let me tell you i mean to my film about the struggle of the elected leader of madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency you know is that the truest rangefinder and we say it will not be good for french she is already you know nutrition education return of the president on al-jazeera. the root. of the old. world.
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welcome back you're watching al-jazeera time to recap the headlines now armenian and our very forces are exchanging fire for a 2nd day in the occupied golan cut about region armenia says more than 30 of its troops are being killed by john has authorized partial military mobilization the new york times reports the us president has paid no tax in 10 of the last 15 years it's mainly because of large business losses trump has dismissed the report is false. poland says it could impose its own sanctions if the e.u. doesn't take more decisive action on better reuss follows more protests on sunday but the russian police fired stun grenades and tear gas to disperse up to 100000 protesters in the capital minsk the opposition accused president alexander lukashenko of rigging last month's election opposition leader. who's in exile
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in lithuania says e.u. leaders could help mediate a national dialogue and bellows. and an. help in the. in start and between the nation and our authorities and we need this mediators now and maybe mr mccrone alongside these other countries with the leaders of other contras can. be this they were this mediators in starting now for. the u.s. secretary of state might pompei is in greece where he's hoping to ease tension in the mediterranean on pay as pledged u.s. support to mediate the dispute in the region athens has been adults with turkey over drilling rights last week both countries agreed to a new talks about their clashing maritime claims indian police have arrested
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farmers protesting against new laws aimed at reforming the industry and farmers fear the new rules could spell an end to the government buying grain that guaranteed prices the government says loosening regulations will open up the market and benefit farmers more than 14 percent of india's g.d.p. comes from language culture it's worth more than 276000000000 dollars over half of its people depend on farming for their livelihoods it's a very diverse sector with farmers producing everything from grains and spices to dairy and meat products however many are struggling to get by more than one in 5 farmers are living below the poverty line. krishnan is the joint secretary of all india q sound sub how which is the largest workers' union representing farmers he explains why farmers are so angry. that demand of the families had been ensured
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that the minibus of a police 50 person more the last of her big suit will be insured and made a legal right over the government has not gone there who can go out on business the man and. girl is fighting the war with 9 pandemic and. 6 that they're not going to drop. 3 bullets as audiences and they're. built in the parliament these are only going to open the doors for quite a bit proper getting it is going to be at the expense of the war farmers in our country that is the fuel that is the reason why you are losing the most overwhelmingly age of purpose people coming out of the streets i have been activist with this. later but the farmers movement and in my 25 years of political activism
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i have not seen every movement of the farmers this is widespread and with all groups of the most different organisations coming together feminists in mexico of occupied the government's human rights office to protest against the high number of women being murdered every day the protest in the capital and in other cities was a repeat of protests 2 weeks ago it's estimated around 10 mexican women are murdered every day the murder rate has risen since covert $900.00 stay at home rules were implemented in march. police and military personnel in indonesia's powerful province of stopped in antigovernment protests by university students there demanding the scrapping of the region's special autonomy law and so-called autonomy funs protesters say the government system hasn't improved their lives instead of additional funding they want independence for the region now. are you kate cause has decided to allow ride share company to keep its operating license in
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london transport authorities in the u.k. capital had denied its license to operate in 2019 they said that was because of safety and security breaches joan hall is in london with the latest transport for london the body that regulates and oversees public transport in the capital denied . a license back in november last year for the 2nd time in fact citing safety concerns specifically a glitch on the company's app that has allowed a number of drivers to falsify their identity by putting up fake photographs that lead to allegedly thousands of basically unlicensed and therefore uninsured rides putting obviously passenger safety at risk had always denied the extent of the problem but not necessarily that the problem had existed there during the 4 day hearing here a number of serious quote serious and alarming failings putting passengers at risk
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but said that they've worked hard to address regulators concerns in the end the judge here the westminster magistrate's court essentially concurred saying that we may not have a perfect safety record but that it has seen an improving picture with extensive measures implemented to reduce into dence therefore finding that it was indeed fit and proper to have a license for private hire here in london now one of the parties to the case against the licensed taxi drivers association that's the body that regulates all the famous london black taxis said that essentially those admissions by the company were a company trying to pull the wool over the courts eyes by giving the impression that the problem had entirely gone away. it was too big to regulate effectively but too big to fail. indonesia's government is close to completing a national mapping project which is says will help solve disputes over land ownership indigenous communities say they've been excluded from the process though
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jessica washington reports from jakarta indonesia is west timor people have been left to pick up the pieces of their demolished community you know almost sadly this is what's left of my home after the local government tore it down i don't have a house anymore now i have to live under a tree. and organise the local government to. firing tear gas and tearing down their houses only a few development. they offered to relocate us but they immediately tore down our houses before the replacement houses were even ready since then they've been living in tents the local government says the land has huge potential and needs to be developed for agriculture none of them but that doesn't mean they've got the lancets if it is a state document we told them take the local government to court let the court decide who the rightful owner is. disputes like this are common across indonesia
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corporation's local governments and indigenous communities are often at odds over who owns what land it's a problem the government says it wants to resolve its. policy song it is to solve the problem of land overlap so we're dealing with problems that occurred in the past like comics. for almost 10 years indonesia's government has been working on a complete database of maps to help minimize overlapping land disputes now the government says the project is almost complete but indigenous communities say they've been excluded from the process activists say the mapping process has been opaque and closed off. the state considers these indigenous people is living on land which doesn't belong to them and with its power tries to stop their efforts to fight for their land. montana local leader of the indigenous can abandon unity was arrested accused of stealing chainsaws being used to cut down trees in the forests
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want. he says the government always sides with corporations who he accuses of encroaching on bare land and he's skeptical that the government has any real intention to protect indigenous communities. and when it comes to relations with the investors indigenous people are always the ones left defeated he says they like many indigenous communities all over indonesia will never stop fighting to protect their land jessica washington al-jazeera jakarta. take you through some of the headlines here in al-jazeera now armenia and as a reef forces are exchanging fire for a 2nd day in the occupied nagorno-karabakh region as a by john has authorized a partial military mobilization.
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