tv News Al Jazeera October 4, 2020 11:00am-11:30am +03
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latin america yes listen. it was easy. we're going to beat this career a virus or whatever you want to call it. beat it soundly a critical few days ahead for u.s. president donald trump amid conflicting assessments of his fight against covert 19 . this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up cities under fire both armenia and azerbaijan accuse the other of targeting civilians in their fight over nagorno-karabakh. a parliamentary election and overshadowed by allegations
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of vote buying. and giving up their american dream hundreds of migrants stops in guatemala decide to return home. his chief of staff says doctors have been very concerned president trump says he's feeling good and the next few days will be a test the true picture of the u.s. president's health remains unclear after conflicting reports from the hospital ways being treated for 19 but in a video on twitter trump vowed to finish his election campaign exactly the way it started alan fischer reports from inside walter reed hospital a message from the president i came here wasn't feeling so well i feel much better now working hard to get me all the way back i have to be back. because we still
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have to make america great again we've done an awfully good job of that a new recruits from donald trump who was rushed to hospital late on friday i just didn't want to stay in the white house i was given little to do stay in the white house lucky self in don't ever leave don't even go to the oval office just stay upstairs and enjoy it don't see people don't talk to people and just be done with it and i can't do that i had to be out front and this is america this is the united states. but the white house message and the president's illness has been confused and incomplete on saturday morning the doctors gave a briefing but that reese questions of when the president was actually diagnosed the president tweeted out the news on friday morning just 72 hours into the diagnosis now the 1st week of it and a particular day 7 to 10 of the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness at this time the team and i are extremely happy with the progress the president has made. another of the consulting physicians said the experimental
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cocktail regeneration was administered 48 hours ago some are working very closely with the company to monitor him but that would mean the president was diagnosed on wednesday before 2 big campaign rallies and a fundraiser would suggest regeneration was given 24 hours earlier than the white house says it was. the 1st rule of crisis communications one story one voice the white house has failed to follow that and this caused confusion and medical experts say it doesn't help that the briefing left a number of questions unanswered for example we were not told what type of feeder the president had how i did it go we were not told with any clear whether or not he in fact was or was not the recipient of supplemental oxygen ha then adding to the confusion the president's chief of staff mark meadows who told reporters trump's vital signs in the past 24 hours have been disturbing and the next 48 hours of treatment are critical. all that has meant little to the hundreds of
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supporters who gathered outside the hospital to sign their support for the president but the crucial period is still to come for corporate patients 5 to 10 days in is critical but know the president is in the best place for treatment even if he insists he's ready to head back to the white house alan fischer. at the walter reed hospital because the middle. state has decided to cut short his asia tour following the president's hospitalization my pompei will hold meetings in japan on sunday but will not go to mongolia and south korea 2 days ago and infection became public on pay as that he had no plans of counseling has tried . i mean a week of intense fighting seen only new in azerbaijan ever disputed region as a by john is claiming it's liberated several territories around the going to tire about both sides have reported military and civilian casualties and are blaming the
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other for the latest violence in the decades old conflict some of the heaviest bombardment is taking place in the not just city and the going to karabakh ben smith is the sheltering and step panic but 'd to tell us exactly where abouts you are and what is happening. in illinois and in the bunker of the hotel that litter staying in was been really intense bombardment of the city. for the last several hours we've been there we just shelling just came in a few minutes ago just before you cross today and it's been like most of the morning it was like. into the my last mine so this is the most intense bombardment the city has ever experienced since the end of the war 19 months before. there's been skin civil damage to a lot of buildings in the city center. one of the other hotels had all the windows
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blown out with the last bombardments. we had to put come to see some of the damaged buildings. so there is clearly an attempt to cause destruction obviously in the city most people could not manage to get out now like i said just hiding in and bomb shelters so many and i mean here is that the azeri forces the targeting civilians have you seen that to be the case. well i can . step on a given that is the main. media and there are civilians here and there is bombardment of buildings in which there are civilians ours included in this hotel so yes civilians are feeling the brunt of the bombardment sure whether there is any military in installations in this city i can tell you but
