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tv   [untitled]    September 29, 2020 9:30pm-10:01pm +03

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with 15 percent statistical unemployment but this is part of a new government initiative to move people off the 5 eastern a-g. an island which have reception centers because of the fire that destroyed europe's biggest refugee camp in moria on the island of lesbos there is now renewed urgency to relieve those islands of people where there are still tens of thousands and to start bringing them on to the mainland the government has priority unaccompanied minors those were moved weeks ago now they're moving people who received her asylum and should no longer have been housed in refugee perception centers on those islands this is the beginning of this new initiative. still to come here on the news for you the pandemics perfect storm rising unemployment and hunger worldwide workers in the philippines and they haven't had enough food for months. at a pivotal moment in the most divisive us elections and living memory we'll look ahead to the 1st bite trump debate. in sport the grandslam 1st time making an
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impact at the french open. skies across much of the middle east which is of course this time of year beginning to come back than through the eastern end of the med a nice on shore braze wanted to further to the north and has some showers within it but as you can see here clear skies across the. we've got the beautiful mountains as a backdrop a cool snow to the mountain top but there is some rain on the way as we go through wednesday it will move out of northern as areas of. sections of pakistan to the south and the fine enjoy want to tease scattered showers across into iran and again there but he working the way. northern sections of turkey heavy on thursday to the
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south 10 which is a feeling pretty good 28 in beirut and 27 in jerusalem still warm them assim to 40 celsius down into doha now central africa. and typically this time of year those rays begin to push again further towards the south very widespread across amazing zimbabwe butts wanna roll say more eastern and central areas all the south africa really for the next couple of days but also on thursday want to see showers along the south coast here with these temperatures a little bit low 14 in cape town the same importance both and they what. with a high of 90. corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. against corruption corruption is not something to be told that there. isn't one african. country he's
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even let's destroy this wall. in 2020 the free space i want to come in just the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. shine a light on your anti corruption here. nominate not. through the noise journal and the hacker community find a way to tell this story for the record i find they really know. where they live and you're monitoring the media listening post on al-jazeera.
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you're watching the al-jazeera news coming to you live from the top story the emir of kuwait shakes up a lot when al sabah has died at the age of 91 he was hailed as a mediator across the middle east alsop of the country from 2006 but it spent decades shaping foreign policy. the crown prince shaikh now or. is expected to be sworn in as the next in here on weapons day he was called on by the cabinet to succeed his half brother. diplomatic efforts are underway to stop the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan in the unabomber region but on the ground fierce fighting does continue dozens of people including soldiers and civilians have died in the last 3 days. ok let's get more on our top story the death of the kuwaiti amee and joining us from washington is general fear stein he's these arrests of 4
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gulf affairs at the middle east institute he also served as the deputy assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs under president obama mr fierstein welcome to the news. if it were possible to talk to your former boss barack obama or any world leader that you have engaged with if they described to me the former. of kuwait's was he an easy person to work with. i think that he was not only the easy person to work with but he was somebody with whom one could find real. a real fundamental understanding and agreement and so for example in 2014 what we saw are. some friction inside of the g.c.c. we work very closely the obama administration worked very closely with the amir on
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resolving that issue and bringing the parties back together again so he was somebody who we knew well we understood very well and i think he understood us very well it seems to me as if with him running everything it's almost like kuwait was kind of like a scandinavian country almost like for finland is to international diplomacy through european prism kuwait kind of occupy the same space in the middle east there seems to be the starting point of always see the other guys point of view we may not agree on area one but we can certainly agree on area too. is it interesting analogy but i think that you're absolutely right i think if you look at particularly if you look at the steps that kuwait took in the post 1991 period to try to resolve the issues with iraq
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including there being willing to forego some of the debt repayments the reparations that the iraqis were were. ordered by the you know day sions to provide in order to help stabilize the situation inside iraq the role that he played of course of the g.c.c. internal tensions as well as his willingness to reach out to iran and see whether there was some basis for resolutions for understanding between the g.c.c. states and iran in all of these areas kuwait play a leading role and then report role and try to reduce tensions his half brother is being sworn in as a mia at 11 am local time tomorrow morning so do you think you'll bring perhaps a fresh energy because there are issues in this region that kuwait was involved
