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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 14, 2020 12:00am-1:00am +03

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hello i'm lauren taylor this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london coming up again i can't. say yes i'm going and it's and because i'm now u.s. supreme court nominee amy kearney barret sidesteps question was on abortion and gay marriage on day 2 of her confirmation hearings. a record early turnout as georgians and now texans join the wave of americans lining up to cast their ballots 3 weeks
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before the u.s. election. cyprus scraps its controversial citizenship for investment program after an undercover investigation by al-jazeera. and the netherlands becomes the latest european country to ramp up its coronavirus restrictions as infections keep rising . abortion a-bomb acad guns and gay marriage some of the topics featuring on day 2 of the confirmation hearings of president trumps u.s. supreme court nominee amy kearney barret republican and democratic senators each have 30 minutes to ask her about subjects that a touch points to many americans the full senate could vote by the end of the month on whether to appoint her just ahead of the u.s. poll on the vendor the 3rd that barack declined to say whether she would recuse herself from any cases related to next month's presidential election. she also
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sidestepped questions on abortion by dianne feinstein the most senior democrat on the senate judiciary committee it's a contentious issue which is a no one reason why it would be comforting to you to have an answer but i can't express views on cases or pre-commit to approaching a case any particular way well that makes it difficult for me and i think for other women also on this committee because this is a very important case and it affects a lot of people millions and millions of women and you could be a very important vote. as well to alan fischer on capitol hill so we're starting to get a better picture of the nominee and what she what she thinks. well certainly for this is really her opportunity to introduce herself to america not everyone to cover. the the the workings of the 7th circuit so it becomes new to
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many people who she is what she believes and the democrats have been trying to really paint her as a conservative. totem really for want of a better word that is going to strictly adhere to conservative views on the court and they believe that that will put things like the affordable healthcare act same sex marriage even money in politics all of those rulings that have been made by the supreme court over the last few years they believe will be at risk if she has refused to give her position on many of the cases that have been brought up by the democrats she's using the words of ruth bader ginsburg of course she's the justice that she would replace when she said that there can be no hints forecasts or previews of how she would look at the case she will simply judge on the law she says she is an originalist therefore she looks at the the law she looks at the constitution and she applies the to and hard on views don't matter there's also
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been concern expressed by the democrats of course because donald trump said that he would appoint supreme court justices who will overturn the affordable care act obamacare as it's known in the u.s. and could possibly be called in to decide the presidential election if there is a problem with balloting that he's already flagged up that he thinks this could be a close election and it may need 9 justices on the supreme court all in equally bad it was asked if she would recuse herself and she came very close to saying that she would but not going quite that far. would you commit to a q has your shot from a dispute arises out of quietly presidential election. senator leahy i want to begin by making 2 very important points and they have to do with. and with any election dispute that may or may not arise i have had no conversation with the president or any of his staff on how i might rule in that case it would be
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a gross violation of judicial independence for me to make any such commitment or for me to be asked about that case and how i would rule and i also think it would be a complete violation of the end pendants of the judiciary for anyone to put a justice on the court as a means of obtaining a particular result and though it so emerged that dozens of members of faculty have signed an open letter calling on her to withdraw from the nomination tell us more about that. 88 in fact members of the faculty at notre dame where it is on the law faculty they are calling for her to resign they say that it's a divisive time in fact they describe it as a treacherous time in the us and it would be a sign of her civic engagement if she were to step aside and wait until the next president was elected before making a decision. on the supreme court justice no big knowledge that it would be
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difficult for her to step away but say she would get and gain the respect of fair minded people across the country the reality is this process is well under way at the committee is in its 2nd day of hearings that are 2 more days to go including a vote on thursday and the committee will almost certainly recommend her nomination to the full senate which will vote sometime around the 22nd of october so although her colleagues may be making this appeal it is unlikely that equally valid at this stage will step aside clearly for any lawyer for any judge being elevated to the supreme court is a huge honor and she sees it that way she is determined to make the point and she's done it several times here that she looks at the law and makes the decision on that that she's not driven by politics she says it is up to the branches of congress and the executive branch to make legislation she just interprets the law as it's passed so even though this is a strong appeal and an unusual appeal from our colleagues at notre dame it's
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unlikely to have any impact on what we're seeing here on capitol hill out thank you very much indeed. now exactly 3 weeks to go until the u.s. presidential election democratic nominee joe biden is out campaigning in the battleground state of florida odan has been addressing older voters many of whom at donald trump in 26 still. that's been the story the tire story my presence the fact that he's never been focused on what matters he's never been focused on you he's handling of this pandemic has been a red ink just like his presidency. and it has prevented florida seniors and people all across the country from getting the relief that they need. hasn't just been willing to not do the work i think it's that beyond that i'm not sure he cares