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sure civilians are on the receiving end of the bombardment ok but it will leave it there for the moment be sure to stay safe smith reporting there from the bunker of his hotel and to panic which is on the heavy shelling from asbury forces. well sam because they agree has this from a yes clive and as a by john. azerbaijan defense ministry and now it's that bridge on 2nd largest city again. north of a quarter of a has been hit by the armenian forces this is a very new information according to the defense ministry statements and what has been reported in the news the intensified fighting is over territory a very large region city region or city let me say which has been occupied by armenian forces it has the longest. contact line as they say with the gorn or about
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also the 2nd important battlefield the is the region which is south of territory in the her or rather the city and yesterday. a city which is far from the front line of food was hit and 2 women lost their lives many buildings were damaged and the fighting continues especially intensified in tart's our area north of cordoba and. down to south korea as our bridge on military says that they are decisive to continue their battle and since yesterday they have been exposing are many and are many and forces vehicles that they have captured or the ones that the armenian forces have left during the fighting but as our big john government is not giving in in numbers on its military casualties voters in keg a song are picking new members of parliament but in addition a sea of the vote is already in doubt
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a widespread allegations of policies trying to buy votes countries often described as being the most democratic of all former soviet states in central asia to join child struck but now he's in the capital bishkek charles one of the main big issues on voters' minds as they head to the polls that today. well i think just to put it in context this country has had what's considered a realty of 2 neighboring countries some success in its democratic development since the former since the breakup of the soviet union however it is suffering and has suffered for years economically a huge big accusations of mismanagement corruption lack of investment bear in mind that around about a 1000000 people forced to work abroad because there aren't the job opportunities
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here in this country and the money they send back to q. to get stalin represents around 30 percent of g.d.p. . the composition of this parliament as well will obviously have impacts on the kind of relationships that kyrgyzstan has with the big neighbors they china in the east and russia in the west it's often said here that russia has the political influence in kyrgyzstan but china's got the money so it's these kind of issues on an international level and on a domestic level that are hugely important but people here are very proud of what they've achieved so far since since their independence the 2 revolutions that overthrew 2 presidents in 20052010. and although we are seeing evidence of an allegations of being made of vote buying in a potential show showing you know potentially the illegitimacy of this vote this
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has been going on for years but there are fears that the kind of evidence that we're seeing yet again. is becoming increasingly apparent and bear in mind that the people in this country are not afraid of getting out on the streets and and airing their grievances at governments so we've been looking at some of the evidence of allegations of vote buying and this is our report. bishkek the capital of kyrgyzstan a country often described as being more democratic than its neighbors which were also part of the soviet union before it collapsed. 16 parties with more than 1500 candidates competing in these parliamentary elections but there is little trust in many of the faces that adorn campaign posters. works on a farm on the outskirts of the city he's angry about mounting out a geisha ins of parties trying to buy votes in the run up to the poll. what was up
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when i found. people who sell their vote to selling their hope selling their country selling their memories of their ancestors and selling their future. this man who didn't want to be identified said in recent days people working for a pro-government political party have twice offered him money if he promises to vote for them all citizens who work for a given party are involved in vote buying he tells me you know party gives a person $50.00 to buy a vote they will buy it for $25.00 and pocket the rest the system happens every election and it's happening again he says. kyrgyzstan's post soviet political experience has been lively to say the least 2 presidents overthrown in revolutions the former president currently serving in 11 year jail term for corruption but politicians and analysts say that kyrgyzstan may be more democratic than its central asian neighbors but in terms of free and fair elections the still
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a long way to go there are dozens of candidates with various parties who have criminal records that want to kill gives law could be wiped clean if they pay a fine. that will take the trial a good rose was it a long time ago nothing lawless is happening now but i agree there are issues with the legal document form 2 i thought we were a new democracy and we are learning the form of. election monitors say people in poll rule communities are particularly vulnerable to accepting bribes for votes form 2 is illegal lupo the levels of voter to change the precincts in which he or she casts a ballot it means parties who feel they may lack support in a given area offer transport and money to voters if they agree to be moved and vote for them. it's estimated around half a 1000000 people have been moved from their precincts to vote. in likely outcome of the vote is tilting in the savor of pro-government parties but then.
