tv News Special Al Jazeera October 8, 2020 3:00am-6:00am +03
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here's president's health and the covert 19 crisis in focus as the vice presidential candidates face off in their one and only debate. hello from doha everyone i'm come out santa maria with the world news from al-jazeera. i want to get for you what i got and i'm going to make it free you're not going to pay for it on the trump attempts to assure the american people on his 1st day in office since returning from hospital. 5000000 covert infections in brazil and health experts are warning of a 2nd wave on the way. and after days of death and devastation foreign ministers of
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armenia and azerbaijan agreed to work to end their conflict. in just under an hour the 2 candidates for vice president of the united states will face off in their only debate of the campaign ahead of the november 3rd presidential election clear plastic barriers will separate mike pence and. have both tested negative for corona virus pictures here from salt lake city ahead of this 90 minute debate in the state of utah this is the hole in the university of utah where it will all happen. rob reynolds as our correspondent there today so much anticipation for this one is that they were not usual for a vice presidential debate these are not usual times. absolutely kemal i mean the the vice presidential debates every 4 years are usually pretty forgettable although
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those of us who are of a certain age will never forget lloyd benson is classic putdown of dan quayle in 1988 senator you're no jack kennedy but this time the stakes are even higher the focus will we squarely i think on covert 19 and the pandemic sen campbell harris joe biden's running mate will attempt to lay the failures of the administration's ability to contain the virus squarely at the feet of not only day donald trump but also vice president pence she's also likely to bring up the fact that the trump administration is attempting to invalidate in the courts the affordable care act also known as obamacare in the midst of this pandemic that's claimed more than 210000 lives in this country as for his part vice president pence is likely to continue president trump strategy of trying to prove portray harris as some kind of dangerous left wing radical who might have joe biden in her thrall he's
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also expected to try as again president trump has to depict the coronavirus pandemic as something that is receding in the rearview mirror it's going to be a very consequential evening here's a preview. and it's the hit spinning events of the past week the vice presidential debate on wednesday takes an unprecedented significance this is going to be a critically important debate usually debates are side shows with the candidates earnestly discussing issues in tossing the occasion. verbal zinger but as vice president mike pence and senator camel harris take to the stage in salt lake city the main issue is literally a matter of life or death i think there's going to be an enormous focus on the president's health mr biden's health as well frankly they are the 2 oldest presidential nominees in american history but right now with the president ill and
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some questions swirling about how truly ill he is it really puts into stark contrast what this debate is actually about it is making sure that a person is ready to become president at a moment's notice in terms of substance the debate will almost certainly focus on how the trumpet ministration has handled the pandemic that puts pince who chairs the white house coronavirus task force in a difficult spot he ran the task force he was chosen by the president to do it he was responsible for those early you know statements about just flattening the curbs i mean i imagine those that are working with con laris in preparation for this debate are spending a lot of their time coming up with creative ways to lay this all at the feet of the vice president and the president the style of the 2 candidates is quite different pence's stoic unflappable and unlikely to get rattled on stage he's
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a seasoned debater and his experience as a radio talk show host in the 1990 s. prepared him to think on his feet harris a former courtroom prosecutor has shown her ability to disconcert administration officials in senate hearings i wouldn't i wouldn't. yes on a. trick question i will repeat it with great uncertainty over whether the 2 remaining presidential debates will take place at all the showdown in salt lake city may be the last debate before election day in a campaign full of unpredictable twists. rob just a word on the mechanics of tonight if you wouldn't mind plexiglas shields in between the 2 candidates. that's right plexiglass shields the candidates will be about 2 meters apart instead of one meter as was originally planned they will be seated at desks susan page the moderator from the wash the
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washington bureau chief of usa today newspaper harris and hence will be the only ones allowed not to wear masks everyone else has to wear a mask or they will be escorted out according to the presidential debate commission and there was some late in the game jockeying for advantage between harris and parents camps when the issue of more plexiglas surrounding them came up and spokesperson for parents. and we've lost our link with rob reynolds there in salt lake city but we'll catch up with him again of course just before the debate and then off to as well you know the polls have consistently shown one in 5 voters say they don't have much of an opinion of either my pencil com so do we have an opportunity here for both of them to make an impression is just the numbers to get us going and it sells a poll released on tuesday which shows common heris schools
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a higher favor ability rating 45 percent of voters viewing who positively might $37.00 but he schools more favorably among white voters 47 percent like him there 32 percent view cama harris positively. 48 percent of black voters back harris pence but just 16 maybe not a surprise there but in this scene in polling as well which is conducting just off the president trump announced his coronavirus diagnosis 62 percent of americans said they thought pence was qualified to serve as president what with an hour to go before the debate we're going to have our own little pre-debate debate shall we got 2 guests joining us from either side of the divide we've got on the left the screen here derek plummer in washington d.c. has a democratic strategist and in sandy springs georgia king a republican analyst 1st things 1st no talking over each other and no name calling please because we want to be better than last night to mel let me start with you
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that's almost the pose thing isn't it that these 2 candidates have to improve and it shouldn't be difficult to improve on last week's presidential debate yeah absolutely i don't think that's been the issue and one that i think i do know is that both of them were in 2 different tones of the conversation and so i'm interested to see which tone is going to dominate the other i'm actually excited to hear from by the president praised plays a very supportive role to our president who has a huge personality so i'm excited to kind of introduce him to the world because he has been kind of quiet he definitely has a lot to say i am also interested here is he is going to as common here is the question that you've been avoiding i mean such as you know is joe biden segregationist or not how do you feel about that now that you're standing beside him you know i know there's a lot of key issues but i'm really excited to see where this goes and i hope he
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does hot button topics he needs to ginnell show the american people who he is doesn't he as you pointed out there but i mean the reason i'm saying that is because this could just turn into 90 minutes of talking about donald trump very very easily. very insulated very easily and that's what i don't want and i don't think kamel want that to be the case even though i feel like she wants to probably hit on all the issues that kind of fire people but you know president trump has a great record apart from any of the other things that she may try to attack him on and i think that by his present tense this is going to be an opportunity for you know like i said to show what he's been doing all this time because he has just been sitting in the white house and i also think that if he brings it back to that that he that would show america that we have a strong duo versus just having one strong figure in the in the white house and spring plumber in washington d.c. what's your take on well 1st of all what comes to harris has to do tonight she's a name people know her they know all for her but maybe they don't know about her or
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is a potential leader. yeah i mean so a couple of things you know it's interesting you know says she hopes that they don't talk about lone trunk because poll numbers might principle or numbers i wouldn't want to talk about don't try to be there i mean look the truth is that downtown was wildly unpopular both he and my pins have led to the worst recession that we've seen here in the united states has the since the great depression the 1930 s. there are now more than 211000 americans dead as a result of the failed leadership of downturn and my parents who led the crowd in task force who for months downplay the very of this virus who for months have tried to say that it's just going to disappear and now it's front and center because our president was irresponsible as he's been going out campaigning the people around him have been irresponsible and so i think we're going to see them
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come in the harris tonight is really you know make an indictment against mike pence in the they don't leadership of both white pants and donald trump i would also say that. if if my kind were the same janell's advice and gringo segregation i think that would be a really poor mistake given that donald trump with a view to denounce white supremacy his last last week and right now we have a racist in the white house and enabler in mike pence and i don't think they want to actually go down that road from trying hence and ministration a campaign perspective jenelle of say you're shaking your head i'll come back to you in a 2nd don't worry but i do want to well actually what i want to point out is that the 3 of us have been talking for 3 and a half minutes already and we have basically talked about donald trump you know focus so much on that and that's the point i'm trying to make that this is supposed to be about the vice president and god forbid talking about some policy it all comes back to him every time that derek. but it's not just but it's not just about
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as i said his own big personality it's about his failed leadership and so we're living in dollar terms of america so what does that look like that looks like a an economy that is on the brink of falling off of another clip that looks like millions of americans getting ready to lose health care as a result of a policy of donald trump and mike pence that also looks like african-americans hispanic americans and others disproportionate being impacted by the the old policies of this administration so there is substance there and arguably my peers does not want to talk about that substance but when you talk about criminal justice you for harris's lentil criminal justice or when we talk about. human issues joe biden income ahead of lebanon's issues and those are policy issues because there are things that we are confronting in dealing with every day here in the united states ok you know to and i'm not even going to ask you a question because i think you've got some stuff there. absolutely you know i just
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love how my democratic hatter counterparts always go to the races thing and try to call the president or racism or if he's a raise if he's a terrible racist because he's certainly done more for african-americans in the democratic party has done for years so in the race is made and by golly i'm ok with it when it comes to denouncing white supremacy i don't know how many times we need him to that now twice the prince he's done it over and over and over again so i don't need him to say it but the 15th time i know that he's already in support of the african-american community because its actions reflect it i mean like i said we have about 7000 people now i think we might be up to 11000 people majority african-american will be released from prison under the 1st step act if you see us all have to come back to the white house every 2 years before finding because of this president and the list can go on i know i know him and when you talk about the economy i also love how democrats will say that the president led us into a recession as if he cooked up kobe at 19 in his backyard and leased it on to
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america the american people in the world i mean all of that the entire world is dealing with this is something that we've had to manage and we've managed well in the state that i'm here in georgia and we're doing great right now number one with the with unemployment after this pandemic hit so i mean it's all about managing and i think the president's doing a great job of that i just think that going forward we need to focus on it but facts are not speculations and opinions and if your argument is that you know the president's race then i mean we have joe biden who just recently talked about a black woman who stopped to show i mean it's just absolutely ridiculous how those statements get a pat ok when the president of the principle that it's high it's a problem let's move on to soap and say sorry i'm going to try today or just i'm going to both of you because i do want to move on i think we can again we're getting bogged down in a whole lot of other issues if we were to actually hear some policy from these 2
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candidates tonight what do you want to hear derek the 1st one what do you want to hear from chama heris stuff of substance about what is the next 4 years would look like under her and joe biden. well 1st i think despite you know. statement the reality is that 25 percent of the world's deaths it related to that are here in the u.s. because of your leadership so 1st i want to hear from comma harrison how she and joe biden are going to correct the failures of the trump pence in the history i want to know how they are going to start testing 200000000 have 200000000 test a day which we have not been able to have under this krrish i also want to know what they're going to do related to infrastructure and i want to know what they're going to do as a country as relates to actually helping african-americans which we have not seen from this administration i think it's absolute values which you know said you know anyone who even tries to say the downturn has done more for african-americans in
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last 50 years has no idea of history that saying that he's done more than e.j. when it came to the voting rights act or the civil rights act of that their housing act don't trump can't touch his predecessor's more importantly when we start on policy and i want to know what we're talking we're going to do when it comes to the environment mike pence and donald trump have done everything they can to roll back the environmental progress that we have made in the united states everything from the paris climate of course right to it to reducing the number of places where people can drill in our in our national national parks etc are you trying to roll back cafe standards in terms of cars so what i want to hear from tom harris is how she's going to how she enjoyed by the going to turn back the clock on the disasters from pince record ok then dirt final word with a gentle then again i want to focus on policy and substance mike pence could easily
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say well he is what we say we've done in the past 4 years but it also has to be about obviously the next 4 years what he want to hear. well you know the president and vice president has been talking about when they were going to do going forward for a while now i mean you know president truck came to atlanta and they talked about that platinum plan for the african-american community so what i would like to hear as it relates to tolerance is what harris and biden plans to do because they don't seem to talk about policy and i all i mean they talk about mass and they talk about you know racism but they don't talk about policy so i would like to know what do get a stand when it comes to pranking there are a lot of workers that are looking to find out they don't have jobs or not at the should biden take the white house and i would like to hear what is their black agenda if they even have what i would like to hear about the green new deal where the she supports and since we know that joe biden does support the green new deal although his website says he does and so i would like to hear me say about that and
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then lastly on since we do have the races the lays out that's where the democratic party comes from i would love to hear it you know just if they are going to initiate anything when it comes to the community and lastly when it comes to l.b.j. i think it's opening the democrats bring up l.b.j. in the black community because l.b.j. all he did all of his policies that led to failures in our community and disruption of the family that has led to poverty well it's not the kind of craziness so i'm just exactly going to happen and looking towards it we all gentle thing in the red corner in the blue coat of this has been great thanks for coming on we really appreciate it thanks thank you to have insurance and the debate the vice presidential debate that it's starts in who 40 minutes time here on al-jazeera salt lake city is where it's happening live coverage from the top of the hour at 100 hours g.m.t. .