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about i mean any real help i went through it now they say i'm i'm you know i can see i feel so powerful walking. oh i have the right to several want. a comes a day after president trump chose florida for his 1st election since he got could be 19 and as you heard there he was keen to emphasize his recovery he arrived as the white house confirmed he tested negative twice 10 days after announcing he'd caught the virus has 3 more rallies planned this week and will be heading to pennsylvania later this hour he's setting the example and we need her herd immunity out there and if we don't get out there and we don't get out and do things that it'll just keep bringing this taken away all our rights and liberties the right. for it you can tell people that you will fail and it just takes a star that you value i think why risk is better to dream really well later kate
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it is it is very new. to lock down this country which is what will happen if joe biden is reelected. and they go to joins us live from miami florida undeterred bodden is in florida today after trump's return to campaigning in the same state what's he been saying. well this is the former vice president's 2nd trip to florida in recent weeks the 1st time he was here he was talking to hispanics and latinos this time he's talking to elderly voters of which make up about 25 percent of the population of this entire state now joe biden's message from the campaign right a campaign rally doesn't really change he talks about how he can handle the economy about how much of the deaths here are to blame on president trump and all of this going on of course when early voting in this country is really reaching unprecedented levels many people have already made up their own minds that have been some problems but let's take
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a look at the picture of early voting across the entire country. on the 1st day of early voting in georgia people lined up for hours to cast their ballots in some counties voters reported waiting more than 10 hours but it isn't just in person voting that shattering records across the country as people make their voices heard more than 10 and a half 1000000 ballots have already be mailed in or dropped off a number that could see voter turnout the highest since 1908 despite fears over the coburg 19 pandemic long waits in technical issues in some states early voting is hitting historic numbers for me as a younger person i am relic ready and willing to stand out here and brave their call they had a poll that i had to make head and i thought it was so much at stake and president trumps unfounded claims that mail in voting could lead to massive fraud there are problems the republican party in california installed dozens of their own ballot
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drop off boxes virtually indistinguishable from boxes sanctioned by the state officials call them unofficial and illegal and have insisted they be removed those official ballot drop boxes go through a number of steps that are required in law and regulations for installation for security for placement so having these unofficial ballot drop boxes that anybody can go to. i mean and and not meeting all those requirements is just not appropriate according to the u.s. election assistance commission the popularity of 1000000 votes has been growing for years but this year it may play into the hands of democratic presidential nominee joe biden here in florida the number of early votes reveals a potentially worrying statistic for president donald trump the number of democratic voters who cast their ballots early tops republicans by more than 350000 this is a state the president must win many republican voters don't trust mail in voting so those numbers will change is election day draws nearer to the biden campaign's push
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to get people voting early seems to be working make a plan to vote early and then get involved i know you're busy i know that i know you're stretched so thin but yes our action is still important not to you every single thing we can florida is the 1st state to begin sorting its mail in ballots but like other states the votes won't officially be counted until election day for now only the computers know the results of what will be a historic presidential election. and i think given the number of early votes does it suggest that people have already decided. well obviously a great deal of people already have an a probably decided for the last few months but think about this both biden and trump are campaigning in battleground states and if you take my state the state of florida you see that joe biden is about 4 percentage points ahead of donald trump but there is a 3.8 percent variability rate within that so there is
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a margin of error for both candidates who both must win this state so i think there's a really good reason that donald trump was in central florida last night joe biden is here in the miami area today and that's because there are a lot of independent and swing voters in those particular areas and they often and it's historically happened before decide the election because you've got so many people on the democratic side so many people on the republican side it's often those swing voters and independent voters that can decide unlike something that florida knows a great deal about so despite the fact that millions of already voted and already made up their minds both candidates will be scrambling right up to the presidential election day on november the 3rd and again i thank you very much for joining us now from the united states is seth mascot director of the center on american politics at the university of denver thanks very much for being with us so we're talking about some of these critical swing states what do the polls tell us at this stage
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about how it's going to play out well the polling margins in many of these swing states are a little more narrow than they are nationally. nationally joe biden has had roughly a 10 point or so advantage over donald trump in recent days that margin is a little more narrow in states like florida pennsylvania where it's maybe been 5 or 6 or it's still a healthy lead for biden but it's more competitive and other methods of the posters any different this time than they were from last time although they're still be an underestimate of support for trying. it's difficult to know one of the areas that polling seem to miss in 2016 when was just in a handful of states in the upper midwest basically michigan and sylvania wisconsin where pollsters really underestimated the support for donald trump among what we call working class white voters. they believe many pollsters believe that they've