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there's always the possibility that even those. half a 1000000 people or many many many among them are still able to vote independently when they enter the voting booth. the reform party does use rafa's singing and she government songs to rally support reform aims to attract young voters tired of what analysts say has been decades of economic mismanagement and poor job opportunities we're not happy with what what is happening and we need this is a choice and to change because in this bill or you're 30 years where we end up on the country but we still are suffering people are poor i mean the corruption. and basically the thieves are stealing our future so we're going to stand for that for a generation hoping that no matter the struggles against corruption and criminality of age the political system the journey towards true democracy and development must
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go on. and tells of even saying any indications of voter fraud today. well interestingly yes we have. a polling station on the outskirts of bishkek you can see over see a sizable crowd of people waiting to come step ballots we had a gentleman who lives in this village who came and spoke to us. he said who are these people i don't recognize any of these people it's all suggesting that some of them indeed many of them may have been busting we haven't seen evidence of buses here but it was a statement made by a local like that that obviously makes you ask questions we've also seen video evidence of people taking photographs on their mobile phones all of the vote that they cost about the cost now the allegations are being made that this photographic evidence is being used by them as proof to show the party that they have voted for
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have taken a certain amount of money from before they cost about that proof that indeed they did vote for that party in order for them to get the remaining the remainder of the payment that they were promised now of course we have no way of confirming these kind of allegations in this kind of evidence but to all intents and purposes the kind of allegations that have been made in the run up to this poll and the kind of the kind of situation we've seen in previous elections suggests that this election may not be clean by any stretch ok the question still to be ok for a moment from bishkek people in the new caledonia voting whether or not to become independent from france and if the 2nd time and samey is that they've been off to weigh in in the last referendum just over 56 percent of the vote is opposed to independence it's
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a debate that's been going back 30 years. still ahead have on al-jazeera with temperatures rising people rush back to brazil defiance of coronavirus restrictions. and wicked efforts to revitalize the philippines that was once called the. very unsettled across much of europe lots of clouds still swirling away the main area of low pressure causing this very very unsettled weather then is. just around the british isles that eastern side of england but you can see how the ice about as they make a lovely dart board swirling away lots of blustery showers rattling through we will
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see more heavy rain coming in cos many parts of the continent as we go through the next 24 hours or so before things gradually calm down stops was the southeast we have got winds coming in from a southerly direction so we see some very warm weather recently and in fact we saw the temps are getting up to 37 celsius a new type of record for the entire continent that's a line for italy so this warms down towards the southeast and colder than elsewhere as you can see cold enough and wet enough and blustery enough only 11 celsius in london in the cloud in the rain it's not a feel even as warm as that stick out on the strength of that wind heavy showers still there are some northwestern positively but we have seen flooding and also into the southeast fraudster this weather weather will make its way east was another blast street day swirling in as we go on through monday further south as you can see it is dry down towards the southeast and colder and last you dry that it's near.
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0. is the government not for. making the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that at travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on their own to 0. be the hero the world needs. washing. hello again you're watching al-jazeera has a reminder of our top stories this hour a true picture of president ronald trump's condition remains unclear after
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conflicting reports from the white house in the hospital where he's being treated for covert 19 they video on twitter that he was feeling good but that the real test was in the next few days. as a by john 2nd largest city has come under attack by armenian missiles the conflict over nagorno-karabakh escalates in the largest city in the disputed region stepanek is being bombarded by me as aires. and voters in kyrgyzstan are picking new members of parliament but there are widespread allegations of parties trying to buy ballots growing doubts over the legitimacy of the election. the latest caravan of migrants from one jurists who were aiming to walk all the way to the united states and their hopes dashed security forces in guatemala have turned many back but others say they're determined to press on towards the border with mexico despite the deployment of troops that to stop the manual repeller reports.
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hundreds of 100 migrants on the guatemalan awaiting their return home security forces acting under orders from president and a 100 geometry have been sending back members of a migrant caravan that crossed into guatemala on thursday. by the weekend immigration authorities said some of the original group of about 2000 migrants had agreed to return to honduras voluntarily be the moment that we made the decision to return because the situation of crossing the border between quote amal and mexico is very complicated. this latest migrant caravan is the 1st of this sons since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. rumors of a new cure event had been search. 100 and social media for a week just as president has ordered would he calls a state of prevention in several states for a period of 15 days and called for the detention of migrants who pushed through the border gates between honduras and guatemala on thursday still some migrants have
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vowed to push ahead saying their goal is to reach the united states. in spite of what the president said we are going to continue for. those who are continuing on or now heading toward guatemala's border with mexico which poses even greater challenges. the migration east to promote orderly safe irregular immigration in order to guarantee humanism and human rights with any entry into the country that's the reason we have met today for an orderly and coordinated activity with the armed forces the corona virus outbreak has meant borders remain under tight restrictions and the mexican government says immigration laws will be strictly enforced warning that those who knowingly put public health at risk could face prosecution. al-jazeera. riot police have fought anti-government protests. in the capital santiago have rallied for weeks to demand
