tv The Stream Al Jazeera October 8, 2020 5:30pm-6:00pm +03
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if the government doesn't listen to washington. the swedish academy has announced the latest winner for a nobel prize. in literature for 2020 is awarded to the american poet louise glick for her political voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal. is professor of english at yale university she's also won the pulitzer prize and the national book award a work often focuses on childhood and family life and the bond between siblings. ok updating your top stories so far this half hour u.s. president donald trump is refusing to take part in a virtual debate with his democratic rival joe biden the debate commission change the format after trump was treated for cope with 19 his campaign says he'll do
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a rally instead i heard that the commission a little while ago changed the debate style and then that's not acceptable to us beat him easily in the 1st debate going to the polls that i've seen but i beat him easily in that i felt they beat him easily i think he felt it too and now i'm not going to waste my time in a virtual debate that's not what debating is all about you sit behind a computer and do a debate ridiculous and then they cut you off whenever they want coronavirus cases are surging across much of europe daily infections are higher than they've ever been in austria slovakia and ukraine and in germany cases have reached their highest level since april the u.k. is considering even more cope with 19 restrictions as the 2nd wave there accelerates cases there are rising by about 14000 every day. the number of people killed by the coronavirus in iran continues to climb as well 230 people have passed away in the last 24 hours that's 9 more than the previous day which was the highest
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figure since july more than 4000 new cases have been confirmed for the 3rd day in a row at least 30 more soldiers are being killed in fighting over. the defense ministry in this disputed region says 350 servicemen have died since fighting with forces broke out 12 days ago it's the worst violence between armenia and azerbaijan in decades there was more shelling in the main city stepanek yet there have been similar accusations from the as areas they accuse armenia of targeting population centers civilian deaths have been reported in several regions where hundreds of homes have been destroyed by artillery international mediators of stepping up efforts to stop the conflict has another 15 g. i will see you very soon up next it's the stream. this country's begin easy coronavirus restrictions scientists warn of a 2nd wave of infection. and many
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feel the economy is being prioritized about human life. here. we bring you the latest developments from across the globe coronavirus. special coverage. in the al qaeda data stream aids teaming up with human rights watch to take a look at a campaign to ban the close confinement. of mentally ill patients and people around the world let me give you an example what we're talking about he stepped. from indonesia. for 5 months now one has been locked up in a cage where he lives in his own excrement his family is sometimes too afraid to
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feed him after he murdered his mother and nucleated to have body he was taken to a mental hospital 4 months later he came back i guess i have here they said he was cured but after 3 months he became aggressive again a very lightly injured the head of the village with a machete i would often are his friend and i were also wounded and i'm worried if we will let him out again. so much talk about settling a mentally ill people close confinement of mentally people around the world and how do you still that how it is great to have you here on the string tell everybody you . think about it a lot. all don't seem right long which is a movement. that could lead. to problems very well informed. that i almost believe it is. good to have you however new has no welcome to the stream e.g.
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should south to the world. hi i'm no use if you can just call me. a secretary general or asian federation of psychiatry associations and i'm from indonesia it's nice to meet everyone. nice to me even nice to have you here in the street and gentle welcome back to the street remind everybody who you want. thanks so much every question could be here my name is around every corner and the director of disability rights at human rights watch and today as you alluded to we launched a report called living in chains that documents the practice of shackling people with mental health conditions in over 60 countries around the world. so you can well compared with your report they're ready to hold up to camera i've actually got it here on my laptops and people can see what we're talking about in close up this
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report to queue a year. why is it so important what do you want to put it. well 1st and we've been working on this issue since i went to ghana back in 2011 so almost a decade and it was the 1st country where we documented the practice of shackling and over the years we've looked at this issue in indonesia in somaliland in nigeria how i knows that issue well and we realized that there was this is a global trend and so today we put out a report that shows that hundreds of thousands of people with mental health conditions are psychosocial disability men women and children as young as 10 years old. are put in chains at some point in their life or confined in small spaces and. as you can imagine. living in a shed in an animal shelter or forced to eat sleep in your in
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a in that same tiny area it's. inhumane and frankly it's torture as the u.n. experts call that themselves and. un expert on torture denounced that it's unequivocally. a fact of torture if you put someone in shackles like we've seen these images just now i'm looking at these images and i should say and i have to say that some of the memory really disturbing so be ready for those images because what we're talking about is human rights abuses to people who don't have the ability to nestle protest about it so k.-et is on twitter and he says underneath this new report that human rights watch is sharing i'm going to put this to you know that i thought this was a thing of the past ash tank break the chains. thank
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you very much for the report. it has actually become a awareness since 2007 when i read a report from going to mystery of health that there were 18000 people with mental health conditions being shackled you know in many forms as me xplain before under social media and also from very poor and. so that's why i mean i had to make a very big at the time of my life i decided to run as a member of parliament because i thought that this problem can only be resolved through regulation such as from the mental health law that's why i ever run for parliament and then i remember help build charity work in community and then to a was passed into law in 2014 however my impression was of the violation of human rights that happened in indonesia have not entirely succeeded it has been 6 years.