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well donald trump has meanwhile assured americans of a state ministrations response to the coronavirus pandemic the us president released a video of outside the white house where he called corona virus a blessing from god or at least his infection. of the experimental antibody cocktail he used saying he'll make it free for everyone trump back at work for the 1st time since he was released from hospital on monday i went in i wasn't feeling so hot and within a very short period of time they gave me regeneration which called regeneration and other things too but i think this was the key but they gave me regeneration and it was like unbelievable i felt good immediately i felt as good 3 days ago as i do now so i think this was a blessing from god that i caught it this was a blessing in disguise i caught it i heard about this drug i said let me take it it
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was my suggestion i said let me take it and it was incredible the way it worked i want to get for you what i got and i'm going to make it free you're not going to pay for it it wasn't your fault that this happened it was china's fault and china is going to pay a big price what they've done to this country china is going to pay a big price what they've done to the world. mike hanna in washington d.c. to take us through this come back to donald trump's video in a moment and what he was saying in particular about the drugs but i'm also reading here talk of a white house security official who is gravely ill with covert 19. indeed yes well the white house does not confirm this but a number of sources are now saying that creed faily who was a security official at the white house essentially he was in charge of all the credentialing in charge of security in the compound is gravely hill with covert 19
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now it's significant too that he contracted the virus that is believed in late september that is before that massive spread a vent when president trump nominated any beret as a new supreme court justice so creepy bailey now described as being in a grave condition he has obviously been in the hospital for a long period of time but it extends that period in which the virus appears to have been present within the white house confines and added to that as well as a internal fem a memorandum that's a department of homeland security branch which was leaked in the course of the day indicates that there are more than 30 people associated with the white house or more than 30 working at the white house and other contacts and their marriage memorandum says that have tested positive for covert 19 so this is a far bigger figure than what we've had in recent days however the white house
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still continues to refuse to release a list of those who got covert or a full accounting of those who have tested positive ok thank you for that one let's talk about then the video donald trump's video we played a short clip but it went for a good 4 and a half minutes in total what's the biggest take away from that it seems to be his talk about trying to make a drug available for everyone. well indeed there is talking about the monoclonal antibody cocktail called regeneration which was given to president trump while he was in hospital now there's a huge amount of problems associated with this. trial studies for this particular cocktail were only released at the end of september it is still in development it is nowhere near final trials or nowhere near f.d.a. approval now president tran got a certain exception that he was allowed to use the compassionate use that is termed
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now we understand as well from one of the co-founders of the company itself that president trump is one of only 10 people outside clinical trials who's actually received a dose of regeneration he received a high dose 80 grams as opposed to the normal dose which is some 1.6 grams of cording to the company spokesperson so the possibility of rolling out this cocktail on an extended use basis is very difficult to see on a number of levels 1st of all it would have to get an emergency use authorization from the f.d.a. secondly the manufacturers would have to be producing it in great enough amount for it to be able to go to the wider population thirdly an unimportant point who bears the cost president saying it's going to be free to all americans well that means the federal government is going to pay for it president trump says as well that the
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military will distribute it and we understand from regeneration officials that the 1st contract for the 1st $300000.00 doses has been signed to the department of defense so the 1st body that will get doses of this drug is the department of defense which goes in accord with president trump's claims that at the military will actually distribute the cocktail but it's a long way away from that just to produce as. cocktails before final clinical trials of even being concluded is very difficult situation to see my canner in washington d.c. thank you for that we had to brazil now which has recorded more than 5000000 coronavirus cases confirming another 31000 just a few hours ago to go over that mark 148000 brazilians have died from covert 19 as well it is latin america's worst affected nation however president john bolton are has played down the threat of the virus describing it as
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a little flu. monica you know given rio de janeiro that's quite something for him to say given he did contract like president romney contract with the disease themselves but continues to put them. yes he does and the problem well the thing was that he got over it fairly quickly. like president donald trump which sends mixed messages to brazilians because it makes it seem as if it really was a little flu and he survived it and so did the 1st lady and so did one of his sons so it is a mixed message but the real fact is that there are almost 150000 brazilians dead which is the 2nd largest it's the country that has the 2nd largest amount of deaths after the united states just so that you can have an idea since july which was the
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peak of the coded 19 pandemic here in brazil. in july there were one 100000 the end of july there were 100000 deaths now there almost 150000 so that's 50000 in just a couple of months which is a long a lot and that's what you would call the 1st wave i guess and still be is the moniker of a 2nd wave. yes health experts are afraid that brazil might have have a 2nd wave before it's over the 1st wave. their measures have been people are no longer respecting social distancing right now i'm not wearing a mask because i'm out on the beach alone in the fresh air but during the day it's been like for you degrees centigrade which is a very high temperature for this time of the year beaches have been packed with
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people although you're not allowed to be on the be like camping out on the sand but there are crowds of people none of them social distancing very few wearing masks and it's almost everywhere so it's like the fear factor doesn't exist anymore monica you know what that update from rio de janeiro thank you now i mean you know and azerbaijan's of foreign ministers plan to meet separately with officials from russia france and the united states it's been 11 days of fighting between the 2 it's killed over 100 people in displaced home the population of the disputed mokoena cut about region international mediators have been meeting in geneva to try to convince the warring sides to negotiate a cease fire the support from simcoe. out of iraq to you know was a teacher she was killed 2 days ago one of sorcery jones and bear to city was hit by a rocket. she was struck by fragments in the back and other parts of her body all
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national teachers say. her sisters are mourning she then they go oh i don't know. we big you show the atrocity against our civilians here she died in her own house quote i know we're all ready to die for our lands. in the backyard of her house her neighbors gather to honor her memory the rocket left its traces on the ground and on the walls. shares rather so ill guard was also caught in that attack he shows or his house was also hit by a rocket and then called fire. these paper boxes were scattered after day explosion his son collects and sells them to make a living. situation whatever we were at home 3 rockets hit this way then i went out
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my son told me it would be dangerous there were 9 people at home 5 were our guests displaced from elsewhere now all family members are staying with our relatives around here. the answer bridge on national agency for mine action or and i must say stan rockets hit the city affairs office over 5 a day you want us or break john accuse our menu of indiscriminate the targeting several cities an accusation our menu has also leveled against us our base jump in the conflict over knock on the car of our. nagar knock out a box main city yes the panic at suffered the most intense of not time more bargeman since the previous weekend according to the car about where it's been more than 70000 people or 50 percent off now going up car bucks population loss to women and children are estimated to have been displaced russian president vladimir putin has called for the end to what he described as a tragedy and free but i do it all fathers and brothers everyone will fight to the
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end that's it our people won't be broken this land is ours was ours and will continue to be else the fighting is the worst round of violence between the 2 countries since the early 1990 s. then 30000 people were killed and thousands displaced new un resolutions and international organizations have demanded the what's role of their main forces from . that jason does there is city's many world leaders have called for a sea. fire however as our bait john and ethnic are minions both claim these lenses that there is their battle has spilled over into cities far from the front line and neither side seems to be ready to step back because all else is around me to charles or pigeon. in the news ahead. violence in greece after an extreme far right party is ruled to be a criminal gang. that believes you to cut the d.n.a. where you want has driven lucia nice to life sciences and 2 women are awarded the
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nobel prize for chemistry for their breakthrough that helps rewrite the code of life. for. typhoon chan homes continues to strengthen as it pushes up towards japan that the system at the moment slowly but surely making its way further north where it's at a swiss and bringing some very heavy rain in ahead of the system actually break down poles there in tokyo temperatures around 10 degrees down on yesterday's values 16 celsius in the cloud and the right in the right if anything intensifying further for some as we go on into friday we will see localized flooding then across parts of q shoot southern areas of honshu and eventually the system will make its way out
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into the open waters another area that is slotted to see flooding over the next couple of days is central vietnam lots of cloud here thunder has a rolling through that on the show brace you can follow that background into the reason that big downpours coming in here and those showers long spells of right punch right the way across through thailand into the andaman sea some wet weather coming through here as well as we go through the next couple of days little developing system gives some cause for concern plenty of showers longest 1000 right to southern parts of myanmar we go through thursday into friday and it punches its way up into the above being go ahead of that well it is a case of sunshine and plenty of showers to sell in india. pakistan's k.s.c. $100.00 assads more than 36 percent we bring you the stories in development is that a rapidly changing the world we live in water is going dispensable to economic
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activity but industrial use is worsening contest of fresh water counting the cost on al-jazeera. her to her. with al-jazeera at the top stories this hour both u.s. vice presidential nominees have reportedly tested negative for coronavirus they are going well in about 30 minutes time face to face in their televised debate you can see their clear plastic barriers that will separate mike pence and carla harris as they debate for 90 minutes u.s. president donald trump says his coronavirus infection is a blessing from god and if released a few hours ago he said he feels great and has returned to work in the oval office and brazil's now recorded more than 5000000 corona virus cases confirmed another
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31000 infections just a few hours ago all of 148000 brazilians have died from covert 19 it is latin america's worst affected. european governments are facing anger confusion and fatigue as they grapple with rising corona virus infections new restrictions have been imposed in belgium and scotland on masks are now mandatory outdoors in italy france is also reported its highest number of daily infections all of that now with . not so long ago they were being applauded every evening for their lifesaving efforts now front line workers at the lab have hospital like others in madrid a staging lunchtime strikes we've covered 19 cases of deaths on the rise again they're exhausted at the at the end of it and up in the medical man you know i'm here to represent my colleagues and our battle for better working conditions for our rights our salaries our hours to be able to have a work life balance to be able to spend time with our families you know since last
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friday almost 5000000 people in and around madrid have in theory been under new restrictions but fines for travelling outside the area other than for an essential reason such as work study or visiting a doctor are on hold until a legal challenge is heard. in britain the opposition labor party is questioning local restrict. shin's in parts of northern england pointing out that 19 out of 20 areas under restrictions for 2 months had reported rising infection rates the prime minister really needs to understand that local communities are angry and frustrated so will he level with the people of bury your bolton and tell him what does he actually think the problem is here from friday pubs and restaurants across central scotland have to close for 16 days with a new 6 pm curfew elsewhere together with the scotland wide ban on visiting other households these add up to the toughest measures anywhere in the u.k. the reason we're not closing in door hospitality completely is that we know the
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benefits in terms of reducing loneliness and isolation of giving people particularly those who live alone some where they can meet a friend for a coffee and a chat but in belgium they are shutting down all bars and cafes in the capital brussels from thursday after a spike in infections i understand why. but i think it's a bit long for months to months have flags a local service so it's a bit sad here for students at least. meanwhile in italy wearing a mask outdoors is being made compulsory the national infection rates actually among europe's lowest but the country's recorded its highest daily increase in new cases since the peak in april across europe governments face a challenge how to prevent the health sector from being overwhelmed again while trying not to shut down completely nadine barber al-jazeera and iran has registered its highest number of corona virus deaths since the pandemic began the government says 239 people died in the past 24 hours more than 4000 new cases confirmed as
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well for the 2nd day running restrictions are again being tightened across iran. remember we're about 25 minutes away from the vice presidential debate in salt lake city utah live pictures coming in from the university of utah i think it's the kingsbury hole with holding the debate masks on social distancing well maybe not there presumably they're all from the same curve but there is definitely some social distancing some empty seats there in the background as well live coverage on jazeera in just a little over 20 minutes time top of the 100 hours g.m.t. meanwhile confusion about who is taking over as the leader of kurdistan as prime minister following the. resignation a replacement was named after a parliamentary session on tuesday but a group of opposition parties has rejected that and nominated their own man in certainly follows the announcement of sunday's parliamentary election that many say
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. has been following one of the challenges for the leadership of kurdistan. were outside the prime minister's office. for the arrival of the man who describes himself as being the only legitimate prime minister of this country so. now he was voted to become the new prime minister last night in an emergency parliamentary session but according to opposition figures there were not enough m.p.'s in that session to make him a legitimate leader in any kind of vote so we're expecting a meeting now which we. and other opposition figures. the situation can only be described as very tense there is a sense that nobody is in control of this country and your power of himself told a television station earlier today that he believed that there were forces in kyrgyzstan trying to mount what he described as a counter revolution. his supporters say he is the man to help lead this country
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into the crisis in the community such as your party supporting young people so we should support him because something else is a trying to divide and smear like i said. there are many here less appalled suit with the new prime minister who recognizes what's staying. there customers to show them that if we are to precarious point between a pad and a good life it's up to us we haven't got. the meeting between japan over members of opposition parties never happened by early evening there was an explanation why the coalition of 13 opposition parties has now nominated its own candidates to be the country's triage minister has described the parliamentary session the voted to make salter departure of the prime minister yesterday as invalid it is demanded that a new parliamentary session be held to vote on the issue in a secret location there are growing concerns in the clearest capital deceiving that
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we're beginning to witness what could potentially be a serious standoff between supporters of mr jope are off and other opposition parties a growing sense of uncertainty here in kyrgyzstan with no real understanding of who's in charge of this country. a court in greece has ruled that a far right political party which up until last year had representation in parliament is a criminal organization 18 former golden dawn and pains were convicted and the support has been found guilty of murder the party was once creases 3rd largest political force reports from athens. the guilty verdict against golden dawn could not bring back her son but for the mother of murdered rapper published she says it was vindication. you did it she said were you thinking it was
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a very positive decision we're very satisfied with the verdict we want to wait and see if the sentences will be satisfactory as well as justice has prevailed because what happened was very unjust on the street outside the supreme court thousands gathered they are not innocent of this banner nazis in jail but another and when the verdict was announced there were 2 years of joy and applause and relief. to the arrest and investigation of leadership for dozens of violent crimes against immigrants and leftists these were not isolated incidents the court decided but a pattern of behavior by golden dawn members who took the orders from the top on wednesday the party's 18 members of parliament elected in 2012 were all convicted of membership in a criminal organization and the most senior including party leader nikos me convicted of forming that organization in. today's decision and the
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impunity of criminal fascism in greece and stops the rallies of nazi violence on the question of whether golden dawn is a criminal organization the cult says with a capital yes it's also seen as a day of relief by many of greece's minorities it was a very common phenomenon going down to the train in the morning on the fly. artform to get starved to get robbed to get ripped off your papers that was so common that you know many of these people were undocumented so all those people they were so reluctant to go and report it to the police in. a lawsuit golden dawn 17 percent of the vote in 2012 during the worst economic crisis in greece is history as austerity policies put almost a 3rd of the workforce out on the street the mainstream parties that enforced those policies lost votes to a populist fringe including golden dawn even so it's election came as a shock greece was occupied by nazis for 3 and
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a half years during world war 2 they killed an estimated 1000000 people through mismanagement of the economy and starvation as well as conflict for many greeks the resurgence of fascism as a political force was a cause for national shame but last year golden dawn fails to enter parliament and it has now been condemned for many greeks wednesday's verdict has again put the country on the right side of history jumps out of al-jazeera. the better russian opposition leader going to sky has been put on russia's wanted list it's not clear when she was actually added to the database or exactly what she's wanted for the kremlin of course backs her opponent the better russian president alexander lukashenko has been facing mass protests after a disputed election in august. germany and france have announced plans to sanction those they blame for the poisoning of russian opposition figure alexina valmy the country's foreign ministers say moscow's failed to provide answers about the attempted murder of army is a vocal critic of russian president vladimir putin. a kenyan court has convicted 2
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men for helping the attackers who stormed a shopping center in nairobi back in 2013 at sage lasted several days that left 67 people dead from nairobi catherine sawyer or. 7 years after the westgate mall attack trial happened chief magistrate francis and i read out his verdict over 3 and a half hours the prosecution's case he says follows. it was given by 4 to 6 witnesses prosecution lawyers used call logs of telephone conversations between the 3 accused and the gunmen who were killed in the 4 day siege in 20132 men up to and hussein hussen were found guilty of conspiring to support their talk and having materials linked to terrorist activities in the prison is buying that there is a strong link. with the fast on what their case was in their communication. was
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that they were involved in the us. one of the accused lieben abdullah all mark was acquitted of all charges ben more who has been waiting for the judgment he and a friend were driving into the basement parking of the mall when they hard the 1st blast then gunshots what's a little more ties is being lost is where i was hiding there's a security guard who was right next to me was shot in the head. and i didn't realize i was injured until. a rescue team arrived and as i was trying to get out that's when i realized i had a lot of blood that security guard was among the 67 people killed in that talk 4 gunmen storm. the upmarket morning and was surrounded and killed by security forces the armed group based in neighboring somalia sayed its men carried out their talk some security analysts say this trial has
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a stake in too long difficult laws that do more to allow us to expedite justice is basically for to resume we need to amend to go small and make them conform with our times because the times we become terrorism times the magistrate will deliver a sentencing on the 22nd of october we did speak to the prosecutors right after this ruling and this is the happy with a conviction and will be pushing for the maximum penalty of 20 years we also expect the survivors and those who lost their loved ones to give their testimonies ahead of that sentencing the westgate mall was reopened 5 years ago but some survivors and families of the dead remain too traumatized to visit those we talked to say they wanted justice and hope the decision by the court will help them find some way to come to terms with what happened cathy zoi al-jazeera nairobi 2 former british nationals accused of being members of an isolated cell have appeared in court in the united states. alexander coty are accused of torturing and murdering captives
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including beheading 4 americans as well as citizens of the u.k. and japan they have been held in u.s. military custody since october last year. alleged group within i saw was dubbed the beatles because of their british accents the defendants are charged with terrorism offenses related to hostage taking and killing of 4 americans as well as citizens of great britain and japan for over a year now shaikh were held in iraq by the us military under the law of armed conflict i am pleased to confirm that they are now in f.b.i. custody and will soon appear in federal court in the eastern district of virginia. a former us police officer charged over the death of george floyd has been released on bail derek shove and is facing murder and manslaughter charges often mailing on floyd's neck during his arrest in may ford later died which triggered nationwide
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protests and was released on a $1000000.00 bond and is expected back in court next match. and take a break he was shot and paralyzed during his arrest in wisconsin's been released from hospital the 29 year old now goes to a spinal rehabilitation center the nobel prize for chemistry has been awarded to 2 women emanuel shop and from france an american jennifer did not scientists developed a genome editing technique described as a tool that rewrites the code of life for yachting reports so-called genetic scissors can cut through plant animal and human d.n.a. removing disease and imperfections and altering the code of life it's a discovery that's earned a manual of france and american jennifer didna this year's nobel prize in chemistry . did you check known as crisper cass 9 the tool can be used to cut
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single genes out of a d.n.a. strand contributing to new cancer therapies in offering the possibility of curing hereditary diseases duda says these genetic scissors are like using a word processing program to fix a typo in a document but there are lots of genetic diseases that you could potentially use this kind of technique to start to try and treat or you can use it to create model organisms so that we can specifically test out medicines much more easily more effectively the path from discovery to prize has taken less than a decade a relatively short period by nobel standards. first published her findings in 2011 after studying bacteria and how they fight viral infections that same year she joined forces with from the university of california berkeley in the us to recreate the bacteria as genetic scissors in a test tube the crisper technology has already been used to change the d.n.a.
