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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 3, 2020 3:00am-3:31am +03

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counters were oh primitive so to get into this situation of disaster now in the 1st of a 3 part series al jazeera explores what really happened during the 1st week of the war in october on al-jazeera. the bang. you're watching al-jazeera live from the headquarters and. coming up in the next 60 minutes u.s. president donald trump a shift at a hospital after contracting corona virus the white house says it's out of an abundance of caution. one of thank you everybody for the tremendous support of trump's medical team says the president is having mild symptoms and has been given an experimenting antibody cocktail. his election rival joe biden withdraws negative
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ads about trump and urges people to wear masks. in other news after 6 days of fighting armenia's government says it's ready to discuss a ceasefire in nagorno-karabakh. crowds in india defy a ban on protesters anger grows over the gang rape and murder of 2 women. hello the us president donald trump has been moved to a military medical center for treatment that's 24 hours after testing positive for a coronavirus white house officials say trump will be cared for in a special suite at walter reed medical facility for the next few days earlier trump's doctors said he was 58 but was in good spirits and was being treated with an experimental antibody called tell it's also being reported that he's developed
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a mild fever president trump posted a brief video message to twitter shortly before he was transported to hospital. a lot of thank you everybody for the tremendous support i'm going to want to read or think i'm doing very well but we're going to make sure things were the 1st lady's doing very well so we would thank you very much appreciate it i will never forget you will be live at the walter reed medical facility in just a moment but 1st here is alan fischer alan looks at how events have unfolded over the past 24 hours. people will say it's been a remarkable 4 years with donald trump in the white house that 2020 has been a remarkable year but this is still being a remarkable 24 hours by any standard it was late on thursday night that donald trump was told that one of his closest aides hope pick someone who is always in his orbit had tested positive for covert he then went to
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a fundraiser at his golf course in new jersey but called in to a t.v. show here in the united states to see that he was going to get a test for covert and just before 1 o'clock in the morning here in the u.s. donald trump tweeted out that he had tested positive as had the 1st lady a fact confirmed by the white house a short time later. on friday morning we were told that the president was feeling a bit fatigued was running a small fever but was still continuing to work from the residence while self isolating and he had been in touch with senior staff to give them guidelines of what he wanted to be achieved on friday but clearly at some point during the day there was a concern for doctors now remember there is a specialist medical unit here at the white house but clearly there was such a concern that if the president's condition deteriorated they might not be able to give him the level of expertise required at such short notice and so they decided
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to fly him from here at the white house across the washington skyline to the walter reed hospital in bethesda he's going to spend a couple of days there he has a specialist unit on standby where he can walk as a president meanwhile here at the white house we're seeing a lot more staff wearing masks something that hasn't been so apparent over the last 6 months let's not cross over to walter reed national military medical center that's where a trump has been admitted my cannas joining us from there and the president is expected to remain hospitalized for a few days mike what more do we know. when d.d.'s is staff saying that it's expected that he will be in the hospital for some 4 days he's been ensconced in a suite here at the hospital and his staff say that he will continue to work while under close observation by the doctors it's interesting though that throughout the
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day most of the comments have come from his political staff rather than from a medical experts this is what we've heard we heard one statement from his doctor explaining about the particular experimental cocktail that was administered to him but otherwise we've been hearing from political staff now it does not appear that there will be any more information coming out from the hospital was evening it's also not clear as who will actually be giving that information whether it will be the white house press spokesperson or whether it will be the doctors at the hospital behind me who are actually caring for him hopefully these days details will become more clear but there are indications there will be no further bulletins on his condition over the course of the evening president trump making a point of walking to the helicopter from the white house and i was watching when the helicopter landed here at walter reed he walked down the steps and he did climbed into a car was driven off to the center of the complex to go and observation from the
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medical experts at the hospital here but still a lot of questions being asked particular at what basis will the information be given and and how will the american public learn of the condition of their president whether he's getting better whether that very controversial or experimental drug will have any impact on the speed of his recovery all of these are questions that we cannot on set this particular stage but obviously these are one of the reasons why he's being brought here to the hospital to be under close observation given the method of treatment that is be. given to the president yeah and mike specifically on that issue of this experimental drug what more do we know about the drug itself and perhaps how the decision was made to give the president an experimental drug. well that's an interesting sequence
