tv Inside Story Al Jazeera October 12, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm +03
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every day in my head having a. cinema so why not still have some. always believed in the broad james. you know he's a greatest he's a great player that's what universe is ever seen and if you think you know you don't know. you to coronavirus know fans have been allowed to witness the lake his latest playoff charge los angeles is now enjoying its return to the top of the basketball world. and the rich it's an easier. and let's take you through some of the stories we're following here now and to syria now an undercover investigation by al jazeera has exposed high ranking officials in cyprus expressing a willingness to aid convicted criminals to obtain citizenship in august the
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investigative unit released the cyprus papers which revealed serious flaws in the country's citizen by investment program investigative reporter david harrison is in nicosia and has more on the reaction to al-jazeera is investigation local people are very busy on twitter denouncing the government and saying things like al-jazeera is doing what the government ought to have been doing but more significantly just in the last hour or so we've had reactions from statements all different christakis giovanni is the m.p. and the man who founded the one of the biggest property development companies in cyprus and from to me to salute the president of the parliament on the 2nd most powerful man in cyprus now giovanni is saying that he was suspicious that he feels that this was a propaganda assault that there was an element of entrapment and that they did go to the money laundering authorities but only after reporters had left. there's been more fighting over the disputed region of no god no carlebach overnight armenia is
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reporting new shelling along with southern part of the line of contact however civilian areas haven't been hit today as a very jan says it struck several military vehicles for breaching the humanitarian ceasefire human rights activists are accusing tanzania's government of persecuting political opponents in the run up to this once general election amnesty international says the law is being weaponized to crackdown on opposition figures and journalists the canary islands have seen the highest number of migrants arrive in 14 years more than 1000 people landed in the spanish islands off the coast of west africa over the weekend those are your headlines the news continues here now does after the inside story of rob's back at the top of the are so do stay with us.
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the contrast is clear but it goes deeper than who wears a mask and who doesn't with election day in america now barely 3 weeks off how is colvin changing campaigning this is inside story. hello and welcome to the program i'm. in the u.s. this has been a political season unlike any other and all year few things have separated democrats and republicans more than their approaches to campaigning during the pandemic that was never clearer than on saturday when president trump held a rally on the white house lawn to mark his return to campaigning after testing
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positive for the virus will bring in our guests in a moment but 1st this report from our white house correspondent kimberly hulk. with his recovery still in question donald trump emerged from the white house to address supporters it's the u.s. president's 1st official appearance since contracting cold with 19. trost physicians will say when trump last tested negative for cope with 19 only that he's been cleared to resume campaigning and while the white house insisted saturday's event wasn't a campaign rally it sure seemed like one attacking his opponent former vice president joe biden multiple times sleepy joe biden has betrayed black and latino americans if you think you can run this country you're wrong track was addressing black and latino conservatives who are part of a movement known as blacks it or black exit the movement believes the democratic
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party has betrayed communities of color and is encouraging them to vote republican if the left gains power they'll launch a nationwide crusade against law enforcement and they've already done that. trump is playing on voter fears of the sometimes violent unrest that gripped several u.s. cities for months this past summer following protests over the death of george floyd a black man killed while in police custody. trump hopes his law and order message will help him win over white suburban voters in addition to minority communities hurt by the violence but time is running out for a president currently trailing joe biden in the polls right now american jews are actually voting their early voting either in person or they're mailing in their ballots so there's not much time for the president if he's going to turn this around to do so prior to cope with 19 trump had built on historically low
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unemployment for minorities but since covert 19 those jobs have been wiped out and once again. communities of color are suffering economically in greater numbers than white americans but with little clarity about his own coded recovery there are questions about whether trump should even be on the campaign trail i think in order that they were told. that they could vote. on things that president trouble began holding large public rallies beginning on monday and again on tuesday and wednesday as he targets 3 battleground states can't really help it al jazeera washington. all right let's bring in our guests who are all in the united states in washington d.c. adolfo franco is a republican strategist in chicago james warren is executive editor of news guard
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that's an independent fact checking news tool he's also a former managing editor and washington bureau chief of the chicago tribune newspaper and in burlington vermont is a democrat and a candidate for the state senate in vermont she's also a social equity activist welcome to the program james let me start with you just how much has covered 19 impacted the presidential campaign now i'm thinking less here about policy than i am about the candidates themselves and how this affects them when it comes to day to day campaigning the kind of stuff you don't see on t.v. . well in a macro sense to my great surprise i think the surprise of many seemingly not much at all if you think in the last month or so the 1st presidential debate the 1st vice presidential debate the president was hospitalized he had a selection controversy for the supreme court and the economy shows further