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in the cells of mice and monkeys other organisms as well chinese scientists showed recently that they could even use the crisper technology to change genes in human embryos and scientists in philadelphia show they could use crisper to remove the d.n.a. of and integrated hiv virus from infected human cells but this new technology is not without controversy some are concerned that altering human d.n.a. could lead to questionable practices including creating so-called designer babies together with my colleagues i have called for a global conversation about the technology that i co-invented so that we can consider all of the ethical and societal implications of a technology like this the pair are the 6th and 7th women to win a nobel prize for chemistry and today casper casts 9 is a common tool in biochemistry and molecular biology labs only imagination sets the
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limits for what this chemical tool that's too small to be disappointed with our ice can be used for in the future. perhaps the dream of curing diseases will come. heard in al-jazeera. in just under 10 minutes the 2 candidates for the vice presidency of the united states will face off in their only debate of this campaign ahead of the presidential election on november 3rd live pictures here from salt lake city utah as the preparations go on masks in place social distancing in place plexiglas shields in place between the 2 candidates it will be a vice presidential debate different to most others than we've seen but then that's 2020 for you isn't it pretty much different to anything we've seen before the word we're also getting is that my pets and counting the house have both tested negative
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for coronavirus ahead of the debate as is happening as a say in salt lake city this is the kingsbury hole at the university of utah the vice presidential debate beginning in 8 minutes time give or take rob reynolds our correspondent is there in salt lake city utah a lot of anticipation for this one rob a. lot of it disappears should come a lot of people eager to see these 2 go at it especially after the rather shambolic debate in cleveland last week between the 2 presidential candidates 90 minutes the 2 will be seated there separated by. 2 meters of space instead of the one meter that was originally planned as you mentioned plexiglas shields everybody has to wear a mask except for the candidates and the moderator susan page of the usa to do it
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today newspaper she has not released a list of her questions to the 2 candidates but i think it's a safe bet that the covert 19 pandemic is going to dominate the proceedings from beginning to end here it was after all vice president mike pence who was appointed by president from early on in the pandemic to head up the white house task force 210000 deaths in this country later certainly senator harris is going to try to lay the blame for the current situation at the feet of pants and trump. pants for his part is likely to try to echo the trump attack lines against harris saying that she is a left wing radical who will who will been it be late joe biden if the 2 of them are elected. and they will be speaking in
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a situation on like any other in american history especially in the 40 years that we've had these vice presidential debates because everyone knows there's a huge pandemic going on that's obviously common knowledge the president is 74 he's got coronavirus he's been treated for it he says successfully joe biden now coronavirus but he's 77 years old so people are aware of the ages of the 2 man at the top so they're going to be looking at this man and this woman in this debate to see if they could step into the shoes of either of those men if the most unfortunate circumstance happened and they had to take over the presidency . in salt lake city utah looking forward to talking to you again rob so the debates a brief chat now though with alan schroeder in albuquerque new mexico
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a debate historian a professor emeritus at northeastern university in boston and he's going to be with us through the debate thank you for your time head to head what's your take. by pence versus how to shop talk is really a lawyer is mike pence used to host a conservative talk radio show it should be head to head a good match up. i think so and of course what makes the debate particularly interesting is where you have 2 very contrasting candidates as we do here i mean these 2 people could not be more different from each other if they try to show i think we'll see stylistic differences will see substantive differences and we'll see a lot of emphasis on the people who aren't at the debate trump and but we hope that there will be no repeat i think of what happened a week ago where i think it was described as no one won and everyone lost there was criticism last week on chris wallace the moderator what does susan page have to do
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. this week i don't think she'll have quite the difficulty that chris wallace did because these 2 candidates are not in the style of donald trump that said it's a really tough job you know there's a lot of criticism of the moderators but they really have their hands tied in this situation if the candidates themselves are willing to play by the rules then the moderator can't exactly stop the show in force that's rules what is your expectation of what will actually he has so much talk again and i'm comparing it i know it into last week's presidential debate but how light it was on actual substance on actual policy you think these candidates will will hate that in an act they try to you know get some some real policy stuff out there. i do because a lot of the debate last week was really a missed opportunity for both sides we didn't really get to hear much about the biden plan and we didn't get your much about what trump's vision for the next 4
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years would be so tonight gives an opportunity for each of these candidates to sort of step in and fill that void there's a risk and i was discussing with some earlier guests on al-jazeera that this just devolves into a huge debate about donald trump that still has merit to obviously the president who was sick who is at a questionable response to cope at 19 but i mean is that what we want to say is that what the candidates tonight want to say just talking about the president. you know donald trump probably wants to send not sure of that. so i think the big topic will be the pandemic how can you a lawyer particularly was mike pence his role as head of the coronavirus task force this becomes an issue much larger than donald trump in school i'm hopeful that we'll talk about some substantive policy issues and not just critique the personality of. you the universe looms large no question about it but we should have enough of the yes alan you are a debate historian just tell us
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a little bit about vice presidential debates in the past i think the general consensus is that they are not as anticipated as presidential debates i think that's a bit different this year but what are some examples in the past. that's right they tend to have a smaller viewership than the presidential debates and you know they don't really change the outcome of the election you can have of vice presidential debate or who does very badly and yet that ticket gets elected show it's more i think about the debaters as stand ins for the presidential candidates and also frankly it's about the careers of the debaters on the stage both paris and would love to run for president i'm sure this is a good kind of preparation do they have to almost introduce themselves to the public i mean everyone knows who might pensees and come the house has become a well known person as well but pence is. he's not a is not a sort of front and center sort of person in this administration obviously his boss
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is. yes that's true in particularly humble her as she's the senator from california but she's only been in the national spotlight for a couple of years so i think particularly with her it is a little an introduction to the voters less so with parents but as you say he's you know been in trouble shadow anyone would be but i think this is a chance for him to try to become his own man if he's willing to do. alan schroeder is in albuquerque new mexico debate historian with the northeastern university in boston and we'll be back with him later on after the debate coming up to the top of the hour almost over 100 hours g.m.t. 9 pm on the east coast i think it will be 7 pm in salt lake city utah as we prepare for the one and only vice presidential debate of the 2020 election campaign both candidates come to the harris vice presidential candidate for the democrats and mike pence for the republicans have we are told tested negative for coronavirus
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ahead of this so much a concern obviously with covert 19 out working its way through the white house as to whether this would go ahead and whether mike pence would be all right for this he is he will be there they'll be 2 meters between him and campbell harris as well as plexiglas shields sitting in the chair right now you can see susan page who is the washington bureau chief for usa today the 1st print journalist to moderate one of these debates since 1976 i believe it is and as we said so much anticipation about this debate usually vice presidential debates. would maybe not have the same prominence as the 3 presidential debates which happen usually in a cycle but this one after what we saw last week all the shouting in the
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interrupting and the lack of anything. tangibles to come out of it there is hope that we will see more of that this week it's all 100 hours g.m.t. here on al-jazeera i'm kemal santa maria with continuing coverage of the 2020 us elections and as we wait for the vice presidential debate to begin i might have finished up with i guess a little bit early and they seem to be running just a touch late in salt lake city utah as i say it's the only vice presidential debate that will happen. and. 2 more presidential debates they should be the concerns over that as well given coronavirus going to the white house and donald trump himself has had it with that debate will even go ahead as well which is why this vice presidential debate takes on more significance i think in this year still waiting for it to happen i wonder i'm just going to have a talk to my team here if we can bring up but we have
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a graphic from earlier on which talks a little bit about how the 2 sides viewed all the 2. candidates viewed by the u.s. electorate given that they are not as well known as joe biden and and donald trump the the 2 presidential candidates here's a look at what people think of. and mike pence one in 5 voters say they don't have much of an opinion either so this ipsos poll says that camara scores a higher favor billeted rating 45 percent of voters view her positively and my pence has 37 percent hayes schools more favorably against this is going to be no surprise among white voters 47 percent there 32 percent view. positively it flips very much so when we look at black voters 48 percent of black voters back
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pents only 16 percent of those voters view him positively there was also some c.n.n. polling that was conducted after president trump announced his coronavirus diagnosis 62 percent of americans said they thought pence was qualified to serve as president the phrase we always have is that the vice president is just a heartbeat away from becoming the president of the united states and given the president the united states has been in hospital in the past week that becomes even more crucial reynolds is our correspondent outside the university of utah in salt lake city a little bit of a delay here rob but it only builds the anticipation doesn't it as we wait for comma harris and mike pence. yes not sure exactly why they didn't come out promptly but it's not that unusual sometimes it's you know things
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slip a minute or 2 either way sorry rob i'm going to interrupt you because just as we've started talking to you susan page has started talking susan page the moderator of this year's vice presidential debate prosy in kingsbury hall tonight we have a small and socially distant audience and we've taken extra precautions during this pandemic among other things everyone in the audience is required to wear a face mask and the candidates will be seated 12 feet apart. the audience is enthusiastic about their candidates but they've agreed to express that enthusiasm only twice at the end of the debate and now when i introduce the candidates please welcome california senator komla harris and vice president mike pence was was.