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one that's not a lot in there if a particular related ministries especially going to help as leading sector so yeah it's actually very important 5 to follow up below because i know it is very diverse it's very large geographically it's the 4th most populous population in the world and indonesia has a regional autonomy system there are 34 provinces not to mention this 3 villages and really there is democratically elected equal so they do not necessarily care about mental health in general let alone shackling therefore i think that the regulation issued by the president or presidential decree is really needed yes the only tool to breach the government and local governments so they have the same perspective concern aims and also coordination 60 at the time to get the shackling preprogram so. i really think we need this presidential level decree as a means of course and if possible law enforcement must also be done in its implementation
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i know it's a good deal but i much prefer humanity you know as a form of conscience instead of a byproduct of long well yeah family i think i've talked to. them and and so who are you going to have a yugo. now i want to ask you though i mean you're i think law is important part of one of the key assets from this reported our campaign is that every country should ban the practice of shackling and some countries are working on that our self is helping to to reach that end in nigeria but you know indonesia's had a ban on tackling said 977 it's in the laws for more than 40 years and yet the practice still happen so i think in our view there is much more that we need we need. services and support to support for people with mental health issues we need to look at why they're shackled in the 1st place it's because there is statement shame surrounded by mental conditions there is
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a lack of government providing services supports and not just spent a whole medical services we're talking about a holistic approach that needs to be implemented and governments need to invest in job training housing. and ways to keep people out of shackles out of institutions and also instead productive members of their society so it's a much broader. toolkit that we need in order to address what's been a decade long problem in indonesia as you very well know but frankly i mean we're looking at the numbers i mean how do you mention how countries you mentioned that was and i want to run into the conversation also because nigerians are in this conversation as well how many let me show you 2 things that i want to tweet and then one's a video from human rights watch about a nigerian healing center that some of my laptop 1st of all with the tweet so this is her room and who knows since we were talking about shackling here that it is
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a rampant practice in most places in nigeria in spite of inhumane treatment and physical piece associated with it mental health issues are looted too spiritual attacks and victims are mostly stigmatized and often not give an awful don't streetman so there's that haroon a saying and then human rights watch and she went to so they could in the jury in healing center this was just last year let's have a look at what made our feet our chains this way we can't walk around and we just sit quietly and it has been 5 months since a chain was put on my legs it hurts when i walk. so however this is not just nigerians shanta was saying that there is 16 countries that still or have jaclyn and close confinement can you explain to us in the context of nigeria why it happened i don't know
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if there were a number of things that i thought of a bit. over one hand you have you know the fact that the jury had locked. them or the like. we had of that going on when i. you know that the current trials on mental health especially the human love for homeless and the cost of the welfare system that has to be incorporated so we have to go and i don't know how do we also i always say that you can have a conversation around mental health. without also have been a conversation about. you know the structures that i think of. something about that because a lot of times what happens you know we don't have the capacity to do it you have one concept. we are about. one jury and the
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huge deficits for a weapon people can go to and times all that woman to hold support and you have obviously in fact that including mental health care for all you know we do long have mental health are the primary health care levels you know if it was something that was reflected on the national. program and we devised. as well thank you as rocket fire you know the united nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities is i think the critical thing we don't see that being reflected and i just wish i knew something well i mean of course we're going to also do just that i think also over the another aspect. and some something that i think is to mostly learn just about the legion but about the undecided as well a lot of the undecided mental how you know part of your how. they would like you know the person that is you know is this is what you do will go in and push in a way you segregate to change it so that it doesn't affect you know you always
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people. don't think it's. going to be counted. yeah i'm going to i'm going to guess what if you have called a computer that keeps pinging and i'm going to ask you to see if you can silence it no but i think it might be you all right maybe people messaging using you on t.v. if you could someone is not that would be the best thing ever you know just check in with you tube ashwani kumar wants to notion and owner of these practices also happening in india a lot people in eugene right now a chatting back and forth saying this is happening in our country this is happening india and. yes sadly it is happening in india. it's happening in countries all around the world we found in india just in january of last year that we reported that there is thousands of people who were found shackled. in the