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signs of slowing down and nevertheless the basic numbers of the race remain the same as they've been for many many months with biden have a seemingly rather substantial lead and the greatest concern especially among a group of voters particularly elderly voters who went for trump in 2060 is the pandemic 4 years ago really was the economy so in a larger sense it hasn't really changed much at all a little bit after he was hospitalized busselton tell him in polling that it's really it's not helped it's helped by it in a little bit and as far as what its practical impact which is is where he's stuck in time stuck in the white house went outside yesterday still sort of plotting social distancing and mass cools and joe biden is becoming more aggressive get in the states where he thinks he actually has a real chance notably his home state of pennsylvania which publicans need to win so
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on one hand hasn't changed things much but on the ground as long as the president is stuck in the white house it's clearly having him at off the white house had said in advance of saturday's event that those attending would be required to undergo temperature checks that they would have to wear face masks and they were being encouraged to practice social distancing but the video from the event showed a very different scene it showed people there packed very closely together so i want to i want to ask at a time when polls in the united states are showing that the majority of voters don't trust how president trump has handled the coronavirus why hold an event like this. well this in the event the president had been holding for a long period try some protective vent and in fact i disagree with the some of the comments that the previous guest said a few us knew the president and that his hold up he's been quite active considering just a few days ago that he was diagnosed it's already doing this and that it is going
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to be on the road tomorrow and the rest of the week in florida and i was so you'll see the president back in balance but to answer your question directly you know i think this entire societies is full of contradictions i don't see we don't see these protests that were going on racially and the survey the writers of the looting in the press ups asked about social distance in your mask wearing when they're very involving tens of thousands of people at different times where their violence. and the rest of 'd it so that society is all of these contradictions i don't think this is anything different here i think people are quite divided even about the degree of some of the things the vice president said about mandatory national and how to get the constitutional court do it mastering so a country divided and i'm sure agree with the previous guest that much of this whether it's on this comin issue or frankly the president and the vice president
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much of the population we've never seen another elections opinions are quite formed in this country joe they're talking about 10 percent undecided i find that difficult to believe because people have generally strong views about the vice president or president term already form whether it's this issue or other issues acacia how is all this affecting your campaign for state senate i mean what are you doing now or not doing that you otherwise would be. well i think one thing we have to be careful about is that polls don't always reflect what will actually happen on election day and when we count the ballots that have come in to polling places already to our clerk's office it's already and what we see what we saw in the primary why was i was very successful but about 10 to 15 percent of our ballots were spoiled because the mail and ballot is
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a bit more confusing for people and when you have republicans also shutting down drop off locations and polling places not in vermont where our biggest city of 40000 people has 3 drop off locations but the city of houston and harris county has one drop of a senate texas so you know what we're seeing is that however the candidates are pulling those americans still need to get their ballot in the mail correctly signed properly and counted and that will still be a challenge and the pandemic james you may have heard of golf 0 mention just how polarizing the issue of masks is in the u.s. right now let me ask you from your vantage point if joe biden were to win the presidency in the u.s. do you believe that he would attempt to to issue a mask a mandate and is that something that the president in the united states has the power to do. i think no he can issue a mandate that's ultimately going to be up to local authorities but no friends go
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city of nearly $3000000.00 and the state of illinois are positively rate have been going down it's just crept up a little they're not sure what the significance is another $35.00 dive it's $9000.00 or in illinois the boston rate went up about 4 percent and you've got a democratic governor and democratic mayor of chicago way left of trump and critics i mean they have urged mass and i don't think they're going to put in a mandate but i think with the sure with biden one would have at least from the white house sort of at least symbolically much more that attentiveness and here institute some of the same recommendations that the you help task force that pence and south runs has made in the last 4 or 56 months i think clearly one of the president's political problems and it shows no sign of abating given the what played out of the white house yesterday is that you know he's still taking
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a bit of a combative approach declines it's a little more softer approach on this even now after having tested positive and been. hospitalized and he seems to in paraguay disparage some of these urges by the likes of biden the folks keep on mass and keep social distance so he sort of dug in on this sentence and saw a little bit of surprise after what he went through at walter reed hospital last week i don't you know it's not just the presidential campaign that's been up in did in the us it's also at the presidential debates because there were supposed to be a 2nd debate scheduled for october 15th the commission that organizes the debates said there was going to be a virtual debate in light of donald trump's covert 19. being positive for cover 19 and then president trump docked at that saying that he would prefer to hold the debate in person do you believe we're actually going to see more debates between joe biden and donald trump going forward. well i certainly hope so and we certainly