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senator harrison vice president pence thank you for being here we're meeting as president trump and the 1st lady continued to undergo treatment in washington after testing positive for covert 19 we send our thoughts and prayers to them for their rapid and complete recovery and for the recovery of everyone afflicted by the coronavirus the 2 campaigns in the commission on presidential debates have agreed to the ground rules for good night i'm here to enforce them on behalf of the millions of americans who are watching one note no one in either campaign or at the commission are anywhere else has been told in advance what topics or raise or what questions are asked this 90 minute debate will be divided into 9 segments of about 10 minutes each all begin a segment by posing
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a question to each of you sometimes the same question sometimes a different question on the same topic you will then have 2 minutes to answer without interruption by me or the other candidate then we'll take 6 minutes or so to discuss the issue at that point although there will always be more to say we'll move on to the next topic. we want a debate that is lively but americans also deserve a discussion that is civil these are to mulch was times but we can and will have a respectful exchange about the big issues facing our nation let's begin with the ongoing pandemic that has cost our country so much senator harris the coronavirus is not under control over the past week johns hopkins reports that 39 states have had more covert cases over the past 7 days than in the week before 9
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states have set new records even if a vaccine is released soon the next administration will face hard choices what would abide ministration do in january and february that a troop administration wouldn't do would you impose new lock downs for businesses and schools and hotspots a federal mandate to our masts you have to minister respond without interruption thank you says and well the american people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country and here are the facts 210000 dead people in our country it is the last several months over 7000000 people who have contracted this disease one in 5 businesses closed we're looking at front line workers who have been treated like sacrificial workers we are looking at over 30000000 people who are in the last several months had to
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file for unemployment and here's the thing on january 28th the vice president and the president more informed about the nature of this pandemic they were informed that it's lethal in consequence that it is airborne that it will affect young people and that it would be contract of it because it is airborne. and they knew what was happening and they didn't tell you when you imagine if you knew on january 28th as opposed to march 13th what they knew what you might have done to prepare they knew and they covered it up the president said it was a hoax they minimize the seriousness of it but the president said you're on one side of his ledger if you wear a mask you're on the other side of his ledger if you don't and in spite of all of that today they still don't have a plan they still don't have
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a plan with joe biden does and our plan is about what we need to do around a national strategy for contact tracing for testing for administration of the vaccine and making sure that it will be free for all that is the plan that joe biden has and that i have knowing that we have to get ahold of what has been going on and we need to save our country and joe biden is the best leader to do that and frankly this administration has forfeited thank you say our right to reelection based on this thank you senator harris vice president pence more than 210000 americans have died of covert 19 since february the u.s. death toll as a percentage of our population is higher than that of almost every other wealthy nation on earth for instance our death rate is 2 and a half times that of canada next door you head the administration's coronavirus task force why is the u.s. death toll as a percentage of our population higher than that of almost every other wealthy
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country and you have 2 minutes to respond without interruption susan thank you and i want to thank the commission and the university of utah for hosting this event center here is a privilege to be on the stage with you in our nation's gone through a very challenging time this year. but i want the american people to know it from the very 1st day president donald trump has put the health of america 1st before there were more than 5 cases in the united states all people who had returned from china president donald trump did what no other american president had ever done and that was he suspended all travel from china the 2nd largest economy in the world now senator joe biden biden opposed that decision he said it was enough over and hysterical but i can tell you having led the white house coronavirus task force at that decision alone by president trump brought us invaluable time to stand up the
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greatest national mobilization since world war 2 and i believe it saved hundreds of thousands of american lives because with that time we were able to reinvent testing more than 115000000 tested been done to date we were able to see to the delivery of billions of supplies so our doctors and nurses had the resources support they needed and we began really before the month of february was our to develop a vaccine and to develop medicines and therapeutics and in saving lives all along the way and under president trump's leadership operation warp speed we believe will have literally tens of millions of doses of vaccine before the end of this year the reality is when you look at the biden plan it reads an awful lot like what president trump and i in our task force have been doing every step of the way and quite frankly when i look at their plan that talks about advancing testing creating new p.p.a. developing a vaccine. it looks
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a little bit like plagiarism which is some joe biden knows a little bit about and i think the american people know that this is a president who has put thank you guys america 1st in the american people i believe with my heart can be thank you proud of the sacrifices they have made it safe thank you mr kerik and that's so peter harris will like to respond absolutely whatever the vice president is claiming the administration has done clearly it hasn't worked when you're looking at over 210000 dead bodies in our country american lives that have been lost families that are grieving that loss and you know the vice president is the head of the task force and knew on january 28th how serious this was and then big thanks to bob woodward we learned that they knew about it and then when that was exposed the vice president said when asked well why didn't tell tell anybody he said because the president wanted people to remain calm well let's go i
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don't know but so is not this isn't something that i want to have a neighbor mr vice president speak and i have. you know i have to have more seconds and then we'll give the vice president the chance to say i want to ask the american people how calm were you when you were panicked about where you going to get your next roll of toilet paper how calm were you when your kids were sent home from school and you didn't know when they could go back how calling you think when your children couldn't see your parents because you were afraid they could kill them and this gives vice president pence a chance to respond vice president you have one minute to receive no there's not a day gone by that i haven't thought of every american family that's lost a loved one and i want all of you to know that you'll always be in our hearts and in our purse but when you see what the american people have done over these last 8 months hasn't worked. it's a great disservice the 2nd feiss the american people of maine i love the reality that if i'm if i may finish the reality is dr fouts he said everything that he told
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the president in the oval office the president told the american people now president trouble i will tell you has boundless confidence in the american people and he always spoke with confidence that we get through this together but when you say it hasn't worked with dr phil dr burke's and our medical experts came to us in the 2nd week of march they said if the president didn't take the unprecedented step of shutting down roughly half of the american economy that we could lose 2200000 americans and that's the reality thank you they also say to see if we did everything right susan we could still lose more than 200000 americans if i spent my life lost is things many susan but the american people i believe deserve credit for the sacrifices that they have made putting the health of their family in their neighbors 1st are doctors or nurses or 1st thank you very much present tense and i'm going to speak up on behalf of what the american people have done by the present tense you were in the front row in a rose garden event 11 days ago what seems to have been
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a super spreader event for senior administration congressional officials no social distancing few mask and now a cluster of coronavirus cases among those who were there how can you expect americans to follow the administration's safety guidelines to protect themselves from cold it when you at the white house have not been doing so well the american people have demonstrated over the last 8 months they've been given the facts they're willing to put the health of their families and their neighbors in people they don't even know 1st president trump and i have great confidence in the american people and and they're of the take that information and put it into practice in the height of the epidemic when we were losing. a heartbreaking number of 2500 americans a day we surge resources to new jersey and new york and new orleans and detroit we told the american people would need to be done and the american people made the sacrifices when the outbreak in the sunbelt happened this summer again american
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step forward but the reality is the work of the president of the united states goes on and they could see on the supreme court of the united states has come upon us when the president introduced judge amy cohen as there are thank you thank you very perhaps if i may say that rose garden of them and then her deal of speculation about it my wife karen and i were there and honored to be there many of the people who were at that event susan actually were tested for corona virus and it was an outdoor event which all of our scientists regularly and routinely advise the difference here is president trump and i trust the american people to make choices in the best interest of their health that joe biden and camila harris consistently talk about mandates and not not just mandates with the coronavirus but a government takeover of health thank you thank you very new deal all government control we're about freedom and respecting the freedom of the american people let's talk about respecting the american people you respect the american people when you
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tell them the truth you respect the american people when you have the courage which we've been able leaders speaking of those things that you may not want people to hear but they need to hear so they can protect themselves but this is ministration stood on information that if you had as a parent if you had as a worker knowing you didn't have enough money saved up and that you're standing in a photo on. because of the ineptitude of a administration that was under willing to speak the truth to the american people so let's talk about caring about the american people the american people have to sacrifice far too much because of the incompetence of this administration it is asking too much of the people that we're talking about it has happened so much of the people look at they would not be equipped with the information they need to help themselves to protect their parent or as an end there is i'm sorry i come here is it's another harris i mean i'm sorry if i find a common no no senator a study. for life to get back to normal dr anthony fauci and other experts say that
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most of the people who can be vaccinated need to be vaccinated but half of americans now say they wouldn't take a vaccine if it was released now if the trump administration approves a vaccine before or after the election should americans take it and would you take it if the public health professionals if doctors foushee if the doctors tell us that we should take it i'll be the 1st in line to take it absolutely but if donald trump tells us that we stake it i'm not taking it. vice president pence there's been a lot of rhetoric from this pandemic in recent days the president's diagnosis of covert 1000 has underscored the importance of the job that you hold and that you are seeking that's our 2nd topic tonight it's the role of the vice president one of you will make history on january 20th we will be the vice president to the oldest president the united states has ever had donald trump will be 74 years old on
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inauguration day joe biden will be 78 years old that already has raised concerns among some voters' concerns that have been sharpened by president trump's hospitalization in recent days. vice president pence have you had a conversation or reached an agreement with president trump about safeguards or procedures when it comes to the issue of presidential disability and if not do you think you should you have 2 minutes without interruption will susan thank you although i would like to go back i think really move on well that you had i would like to go back because the reality is that we're going to have a vaccine senator in record time in unheard of time in less than a year we have 5 companies in phase 3 clinical trials and we're right now producing tens of millions of doses so. the fact that you continue to undermine public confidence in a vaccine if
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a vaccine emerges during the trumpet ministration i think is is unconscionable and senator i just ask you stop playing politics with people's lives the reality is that we will have a vaccine we believe before the end of this year and it will have the capacity to save countless american lives and your continuous undermining of confidence in a vaccine is just it's just unacceptable and let me also say you know the reality is when you talk about about failure in this administration. we actually do know what failure looks like in a pandemic it was 2009 the swine flu arrived in the united states thankfully it was ended up in a not being as lethal as the corona virus but before the end of the year when joe biden was vice president of the united states not 7 and a half 1000000 people contracted swine flu 60000000 americans contracted the swine
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flu if the swine flu had been as lethal as the corona virus in 2009 when joe biden was vice president we would have lost 2000000 american lives his own chief of staff ron klain would say last year but it was pure luck that they did quote everything possible wrong and we learned from that they lived a shortage of national stockpile empty they left an empty and hollow plan but we seem to learn from it and i think as you heard conceivable see again can be present tense i'm sorry what time we have done and senator please thank you very much for undermining confidence in the vaccine senator harris let me ask you the same question that i asked vice president pence which is have you had a conversation or reached an agreement with vice president biden about safeguards our procedures when it comes to the issue of presidential disability and if not and if you win the election next month do you think you should you have 2 minutes
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uninterrupted so let me tell you 1st of all the day i got a call from joe biden it was actually is it will call. asking me to serve with him on this ticket was probably one of my mouth memorable days in my life i you know i thought about my mother who came to the united states that the age of 19. gave birth to me at the age of 25. at kaiser hospital in oakland california and the thought that i'd be sitting here right now i know would make her proud and she must be looking down this. you know joe and i were raised in a very similar way we were raised with values that are about hard work about the value and the dignity of public service and about the importance of fighting for the dignity of all people and i think joe asked me to serve with him because you know i have a career that included being elected the 1st woman district attorney of san
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francisco where i created models of innovation for the for law enforcement in terms of reform of the criminal justice system i was elected the 1st. woman of color and black woman to be elected attorney general of the state of california where i ran the 2nd largest department of justice in the united states 2nd only to the united states department of justice and there i took on everything from transnational criminal organizations to the big banks that were taking advantage of homeowners to for profit colleges that were taking advantage of veterans and then of course now i serve in the united states senate is only the 2nd black woman ever elected to the united states senate i serve on the senate intelligence committee where i've been in regular receipt of classified information about threats to our nation and hotspots around the world i have traveled the world i have met with our soldiers in our in war zones and i think joe has asked me to serve with him because he knows that we share. we share a purpose which is about lifting up the american people and after the 4 years that
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we have seen of donald trump unifying our country around our common values and principles thank you senator harris you know he that neither president trap nor vice president biden has released the sort of detailed health information that had become the modern norm until the 26000 election and in recent days president trump's doctors have given misleading answers or refused to answer basic questions about his health and my question to each of you in turn is is this information voters deserve to know vice president pence would you like to go 1st. susan thank you and then let me let me say on behalf the president and the 1st lady now move we've all been. the outpouring of prayers and concern for the president and i do believe it's emblematic of the prayers and the concern that have assured forth for every american impacted by the coronavirus but the care
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the president received at walter reed hospital white house doctors was exceptional and the transparency that they practiced all along the way will continue the american people have a right to know about the health and well being of their president and will continue to do that but i'm just extremely grateful and was more than more than a little moved by the broad and bipartisan support and senator i want to thank you and joe biden for your expressions genuine concern and i also want to congratulate you. as i did on that phone call on the historic nature of your nomination. i never expected to be on the stage 4 years ago so i know the feeling but. the reality is. we've got an election before the american people in the midst of this challenging year and the stakes have never been higher banks make their voices never been as i want to give senator harris a chance to respond to the same question i asked which is do voters have
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a right to know more detailed health information about presidential candidates and especially about presidents especially when they're facing some kind of challenge absolutely and that's why joe biden has been so incredibly transparent and certainly by contrast that the president has not both in terms of health records but also let's look at taxes we now know because of the great investigative journalism that donald trump paid 700 $50.00 in taxes when i 1st heard about it i literally said you mean $750000.00 and it was like no $750.00 we now know donald trump oh this is in debt for $400000000.00 and just so everyone is clear when when we say in debt it means you owe money to somebody. and it be really good to know who the president of the united states the commander in chief owes money to because the american people have