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quote like cattle there tied with iron chains and had lost had locked those are the conditions just in one state and we've been working with local organizations there again in groups like ours that are people of their made up of people with mental health conditions and that's really important to this work because we need to make sure that we're making we're emphasizing the voices of people with lived experience with mental health conditions in india and elsewhere it's happening in guatemala it's happening in morocco it's happening in pakistan it's happening in many countries across pretty much every continent where we've documented the shackling and it's it's frankly stunned me that you could enter. a facility in indonesia and a facility in nigeria and it's the idea that someone with a better health condition should be chain is it is about treating them less than
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a human being at the end of the day and. i think that concept is universal and for me that's the most shocking because. people should live in dignity and not in chains. and i want to share this i'm because we were talking to various mental health advocates around the world and seeker is a global mental health professor from harvard university and he put some context into why this is happening to supply in 2020 shuttling in close confinement is happening and as she explains gives us in context of this nobody wants to gene a person who is part of a family they do it because they have no choice and it's for the government to provide evidence based and rate based here as a part of the universal health coverage so that people are changed we don't try to people who are suffering from cancer from blood pressure or from diabetes why
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should we do that for people who are suffering from mental disorders just record or behavior sometimes again be abnormal. mental illness or just like for other physical illnesses and dickon recruiter the people can become more right and can be a revenue was full and construct a part of society for them since then for others. none of which will pick up and that he would you know the that resonated with the. she had been listening to howl and also shut up. it's almost the same in indonesia experiences are psychosis in indonesia truly embodied a case of luck black magic and of course a defenseless existence with mental conditions so i present the lack of adequate mental health care services and also the scarcity of resources. the ability for families to cope and also the capacity of medical professionals to deliver
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quality care which in the end leads to the practice of shackling or the presence of imaginary on the treadmill and not based on clinical reality. or are even if you have access to care and you have this. mental health facility. so therefore i mean this thing still happens in indonesia because of these experiences of psychosis itself. particularly with certain cultural or traditional stepping. we look at living in changes as a reporter the investigation is. also in exposing. the you brought to. the countries themselves maybe not know about the mental health practices. in many cases the governments know the communities know but it is a hidden practice it's invisible and so i do think by calling us up this is the 1st
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global report that shows the scale and the breath of cheney and we hope it does attention to governments to say oh we need to do something about it it's it's an embarrassment it's it's a human rights violation and there are practical steps you can take and i do have hope you know i this is a man. april 27th and he when i approached him chained to a tree he was wearing just a very small red cloth around his waist and. the chain was about one meter long and that one meter was the radius of his life there were roosters running around in the same facility that were more free than this man who had been chained to the street for 5 years and we work together with local advocates and people with lived experience and put pressure on the government and i actually came and saw the chains off felix and 15 others in that camp in ghana and i met him
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a couple months later and you could see he had weight he had he was smiling and he was free and you can with pressure actually bring about change and governments can do things once they're aware of once they're called out on it which is why we need to be out there and not just those of us who are in this field but frankly anyone who's watching the show we've launched a campaign today called hash tag break the chains you can go to break that chains dot org and you can take a pledge that you are committed to helping end the stigma and the shame around mental health and to working to call out these abuses and put pressure on governments to to do what they did in ghana to to let felix free but in so. many countries there are still hundreds of thousands of people who are not yet free. let me take you to uganda and this is me right he's
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a disability rights advocate and he talks about how a campaign like break the chains could actually help mentally ill people who are being put in close confinement who are being shackled this is what he told us and in uganda traveling is a very shrewd. minute children milly wouldn't chains missile in iran unities was to think that if she meant or heinous then your believed now the fact that we have this camp in iraq or what it. is and in uganda and there is a need to more traditional healers and religious leaders to have and help support these campaign and was a look at human rights to be supportive humorous for us to be supported to gender squawking hundreds of that and $100.00 m. this time it. was in the war.