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have one another one that this 'd schedule of the something happens and the commission changed its rules unilaterally without consulting to campaigns so i hope that's the case i think that will be the case i think it's important for the american people to see the candidate in person i think it's important to see them interactive with as much as just great to be on this soon call here if we were on a studio the dynamic among the guests and you would be completely different and that's why we're this program or a meeting of corporate means but we're a debate among candidates for president states i don't think you can replace that in person dynamic and i hope and i think it will take place i was delighted to hear your quickly the good the comments made by a candidate in vermont about the difficulties that are being the challenges in
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a small state like remar just with with the mail and and more importantly a last minute change in rules that are being suggested and some states i just know that you have to keep in mind there is a difference remember and universal for us this gets completely mistaken at different times states that had universal voting were very distinct minority have taken years and were met in systems of state of washington democratic very state books that took them 5 years never once again through 6 weeks and she's right about the mail in challenges and other challenges that are being posed so i'm delighted to hear concern because it is the president's concern as well acacia how much of a how much of a challenge has president trump scope in 1000 diagnosis been to joe biden because initially the biden campaign pulled negative ads they expressed sympathy toward president trump but what happens now what happens going forward. well look so my
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grandmother is back in the hospital for the 5th time with covais complications 1st it was coated then ammonia and now a hospital infection and you have the president taking up a hospital bed and one of the best hospitals in the country that government money can buy walter reed you know using the personnel time the doctor's expertise the equipment that could have gone to another american who was sick who also took all the necessary precautions to keep themselves safe so you know to see people in the white house continuing to flaunt. safety precautions that should be in place for every american to make sure that they limit their spread of their own germs and don't get themselves sick is really frustrating and grain we have a republican governor here in vermont who is a model of wearing a mask and encouraging others to do the same and we do have the lowest growth rate in fact we have very few cases of kids in 1000 here in vermont where people trust
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the science and follow it and you know it does frustrate americans to see the president continue to flaunt those precautions and you know how does it affect joe biden i think there are a lot of people on the left who are who are angry obviously we don't want to see harm come to any individual but you know i think it's ok to go on the attack and say the white house is not a model of leadership in a pandemic that we need and i think we've seen that from the biden harris team and we need to continue to see them you know stand up for universal health care great access to health care from government and to challenge this white house on continuing to ignore science and ignore a public health practice james a memo that was released saturday night from president trump's doctor said that president trump was no longer considered a transmission risk to others what it did not say was whether president trump had
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10. it's a negative for coven 19. how much of a concern do you think that is right now that we don't actually know if he is currently testing negative for the crown a virus well what's it's a concern i'm not sure politically have much impact novices want to be grateful. these doctors often offer less and say some clearly upbeat news about him last night but stipulate at the same time it's clearly it's not comprehensive and it avoids a subject you know whether he has tested negative again and. the reality overriding reality the overarching reality whether you're in washington or the suburbs of virginia or maryland up there in vermont remains the same that the single most important factor with it for a few weeks left here is to the perception was and wind up of land damage and i don't think that the doctor reports of that what will in fact that would be his
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words and so far he's undeterred. not changing his view that everything is going pretty well and the like. to have a job i don't feel in the past week president trump referred to the experimental antibody cocktail he took as a cure but his antibody treatment has not been proven effective against code 1000 by clinical trials in people that has not happened yet is it not from your vantage point irresponsible for president trump to use a word like cure when referring to this. well if you look at carefully his comments he said these could lead to cures and it is remarkable when you see the president listen we see him physically i have no doubt that what we have seen is exactly what the president is in remarkably good health no one expected us throughout this entire process to see someone who's 74 years of age and
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a high risk group to be responding so well so i think he was instilling confidence you know there is a there is a question there is a fine line between. misrepresented something which i don't think the president has done and creating optimism and upbeat you know a sense where some democrat gets on the set is f.d.r. said we have nothing to fear that fear itself pearl harbor of bond but we didn't say oh no this is just terrible i'm going to go down that to now again. it's important to give accurate information but it's important to be optimistic and the fact is we have every reason to 'd be optimistic whether it's in the development the rapid development next president come on the vaccine and more importantly he's come there was in treatments and he of course we see them at some of the more experimental work we are today is very different than we were 4 or 5 months ago in
