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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 17, 2020 12:00am-1:01am +03

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now al-jazeera is investigative unit goes undercover to expose further revelations that go to the heart of the cypriote state al-jazeera investigations the cyprus papers on the cover. unprompted and uninterrupted discussions. from a london broadcast center. on al-jazeera. 0. hello i maryam namazie are watching the news hour live from london coming up in the next 60 minutes by water cannon but still defiant a 3rd day of protests in bangkok demonstrators want the prime minister gone and reforms to the monarchy. the u.k. prime minister again dangles the prospect of
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a no deal breck's it has spokes person claims talks with the e.u. are over french police opened a terror investigation after a teacher is killed in a knife attack in a suburb north of paris. arrested on drug charges mexico's former defense minister is taken into custody at los angeles airport and 10 scenes outside a south african court where 2 black men are accused of killing a white comma. hello welcome to the news hour we begin in thailand where police and anti-government protest as a force in the center of the capital water cannon was used to break through a barricade set up by demonstrators in bangkok for a 3rd day in a row now thousands of people defied a government ban on gatherings that calling for the prime minister's resignation and they also want unprecedented reforms to the country's monna came. hyder
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a ports now. face to face in bangkok anti-government protesters in tahrir police got into a violent confrontation 3 months to make. the mostly peaceful demonstrations started in july but for the 2nd day thousands ignored the risk of arrest under emergency decree issued the day before. as promised in an announcement just after the violence began to authorities began using everything at their disposal to stop the protests including water cannon with burning agent laced blue water the protesters are demanding a new constitution reform of the monarchy and the resignation of the cabinet including prime minister prayer genota something he dismissed on friday as he explained the reasons for the emergency order of the. let's not be left as you are all aware of the situation the government must use the emergency decree we have to proceed because the situation has become violent with some things that have never
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happened before. the protests started like the other 2 peaceful protests earlier in the week its location was changed at the last minute to confuse the security forces they continued their call for the release of the top protest organizers who were arrested on thursday morning. but about an hour into it the police made their move after several barricades were taken down and police advance on the protesters many tried to blend into the surrounding neighborhood. even though the leadership has officially called off the protest for the night riot police are clearing out the area of the original site for that protest earlier in the evening the big question now for the leadership is how do they move forward with the protests scotter out just here bangkok. well on the headline story today trade negotiations but in the european union appear to be on the brink of collapse after the u.k. prime minister want businesses to prepare for a no deal brax it a prime minister's official spokesperson then told journalists the trade talks are over but as it seems to be the case with bricks that nothing is ever really
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forebrain and. this was supposed to be the summit which signed off on a trade deal instead it has provoked some of the bleakest assessments yet of the prospects for agreement. the state of our talks is not that we are stumbling over the issue of fishing which is the tactical argument made by the british but to be a stumbling over everything everything. e.u. leaders had proposed 2 more weeks of last ditch talks but warned that the u.k. had to make the necessary moves to make an agreement possible that went down very badly in london and given that they have refused to negotiate seriously for much of the last few months and given that this summit appears explicitly to rule out a canada style deal i concluded that we should get ready for january the 1st with the rangelands that are more like australia's. an australian style deal really means no deal at all crucially johnson stopped short of calling off the talks and
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closing the door altogether but in an off camera briefing to journalists his official spokesman was more stark as far as we're concerned he said the trade talks are over the hardball rhetoric from downing street is setting alarm bells ringing here in london's financial district the square mile financial services represent $167000000000.00 to the u.k. economy that's around 7 percent of g.d.p. and the $33000000000.00 of financial services which are exported to the e.u. are now in jeopardy the food and drink federation said the u.k. was heading into very dangerous territory with tariffs exacting a heavy price on shoppers and the head of the c.b.i. pleaded that this is no time to give up neither side can afford to fall the final fence the german chancellor though held out a glimmer of hope the month of iraq was put on you not to you know when my the britain nor the e.u.