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of events the drug itself is manufactured by a company called regenerate all it was in final phase clinical trials but was nowhere near the going to the f.d.a. for approval so certainly this is in an exceedingly experimental stage the decision to take it presumably would have been taken by the president himself now of course you are not allowed to take drugs that are not approved by the f.d.a. however there is an exception to this and that is compassionate use a patient can appeal for compassionate use of an untested or and try drug if that will improve his condition and if doctors around him or her feel that the condition will be approved by the use of the drug it's very rare that drugs are applied on a compassionate basis now incidentally the company itself regenerate is actually owned by a friend of president trump an man who's played golf with president trump on
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a number of occasions and there's little doubt that president trump did consult his friend on this particular issue the man who actually owns the company that produced this drug but once again i cannot recall a head of state taking some kind of experimental drug on a basis like this it is some would argue a very much a gamble taking something that has been untested dealing with something as deadly potentially deadly as the corona virus itself and something that has not been tested on a wide enough band of patients to produce any complete data in terms of its impact on the progress of the virus so certainly a very very controversial decision but one ultimately would probably have been taken by the patient and that is president trump himself right ok mike thank you very much mike reporting from just outside the walter reed medical center where the
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president has now been. admitted now let's take a closer look at the president's health and trump is 74 years old and he is considered overweight both make him high risk for the coronavirus questions were raised about his condition in june when he appeared to have difficulty drinking water and coming down from the stage at an event but he dismissed concerns about his health in november last year trump made an unscheduled visit to the doctor for a test something that's usually noted in his public diary the white house said he was in good health during his campaign in 2016 trump reduce the note saying he'd be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency a doctor later said trump had written the letter himself as 3rd shoes an emergency physician and professor of oregon at oregon health and science university and she says that trump number of risk factors which are associated with the virus. he falls into several categories of people who tend to experience more severe symptoms
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of kovac and and to need hospitalization so his age his obesity has been mentioned a lot of fact that he's male and there seems to be a male predominant in serious disease and hospitalization and i.c.u. care and the teletubbies and then you know and then of course he's had some mystery visits to walter reed in the past where people speculate about what might have happened and he's on it a cluster all knowing agents and we can assume that he has some cornering artery disease and so you know he has more than one risk factor but that's across the population and how that plays out in the central person we never know and as many people have said he still is more likely than not to do ok but as we hear of symptoms of course we worry that his risk factors are actually causing him to fall into a category of people who who will go on to be more l. some people do manifest some cold or flu like symptoms early on but it does make us you know need to watch very carefully and continue to you know have
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a high level of concern because certainly code it is a disease where the 2nd week period between 7 and 10 days you can take a rapid turn for the worse so we may anticipate that we still have a rocky road to go for his clinical course you also have some positive things he doesn't smoke you know he doesn't drink alcohol and also importantly he's extremely wealthy and privileged so you know he's someone who got to test early who is surrounded by physicians is going to a world class medical center already has gotten you know an early therapy and will get early therapies of every kind even some that are not accessible to the average american and there's an argument that actually sometimes b.-i t.-c. patients can get too much but he's certainly not going to want for any type of therapy and he certainly will not experience any delay in receiving world class care and so that might offset some of his co-morbidities and his age and other things i would other wise tree just owes him to going down
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a riskier path. well the democratic presidential nominee joe biden is campaigning in the swing state of michigan and he says that his team will remove all negative ads about trump and that the president's infection is a reminder of just how serious the pandemic is i like to start by acknowledging which i'm sure all of you do as well so you my prayers for the health and safety of the 1st lady and president crazy united states after they tested positive for kobe 90 my wife jill and i pray that they will make a quick and full recovery this is not a matter of politics it's a bracing reminder to all of us that we have to take this virus seriously now u.s. voters are split on whether trump's positive diagnosis will impact the election. i think it's probably going to be very negative for trump if he's not able to attend any in person rallies or if he gets really sick he's obviously not going to necessarily be able to continue campaigning to his full capability and i think one
