tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera October 13, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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states. the power was in the data we will honor the american people with the truth and nothing else discovered. for winning the white house unfair game on al jazeera. this is al-jazeera. 1800 hours g.m.t. here on al-jazeera on time all santamaria welcome to the news hour cyprus is suspending its citizenship for investment program after an al-jazeera investigation exposes flaws and abuse in the system. i can't pre-commit say
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yes i'm going at stand up because i'm not also the news conservative u.s. supreme court nominee barack faces some tough questions from democrats on the 2nd day of her confirmation hearing. strict new measures will go into place in the netherlands after a record number of new coronavirus cases report. and look at the conflicts over the region of not going to tell about is affecting the people there . so we begin with that al-jazeera exposé which has led cyprus to suspend its citizenship for investment program al-jazeera as investigative unit exposed senior politicians who engaged in a plan to help a criminal by a cypriot passport our best to get a reporter david harrison has this report now from nicosia. an emergency meeting of the cypriot cabinet. was held at the presidential palace following the release of
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the al-jazeera investigation. you can we can get surely going to go live to some broker soon you're going to use you tube our own bush remember the program which we already speak about you to give you the nuke you go believe the top of our own ability the google. as a flurry of developments followed the cyprus attorney general said he was launching a full investigation into the evidence gathered by al-jazeera what has been published in the last few hours by the al-jazeera news network is causing outrage anger and concern among the people i have given player instructions to the police leadership from the outset to conduct a full fora and in-depth investigation into the possibility of anyone committing criminal offenses undercover reporters from al-jazeera as investigative unit posed as representatives of a fictional client a wealthy businessman who was sentenced in absentia to 7 years in jail for bribery
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and money laundering and he is seeking a cypriot passport our reporters were led through a network of enablers ended with a meeting with demetrius salukis president of a cypriot parliament would you tell it. without wishing. for support. i don't like. it when confronted with the evidence so the rest tonight wrongdoing and claim that he was suspicious of our undercover reporters from the start. who knew what is in their various who he is or the. an affair suggest this could be i guess or here's the other demitra saloon this has since announced that he'll be stepping down from his duties until the investigation is complete. opposition member of parliament christakis giovanni was also implicated in the documentary.
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which. today in a statement he announced he is resigning from his post as member of parliament and from all his positions in the opposition party for years there have been suspicions in the european union that the cyprus investment program was a lying criminals to enter europe with the proceeds of their crimes the revelations of our investigation have shaken the political leadership of this country after years of failed attempts to tighten the rules the scheme will now be abolished and it seems the attorney general's investigation will examine the full extent of the wrongdoing david harrison al-jazeera cyprus and another development in the protests outside the cypriot parliament against a government corruption following our investigation crowds were shouting cyprus is not yours to sell and we're demanding
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a more just state. so you think they would support you can also check out the podcast the cyprus papers point cast which is at al-jazeera dot com slash podcast slash al-jazeera investigates that's on line for you and then the full program the cyprus papers under cover the next screening of which is over 100 hours g.m.t. on wednesday around 7 hours from now. we're on to other news guns abortion money politics all discussed on day $2.00 of the confirmation hearing of the u.s. supreme court nominee amy she's still sitting there as republican and democrat senators each have 30 minutes to ask her about subjects that they're important to americans particularly touch points where as we approach the presidential election on november the 3rd earlier barrett was questioned by dianne feinstein she is the most senior democrat in the senate judiciary committee it was assessing the issue of abortion. it's a contentious issue which is
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a no one reason why it would be comforting to you to have an answer but i can't express views on cases or pre-commit to approaching a case any particular way well that makes it difficult for me and i think for other women also on this committee because this is a very important case and it affects a lot of people millions and millions of women and you could be a very important vote. alan fisher is a correspondent on capitol hill following events for us allan before we get on to the details of what have been said just seeing i mean it's still sitting there and taking question after question it's actually it's a it's a long and arduous process particularly for her. and you were there for at least another 6 hours because every senator on the