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wants an agreement at any price we are ready to continue negotiations we have seen a light in the last days of negotiations but of course they are still shut i believe that it is much better for both sides to reach an agreement but not at any price. the e.u. chief negotiator michel barnier is ready to travel to london on monday to try to find a compromise but the british chief negotiator david frost told him not to bother the 2 sides will speak instead by telephone paul brennan al-jazeera london. have more on this let's speak with much to rahman he's the managing director for year up at the eurasian group obviously a very dramatic gesture by the prime minister today between brussels saying that the negotiations will simply continue and in case chief negotiator saying that michel barnier doesn't have to come to london next week what happens when where do the talks go from here. but i don't think we should be too carried away of the drama frankly today i think another mini crisis was certainly expected on the e.u.
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side we know boris johnson was hoping for originally hoping for an agreement at today's council when it was clear he was going to get he was hoping for some concessions on the process so this idea is intensified talks that you didn't even give him not so of course he has to respond and until he and that's exactly what he's doing i suspect michel barnier and david frost will not talk on monday while they'll agree among themselves a slightly more intensive form of bet's a structure that does play and meet some of these you can object to this and then i suspect the talks will continue is a not taken seriously but this is going to be very stressful for businesses in the country isn't it have already taken a hit from the coronavirus now they're facing the prospect of tariffs the what very real possibility of tariffs on trade with the e.u. it is it's a stressful and there's going to be a tremendous amount of uncertainty but frankly i don't think a deal was ever realistically expected prior to going to mid november the kind of
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timeframe and you know we're in the teeth of the negotiation now the government has moved a bit on a key offensive interest for your about state aid there are some suggestions if you look closely i'm on your press conference that the french preparing to move on say shot with a lot of trade off between these 2 big outstanding issues and then the rest are not details there are important issues that need to be resolved like governance like other aspects of this so-called level playing field but i think the deal is there to be done and i've not really seen anything frankly today that fundamentally alters my my my base case a deal will be done but it will take a bit more time to drill down not much time left does the statement that we had from the prime minister today perhaps give brussel something of an upper hand does it make them think that they can play for time and really push that january 1st deadline. you know i think look the way the way boris johnson has framed the intervention today when talks resume he'll be able to say they resume precisely because that year has now been
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a bit more forthcoming on the substance of the process which are the concessions he needs to be able to claim he won in order to sell the deal home thanks terms of extending the deadline beyond 1st of john you're i don't think anybody frankly believe that is not doable because you have to create a legal process affectively extends this transition period that's very very difficult to do so the outcome at the end of the it will be binary either there will be a deal or that won't be in order to have that implemented by the end of this year i think you know it so late november is probably the last window to do it so there's still a bit of negotiating time left i think you mentioned the obstacles around fishing rights for example and then you have all the sticking points with the level playing field for british businesses but fundamentally the politics hair is that you have the prime minister says need to make brett 6 successful and the e.u. trying to make sure that that doesn't happen how do you get around that. well i don't think an agreement is mutually exclusive with the outcome but you've just
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described i mean for response and can already claim but the e.u. has moved on state aid if you remember their original position the e.u. was asking it was not the u.k. follows state aid rules e.u. stated rules in perpetuity and that's not where we are now but the u.k. will agree to a set of principles that approximate what the e.u. is doing but certainly not following the rules and regulations in perpetuity so there's already a win on states that the government can sell on say an accommodation needs to be reached between the french and the brits and i suspect one will be found originally the e.u. is asking for status quo access to u.k. water now the u.k.'s leaving of course your cannot expect status quo in micron and barney a chief negotiator if your been a few others have already begun suggesting they're not seeking status quo anymore so even on fish there's a landing zone on the middle in the middle east policy problems are more insoluble i think there needs to be something of a choreography about allows the 2 sides to claim a well win and sell the deal to their respective domestic audiences and i think we're moving into the zone now where we'll get those compromises and both sides