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made the appropriate adjustments to their polling style for this year to account for that into account for educational and income differences among white voters. but in many real ways we just won't know until election day just how accurate they are and how different is it this time in terms of the voting absentee ballots how much difference to think that will make to attack. it could make a great deal of difference and the amount of early voting and mail in voting is just as your grant of ramped up substantially this year many many cases just simply due to concerns about the pandemic if it. is to think though that because a real partisan breakdown in the use of those early mailing and mail in balloting that is democrats are more likely to want to vote early or to want to send in their ballot republicans are more likely to want to vote on election day in person due to
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different attitudes toward the coronavirus and on that matter the court of our spectrum that's been making much of his recovery from having 1000 do we have any of it evidence of how his past life experiences is likely to affect people's. willingness to vote for him. well so far is it it's difficult to say but his his support in polling has actually dropped somewhat since he was 1st diagnosed and now maybe that has something to do with his diagnosis that is he had been largely dismissing the coronavirus or for a long time as something that wasn't that serious and that most people wouldn't get when he got it in self that suggested you know maybe there was there is considerably more concern about this we may see some one of you know as he seems to have or recovered. a reasonable amount of time it's possible we'll 'd see you know some you know some new support for him but so far that's just not registering in
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the polls this seems to have actually hurt him somewhat and what about joe biden what would you say is the strengths and weaknesses of his campaign at this stage. he's so far has played a pretty smart campaign. you know he's played the role of a leading candidate that is trying not to make too many mistakes. you know for the most part he doesn't put himself out there on very controversial matters you know particularly in a few controversial matters he said i'll decide that after the election and for the most part has simply tried to remind voters of the main issues that seem to many voters seem to care about which is the conditions of the economy and the conditions of the virus as long as people stay focused on those things it's generally seen as an advantage for biden and he's been very successful in doing that so far so good thank you very much indeed for talking to scientists there thank you. unless it is
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in the usa a paramilitary group that was plotting to kidnap the governor of michigan also considered abducting virginia's governor the man spoke about targeting ralph northam over coronavirus lockdowns revelation came as a federal court reviewed evidence presented by the f.b.i. and ordered the group to be held until trial investigators say their months long investigation involving secret recordings uncovered a more detailed prompt to kidnap michigan's governor christian witness coming up on this news hour from london why many iranians are respecting new coronavirus rules despite another 254 people dying. and china and russia are elected to the un's human rights council but saudi arabia fails in its bid. and al-jazeera exposé has forced the government of cyprus to scrap its nutritive
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passports for investment scheme the president of the parliament is also stepping down our investigative unit found senior politicians willing to help a foreign criminal by a cypriot passport and access to e.u. citizenship are investigative reporter david harrison reports from nicosia. an emergency meeting of the cypriot cabinet was held at the presidential palace following the release of the al jazeera investigation. because. of the some. who are on bush in the program. but if you go to the bar room the google. as a flurry of developments follows the cyprus attorney general said he was launching a full investigation into the evidence gathered by al-jazeera. what has been published in the last few hours by the al-jazeera news network is causing outrage
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anger and concern among the people i have given clear instructions to the police leadership from the outset to conduct a full fora and in-depth investigation into the possibility of anyone committing criminal offenses undercover reporters from al-jazeera as investigative unit posed as representatives of a fictional client a wealthy businessman who was sentenced in absentia to 7 years in jail for bribery and money laundering and he is seeking a cypriot passport our reporters were led through a network of enablers it ended with a meeting with demetrius salukis president of the cypriot parliament so we could tell you. were here for support. i'd only politically torture. when confronted with the evidence so the rest tonight wrongdoing and claim that he was suspicious of our undercover reporters from the start. who are not easy in
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their various who are easy or the. other 1st to guess this could be i guess or here's the other it looked to me teresa lewis has since announced that he'll be stepping down from his duties until the investigation is complete opposition member of parliament christakis giovanni was also implicated in the documentary look. over. which of us today in a statement he announced he is resigning from his post as member of parliament and from all his positions in the opposition party. for years there have been suspicions in the european union that the cyprus investment program was allowing criminals to enter europe with the proceeds of their crimes the revelations of our investigation have shaken the political leadership of this country after years of failed attempts to tighten the rules the scheme will now be abolished and it seems