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committee gets to ask questions for 30 minutes and she'll be back again to morrow because every senator then gets a 2nd round of 20 minutes to ask questions she's doing this largely with oh no and she hasn't heard to any note books or any books she's been courting case law that has been quite interesting she's come to being questioned by him a closure a democrat who of course ran for president she asked about the position that the president has put forward on twitter saying that he would hope that the new supreme court justice would help overturn the affordable care act which of course we know as obamacare here in the united states and she said quite simply that she couldn't speak to what the president says on twitter but she has repeatedly said that she will judge each case on its merits that has been a theme throughout her evidence she says that every time a case is brought before the supreme court she will look at the law and decide in the law she says she is an originalist that means that she looks at the law and she
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looks at what's in the constitution and she tries to interpret what the constitution would see a law not to her own spin or not decide what she would like to see but what the framers of the original constitution put in place that obviously plays well with the republicans the democrats they're more interested in india as someone who won't answer questions on key touchstone issues that are real cultural issues here in the united states such as gun ownership such as abortion such as. same sex marriage these things they're trying to say look if she is appointed to the court then all of these things may well be at risk and they point to comments made by donald trump they point to the republican manifesto in 20162020 that says this is why people should be worried about this but i suspect republicans will be please. with how their nominee is doing at this point and it's a tough position for the democrats on the on the committee isn't it alan because
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they know that when this does go to the senate that it will likely pass just because of the republican majority in the senate yet they still have to push across their points as much as possible. exactly they don't have the votes to overturn it here in the committee the committee will vote on thursday. the rules of the senate are the majority of the committee have to be in the room to carry the vote that's complicated things slightly because of 2 senators on the committee testing positive for covert both no say that the clear ted cruz was self isolating because he was exposed to one of those senators but the republicans believe that all 12 will be in the room on thursday for the vote so even if the democrats don't show up which has been suggested by chuck schumer the leader of the democrats in the senate it will still get carried all the way to the full senate
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for confirmation hearing that's why the democrats are really pushing this idea that things like the affordable care act and preexisting conditions will be at risk from a conservative justice if there is a conservative majority on the supreme court they're trying to put pressure on a republican voters to go to their senators and say we don't want you casting a vote in the full senate because this might be at risk until you've got something in place the water place the affordable care act so they're trying to put pressure to flip at least 2 republican senators because 2 have already said they won't vote and that made the leahy the appointment of equally but it is certainly the republicans of the vote in the committee they believe they have the vote in the full senate and they're pushing ahead with this hoping that the confirmation hearing will be october the 22nd so before the election so come november the 3rd there will be a full panel of 9 supreme court justices just one more interesting point on that one senator asked him equally but look because of what the president has said about
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the election being decided by the supreme court will you recruit recuse yourself from any decisions about this election and she said look there are ways to do this and ways to look at whether or not you recruit new coup is yourself. this and she will make that decision at the time if she's confirmed so new commitment for her to step aside if there was the possibility that the supreme court has to decide something about the 2020 presidential election alan fischer on capitol hill thank you for all of that let's continue and expand on all of that with bruce fein who's a former u.s. associate deputy attorney general joining us from washington d.c. hi bruce just further to what was he to you discussing with alan there is this all a bit of a sort of a futile exercise for the democrats in the knowledge that when it goes to the senate she will likely be confirmed or can they hit some points here. but i think it's futile in the sense that there's no way the democrats have the
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votes to block her confirmation it's not futile in the sense that the democrats can't seem to get political mileage through some of the questions in fact some of the questioning is more giving speeches than asking amy connie there are questions about her judicial philosophy but i do think you know the numbers count here and there's no indication that they'll be any fewer than $51.00 vote to confirm amy kone barrett so to that extent if we already know what the end game is as a matter of law as a matter of out what will in fact november 3rd 2020 election that's still uncertain what do you think of the way she's been playing it today so much is made about her views and her conservative nature but when she's been hit with anything by the democrats she's played
