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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 2, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03

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what course will the country take struggles with often violent protests. on al-jazeera the usa is always of in fact the people all right the world people pay attention to what gets on here and i do see it is very good at bringing the news to the world from here. this is al-jazeera. this is the news hour life from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes donald trump and 1st lady melania test positive for cave at 19 the white house says the president is experiencing mild symptoms. while donald trump's campaign says all events featuring the president has spawned or will be held for actually just a month before the presidential election. the democratic presidential contender joe
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biden and his wife test negative for the virus following concerns about exposure at the presidential debate earlier this week. also the media says it could be open to a ceasefire as fighting rages in the to speak to the corner car back region. crowds in india defy a ban on protesters anger grows over the gang rape and murder of 2 women. so that the white house says that donald trump is in isolation and is experiencing mild cope with 900 symptoms and in the past few minutes we've heard all previously announced campaign events involving donald trump and his family are being perspire and or to be held virtually officials are now rushing to find those the president has come in close contact with in the past few days. the 1st lady and a c.b.s.
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aide have also tested positive a month out from election day the new uncertainty of the campaign trumps democratic rival j. biden and his wife have tested negative for the virus there were concerns about exposure during tuesday's debate the president does have miles sent and as as we look to try to. make sure that not only his health and safety and welfare is good we continue to look at that for all of the american people he continues to be not only in good spirits but very energetic we've talked a number of times this morning well the 1st lady also has mild coronavirus since however she said in a tweet that she's feeling good and thank people for the concern let's cross over to the white house now officials are standing by there and now the pressure in the building behind you they must be scrambling all my old morning and for the rest of
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the day no doubt how much concern is there for the president and what's the latest . well in a year of dramatic events in a presidency of dramatic events who would have thought of this is a plot twist just a month before the election yes the president is in the building behind me that's the residency here at the white house there are a number of rooms there and he is self isolating he's going to take part in normal business as normal on the foreign and fight made who is the chief of staff or you have from recently well he said that he's at least 6 things from the president to do today as you would expect and as you say the innocent from the trump campaign saying that they're going to respond all events involving the president for the foreseeable future or move them virtually clearly this is a sort of disease that can take its toll on people and they can't make fun plans at this stage we got the end i spent just after 1 am on friday morning it was
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a bit of a surprise but it is certainly through in this white house into a bit of chaos as my colleague and our white house correspondent kimberly no reports the shocking news came in a late night tweet from the white house president donald trump wrote tonight the 1st lady and i tested positive for coded 19 we will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately we will get through this together it's not known how despite elaborate precautions and constant coronavirus testing of white house officials the press corps and others in contact with trump how he contracted the virus but earlier one of trump's aides hope pics was confirmed to have tested positive. hicks a company trump to the debate in cleveland ohio on tuesday trump phoned into a fox television program on thursday and talked about hicks having been exposed
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it's a tough kind of a situation it's a terrible bank so i just went for it and we'll see what happens i mean who knows the white house physician sean conley said trump and the 1st lady are both well at this time that the white house medical team will maintain a vigilant watch malani a trump later tweeted we are feeling good trump has several risk factors the put him in danger of complications from covert 19 he's in his mid seventy's and overweight. we have to wait for the next few days. you know for some people get really sick within hours but you know some people don't get sick until week after and so we have to really be carefully observing the situation travis declined to wear a mask on many occasions looting at rallies where many of his supporters also scorned wearing
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a mask his entourage including family members went without masks at the tuesday debate trump even ridiculed democratic candidate joe biden for wearing a mask as recommended by virtually all public health experts i don't wear masks like him every time you see he's got a mask he could be speaking 200 feet away from it he shows up with the biggest mask i've ever seen if trump became seriously ill and was unable to carry out his duties the constitution provides for vice president mike pence to take over temporarily pence said he is praying for trump's recovery and on friday tested negative for covert nighty there can be no spin you can be you know harbor ups there has to be clear understanding of what is going on with this person's president united states because otherwise he's not a passage to take care of the business he will have to be by the 25th amendment transition has to occur. but
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a glaring question now is how the news will affect trump's reelection campaign he's already trailing nationally in certain key swing states it would seem the truck can ill afford to stay out of commission for a quarantine period of 2 weeks trump joins other world leaders including brazil's president and the u.k. prime minister who have also contracted the virus worldwide the death toll from covert 19 has exceeded 1000000 can really help it al-jazeera the white house. and what about that question the election campaign is just over a month away it's incredibly close to a certain amount of drama to say the least into into proceedings what all the implications no. well certainly joe biden can continue to campaign he has of the test in the last few hours that was negative we're told from the biden campaign that they went and formed by the white house and the donald trump had
