tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera October 10, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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coronavirus last week he's holding it at the white house and let's listen in the o.t. god didn't hate the well thank you very much and keep that enthusiasm going get out and vote we got to vote we had a vote these people voted into open live in didn't vote him into oblivion got to get rid of him was so bad for our country 1st of all i'm feeling great i don't know about you how is it was a hit and i'm honored to welcome we call this a peaceful protests a hit to the white house in support of the incredible men and women of law enforcement and all of the people that work so well with us and i have to tell you our black community our hispanic thank you to the him
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but before going any further i want to thank all of you for your prayers i know you've been praying and i was actually in that hospital i was watching down over so many people and i went out to say hello to those people there it took a little heat for it but i do it again let me tell you it was a hit. on behalf of myself and the 1st lady had just been really an incredible outpouring and we're starting very very big with our rallies and with our everything because we cannot allow our country to become a socialist nation that we cannot have a hidden and that's what would happen or worse by the way or worse i want you to know our nation's going to defeat this terrible china viruses we call it god and we're producing powerful therapies and drugs in the 2nd
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we're going to recover and the vaccine. he is coming out very very quickly in record time as you know it's coming out very very soon we have great great companies doing it and they'll be distributing it and we will through our military very very rapidly through the power of the american. the american spirit i think more than anything else the science medicine will eradicate the china virus once and for all we'll get rid of it all over the world you see big flare ups in europe big flare ups in canada very big flare up in canada you saw that today a lot of flare ups but it's going to disappear it is disappearing and with vaccines are going to help and the therapeutics i can help a lot just want to thank everyone the scepter do what beautiful colors where did you get that color kendis thought if that becomes the what a beautiful color i want to get one of them i want to put one of them on instead of a white shirt the i want to thank you that seriously. every day
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more black and latino americans are leaving behind left wing politicians was and their failed ideology was what they are the they failed for many years and many many decades democrats have run nearly every inner city in america and i mean for 100 years and their policies have delivered nothing but calamity poverty and trouble the sleepy joe biden has betrayed black and latino americans if you think he can run this country you're wrong or where half a century. shipping it jobs to china that's what they've been doing we're bringing the jobs back we've been bringing it was been charging china a lot of money too with the tariffs a lot of money billions and billions of dollars opening your borders to mass illegal immigration the wall is now 380 miles long it will soon be finished
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was trapping us in endless foreign wars these ridiculous foreign wars at less than 1000 years our people are coming back home you know that and selling you out to the rich to low bliss wall street donors they have the wall street donors they want the wall street down to someday somebody is going to have to write a little story about that. black and latino americans are rejecting the radical socialist left and they're embracing our project pro worker propane least we want law and order we have to have low daughter and pro-american agenda. i want to thank the blacks in foundation for organizing this event thank you very much thank you own and especially your 2 founders 2 friends of mine great people can do so and send former tucson police officer brandon tatum thank you both god what
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a great job to really brilliant smart young people great and thank you very much for being here we really appreciate it oh you just marched to the white house because you understand to protect the lives of black americans and all americans you have to have your police support you you have to have the if the left gains power they'll launch a nationwide crusade against law enforcement and they've already done that and you see them doing that at a level that nobody's ever seen before the other day in the debate by couldn't even use the words law enforcement it's a law enforcement say law enforcement and he was bailed out by the anchor then i said then i said very simply i said name one law enforcement group that's supporting you he could do it but he was bailed out by the anchor the 2nd time bailed he got bailed out by that anchor a lot taking their funds away their firearms their fundamental authorities taking everything away including your freedom joe biden even said when you call
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911 a therapist should answer the call that doesn't work the that doesn't work but this is the people telling him what because he doesn't say he's told what to say you so what they introduced today they've gone through a period of years no fracking no fracking no fracking all of a sudden gets a nomination he says is going to be fracking. for pennsylvania oklahoma texas north dakota all of you there will be if it happens all of those jobs are gone your energy jobs are gun if they get in just remember i said it ok just remember biden i don't think so either was this has been was and i have to say there's been more enthusiasm we have had more enthusiasm right now right now the this year was than we had 4 years ago by a factor of 3 times it was we had a lahore and they had none they have no enthusiasm
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the they have no enthusiasm in fact the gap is so incredible in a poll just came out i think it said 56 percent of the people prefer their position now in the midst of a pandemic than they did 4 years ago think of what that manse 56 and it's a gallup poll and it's the highest poll ever recorded 56 percent of the now tell me about that now we had it going and we really had it going in then the plague came in from china but we're getting rid of that and we're rebuilding it and it's going to be better than it was even before i was at the homes and churches and businesses are black and hispanic americans have been looted you know that they've been vandalized and burned by left wing fanatics total bad people they know what they're doing yet biden likes to call them peaceful protesters you see people.