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a very straight bat straight down the line and says i'll take it case by case i'll interpret the constitution. well she simply echoed the responses of many many of her predecessors i mean after all think if you're the nominee what are you going to say i'm just going to cite cases based upon my prejudices and my idiosyncratic view of the law obviously you would say that a 1st year law student would say look at the facts in the law and decide impartially so it's not surprising that she would make these rather and undying statements that really reveal nothing whatsoever but instead if you just hear her say is it effective in blunting the arguments of the democrats well it is in so far as there's no follow up and saying well wait a minute you know you really coming top you to russia you're someone who's 40 years old you've read literally thousands of cases you know and challenging her candor
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you mean you know have you don't have any even if no final views you don't have any initial beliefs about some of these issues that's incredulous you've studied the law for your whole life and he is in now you sound like i said you know isaac newton you know having nothing to say about the 3 laws of motion. how just to take it down to a more sort of every day level because when you do watch these these hearings they're they're pretty intense and they can be hard to to sort of keep up with the the real inside baseball details there how do you think the american public is looking at this given that really most of the focus is on the election at the moment. well i think that the american public will be impressed by. judge barrett's composure she seems very placid and reasonable. and so i don't
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think that there's going to be any downside and east with regard to the actual nominee with regard to the american people however the timing i think is a different matter it's not opposing judge baird as a person it's shifting the rules of the game for under president obama merrick garland gets no hearing at all for 10 months leaving a seat open and yet in the virtually identical circumstances somehow the republicans decide to rush through a nomination without waiting for the 2020 presidential elections which could make president trump a lame duck and on that score say this is irrespective of this particular candidate for the core i think the republicans can loose because they're shown to be hypocritical this is the same ole same ole i wouldn't want to overstate that however because in my mind you know covert 19 the state of the economy the
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president trumps statements that he's not sure he'll accept the outcome of the 2020 validating all those things i think will have more influence then these particular hearings that we're watching today yeah so much going on isn't it fun i do is enjoy talking to you thank you for joining us thank you ok. 16 minutes past the news hour here's what's coming up the sugar plantation in uganda which environmentalist say threatens a protected rain forest we'll also tell you about an advertisement that millions of indians are talking and arguing about. the newly crowned n.b.a. champions are out of the bubble and back home in the details with santa. coronavirus news now in the government from the netherlands is shutting down bars
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and restaurants from wednesday it is banning the sale of alcohol past 8 pm after a record daily increase in covert 1000 cases nearly 7 and a half 1000 of them announced on tuesday the netherlands now has one of the highest infection rates per capita worldwide after largely avoiding the strict lock downs imposed in neighboring countries earlier this year here is step bason in amsterdam big reality check for the dutch population now step. absolutely so much for the dutch intelligence lock down this didn't work and that's something the prime minister mark but the had to admit in this press conference so strict some measures are now being announced and it's still a partial lockdown despite the fact that many of us also have been asking for a complete lockdown and make sure that in a couple of weeks maybe the inspections will go down so far the government didn't want to decide to have
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a full lockdown but they also said maybe in 2 weeks if the situation is not improving they might decide to do that so so far schools are still open but there is a still a new turn around from the side of the government to have this mandatory face mask now in all the indoor public areas and that's a complete different change in policy because so far the government has insisted that they don't help the sex you against the virus they stop in the. repeated that for several months despite the fact that in germany and belgium in other countries here in the west of europe these mount of face masks were mandatory already they kept repeating it but now they have changed this fence and say that they will look for a legal framework to make it mandatory in the very near future it is hard stick to put in new measures especially when it has been so liberal until now i've just got half an eye on the people behind you actually at the restaurant they are clearly
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enjoying a night out that all starts from tomorrow this is a big mindset change for the for the for the people. i have a feeling it's not really sinking in yet what i've seen here and i'm so them because this is definitely a hot spot the capital of the netherlands has the highest infection rate and life has been as usual people were going out in about crowd and crowded areas they would do as if there wasn't any calls at 19 and there is a lot of resistance also among the dutch population to follow these measures there's a lot of denial that this virus is actually serious a lot of questions also in the press conference about how serious is it so this bill does believe that the government is not. exaggerating so that's why the government has this very tough task now to convince everyone this is serious the hospital hospitals are struggling i.c.u.