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the attorney general's investigation will examine the full extent of the wrongdoing david harrison al-jazeera cyprus live in protests outside the cypriot parliament following a report people campaigning against corruption shouted cyprus is not yours to sell and brandished placards demanding a more just state for more on this investigation you can visit our website al-jazeera dot com forward slash investigations and you can also see the full program the cyprus papers under cover which will next aerate 0100 hours g.m.t. wednesday 4 hours from now. for turning to the coronavirus pandemic now and daily case numbers are rising in 33 states across the u.s. with a surge in hospital admissions the country reported more than 40000 new infections on monday we know are 2 major treatment trials there have hit stumbling blocks a participant in
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a johnson and johnson vaccine trial has fallen ill and the company says it will take days to uncover the cause and the u.s. pharmaceutical firm alli lilly says tests of an antibody treatment have been paused over an as yet unspecified safety concern iran's total of daily coronavirus deaths is once again reached one of its highest level since the beginning of the pandemic on tuesday at least 254 people were reported to have died in the last 24 hours your thirties have imposed strict new measures to control the outbreak but not everyone is complying to such a bar is in tehran where hospitals are overstretched. this is batman hospital it's one of the 118 hospitals here in the capital which has been turned exclusively into a facility which deals with covert 1000 patients there are over 500000 people in iran who have been infected so far and over 29000 people have died 4500 people are currently in critical condition across 31 provinces which have all been declared
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red zones by the health ministry now in the capital tehran which is one of the hardest hit provinces the health officials have said that as of last friday the hospitals will no longer be receiving any non-emergency patients and that they will set up field hospitals if the cases of patients continue to increase as they have for the past few weeks meanwhile ordinary iranians who are living under crippling economic sanctions imposed by the united states are desperately trying to make ends meet in very difficult circumstances it's becoming increasingly difficult to expect people to say home when they receive no financial assistance from the governments e.u. countries are coordinating coronavirus travel restrictions they've agreed not to restrict people from traveling between so-called green state countries will be assigned traffic light colors based on their latest infection rates until now each country has been making its own rules creating a complicated patchwork of regulations. the netherlands is imposing new
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restrictions off to wreck or daily increase of nearly $7400.00 coronavirus cases from wednesday bars and restaurants will be closed and a limit put on social gatherings step boston is in amsterdam where hospital intensive care units will soon be at capacity. alarming numbers here and then either learn nearly 50000 in a week's time that's double the number of the previous week more than this happened thousands just today and this means that this reality is only very slowly taking in the sinking in here in the netherlands so people have been reluctant to follow the rules and also the government has been accused of being far too lenient inconsistent and clear the measure for all very voluntarily the government called it an intelligence lockdown basically urging the people just to think responsibility themselves for keeping good this stance and following the rules and
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that obviously didn't happen and also didn't work so out in the last couple of weeks or so specially hospitals doctors who are ringing alarm bells saying they're running out of capacity they're struggling the netherlands has a very limited number of i.c.u. bats around 1400 and with this rapid increase of patients that number is going to be reached very quickly russia has again reported a record daily high have new coronavirus infections nearly 14000 new cases reported in the latest tally exceeding the previous record set on sunday russia as the world's 4th highest number of infections with more than 1300000 cases and nearly 23000 deaths despite the rise deal sources say they have no plans to impose knockdowns india has seen its lowest daily number of u. infections in more than 2 months around 55000 new cases were recorded in 24 hours
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the health minister had warned of big trouble if people did not take precaution seriously india is one of the world's worst affected countries with more than 100000 coated related deaths and 7000000 infections. more still to come this hour we're in bishkek speaking to young kid is who are demanding an overhaul of the country's political system. and i'm nicholas hawke off the coast of senegal find out next how migrant news abodes like me to make it to the european union crossing on the mediterranean things but england think ocean. how you can feel the change of seasons throughout europe now has been snow falling the ouse isn't a big surprise and this thing here this waving frontal system although not particularly cold in itself is enduring inducing
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a cold wind after it and that's quite a strong winter look at the temperatures from vienna to berlin nines and tens now we're well below where we should be saying don't talk about november or december so berlin's forecasts of 1011 degrees whereas it should be 40 and a windows and you've got something or winter wind chill it will be unpleasant and not cold has stretched further south and he 7 much of western europe is a few degrees were below where it should be on all the actions been in the mediterranean and yet again you've got potentially heavy rain running from italy towards greece and the balkans for wednesday and thursday that he's drawing these trials for most of north africa we've had some pretty big showers recently just catching west africa has funnels as the gambia but when say looks quiet and it's relatively quiet too there's still a few showers to come but most are focusing further south in places like carrot or d.r. see this is the time the year when you tend to get most of the rain in this part of the world and occasionally go down through zimbabwe i'm allowed but only if you're
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lucky. said she and her disease because 50 percent of all deaths of children and. such bus stop. was elected to saddle childhood education. does she. believe she does not seem to. try. to. satisfy. the ceasefire. last.
