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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 9, 2020 12:00pm-12:31pm +03

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campaigns to raise awareness continue. it's 9 g.m.t. we are in a hair the winner of the nobel peace prize will soon be seeing the chair of the norwegian nobel committee. and she is waiting behind the door any minute now that door be opened and she will go through to the lectern to announce the 2020 nobel peace prize winner she's on crutches so she will be taking perhaps a longer time normal let's watch and listen in to hear the winner of this year's
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most prestigious prize in the world. good morning. the need for international solidarity. cooperation. more. than ever then the. committee has decided to have war the nobel peace prize for 2022 the world food program for its efforts to hunger. for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict affected areas and for acting as a driving force in the efforts to prevent the use of hunger as
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a weapon of war and conflict the world food programme is the world's largest humanitarian organization at the same hunger and promoting food security last year the w f p provided assistance to close to 1000000 people in 88 countries who are victims of acute should in security and. in 2015 eradicating hunger was adopted as one of you ends sustainable development goals the w f p is the un primary instrument for realizing this go in recent years as the situation has taken and they get to
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turn. in 201935 1000000 people suffered from acute hunger the highest number in many years most of the increase was caused by war and armed conflict. the coronavirus pandemic has contributed to a strong upsurge in the number of victims of hunger in the world. in countries such as yemen the democratic republic of congo nigeria and south sudan and bikie enough hours so the combination of violent conflict and pandemic has led to a dramatic rise in the number of people living on the brink of starvation. in the face of the pandemic the world food programme
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has demonstrated an impressive ability to intensify its efforts as the organization itself has stated until the day we haven't seen food is the best vaccine against chaos. the world is in danger of experiencing a hunger crisis is of inconceivable proportions if the world food program and other food assistance organizations do not receive the financial support they have requested the link between hunger and armed conflict is a vicious circle. war and conflict can cause food insecurity and hunger just as hunger and food insecurity
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can cause latent conflicts to flare up and trick of the use of violence we will never achieve the goal of serial hunger unless we also put an end to war and armed conflicts. the norwegian nobel committee wishes to emphasize that providing assistance to increase food security in those terms that prevents hunger but can also help to improve prospects for stability and peace the world food program has taken the lead in combining humanitarian work with peace efforts salut pioneering projects in south america africa and asia the world food program was an active participant in that it will matic process that
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culminated in may 28th in the un security council's unanimous adoption of resolution 2417 which for the 1st time explicitly addresses the link between conflict and hunger the security council also underscored u.n. member states obligation to help and shore of food assistance reaches those in need and condemned the use of starvation as a method of warfare with this year's award the no we didn't know ben the committee wishes to turn their eyes of the word towards the millions of people who suffer from of face the threat of hunger.
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the work of the world food program plays a key role in multilateral cooperation in making food security an instrument of peace and has made as strong contribution towards mobilizing un member states to combat the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict the organization contributes daily to advancing the fraternity of nations referred to in alfred nobel's will as the un's largest specialized agency the world food program is a modern the of the peace congress is the nobel peace prize is intend to promote. the world food program
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the work of the world food program to the benefit of human kind is. that all nations of the world should be able to endorse and support thank you very much. and there we were listening to the chair of the norwegian nobel committee barrett reese and sen announce the nobel peace prize winner for 2020 it was the world food program for she said efforts to combat hunger especially in conflict areas were for more on this let's cross live to our diplomatic james bays he's at the united nations and he's interviewed many of the previous winners for al-jazeera and james it was always going to be huge guessing game wasn't the field of some $318.00 it can do that this year was the w.s.p. a strong contender. well of course what we'll never know for 50
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years is who the other contenders were because it's a very secretive process and they only release the details of who we all all the contenders were 50 years later one of the other organizations that have been talked about of course was the world health organization and it is clearly this award is the award the nobel peace prize in the year of code that they've decided the committee to go for an international organization that has been involved in the covert effort but have stig clear of the world health organization because of the controversy going straight into the route between the u.s. and china in particular the trumpet ministration of whether the world health organization was doing a good job or whether it was far too close to china so instead they've chosen one of the main humanitarian agencies of the united nations the world food program which is up to its efforts backed by the rest of the u.n. to get to food to people around the world at this time of pandemic and one of the