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capacity in the netherlands is limited a lot of operations can be performed right now because of the cope with 1000 patients coming in and they hope that people will believe this but there's also this criticism that the government hasn't been clear for the last couple of months themselves at all so often in amsterdam a scene which will look very very different this time tomorrow due to new restrictions thanks dan. let's look at iran as well with the daily death toll from coronaviruses again reach one of its highest level since the beginning of the pandemic at least 254 deaths there in just the past 24 hours and so authorities of imposed strict new measures to control the outbreak but it's reports and not all iranians are respecting those rules this is batman hospital it's one of the 118 hospitals here in the capital which has been turned exclusively into a facility which deals with covert 1000 patients there are over 500000 people in iran who have been infected so far and over 29000 people have died 4500 people are
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currently in critical condition across 31 provinces which have all been declared red zones by the health ministry now in the capital tehran which is one of the hardest hit provinces the health officials have said that as of last friday the hospitals will no longer be receiving any non-emergency patients and that they will set up field hospitals if the cases of patients continue to increase as they have of the past few weeks meanwhile ordinary iranians who are living under crippling economic sanctions imposed by the united states are desperately trying to make ends meet in very difficult circumstances past the month before the issue is the impact on businesses in people's incomes but big companies are under a lot of pressure and so are employees also considering the current inflation and daily increase in prices of everything our dinner table is consistently shrinking the situation is very bad and corona is making it worse find him up with almost all to have a i used to work in a travel agency but i lost my job in april i've been sitting at home with no income
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it's been difficult at all rather than this shower income has been cut by half and our expenses have gone up by a loss we already had many problems with corona it's become even more when seller is reducing costs go up naturally al buying power goes down god knows how it lead. on saturday president has found rouhani finally announced new guidelines masks are now mandatory across the capital at all times people will be fined a small amount if they are caught without one but not everyone is abiding by the rules health officials have asked the press see that's the paramilitary volunteer force of the revolutionary guards to help enforce the new rules as officials announced the 2nd week of closures here in the capital it's becoming increasingly difficult to expect people to say home when they receive no financial assistance from the government. the main opposition leader in bellary says threatening to call for a nationwide strike if president alexander lukashenko doesn't resign for going to
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sky is also demanding security forces stop their violent crackdown on protesters as well as the release of political prisoners within 2 weeks because reelection in august extended his 26 year old thora tarion rule has provoked protests ever since against what is widely seen as a rigged results both mania and azerbaijan are accusing each other of violating a cease fire that came into force on saturday the ministry of defense says their soldiers have been attacked by armenian forces along the line of contact i mean. john has launched what it called though a massive attack along the entire length of that front on both sides are accusing each other of killing civilians in this flare up over the disputed new going to cutback region that began last month and that's what we want to look about this the toll on people the international committee of the red cross saying it is concerned about but hold on people in the region with us now red cross spokeswoman in the
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armenian capital yet of on zahra thank you for your time just how bad is it for the civilians there with seem to be very focused on cease fires and who's foreigner who but this is a dispute over a region where a lot of people live. think about how our yes indeed now that are going on there are that international community over there and crossed has been able already to see the huge impact on the lives and infrastructure such as hospitals schools and the homes of the people and many. of the communities are really leaking fear and terror and while the laws that are on the move that are running and trying to find a place where they are and safety all the other states in the places close to the fight are mainly leaving days and nights in the basements and now on the
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onset of the winter and that call months basically this is pretty worrying. that people are staying in the malls and sheets basements of these places are also not being injured that started out in terms of the senate area and hygiene conditions. that they were turning that are a sorry i'm going to up today just tell me what you or you as the i.c.r.c. are able to do how easy or difficult is it to actually get to the people who need the help. we have been all already stepping our support in terms of emergency assistance this including our assistance balls to the community on what they are both sides of the line of contact for instance were not up after. the 1st days of the biting were provided to a lot of the hospital to the emergency medical kits including some are
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a weapon one diffused suture tickets etc as well as the provided body bags that a lot of forensic and we're now working into providing more of such equipment including stretcher erik's medical kits as we see the market growing on one hand on the other are aware been able as well to provide already some cash assistance to around $300.00. $60000.00 effect that molests bar guy has ever just don't with agents knives and some essential items same care there recently has been provided to a lot of structures you know we're not clear about intended for 1000 people and now sheltering in their basements and this is only the only shots that were acts that
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we have been able to provide for mahler is their fire right and as you know will not follow as of today we have announced an emergency appeal to be able to really cover the immense needs at this part. for the people of states i wonder as well just briefly is are if mental health will end up being an issue as well you know you're describing people living in their basements in the cold also you know wondering where is this shelling coming from who's attacking us at this point here mental health must be a big issue. absolutely mental health is one of the key concerns perhaps is seen a little relieving. sort of altogether in the basement and in addition to all or any of the hurdles related to law does because of the pandemic not all are all the health concerns that we're having in terms of what are our own terms of that at the top and it can get into. that situation where also are very much
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concerned about. the mental state of the people all of because of the terrible situation there and the fear as well as other problems that they meet you should terms of the family saw were very much looking into this earth was ability to help these people restore the family exists. but we're pretty much worried about that for sure it's so important we talk about this and i'm glad we could do that with you is our an attorney from the international committee of the red cross thank you . still ahead for you on this news our opposition leader on why abraham pushes his case for becoming the new prime minister of malaysia. and i'm nicholas hot off the coast of senegal find out next how migrants news about flying to make it to the european union crossing on the mediterranean things but i think ocean. and ronaldo withdrawals from his national team's squad santa will have all the
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details on that a little later. have a quiet time of year at the moment there may be changes waiting to come in but for the moment the middle east the precious little cloud except in turkey with a few showers coming in the increasing breeze in the eastern med but tempest so as of the high beta 27 by the 36 both a bit above where they should be and says to a little bit below but none of these are extreme the forecast the doha maintains that back 3132 degrees the next 23 days the main rain is now gone south with the sun but there are showers extending still from south sudan right down through the rift valley and beyond the biggest ones probably aren't around juba but they are breaking out again and in these european highlands the tend to be further west and
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further south the congo being the main recipient and that's certainly more light to be true during service today but as i said the rain is typically heading further south so whilst kigali represents this time of the year daily showers usually about lunchtime proper rain might be far and further south on things like these dying frontal systems however that looks quite a weak one the forecast next couple days might get a little bit of rain from malawi which will be welcomed on the far north of mozambique but if you're further south than that it's probably dry. corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. against corruption corruption is not something to be told that it. is not the african. country his e-mail let's destroy this wall.