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will be able to do that west of iran thank you aneli one story that we've been following closely over the past few hours french police saying that a teacher has been beheaded in a suburb northwest of the capital paris they can mess at or shine cartoons of the prophet mohammed to students in attack at an 18 year old man born in moscow was shot dead by police shortly after the incident police have opened a terrorism investigation and novelty to. assisting in one of their fellow citizens was murdered today because he was a teacher because he was teaching students freedom of expression freedom to believe and not to believe akam patrick was attacked in the fashion but he was a victim of a characteristic islamic terrorist attack tasha butler is in paris and sent us this update. what we understand from
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a police spokesperson is that it was around 5 o'clock in the afternoon local time here in france in coffee santa ana reno a small town in a suburb northwest of paris when police approached a young man they say in in the street in a residential area not far from the school they say this young man had been acting suspiciously when they approached him he threatened them they say he had a knife in his hands he was armed and then they opened fire they shot him dead now when they then approached the attack of that have been shot dead they looked and about 200 meters away police say they saw the body of a man on the ground police say that body had been decapitated now what we understand is that the victim was in fact a professor of history a teacher of history i should say in a secondary school high school i think you'd say in france not far from the scene where he was killed police say that it was just last week that this teacher had
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actually taken a bunch of students and he had been teaching them about freedom of expression freedom of speech should have been a class and what he had shown them during that class as part of it was the front of the charlie hebdo newspaper that had some cartoons of the prophet mohammed and what police are saying is that they believe the attack is linked to the fact that those teacher. cartoons now police have a little bit more information about the attack and he was born in 2002 seems only 18 years old he was actually born in moscow. in the news hour life from london much more still ahead on the program to town halls to separate locations but which of the presidential contenders won the battle for the most of us.
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the british prime minister barak's johnston says he opposes another national lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus but he hasn't ruled it out london and several other areas will move into level 2 restrictions part of the new 3 tier alert system in place in england for more on this let's speak to neve of how all this work. will marry and they always said that thursday's the new friday here in london they subsidy no exception here in soho. people are moving home at a slow and largely orderly pace much earlier than usual because they've been to tempe curfew in place now for several weeks and a woman it past midnight they'll be even more restrictions governing how when where people can meet some people do these new restrictions is being incredibly intrusive others see them as being the only way to bring the steadily increasing infection rate under control and other people view these new restrictions as being something
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of a prey due to something deeper and possibly even wider. last chance saloon from midnight on friday new rules in london and other parts of england the mixing of different households inside a part of the government's localised response to rising infection rates a move the prime minister said avoided the need for another national law down. some of them argued that we should introduce a national lockdown and instead of targeted local action i disagree closing businesses in cornwall where transmission is low will not cut transmission in manchester so what i can't rule anything out if a tour possible i want to avoid another national lockdown with the damaging economic and social effects it would have in the capital up to 6 people for mixed
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households all support bubbles can still meet outside where there's little infection risk leading to some creative ways of bringing people together winter's coming and britain's bracing for a season out of the cold there's growing anger over the social economic and health costs of curtailing people's freedom the prime minister promised johnson is walking a delicate tightrope between those who say his measures are far too restrictive and those who believe the government isn't going far enough in trying to stop this virus in its tracks a better argument also erupted between the british government and leaders in the north of england the mayor of manchester's warned of dire consequences for the local economy if forced to accept the toughest coronavirus restrictions including a complete ban on social gatherings. the united kingdom has europe's highest official death toll but cases are soaring across europe with around 100000 infections a day the czech republic's building the country's 1st makeshift hospital to cope