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tested positive they only discovered it when the for head bit like everyone else on the t.v. just after 1 am in the morning joe biden has put out a statement saying that he hopes the president and the 1st lady recover and he will hold them in his prayers certainly don't trump won't be able to campaign he likes going out on a boat he feeds off the energy of the crowd any time he's been holding a rally you see the people behind them all waiting must still isn't the whole do intend to do that because they don't quite accept the science behind masks and that what makes this a difficult position for donald trump he's ridiculed those that were masks he has talked about joe biden being 200 yards away but the biden campaign has put in the socially distance protocols which have allowed to joe biden to go out to meet people and also they moved a lot of the campaign online so they've had on growing online fundraisers and rallies and town halls that's not something that the republicans have done much of
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and they now have to pivot to that particularly in the last and the next 2 weeks while donald trump is self isolating it will be hard for him to regain some of the ground because if you look at the opinion polls he's 8 percent behind nationally but what he's so much about the national polls look at the big the key swing states and he's also behind there he's also concerned about places like georgia and texas normally staunch republican seats. staunch republican states rather and he was planning to go to texas next week that's all up in the air he won't be doing that no that's been postponed until the foreseeable future because he's cold and he's no self isolating in that building behind me. and thanks a lot of fish there at the white house. while house speaker nancy pelosi said she's waiting for test results after being tested in hopes the president's illness brings about a change in policy towards the disease this is tragic it's very sad but it also
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is something that. is going into crowds unmasked and all the rest this is sort of a brazen invitation for something like this to happen it's sad that it did but nonetheless hopeful that it will be a transition to a saner approach to what this virus is all about well let's take this on we can speak to liz mair who's a republican strategist and in connecticut liz welcome to the program. of course has been a pretty defined to say the least in the face of medical advice and his approach towards mosques and so on he's now tested positive as we all know what are your thoughts about where we're at. yeah i mean this is very worrisome and very problematic at the end of the day donald trump has a number of other health conditions that put him in a prime demographic for getting a really bad case of this and being really adversely affected by it we know that it
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hits older men hard we know that people who have other preexisting conditions as he does tend to get harder hit harder by it and so this is very worrying whether one likes donald trump or not we want somebody who is in the presidency and he was serving as commander in chief who is able to do that job and we don't know if that's going to be the case as it stands given some of what we've seen with this illness the good news is yes mike pence has tested negative hopefully he will continue to do so i think mike pence has exercised more precautions with regard to things like masks and p.t. than donald trump has and so hopefully we have a safe pair of hands there regardless of what happens to donald trump and a 1st lady you know if they're not down for several weeks with a really bad illness but it is definitely worrying. absolutely and look we've got just over a month to go less than november 3rd it's no time at all 4 weeks before the election. how troubling is it to you as
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a republican that your president has not tested positive and it's just thrown his campaign into disarray. well i mean from my perspective i'm not voting for donald trump anyway i've always been an opponent of his from within the party but i think if i'm assuming to have somebody who's working on his campaign and trying to get him reelected you know it's very troubling because ultimately a lot of the way that he does gin up his base to turn out is by doing things like these rallies he's clearly not going to be able to do that one way or another at this point it also is going to interfere with what he's trying to do from a fundraising standpoint and joe biden has been raising massive amounts of money and so that's got to be very concerning if you are a trump supportive group public and heading into these final weeks you know you also may not end up having the benefit of the debates or having debates in a timely fashion because ultimately the next one is to occur within what would be a 14 day quarantine period so you know the whole thing really does throw everything right off the rails and i'm not sure anybody can do
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a project what's going to happen from here is a lot of speculation i know and i'm going to speculate on something else what do you think these events will do for those undecided voters who you know wavering one way or the other and then suddenly they see the president united states after all that everything that he's been coming out with during this demick suddenly coming down with the virus itself. well i mean 1st of all i think there are very few actual undecided voters at this point there are people who are trying to decide whether they vote and if so for him i don't think that there are many people who are trying to decide between trump and biden i think there may be some other people who are trying to also decide between one of those 2 you know and a 3rd party candidate but i just don't think there's a lot of competition between trump and biden right now i don't think that kind of undecided voter truly exists but you know for this small number of down and out there are i suspect what this is going to do is going to remind people that donald trump literally right now is probably about to be incapable of doing the job of
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being a president right if he gets even a little bit sick from this that's going to interfere with his ability to execute the job and it's going to show that he really has failed with regard to his handling of this entire crisis in this entire pandemic so i think that this is not going to be good for him where the swing voters do actually exist the flip side of that though is you know i heard nancy pelosi is remarks and i think that she has been relatively restrained and done a decent job of staying on message i do think there's a very good chance that some elected democrat comes out and starts basically doing a factory lap about this search hearing the fact that the president has got something that could potentially kill him and that are going to be really bad you know that could jennifer a lot of sympathy for donald trump where currently he does not have any and it could cause people to view this differently so 2 you know if i were advising the democratic party i would tell them to be extremely careful with what they say about
