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tv   [untitled]    October 1, 2020 2:00am-2:31am +03

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it was to me researchers wanted to see if reintroduction of narcotics was a viable option to save some of these population. tecno on al-jazeera. daily coronavirus deaths above a 1000 again in brazil while doctors and they bring peru's accuse the government to failing to stop spiralling infections. hello i money and syeed this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. would you she wasn't really sure who is on your list joe changes promised for u.s. presidential debates off to donald trump and joe biden's 1st encounter is dominated by interruptions and insults. a
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minion azerbaijan's say they'll keep fighting over a disputed region rejecting international calls for talks. on one of the most wanted suspects in the rwanda genocide is to be handed over to the un the trial. brazil has recorded more than a 1000 coronavirus deaths in a day for the 2nd time in 2 weeks it brings the total number of known fatalities to around 143002nd only to the united states more than 4700000 infections have been reported in brazil since the outbreak began. let's go to our correspondent monica yant a-q. she joins us live from rio de janeiro monica what is the reason for these
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increasing numbers. well everybody is out in about as if nothing were happening that's pretty much the case for example it's very hot here in rio de janeiro it's winter but it's been very hot it's a very hot season all over brazil and people are out on the beach no social distancing no masks they're out in bars and restaurants and the government also doesn't give a good example the president himself is the one that likes wearing masks so people have just been walking around as if nothing much is happening although in the last 2 months just in the last 2 months 40000 people died so it's spreading because nobody is really taking any measures although the country's government is pushing for a vaccine to be to be administered by december what is the latest on that.
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well the latest is that the government the state of some paulo which is the richest in brazil it already signed an agreement with the chinese if the governor announced today they will be receiving $46000000.00 doses of the signal back vaccine and they plan to start vaccinating health care professionals as of december 15th that's one state on the other hand in rio de janeiro they're also working together with the ox for with oxford university so they're developing that vaccine and 2 other states which are not. are working with the russians on the sputnik 5 vaccines so there's a lot of work being done for the vaccines but the one that seems the most ahead of
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everybody else seems to be the so no vaccine from china want to joining us there live from rio de janeiro many thanks well in neighboring cameroon thousands of health care workers are on strike demanding better equipment to find an outbreak that spiralling fast as recorded more than 800000 cases and has one of the highest death rates in the world manual repeller reports. in peru's capital lima health care workers are on strike. the 48 hour walkout was organized by more than 9000 doctors and other medical professionals employed by the government being the that by the arrival of me any sacrifice the doctor takes on the streets will translate into better quality of care we're not asking for a pay rise what we're asking for is already to manju for by law and was an all job . protests over poor working conditions and the shortage of medical supplies began
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on tuesday as peru's president might of been visited the national university in san marcos where the 1st. clinical trials for a potential covert 19 vaccine or being helped to give we're not here when we are ending phase 3 and it's good through was one of the few countries chosen by sign a form to carry out trials of the chinese vaccine and starting next week this johnson and johnson with the united states vaccine and also the astra zeneca vaccine from the united kingdom there is also a german vaccine everyone is willing to do the clinical tests here and that's a good thing because it will mean we know how our own people will react coronavirus cases in peru recently surpassed 800000 which is one of the highest contagion rates in the world and although there are signs the contagion has slowed experts say that self isolation and social distancing are still necessary illegal is a risk is thinking that this decrease means that everything ended if people let their guard down the people that have been cautious let their guard down and start
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to go out they begin to expose themselves we could 'd see what's called a 2nd wave if a lifting of restrictions in the country has also meant cemeteries are now allowing visits from family members who have lost loved ones to the virus peru has recorded more than 32000 deaths from hope at 19 representing the 3rd highest death toll in latin america but was it up a little al-jazeera. u.s. president donald trump has backtracked his message about a far right group off to chaos 2nd best 1st presidential debate he refused to condemn a white supremacist group white house correspondent kimberly hellcat has more. just today after a contentious presidential debate u.s. president donald trump attempted to distance himself from a group many consider to be a white supremacist organization i don't know who the proud boys are be you have to
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give me a definition because i really don't know who they are i can only say they have to stand let law enforcement do their work the prob ois are an eel fascist group that gained notoriety during that debate would trump was asked to denounce white supremacy sure you were american do that do it what do you want to call him give me a name give me a why is a problem he doesn't want your library to grow as a son right proud of my boys stand back and stand by many consider the proud boys a hate group its members marched at the unite the right rally in 2017 in charlottesville virginia and more recently have marched against black lives matter protests a social media the group has taken the president's statement as marching orders standing by sir one member wrote what we saw was a dog whistle through a bullhorn. is not pretending to be anything other than what he is someone who will not condemn white supremacists someone who cannot say the phrase black lives matter
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and on wednesday at a campaign stop in ohio democratic presidential nominee joe biden sent this message . to the proud boys and every other word supremacist group is cease and desist that's not who we are the white house is defending trump it notes last week he declared the k.k.k. a terrorist organization and lynching a hate crime. they charge that biden has failed to denounce the actions of anti fuck kolisch and of left wing activists but i'll tell you what i'll tell you what somebody has got to do something about anti for and the left because this is not a right as the republicans and teachers an idea not only. i'm going to say you got it not for a nation of broiled it ongoing social unrest the exchange has only added to the emmys felt by many americans with the u.s. election now less than 5 weeks away both cat it's hit the campaign trail to play of