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from one of the top stories here on araa 0 president trumps nominee for the u.s. supreme court has told senators she gave no commitments to the white house on how she would vote on a bomb or any election dispute amy kearney barrett also sidestepped questions on abortion on the 2nd of 4 days of confirmation hearings. a record 10 and a half 1000000 people have already cast their vote in the u.s. presidential election voting day isn't for another 3 weeks but in person voting
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began at 122 polling stations in texas on tuesday with long queues reported at some sites. cypresses scrapping the citizenship for investment program following an undercover investigation by al-jazeera that exposed high ranking officials willing to help convicted criminals of tain e.u. citizenship president of the parliament is also stepping down. saudi arabia has failed to win reelection to the un human rights council but china and russia were among the 15 countries elected to the body for the next 3 years despite being accused of rights abuses james phases at the united nations he says human rights groups the calling for a change to the selection process. coming forth and not getting a seat was saudi arabia and i think that shows the way that saudi arabia's
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reputation with regard to human rights has been seriously dented in recent years since may have been someone has been infected effectively in charge of the country the detention of fellow members the royal family in the ritz carlton hotel in riyadh the long running war in yemen and 2 years ago the murder in a saudi consulate of jamal khashoggi clearly have affected how other members of the united nations view saudi arabia and they've decided it should be on the human rights council human rights groups say the whole process needs looking at you shouldn't have these uncontested slates there should be plenty of countries running in each of the regional groups so that all of the countries of the united nations have a proper choice they focus in particular on russia and china which are both going to be on the human rights council they talk about the situation in hong kong they talk about the plight of the week is with regard to china with regard to russia you
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have the war in syria the bombing of hospitals that's taken place in syria you have the ongoing situation in ukraine and you have the recent poisoning of the russian opposition leader alexina valmy all black marks with regard to human rights regarding russia but they will serve on the human rights council. deaths and injuries continue to rise as armenian and azerbaijani forces battle each other over the disputed nagorno-karabakh region that's despite the russian brokered cease fire which came into force on saturday they're going to karabakh is officially part of john but controlled by ethnic armenians soon and garcia who has more from the is there a city of beer. of course in armenia is the closest town to now go knock out over and horse thousands of people displaced by fighting with us are big john many are right here with all the other calls on their back yard volunteers sort donation boxes to help provide the basic needs of it they do shifts some of
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the volunteers its students but we have school children as well they come in early in the morning and they do not want to leave we urge them to have some rest but they keep staying and work constantly. on the other side of the conflict children and their families forced from their homes and tartars city in azerbaijan take shelter in a school in the town of barga local aid agencies or for help in refugee centers including supplying baby food and diapers. many of these as areas have been displaced at least once before during the war in the early ninety's then armenian forces occupied 7 cities and as our bridge on the cross to knock on a car bomb the ones that i'm on the hamas and they're providing food medicine and everything but we must go back to our home this is how it has to be i'd rather eat a piece of onion and bread but in my own home. a ceasefire which came into force on sunday has been violated from the 1st hour it started well size accuse each other
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of operating fire the cease fire acreage in moscow last week was supposed to allow the handover of bodies of soldiers as well as prisoners of war supervised by the international committee of the red cross that hasn't happened very continuous discussions with them proposing passing proposals back to enforce. operational enlarges declare greenland's need to be agreed on in place and the safety of our teams guaranteed for such an operation to take place we are however not involved in the political negotiations azerbaijan's close ally turkey says in addition to a ceasefire the international community should urge armenian forces to withdraw from what it calls us our vigilance occupied territories based on the un and e.u. resul issues turkey has announced its full support for azerbaijan both diplomatically and militarily i mean as prime minister nicole question yet said i