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you see anchors from a couple of the very bed very corrupt network said and behind them the cities are burning in this saying these are peaceful protests and you look and everything's on fire the. and i want to thank our law enforcement and i want to thank everybody in the community in the community drives out working with law for us to i want to thank god i think we probably have the support of every law enforcement group in this country practically i don't know of any that i don't maybe there must be some there must be one they'll find one tonight they'll say no he misrepresented 6 to eat but we have a level of support the likes of which nobody's i don't think ever seen before i don't think so and you can see that was and you see how many crooked ballots are being found and turned back in fraudulent just what i said. then they'll say he doesn't believe in freedom i totally believe in freedom that's called freedom what
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we're doing is freedom the owner mendez problems with the ballots 50000 in ohio 25000 you have to see it i mean every day there's a story about ballots some thrown out they happen to have the name trump military ballots were thrown out with the name trump on them ok but i think we're going to swamp them by so much hopefully it's not going to matter and we have law enforcement watching was we have law enforcement watching all those ballots being found for a reason left wing politicians like tamala or asu really did not do very well the other. by the way did our vice president do a good job kandice the law it was easy for him now i did a great job because we're on the side of right we really were on the side of right and by the way we are and it's true and i say it i say it all the time now more and
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more we are draining the swamp like nobody in history has of the old nobody in history has ever. we're here today to deliver a united message to police officers all across our great land that american. and i mean every american every race color we love you every race color creed we support you we honor you it's a dangerous profession they've been doing an incredible job and i just want to thank them on behalf of everybody here today because that's why we're so. you're watching the u.s. president donald trump he's holding his 1st public event since being hospitalized for coronavirus last week he's holding that event at the white house speaking from the balcony of the white house and this despite uncertainty over his health and more than 2000 guests are there at the white house and he's been discussing law and order he's also been speaking out against his democratic contender joe
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biden he's thanked his supporters for their prayers and he did say that scientists will help the u.s. get rid of the virus china virus as he called it while he was speaking and we had al jazeera have decided not to be attend any white house events on site for safety reasons due to the coronavirus cases there so let's bring in our washington d.c. correspondent our white house correspondent that is kimberly halakhah joining us from washington and kimberly is a block away from where the president is addressing his supporters kimberly what are what are we to make of this event and what is the ultimate goal here. well 1st of all i think it's important to know. is strongly discouraged that the white house the people's house be used for campaign events that's exactly what the president is doing it should be noted that he was hopeful and his doctor had
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cleared him to begin campaigning he even suggested he would hold a rally in florida as recently as today he said he was unable to do that because of logistics and then this hastily called addressed from the white house which the white house press office insists is not a campaign event was organized but what we can tell you is from listening to this it certainly sounds like a campaign event because no sooner had the president kind of addressed his illness than the fact that he was back in that the risk going to be a need to combat cope with 19 but he is technically still recovering from but the president launched in against his opponent sensually making the argument that everything that joe biden the democratic presidential nominee stands for will hurt the people that were gathered to listen to the president namely african-americans and latinos so this is a strong push by this president to get this demographic that traditionally has voted for the democratic party not the republican party donald trump believes that
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he did a lot to improve the outlooks and the economic prospects of many communities of color and for a time the statistics actually supported that but we now know since cope with 1000 has hit that in fact communities of color have been hurt disproportionately more so the president is promising look i did it for you once i'll do it again if you vote for joe biden he is not going to support you the way i promise to support you so that's the gist of this again sounding very much like a campaign message not sort of what we were expecting which is something a bit more unifying for all communities in the united states with respect to the challenge that all americans face economically in terms of their health in fighting cope with 19. that of course the president himself is battling for more than a week and kimberly here's the thing the american public still hasn't really gotten clarity or the answer is that they need when it comes to president trump his health
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and his diagnosis and if he in fact has tested negative or nah. that's absolutely right and you'll notice there that the president is separated from the crowd that may be because there is no and we can only speculate because we haven't given a clear answer but that may be why the president is not near the crowd which as you probably noticed some wearing masks some not wearing masks and for the most part tightly packed so. you're you're right we don't know when the president was officially diagnosed we only know when he made his diagnosis public we also know that the president has recovered faster than anyone else in the united states when it comes to cope at 19 he's also though had experimental therapies which could pose some side effects and he has underlying health conditions so there still is this possibility of a relapse but the president says he feels better than he ever has and in fact just just announced that he will hold rallies not just on monday wish we knew but also