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treatment of the virus and there's no reason to continue to report all of the positive rather than the negative narrative that the democratic party continues 'd to to perpetuate you know even this idea. that someone you know where a mass and service if it gets a mother here was wearing a mask and bolland but because it's not guaranteed that you will not contract a virus so there's idea that the president being responsible and everybody who follows the protocols perfectly well jack a virus is just walls and lastly discontinue use of the word follow the. science i have no idea what that means since there is no unanimity on these things scientists will do more appropriate use the word doctors differ greatly whether on your question of up and they all are so called potential cure and certainly all the aspects of her and the disease so this way they sat with politicize this issue
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whether it should have been a health issue from day one james do you believe that we're going to start seeing republican senators at least the ones in the tight races right now be more critical of president trump in the coming weeks. i think it's going to be a little bit difficult that they haven't up to this point i mean you have some of the like which are all the republican leader who as you know underscored a very vividly that he hasn't been to the white house in in a couple of months and it's clear he hasn't been there because he simply doesn't trust his own president and the people around him when it comes to is mitch mcconnell's own help but in a race it's got in kentucky he's probably going to win i don't think he needs to at this point keep his distance i think one of the most interesting if the president challenges the out of the election on the 1st in november want will some of those republicans then do 'd particularly the ones who have won if there is a lot of public should reign over trump attempting and perhaps it would be as wrong
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as so tempting to saw the counting ends and refuse to accept as credible the results for any of them got to finally step on line and criticize their own president there's not a whole lot of evidence right now that doing it other than a few words on the mike and the and them a little bit. keisha the new england journal of medicine recently published a scathing editorial entitled dying in a leadership vacuum that states when it comes to the response to the largest public health crisis of our time our current political leaders have demonstrated that they are dangerously incompetent what does it say to you that we're at a point that for the 1st time since this journal was founded an 812 this prestigious medical journal has weighed in on a u.s. presidential election. yes exactly i mean you know it also said we have nothing to
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fear but fear itself you know quoting our past president but i'm afraid of stupidity and ignorance i'm afraid of a president and a doctor saying that he's no longer a transmission risk when we know that based in period for coated bang tina and. the symptoms that you might exhibit in 2 weeks as opposed to when you 1st contract the virus are very different you know knowing a lot of people who have been sick whether or not we all agree on what public health experts say you know it takes a lot of twists and turns and it's irresponsible for the president and for the doctors that he's surrounding himself with to say that he's no longer a risk and that he's the picture of house at this point when there is not enough information you know we are supposed to be focused on and we always hear from our medical professionals that we should be engaged in the precautionary principle that
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we should 1st do no harm and take as much risk out of the equation as we can and i believe that's what the new england journal of medicine is advocating for that this is far too much risk and far too much ignorance for the american people to continue to be subjected to after we have surpassed far surpassed the 200000 per cent death mark for americans losing $200000.00 parents aunts uncles children friends it is far too much to bear to continue to have this person in the white house are we have run out of time so we're going to have to leave the conversation there thank so much for all our guests adolfo franco james warren and keisha ram. and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash a.j. inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a.j. inside story for me i have
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geez there. is the government not taking the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter 0. on counting the cost exit from the pandemic who will
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pay to get vaccines to the world's poorest in kastrup zimbabwe strike oil using drilling reports in the 1990 s. and what's behind china's plan to lift 1000000000 people into the middle class counting the cost on al-jazeera. the health of humanity is at stake a global pandemic requires a global response. w.h.o. is the guardian of global health delivering lifesaving to school supplies and training to help the world's most vulnerable people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and a vaccine working with scientists and health workers to learn only we can about the virus keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the womb and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential health services now more than ever the world needs w.-h.
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and making a healthy a world for you in. everyone. or . i'm about to send in doha the top stories on 0 an undercover investigation biologist 0 has exposed high ranking officials in cyprus expressing a willingness to aid convicted criminals obtain e.u. citizenship in august the investigative unit released the cyprus papers which revealed serious flaws in the country's citizen by investment program now as phil reese reports investigation leads to the highest offices of the cypriot state the cyprus investment program allows foreigners to buy european passport for an investment mostly made in property.
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