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want to tarry in crisis can only be prevented if the international community officially recognizes the right of not going to cut of our people to self-determination and the point of recognizing its independence question here and also south that the turkish forces are in the south curtis's in order to continue the policy of what he calls the genocide of their many and people he also accused work here for quitting syrian misteries to fight for his or big jump as area officials in the capital back you have repeated but the night that then there has been no response from the leadership in un kyra that wide though if you held in both capitals as that question yanis trying to gain international support by involving trickett directly in this conflict it's enough to solo al-jazeera terror as a bridge or. kyrgyzstan's parliament will be asked to vote for a 2nd time on whether to approve sunday a jumper off who was freed from prison by supporters last week as the new prime
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minister presidents are in biogen because made the decision after politicians and activists challenge but a just in a sea of saturday's vote but as charles stratford reports from the capital bishkek many people are calling for a complete overhaul of the political system. just coffee cafe is a popular hangout for students artists and intellectuals in the cuticles capital bishkek. site we meet i had a elmers because she took part in the protests after the october the 4th parliamentary election the one politician cooled the dirtiest in kyrgyzstan's history. of our 1st demand was for a rerun of the election that's all we wanted we had huge hope on the 1st day of protests it's so sad how that day ended i feel like i was used. thousands of people protested in the main square before security forces moved in tear gas and stun grenades hundreds of people were injured and one person was
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killed the next morning protests this it taking control of this building where parliament convenes they freed political prisoners from jail. later on the central election commission declared the results of the poll nolen void and said there must be a rerun later a man who only days before would be serving levon year jail term for kidnapping was made the country's prime minister in a parliamentary session that many say was unconstitutional and makes a mockery of the rule of law the streets and parks a calm in the old some sunshine but there's a growing fear the kyrgyzstan's french of democracy which people have worked hard to build into revolutions since independence of the breakup of the soviet union is under threat. every aspect of our life depends on politicians and the decisions of politicians make i think it's the duty of every young adequate person to
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participate in political movements and express their civil rights it's very important for this post soviet generation to realise that politics defines our quality of life not far from the cafe members of the recently established reform party or discussing strategy for the promised rerun of the parliamentary poll reform was set up with money raised in an internet crowdfunding campaign 3 months ago party candidates got around $35000.00 votes in the election which would not have been enough for a seat in parliament and they say the established politicians have been corrupted by local criminal networks and or intimidated by russia under vladimir putin who fears democratic change in the post soviet states it is you know the whole television and crew was done by by russian television and people are brainwashed by it he. explained their feelings of
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people who started in one word it's i've had up. so we don't want to see old faces we don't want to see an old old co or 2 leaders young curate is the promised rerun of the election happens and he's clean but they feel the dirty tricks are being played in a strategic game again john strafford al-jazeera bishkek. the better russian opposition leader has written on attack and of skier says she will call for a nationwide strike unless president alexander lukashenko resigns by october the 25th it comes after another day of protests against the president there's election victory on august the 9th has been widely discredited police say they detained $186.00 people on monday to kind of skier who's in exile in lithuania also called for an end to police violence and the release of political prisoners. malaysia's
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opposition leader has gone out on a limb in his bid to unseat the prime minister anwar ibrahim but the country's king saying he'd handed over evidence that he has enough support but the palace disputed his account and as florence louis reports from kuala lumpur the prime minister may have little to worry about. 3 weeks after he 1st said he had the support of the majority in parliament malaysian opposition leader i know i brought him finally got to meet the king who was carrying what he says is proof he has a convincing majority to form a new government i would appeal to. listens to exercise. patience wisdom. and. the king to digest. decide. the.
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question i have is the response from the palace came quickly shortly after our noise news conference the palace issued a statement that seemed to contradict analysts assertion that he provided evidence of majority support in parliament the statement said and i want told the king how many members of parliament support him but did not provide their names it went on to say the king also known as the agong has advised on want to abide by and respect the constitutional process for the risk is that his credibility is under threat in order for it to reach the numbers that he's claiming of over 120 this is the perceptions are that this involves some members of i know we used to lead malaysia before 2018 for decades but particularly from the party are the individuals who have charges against the prime minister appears at least for now to have held on to his job i mean.