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tuesday and also wednesday so he is going full steam ahead no official events on the calendar for tomorrow as of yet but that could change but certainly after that this president is in full cambridge campaign mode with just a little more than 3 weeks but again until election day but again we don't know from the president's position because there has been no transparency throughout this process just what the status of the president's health is whether he has any lingering damage because we also were given his long scan so we're really left to speculation at the words of the president who insists that he's ok to hit the campaign trail and that he's back ok kimberly thank you very much for the time being so that is the president speaking right now at the white house his 1st public event since he was released from the hospital after being diagnosed with corona virus and let's just take a look at how the last few days have played out for the president so he tweeted on
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october 2nd that he and the 1st lady had tested positive for covert 19 just hours after his close aide hope he's later transported to the walter reed military. so out of an abundance of caution that's according to his team in the rose garden ceremony for supreme court nominee amy coney barrett is quickly identified as a possible super spreader event well despite mixed messages about the president's health he returned to the white house on monday he told americans not to be afraid or dominated by the virus a 2nd debate against joe biden has now been canceled after trump refused to hold a virtually the presidential debate commission says the final debate which is scheduled for october 22nd however is still on let's bring in eric he's an author and political analyst he's joining us from washington d.c. hi there eric thanks for your time with us what sirrah initial reaction to this event taking place right now at the white house the 1st public event for the president since his diagnosis to words he's back the
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president is now speaking to this very raucous very energized crowd and we know that now as carefully as mentioned the president has a pretty packed schedule next week where he will be back on the campaign trail in gauging with his audiences in these in person rallies and we don't know if the president is coded positive or negative but for the president it doesn't matter and clearly for his base it doesn't matter to them either the president is willing to get out in front of these audiences and they are more than willing to have him so clearly what we are seeing is a president with less than $25.00 days left until the election is going full steam ahead to try to make his case and somehow try to close the gap in the polls between himself and his opponent former vice president joe biden yes so does a move like this then actually help his campaign. well if we look at what the polling data is showing especially in a battleground state like florida i think the answer is no senior citizens are
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moving away from this president and drolls they overwhelmingly do not like the president's handling of cold that night but more importantly the way the president has handled his own health and has been less than transparent about his situation does not instill confidence particularly in that most vulnerable group and florida is a state that president needs to win in order to secure election on november 3rd not necessarily for joe biden but the president needs that state and so not only are we seeing senior citizens moving away from the president but also suburban and college educated white me and those are the 3 groups the president absolutely needs in order to get back in this rates and eric let me just ask you about joe biden because. i'm just saying right now a new there's according to the news the campaign's campaign statements from joe biden is that he in fact tested negative for cope with 19 i'm reading on saturday
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so his campaign has just put out this statement but for joe biden he's clearly making donald trump's health and coronavirus a campaign issue because in las vegas on friday he criticized the president's according to him reckless personal conduct and was saying that it was having a destabilizing effect on the government's. you know this was a situation where the biden campaign always wanted to play on this platform they knew that nie majority of americans did not like the president's handling of colin 90 and the fact that the president not only contract at the virus but did so in a way where he did not social distance did not wear a mask and now has been less than forthcoming about his treatment and also about his health it only continues to burnish this narrative for pres for former vice president joe biden that the president simply cannot lead on this issue and based
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on what the polling data is showing us americans overwhelmingly agree and we also have to remember right now american are actually voting their early voting either in person or their mailing in their ballots so there's not much time for the president if he's going to turn this around to do so because again so many people have requested ballots and by the time that final debate takes place we can expect millions of americans will have already voted all right eric ham thank you for joining us and thanks for your analysis thank you. now twitter is imposing new rules to stop candidates in november as u.s. election from prematurely declaring victory on its platform the social media firm says it's cracking down on misinformation and on calls for political violence in the days surrounding the vote tweets that falsely claim a candidate has won will be labeled and will direct users to the official u.s.