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a right to know what is influencing the president's decisions and if he making those decisions on the best interest of the american people of you or self interest so says and i'm glad you asked about transparency because it has to be across the board joe has been incredibly transparent over many many hears the one thing we all know about joe he puts it all out there he he is honest he is forthright but donald trump on the other hand has been about covering up every thanks thank you senator so i want to give you a chance to respond vice president well look i respect the fact that joe biden spent 47 years in public life i respect your public service as well thank you the american people have president was businessman job creator he's paid tens of millions of dollars in taxes payroll taxes property taxes he's created tens of thousands of american jobs the president said those public reports are not
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accurate and the president also released literally stacks of financial disclosures the american people can review just as the law allows but the distinction here is that joe biden 47 years in public service compared to president donald trump who brought all of that experience 4 years ago thank you but thank you for trying to this economy around by cutting taxes rolling back regulations thank you thank you guys better genes fighting for free and fair trade and all and i think the vice president if joe biden and common harris you know that's a great segue into our 3rd grade which is about the economy this is been another aspect of life for americans it's been so affected by this coronavirus we have a jobs crisis brewing on friday we learned that the unemployment rate had declined to 7.9 percent in september. but that job growth it stalled and that was before the latest round of layoffs and for lows in the airline industry at disney and elsewhere hundreds of thousands of discouraged workers have stopped looking for
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work nearly 11000000 jobs that existed at the beginning of the year haven't been replaced those hardest hit include latino's blacks and women senator harris the biden harris campaign has proposed new programs to boost the economy and you would pay for that new spending by raising 4 trillion dollars in taxes on wealthy individuals and corporations some economists warn that could curb entrepreneurial ventures that fuel growth and create jobs would raising taxes put the recovery at risk and you have 2 minutes to answer uninterrupted thank you. on the issue of the economy and i think there couldn't be a more fundamental difference between donald trump and joe biden joe biden believes you measure the health and the strength of america's economy based on the health and the strength of the american worker and the american family. on the other hand
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you have donald trump who measures the strength of the economy based on how rich people are doing which is why he passed a tax bill benefiting the top one percent and the biggest corporations of america leading to a 2 trillion dollars deficit that the american people and i have to pay for on day $1.00 joe biden will repeal that tax bill he'll get rid of it and what he'll do with the money is invest it in the american people and through a plan that is about investing in infrastructure something that donald trump said he would do i remember hearing about some infrastructure week i don't think it ever happened but joe biden will do that he'll invest in infrastructure it's about upgrading our roads and bridges but also investing in clean energy and renewable energy joe is going to invest that money in what we need to do a round innovation there was a time when our country believed in science and invested in research and development so that we were end of innovation leader on the globe joe biden will
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use that money to invest in education so for example for folks who want to go to a 2 year community college it will be free if you come from a family that makes less than $125000.00 you'll go to a public university for free and across the board will make sure that if you have student loan debt it's cut by $10000.00 that's how joe biden thinks about the economy which is it's about investing in the people of our country as opposed to passing a tax bill which had the benefit of letting american corporations go offshore to do their business thank you. pressures intense your administration has been predicting a rapid and robust recovery but the latest economic report suggests that's not happening should americans be braced for an economic comeback that is going to take not months but a year or more you have 2 minutes to answer an interruption for the interim and i took office america going through the slowest economic recovery since the great depression. when joe biden was vice president they tried to tax and spend and
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regulate and bail our way back to a growing economy president from cut taxes across the board despite what senator harris says the average american family of 4 had $2000.00 in savings in taxes and with the rise in wages that occurred most predominantly for blue collar hardworking americans the average household income for a family of 4 increased by $4000.00 following president terms tax cuts but america you just heard senator harris tell you on day one joe biden's going to raise your taxes it's really remarkable the things that i mean right after a time where we're going through a pandemic that lost 22000000 jobs at the height we've already added back 11600000 jobs because we had a president who cut taxes rolled back regulation unleashed american energy fought for free and fair trade and secured 4 trillion dollars from the congress of the united states to give direct payments to families say 50000000 jobs through the
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paycheck protection program we literally have spared no expense to help the american people in the american worker through this joe biden and kamel harris want to raise taxes they want to bury our economy under a 2 trillion dollar green new deal which you were one of the original co-sponsors of in the united states senate we want to abolish fossil fuels and ban fracking which would cost hundreds of thousands of american jobs all across the heartland and joe biden wants to go back to the economic surrender to china that when we took office half of our international trade deficit was with china alone and joe biden wants to repeal all of the tariffs the president trying to put into effect to fight for american jobs and american workers joe biden says democracy is on the ballot make no mistake about it susan in the american economy the american comeback is on the ballot with 4 more years of growth thank you and opportunity in 4 more years of
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. as in donald trump 2021 you very very good 2nd of if you're in the history of this country thank you very president parents senator harris well i mean i think that we saw enough of it in last week's debate but i think this is supposed to be a debate based on fact and truth and the truth and the fact is joe biden has been very clear he will not raise taxes on anybody who makes less than 400000 students here peel the trump track scripts mr vice president speaking well and speaking be important if you see the truth joe biden says twice in the debate last week that he's going to repeal the trump tax cuts that was turk's cuts that gave the average working family $2000.00 in a tax break every single year action under that is. not true that she actually building is the only going to repeal part of the trump tax cuts if you don't mind letting me finish we can have a conversation ok ok joe biden will not raise taxes on anyone who makes less than $400000.00 a year he has been very clear about that joe biden will not end fracking he has
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been very clear about that. joe biden is the one who during the great recession was responsible for the recovery act that brought america back and now the trump hence administration wants to take credit when they ran when they rode the court coattails of joe biden success for the economy that they had at the beginning of their term of course now the economy is a complete disaster but joe biden on the one hand did that on the other hand you have donald trump. who has reigned over the recession that is being compared to the great depression on the one hand you have joe biden who was responsible with president barack obama for the affordable care act which brought health care to over 20000000 americans and protected people with preexisting conditions and what it also did is it saved to those families who otherwise were going bankrupt because of hospital bills they could not afford on the other hand you have donald trump
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who's in court right now trying to get rid of thank you sir trying to get rid of the affordable care act which means that you will lose protections if you have preexisting conditions and i just this is very important so yes and it's and we need to get it we need to fight for i just like that he interrupted me and i'd like to just finish please if you have a preexisting condition heart disease diabetes breast cancer they're coming for you if you love someone who has a preexisting condition and you think you see how many of you if you are under the age of 26 on your parents' coverage they're coming for you senator harris thank you for what i mean give you a chance to respond but i hope we have a chance to talk about health care because obamacare was a disaster the american people remember well president trump and i have a plan to improve health care and for present return to preexisting conditions for every american but look senator harris you're trying to do your own opinion but
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you're not entitled to your own facts you yourself said on multiple occasions when you were running for president that you would ban fracking. joe biden looked a supporter in the eye and pointed and said i guarantee i guarantee that we will abolish fossil fuels we have a 2 trillion dollar version of the green new deal susan that your newspaper usa today said really was in that very dim different from the original green new deal more taxes more regulation banning fracking abolishing fossil fuel crushing american energy and economic surrendered should china is a prescription for an economic decline president trump and i will keep america growing the v. shaped recovery that's underway right now will continue with 4 more years of president donald trump with a thank you very very much vice president has once again you've provided the perfect segue to a new topic which is climate change and vice president pence i'd like to pose the 1st question to you. this year we've seen record setting hurricanes in the south
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another one hurricane delta is now threatening the gulf and we have seen record setting wildfires in the west do you believe as the scientific community has concluded that manmade climate change has made wildfires bigger hotter and more deadly and it made hurricanes wetter slower and more damaging you have 2 minutes uninterrupted thank you susan 1st i'm very proud of our record on the environment on conservation according to all of the best estimates are our air and land are cleaner than any time ever recorded more water is among the cleanest in the world and just a little while ago the president signed the outdoors actually the largest investment in our public lands and public parks. in a 100 years so president trump has made a commitment to conservation and to the environment now with regard to climate change the climate is changing but the issue is what's the cause and what do we do
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about it present troubles made it clear that we're going to continue to listen to the science now joe biden and harris would put us back in the paris climate accord they'd impose the green new deal which would crush american energy would increase the energy costs of american families in their homes and literally would crush american jobs and president trump and i believe that the progress that we have made in a cleaner environment has been happening precisely because we have a strong free market economy you know what's remarkable is the united states has reduced c o 2 more than the countries that are still in the paris climate accord but we've done it through innovation. and we've done it through natural gas and fracking which senator the american people can go look at the record i know joe biden says otherwise now as you do but the both of you repeatedly committed to abolishing
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fossil fuel and banning fracking and so by creating the kind of american innovate we're actually steering toward a stronger and better environment with regard to wildfires and president trouble i believe the forest management has to be front and center and even governor gavin newsome from your state has agreed we've got to work on forest management and with regard to hurricanes the national oceanic administration tells us that actually is as difficult as they are and you vice president there are no more hurricanes today than there were 100 years ago thank you but many of the climate a lot of hasn't been for cans and wildfires to try and saying you guys really good of a green new deal and president trump and are going to always prank their jobs as american workers 1st senator harris as the vice presidential you co-sponsored the green new deal in congress but vice president biden said in last week's debate that he does not support the green deal but if you look at the biden harris campaign website it
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describes the green new deal as a crucial framework what exactly would be the stance of a biden harris administration toward the green new deal you have 2 minutes uninterrupted start so 1st of all. and the american people know. that joe biden will not ban fracking that is a fact that is a fact. i will repeat that joe biden has been very clear that he thinks about growing jobs which is why he will not increase taxes for anyone who makes less than $400000.00 a year joe biden's economic plan movies which is a reputable wall street firm has said will create $7000000.00 more jobs then donald trump's and part of those jobs that will be created by joe biden are going to be about clean energy and renewable energy because you see joe understands that the
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west coast of our country is burning including my home state of california joe sees what is happening in the gulf states which are being battered by storms joe has seen and talked with the farmers in iowa whose entire crops have been destroyed because of floods and so joe believes again in science i'll tell you something susan i served when i 1st got to the senate on the committee that's responsible for the environment do you know this administration took the words science off the website and then took the phrase climate change off the website this is we have seen a pattern with this administration which is they don't believe in something ants and joe's plan is about saying we're going to deal with it but we're also going to create jobs donald trump when asked about the wildfires in california and the question was you know the science is telling us this you know what donald trump said science doesn't know. so let's talk about who is prepared to lead our country over the course of the next 4 years on what is an existential threat to us
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as human beings joe is about saying we're going to invest that in renewable energy what's going to be about the creation of millions of jobs we will achieve. 0 emissions by 2050 carbon neutral by 2035 joe has a plan this is been a lot of talk from the trumpet ministration and really it has been to go backward instead of forward we will also react to the climate agreement with pride senator harris just said that climate change is an existential threat vice president heads jubilee that climate change poses an existential threat as i said susan the climate is changing we'll follow the science but. once again senator harris. is denying the fact that they're going to raise taxes on every american joe biden said twice in the debate last week that on day one it was going to repeal the trump tax cuts those tax cuts delivered 2 $1000.00 in tax relief to the average family of
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4 cross america and with regard to banning fracking i just recommend that people look at the record you yourself said repeatedly that you would ban fracking you were the 1st senate co-sponsor of the green new deal and while joe biden nod the green new deal susan thank you for pointing out the green new deal is on their campaign website and as usa today said it's essentially the same plan as you co-sponsored with a o c when she submitted it in the senate and you just heard the senator say that she's going to resubmit america to the paris climate accord look the american people have always cherished our environment will continue to cherish and we've made great progress reducing c o 2 emissions through american innovation and the development of natural gas into fracking we don't need a massive 2 trillion dollar green new deal that would impose all new mandates on american businesses and american families thank you joe biden wants to thank you
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retrofit 4000000 i thank you vice presidents buildings it makes no sense it will cost jobs president trump thank you the president erica 1st he's going to put jobs 1st and we're going to take care of our environment and follow the science same thing that is you know obvious of job senator here that's talk about that you did the vice president earlier referred to it as part of it what he thinks is an accomplishment. the president's trade war with china you lost that trade war you lost it what ended up happening is because of a so-called trade war with china america lost 300000 manufacturing jobs. farmers have experienced bankruptcy because of it we are in a manufacturing recession because of it and when we look at where this administration has been there are estimates that by the end of the term of this administration they will have lost more jobs than almost any other presidential
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administration and the american people know what i'm talking about you know i think about 20 year olds you know we have a 20 year old. 20 something year old who are coming out of high school in college right now and you're wondering is there going to be a job there for me we're looking at people who are trying to figure out how they're going to pay rent by the end of the month almost half of american renters are worried about whether they're going to be able to pay rent by the end of the month this is where the economy is in america right now and it is because of the catastrophe and the failure of leadership of this administration thank you senator harris vice president had somebody give just 15 seconds to respond because then i want to move on to world war good luck to respond. last a trade war with china joe biden never fought it. joe biden has been a cheerleader for communist china through over the last several decades and again.
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your title your opinion you're not entitled to your own facts when joe biden was vice president we lost 200000 manufacturing jobs and president obama said they were never coming back he said we needed a magic wand to bring them back in our 1st 3 years after we cut thank you very for a glacial unleashed american energy this administration saw 500000 a vice president jobs created and that's exactly the kind of growth we're going to continue to see as we bring our nation through thank you very saddened by the green new deal you guys massive him mandate your peers climate accord is going to kill jobs this time just like it killed jobs i don't i just say to respond very privately if the 2nd sitting here moving q joe biden is responsible for saving america's auto industry and you foetid against it so let's set the record straight thank you i'd like to talk about china we have as our next topic we have no more complicated our consequential foreign relationship than the one with china it is
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a huge market for american agricultural goods it's a potential partner in dealing with climate change in north korea and in a video tonight president trump again blamed it for the coronavirus saying china will pay by president pence how would you describe our our fundamental relationship with china competitors adversaries enemies you have 2 minutes focused susan let me before i leave that let me let me speak to voting records if i can you know everybody knows that nafta cost literally thousands of american factories to close we saw automotive jobs go south of the border present a trump thought to renegotiate nafta and the united states mexico canada agreement is now the law of the land burning people deserve to know. senator kamel harris was one of only 10 members of the senate to vote against the u.s. m.c.a.