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in 2020 the free space overlord encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. shine a light on your anti corruption hero. nominate now. the e.u. has suggested that it is willing to go to extreme and i'm reasonable if it's simply to exert leverage against the u.k. you know negotiations for free trade agreement with a new deal on the cards is it game over to britain and the e.u. finally breaks it announces iraq.
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you're in the news are here at al-jazeera these are the top stories cyprus is suspending its citizenship or investment program following an undercover investigation by al jazeera it exposed to high ranking officials expressing a willingness to help convicted criminals get a new citizenship. u.s. supreme court nominee any county ballots fielding tough questions on everything from abortion to gun ownership. on day 2 of her confirmation hearing she said she would however put aside her catholic beliefs if she would go in as a supreme court judge and the government of the netherlands is shutting down bars and restaurants from. banning the sale of alcohol after a record any increase in covert 19 cases in the 7 and a half 1000 new infections were announced on tuesday. news coming out of the united nations where saudi arabia has failed to win election to the un's highest human rights body the kingdom had until only recently been a member of the human rights council but that had caused controversy shall we say
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james bays out diplomatic editor joining us from the united nations what happened in the vote. well there was a vote as there is every year for that year's members of the human rights council you have a new entry every year in total there are $47.00 countries that are on the council and the way it works is it's done by regional grouping now most of the regional slates were unopposed so all of those people were elected but in the asia pacific area which saudi arabia is one of the countries there were 5 contenders for 4 slots and when you look at the countries that were voted on pakistan and got the most votes then nepal and then the last country to actually get one of the seats that was available with china which is interesting in its own right and then
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came saudi arabia with the least number of votes and so they were not elected so a dent i think has been felt to saudi arabia's reputation and clearly that is linked i think to some of the policies of mohamed bin in saudi arabia the war that continues in yemen the efforts to stifle internal dissent the repression that you've seen the ritz carlton hotel in riyadh being used as a prison and of course 2 years ago the murder in a saudi consulate of jamal khashoggi so all of that seems to have had have an effect on the u.n. body and all of the member states of the u.n. because saudi arabia only got 90 votes out of $193.00 countries of the united nations so clearly there are many countries now that will not vote for saudi arabia we're telling you it is a secret ballot of course kemal that tang's bay that diplomatic editor there at the
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u.n. thank you for that james. the u.s. state department is condemning what it calls turkey's calculated provocation in sending a survey ship into disputed waters in the mediterranean territorial tension is high between turkey and greece of the oil and gas exploration the u.s. says turkey's latest move is a deliberate tactic to undermine efforts to find a diplomatic solution. that is internationally recognized governments putting on a show of strength as the country marks its national police state you know the currents are taken center stage the government battles various groups across the country now trying to reports now from tripoli was national police day is celebrated for the 65th time in libya. in a parade organized by the ministry of interior new recruits marse around mars square in tripoli. the aim was to show libyans that the internationally recognized government in the capital is building up its security institutions. with their
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shiny new cars and smart uniforms watched by leaders of the government of national accord and onlookers the ceremony was broadcast on most t.v. channels here. and we had little i was very impressed i would only wish is to have a good police force and ata me that protects citizens and door to militias in a safe and stable libya but the tripoli government has a lot of work to do fighting late last month between rival militias around $20.00 east of tripoli resulted in the deaths of at least 4 men the infighting highlighted the need for the government to come up with a plan to rein the militias in the hasn't had the security challenges we face are unprecedented no widespread of an ability of the parents and the political divisions have made the burden have you on our police force in this regard we have any she had a training course here and abroad to improve all capabilities the difficult