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with europe's fastest rise in cases more than 4000 hospital staff are now infected . in some of the most drastic measures paris and other major friend cities will be under nightly curfews for 4 weeks starting on saturday. many businesses across europe were counting on the christmas season to help bolster sales and protect jobs instead europe now responsible for a 3rd of all global cases is bracing for a winter of deep discontent. so you've got multiple warnings in several countries across the whole of europe in addition to the ones that i mentioned in that report brussels belgium has been warning of a shortage of intensive care beds they say they'll run out of room within a matter of weeks if the level of infection there continues to soar as it has been doing in the past few days warnings to from northern italy from lombardi of course
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melanne so badly hit by the 1st wave of coronavirus officials in italy have resisted the possibility of reintroducing tight lock downs in cities or entire regions but now we gather that that is not off the table and a sense too that the pandemic is impeding on decision makers in the european union 3 e.u. leaders having to drop out of all important talks in brussels that it doesn't appear to be a single corner of europe that isn't deeply affected by this escalating crisis thanks very much. now drug giant pfizer says it could file for emergency u.s. authorization of its covert $1000.00 vaccine next month if approved it could be available by the end of the year pfizer will announce a vaccine is effective later this month based on a clinical trial in the trial involving $40000.00 people the company is warned it
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also needs safety data which will not be available until november another american company mcdonough is aiming to seek authorization for expects its vaccination by november 25th. meanwhile the world health organization says it has had very good dialogue with developers of a 2nd russian vaccine but it's still waiting for results of phase 3 clinical trials russia reported more than 15000 new cases of corinna virus on friday another record high the kremlin says it's worried by the rising infections but that the situation is under control. now mexico's president has promised to clean up the armed forces after the arrest in the united states of the country's former defense minister on drug charges salvador led the army for 6 years and then president and reka pena nieto it's a blow for mexico's army a key player in the fight against the country's drug cartels john heilemann has more. hinted i think by those the infernal cepeda think of it that you the anything
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senator knight as head of mexico's armed forces from 2012 to 18 salvador see him for a goals was a key part of the fight against organized crime. the lobby that but now in a surprise arrest by u.s. authorities he's accused of playing for the wrong team all along charged with conspiring to manufacture and ship cocaine meth and heroin into the u.s. as well as protecting the h 2 cartel from mexican and u.s. law enforcement. 2 the indictment says he was known as el reno the godfather it's a 1st time the former head of the mets k'naan forces has been arrested president lopez obrador claims it shows the failure of past governments. why is that. this is an unequivocal signal of the decay of the government in the neoliberal period and i always said it wasn't just a crisis that it was a progressive deregulation this should serve for us to understand that the main
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problem mexico is corruption. it's a political gift for the president he sees himself as an anti graft crusader and has proposed a referendum to run in tandem with mid-term elections over whether to charge former presidents have committed alleged crimes in mexico right now already one of the top topics in discussion is should former presidents go on trial and this plays right into that if a minister of defense was involved with drug trafficking what about his books is going to be used by the governing party more and other part of president of the world or to bring out voters is the idea of you know going to go to people say well you know why you know you're going to go out and bore and waits and election this is historic once in a lifetime chance to clean up mexico but will it be more than just a vote getter a cat's. perhaps for real change the president's other comments made dump an
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expectation and he claimed that the army and navy of pillars of the mets can state so strong that the detention of one ex defense minister doesn't make them weaker that's going to be hard for some people to swallow after all sin for eagles led mexico's army for 6 years and not through long ago but president lopez obrador has come to the president on his generals perhaps even more than his predecessors relying on them to combat crime and also to build infrastructure and this arrest was carried out by the us not by mexico which had no investigation opening to see him for eagles this is just the start of a meaningful clean up the road bump to be quickly forgotten is an open question john homan. well now but our roots as per opposition leaders fell on a chicken off sky on its wanted list and says it has evidence opposition figures sought to destabilize the country cheering recent protests jochen off sky recently
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met european leaders she flirted with the waning after the disputed august election that spot widespread demonstrations and calls of president alexander lukashenko to step down and that's to go to say chicken off skier is wanted for making calls to overthrow the constitutional order meanwhile kyrgyzstan's parliament has voted to end a state of emergency imposed after disputed elections and widespread protests friday's move follows the appointment of interim president side of was freed from prison by protesters just 2 days ago and was by prime minister on wednesday following the resignation of president whom by back of chapter of his now assume that role. which opera has opposed by some who say he's forced his way on democratically into power al-jazeera style stratfor travel to his birthplace in the country's rural north and sent this report. wow this is the village of kin sue in the it's a cool region of northern kyrgyzstan it is the birthplace of the man who so his