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election results page. in other news armenia and azerbaijan are accusing each other of violating a deal aimed at pausing fighting over the disputed nagorno-karabakh region the ceasefire was announced by russia on friday after 10 hours of talks in moscow it allows both sides to exchange prisoners and recover bodies for and it's spread through ports from stepanek hurts. step and i curtis taken a battering these last 2 weeks as a by john has thrown the latest high tech israeli and turkish supplied weaponry at this town and the surrounding areas of nagorno-karabakh the ceasefire has allowed people to risk emerging from their shelters. a cease fire is good certainly good but the problem must be solved you can't have a cease fire and several years later war again
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a cease fire must solve the problem that is already independence. independence is very unlikely this is internationally recognized as azerbaijani territory but it's governed by ethnic armenians a previous ceasefire lasted more than 26 years but the status of nagorno karabakh went on resolved a ceasefire allows both sides to assess the capabilities of each other and for the armenians there must be a new appreciation of the technically advanced and destructive weaponry that the adversary hands. what has surprised armenians in karabakh is turkey's open support for azerbaijan if one of the results were a direct involvement of told keep and i don't see that told his going to pull out from the region it means that we have to somehow you know change some geopolitical approaches so far with state strength. for the string strengthen our
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relations with brows of countries but also. the united states iran and china. in the is very town of tartar these buildings were hit by armenian artillery before the ceasefire we don't support the ceasefire our enemy shall face what they deserve maybe 10 times more than what they did to us before. these were homes built for some of the 10s of thousands of his areas displaced from territory next to karabakh that armenia talk in the 199124 war now they're on the move again are we. international community oystein newsgroup which yours should take responsibility and transforms it current momentum to change the momentum of state school it is a durable peace is it to have focus on israel of armenian troops from so-called might that it was a bridge up russia says armenia and azerbaijan have agreed to substantive peace
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talks for them to work both sides will have to make the sort of compromises on territorial sovereignty that they've never been willing to make before. we let it burn its myth al-jazeera is to panic nagorno-karabakh well this is the most violent flare up the region has seen since the 2 former soviet republics went to war from 1988 to 1994 so what does each side have at its disposal while the as a re army is bigger than armenia's azerbaijan has 66000 active troops while armenia has just 45000. also has the advantage when it comes to weapons baku can field over 600 tanks compared to armenians 500 armenia doesn't have its own fighter aircraft and relies on the protection of a russian air force group as a base john is stronger in the air with fighter jets and more attack aircraft and helicopters but it's drone warfare that appears to be shaping the battlefield this
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time as a base and has openly bragged about its use of advanced turkish drones both sides have been amassing their own fleets though the exact numbers are unknown to me the moment over as a regional analyst for the cox region she says it would take a lot more external interference to really make a difference in the conflicts right now. i think we have to understand that as a bunch on has been pro-choice thank weapons from israel turkey which is a nato country and russia for the last i would say 30 years especially from russia which means that the weaponry that we have seen on the ground in the horn of karbala and in the surrounding areas are not the weapons that are the bridge on per chase 2 weeks ago. so it's not even turkish involvement if you will in this conflict militarily wouldn't affect the balance of powers either because as your wonderful reporting just mentioned there by johnny army has been
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much more well pat it's much more numerous and it had a great support clearly without russia's support for i mean. i don't think i mean i would be able to even stay in the conflict zone because we have seen reports about clearly civilian population leaving and we're knickerbocker now and the areas where the shelling has been taken place clearly russia is to quitting armenia by providing this weapons to the free. and but even that would not i would say significantly change the balance on the ground if armenia wants to seriously advance i suppose without more russia's interference in the call it wouldn't be able to do so. north korea has displayed new intercontinental ballistic missiles they were unveiled during a parade marking the 75th anniversary of the ruling workers' party the u.s.
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labeled the display disappointing called on pyongyang to resume talks over a complete denuclearization rob mcbride reports from seoul. an impressive show of force through the streets of pyongyang this parade down usually held at night time adding to the sense of drama no social distancing and no masks in sight so liberating the country's continued claims to be free of coronavirus visibly moved leader kim jong un praised his country's efforts in keeping the virus out. i'm really grateful that not a single person is infected we manage to protect the people from this contagion. north korea has also been hit by devastating typhoon and summer rains damage that kim is reported to have taken personal charge in dealing with and it's exacerbated
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the ongoing affects of sanctions and effectively being cut off from the outside world kim needed this show of strength in the context to he want to use. here's the audience he want to show up here a strong leader it is necessary for the kingdom leadership tour or sure educate it and shows north korean population that things will eventually be ok this parade showcased what are thought to be new missiles and transporters with the star of the show what's claimed to be a newly developed into continental ballistic missile it's a reminder that in spite of denuclearization talks with the us north korea has continued to expand its arsenal in recent years future relations between the united states and north korea might be on hold until after the u.s. election but south korea remains optimistic it can still achieve closer into korean
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ties that's despite a number of setbacks in recent months. souring relations culminated in the destruction of a liaison office by north korea in june and the cutting of communication hotlines between the north and south but kim says he still holds hopes of reconciliation so no you can't put i wish the best for the people in the south in a fast recovery from the pandemic so that we can hold hands together soon came also apologized for failing to meet his people's expectations in a sign of humility not often exhibited by a north korean leader. the country may be suffering from problems on many fronts but none of that was on show on this night of mcbride al jazeera. so. thousands of protesters in israel have defied kovan $1000.00 restrictions to demand prime minister benjamin netanyahu resign over corruption charges they're also angry over
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his handling of the pandemic last month israel imposed a nationwide lockdown ahead of religious holidays the knesset has now passed a law that allows the government to limit participation in public assemblies due to the pandemic this is the 16th street weekend of protests. still ahead on the news hour. calling for a dialogue with china but on equal terms taiwan's president vows to strengthen defenses in her national day address losing ground fires and deforestation are rapidly shrinking brazil's amazon rain forest. and the miami heat keep their n.b.a. finals series alive again from the curse of stories coming up in school.