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this because one person goes rogue and goes off message and says something that's deeply inappropriate and offensive and that could cause some real issues for the election and how people ultimately see this is just great get your perspective do appreciate speaking to us from connecticut thank you. want to take a closer look at the president's health the president is 74 years old considered overweight both make a. high risk for coronavirus questions were raised about his condition in june when he appeared to have difficulty drinking water and coming down from the stage at an event but he dismissed concerns about his health and november last year trump made an unscheduled visit to the doctor for tests something that is usually noted in his public diary the white house said that he was in good health and during his campaign in 2016 trumper produced a note saying that he would be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency adultery later said that trump had written the letter himself let's
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speak now to dr priya. who's an infectious disease expert with the mayo clinic and she joins us live from rochester in minnesota dr welcome to the program. as the previous guest just discussed the president is in the prime demographic to get this badly at the moment he is apparently displaying mild symptoms could he from what we know of people developing from the disease once they get it could he get a lot worse yes so most people actually do have very mild symptoms initially 5 to 7 days into the illnesses when they're highest for them deteriorating rapidly so. having mild symptoms now doesn't mean that things couldn't change in the future so it's something that needs be watched very carefully the president of course he's advised by a medical physician physician is in the end who is not an epidemiologist does that
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matter. so when you're looking at an individual patient being in a big immediately just no longer matters but you need is someone who is trained to recognize early signs of deterioration and act to prevent anything and prevent him from getting worse so what he really needs is a really good clinician know now what about the process of contact tracing because trying to follow up with all the potential people that the president came into contact with over the last few days while he was infectious is a huge job just tell us a little bit about that. so typically when we do contact tracing in a in a medical setting if you try to find everybody that the index case has been in close contact quit warned them that they might have been exposed to cope it and therefore
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that they should avoid contact with a large number of other people and ideally they should you know quarantine themselves focal team days from that date of the contact. now when you have a massive bents like this it's really hard to contact each individual that might have been in contact with a very public figure and what is likely to happen is that media reports will be used to tell people anyone who attended news events should take precautions to prevent secondary transmission in the event that one of them but won't become infected with corba and was therefore a dangerous move for the president to continue with his schedule and go on to bed and. once he knew that his close aide who picks had already tested positive. so ideally when one of your contacts has tested positive then the 1st thing that
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should happen is that you should put yourself into what is 12 quarantines so 14 days from that day to blast exposure you could potentially get corona virus infection and so that's what we call quarantine preventives isolation to prevent transmission to other things once you of that that is what should a bite really happen once you yourself are infected band you go into what's called isolation and that's actually a shorter period ending of how you doing it could be anywhere from and it could be as a little as 10 days and it could go up to $10.00 to $20.00 days that you are in such as to others and need to to be isolated. preassembled can we do appreciate your expertise on this being very helpful thanks very much indeed thank you well donald trump is not the 1st world leader to contract the virus brazil's president john polson are tested positive back in july and british prime minister boris johnson was moved to an intensive care unit in april after contract yet he's tweeted to
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wish trump and his wife a speedy recovery is not in baba reports now from london. i think we all want to send our best wishes to the president and the 1st lady and i've done that this morning as you can imagine and i'm sure that they'll both stage a very strong recovery british prime minister boris johnson was one of the 1st world leaders to send a message of support on friday one that was informed no doubt by personal experience earlier this year i was at a hospital the other night where i think there are a few there are actually if you create a virus of patients like shook hands with everybody that admission in march attracted criticism for sending a dangerous message just weeks later soon after imposing a national lockdown the prime minister announced he tested positive for covered 19 it would be isolating i developed my old symptoms the coronavirus. he carried on working appearing outside 10 downing street for the weekly applause for health workers and looking on well he extended his self isolation then 9 days after
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testing positive he was admitted to this london hospital his colleagues insisting he was in good spirits and leading the government but 24 hours later the shock news was he'd been taken into an intensive care units he spent 3 nights there he was never on a ventilator but after ending his stay in hospital he said medical staff had saved his life after returning to work johnson who's 56 said he'd been way overweight before contracting the virus he started a personal fitness regime and a national anti obesity initiative. his reaction stands in sharp contrast to another leader who contract coronavirus brazilian president. from the start of the pandemic the 65 year old consistently downplayed how dangerous the virus was covered for i think what i mean are the this is him in march around the same time boris johnson was testing positive saying if he were infected it wouldn't bother him as it would only feel like a slight cold in july he did test positive but even after getting the all clear