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their strikes downplay the blunders of the 1st presidential debate can really help in al-jazeera the white house. the group that manages the election debate says it will make changes to bring order to the final 2 contests between trump and biden there are reports this could include shutting off microphones there's been widespread criticism off the insults and the interruptions that dominated the debate joining us now is our own cole author and directs have to buy at the university of michigan many thanks for joining us you were actually there last night at the media finding sent to jaring the debates in cleveland what did you make of it yeah it was a very explosive debate i think we knew that president trump was going to be aggressive in attack joe biden on his family and things like that but i don't think anybody. predicted what we saw was 90 minutes of constant interruptions and talking
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over probably the worst presidential debate of all time and just not very useful to those undecided voters and as you mentioned given the criticism for what happened last night the commission is thinking about making changes for the next 2 debates but that will be controversial as well and we'll have to see what's agreed upon by all parties yeah i mean a said the group says that they're going to introduce new new rules to keep the debate in check but from what we were seeing the rules when really the problem. the problem was a was when followed so how do you keep someone like donald trump on track. i think it's impossible and he's the president united states so there's no moderator that has the credibility you know to really 2nd guess a natural power dynamic that exists and will be impossible to always force rules when you could cut off a microphone but we've had primary presidential debates ronald reagan was famous in 1908 during
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a republican primary debate for saying you know how dare you turn off my microphone i paid for that i deserve to be here and that really helped him politically so you know even back watching as the moderators could could help candidates politically but the good thing is the next debate it's in miami it's a town hall debate and i think it be very unlikely if candidates interrupted each other while they were while they were speaking to undecided voters you know it's totally different there's undecided voters in the crowd and that would hopefully make for a better more substantive debate for the next one in miami well explain explain to us the format for the next debate how exactly does that whack and why do you think that's going to go any better. it's a town hall and gallup organization picks voters that haven't made up their mind between the 2 candidates they invite them to the audience and then call on them appropriately with questions and both candidates have to answer the question of a particular voter and so in a storage plea the candidates don't stand behind lecterns they they sit on
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a chair and then when they address the question they go walk up to the voter make eye contact with them and just talk directly to them so it would be very off putting very rude if while one of the candidates speaking directly to someone in the crowd of voters it's undecided that they would interrupt that because it's just a different dynamic that you debaters aren't speaking directly to each other they're basically speaking as proxies through these undecided voters and now there's certainly no guarantee last time in 2016 the st louis debate donald trump kind of followed hillary clinton around the stage like a shark and so there's no full proof plan but i do think the dynamic set up for a little bit more cordial and civic debate just given the unique format of the town hall and that that debate goes back to yesterday's format what kind of new rules could be commissioned to make things go you know most need. yeah they could they could give the moderator discretion to cut off the microphone when appropriate but there's you know inherent dangers in that and there's technological
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problems and you know you could have issues that arise you could try to just ban you know any kind of interruptions at all and threaten to you know to end the debate in the middle maybe have a formal agreement that the candidates agree to you know in writing or something that they publish to let everyone see but there's no full proof way to do it and it's just you know ultimately i think if nothing else not that the rules that prohibit donald trump from. from interrupting the future it's going to be that most people thought that joe biden won the debate one poll c.n.n. had a $32.00 point margin and so it's going to be the backlash from the audience the backlash from the voters that cause the candidates to do that for behaviors now while both candidates interrupted donald trump you know analysis shows in interrupted 75 percent more of the time and so it's not quite equal that you know both of them did bad things and so a negative reaction by undecided voters could cause that both candidates especially present time to change his behavior and. you know.
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let's take a look at the news ahead a family suffering made west when a great. one could hold. the new america wait to be late. to class. but. still no sign of any rain in the forecast across western parts of the u.s. santa ana winds that's a warm dry wind still causing further problems. can set up plenty of cloud over towards the eastern side of the country stretching up into that eastern side of canada that a roll through as we go through thursday showers stomping out of canada out of
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ontario a quick back down across the midwest and what a weather to just out into the southeastern corner of the u.s. but the central parts of it was the west there you go is bone dry more hot sunshine l.a. getting up to 38 celsius and still a good deal hotter still in phoenix touching 4041 over the next day of say friday presents a similar picture still some wet weather just around the lakes but around much of the eastern seaboard we have got some what a weather just into the far south of florida and that could lead to some localized flooding so as a flooding into the caribbean so a little cloud just storms moving into central areas and that's certainly one to keep an eye on over the next day or so might even develop into a tropical storm is just a wave at the moment it's going to make its way up towards the yucatan peninsula with some very heavy rain as we make our way through the weekend with the risk of flooding further shows by this stage also affecting the east.