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challenges of course has been the logistical challenge because the airline industry is not operating the way it normally does both commercial delivery of goods and passenger delivery and that's been a real challenge for the whole u.n. system the world food program and. delivering food is the lead part of the u.n. for air transport station and it was said to me recently the world food program has probably become the biggest airline in africa. right now because of their own aircraft their own un airlift aircraft that the world food program run but also also all the other aircraft they are now contracting to get their food to africa and other parts of the world and you heard her talk about some of them for example yemen the place on earth that the u.n. agencies are most worried about it's also worth telling you in this year of cohered that the world food program is led by
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a gentleman called dave. beazley well this will be a very good end to a year that started pretty badly for him i remember talking to him and davos in january and he was worried about then about the threat to the world and the problems facing the world then of course coded came in. in the months from each atlee after that i missed the beazley himself caught a bad case of cohered and was quite unwell from co very early on while he got covert at the beginning of the year now his organization is being praised for its work in this year he's a very forthright unusual un official because of the way he talks he talks in a very brash way remember the world food program is one part of the united nations system there's seems to be always led by an american david beasley was appointed by the trumpet ministration even though donald trump always wants to get the nobel peace prize himself this is one prize he may well applaud because it's
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a republican politician in his background who is who is leading the organization that got the nobel peace prize in fact he is he was from 19529929 the governor of south carolina of course this isn't an award to him sometimes we've had awards to organizations and a leader simply to the organization but the organization has long been one of the primary humanitarian organizations of the u.n. doing good work around the world and most people are praising the effort it's made at this particularly difficult time for the world as they're throwing it forward to the ceremony and indeed the interview that you and our colleagues finally do with the winner will it be david beasley who'll be accepting the prize and doing the interview or do you think we'll see other aspects of the organization forward. well i think that's a question for entirely for the the world food program and also it's worth
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telling you the logistics of the ceremony still being discussed because obviously you cannot have the normal nobel ceremony that you have there in the oslo city hall because of cove it you have a large tightly packed audience in the also city hall when the when the ceremony takes place and then. an interview which has been done in recent years by al-jazeera takes place afterwards in the hall but i think it is likely you'll see a lot of mr beazley in the coming hours and on the 10th of december when this is when this is awarded he is the leader of the world food program but i'm sure an organization like the world food program will want to project its workers around the world the doing the work in the field mr beazley himself certainly before cove it was one of the most travelled un officials always on the road always speaking to
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people rarely he's told me at home with his family and his wife in in rome where the world who. program is based out of where the world food program is based so yes i'm sure you're going to see mr beazley but i think it's likely they will see others at all levels in this organization and i'm sure they'll be wanting to emphasize the field work of the world food program do all around the world absolutely ok james many thanks for bringing us the fast reactions there to the announcement of the 2020 nobel peace prize the world food program let's go to kristin and diana he is the director of the international capital an institute of peace and he joins us via skype from boston lane a good to have you with us your response to the winner. i think it is. interesting it's not one of the. leading candidates in terms of people betting of who might win i do think however it is a very interesting price and
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a very interesting organisation it was clear to me that it would be either some some candidates from the multilateral perspective dignitas multilateralism right now is in crisis and being challenged in many ways or my other bet was somebody a woman this intially woman among other reasons because this year marks the 28th and the bursary of the un security council resolutions $1325.00 on women peace and security which was a landmark resolution now that watered highlights another un security council resolution $2417.00 which as they say for the 1st time makes explicit the link between conflict and hunger and that's very interesting they have been very clear on making that the link that conflict and hunger are interrelated one leads to the they're in a vicious cycle and i think therefore the prize and it's a very relevant topic for peace building at the same time it addresses and issue
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that affects millions and millions of people and which today in the 21st century is still a scanner that so many people in the world south or from hunger how well a prize like this the. winning a prize like this how it bolster the cause for the world food program. it in 2 ways it will bolster the semantic issue of hunger which remains. economic developments on many other ways and at the same time it will highlight a u.n. agency which has been mentioned also is an desperately needed for more funding and that therefore should be a secondary relevant contribution and it is saying that it's a year's eve can see how the prize will benefit an individual but how does the