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of his biggest sort of strategies was to make joe biden appear too weak to be president and so that he's got front of virus that sort of takes that factor away so i think it could potentially greatly impact the election and put things more in biden's favor surprised it didn't happen much earlier. if he is not paid attention to the rules of his encourage other people not to pay attention to the rules so i hope it's a lesson i don't really think it will impact the election that much i don't think people will change their opinion because he has it now. i do worry that you know though i hope he is well and he doesn't get sick very sick i think that i've already seen on fox news today that they're saying like oh well if he's 75 and he doesn't get severely ill then maybe older people aren't as high risk as they think so i'm hoping it doesn't take the negative impact and it actually gets better all
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trumps infection does mark a devastating blow to his reelection beds u.s. health authorities say people must self isolate for 10 days off very positive test that brings us up to october the 11th but before that in 5 days time his vice president mike pence is set to debate his democratic rival come on harris while pence has tested negative it's unclear whether he'll also self isolates and trump has developed symptoms that could get in the way of the 2nd presidential debates and 13 days time on his 3rd face off with joe biden a week later on october 22nd we are of course just 32 days out from the big day that election meant to be held on november the 3rd let's speak to adam goodman he's a republican strategist and partner at the firm ballard partners is joining us from washington thanks very much for your. obviously this is a fast moving developing story and the health of the president is the most important thing but we've seen his events postponed or some of them pushed online
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how is this likely to impact his position in the race and his reelection bid. well we've had no rain in an unprecedented year followed by an unprecedented day which is changing by the hour it's absolutely going to have an impact on the campaign but we don't know what that impacts going to be yet 1st of all we all as americans i think than people around the world are praying that the president recovers and recovers quickly number 2 is depending on how he does recover it will back not only events that may or may not happen it also could have pedigree in the way he chooses to campaign and there is a precedent for this that's not related to an illness but it is related to a time when americans needed kind of a shot d r and that was back and it started in the 1930 s. under pranking donor roosevelt when he initiated for 12 years what became famously known as far as site chats where you might giraffe be an eye to eye one on one with
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the american people to bring them up to speed on events that he thought was important for them to know there could be a scenario here where the president even if not on the trail. from say the private residence in the white house could initiate something very similar to what f.d.r. did for different reasons better part of a century ago and communicate directly to the american people which will change the nature the whole nature of the communications of the campaign and maybe the trajectory right because it is one more thing there's one more thing to the rate of factor in all this which is 7300000 americans have been diagnosed with go that 90 this gives the president a chance not only empathize and commiserate with those people look at them to commiserate in empathize in return this could change a lot of that same to be suggesting that it's very important and rightly so for the white house and the president to be transparent but you know some critics would say
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that they that they have the president and the white house this white house has has a bit of a credibility problem. well when you're talking about being transparent seen as that you purred and seen over the last couple of hours reports coming out in a way complaining that not more has been made evident to the public in terms of the president's condition it's that or they're still trying to determine that the move to walter reed hospital was an absolutely logical move because as someone pointed out you know god forbid it turns from good to not as good he's in the events to be in the right place at that snapping that watery hospital or any press in the united states so that was an important thing but in terms of the speed of emperor mation let's be real you know this was a wild day not only for us who are consuming it on the outside but for the white house and others around the white house some of whom are concerned that they also
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may have been exposed to it seem to be a super spreader of been in a supreme court nominee you know gathering a few days ago so this give everyone just a little bit of a break to be able to get the information together and get it out to the american public but the good thing that we that is happened already is the present a united states is in the best place he possibly can be medically at this moment and that should be the 1st prayer and we were just a moment ago for questioning what impact this may have on the election but let me ask you this could these events actually delay the election. unknown you know shit if we had tried to script the last week of this election much less the whole year of this election we would have been so all we would have been in $1800.00 rewrites so it's unknown what this may impact i think the election will be held as scheduled i think that this is going to resolve itself in some fashion