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how the southwest monsoon has reached andhra pradesh which means it's going science which means slower is no longer catching the edge effects' it's now dry and sunny he and his johnson it goes everywhere else in the least what was a fairly brisk breeze rain down the gulf has dried up now so $35.00 degrees and 50 humid in durham is just a quiet time the no sun distance forecast anyway you'll notice but they might spark up of you know again the southwest saudi or western parts of yemen because the rain is moving south and is going to be tropical africa that sees it is still as far north as juba as you can see but also throughout the rift valley and drifting west west the concentration should be d.r. congo at the moment there's no longer even a monsoon wind you can see all this is correct the forecast for somewhere like a golly in rwanda is daily showers this time the and that's true everywhere far south as zimbabwe possibly beyond that as the season changes and the rain start to come in they can of course calls flash floods but you're used to that but you
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notice they concentrate this time the construct around johannesburg 16 degrees sunstone seem like it's also true all through zimbabwe and into zambia even botswana but jo'burg forecast is telling today's the thunderstorms that it warms up again. corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. against corruption corruption is not something to be told that it. is not on the african. no country his email and let's destroy this wall. in 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order
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to address the burning problems that affect us all. shine a light on your anti corruption here and. nominate now. cut through the noise journal of the packard a very quiet way to tell your worth the risk of monday we know that because of the network able to fly air monitoring the media the listening post on al-jazeera. the war. in the event the top stories on the news hour cross president donald trump has hosted his 1st public event since being diagnosed with a corona virus last week despite uncertainty over his held on for over 1000 status
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trump addressed 2000 guests from his white house balcony and said he's feeling great it's. armenia and azerbaijan are accusing each other of violating a cease fire in the disputed region of care about hours after it came into force the as ri military released the video on saturday showing what it says is an armored vehicle it destroyed for violating the agreement that. north korea has displayed what our believe to be previously unseen intercontinental ballistic missiles during a parade marking the 75th anniversary of the ruling workers' party leader kim jong un has warned that he could fully mobilize his country's nuclear force if it was threatened. taiwan's president says she's willing to hold talks with china if they're on equal terms speaking at national day celebrations tying when said she is open to meaningful dialogue with beijing and hopes regional tensions can be resolved peacefully severe gopalan reports from hong kong.
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taiwan national day celebrations taking place at a time of rising tensions with neighboring china but rather than the islands military might it was used as an opportunity to open the door to dialogue with aging. they will look at goats and i wonder saying as long as the authorities in beijing are willing to resolve antagonisms and improve cross street relations while maintaining parity and dignity if we're willing to work together to facilitate meaningful dialogue. president sighing whens national day speech held both veiled and pointed messages for china and even the offer to start talks came with conditions that beijing should treat taiwan as an equal and listen to thai peace concerns trying to is not going to accept any concept or framework that taiwan proposed which is not identical to what china. has as
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nice as it sounds for president sides that we want her already and might starve or reasonable to those of us outside the region for china's leadership there really isn't much room to deviate from their stated position beijing cut off official contact with taiwan after thai was 1st elected in 20 sixteen's relations deteriorated further when she want to 2nd term with a promise to preserve the island sovereignty the presidents commended the taiwanese forces and stressed the importance of stepping up the island's military capabilities in the face of increased aggression from beijing to the us again for some time now harassment by air and sea from the other side has raised tensions in the taiwan strait but our national military has closely monitored the situation and responded promptly achieving their defense mission. china has ramped up military pressure on taiwan in response to washington strengthening support of taipei the us
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is taiwan's main ally although it has no formal alliance but it sells the island weapons $13000000000.00 worth over the past 4 years china considers taiwan to be part of its territory which one day will be reunified with the mainland so taipei has no right to participate in international diplomacy and due to pressure from beijing only 15 countries now have official diplomatic ties with the island but taiwan's international standing has grown steadily over the past few months due to its twist in effective battle against the corona virus outbreak. the national day celebrations were scaled back to to the pandemic president side devoted much of her speech to the success of taiwan's response to the virus and took it as an opportunity to highlight that it's an example of the island's resilience and ability to defend itself the vigor palin al-jazeera hong kong. kurdistan's parliament has named a new prime minister strengthening the president's grip on power these are the