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with not least trying to bring some sort of calm as a starting point to what's going on in yemen. i think. perfectly plausible and i think you could liken it to the situation in oamaru where this year. sorts out could lose the other grand ole. g.c.s.e. or passed away. the this movie trailers issue there. one would hope that you will see the same kind of situation in kuwait where even with the change in leadership you'll see a continuity at positions of power sees how that will be an important contribution to calming the situation in the region mr fay is trying really good to get your thoughts at this difficult time in this region where i'm sitting right now but really good to talk to you thank you so much for coming out it's a pleasure but there is no corner anywhere in the world no group of people that
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have not been affected in some way by the pandemic covert 19 but studies are showing some groups are worse affected than others indigenous people have been hit badly worldwide a lack of adequate medical care tight knit communities and often remote communities too and discrimination all being blamed in the us native americans they are more than 3 and a half times more likely to be diagnosed with covert 19 than white people let's talk now to desi rodriguez lone bear she is assistant professor of sociology and american indian studies at the university of california in los angeles she joins us now from the northern china indian reservation in montana on skype rodriguez alone bear welcome to the news hour here on al-jazeera for indigenous peoples in the u.s. how bad is it being. you know we are in a state of crisis here there are over 500 tribes in over 300 reservations and we're
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see far far higher rates of coverage incidence and also kobe deaths then in the mainstream population and we are in crisis give me an idea if you were to extrapolate the percentages when it hits indigenous peoples in the u.s. if that was reflected or projected to the wider population you know where we're talking to because the wider population is a 1000000 if it was indigenous numbers projected across the general population what would the figure be. the issue is that the data are really difficult to trust right now my dad out you know we have different numbers coming out of tribal data as it stands state that is the dems in the federal data systems so i can't even tell you with any certainty the number of people on my reservation who have counted 19 but what i can tell you is the numbers that are dying so we've had out we're losing one person every day in our reservation and we have 5000 people on our reservation
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which is very small and so view if you look up by the proportion of deaths on my reservation to the united states population as a whole we would be looking at $1300000.00 americans who would have died from cold at 19 and so that's the circumstances that we're facing on reservations and my tribe is not alone and that i'm other tribes are just are getting hit just as hard and even harder is this is the way that your communities are being hit is it an amalgam of different reasons or is there one thing i mean i'm thinking you know people are focusing in on the idea of quarantining just after you say travel around the world because we're all beginning to think about traveling again but how do you quarantine if i imagine people in your community we're talking about relatively small properties with relatively big families how do you quarantine a house if you're one of a family of 10 or 12. i mean that's the question that we are trying to answer to save lives right now you know where our household sizes are you know 101215 they're
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intergenerational they have everybody from babies to elders who we know are vulnerable and so right now you know testing out we're we're getting testing off the ground a pretty effectively but it's the entire public health response after testy that is the big struggle what happens with quantity what about contact rates and you know what what it what it reflects is the tremendous breakdown and the federal responsibility to provide health care to native nations in this country it's a treaty right and we're seeing the federal government having not holding up to its end of the bargain all the parallels. between your country your community members and also what happened in care homes and the issue to do with care homes happened around the world it happened in europe are happening can that there happened in the united states where the care homes kind of disappeared off the radar for the 1st 2 and
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a half or 3 months of the outbreak of the pandemic and then because the medical world spoke to the federal government spoke to president spoke to prime ministers then they engaged with it do you get the sense the that your federal government or your state government is heading in the right direction but is very much playing catch up. oh i mean we have been sitting in crisis for months and that extends to not just the federal government but state and local governments and tribal governments tribes are sovereign nation we have our own president our own legislature and so our tribal governments have also been sitting in crisis and now we're seeing you know the outcome of that which is you know nah not being prepared we're seeing that there is no you know central kind of plan in place and there's a lot of money that needs to be spent by the federal government. you know that the investment into tribal nations will cope with response but that money has to be
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spent by the end of the year and a burden some are quire meant that are constraining that expenditure is killing our people ok does he this is an important story that needs to be told thank you so much for joining us as you were 3 years alone where they're talking to us from the cheyenne indian reservation in montana and the pandemic has led to massive job losses in the philippines many are going hungry as the country struggles with its 1st recession in nearly 30 years millions of families have reportedly not getting enough food over the last 3 months john allen duggan has that story from manila. amplify the bin says his family feels lucky if they are able to eat 3 times a day he used to earn an equivalent of 6 u.s. dollars a day selling food but now he says he's happy if he's able to bring home for. we've been hungry says march in the 1st 2 weeks of the lockdown they finished off the very late that cash we had as his who could that clearly go out the work he