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of all my friends and point to some were detained by him during the one survived they were waiting for news of their menfolk and was only one word on the legitimacy of the saw a boy killed in his father's arms i saw a man killed next to his son i have only once in my life see man are scared to death one of the bosnian war is darkest secrets bosnia the count on al jazeera.
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it watching al-jazeera mind of our top stories this hour brazil has registered more than a 1000 coronavirus deaths for the 1st time in 2 weeks it brings the total number of fatalities that iran 143002nd only to the united states. the group that manages the u.s. presidential debate says it will make changes to the format of to widespread criticism tuesday's debate is marred by personal attacks and constant interruptions there's no word yet on what those changes will look like. international pressure is growing on armenia and azerbaijan to end the conflict over the disputed region of nichole macau back both sides are reporting more civilian and military casualties off to a 4th day of fighting the french president and money mccall and russia's vladimir putin have called for a cease fire but as airy and a minion leaders are refusing to budge robin force or walker reports from tbilisi.
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the only god this is new going to care about x. deadly new war films by new site head could am on the armenian front lines. then. you can hear the sound of a drone. soldiers desperately try to shoot down a median forces have dug in but as a by john says this war will end only with the return of the disputed territory. the cost of that war so far the numbers of azeri dead and wounded is a secret known only to the as their leadership a mandate. we have only one condition armenia must leave our lands if the armenian government complies with this agreement the fighting will stop there will be no bloodshed there will be peace peace will come to our region these images show what
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armenians defense ministry claims is one of its fighter aircraft shot down by a turkish f. 16 of the armenian airspace. on wednesday army went even further it accused turkey of actually controlling aerial combat operations a charge as a by john in turkey both strenuously deny but turkey certainly gives moral support to what it sees as its turkish speaking brother in arms that is a dangerous game says president emanuel mccrum of france another mediator between the 2 sides. as you are at this stage i remain extremely cautious but we know it's an extremely volatile situation that said i have noted turkey's political declarations in favor of azerbaijan which i think are inconsiderate and dangerous france as part of the minsk group which requires the impartiality which explains my caution remains extremely concerned by the warlike messages coming from turkey in
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the last few hours which essentially remove any of us or by johns in his visions in reconquering the garneau card and that we want to accept. more men gather outside conscription offices to sign up for battle or don't go there because there is no there is no fear and country needs us will go as far as necessary for our country. many of these reservists went even born when azerbaijan lost karabakh to armenian separatists in the 1990 s. now they're on their way to fight for a land medians and desire he's hold the kid we were waiting for this day i hope will liberate karabakh i hope all our soldiers return safely. back these are the hellish conditions they will face on the front. high tech heavy weaponry with old fashioned trench warfare. that shows no sign of renouncing. robin foresty
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a walker al jazeera tbilisi. rockets have been fired at us and iraqi airport where u.s. troops is stationed it happened only hours after the prime minister pledged to protect foreign missions there were no reports of damage or casualties after the 6 rockets landed near ports kurdish security forces have blamed the popular mobilisation forces a paramilitary force with close ties to iran but no group has officially claimed responsibility france's highest court has ruled that a suspect in the rwandan genocide can be sent to tanzania to face trial at a un backed course felicien is accused of helping to finance members of the hutu tribe who killed 800000 c.d.'s and moderate hutus in 1904 he's been held in a french jail since his arrest of his home outside paris earlier this year. had
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been on the run for more than 20 years. his name a book so many feelings for the victims of the genocide and for people in rwanda we've been through the arrest the court decision to extradite him and now we must hope that things can perceive so that he explains his actions before the court. and touched butler is in paris with more victims hopes for justice. there has been so long that so many people have waited to see police. finally sent to trial more than a quarter of a century he spent at large on the run evading the justice system until maybe this year when he was caught by french police in an apartment block in the paris suburb of and you also say and so the highest court in france has decided the police or could be can be handed over to un custody that will pave the way for him to peace and richer in tanzania to face the trial in an international court he is accused of being the main finance of their wonder and genocide of funding the ethnic militias
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that killed more than $800000.00 ethnic to seize and moderate hutus it is as i said for those survivors a really big moment he was one of the world's most wanted men police and computers lawyers though had wanted him to face trial in for they had said that he was old is a man in his eighty's and that he is a frail his health is no longer very good and they would he wouldn't be able to cope with being sent to russia but it seems the french court decided against that they decided he can indeed be extradited. more than 50 women in the democratic republic of congo have accused aid workers of sexually abusing them the allegations were made against stuff employed by the world health organization and other n.g.o.s the w.h.o. says it's investigating malcolm webb is following the story from nairobi.