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and when it does we're going to know a lot more about how this is that impact the election but right now for anyone to project what's going to happen next is now only perilous that i think is insensitive given at the present a night states and the health of any president night states should be paramount to the people here and around the world were about weeks before the election and just about 4 weeks i mean how troubling is all this for republicans that that the campaign the president's campaign has really been thrown into disarray. to say that there is going to be a readjust i mean the president vice president is scheduled to take on comolli harris in a couple of days bigger then because a lot of people look at com was perhaps a a sooner than expected possible successor to joe biden and so that that in and of itself is going to be important because a vice president now more than anything else is going to be seen probably more often than anyone else in the white house to show the country in the world that
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that sense of stability that i think all of us are looking for out of good man we thank you very much for speaking to us on al-jazeera thank you thank you again. so what could happen if trump gets too sick to perform his presidential duties well he could temporarily transfer power to the vice president mike pence under the 25th amendment of the us constitution pence has tested negative for the virus but if he falls ill as well then the baton is passed to nancy pelosi the senior democrat who speaker of the house of representatives if dies or is too sick to stand in the election then the republican party will need to choose a new nominee but early voting has already started and his name might still stay on the ballots peter matthews is a professor of political science at surprise college in california he says the president's move to walter reed is significant and it's important to know what plans are in place for any transfer of power. it's the october surprise it's
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a horrendous situation and very critical obviously and it depends really crucially right now what happens the next couple of days or even a few hours from now the fact these will be transferred to walter reed is a major development he could have been quietly in the white house and with it out there but there's something else that's going on here now it could be they're just taking to work a very cautious about anybody's president but still you have to take these things very seriously you have to look at what is being put in place by the administration to make sure there's a smooth transition you know the president stays in office lewdly and can carry out his work in his duties or a transition to the vice president to call him to question the 25th amendment there's provision in there who's due to that very right now we have to wait and see just for a little bit more well there are 2 ways to go in there the president when president reagan had to go in for surgery he signed the statement a letter saying that he's turning over power to vice president george w. bush for 8 hours and then he would resume it after that and it worked out pretty
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smoothly that's what we do with the president voluntarily signs a statement other ways when the president isn't capacity it is in very clearly that he is the vice president has a lead on that and call a cabinet together and then the cabinet has to vote by majority vote to proceed to transfer power of the vice president and then when that happens the president can challenge it is available of you able to do that he can challenge it then he goes to congress to be or upon by a 2 thirds majority the house to transfer the power over so there are couple of options here it all depends on how president trump comes through right now as far as his physical health goes and we hold him wishing while he was the head of the country right now the state we need someone in the stability at this point america the world health organization's chief says he wishes both the u.s. president on the 1st lady a speedy recovery. overnight we heard that the president of the united states of america do not try and 1st lady may learn a term tested positive for cope with 19 i want to start today by wishing them bows
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a full and swift recovery. with them well donald trump is not the 1st world leader to contract the virus brazil's president sonera tested positive back in july and the british prime minister boris johnson was moved to an intensive care unit in april after contracting it's he's tweeted to wistrom by his wife a speedy recovery letting baba has more from london. i think we all want to send our best wishes to the president and the 1st lady and i've done that this morning as you can imagine and i'm sure that they'll both stage a very strong recovery british prime minister boris johnson was one of the 1st world leaders to send a message of support on friday one that was informed no doubt by personal experience earlier this year i was at a hospital the other night where i think there are a few there are actually a few create a virus of patients like shook hands with everybody that admission in march attracted criticism for sending