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it was a huge win for american auto workers it was a huge win for american farmers especially dairy in the upper midwest but senator you you said it didn't go far enough on climate change that that you put your your radical environmental agenda ahead of american auto workers and ahead of american jobs i mean the american people deserve to know that is probably why newsweek magazine said that karl harris was the most liberal member of the united states senate and 29000 more liberal than bernie sanders more more liberal than any of the hunters in the united states senate so now with regard to china. susan 1st and foremost china is to blame for the current of arms and president trump is not happy about it he's made that very clear made it clear again today. and china and the world health organization do not play straight with the american people we did not let our personnel in the china to get information on the
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coronavirus until the middle of february fortunately president trump in dealing with china from the outset of the some nutrition standing up to china that would be taking advantage of america for decades in the wake of joe biden's cheerleading for china president trump made that decision before the end of january to suspend all travel from china and again the murder of people deserve no joe biden oppose president trump's decision to suspend all travel from china he said it was hysterical lisa thank you very different against the president from president of your time and are going to continue to stand strong you vice president we want to improve the relationship but we're going to level the playing field we're going to hold china at countable for what they did to america with the coronavirus thank you senator harrison me ask you the same question that i asked the vice president how would you describe our fundamental relationship with china or are we competitors adversaries enemies will have 2 minutes uninterrupted susan the
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trump administration's perspective and approach to china has resulted in a loss of american lives american jobs and america's standing there is a weird obsession that president trump has had with getting rid of whatever accomplishment was achieved by president obama and vice president biden for example they created within the white house an office that basically was responsible for monitoring pandemics they got away they got rid of it not true there was a team of disease experts that president obama and vice president biden dispatched to china. so monitor what is now predictable and what might happen they pulled them out we now are looking at $210000.00 americans who
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have lost their lives let's look at the job situation we mentioned before the trade deal the trade war they wanted to call it with china it resulted in the loss of over $300.00 manufacturing jobs and a manufacturing recession and the american consumer paying thousands of dollars more for goods because of that failed war that they called it and let's talk about standing pew a reputable research firm has done an analysis that shows that leaders of all of our formerly allied countries have now decided that they hold in greater esteem and respect paying the head of the chinese communist party then they do donald trump the president of the united states the commander in chief of the united states this is where we are today because of a failure of leadership by this administration senator harris we've seen
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changes in the in the role of the united states in terms of global leadership over the past 4 years and of course times do change but should definition which lead strains with china of course as the vice president mentioned we've seen strange with our traditional allies in nato and elsewhere what is your definition of the role of american leadership in 2020 so you know joe is love talking with joe about a lot of these issues and you know joe i think he said it quite well he says you know foreign policy it might sound complicated but really it's relationships just think about it as relationships and so we know this in our personal professional relationships you got to keep your word to your friends. be loyal to your friends people who have stood with you gotta stand with them you've got to know who your adversaries are and keep them in check but what we have seen with donald trump
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is that he has betrayed our friends and it in and be true and embraced dictators around the world let's take for example russia so russia i serve on the intelligence committee of the united states senate america's intelligence community told us russia interfered in the election of the president united states in 2016 and this plane in 2021st afraid the director of the f.b.i. said the same but donald trump the commander in chief of the united states of america prefers to take the word of lattimer putin over the word of the american intelligence community you look at our friends at nato has walked away from agreements you can to look at the iran nuclear deal which now has put us in a position where we are less safe because they are building up what might end up being a significant nuclear arsenal we were in that deal guys we were in the iran nuclear
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deal with friends with allies around the country and because of donald trump's unilateral approach to foreign policy coupled with his isolationism. he pulled us out and has made america less safe a citizen it's about relationships and things of that has always been part of the strength of our nation in addition to our great military has been that we keep our word but donald trump doesn't understand that because he doesn't understand what it means to be honest thank you says thank you thank you senator harris the vice president and some of your chance to respond well thank you will present from kept his word when we move the american embassy to jerusalem the capital of the state of israel with joe biden as vice president and they promise to do that and they never did we stood strong with our allies but we've been demanding nato is now contributing more to our common defense than ever before thanks to president trump's leadership we strengthen our alliances across the asia pacific and we've
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stood strong. against those who would do us harm you know a president trump came into office isis had captured an area of the middle east the size of pennsylvania a president trump unleashed the american military and our armed forces destroyed the isis caliphate and took their leader al baghdadi without one american casualty now big daddy was responsible for the death of thousands. notably america's hearts today are with the family of kayla miller reprints which are here with us tonight in salt lake city today 2 of the isis killers responsible for killing miller's murder were brought to justice in the united states see how to john was killed on the battlefield along with the other beatle the reality is that when joe biden was vice president we had an opportunity. save
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carolyn miller break smart to reflect on about the military came into the oval office presented a plan b. so they knew were killer was dead he had held it for 18 months abused her mercilessly before they killed her but when joe biden was vice president they hesitated for a month and when our forces finally went in it was clear she'd been moved 2 days earlier and her family says with a heart that broke the heart of every american that the president donald trump had been president they believe kayla would be alive today thank you guys already destroyed the isis caliphate. and you talk about reentering the iran nuclear deal with the last administration transferred 1800000000 dollars to the leading state sponsor thank you very of terrorism president donald trump got us out of the database president putin and when carson solomonic was traveling to baghdad thank you very far to americans president donald trump to thank you very honest and
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penned in america is safer our allies are safer and the american people know president donald trump will never hank you vice president take action i would like to have senator harris suggest chance to respond but not at such great length because of course there are other topics we want to talk about i would like equal time yes and please go ahead. first of all to the miller family that i know about your daughter's case and i'm so sorry i'm so sorry. what happened to her is awful and it should have never happened and i know joe feels the same way and i know that president obama feels the same way. but you mentioned sawney let's let's start there so after the strike on soft money there was a counter strike on our troops in iraq and. they suffered serious brain injuries and you know what donald trump dismissed them
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are headaches and this is about a pattern of donald trump's where he has referred to our men who are serving in our military as suckers and losers donald trump who went to arlington cemetery and stood above the graves of our fallen heroes and said what's in it for them because of course you know he only thinks about what's in it for him let's take what he said about john mccain a great american hero and donald trump says he doesn't deserve to be called a hero because it was a prisoner of war take and this is this is very important when you want to talk about who is the current commander in chief and what they care about and what they don't care about how public reporting that russia had bounties on the heads
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of american soldiers and you know what a bounty is it's somebody puts a price on your head and they will pay if you are killed and donald trump had talked at least $6.00 times to vladimir putin and never brought up the subject joe biden would never do that thank joe biden would but joe biden you know would hold russia to account for any threat to our nation's security or to our troops who are sacrificing their lives for the sake of our democracy and our say thank you senator here is this is such an important issue but we have other important issues as well and i want to i want to make sure we have a chance to really have talk about other than. she has 13 seconds because we're going to try to do that look i'm sorry 1st festival just had more time than she said so far and there's against president donald trump. regarding men and women of our armed forces are absurd i'm sorry but it doesn't end up in the united states
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marine corps my son in law is deployed in the united states navy i can assure all of you with sons and daughters serving in our military president donald trump not only respects but reveres all of those who serve in our armed forces and any suggestion otherwise ridiculous. i say appears that i have heard of people disappear this is hazardous people decided to go there is presidents i did not go take it or not is a night i do not read the notes for tonight joe biden here campaigns agreed to the rules for tonight i bake with the commission on present events i'm here to enforce them which involves moving from one topic to another giving roughly equal time to both of you which is what i'm trying very hard to go right ahead so i want to go ahead and move to the next topic which is an important one as the last topic was and that is the supreme court on monday this is the senate judiciary committee is scheduled to open hearings on a macone barretts nomination to the supreme court sen harris will be there as
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a member of the committee her confirmation would cement the court's conservative majority and make it unlikely opened to more abortion restrictions even to overturning the landmark roe v wade ruling access to abortion would then be up to the states. vice president pence you're the former governor of indiana if roe v wade is overturned what would you want indiana to do would you want your home state to ban all abortions you have 2 minutes uninterrupted thank you for the question but i'll use a little bit of my time to respond to that very important issue before the american people deserve to know some solid money the iranian general was responsible for the death of hundreds of american service members when the opportunity came we saw him headed to baghdad to kill more americans president from didn't hesitate and cost him sell a money is gone which you deserve and know that joe biden and kamel harris actually criticized the decision to take
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a solemn. solomonic it's really inexplicable but with regard to joe biden it's explainable because history records of joe biden actually oppose the raid against the bin laden it's absolutely essential that we have a commander in chief who will not hesitate to act to protect american lives and to protect american service members and that's what you have in president donald trump now with regard to the supreme court of the united states let me say president trump and i could not be more enthusiastic. but the opportunity to see judge in the county bear become justice a macone. she's a brilliant woman and she will bring a lifetime of experience and a sizable american family to the supreme court of the united states and our hope is in the hearing next week on live justice kavanagh received with treatment from you and others and we hope she gets a fair hearing and we particularly hope that we don't see the kind of attacks on
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her christian faith that we saw before me the democrat chairman of the judiciary committee before when when judge baird was being confirmed for the court of appeals expressed concern that the dog of her faith lived loudly in her dick durbin of illinois said that it was a concern senator i know one of our judicial nominees you actually attacked because they were a member of the catholic knights of columbus just because the knights of columbus holds pro-life views and thank you thank you vice presidential primary is that when the hearing takes place that thank you vice president judge amy cody byrd will be respected thank you vice presidents voted in confirming the supreme court of the united center harris you're the senator from and former attorney general of california so let me ask you a parallel question to the one i posed to the vice president if row v wade is overturned what would you want california do would you want your home state to enact no restrictions on access to abortion and you have 2 minutes until thank you
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says and 1st of all joe biden and i are both people of faith and it's insulting said to suggest that we would knock anyone for their faith and in fact joe if elected will be only the 2nd practicing catholic as president of the united states on the issue of this of this nomination. joe and i are very clear as are the majority of the american people we are 27 days before the decision about who will be the next president of the united states and you know before and when this conversation has come up you know it's been about election near our election time we're literally in an election over 4000000 people have voted people are in the process of voting right now and so joe has been very clear as the american people are let the american people fill that seat in the white house and then will
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fill that seat on the united states supreme court and to your point susan that the issues before us can be more serious there's the issue of choice and i will always fight for a woman's right to make a decision about her own body it should be her decision and not that donald trump and and the vice president michael pence but let's also look at what else is before the but the court it's the affordable care act like literally in the midst of a public health pandemics. when over 210000 people have died and 7000000 people probably have what will be in the future considered a preexisting condition because if you contract of the virus donald trump is in court right now trying to get rid of the affordable care act and i said it before and it bears repeating this means that there will be no more protections if they win for people with preexisting conditions this means that over 20000000 people
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will lose your coverage it means that if you're under the age of 26 you can't stay on your parents' coverage anymore and here's the thing but contrast couldn't be more clear they're trying to get rid of the affordable care act thereby missing let's expand coverage let's give you a choice of a public option or private coverage let's bring down peony premium senate and lower medicare eligibility to 60 thank you that center that's true leadership you know you mentioned earlier vice president pence that the president was committed to maintaining protections for people with preexisting conditions. and but we do have this court case that you are supporting your administration supporting that would strike down the affordable care act the the president says president trump says that he's going to protect people with preexisting commish conditions but he has not explained how he would do that and that was one of the toughest nuts to crack when they were passing the affordable care act carrick so tell us specifically how would your administration protect americans with preexisting conditions have access
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to affordable insurance if the affordable care act is struck down well thank you susan a but let me just say addressing your very 1st question. i couldn't be more proud to serve as vice president to a president who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life. i'm pro-life i don't apologize for. and this is another one of those cases where the such a dramatic contrast joe biden kamel harris support taxpayer funding of abortion all the way up to the moment of birth late term abortion increased funding to planned parenthood of america now for our part i would never presume how judging the county baron would rule on the supreme court of the united states but i will continue to stand strong for the right to live when you speak about the supreme court though i think the american people really deserve an answer senator here. are you in job biden going to pack the court if jamie kone baird is confirmed me they've been 29
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vacancies on the supreme court during presidential election years from george washington to barack obama presidents have nominated in all 29 cases but your party is actually openly advocating adding seats to the supreme court which has had 9 seats for 150 years if you don't get your way this is a classic case of if you can't win by the rules you're going to change the rules no you've refused to answer the question joe biden has refused to answer the question so that the american people would really like to know if judge amy kone barrett is confirmed at the supreme court of the united states or you and joe biden if somehow you win this election going to pack the supreme court to get your way i'm so glad we went through a little history lesson let's do that a little more. in 860 i'd like you to answer the question should be asked by presidency again speaking. in 8641 of the
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i think political heroes certainly of the president i assume if you also mr vice president is abraham lincoln. abraham lincoln was up for reelection and it was $27.00 days before the election and a seat became open on the united states supreme court abraham lincoln's party was in charge not only of the white house but the senate but on a save. said it's not the right thing to do the american people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president the united states and then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land and so joe and i are very clear the american people are voting right now and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime thank you isn't it or harry so susan are voting right now they'd like to know if you and joe biden are going to pack the supreme court if you don't get your
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way in this nomination let's talk about that you want somebody who even a non answer joe biden not his primary answer you know people deserve a straight answer and if you haven't figured it out yet the straight answer is they are going to pack the supreme court if they somehow win this election many what i'm going to tell you people across this country future sure supreme court if you cheer separation of powers you need to reject the biden ticket come november the 3rd reelect president donald trump will stand by that separation of powers in the 9 seats from cornell let's talk about packing the court then let's talk about the you back yeah i'm about to so the trump pensive ministration has been because i sit on the senate judiciary and he says and as you mention and i've witnessed the appointments for lifetime appointments to the federal courts district courts courts of appeal people who are surely ideological