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weeks later he continued to show disdain for mask wearing and social distancing. this week boris johnson was asked directly whether he'd fully recovered his idiomatic response suggested he felt better than ever i'm fitter than i was before i may it may it may irritate you to know i have to do that to the butcher's dog. thanks basically to losing weight but he also accepted that so-called long covert which has left thousands of people in the u.k. with serious problems months after contracting the virus clearly exists a reminder that truly recovering can never be taken for granted. al-jazeera well the world health organization is chief says he wishes both the u.s. president and the 1st lady a speedy recovery overnight we heard the president of the united states of america . and 1st lady. tested positive for coffee at 19
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i want to start today by wishing them was a full and swift recovery our prayers are with them. now media says it is ready to work with mediators to reestablish a cease fire and are going to care about fighting between armenia and azerbaijan forces over the disputed region have entered the 6th day leaving dozens of troops dead but smith is in the going to karabakh where he visited towns and villages in the firing line of his hearing forces. it's the safest place in town but everyone here is scared for 5 days the women and children of matteucci have been hiding in the town's bomb shelters well that is going to. say i've been here 6 days how should we feel my sons are on the frontline sometimes we managed to talk to them we're waiting for peace and for a victory and for our sons to return. throughout the night or when the air raid
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siren goes off this is where people run for cover. aboveground martinis largely abandoned the 1st mortars hit on sunday that's when fighting flared again between azerbaijan and the self-governing armenian enclave of nagorno-karabakh is the most serious confrontation since a ceasefire ended a war in 1904 that killed nearly 30000 military personnel. these rockets landed just short of march to these art school and you can see the extent of the devastation there this is right in the center. in this town not far from the front line between azerbaijan and armenia has been hit regularly since sunday by as air force. what i like the followers are of the well i'm lucky my head didn't blow off russ make background tells us. will hit him and shattered his shop and home as he sat down for lunch ross make is
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a veteran of the 1st war here which broke out when armenian majority karabakh broke away from azerbaijan during the breakup of the soviet union. your bottom line we survived somehow we found some bread it's enough what are we going to do i'm staying because everything i own is in the house and i want to look after it all. towns and villages all along the border with azerbaijan there in the firing line no one was home when this cluster of 4 homes was blown apart. myrtle knows that this is our village our home or should i go my children ask me why are you walking out in the village i say if i hear the sound of the bomb it's best if it hits me i won't even know it why should i be frightened and over this turkish animal. the leaders of armenia and azerbaijan say there's no we mediate likelihood of talks so they'll be more of this. and for those waiting for news of their sons and
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husbands plenty to worry about. but it's made out to 0 in nagorno-karabakh. what al-jazeera is seen in kosovo who spoke to azerbaijan's president in baquba bout the conflict heidi i have explained the situation from his country's point of view. at the 1st real moment his forces are in a battle over a disputed region azerbaijan's presence in how mali ever put the blame squarely on our minya the main reason is that i mean your doesn't want peace they want to keep our lands on the corporation for ever they don't want to change the status quo and this is a reason why i lasted so long because otherwise if i mean it demonstrated with a real the conflict would've been resolved many years ago. the battle is not only in the field but it's also being felt in the media and elsewhere both iranian as
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our bridge accuse each other of hiring foreign mercenaries to fight in a car. but the president denied any foreign involvement and that turkey shot down an armenian fighter jet this is fake news absolutely this a fake news as a says a turkish 16 shot down 25 to 25 had an accident but they say they have evidence to present where is evidence i think armenians control car of all but many in prime minister in the quote by shinya has now gone further and said. it's part of armenian soil while president accused their mania of causing this latest round of fighting. you really look at what our media did after the so-called revolution. during the last 2 years and was
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a clear we will see that they were. always provoking us and they were aiming at starting a new war as a reason to disrupt negotiations completely the conflict between us our bridge on and armenia doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon both sides have preconditions on any possible negotiations the dynamics of their internal politics are also of a concern. as are big john has vowed to retain what it considers very territory and say it's ready to destroy any threats coming from our main in soil there are many government ses it's ready to work with mediators but it warns any aggression towards not go in a car or a bar will receive every salutes response see namco solo al-jazeera but as our base. well you can watch the full interview with azerbaijan's president to limit
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live on top towards 0 on saturday the 0430 g.m.t. . and will also air an interview with the armenian prime minister nicola. on sunday that said 830 g m t. the united states has become the latest country to impose sanctions on batteries following its disputed presidential election is targeting 8 officials including the interior minister earlier the e.u. not sanctions on 40000000000 racine nationals all accused of force of find the results president alexander lukashenko is not currently on the list but the head of the european council has warned that could change. still ahead here on al-jazeera why a critic say the french president's plans to strengthen secularism will end up stigmatizing muslims. because for coming to you how one n.f.l. team is using these robots to help combat the coronavirus.