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security challenges facing janay leaders have caused them to churn to their turkish friends churches leaders in ankara are helping the g.n.a.t. build up their military and police forces. training courses both in libya and in turkey are part of a maritime security agreement signed between the 2 governments last november. is back in the g.n.a.t. in its conflict with eastern based forces of warlords for the for how after back at the parade young recruits tell us they want to help improve insecurity facing many libyans. i decided to join the police force to help protect our citizens we have to build up our police force and get rid of armed groups we must work to make our country a better place. un facilitated political talks are currently underway but the widespread proliferation of weapons following years of fighting and political divisions remain a threat to the country's security and stability malik trainer al jazeera tripoli
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let's look at malaysia where the king has become involved in a battle for political power opposition leader anwar ibrahim met the monarch for talks about replacing the prime minister it in yassine who only took charge in march but has a tiny majority in parliament and law says he has the support of enough and he's to take the support from florence though in column. 3 weeks after he 1st said he had the support of the majority in parliament malaysian opposition leader anwar ibrahim finally got to meet the king who was carrying what he says is proof you as a convincing majority to form a new government i would appeal to the head of the list since the exercise. patience and wisdom. and. the king. to digest and decide based on them. the.
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question is i guess the response from the palace came quickly shortly after our noise news conference the palace issued a statement that seemed to contradict analysts assertion that he provided evidence of majority support in parliament the statement said and want told the king how many members of parliament support him but did not provide their names it went on to say the king also known as the agong has advised on want to abide by and respect the constitutional process for the risk is that his credibility is under threat in order for it to reach the numbers that he's claiming of over 120 this is the perceptions are that this involves some members of i know we used to lead malaysia before 2018 for decades but particularly from the party are the individuals who have charges against the prime minister appears at least for now to have held on to his job i mean to.
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annoy is following lead ins own strategy in february he led a group of m.p.'s out of the governing coalition to join forces with politicians he had defeated in a general election in 2018 they include former prime minister najib razak who's been convicted of corruption and one has fought for years to unseat a governing alliance that been in power for more than 60 years he was still in prison for sort of majoring the 2 $1018.00 election on what he says were politically motivated charges but there was an understanding between him and that then prime minister mahathir mohamad that anwar would be made prime minister after 2 years that never happened it honors attempt on tuesday to convince the king of his right to govern fails he could still propose a motion of no confidence against the prime minister when parliament reconvenes next month florence italy al-jazeera kuala lumpur. nigeria's police have agreed to
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stop the use of force against protesters after more than a week of rallies calling for an end to police brutality according to a statement released by the president the police also agreed to the unconditional release of those detained during the protests the president also promised police reforms these 2 protesters and a police officer have died in these demonstrations the boats carrying more than a 1000 migrants have landed in the canary islands over the past week the red crosses the spanish islands haven't seen those sorts of numbers since 2006 most of the people making the journey come from west africa so nicholas hart has our report from senegal capital dhaka. my job is not ready to give up his dream playing football in europe he believes he can succeed where his uncles have failed 10 years after they went missing trying to make it to spain's canary islands by boat job is getting ready for the journey. to see if you leave field with worries and apprehension you won't make it you need to take risks you need to be brave. i'm
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a man i'm willing to risk my life whatever the outcome for me europe is decent. it is a feeling shared by these young men just arrived in spain's canary islands they come from guinea senegal or algeria not flee war but political and economic instability now in the hands of spanish border guards who will decide on their fate while agreements between the e.u. and countries such as libya tunisia and morocco mean there are less migrants crossing the mediterranean the spanish interior ministry says they are facing an unprecedented surge of african asylum seekers coming through the atlantic ocean with a 530 percent increase in arrivals this year alone. this is where. we come back to shore. and dangerous. which human traffickers that. shortage.