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critics say has forced his way into power in the chaos since a palm tree election on october the 4th was cancelled because of vote rigging allegations so there is a part of it is now prime minister and until new elections are held acting president 3 weeks ago he was serving 11 years the kidnapping. but here and the much of the vast rural regions of kyrgyzstan he is loved by many. i believe in soldered to par off because he's faced many difficulties in his life he recognizes the problems that worry ordinary people like us things like corruption and land that was sold to neighboring countries some politicians support him and some do not but it's meaningless because we support him. to power of support his freedom from during post-election protests his party leaders scramble to influence the will to pit to be a power vacuum to power supporters charged
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a peaceful demonstration. many supporters of other opposition groups fled. in rural towns there are memorials dedicated to kill guess who died fighting for the soviets in world war 2 and statues of historical figures who was a member of parliament 10 years ago is known for his nationalist views not much has changed in the village where he was born since kyrgyzstan's independence up to the breakup of the soviet union 30 years ago. the men ride horses to herd cattle and sheep most of the young have left for the capital bishkek will join the estimated 800000 killed is forced to find work abroad. yeah but i believe everything will be ok i'm very proud of saudi or japan or of he came from us ordinary people i saw him once and i asked him to be good not to bring shame on us a man should only leave good things and memories behind him. his critics describe him
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as a fog somebody who should still be in jail afraid to the democratic progress this country has made they say but the fact of the matter remains that the new prime minister saw that your power of has huge respect in the rural areas of kyrgyzstan areas that experts say have repeatedly been ignored by governments in the path that al-jazeera you see cool. still ahead for you on the news hour philippine fieri with a hardline president jails human rights activist is prevented from seeing her dying baby. and millions of votes has frozen hours of guinea's presidential election some say there's more going on than meets the eye. but. we got some very heavy rain pushing across central and eastern parts of europe
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there are lots of clouds showing up here some rather disturbed weather in the forecast what the weather moving across italy and the balkans and then some really heavy rain also easing over towards ukraine temp just take baths around 11 celsius in kiev cold enough in moscow but that would rain that will actually make its way 3 remaining and even grace seeing some wet weather along with western parts of the west where it's somewhat dry but particularly warm having said that 13 celsius in london and paris and even madrid will start to pick up navigating up to around 19 celsius with the temperatures here getting up to around 21 celsius in madrid come sunday still largely dry to the west but sorry to that rain just coming in and telling a little wet suiko warms through the last part of the weekend that is what the weather continuing just around the eastern side of europe but washy dry into central parts lousy drs here across northern areas of africa a little bit of cloud there into northern parts of libya maybe into tunisia and the
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a showers there across central africa of course a seasonal rains heavy showers there still causing some very heavy downpours into southern parts of nigeria got a saying heavy rain where the pushing all the way across into sierra leone by sas they often. held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison so denied their right to a fair trial no charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent saying. is crime journalism. to demand martin to think and boy solidarity with all detained journalists sign the petition. 3 minute you say. them approach it people of argentina have been marginalized and abroad of a culture for generations. using 21st century tools one
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modified to reconnect to their heritage and share their culture with the next generation. if you find a latin america discovers new filmmaking talent from around the globe. message for my daughter on al-jazeera. welcome back look at the headlines now police in thailand use water cannon to break through a barricade set up by demonstrators in bangkok thousands of people continue to defy a ban on gatherings calling for the prime minister's resignation and reforms to the
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more nikky. trade negotiations between person in the european union appear to be on the brink of collapse after the u.k. prime minister want businesses to prepare for a no deal breck's it to say that willing to continue negotiating but won't seek a deal at any cost and mexico's president has promised to clean up the armed forces off the arrests in the united states of the country's former defense minister on drug charges salvador at sea and floyd goss led the army for 6 years on to the then president and we continue to. well american voters were asked to tune into competing televised events on thursday with president donald trump and democratic candidate joe biden both vying for their attention data shows the former vice president joe biden pulled in more than 13900000 viewers while trump attracted roughly 13000000 analysts also measured