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just borrowed money. many people here are in a similar position they used to be part of what the government calls the informal sector they're either self employed or run businesses providing goods and services but now they tell as many people here have lost their jobs and some have resorted to begging. and it isn't happening in the capital manila alone local survey shows at least 7000000 families have experienced hunger at least once in the past 3 months that's a record high of more than 30 percent the highest incidence of hunger since 2014 the survey comes as the country is well into its 7th month of community quarantine one of the longest ever implemented by a government in the world the philippine government imposed a lockdown with the coronavirus pandemic broke out but it pushed the country into one of its worst economic recession in decades the government says it is doing the
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best it can it has given out cash to millions of filipinos and says it hopes to give more they are not without the bill because. that is why we are developing the economy to restart jobs and to generate more income for those most affected but others say more could be done there has been permanent damage done to label good jobs and there needs to be a more sustained response to this problem i think we need to dispel that notion that there isn't enough funding there is funding it's just not being used in the more appropriate interventions there is enough funding for infrastructure projects of local politicians this is a community inside one of the country's top business districts people here tell us life has always been difficult but now they fear it is getting worse jim duggan al
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jazeera manila. and you group conceived by the murdered journalist jamal has been launched 2 years after his death the nonprofit organization laid out its new research initiatives to promote democracy efforts and to support political exiles across the region today article hain was a launch event in washington. as we approach the 2nd anniversary of the brutal murder of a journalist a moment shoji at the hands of saudi arabian officials his colleagues his friends they're launching an effort that he was working on before he was murdered it's called dawn stands for democracy in the arab world now they say eventually they hope to cover the entire arab world but for now they're just going to focus on what they see as wrong doing in saudi arabia egypt the united arab emirates they have to give a platform to dissidents to expose what they say is wrong doing in those countries and also to put pressure on american officials they say that this is in fact the legacy of jamal khashoggi and that they are trying to honor it as they approached
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the 2nd anniversary of his murder. the afghan government's top negotiator for peace talks is in pakistan abdullah abdullah has met the pakistani prime minister imran khan the talks a part of the negotiations between the afghan government and the taliban being held in qatar like a stone and afghanistan a tense relationship in the past. president donald trump and democratic nominee joe biden will face off later on tuesday in the 1st of 3 presidential debates john hendren reports from cleveland on what to expect from this 1st direct showed up. there will be no pats on the back no shoulder rubs and no handshakes this time for a very different reason american presidential debates are supposed to be about policy differences and there will be distinctions on coronavirus the economy and racial justice with the biggest contrast will be a colossal clash of personalities joe biden son of
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a used car salesman this is been the most corrupt administration in modern. versus donald trump a self described billionaire who has paid his literally nearly taxes that some families pay for a month's rent as biden points out in this ad. or in trump's telling a successful entrepreneur versus a radical dotard they will deliver a crippling shutdown interstate you will have if sleepy joe biden becomes press 1st of all you can have a massive tax increase you're going to see interest rates go through the ceiling you will have a depression the likes of which this country has never seen before and despite a lack of evidence the victim of a concerted campaign by dark forces to defraud the election and stop with this nonsense because we're going to be counting ballots medics 2 years the president has made it clear as always he'll be on the attack one of the aim for the trump campaign is to try and show that biden is not competent to show him stumbling and
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so the more they can get him off his game the better one tactic he's used before target biden's son hunter which prompted this angry response when a voter tried it so you have. the debate is being held in ohio a state that often decides elections in the middle of a pandemic on the campus of one of the nation's most prestigious medical centers. biden is expected to go after trump's coronavirus credentials noting that he told a reporter who knew how deadly the virus was even as he was telling voters it would magically disappear. if people know the president's a liar i mean they know that it's not like it's. going to come as a surprise and so i'm prepared to go out and make my case as to why i think he's failed when it's over if history is any guide both will declare victory until the next debate john hendren elgar's era cleveland. and you can catch that debate
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all of it right here on al-jazeera later on this channel from one hour g.m.t. that's all weapons day morning. still to come here on the news of my. fans of the tampa bay lightning a hockey team celebrate the team's title success from a distance source here with that story when we come back. business leaders his vote to buy no brass pot.