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people who have been reviewed by by legal professional organizations and found to have been not competent are sub standard and do you know that of the 50 people who president trump appointed to the court of appeals for a lifetime appointments not one is black. this is what they've been doing you want to talk about packing a court let's have that discussion all right thank you thank you senator let's go on and talk about the issue of racial just i just want the record reflect she never answered the question so you merely think you the next debate joe biden will lead to the quake i think the american people know the answer thank you vice president in march brianna taylor a 26 year old emergency room technician in louisville was shot and killed after police officers executing a search warrant in a cot x. investigation broke into her apartment the police said they identified themselves taylor's boyfriend said he didn't hear them do that he used a gun registered to him to fire
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a shot which wounded officer the officers and fired more than 20 rounds into the apartment they say they were acting in self defense none of them have been indicted in connection with her death senator harris in that case brianna taylor was justice done you have 2 minutes i don't believe son i've talked with brianna's mother to make a palmer and her family and her family deserves justice she was a beautiful young woman she had as her life goal to become a nurse and she want to become an e.m.t. to 1st learn what's going on out on the street so she could then become a nurse and save lives and her life was taken and justifiably and tragically and violently and it just it brings me to you know. the 8 minutes and 46 seconds that america witnessed during which an american man was tortured and killed under than me of an armed
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uniformed police officer and people around our country of every race of every age of every janitor perfect strangers to each other marched shoulder to shoulder arm in arm. fighting for us to finally achieve that ideal of equal justice under law and i was a part of those peaceful protests and i believe strongly that 1st of all we are never going to condone violence but we always must fight for the values that we hold dear including the fight to achieve our ideals and that's why joe biden and i have said on this subject look i'm a former career prosecutor i know what i'm talking about bad cops are bad for good cops we need reform of our policing in america and our criminal justice system
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which is why joe and i will immediately ban chokeholds in crowded halls george george going to be alive today if we did that we will require a national registry for police officers who break the law we were on the issue of criminal justice reform get rid of private prisons and cash bail and we will decriminalize marijuana and it will be here we will expunge the records of those who have been sent inflicted of marijuana this link you sent from leadership on a tragic tragic is she's under heresy on our side people in america thank you said over harris vice president said we pose the same question to you in the case of donna taylor was justice done you have 2 minutes uninterrupted well our heart breaks for the loss of innocent and innocent american life and the family breanna taylor has our sympathies but i trust our justice system
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a grand jury that refuse the evidence and it really is remarkable that as a former prosecutor you would assume that imperil grand jury looking at all you have and scott it wrong but you're entitled to your opinion senator i think. and with regard to george floyd there's no excuse for what happened to george floyd justice will be served. but there's also no excuse for the rioting and looting but far i mean it really is astonishing for whisper because with us here tonight in salt lake city this few weeks ago i stood at what used to be. her salon was burned to the ground by rioters and looters and floor is still trying to put her life back together and i must tell you this this this presumption here that you hear consistently from joe biden kamel harris that
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that america systemically racist and that is your biden said that he believes that law enforcement has an implicit bias against minorities. is is a great insult to the men and women who serve in law enforcement and i want everyone to know who puts on the uniform of law enforcement every day president trump and i stand with you and it is remarkable that that when senator tim scott tried to pass a police reform bill brought together a group of republicans and democrats senator harris you got up and walked out of the room and then you filibustered senator tim scott bill on the senate floor that would have provided new accountability new repeat resources but we don't have to choose between supporting law enforcement proving public safety and supporting our african american male race for all of our minorities under present a trumps leadership race for always stand with law enforcement and will do what
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we've done in france they want to make this in your term is the lives of african americans thank you very much president employment record in existence as you're here in missouri fight for school choice for all of our make you very sad like to us senator harris i will not sit here and be lectured by the vice president on what it means to enforce the laws of our country i'm the only one on the state was personally prosecuted everything from town sexual assault to homicide. i'm the only one on the stage was prosecuted the big banks for taking advantage of america's homeowners i'm the only one on this stage who prosecuted for profit colleges for taking advantage of our veterans and the reality of this is that we are talking about an election in 27 days where last week the president of the united states took a debate stage in front of 70000000 americans and refused to condemn white supremacists not true and not true it wasn't like he didn't have
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a chance he didn't do it and then he doubled down and then he said when pressed stand back stand by and this is a part of a pattern of donald trump's you can he was quickly called mexicans rapists in criminal he instituted as his 1st act a muslim ban here on the issue of charlottesville where people were peacefully protesting the need for racial justice were a young woman was killed and on the other side there were neo nazis carrying tiki torches shouting racial epithets. anti-semitic slurs and donald trump when asked about it said there were fine people on both sides this is who we have as the president of the united states and america you deserve better joe biden will be
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a president who brings our country together to harris and recognizes the beauty in our diversity and the fact that we are having so much more in common than what separates us by prison pencil me give you a minute to respond thank you susan i appreciate it very much. you know i think this is one of the things that makes people dislike the media still much in this country says. that you selectively just like senator her stood. comments that president trump and i and others on our side of the. center harris conveniently omitted have to add to the president made comments about people on either side of the debate over monuments he condemned the k.k.k. neo nazis and white supremacists and has done so repeatedly you're concerned that he doesn't condemn neo nazis present trump has jewish grandchildren his daughter and son in law are jewish this is a president who who respects and sure she's all of the american people that you
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talk about having personally prosecuted i'm glad you brought up your record senator thank you but i really need to make this point when you were when you were da in san francisco when you left office african-americans were 19 times more likely to be prosecuted for minor drug offenses than whites and hispanics when you were attorney general of california u.s. increased the proportion the disproportionate incarceration of banks in california you did nothing on criminal justice reform in california you didn't lift a finger to the 1st step back on capitol hill i mean the reality is your record speaks for itself and president trump and i have fought for criminal justice for fake you rise president ford for educational choice and opportunities for african-americans all of our mancuso there it will do it for 4 thank you you know there is no more important issue than the final issue that we're going to talk about tonight and that is the issue of the election but itself he attacked my
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record i would like an opportunity to respond let me give you 30 seconds because we are running out of time. first of our having served as the attorney general of the state of california the work that i did is a model of what our nation needs to do and we will be able to do under a joe biden presidency our. agenda includes what this administration has failed to do it will be about not only instituting a ban on chuckles in crowded holes thank you not only thank you senator i would like to go through these are points that you made earlier in the hour and i want to talk about the election itself before we have to but i want to talk about the connection between what joe and i will do and my record which includes i was the 1st statewide officer to institute a requirement that my agents would wear body cameras and keep them on full time we were the 1st to initiate a requirement that there would be a training for law enforcement on implicit bias because yes joe biden and i
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recognize that implicit bias does exist mr vice president contrary to what you may believe we did the work of instituting reforms that were about reinvesting in re-entry this is the work that we have done and the work we will do going forward and again i will not be lectured by the vice president on our record of what we have done in terms of law enforcement and keeping our communities safe and a commitment to reforming the criminal justice system of america thank you senator harrison i'd like to pose the 1st like you respond 1st to the question on our final topic the election itself president trump has several times refused to commit himself to a peaceful transfer of power after the election if your ticket when's and president trump refuses to accept a peaceful transfer of power what steps would you and vice president biden then take what would happen next you have 2 minutes so i'll tell you.
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joe and i are i think particularly proud of. the coalition that we've built around our campaign we probably have one of the broadest coalitions of folks that you've ever seen in a presidential race of course we have the support of democrats but also independents and republicans in fact 7 members of president george w. bush's cabinet are supporting our ticket we have the support of of colin powell cindy mccain john k. sick. over $500.00. generals retired generals and former national security experts and advisors are supporting our campaign and i believe they are doing that because they know that joe biden has a deep deep seated commitment to fight for our democracy and to fight for the integrity of our democracy and to bring integrity back to the white house and so we believe in the american people we believe in our democracy and here's what i'd like
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to say to everybody vote please vote vote early come up with a plan to vote go to i will vote dot com you can also go to joe biden dot com we have it within our power in these next 27 days to make the decision about what will be the course of our country for the next 4 years and it is within our power and if we use our vote and we use our voice we will win and we will not let anyone subvert our democracy with what donald trump has been doing as he did on the debate stage last week when again in front of 70000000 people he openly attempted to suppress the vote. joe biden on the other hand on that same debate stage because clearly donald trump doesn't think he can run on a record because it's a failed record joe biden on that stage said hey let's please vote so i'll repeat that please vote thank you senator vice president pence president trump has several
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times if he is to commit himself to a peaceful transfer of power after the election if ice president biden is declared the winner and president trump refuses to accept a peaceful transfer of power what would be your role and responsibility as vice president what would you personally do you have 2 minutes well susan 1st and foremost i think we're going to win this election because walad joe biden kamel harris rattle off a long litany of establishment in washington d.c. in establishing the joe biden's been a part of for 47 years president donald trump has. launched a movement of everyday americans from every walk of life and i have every confidence that those same americans that delivered that historic victory in 2016 they see this president's record where we rebuild our military we revive our economy through tax cuts and rolling back regulations fighting for fair trade unleashing american energy we appointed conservatives tour federal courts at every
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level and we stood with the men and women of law enforcement every single day and i think i think that movement of americans has only grown stronger in the last 4 years and when you talk about accepting the outcome of the election. i must tell you the senator your party has spent the last 3 and a half years trying to overturn the results of the last election it's amazing when joe biden vice president of the united states. the f.b.i. actually spied on president trump in my campaign i mean there were documents released this week that the cia actually made a referral to the f.b.i. documenting that those allegations were coming from the hillary clinton campaign of course we've all seen the avalanche the what what you put the country through for for the better part of 3 years until it was found there was no obstruction no collusion case closed and then senator harris you and your colleagues in the in the
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congress trying to impeach the person in the united states over a phone call and now hillary clinton has actually said to joe biden that under in her words under no circumstances should he could see the election so let me just say i think we're going to win this election president trump and i are fighting every day in courthouses to prevent joe biden kamel harris from changing the rules and creating this universe of mail in voting that will create a massive opportunity for voter fraud and we have a free and fair election we know we're going to have confidence in it and i believe in all my heard the president is going to be reelected for 4 more years you know i've i've asked i've written all the questions i've asked tonight but for the final question of the debate i'd like to write a question and someone else wrote the utah debate commission asked students in the state to write essays about what they would like to ask you and i want to close tonight's debate with the question posed by backlund brown she's an 8th grader at springvale junior high in springville utah and here's what she wrote quote. when i
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watch the news all i see is arguing between democrats and republicans when i watch the news all i see is citizen fighting against citizen when i watch the news all i see are 2 candidates from opposing parties trying to tear each other down if our leaders can't get along how are the citizens supposed to get along and then she added your examples could make all the difference to bring us together and quote so that each of you in turn i'd like you to take one minute and respond to brooklyn vice president pence you have one minute brooklyn it's a wonderful question and. let me just commend you for taking an interest and in public life. i started following the news when i was very young and in america. we believe in a free and open exchange of debate. and we celebrate that and it's how we've
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created literally the freest and most prosperous nation in the history of the world but i'm would tell you that. don't assume that what you're seeing on your local news networks is synonymous with the american people you know i look at the relationship between justice ruth bader ginsburg the late justice who we just lost from the supreme court in the late justice antonin scalia they were on polar opposites on the supreme court of the united states one very liberal one very conservative but what's been learned since her passing was the 2 of them and their families with her closest of friends here in america we can disagree we can debate vigorously as senator harris and i have on the stage tonight. but when the debate is over we come together as americans that's what people do in big cities and small towns all across this country so i just want to encourage you brooklyn i want to
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tell you that. we're going to work every day to have government as good as her people the american people each and every day love a good debate we love a good argument but we always come together and are always there for one another thank you times of need and we've especially learned that thank you device for difficulties of this year senator harris what would you say to brooklyn. first of all. i love hearing from our young leaders and when i hear her words when i hear your words back when i know our future is bright because it is that perspective on who we are and who we should be. that is a sign of leadership and it's something we should all aspire to be and that you know that brings me to joe and joe biden one of the reasons that joe decided to run for president is after charlottesville which we talked about earlier. it's so troubled him and upset him like it did all of us that there was that kind of hate
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and division. what propelled joe to run for president was to say that over the course of the last 4 years what bricklin described has been happening joe has a longstanding reputation of working across the aisle and working in a bipartisan way and that's what he's going to do as president joe biden has a history of lifting people up and fighting for their dignity you mean you have to know joe story to know that joe has known pain he has known suffering and he has known love and so bricklin when you think about the future i do believe the future is bright. and it will be because of your leadership and it will be be because we fight for each person's voice through their vote and we're getting gauged in this election because you have the ability through your work and through eventually your vote thank you to determine the future of our country and what its leadership looks
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like thank you senator harris thank you very intense thank you so much for being with us tonight we want to thank also the university of utah for its hospitality and most of all our thanks to all the americans who watch this debate tonight again our best wishes for a quick recovery to president trump the 1st lady and everyone who is battling cope with 19 the 2nd presidential debate is next week on october 15th a town hall style debate in miami we hope you'll join us then it evening. and with that the vice presidential debate for 2020 is over comma horace my parents separated by plexiglas for 90 minutes susan page the moderator
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a very different debate to what we saw last week from the 2 presidential candidates in fact you could say pretty much the opposite certainly in its tone and tenor and lots to talk about and we will do it with rob reynolds who is our correspondent in salt lake city utah where the debate has just finished rob. it was so different from the presidential 2 paid wasn't it in fact it seemed almost like energy at times and the thing i took away certainly from it and maybe you agree is the fact that both candidates did a really good job of not soaring the moderators questions directly. yeah i think that's that's the sign of a politician who has risen to this level where they're at a debate kemal to be able to deflect and dodge questions is certainly
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a valuable skill i agree with you that this was diametrically different from the debate that we saw last week in cleveland between president trump and joe biden but there were many moments when vice president pants tried to talk over or interrupt not at volume but still trying to interrupt and speak over senator harris susan page the moderator was not very effective in regaining him in but at one point. when. pence was trying to interrupt. i was reminded of some of the teachers that i had in grade school when camila harris turned to him and said i'm still. mr vice president and and kind of shut him down in a very. stern but not angry way not