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he should have gone straight to the shunned and gender issues i might look like i do if i. want to straight away as i am to winds money ahead. well it's inspiring to see that when we join forces collectively we can do so much we can call this out we can put pressure on governments and we can as he said reach out to those who are major influences in in countries like religious leaders football players people like you family who are helping. highlight this issues shine a light on these abuses and can bring about change so i look forward to working with michael and so many others on the ground people like how you have tremendous courage and strength and so many lessons that and that we can learn from them on how to move away from the shackles and restore the dignity i'm very excited very very excited so. really you to break the chain is not that or of you got to go
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check out the website using our platform for hope that will know what you will yes you took at the beginning of a conversation about political will get in politics in a vault in mental health and that's how change can happen can you tell us any success stories because we're showing. the worst that can happen what about the best. well. there are several initiatives being done in indonesia because i mentioned earlier about how we have this regional autonomy system so i wouldn't really call it a success for me. but at least there's an effort here and there so i notice there is a province in indonesia where the governor is a woman who was once the minister of social affairs situated a program called. awesome means shackling indonesian so this program enables to
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find out where the shackling occurs including by name address so depression could be found and refer to a hospital and also continue for care at the rehab center managed by the minister also. but i don't know where this one is going somehow i appreciate the effort being done surprisingly it's being done by a female leader in indonesia and. not saying anything specific about gender issues but i'm just very glad that out of many leaders in indonesia she came up with this initiative. let me bring in the results of you back to just jump in just highlight also what it is that i get out of this not to you might be familiar with their i don't look at the formal nearly passed out but it's this initiative that you see in the video just there where people are going yeah the door there speaking to people of find out about a range of health issues or mental health is one of them said in generating mental
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health into primary healthcare system and then they're able to detect cases of shackling they're able to educate their to provide links to services and it's a really as i understand it's reached 48000000 households but 70 percent of indonesia which is a great initiative and we've highlighted this in the report as well and we need more up efforts like this and that. and i'm hearing is a good story 6 will help yes so what i'm hearing is is a hopeful note let me let me continue on that note dr frida committee is a clinical psychologist at the africa mental health research and training foundation she has some ideas about how how do we stop shaklee around the well just ban it and stop it. the marines are. not. the solution. broken rights. through.
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change on her and arms there. were also good hearted is a good solution isn't. rehearsals for us foreigners here. and suv. that brings us to the end of the show i have this the moment it left what would you like us to do not one minute and we just remind you audience when the kid . is out today sicko to act h l a w he will lights watch on tweeter and then you can see the reporting that they have done of the past year looking at the shocking of people with psychosocial disabilities wild like there was a lot of information there chanting there's a you can be part of the campaign as well it's not just about being on al-jazeera
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it's not just about being on t.v. or we could be part of the solution how know that santa thank you so much for being on this tuesday the leading of conceit in that he tweeted to us if you are new to it thank you very much. a magician strangers. in a. corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of saddam's. corruption is not something to be told it. is a. country his own let's destroy this wall. and in 2020 the free space over which encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. shine
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a light on and corruption here i. nominate. hi i'm steve clemons and i have a question because these days it's hard to filter out the noise and keep track of what's really important in the bottom line tackles the big issues this issue in the united states its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only on al-jazeera. cyprus a european island openly offering citizenship to those who can afford it in august al-jazeera made global headlines with the cyprus papers confidential documents that reveal a murky passport by investment scheme thomas. also says. now al-jazeera as investigative unit goes undercover to expose further revelations that go to the heart of the cypriote state al-jazeera investigations the cyberspace undercover. be the hero of the world news.
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