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actual prize itself go to a whole organization well that if you look at their 100 awards that have been 100 prizes have been awarded over the last century actually 24 of them have been awarded to organisations so that's quite normal and if we look at the candidates this year one 3rd of the 318 candidates where organisations so that's not a surprise actually and i think it makes sense more and more we do know that social change for the better social justice is not that what the work of one individual. it's the effort of many people in many institutions many are going to say shims to meet makes perfect sense therefore that more and more it will be organisations and networks that they're awarded rather than individuals. it resounds and said that there is a danger of a hunger crisis happening of inconceivable for portions if there's not more funds
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for the w f p i mean we're always hearing of stories of people in need of people at risk of being in need unless huge amounts of money donated to the job f.-p. it's always struggling to find those funds do you think this will help it get that money. i think it will definitely contribute to raising more funding it will also contribute to sophisticated the debate a little bit it's not so much money for handing out food for people in need in identifying the reasons why are there so many people who don't have food and that is i think even the more interesting question and it is very clearly linked in this award to the fact of armed conflict and i think yemen is probably the most clear case for that and therefore it calls for the responsibility of any state government or armed actor to to 'd towards the people who suffer from the
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political decisions they take when they do decide to go to war and i think that's extremely important ok christian i'm aware thank you very much for joining us there from boss lane and on the 1st reactions to this award sister mind you if you're just joining us the nobel peace prize has been awarded to the world food organization that's going to have a morgan our correspondent who joins us live from khartoum because sudan have or has been a huge recipient of help from the world food program hasn't it. now we have seen obviously the forgive the world who were grabbing operates the areas of conflict one of them the sudan where we are right now it's now they were the 1st aid organization that was able to access. areas of conflict like south kordofan and land from the sudanese capital in foxholes they've been trying to reach areas where people apple affected by the conflict where people have been affected by the
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economic situation as well laura we've spoken to people who are on the ground in refugee camps in displacement camps and they say that most of them rely on coming from the will who were going to be able to survive some of them i think that the reason is that if he gets in compared to the beginning. conflicts in areas such as the corpse has reduced because it has left because the at the idea is that the conflict in those areas have also reduced but they see that the reason why there are a lot of the reason why they're able to be able to continue on with their lives even in the states think is because of that they're receiving so obviously the world food program has played a role in terms of helping those who've been displaced by conflict and by climate change as well as by sudan's economic crisis now and that doesn't mean that it's easy for the world food program to be able to access those in need would seem. like the recent flooding that it's had an impact on seeing people getting displays that
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we've seen the world food program saying that it is struggling to reach people who are in need of aid so obviously delivering that a has its own challenges and those challenges also happened in neighboring south sudan where the world before them has repeatedly stated that the lack of infrastructure has made it very difficult for them to deliver aid but they're still trying to pretend to show the aid that people need the other thing that has faced has homes challenges to the world food program in areas of conflict is at the city of aid workers we've seen aid workers pockets in south sudan most recently 2 days ago where the united nations office for cultivation of military affairs and the world food program condemned an attack on on their food supplies are on a convoy that is delivering food supplies so obviously while they are trying to deliver aid it does come with challenges but for many people they say that we've found the. ok and that was morgan joining us there from khartoum
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unfortunately lost the feed to her she was responding from the sudan one of the countries that's a large recipient of the 2020 nobel peace prize the world food program and one of the other countries that the w a p has been mourning about is zimbabwe there it says more than 8000000 people won't have enough food if there isn't urgent help by december and is blaming recurring droughts on an economic crisis and the coronavirus pandemic has made things worse. this report from west province impoverished communities are mostly affected. one head of cabbage cooking oil a little bit of salt and about 3 cups of rice is all it mukherjee has left in her kitchen she says she'll have to make it last as long as possible to feed her family of 8. life is hard we don't have managed to eat there is nothing good about
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our situation we are barely surviving the un's world food program says more than 8000000 zimbabweans would not have enough food by december if agent intervention that's roughly 60 percent of the population. mel nutrition of course something that sex mostly young children converting women in zimbabwe also is a large number of people who are dealing with chronic illness of course their needs in a traditional needs are different from people who are otherwise healthy so it's very important that we keep an eye close eye on those in the current circumstances basic goods and now beyond the reach of many people growing enough food is not an option for some years of drought the economic crisis rising unemployment soaring inflation and now corona virus that hit families hard millions across the country are struggling in bud light cities and rural areas. desperate families. eating