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black and hispanic voters demographics play a key role in next month's poll biden's audience was at 32 percent nonwhite trump was close behind though at 29 percent while white house correspondent can really help as more on this now from washington. 2 very distinct and different styles of campaigning donald trump the more combative he got it seemed the more at ease he became much like his presidency and then it was a stark contrast to the more measured kind of policy focused someone even say sleepy town hall of joe biden so this is essentially the choice that americans are going to make and in fact we should point out are already making because the numbers seem to indicate that when it comes to early voting that these are numbers we've never seen before in the united states some 21000000 americans have already cast their ballots and more are expected in advance of the november 3rd election
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and what also makes the campaigns nervous particularly on donald trump said is there are fewer undecided voters this time around than in 2016 roughly 7 percent of the voting public is undecided so that means that donald trump especially has to work very very hard to try and win over but it is going to be a challenge because again he's behind by most polls by double digits but the number of undecided voters is in the single digits so even if he captured all of them he could still potentially lose the election so he's working very hard he's campaigning in the battleground state of florida but we also know that joe biden is hitting those battleground states very hard as well and as we know as well he's going to bring out some of the big names next week the former president barack obama will be campaigning we know on wednesday on behalf of his vice president joe biden of course running to take the oval office. well as kimberly was saying there almost 21000000 americans have already voted even though election day still 3 weeks
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away and us watching those polls say 10 out amongst democrats is almost 3 percent higher than at this point 2016 well david campbell is a professor of political science at university of missouri st louis and author of helping america vote the limits of election reform he joins us via skype from st louis so some unprecedented early voting on buzz nearly 20000000 americans as we were saying have voted early compared to some 6000000 at this stage in the race 4 years ago now many of these are democrats but just tell us more about the the specific demographic groups that we're talking about. right it's a little bit different this year because of the pandemic and i think because of the high interest in the election among american voters but. typically people who vote early tend to be older than average american voters for example and they tend to be
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very. highly interested in the outcome of elections so you strong strong partisans either republicans or democrats so does that how much of a difference so how much of an advantage does it give the democrats obviously we know what the polling numbers say but in those key swing states ah these early voters just the same people the same support says that would that it just voting early or. right i mean i think there's 2 things here at play one is greater interest in in the election this year maybe than we've seen the past and then also. the pandemic and greater interest particularly among democrats to vote early or by what we call absentee voting. whereas many republicans i think are following the lead of the president and maybe waiting to vote on election day or maybe less willing to vote early. oh so how how
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conscious are the democrats of that then does it mean that there is going to be this big republican wave coming from voters who have yet to cause that ballots but would rather do so in person on election day itself. right the evidence from from public opinion poll suggests they're more republicans are waiting to vote on election day so even though we're seeing so far more democrats and republicans voting early that could be balanced out once the election's over and once the election day voting is completed is president trump running out of time to turn things around ticket in those battleground states. right we're less than 3 weeks to to the election at least the national polls and some of the polls in the swing states show the president trailing joe biden so the time is short to get things turned around for the president what could go wrong for
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joe biden. well. some strange event late breaking news. perhaps but at least to this point that it did it's that biden has over president trump in the polls has been relatively stable and if anything has grown a little larger so. you know as we get closer to the election it's harder to imagine what might train change the trajectory here we were just talking about the early voting just give us a sense of how dire is for president trump in the sense that he is losing support amongst women in the suburbs and also among senior citizens that combined with that wave of democratic voting not these very negative factors for him.