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scenes of jubilation from the capital bishkek there has been political upheaval since last week's disputed parliamentary elections earlier the former president. was detained by security forces he's a rival of the current president by jim pic of charles stratford has the latest from the capital bishkek. incredible changing atmosphere incredible events of the last 24 hours to imagine that this square was so chaotic last this time yesterday yesterday afternoon we had clashes between rival protest groups there was the shooting of the the car of the former president and seemingly no rule of law whatsoever to get specially safe to say that we are beginning to see the rule of law returning this parliamentary session this evening the parliamentary speaker in the last hour has announced that there will be no discussion of the state of
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emergency in this session however a state of emergency is active for the next 3 days starting from 9 o'clock this evening and if parliament has not approved that state of emergency decree to extend it within 3 days then the decree becomes no and void so as i say it just does seem as if certainly lord older does seem to be returning the other very interesting thing that has come from this parliamentary session is the endorsement officially of the new prime minister this man soldered to power all of that a lot of people have been speaking very disparagingly of he was freed by protesters his supporters. in the post-election chaos on monday night he was serving an 11 year jail term for kidnapping. he all week has been. basically calling. quite outspoken he's considered to have very sort of nationalist tendencies
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a lot of support amongst the rural communities will kyrgyzstan his supporters very happy with this disappointment officially of him as the new pm there celebrating not far from here but of course you know his legal status is still can be called into question considering that as a loss this time last week he was serving a live in jail to. the world health organization has warned europe to take decisive action to curb soaring coronavirus infection rates it's urging countries to limit large gatherings or expect tough lockdowns i know it's nice not necessarily for people who want to hear but that is it it is sad to see many countries in europe experiencing rapid rise in cases and governments to have to take decisive action in order to try and shut down the transmission of poland
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has reported a record rise in new delhi infections with more than 5300 confirmed on saturday hundreds of people have rallied against new restrictions which include wearing a mask outdoors at all times prime minister the prime minister wants to avoid a 2nd full lockdown which he says could be a worst case scenario afghanistan's top negotiator in the peace talks has warned if u.s. troops withdraw from the country too early it could impact talks between the government and the taliban the warning follows the announcement from president donald trump that u.s. troops in afghanistan could be home by christmas as national security adviser says the troops would be reduced to 2 and a half 1000 by early next year our hope is that we make progress in the negotiations so there will be no need for international troops premature withdrawal will have an impact. not certainly not oblivious to the realities on the ground
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but it will not lead to prove one side prevailing over over over the other it will . prove it will happen consequences there is no doubt about it. or not that at least 8 people have died as a result of a gang war in rohingya refugee camps in southern bangladesh police and humanitarian workers safe thousands of people have been forced to flee the criminal groups are competing for a dominance in what's the largest refugee settlement in the world phil robertson is the deputy director of human rights watch he says bangladeshi authorities should be working with the refugees are not against them. i mean obviously there are criminal gangs that are operating here but the problem is bangladesh needs to do a balancing act and so far it's failing i mean it needs to deal with the criminal gangs that are allegedly involved in trafficking drugs and people while the same
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time not going as far as to punish the road running to refugees as a whole because they're really the bystanders and in some cases the victims of this gang war and this requires a lot of hard work by bangladesh which they're not doing and there is a need to conduct an impartial and to gauge to find out who's responsible go after them but so far they've been pursuing solutions that seems to target the rohingya refugees as a whole bangladesh has been using the rapid action battalion which is a unit that is a composite police and military unit that's been responsible for thousands of extra additional killings of bangladeshis and running the refugees alike i mean we've seen over 100. killed an extra additional executions since 2018. and so far the bangladesh government seems to be focused also on trying to fence in the refugees they're building 28 kilometers of fencing to basically create a closed camp which would pen everybody in and restrict the rights of freedom of movement i mean what we would say is that they have to actually work very hard to