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business leaders is both to buy no brass paul. why. you're the only. time for sports because our thanks to the pizza got some exciting news for world
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number one novak djokovic she may have book to spot on the 2nd round of the french open but the serbian star was on the receiving end of what's arguably been the shot of the tournament so far 22 year old swede mikhail even outfoxing him with what's known as the tweener it's even a himself just which seal of approval other than that moment of brilliance struck which had a little trouble seeing off in murdock in only 5 games in a straight sets win. daniel medvedev terrible record at the end at the event though it has continued now the russian for steve lost in the 1st round to marte on food part of it shows how angry the president has never won a match at the tournament and women's 8th seed carolina place has made it into round 2 bouts it's been a lot tougher for her than expected losing the 1st set to egypt's mio shitty fus the 1st woman from country to qualify for the main draw of a grand slam despite that risk over hits back and went on to take the match in 3
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set. conditions not easy and i think she also played to that it better than i may resort because i didn't know much but. i mean let's not talk about my level i see there is big room for improvement but it is what it is and i'm in the next round which counts. australian open champion so here ken an over came amid much stumps of progress she dropped the 2nd set to wald 125 live near last time some over recovered so when in 3 sets. and there was also victory for grandstand it's an irene a bar otherworld $142.00 pulling off a major shock she jumps how 26 feet down a kitchen straight in straight sets. the time for by a lightning how beats in the dallas stars to win the national hockey league stanley cup it was the last acts in a season that one point looked quite unlikely to finish as far as my has this report. the famous old trophy and fireworks were all
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in place for the end of the national hockey league season but the fans were still missing the tampa bay lightning lifting the stanley cup with only themselves for company about for starters you obviously were the family and friends to be there but without the support from back home. so many emotions at the same time start to start to the point but it's after 2 months of hockey in value secure buffers in canada the dallas stars had to leave in game 6 to extend their stay in isolation but luck does seem to be on their side to come up with the lightning struck in the 1st period. or even point with the. late coleman added a 2nd and his team were on their way to their 1st stanley cup win since 2004 b.
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was. the it's always the best moment over over hockey wise but. you know so much so many emotions it's not going to be able to it's going to take months maybe to for this to sink in but. we're going to be sure appearance for ever . tempest fans were left celebrating thousands of kilometers away in a different country the league is yet to decide if fans will be allowed to witness the action in person sees the. forest al-jazeera. myna feldstein the tennessee titans of acted swiftly to contain a coronavirus outbreak at the french eyes they've had to suspend in person activities through friday as off the 3 players and 5 personnel tested positive for the 19 and staying with american football and quarterback patrick moore holmes of the kansas city chiefs has hit another career milestone in his team's 3420 win over the baltimore ravens more homes reach 10000 passing yards in just 34 games now that
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is an n.f.l. record and this game he threw for top touchdown passes and completed the rushing touchdown for the reigning super bowl champions we are usually at a game. every single week baggage preparation they are. being researched. i mean all of all they look great job really stated. in this great game plan so that we can get rich. and asian champions cats on now know that's hoss they'll be facing as guests and trends on next year's gold cup katsav been drawn with panama and going on to for the tournament involving countries from north and central america katz says guessing ready to play in the fs well cup where the country host the 2 events in 2020. plus seoul sports so maybe i'll be back in a couple of hours might see pizza so thank you very much lauren is next i'll see you tomorrow from 15 g.
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don't forget presidential debates and one cheap so you sort of. corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence by. going uphill is not something to be told that it. is a friggin. country his. let's destroy this war. in 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against
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corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. shine a light on your anticorruption here i. nominate now. toba anandi 0 was only a month left until election day candidates are warming up for the big day with a series of debates with a diverse range of stories from across the al-jazeera correspondent takes a man's mind to stories that have impacted on jan states it's 2 years since the brutal killing of a saudi journalist we look at the impact of the murder of jim alfred george al-jazeera is emmy award winning play green lights retains for the series on the u.s. communities most in conflict 19 with growing tensions between greece and turkey in the mediterranean we'll explain how the dispute could the secular in the self declared republic of northern cyprus october on al-jazeera understand the
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differences and similarities of cultures across the. land we take it we'll bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. kuwait in mourning after its america shakes. dies in the united states at the age of 91 the medical weight was an extraordinary symbol of wisdom and generosity. played on our entire this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. as the fighting intensifies between azerbaijan and armenia in nagorno-karabakh amenia accuses turkey is shooting down one of its fighter jets.


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