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less she has to feed 10 grandchildren her own kids either died or left the country to look for work. i plan on lifting one is involved i can only hope my neighbors take pity on us and give us food even if it's their left overs we really don't know what we're going to do the job is cash strapped government gives food aid and a cold $1000.00 allowance of about $20.00 a month to some vulnerable families local officials are worried. sick sometimes. 2 years ago or on the dom i remember marriage was the situation thus evolving it is very vivid. back in the kitchen the children wait for supper for straighted their grandmother says she hopes to never have to say to them one day she has nothing to give them. al-jazeera much other languages province zimbabwe. as we want some other news now russia says armenia and azerbaijan have agreed to send their
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foreign ministers to moscow for peace talks is the latest effort to end the increasingly violent conflict over the region of nagorno-karabakh mediators from the u.s. russia and france have also been holding talks in geneva to find a resolution france says a truce could come soon but as smith says in the armenian town of doris with more details on the talks that are due to be held in moscow. these are off the back of the talks between russia france and the u.s. in geneva on thursday and there are talks scheduled on monday in moscow a game between russia. russia the u.s. and france the armenian foreign ministers expect to be in attendance as a by john's foreign attend foreign ministers in geneva on thursday but clearly of putin who has been calling for a cease fire for several days now as time has decided to sort of ramp things up hence this invite to both foreign ministers is there in armenia to go to moscow
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today it's not an invitation when you volunteer putin invites former leaders or leaders members of the leadership team of former soviet republics to moscow it's not an invitation you turn down now on the ground fighting as a bit certainly on the armenian side step and we had sustained bombing really from sunday in gathering in intensity through monday and tuesday much of the day much of the night and then started reducing slightly there is still bombardment going on and we know we've been told it's been going on this morning but to a much lesser extent but in the midst of all of that again on both sides on azerbaijani side and on their meeting inside the line of contact maine's very tense and the human cost as they make these diplomatic efforts to a cease fire the human cost is increasing. there's been following developments from in azerbaijan. of course these diplomatic talks are held under the shade
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of the conflict of the fires from both sides targeting each other this tonight was relatively quiet compared to the last couple of days as several for peace or other bridge on have been hit by artilleries and rockets from coming from the going to iranian forces for instance yesterday. to civilians were killed dozens were injured in today we are in bare there close to attack their city which has been intense which has been under intense artillery strikes from the armenian side since the conflict began and from time to time we are able to hear the artillery sounds again here the fight still continues from time to time it is the density of the tension goes down but it is so there and many people are
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displaced and there are volunteers and who are trying to gather some. fools calls for the i.d.p.'s the displaced people who came from parts are divided our city and this is the situation on the us our bridge on star. the u.s. is impose more sanctions on iran's banking sector that's the latest move to what washington describes as to han's nuclear ambitions and terror activities the measures blacklist almost all of iran's financial sector iran's foreign minister zarif tweeted and response saying the united states wants to sabotage iran's remaining channels for buying food and medicine he maintains iranians will survive the sanctions and said the u.s. action amounted to a crime against humanity he will those who block iranian money will face justice in jordan has more from washington d.c. . perhaps the biggest criticism of the trumpet ministrations sanctions regime
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against iran is that the culminating impact is that this is hurting the iranian people certainly we have seen that criticism coming not just from e.u. nations but also from a wide range of humanitarian organizations around the world now the treasury department when this latest round of sanctions against these 18 iranian banks said that these banks would still have exemptions so that they could bring in funds to facilitate the purchase of emergency food and medicine to serve the iranian people of course people have criticized the u.s. for making it much harder to get that sort of humanitarian aid to the iranian people but leave no doubt the trumpet ministration has made one of its key foreign policy objectives the international isolation of iran because of what it says is iran's attempts to develop
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a viable nuclear weapons program and it believes that by cutting off all avenues of getting cash into the hands or the under the control of the iranian government that the trumpet ministration ultimately will be successful but we have not seen that at least not as of right now. without is there and these are all top stories this hour the united nations world food program has won the 2020 nobel peace prize for its effort to combat hunger and food insecurity of around the globe it's also being credited for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict affected areas and preventing the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflicts russia says for a minute says from mania and as a by john will attend peace talks and it's the latest efforts and violent fighting in.


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