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job is packing his bags some clothing his football boots and a prayer before leaving leeds the blessing of the elders traveling to europe costs thousands of dollars a small fortune for these families. mothers sell their land even their jewelry with the support of fathers and from one day to another we see young men leave in the pursuit of happiness. he has taken this journey before and failed. faced with the shame of returning home empty handed he's convinced this time he will succeed. and ahead is the prospect of a new life. nicholas hawke al-jazeera car. around $500.00 firefighters have been deployed in tanzania to put out a fire on the slopes of africa's highest mountain mt kilimanjaro officials say the
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blaze is now under control of the hundreds of volunteers residents and students battle that for 3 days the fire started arresting center for tourists preliminary investigations indicate the fire was caused by porters who help the climbers to uganda where environmentalist say a protected rain forest has been destroyed to make way for a sugar plantation the big forest reserves is home to hundreds of species including of animals including endangered chimpanzees reports. goma tropical rain forest reserve in western uganda that is home to hundreds of species of trees some of the rare and many animals like these. about 500 endangered chimpanzees live here to environmentalist say the forest is being destroyed to make way for sugar plantation. constantino test there in runs
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a lot for tourists who come to see the wildlife he says some of the forests protection has been removed by a regular court rulings he campaigned against it it is a very uncommon and probably no worse in the world but we can see a government telling that in writing and doing going to show that this is a 3rd there and that's why people have come to reverse that and following the thought but that there are sort of sousa's to exist without an explanation. the campaigners say part of the forest has been given to a company called sugar sugar says if using only privately owned grassland next to the forest sustainable development and mental protection can quit says that we can husband and lead to use of sugar cane and impure all ugandans contribute to the tax base of this nation why only maintain
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a basket that is i mean i think the only crime we get commuting now is that we i'm neighbors come 1st the activists say the site is guarded by you can 100 special forces and that suggests powerful politicians are involved because the things you should. give it. to. the government should be. destroyed. the activists also say hoya sugar's owners are hidden and it records have been removed from the public registry so you don't it's not like knowledge investors who are these investors i don't have that automated i can search but chicken might fail to get a rope and the ends of. the villages living around the forest have already cut down some trees to make space to grow sugarcane they hope to sell to the company the environmentalists say if nothing is done the rest of the forest will eventually
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suffer the same fate malcolm webb al-jazeera. bashir procedure is the executive director of civic response on environment and development instance corruption in uganda has weakened the very institutions that are meant to protect the environment. it's not the 1st time that we're facing this situation we have now a tropical rain forest being because it for sugar cane sugar in the past we had maybe a forest reserve which was being because a tent in the same way and people asked to state. that because it meant so what we're seeing today is a repeat. of the past. sort of a trade where. investors are looking for land in forest reserves probably because. aid will be at its biting the hand for terror culture
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but also it does not have settlements so they don't have to deal with huge amounts of money that they have to pay in opposition for people to leave let the government has surely not taken a very tough stance because style rather because we see that government is too short at the ones giving out these parts. i think this is because of the powerful business interests involved so it's a case of individuals as well as behind bars for vessels behind companies and they're taking advantage of the institutions of our rating the institutions and this is making it very difficult. now a popular indian jewelry company has withdrawn an advertisement which showcases an interfaith marriage caused all sorts of right wing backlash on social media.