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hollow we've got some right in the forecast for pos of the middle east generally up around northern parts of the region up towards the black sea it was a caspian sea just around the coaxes you can see this little line of showers seen some showers recently in armenia on into georgia pushing a little further south and all the parts of iran could see some showers as we go through the next couple days although wise is very much a case of sunshine temperatures into the low to high twenty's across parts of the levant by rita $27.00 celsius in the temperature there for jerusalem still touching 40 degrees there for baghdad and for kuwait 38 in doha 14 back to about call it chilly 35 degrees celsius here on sunday a pleasant 35 shall we say a little more cloud across the western side of saudi arabian
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a chance of wanted to showers between mecca down towards that western side of yemen always in with a good chance of showers across central africa of course and there are rolling off the ethiopian highlands some heavier downpours now pushing across northern parts of democratic republic of the congo still some showers into central areas of angola what's the weather up towards lake victoria still seeing some other weather across the southern cape and also the eastern cape it does turn drought in the south but showers continue. corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. against corruption corruption is not something to be told that it. is not the african. no country his. let's destroy this wall. in
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2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. shine a light on your anti corruption hero. nominate now. on counting the cost tensions in the south china sea over shrinking fish stocks as beijing sends out a neighbor take its place plus responsible capitalism the investors who got the chief executive officer training up by counting the cost 0. 0.
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0 again you're watching your money top stories and the white house says the president donald trump is suffering from mild symptoms of coronavirus after testing positive it's now rushing to find other officials who might have been infected 1st lady and a senior aide also tested positive democratic presidential contender joe biden and his wife have tested negative there were concerns about exposure from tuesday's debate with donald trump. several senior officials are confirming negative tests including the secretary of state might compare who's in croatia he says he plans to go ahead with his asia trip next week vice president mike pence is also tested negative. democrat house speaker nancy pelosi said the plans for continuing government are in place and that it's tragic trumps habit of going into crowds without a mask was a phrase an invitation for something to happen. now people in india are defying a protest ban in the state of her pradesh following the recent gang rape and death of 2 women from the marginalised elec community the cases have reignited
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a national debate on sexual violence and a discriminatory cost system restart $100.00 reports it's also turned into a week of political attacks between the government and the opposition. and emergency lockdown and a ban on protests hasn't stopped people from gathering at this village. in india's northern states of it's a pradesh this is where a 19 year old one of 2 women from the marginalised community was gang raped recently resulting in her death was scuffles broke out between opposition politicians and the police i'm not gathered there or done it joy . when we were going to meet the doll it family they didn't let us go this policewoman pulled my blouse and beat one of our legislators with a baton she fell down. was. the 2nd victim was a 22 year old who died on her way to the hospital and she is day the same day as
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the 19 year old their cases have caused a national public outcry was protest as a blaming the government's police and what they say is a deeply entrenched discriminatory cost system for what happened to minority women . while the suspects from an opera cost community are in custody the police chief on thursday ruled out rape allegations in the case of the 1st victim just. it was clearly stated in the report of the forensic science department that the samples that were collected didn't show any trace of sperm this makes it clear that some people used this case to try to stir cast tensions and the state was a claim refuted by forensic experts in the victims' families who accuse the police of destroying evidence and cremating the body of 19 year old victim without her family's permission. facing heavy criticism the government has promised
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to fast track the cases it's human rights activists and the opposition blame it for allowing police to use excessive force against protesters including the detention of congress party leader raul gandhi and his sister on thursday. culpability is also completely asserted me it's not in the public domain if it's happening it's happening only in the level of the department and that doesn't build public trust it would build public trust of the police reported to the public this is why we have to take the action that we take. student pritish reid says police in delhi mistreated him during a protest on wednesday. police it seems you know is functioning with complete immunity there is really don't care if you file cases there really don't care if the media covers i personally feel that you know delhi is on the word of becoming another don when kashmir where you basically waste your democratic
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opinion and you are welcome to the police station or the jail. sexual violence against women was at the center of widespread anger and nationwide protest in 2012 that led to changes in the rule. but 8 years later women here still face a significant risk of sexual assault according to the government's own national crime records bureau a woman is raped in india every 15 minutes set aside at al jazeera. the french president has called it radical islam the biggest threat to french society during a trip to paris he also claimed that islam was in crisis around the world by chronos outline proposals for a new anti separatism law aimed at improving integration and combating religious divisions in the country but the reports now from lim you're. the french president arrived in the paris suburb of liminal whore to deliver a speech on separatism emmanuel mackerel said there was no place in french society