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a new constitution by the inequality in society and accuse police of brutality protesters were incensed by the injury to a teenager during another demo on friday video appears to show a policeman throwing him off a bridge. israelis have ignored or nearly impose coronavirus restriction to rally against the prime minister for the 15th consecutive week protests as a continuing to demand benjamin netanyahu resigns he's on trial for corruption bribery and fraud criticism to the government's handling of the economy and the covert 19 crisis gatherings of more than 20 israelis are banned on wednesday as part of renewed lockdown measures. 3 months of protests demanding the resignation of bulgaria's prime minister not letting up demonstrators again rallied in the capitals of fear boyko borisov denies links to corruption in his right wing government as well as threatening the independence of the media and the whole he's
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refusing to step down before the end of his term to next march. the death toll in brazil is fast approaching 150000 the 2nd highest in the world after the us despite rising infection rates the marriage narrows easing restrictions schools cinemas and theaters but many have been ignoring the regulations anyway monica in a carefree ports. there were a few men there when her son are going to the movies for the 1st time in almost 7 months with an added bonus the new safety rules allow them to take off their masks to eat popcorn and curling for a moment the better we came because it's extremely hot outside and this is the 1st day cinemas and thirty's have opened so they're still empty i'm not sure it's a good idea to be in a closed space but for now it seems safer than the beach in fact they are the only ones here a sharp contrast to the world outside taking
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a dip in the water and exercising outdoors are allowed crowds of people without masks are not sunbathing is still forbidding but this is one more rule that people have decided to ignore as spring temperatures have risen to a record 40 degrees celsius and brazil's unemployment rate has reached 14 percent beach vendors have decided to defy rio's mayor they're renting chairs and parasols risking a $200.00 fines them especially coming to working illegally all of us here but if we don't do this we can't pay the rent or buy food we stayed away from the beach for 6 months and can't continue to survive on government handouts which have just been reduced to half the relaxed atmosphere on the plane as beach does not reflect the stark reality brazil is the world's 2nd largest covert in 1000 hotspot in terms of fatalities more than 145000 people died and almost 5000000 have been infected
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that bell silver says he's aware that brazil may witness a 2nd wave before the 1st one is over but he's willing to take the risk. the rules say we can only be in the water not on the sand but we are paying we aren't fish besides why should we trust the government rio's governor is being impeached on corruption charges the mayor is being investigated and the president never took the pandemic seriously. besides rio de janeiro 6 other state capitals have seen a slow but steady rise in cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome largely related to covert 19 according to a study just released by the feel close institute is something that we must be extremely careful in the extremely vigilant in the next 3 weeks because if we're going out even before those kind of even used we know will. assimilate the
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transmission in the next 2 weeks because my salary the increase in the number of my now is the largest city in brazil's amazon has closed bars and river b. just to contain the fresh surge of coronavirus cases but in rio de janeiro for the moment social distancing and masks seem to have become a thing of the past monica and i give al-jazeera rio de janeiro. david 19 faction levels and france iris a new high with almost $17000.00 new cases confirmed on saturday another $49.00 deaths raises the reported total to at least $32000.00 the 8th highest in the world leaders in paris are expected to announce new measures to curb the outbreak. as the city formerly known as the pole of the orient decades of decay have left the philippines capital manila a shadow of what it once was some efforts are being made to revitalize un preserve
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a story buildings a similar island ogun reports. this is manila one of the oldest and most densely populated cities in the world a melting pot of asia and latin cultures a place where the divide between rich and poor is conspicuous but decades ago manila was called the pearl of the orient the manila metropolitan theater was once a testament to the city's grandeur it was a staging ground for artists from all over the world who wanted to perform in the far east but decades later the theater has become a symbol of mandela's decay now the philippine government is changing that what will make this different these people will come here not only because of the show but because of the building. the battle for mandela between the joint filipino and american forces and the japanese imperial army in 1945 caused the loss of more than
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100000 lives and destroyed much of the city government buildings the universities and monasteries were just some of the many structures were destroyed in manila during world war 2 and historians say the country lost an irreplaceable historical treasure with the destruction of the city was the most devastated city during world war 2 after war so in poland but rebuilding a life and a city from scratch has proven difficult and some experts say manila has never truly recovered over the decades with a growing urbanization pollution and do reputation for violence businesses moved to other areas of the country. we lost that power. and you cannot buy back down its counterpart that's what we have our cultural history to make money let it be said that at the same time hopefully we leave with that expectation of being the
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capital of the country. people don't remember that we all came from. it centrality was a people went to school here our economic activity was based we have to get acquainted again with that and respect that history but article buildings museums and historical parks remain a reminder that not all is lost in manila at least for now similarly in dugit which is 0 manila. know what's going on 0 these are our top stories this hour a true picture of president donald trump's condition remains unclear after conflicting reports from the white house on the hospital ways being treated for cave in 19 in a video.
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