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the ad is by children it shows a pregnant hindu woman receiving gifts from her muslim in-laws the browns latest campaign is called the beauty of one s pun and say the ad promotes love jihad that is a term used by some hindu groups to accuse muslim men of converting hindu women through marriage we spoke to a teacher to see about this a writer who also produced a documentary for al-jazeera called in search of india's soul he says anti muslim sentiments are actually feel by some of india's politicians. so i myself have been the victim of this kind of backlash and it basically means hours and hours of trolling and of the of internet vandalizing of a kind of pressure that's really really very hard to stand up to and it's very courtenay to do it's not these are not individuals responding this is almost a state machinery you see this used to be almost like
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a cliche of the old and the i mean this was what hollywood tells and it was what advertising does and it was something that was seen as just absolutely an unassailable cliche about racial religious common eaters and it's a testament to how much india has changed then something as unobjectionable and frankly banal as this could become like a lightning rod for all this anger and it's because the atmosphere has really been poisoned i mean you know get it get not was the chief minister of india just a has been leading this kind of delusional campaign against not jobs apparently and by numbers muslim men are coming to steal away the women and of course this hakan back to some of the sort of historical pain or the sort of historical tension of the atomic invasions in india and of muslim invaders coming and stealing most and in the women so it's like culture is a very deep activist take no and of course it's been republic for this modern
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sunday has now left the national team squad and is in isolation all his team mates have been tested again and all returned negative results near manchester united signing addison kabbani it will have to wait to make his red devils debut euro gwion will miss saturday's game against newcastle since he has the self isolate following his arrival from france a spare u.k. covert 19 guidelines is expected to be available however to face his form a side p.s.g. in the champions league next week while the biggest transfer deadline a signing in the english family go was in top form for his country on monday gonna start tom the heart is showed just why arsenal shelled out nearly $60000000.00 to acquire his services matilda bag to assist to help his country beat asian champ is cut off 51 in a friendly and who also plays
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a his football in england had a big game as well scoring 2 goals. major league baseball welcomed fans back for the 1st time this season as the atlanta braves that won their championship series opener against the l.a. dodgers sam alec reports players are playing in front of fans for the 1st time the fans were finally back in the stands for the 1st time in what's been a coronavirus altered season as a reduced capacity crowd was on hand an all in texas with 60 for the national league championship series opener between the atlanta braves and the los angeles dodgers the $11000.00 spectators that global i feel had to be patient though. with most of the action coming in the 9th inning was god with a game looked at $11.00 alan too went on a rampage in austin riley's massive tie breaking home a set up a full run out both. the braves going on to win 51 with the old beast to run
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home run rounding off the scoring was she was she was i said we're not going to be a game you don't want to leave because a lot of things done avondale advice 3rd and. that they've been like that for a few years now that they just keep coming in a few minutes or down i said before there's been games we've been down to a strike and it up coming back and when a man well margo former pottery plans haven't been allowed to attend the american league championship series in san diego this was found unfortunately that means they missed out on the breathtaking solo performance by tampa bay's manual mago against the houston astros to be on top of a 3 run homer in the 1st the outfielder pulled off one of the catches of the season i was. magos efforts helping
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tampa seal it for 2 and take it to nothing series any at. he's got now 3 just huge moment for seeing the postseason in the play me just to have the ability to know where you're out come in the effort to say forget it i'm going to hit something but i'm going to still hang on to the ball is really in princeton game 3 of the best of 7 series happened later on tuesday to him ali al jazeera. across the virus outbreak has rocked one of cycling's biggest races the juror to tell you 2 teams a jump of mismanages and scott left the race before stage 10 on tuesday with the outbreak hitting at least 5 teams so far the development comes despite efforts by race organizers to keep the riders safe bets to stay in a bio security bubble when not on the road tokyo is set to stage an international gymnastics competition next month that could serve as a trial run for next year's rearranged olympic games you one day competition will
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feature $32.00 athletes from japan china russia and the united states organizers say japan's 14 day quarantine period would be waived for foreign athletes it will however be tested daily spectators will be allowed into the venue but capacity will be restricted to 2000 the new n.b.a. champions the l.a. lakers have arrived home after their trials on sunday having spent 3 months in the n.b.a. is a bubble at disney world in orlando the lakers won the 1st championship since 2010 lebron james led the team to $42.00 series victory over the miami heat the team won't be holding a victory parade or public celebration because of the ongoing pandemic and that's it for me we'll have more for you later on. that is our that's your news hour from us here in doha ongoing coverage there all of the senate judiciary hearing for the
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confirmation of any county to the u.s. supreme court that's still going on in washington the coverage continues with our team in london. in the state for you in just a few moments so joining us. corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence by means of should go ruptures is not something to be told that this. is a friggin. country his e-mail let's destroy this wolf.
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in 2020 the free space over encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. shine a light on your anti corruption here i. nominate now. the oppression of an ethnic minority and me and mine goes back many decades the intention was to make sure that rangers were no longer entitled to either basic rights or citizenship rights. al-jazeera explores the history and motives behind the systematic persecution of the ranger and me and my. exile on al-jazeera. guinea is getting ready to vote alpha condé to 5
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months of violent protests to change the constitution now he's defying his critics to seek a. kind of divided opposition come together for a moment off to stop and give me a lection 2020 on al-jazeera. cyprus scraps its controversial citizenship for investment program after an undercover investigation by al-jazeera. i'm going to tell us is al jazeera live from london also coming up again i can't pre-commit or say yes i'm going in with sam agenda because i'm not u.s. supreme court nominee amy kearney barrett sidesteps questions on abortion and gay
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