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for divisions are along religious lines the biggest threat to france's values and secular law he said was radical islam to. what we must fight is islam is separatism it's a conscious theoretical social political project it's repeatedly it all is with the values of the republic and often leads to the creation of a counter society. mike ross said that islam around the world faced problems he said he wasn't stigmatizing muslims but some disagreed on some people tell me here is that rather than focusing on so-called separatism and not all michael would do better to work more on reducing unemployment and the aging poverty reality the plan post people on the margins of society did this to you. it's a subject that hides a real mystery it's like leader creating the facade of a building might not be in sight yes that is climb but creates it it's
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a lack of projects or jobs for young people local association have no money my not a bit or not helped enough and some neighborhoods are just ignored neighborhoods like this one at a charity food bank it survival not separatism that's on people's minds. and the separatism religious divisions but for some the proposed legislation is more likely to reinforce them like ross speech comes one week after an attack in paris outside the offices of the shoddy news. paper 4 years ago 2 police officers from the new hole were killed by a man who claimed allegiance to i saw the new anti separatism law aims to raise religious divisions but for some the proposed legislation is more likely to reinforce them. al-jazeera. from. let's take this on we can speak totems her researches religious freedom human rights and civil
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liberties in france among other countries joins us now from toulouse via skype and sarah welcome to the program so the president saying that it's a religion in crisis all over the world do you agree. i think it's a very insensitive comment from the french president we don't have separation of church and state in france and. the station not interfere in religious affairs and vice versa so if there is a problem with islam it's up to most times to identify it and to tackle the issue certainly not to the french president. one might see how his words would key in to many people in france because it is a secularism is a particularly sensitive issue in the country strongly attached to sectors. well it's a very interesting it's a very interesting question indeed
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a secretary ism separation of church and state and nicety are extremely important in france however it has been a couple of years now that lighted it has been weaponized the present one is simple religious neutrality applies to the state and not upon the people and it protects religious freedom freedom to believe to not believe to change religion and the states must remain neutral but it has been a couple of years since we are having that sure many related by politicians and pundits to basically transform it into a legal tool to target muslims and this is dangerous and this is certainly not place to do so we need to be careful sure what is your understanding of his phrase islam is separatism. my problem is what do we mean by separatism and it's very interesting because when a man at a macro started to talk about that potential he was targeting separatism is
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cruel. not just focusing on a muslim but really on we need just extremism including. other type of extremism like white supremacy except that today not a single word from the president on the dangers of white supremacy i remind you that the concept of great replacement that has been used by the by the terrorist in christchurch came from france not a single word on that so yes do we need to tackle religious extremism absolutely are there each of inference certainly indeed that he had some good proposal especially for example regarding the training of him arms and yes friends should not be imported from abroad are a man should be trained in france however putting aside light the vagueness of the thames separatism opened the door to vilification and normalizing anti missin bigot
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which is today of a case so my question is who what that we talking when we talk about separatism and one more thing we were talking about these neighborhoods in france well the 1st separatism is when we dismantle public services in those areas when we do have people in france that we don't consider fully part of this country because of their religion so maybe the 1st thing when it comes to separatism is to stop talking about muslims as if they were a foreign element in the country we're french we're going to have to leave it there we do appreciate your perspective on this thanks very much indeed for joining us here in our desire room so away thank you thanks for having me. the human rights groups are urging mez of the world's major cities to boycott a summit being hosted by saudi arabia i miss the international and reporters without borders the 2nd anniversary of saudi journalist jamal khashoggi is murder with a rally outside the kingdom's embassy in istanbul where he was last seen as well as
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shell as will. friends and colleagues gathered outside the saudi consulates yet again on friday despite 2 years policy justice has still not been served and those widely believed to have ordered him planned his murder remain at large coinciding with the 2nd anniversary of his killing 3 crucial forty's leaked previously unseen footage from inside the consulate a reminder that the world still doesn't know all the details of what's happened to jamal after he entered the consulates never to be seen again krishnaji had been writing for the washington post the 1st anniversary of his murder was marked in a high profile vigil attended by the post's owner and the world's richest man jeff bezos a monument was placed just yards from the saudi consulate store a place for people to pay their respects for the slain journalist who was not afforded even the rights for a proper burial a saudi official still refused to disclose the whereabouts of his body or his remains. this year's anniversary is being marked with the launch of the
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organization which will he was setting up before he was killed. or democracy in the arab world now it was this type of work his advocacy for freedom and poor ism that earned him the wrath of saudi crown prince mohammed bin son man jamal was perhaps the arab world's most famous political exile in saudi arabia to try to silence. we will give a voice to thousands like him struggled for change in their countries while his friends and colleagues have succeeded in continuing his legacy through the launch of drone there's been little success in the fight for justice. after initially denying they killed him saudi arabia then pushed the narrative that the journalist was murdered by what they described as a team of rogue agents snottily mask images a video it took months before any form of court proceedings began and even then they lacked any form of integrity or transparency in december 2019