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a dangerous message just weeks later soon after imposing a national lockdown the prime minister announced he tested positive for covered 19 and would be isolating i developed my old symptoms all the coronavirus. he carried on working appearing outside 10 downing street for the weekly applause for health workers and looking on well he extended his self isolation then 9 days after testing positive he was admitted to this london hospital his colleagues insisting he was in good spirits and leading the government but 24 hours later the shock news was he'd been taken into an intensive care units he spent 3 nights there he was never on a ventilator but after ending his stay in hospital he said medical staff had saved his life after returning to work johnson who's 56 said he'd been way overweight before contracting the virus he started a personal fitness regime and a national anti obesity initiative. his reaction stands in sharp contrast to another leader who contract coronavirus brazilian president. from the start of the
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pandemic the 65 year old consistently downplayed how dangerous the virus was covered for i think what i mean are the this is him in march around the same time boris johnson was testing positive saying if he were infected it wouldn't bother him as it would only feel like a slight cold in july he did test positive but even after getting the all clear weeks later he continued to show disdain for mask wearing and social distancing. this week boris johnson was asked directly whether he'd fully recovered his idiomatic response suggested he felt better than ever i'm fitter than i was before i may it may it may irritate you to know. that of the 50 the butcher's dog. thanks basically to losing weight but he also accepted that so-called long covert which has left thousands of people in the u.k. with serious problems months after contracting the virus clearly exists a reminder that truly recovering can never be taken for granted. al-jazeera. still
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heads on al-jazeera 2 years since the saudi journalist john fastolf he was killed in istanbul human rights activists keep up their demands for justice. we've got gray skies clouds building across central parts of china at the moment and sliding the race with so we are going to see some wet weather gradually coming in to shanghai will initially saying that cloud and rain as we go on through saturday and it will be heavy at times that could cause some localized flooding and then it pushes further race was for sunday there's that rain setting in across a good parts of eastern side of china shanghai so these things somewhat by the fall of the cloud and right it may be a bit more pretty showery as it make their way across honshu so much of japan won't
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be too bad we will see some wet weather coming in here the heaviest right into the north of the country meanwhile we have got some heavy showers as per usual across southeast asia some lively storms now brewing where the weather coming into southern parts of the philippines northern areas of borneo and still very wet just around thailand southern parts of india china with some live shows to see the shabby right started to push its way up across a good part of in the nation as you push further north was well the better weather affecting thailand's also affecting a meum other western side of the country loss of cloud still in place around the northeast of pavia showers there for a time into a good part of bangladesh and staying very unsettled for the west and gets. 2 planes came from studio and 15 man check in now to tell you mr chairman.
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i think it is possible to fully clean the premises of forensic evidence but what you then leave is evidence that you have pretty clean some mystery wanted to give an example of it from start to speaking about the role india before even the saudi government give up with just a jamal khashoggi murder in a saudi consulate on al-jazeera and with the hands on talents and working in asia and africa there'd be days where i'd be using editing my own stories in a refugee camp. you know it's just and right now we're confronting some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced and i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and compromise because of the only way we can try to solve any of these problems is together. are so important we make those connections. you.
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are again the top stories on all just 0 u.s. president trump has been moved to a military medical center for treatment a day after he and the 1st lady tested positive for a coronavirus he will be cared for in a special suite for the next few days the white house says it's out of an abundance of caution president posted this video message on twitter thanking people for their support and said he's doing very well the president's medical team says he's having mild symptoms and has been given an experimental antibody cocktail meanwhile the u.s. democratic presidential nominee joe biden says trump's infection is just a reminder of how serious the pandemic is he wished donald and melania trump well and said he would withdraw
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a negative campaign ads about the president. on let's get our dates from the walter reed national military medical center where trump has been admitted mike hanna is joining us on the president's expected to stay there for a few days mike. that's what he starts say as expected to be here for a few days one member of his star of saying that it will be for 4 days out off and this is a phrase that has been repeated throughout the day and abundance of caution now we saw president trump send a video message tweeted out a video message to his supporters thanking everybody for their support we also saw him physically walk out of the white house and board marine force one on its way here and i was at the gates here when the helicopter landed and president walked out of the helicopter an assistant got into a waiting car and was driven off to the center of the complex behind me here.


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