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get the rohingya population on their side they need to be working with the refugees understanding what's going on getting them to help identify who the gang leaders are and who's involved in this because it is known within the running community what's going on here pakistan has banned chinese social media optics off for not doing enough to block illegal content the government says the company failed to stop what it calls immoral and indecent videos from being sad but telecom authorities say they're willing to reverse the ban if the popular app improves the moderation off its contents. opposition supporters are rallying in ivory coast's commercial capital abidjan where politicians are calling for a boycott off sobers presidential election there is anger over a president's other son what's our decision to stand for reelection to serve a 3rd term which critics say violates the constitution or insist changes to the law
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in 2016 reset the term count to scratch allowing him to seek office again. but. today we are here to say no to water who simply wants to run for a 3rd term this is not a political party story it is not a story of sympathisers but it is a story of the people of coat of war who want to claim their freedom we are here simply to say no to water us 3rd term families in south sudan already displaced by fighting have now been forced from their homes due to severe flooding aid agencies say many people are struggling to find dry shelters and clean water and they're warning that water borne diseases are spreading fast laura burden manley reports. they've been described as the worst rains in living memory homes and property across south sudan submerged under
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a muddy water. livestock killed harvests decimated livelihoods destroyed the wet season starts july and the since flooded hard to sit on 78 counties tens of thousands of people have fled their homes to seek dry land but before the rains came the dry season also puts placement mother 7 voegele paolo fled her home when the flood waters froze no pillaging genine she had already twice the force from her that it's the here because of ethnic fighting our home was hit by floods before so when this flood came we left we don't have plastic sheeting for shelter or can you we were displaced by the fighting and we fled but we came back. a war that started in 2013 led to millions of people being displaced. even though a ceasefire was signed 2 years ago armed conflict and ethnic fighting to cysts.
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regina got china hasn't left her village even though her home is surrounded by water the nuss says she's doing what she can to help a sista who fled from the nearby village of when fighting broke out they have nothing because they came with him to hand everything i'm done to you know everybody has their faith but they need anything but on the market and on stuff i think that. coordination with the doctors without borders is says the villages that now have to contend with water borne illnesses and malaria. huge huge rates of malaria causatively which we're treating at clinics of the mobile clinic we're also seeing a measles or that's the rise or a spike in uses cases here we're also very concerned about food insecurity 12 months of displacement has led to a lack or food shortage in the area the flooding of violence have left people in desperate need of food shelter and water many counts in end the suffering nor about
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a man the al jazeera. brazil's amazon rain forest is experiencing its worst fires in a decades environmental activists say president environmental policies are to blame monica reports from rio de janeiro. brazil's amazon rain forest is shrinking by the day. last year it lost 10000 square kilometers to fires land grabbers and loggers this year it may lose even more according to new data just released by brazilian space agency. during the 1st 9 months of 202076000 fires tore through the rain forest the most for that period in a decade where all were brazil's worst deforestation record was in 1905 when 29000 square kilometers of the amazon was destroyed we had managed to reduce that number
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to 4000 square kilometers in 2012 but since then destruction has been on the rise. illegal logging and mining are problem but the main culprits are cattle ranchers who set fires to clear the land for pasture. indigenous activists amandla from the set out in a way tribe blames president also matters right wing government for easing environmental restrictions. i came either the fires made me very sad because we're losing so much territory if the forest goes we will die. president says he's doing everything he can by sending the military to put out fires and helping indigenous people fight the coded 1000 pandemic he says n.g.o.s are exaggerating the destruction and he's criticizing us democratic presidential candidate joe biden for saying during his recent debate with president donald trump that brazil should face repercussions if it fails to protect the amazons. biden seems to wants to
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break up their listen to between the met states and brazil because of the amazon reno that some countries have interest in the amazon and we have to dissuade them from doing this by having all armed forces ready. but fires are still out of control in the rain forest and in brazil spend time at. the world's largest wetland putting at risk endangered species your rescue us new. brazil signed the paris agreement to fight global warming and promised to reduce deforestation by 80 percent this year but we are very far from that goal. in order to fulfill its promise brazil should have a limit to deforestation in the amazon to less than 4000 square kilometers but according to a map is latest data by the end of december it will probably have destroyed 3 times that amount monica inaccurate al-jazeera rio de janeiro still ahead on the news hour will no longer. telling me.