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a lot of flashes of anger or emotion in this debate but definitely a good wide range of topics discussed from the corona virus which dominated the 1st part to foreign policy which didn't get even a look in the presidential debate the environment and global warming so a lot of substance here really well let's go through it we've got a bit of time to work with rob so what i'm going to do is play some clips out on different issues throughout the debate and then we can have a chat off the back of those so we'll start 1st of all with the issue of race relations which came up here's what the 2 sides had to say when asked about the killings of george floyd and briana taylor. bad cops are bad for good cops we need reform of our policing in america and our criminal justice system which is why joe and i will immediately ban chuckles in crowded halls george george going to be alive today if we did that we will require a national registry for police officers who break the law we will on the issue of
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criminal justice reform get rid of private prisons and cash bail and we will decriminalize marijuana and it will be here we will expunge the records of those who have been sent to the victims of marijuana this presumption that you hear consistently from joe biden kamel harris that in america systemically racist that is your biden said that he believes that law enforcement has an implicit bias against minorities. is is a great insult to the men and women who serve in law enforcement and i want everyone to know who puts on the uniform of law enforcement every day and president trump and i stand with you. i would suggest this was always going to be an important issue when it came up particularly given comedy harris is the 1st woman of color to be running for a major party ticket. yes i was surprised to come all that if
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it didn't come up before this incident this is an issue that is convulsed this country for months now but you saw i think some fairly predictable lines from the vice president. echoing president trump in a more mild way saying that. condemning the looting violence and so on despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of these demonstrations have been conducted peacefully and then standing with the police and kind of implying as president trump often does that under a biden presidency the streets of the united states would not be safe the clip that you played from camelot harris i think it was not exactly something very impressive certainly for the those people who were out in the streets marching for racial justice some really minor sorts of things about marijuana decriminalization the end of cash bail chokeholds and so on that doesn't really get to the roots of what many
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people primarily on the left and people of color are asking for or demanding in terms of changes in broad changes in american society and attitudes towards race ok next topic we've got to look at rob is china the issue of relations with china the issue of the trade war with china. who called it a failure of leadership that it's cost jobs because of a so-called trade war with china america lost 300000 manufacturing jobs farmers have experienced bankruptcy because of it we are in a manufacturing recession because if it. and when we look at where this administration has been there are estimates that by the end of the term of this of ministration they will have lost more jobs than almost any other presidential
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administration lost the frayed war with china joe biden never fought it through biden's been a cheerleader for communist china through over the last several decades and again center her title your opinion you're not entitled to your own facts when joe biden was vice president we lost 200000 manufacturing jobs and president obama said they were never coming back he said we needed a magic wand to bring them back in our 1st 3 years after we cut taxes very best regulation unleashed american energy this administration saw 500000 vice president jobs created. so there's 2 things here one is that they have the content of the answer which you can maybe speak to but also the fact mike pence says lost the trouble with china joe biden never forces he's been a cheerleader for communist china for the last several decades to me that is a an example of the way that my pence dealt with this debate was to constantly say well look at what biden did when he was vice president a look at what biden didn't do when he was vice president it was it was it was
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looking back at his past record a lot. yeah come on i really thought that that cheerleader for communist china line with maybe the lowest blow in the whole debate. you know the vice president talked about biden's 40 years in in office many of those years he was a senator not the vice president but he. omitted the fact that the u.s. trade deficit currently is at a very high level now the comments by senator harris about lost jobs and particularly in the farming industry a lot of that is very true and also harris. speaking of china at another point in the debate but she was talking about the u.s. standing globally she said that the reputable of global opinion polls had shown
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that chinese leader xi jinping. has more approval and higher esteem than president trump so. the 2 were never going to agree over china and this is a sign i think of how big china and relations between the united states and china are going to loom not just in this election but over the next perhaps many decades as as the u.s. tries to come to grips with a rising china and perhaps some decline relative to china in american power. rob a good part of the debate the start of the debate was obviously taken up with questions to do with corona virus the president's health at the moment but also the prospect of a vaccine before the election let's have a listen to 1st come on that if the trump administration approves a vaccine before or after the election should americans take it and would you take it if the public health professionals if dr thout if the doctors
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tell us that we should take it i'll be the 1st in line to take it absolutely but if donald trump tells us as it did that we've taken i'm not taking it the fact that you continue to undermine public confidence in a vaccine if a vaccine emerges during the trumpet ministration i think is is unconscionable and senator i just ask you stop playing politics with people's lives the reality is that we will have a vaccine we believe before the end of this year. that was an interesting line wasn't it rob i just ask you stop playing politics with people's lives. can you unpack that one for us. this this shows how troubled how pence is often underestimated because he's always in the shadow of trump and he sees trump's . hand maiden you know there's 0 daylight between them when it comes to their positions but he's
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a smart guy and when he. saw an opening there when harris said i'm not going to take trump's vaccine if he's the one by watching for it he then conflated that with harris trying to discourage the american people from taking any vaccine at all which of course she hadn't done i would point out that the situation in this country these of the vaccines is very confused kemal and i don't have the numbers right at hand but there's a substantial number of people in this country who say they would be very hesitant or refuse to take a vaccine at least one right away until they'd seen how well it did even if it was approved by the food and drug administration and that's a sign of public qualms mistrust is maybe a better word of the way the science has been treated surrounding this coronavirus all the way from the beginning when the president said it was going to
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disappear appear magically one day to the present day where we really don't know exactly how well the president is and what his medical condition truly is in the kind of detail that we might expect but again i think that that's something that where we're harris kind of walked into a trap and gave parents a major opening whether any of this is going to make a difference with the american public from all when i have to see what the polls say i would say that most. in this country he made up their minds before anybody entered that the debate stage here in salt lake city yeah really good point rob thank you for now i'll give you a break because it's probably not easy broadcasting for that long wearing a mask stay there when i come back to you later on i also want to have a look at some presidential reaction here it is donald trump mike pence is doing is doing great she is a gaffe machine that's what president trump had to say about it all in
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a month tweeting a whole lot of pre-prepared videos that mike pence his account have been putting out so that's how the president so it's. time to talk to jennifer victor a professor of political science at george mason university and thanks for thanks for joining us after the debate was actually having just a quick look at your twitter feed actually where you say mike pence is a much better politician than donald trump but come on how is this a period to base that in this debate probably a fair comment she probably stayed on topic more than mike pence did but there was a lot of avoiding the question from both sides. yeah i would agree with that i mean it it speaks to the political skills that both of these debaters these vice presidential candidates have one of the 1st things you learn as a politician is not to necessarily answer the question you've been asked but answer the question that you like to provide the answer to in order to get those talking
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points out there and we saw that from both sides to some extent but i also agree with your reporter on the ground in south and salt lake city who suggested that most of the audience for this debate are those who have already made up their mind in fact more than 5000000 americans have already voted in this election and so this event wasn't so much about necessarily converting people as it was about showcasing what each side has to offer out to the folks who are already on their sides. what do you think either side or either candidate actually achieved here because they're supposed to go out they obviously that they have to push their agenda and push the gender of their presidential candidate but it's also we were saying only an opportunity for a vice presidential candidate to go hey this is me and if my considerably older presidential cannot complete his term for any reason i'll be in charge yeah no doubt that that's a great observation and
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a lot of times i think when we look at these vice presidential debates what we're thinking of is introducing themselves to the country as a strategic a sort of alter ego to their running make counterparts their presidential counterparts that are at the top of the ticket so where president trump is criticized for. you know not being consistent with democratic norms enter being a bit bloviating and interrupting and rude and so forth here tonight you saw mike pence being extraordinary polite extraordinarily polite and sort of magnanimous overly so. to his opponent and on the other side you saw it come all the hair as being forceful and focusing on facts and you know really to the point where maybe joe biden is criticized for being a bit look at some times or you know maybe for his age as you suggested she comes across as someone who is experienced but quite energetic and ready to step into that she needs to you pointed out as rob did as well that people have probably made
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up their minds to a certain degree already but i wonder if watching that they would take away any sort of feelings from for example the way that the moderator kept having to say thank you mr vice president thank you mr vice president because he wouldn't stop talking and it just kept going all the way through and one of that's the sort of thing which much of. that's you know it's a bit annoying it's a bit disrespectful all that sort of thing. yeah well that's certainly a stark contrast to what we saw last week in the presidential debates where there was so much interrupting that it was almost unwatchable event it was completely in comprehensible almost from beginning to end and so i think to some extent what we saw was a moderator trying to head off that type of behavior from the very beginning and take control of the debate and try to enforce the try limits on the candidates and almost scold them or embarrass them into the obviousness of them going over the
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timeline. i'm not sure that in practicality susan page did anything functionally different than what we saw with last week's moderator but these 2 candidates for the most part certainly responded to her a bit better although both of them pushed the limits although i would say mike had certainly pushed the limits more than harish that jennifer you would have heard with rob that we were playing out a few clips from the debate i want to share that with you as well because we've got some eclipse here to play and this is on the issue and it was a big issue obviously on coronavirus com a heresy really slamming the u.s. president for downplaying the democrats have a listen they knew what was happening and they didn't tell you and you imagine if you knew on january 28th as opposed to march 13th what they knew what you might have done to prepare they knew and they covered it up the president said
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it was a hoax they minimize the seriousness of it the president said you're on one side of his ledger if you wear a mask you're on the other side of his ledger if you don't and in spite of all of that today they still don't have a plan. when you look at the biden plan it reads an awful lot like what president trump and i in our task force have been doing every step of the way and quite frankly when i look at their plan that talks about vance and testing creating new p.p.a. developing a vaccine. it looks a little bit like plagiarism which is some joe biden knows a little bit about and i think the american people know that this is a president who has put thank you letters america 1st in the american people i believe with my heart can be thank you proud of the sacrifices they have made it save calculus american lives. jennifer i thought this was really interesting this was very early in the debate with those situations where you have 2 people talking
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about the same things and you could swear they were talking about something different the 1st thing common harris said greatest failure of any administration in the history of our country finest thing mike pence said trump is put the health of america 1st from day one this should be i guess the area where common interest would have been able to pick up some points. yeah i mean it's not surprising that this was essentially the 1st substantive question of the debate and it's not surprising that connelly harris came out with some some very sharp and very prepared answers on this this is the probably the number one issue where the biden paris ticket has. probably the strongest attack on the trumpet ministration for their they're fairly years on controlling the pandemic in the united states and the engine just it seems in the trumpet ministration policy on the pandemic and so you see you saw that very directly from harris in her in a way that you i think everybody came into it expecting that type of
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a point of attack and the chance response in a lot of ways i thought was an appropriate defense it was i don't know if it was an adequate defense or not but certainly strategically sort of turning it around on them and saying that well what they're proposing is what we are doing is. i don't know if it's sort of a standard debate or a strategic move in a sense so in that sense i seed of us as a as a strategically smart way to play that attack but i'm not sure that was all that affected although having said that you know i think for the most part the viewers of this are seeing it through the eyes of whichever political party they're inclined to be associated with to begin with so for the most a lot of what happened the debates like this is the viewers will hear the information that they're seeing from the different candidates through a sort of set of motivated reasoning so if you're inclined to agree with with paris
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you think she's presented a stronger argument if you're inclined to agree with pence you of course think that his argument has defeated what she just said jennifer a quick final thought from you and this is a bit of crystal ball gazing but we should have another presidential debate next week health permitting. do you think that the 2 presidential candidates could take anything from tonight because really their 1st debate was an absolute mess. it really was a mess and president trump did take a fair amount of criticism for it although i'm not sure he took criticism from the sections of society that are most meaningful to him. you know if if you know usually as as a behavioral social scientist we think asperger is the best predictor of future behavior and so i'm not sure we should necessarily expect anything different in the 2nd presidential debate than what we saw in the 1st. you know at the end of the day i think the best way to understand the strategies that come from president trump is
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that he tends to play things as a brander and as a marketer for the trump brand much more so than you would through a typical sort of politicians playbook like you saw from mike pence tonight jennifer victor from george mason university it's been a real pleasure talking to you thank you for joining us thank you so much come on let's wrap things up with rob reynolds back in salt lake city utah where the debate finished. 25 minutes ago 20 minutes ago i think it was for any of us who are just coming to us now approaching the top of the hour who maybe didn't see the whole debate how would you describe it to them. well i would describe it as a civil debate with with flashes of sharp exchanges and clear policy differences between the 2 vice presidential candidates actually the policy differences between the 2 men at the top of the ticket i think that
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as you were discussing with with professor victor there a moment ago maybe one of the more important things that we learned tonight if if it's really verifiable is that susan page the moderator announced that there would be another presidential debate next week in florida and that's news because that had been far from settled and i frankly don't know if it is actually going to happen because a lot of negotiating will have to take place between the biden and trump camps about. safety obviously but that's an important point and i also think that it's very significant that the next stage because there's no rest for the 'd for the wicket here both. harris and pants and biden travel south of here to the newly swing state newly inaugurated swing state arizona formally
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a rock ribbed republican state this year it's up for grabs with biden ahead there all 3 of them are going to be campaigning there on thursday rob reynolds in salt lake city utah more with rob coming up at the top of the next news bullets and so that was the vice presidential debate for 2020 vice president my parents sent us a comma heris we spent 90 minutes on well general. you should have a 9 different topic spots as we were saying before a lot of avoiding the questions a lot of talking points but then that's what politicians do don't they and as rob was saying as well the moderator susan page said that there will be a presidential debate next week and been some concern that that may not happen at this stage it will be all go for debate number 2 between the presidential candidates and come out santa maria thanks for staying with us sammy said i'm with you in a moment. in
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our friend the vice presidential debate white pants and camel how wrists confront escalating crises and quoting the handling of the crying about this pandemic. and what the american people know that from the very 1st. president donald trump has been to help. the american people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any presidential administration history of.
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