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a saudi court sentenced 5 unnamed people to death and 3 others to prison for the murder but those sentences were commuted 3 weeks ago in what the united nations special envoy on extrajudicial killings described as the antithesis of justice meanwhile turkey says it's committed to holding those responsible for the murder to accounts on thursday the prosecutor's office said it was indicting 6 more saudi citizens in their ongoing case the latest names include true consulate staff crown prince mohammed bin sandman who is believed to have ordered the murder appears to have weathered the fallout he's still very much in power and world leaders continue to do business with him but even in his death remains a thorn in his side and one that could prove to be even more damaging still. its number. mexico supreme court has ruled that a referendum can be held that asks if the state should be allowed to prosecute former presidents it was proposed by the current leader under his manuel lopez
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obrador this could allow the investigation and potential prosecution of 5 former presidents on repelling reports now from mexico city. protesters outside mexico supreme court. they're here to support mexican president and that is one way lopez obrador would end his proposal for a nationwide referendum that opens up the possibility of investigating and prosecuting former mexican presidents for alleged crimes committed while in office . we won prosecutions we want to prosecute the ex presidents who did so much damage to the country how is it possible that those who committed crimes are not paying for it the yellows and. the debate before the supreme court which met via video conference was over whether this sort of public survey is constitutional or politically motivated in the end the court voted $6.00 to $5.00 in favor of the referendum. for his part president lopez obrador it has said the motivation for
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this initiative isn't about going after opponents but rather broadening political participation in national politics. to these means respecting the spirit of article 39 of the constitution which says the power rests with the people and it is instituted to their benefit and that the people have the right to change their form of government that is the essence of the. i'm going to use them for that if enough people vote yes mexico's living x. presidents could face investigations and be tried for alleged crimes constitutional experts however say the debate is unnecessary as former presidents are not immune from prosecution and could already be investigated if accused of a crime. this is smoke it sound to sweeten the is of the people to distract from the issue of security health and. economy for it having passed the question of constitutionality the nationwide referendum is scheduled for june 2021 to be
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binding however it will require at least 40 percent of the national vote and clear the many other legal challenges that have made the prosecution of former presidents in the past next to impossible madrid up below al jazeera mexico city. thousands of honduran migrants bound for the united states on foot may be forced to return home after crossing into cross mala president ali non-dramatic has ordered they be detained the group is the biggest since the pandemic devastated central american economies making it to the u.s. legally is virtually impossible due to cave in 1000 restrictions for about miley as this report. outs numbers and facing thousands of people determined to end to quote a mama. it doesn't take long for these one durance to push through the lines of soldiers at quite a modest is in a more buddha and pressing their aim to reach the united states. for the thousands of people had left some pederast in west and hundreds by foot on
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wednesday it's not far from the border but the journey was made longer as they avoided in large mountain range. they say they are desperate one door says economy was hit hard too in the pandemic that has killed more than 2000 people some say they had choice to leave starvation. and i know. there is nothing here we're dying of starvation there are no jobs we'll see we have to fight to get to the u.s. wire above hama things are awful here we have to find new opportunities if we stay here crime or starvation will kill us. it's the 1st large group of people to leave honduras this year and the largest migrant caravan in central america since the current virus pandemic case in march as people reach quite a model they were greeted with a sign reading welcome to guatemala but these people are hoping they would be
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baffled all. the regional agreement allows hondurans to transit through. parts they are expected to be processed at the border many warehouses up to not present ninety's or else the proof of a negative coronavirus test before entering. but many north of the crossing instead illegally breaching the border nearby. what demolished president aleksander jam at die and then he would take measures against the caravan saying on twitter he would not tolerate anyone entering the country illegally. neighbor mexico has also made it clear they're not welcome it's consulate in honduras is warning it would not allow a migrant caravan to transit to the u.s. and the u.s. embassy in honduras warned it would be more difficult than ever for people to enter illegally into the united states. although these people are determined to find a better life in the u.s. with a sign of the system practically shut down during the pandemic the future of many
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friends. who are those among the al-jazeera. 5 european members of the united nations security council are demanding an explanation from russia on the poisoning of opposition politician alexina valmy a letter submitted to the council calls the attack a threat to international peace and security around a has accused president vladimir putin of directly ordering the attack is still recovering in germany 6 weeks after a nerve agent was used to poison him the kremlin has dismissed the allegations as absolutely groundless and unacceptable. all right we're going to move on to the sport now and people standing by thank you very much will start with some big news in formula one the engine supplier honda has announced it will leave the sport at the end of the 2021 season the japanese company says this is not due to the pandemic but because it wants to focus its resources on new 0 emissions taken ology