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they were world heavyweight boxing champion writes a poem to mark world mental health day that story is coming up in just a moment in sports. he began with war and to put it just here. i felt i felt like i was that a documentary filmmaker once granted unconditional assigner contrasts his experiences with those seeking refuge today and intimate you know of the consequences of the policies of detainment is really unnecessary illness misery they cannot absorb this number that people have to suffer in this way it is unacceptable a refugee stands on al-jazeera in the deprived villages of northern argentina there's one man with a solution to every problem. for engineers self-proclaimed inventor fernando and
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he's dressed in 94 to 7 ford truck no job and just a small village too far in his latest mission she constructed much needed a surgery to the drugs and 5 board you find a latin america driving change and i just see it on. never again time for the sports is with joe. thanks very much well it starts in paris where tennis has a new grand slam champion 19 year old tech has clinched the french open title the pole was up against australian open champion kenneth whose nested injury throughout
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the tournament shown tech who was on ranked going into the slam raced into an early lead taking the 1st set 64 cannon needed a medical time out and she'll take kept her cool to seal the win in the 2nd set 61 she's also made history becoming poland's 1st grand slam singles champion. ok this is the most so heavy and i'm so glad. my family was here finally. i don't know it's just overwhelming her name is crazy. miss eighty's driver valtteri bottas ended teammate lewis hamilton's run of 5 straight formula one pole positions but us was false in qualifying run the no about bringing germany at of sunday's eiffel grown prairie it was the fans 3rd call of the year but it was much the stuff and will start from. the miami heat to get the chance to live in the n.b.a. finals jimmy butler starting game 5 against l.a.
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as the heat stopped the lakers from clinching a record equalling 17 and be a championship for now faces them and has the action. to pull all the talk was of the legendary le bron james he was one win away from winning the n.b.a. championship with a 3rd different team the lakers were in a back number kit to honor kobe bryant who passed away in january and james had never lost an n.b.a. finals game when a victory would ensure the title is what i want to. thank you. apparently no one told julie butler the 31 year old was in sublime form on friday at disney world in orlando butler contributed $35.00 points as part of a triple double that also included 12 rebounds and 11 assists to put that into context it is only the 3rd 40 point triple double in finals history he's leaving the forward with nothing left in the tank. that's. a loss for
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a long. 'd one oil. position already like this one more to get. the lead changed several times throughout the game but in the end miami's $111108.00 wins and she was back landis' teammates are still in with a shout of winning the heat 1st n.b.a. title since 2013 you know they're going to make. it or. just want to do that. and. they will more than i was able to make tonight. the braun enco still lead the series 32 i will have another opportunity on sunday to wrap up the lakers 1st championship since 20 tame thank you. peter stanford al-jazeera. one of the greatest new york yankees pitches of all time whitey ford has died at the age of 91 for 1st paid for the yankees in 1950 he
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went on to become the franchise leader in wins with 236 in total in 16 years with new york 4 to help the team win 6 world series titles for its old team could have used his skills from those days on friday they went down to one into this camp by raising game 5 of the divisional series match up it means the rays move on to the american league championship series against the houston astros the 1st rugby test match since the current virus outbreak will take place on sunday when new zealand hosts australia in wellington both teams have new coaches ahead of their annual contest for the plug just like cup the all blacks have dominated the fixture over the last 20 years in fact the wallabies haven't beaten the kiwis in new zealand since 2001 obviously back out there and back in ourselves trusting what put in the way can now and that it is going to be
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a hypnotist match those ones always about. refers a crow really fast that all too stressful for the claim in for the for that's what we want. this. lot of utilizing the armor and a. new level of enthusiasm around it and some just as well it's all in the jersey boy you know just those things that we talk about as. you know what we want to be recognized as. it's world mental health day a subject that's close to the hearts of boxer tyson fury the 2 time heavyweight world champion has spoken openly about his struggles with depression and addiction and has now written a poem to raise awareness you know my best friend. helen. theory collaborated with mental health campaign a he's sane man a way to write the poem in titled you're not my best friend he hopes it will help tackle the stigma which stops suffers from seeking help. and that's
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a list for for now. and that's all for the news hour on al-jazeera will hand you over to our teams in london who will bring you much more of the day's news all the day's top stories coming up right here on al-jazeera thanks for watching but by. corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. and billions of should go up in is not something to be told that this. is going to begin to go country his.
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let's destroy this wall. in 2020 the free space over in colleges the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. shine a light on your anti corruption here and. nominate now. hi i'm steve clements and i have a question because these days it's hard to filter out the newly seen keep track of what's really important the bottom line tackles the big issues this issue 19 states its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only on al-jazeera. cyprus a european island openly offering citizenship to those who can afford it in august al-jazeera made global headlines with the cyprus papers confidential documents that reveal a murky passport by investment scheme thomas. now
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al-jazeera as investigative unit goes undercover to expose further revelations that go to the heart of the cypriot state al-jazeera investigations the cyprus papers on the cover. the u.s. president turns the white house balcony into a campaign podium in his 1st public appearance since he was diagnosed with coronavirus. hello i'm barbara starr you're watching i'll just they are live from london also coming up on the program pyongyang showcases a new long range missiles during
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