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more than 50 women reported incidences in the report and they were describing incidences such as being ambushed in hospitals or into hotel rooms where aid workers would demand sex for jobs or threaten to terminate contracts if they refused. a lot of the jobs in question were for cooks or cleaners people being paid about 50 or $100.00 a week but got to understand this is a context where there are almost no formal jobs one of the allegations was from a survivor whose husband had been killed by the disease and she alleges that she was drugged and i believe that she was raped in one of these hotels where the abode of operations were being run from most of the allegations are against foreign mail workers 30 of the 50 in question are against workers of the un's world health organization others are against workers from congo his ministry of health and some of the other international organizations that were part of that response. place in
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the indian state it's up to the dash being accused of cremating the body of a victim of a horrific crime without her family's consent the case has led to protests against sexual violence and against india's caste system and reports was standing on the women of this village have turned to each other for comfort during a difficult time they are mourning the death of a daughter and a sister 19 year old was tortured in gang raped in india's future pradesh state her body was discovered by family members before she died of her injuries on tuesday. after they say the police made their suffering worse. cremating her body in the middle of the night against their wishes these pictures of her funeral pyre have further angered the local community in a case that shocked the nation. after the post-mortem was done in delhi we didn't even know that a body was sent home we were not asked for any approval late in the night they were
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forcing us to perform the last one. it's requested their latest take a home so a family members could see oh for one last time they didn't pay any heed to our request and performed her last rights we want justice we want strict legal action against them and we demand kept all punishment for the accused. local police say they had the families approval they've deployed officers around the area to maintain calm but the community is demanding justice was a victim families say they want those responsible to face the death penalty. the teenager's identity is protected by law but members of her community too often are not she was a doll it's a so-called untouchable and india's controversial caste system all the suspects are from an upper caste living right next door police have arrested 4 men in connection with the attack that's led to protest prime minister narendra modi has called for strict action against the accused as quickly as possible but many have accused his hindu nationalists b j p government of not protecting vulnerable communities or of all of this
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government is against the poor minorities labor is farmers and all of the marginalised six's of society they are against those who is suffering they slogan of removing poverty is all about eliminating. the state's chief minister yogi addict spoke to the victim's father on wednesday through video link this case is a reminder of a similar attack in 2012 when a 23 year old medical student died after being gang raped on a bus and delhi the attack prompted outrage and protests across india 4 men were executed for the crime earlier this year and laws were changed to provide further protection but it appears many women especially those in poor communities still face the same risks and are schapelle al-jazeera. kuwait's late. has been laid to rest a day off to his death a new america shaking that. has already been sworn in jamal l. sale reports. as he arrived at the national assembly to be sworn in kuwait's new
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emir received a standing ovation. she's now waffle ahmed to serve off the half brother of the late amir took the oath making him the 6th leader since the country gained independence today but is too little in ice with respect the constitution and the state's laws and to protect the rights of the people and their interests according to kuwait's constitution the parliaments must approve the appointment of a new leader it was a somber occasion to as the new leader struggled to contain his sadness at the passing of a leader loved by many in the law who are those who are interested in soprano who knew the law if with a woman who was the shortly after the swearing in the body of ship. arrived from the us where he was being treated before he passed. out i have to have a funeral was then held at the main mosque in the front row paying his respects was the emir of qatar shift i mean been head of the fanny kuwait has been one of the
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house closest friends in recent years under the stewardship of the late share the country positioned itself as a mediator a peace maker and a source of stability in a volatile region many hope she is no wife will do the same. the color of the quickie foreign policy will continue to be the same and that is to see that the region continues to be in peace and through conflict to be a result of dialogue we may see a small change in style. you know between shifts of a and and and what because they're 2 different people and we might see a small difference in style but i think the. fundamentals and the core if you like and the drives of. foreign policy will continue to be the same but there are challenges true that the new amir must tackle once the morning has ended kuwait has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic and has the worst budget deficits in its history it also needs to diversify its economy away from its reliance on oil
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production at 83 years old the new amir has been serving in senior leadership positions for more than half a century including his minister of interior and minister of defense house if no one comes to me tweets challenges is yet to be known but many would look to histories of every parent and prime minister to indicate what sorts of direction he intends to take. that is al-jazeera these are all the top stories brazil has registered more than a 1000 coronavirus tests for the 1st time in 2 weeks it brings a total number of fatalities that iran 143002nd only to the united states. monica yannick he has moved from. everybody is out and about as.


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