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says the car industry moves away from internal combustion engines it means that the red bull and tory f one teams now need to find a new engine supplier earlier we spoke to formula one analyst and broadcaster mark gallagher who says 100 pulling out is a major blow. the sport has only just gone through a big renegotiation of its commercial deals with the team and the sports rights holder and so really going back 6 weeks ago everyone felt we were entering a new period of stability and then to have one of the 4 major car manufacturers pull out is only expected and particularly given that honda have been achieving race winning success with both their teams this year red bull racing and the sister team of alpha tory so here's a successful program effectively being cancelled mid flow and at relatively short notice because end of 2021 is only just over a year away the news at home they are going to focus on battery and hydrogen fuel
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cell technology is not really unexpected the whole of the automotive industry is moving in that direction and i think the problem for formula one really is that because we are currently wedded to internal combustion engines albeit a hybrid internal combustion engine and electric power train clearly for home the technology isn't interesting enough to keep their to keep their focus and that decided to move on and so the question now arises what happens to the other car manufacturers in formula one but on the face of it receive these bans are very committed to the sport ferrari are part and parcel of formula one and renato has just recommitted to formula one by signing the new commercial agreements back in august so i think this board's ok in terms of the remaining 3 manufacturers but there's no doubt that home has decision is a blow for formula one and specifically a blow for red bull racing and their sister team alpha tori because in the case of
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red bull they're a team in title contention most years even the receive these are dominant dominant in formula one red bull are the team most likely to win races if hamilton and valtteri bottas have any issues or if there's a truck to protect the suits a rental car and without homes or power behind them the question is. to read will go to for their engines because it's a their arch rivals are cds that they go cap in hand to origin ferrari who don't have a competitive power moment already know with whom they had a pretty public falling out not too long ago so it's probably a difficult moment for red bull but i'm sure they've got their financial resources and under strategy to cope with this turn of events to football and ac milan have qualified for the europa league after an extraordinary match against the rio ave in portugal it looked like the portuguese were heading for a famous winner after taking the lead in extra time when. they were seconds away from victory but conceded a penalty which milan scored to take it into what turned out to be an epic penalty
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shoot out there were $24.00 spots it's all together with several schools including that. and several missed as well but eventually it was milan who came out on top thanks to a safe from they keep are generally do not and. now it's ok it's a game to have the n.b.a. finals or the l.a. lakers looking to build on their impressive performance in game one but bron james and his team mates were convincing winners against the miami heat on wednesday they just 3 wins away from their 1st title in a decade as for the heat they are really up against it with 3 of their best players injured goreng drag it. will likely miss came to jimmy butler will play but he's nursing a sore ankle and then rose. all in all though we were still expected to win. we got here for a reason knowing we may be a couple man down no other guys are going to step up in
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a big way so i'm really really excited to see how we bounce back. it's tough to get you know your mind moving on a 1000 miles for our. wall and we're. going to be champions and we'll finish with some pictures from australia where winter olympians have been training despite the lack of snow in the country's government and major sports bodies have spent $6500000.00 on this ski jump in brisbane thanks to a swimming pool it's the 1st year round out the aerial facility in the willed which allows for the start ski is a chance to practice their moves as they prepare for the beijing games coming up in 2022 they now no longer have to travel abroad to train i will leave it there for now most sports news again later. peter thanks very much they yes we shall see you later that is it for this news up my colleague the mozzie will be here in a couple minutes with
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a full half hour of news that that's coming up from london but for me nick clegg and the rest of the team. but for now. corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. against corruption corruption is not something he told it. is on the african. country his e-mail and let's destroy this wolf.
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in 2020 the 5th face award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. shine a light on your anti corruption here and. nominate now. we're heading to the place some deep in the crew remembers on it's taking us 2 days this boat just to get there from the search through. tax no look at what is being done to protect one of the region's most iconic creatures because they're disappearing because the legal pad trade with booming researchers wanted to see if reintroduction of the cause was a viable option to save some of these population pretty good young techno on al-jazeera. not just the republican party but america needs 4 more years of president donald trump in the white house that the outcome of this
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election will determine i believe the poorest of our country for generations to come live coverage of the vice presidential debates. and the isolation suffering mild symptoms but still working a message from the white house off to the u.s. president and 1st lady test positive a coronavirus and with just a month to the election how could this impact trump's campaign events with the president up a spa and all moved online. hello i'm maryanne demasi in london you're watching al-jazeera also coming up on the program 6 days of fighting and dozens dead but now signs of compromise on.


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