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i know is following lead ins own strategy in february he led a group of m.p.'s out of the governing coalition to join forces with politicians he had defeated in a general election in 2018 they include former prime minister najib razak who's been convicted of corruption and one has fought for years to unseat a governing alliance that been in power for more than 60 years he was still in prison for sort of majoring the 2018 election on what he says were politically motivated charges but there was an understanding between him and that then prime minister mahathir mohamad that anwar would be made prime minister after 2 years that never happened it honors attempt on tuesday to convince the king of his right to govern fails he could still propose a motion of no confidence against the prime minister when parliament reconvenes next month florence italy al-jazeera kuala lumpur. nigerian police have agreed to
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stop using force against anti police brutality protesters after 2 demonstrators were shot dead on monday police say they will also release arrested protesters hundreds of people rallied against police brutality for a 6th straight day in 3 nigerian cities on sunday the authority said the special anti robbery squad police unit known as sars would be disbanded but protesters are skeptical. hundreds of boats carrying more than a 1000 migrants have landed in the canary islands over the past week the red cross says the spanish islands haven't seen numbers like that since 2006 and mostly west african migrants made a dangerous 600 kilometer journey along the coast of senegal and up to the canary islands from dhaka nicholas hack reports. ebro my job is not ready to give up his dream playing football in europe he believes he can succeed where his own goals have failed 10 years after they went missing trying to make it does baines canary
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islands by boat job is getting ready for the journey you do. if you leave field with worries and apprehension you want make it you need to take risks you need to be brave. i'm a man i'm willing to risk my life whatever the outcome for me europe is decent. it is a feeling shared by these young men just arrived in spain's canary islands they come from guinea senegal or algeria not flee war but political and economic instability now in the hands of spanish border guards who will decide on their fate while agreements between the e.u. and countries such as libya tunisia and morocco mean there are less migrants crossing the mediterranean the spanish interior ministry says they are facing and then president and surge of african asylum seekers coming through the atlantic ocean with a 530 percent increase in arrivals this year alone. this is when. we come back to shore. dangerous.
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job is packing his bags some clothing his football boots and a prayer before leaving the blessing of the elders traveling to europe costs thousands of dollars a small fortune for these families. mothers sell their land even their jewelry with the support of fathers and from one day to another we see young men leave in the pursuit of happiness he has taken this journey before and failed. faced with the shame of returning home empty handed he's convinced this time he will succeed. and ahead is the prospect of a new life. nicholas hawk al-jazeera car. hundreds of protesters
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into his ear have clashed with police after a man died when the authorities bulldozed his unlicensed cigarette cure ask while he was sleeping in it protesters in the impoverished town of speight leah in custer on province threw rocks at police and blocked roads with burning tires from a seizure mission she has fired the province's governor and 3 local security officials in an effort to ease tensions. libya is a un recognized government has been putting on a show of strength as a country mocks national police state new recruits took center stage as many trying to report from tripoli was national police day is celebrated for the 65th time in libya. in a parade organized by the ministry of interior new recruits marched around mars square in tripoli i think the aim was to show libyans that the internationally recognized government in the capital is building up its security institutions. with
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their shiny new cars and smart uniforms watched by leaders of the government of national accord and onlookers the ceremony was broadcast on most t.v. channels here. and we had little i was very impressed i would only wish is to have a good police force and ah to me that protects citizens we want an end to militias and a safe and stable libya but the tripoli government has a lot of work to do fighting late last month between rival militias around to 0 east of tripoli resulted in the deaths of at least 4 men inviting highlighted the need for the government to come up with a plan to rein the militias in the hasn't had the security challenges we face are unprecedented no widespread of an ability of the parents and the political divisions have made the burden have you on our police force in this regard we have any she had a training course here and abroad don't rule out capabilities the difficult
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security challenges facing janay leaders have caused them to churn to their turkish friends churches leaders in ankara are helping the g.n.a.t. build up their military and police forces. training courses both in libya and in turkey are part of a maritime security agreement signed between the 2 governments last november unc aura is back in the g.n.a.t. in its conflict with eastern based forces of warlords lifo huffed are back at the parade younger recruits tell us they want to help improve insecurity facing many libyans at the border i decided to join the police force to help protect our citizens we have to build up our police force and get rid of armed groups we must work to make our country a better place. un facilitated political talks are currently underway but the widespread proliferation of weapons following years of fighting and political divisions remain a threat to the country's security and stability not like traina al jazeera tripoli
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. and i had this news. environmentalists in uganda say a sugar plantation may threaten the future of this rain forest and the red animals living in it. and every backpackers dream or tell you about the stranded tourists who was given a solo tour of one of the world's most popular attractions. a
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popular indian jewelry company has withdrawn an advert featuring an interfaith marriage after a right wing backlash on social media. by
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tanishq jewellers shows a pregnant hindu woman receiving gifts from the muslim in the bronze isis campaign is called the beauty of oneness but opponents say the ad promotes love jihad a term used by some hindu groups muslim men as converting him to women by marriage that is to say there is an author who produced a documentary for al-jazeera called in search of india's so he says prime minister narendra modi is responsible for this kind of backlash i mean it doesn't mean that just because a country has deeply religious simmering tensions that we have to kind of expect that the worst of human nature should be brought out and this government has definitely stalking these tensions and pushing this stuff right from the highest highest levels of power even in a situation like this the prime minister who is very voluble could so easily say
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this is a wonderful it's a travesty that it's come but he's very strategic in the use of his silences and his less than an absolute. in kind of attacking the sort of ideal represented in this kind of. environment in uganda say a protected rain forest is being destroyed and powerful politicians are complicit a bigger forest reserve is home to hundreds of species of animals become famous a being eaten into by a sugar plantation and malcolm webb report that concerned soon nothing will be left . to become a tropical rain forest preserve in western uganda is home to hundreds of species of trees some of the grass and many animals like these that. about 500 endangered chimpanzees live here. environmentalist say the forest is being destroyed to make way for sugar plantation. constantino tesser in runs
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a large for tourists who come to see the wildlife he says some of the forests protection has been removed by a regular court rulings he's campaigned against it it is a very uncommon and probably no worse in the world that we can see a government telling us that in writing and then going to show that this is a 3rd the and that's why people have come to invest and following the that but that there are sort of sousa's to exist without an explanation. the campaigners say part of the forest has been given to a company called holly my sugar sugar says if using only privately owned grassland next to the forest sustainable development and him into production can quit this that we can have on land to use sugar cane. or you go and contribute
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to the tax base of this nation why only maintain a basket that you don't need but i think that will accrue your commuting that is that we i'm neighbors come 1st the activists say the site is guarded by ugandan special forces and that suggests powerful politicians are involved because what i think you should. get but. maybe we. should. just treat. the activists also say hoya sugar's owners are hidden and its records have been removed from the public registry so new that it's public knowledge investors who are these investors i don't have that off my search. took my 5 get a rope and the. villages living around the forest have already cut down some trees to make space to grow sugarcane they hope to sell to the company the
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environmentalists say if nothing is done the rest of the forest will eventually suffer the same fate malcolm webb al-jazeera the portuguese footballer christian or an aldo has tested positive for covert 19 countries football federation says he is well and showing no symptoms but rinaldo is now in quarantine and will miss portugal's match against sweden in lisbon on wednesday the rest of the portuguese squad have been given the all clear after tests the 5 times world player of the year they gets france in paris on sunday. and code 19 continues to hit the road italia one of sackings biggest races 2 teams have withdrawn after a string of riders and support staff tested positive for corona virus including a real contender steven cross reich pre-race favorite simon yates 1st tested positive on saturday of the 176 cyclists who started the race only 845
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remain the route has opened the ancient ruins of much of peach super one japanese tourist it waited almost 7 months while trapped in the country by the pandemic the government open the world heritage site especially for jesse tucker yana he bought a ticket to the ruins in march but before he could visit he was stranded in a nearby town by virus restrictions and border closures a site is due to reopen to the rest of the public next month this is probably our moving thank you mr kurtz on the hunger on the roof writing me through corridors so you're not going as the japanese citizen and turned with the head of the park so that he could be set before returning home because the plan is for him to return to his country and that's it for me lauren taylor for the news hour but i'll be back in a moment with another full round of the day's news thanks very much for watching my friend.
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as protests rage across america more black lives are lost despite promises of police reform faultlines hears from those demanding justice the truth countability transparency that's what i desire from the city i'm desperately need to change i have no faith and if it's a sin that needs to be reminded not to help the moment of reckoning racism and police in america on
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a jersey about. examining the headlines that said to me business wise to enron and they watch it on the news and i think if i was the communal kid from unflinching journalism how relevant is the debate here in this day and age how he characterized the protest movement i would say that we have served a wake you know over the nation sharing personal stories with a global audience. explore an abundance of world class programming the world is watching on al-jazeera. i know that corruption has reached a level like never ever before in our country. rank outsider. to president of the united states. the power was in the data we will moderate the american people with the truth and nothing else discover the fool for winning the white house unfair game on al-jazeera play an important role.
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ringback. again i can't pre-commit or say yes i'm going in with sam agenda because i'm not u.s. supreme court nominee amy kone barrett sidesteps questions on abortion and gay marriage on day 2 of her confirmation hearings. on your intelligence is al jazeera live from london also coming up.


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