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right. in previous elections women voted more for the democratic candidate than republicans. but that gap has widened particularly among women living in suburban areas of the country which which tend to be relatively competitive between the 2 parties i think the fact that the president's losing ground among elderly voters is maybe even more worrisome because elderly voters voted pretty strongly for president trump in 2016 well thank you very much thank you for sharing your thoughts with us david kendall presser fiscal fines university of missouri st louis thank you. well the organization of american states has called on bolivians to ensure sunday's presidential election isn't marred by violence amid a tightening race between 2 main presidential candidates but will be key to the
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direction of the landlocked country after a fraught ballot last year vote point to the resignation of the former president evo morales and plunge the landing country into turmoil trays of reports. son was buried in a mass grave in the cemetery he was a victim of covert 19 element that element then unfortunately he was buried in this grave i'm very outraged there are individual graves and my son was not given the opportunity what can i do this is the way locke is offering. levy has lost more than 8000 people to cope with 19 and the numbers are climbing it's against this backdrop that voters head to the polls this weekend to elect the country's president the elections have already been postponed twice because of colvin 19 and as the country deals with more than 180000 infections and then overwhelm the hospital system health care is for many people a leading election issue robin says that others on the list but the pandemic course
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in a critical situation in the country in the hospitals we didn't have enough intensive care units i want a president will give us the health care system we deserve. instability has been on the rise in the country after former president evo morales was forced to resign last year he was accused of committing fraud voters will have to choose between the candidate of evil moralists party. and former president. polls suggest there might be a 2nd round. in the primitive would sit. in the 1st round power is at stake because the 1st round will define congress in the 2nd round will define who will be the next president there's a deep crisis because we face. problems of all sorts economic social political we need to have minimum standards to decrease the level of conflict what's at stake in the election is bolivia is democratic system or electoral of 40 say they're taking
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all the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the virus like preventing physical contact between voters and officials in the polling stations. you cite each station the electoral notaries i in charge of guaranteeing that voters won't be in contact with others that their weary face must improve around and a type of kong or a should at a polling site. believe is in desperate need of political stability and the selections are crucial to guarantee the next president has the legitimacy needed to help the country recover. well now there's been a standoff outside a court in the south african town of semicolon wet 2 black men are accused of the murder of a white farm worker the killing 2 weeks ago has led to tensions between white farmers and supporters of the opposition party for me the mela reports.
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it's the culmination of days of tension as supporters of the economic freedom fighters confront a white farmers and cynical in the free state province the fighters as they call themselves say they're here to defend state institutions and democracy some of their supporters threw rocks block the road last week white farmers stormed the cynical magistrate's court as 2 black men appeared for the murder of white farm manager brendan warner the damaged property and said fire to a police vehicle they're going to stop them to do as they wish but not to quote go confront them. whatever the word is that. if they give defrayed rebuke them the fight farmers here say the government has failed them by not dealing with violence on farms brendan warner was killed 2 weeks ago his body was dumped here on the local pharmacy say they're angered not only by the killing but also the way it
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happened the course of this was a rush for. them it was brewed with a fine rope the worst that i got there was that bow at their polling was far from to the pole and he was left over the as the 2 men appeared again in court and friday for the murder farmers and their supporters demonstrated outside the boarding civil rights organization africa forum they've been more than $290.00 farm attacks and $37.00 murders this year enough is enough we can't afford the killing of our families in this country anymore they carry our economy they make our food they feed us it is important that we take a stand today the leader of the economic freedom fighters julius malema has been accused of inciting violence in stoking racial tensions. farmers we spoke to who refused to appear on camera said they do not prepared to fight if necessary but.
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ruth who was the most recent one to. whom was the bail application for the 2 men accused of killing ana has been postponed until next week the president called him up also says racial tensions in south africa need to be addressed although continued to strengthen social cohesion the protesters and both sides of the divide appear unwilling to back down raising concerns things will only wasn't in a country where people may not have truly reconciled for me the militia al-jazeera cynical in the free state. the death of a baby separated from her jailed mother the sparks protests in the philippines the human rights worker was unable to see her 3 month old daughter before she died the cases intensified criticism of president reagan to terror taste treatment of
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prisoners and political activists jamelle onondaga has more from a demonstration in the capital manila. from a peaceful ceremony to our lightning rod which family members and supporters of re not in her baby river say a shuttle of indignation and outrage told the treatment of raina a mother for the 1st time a political prisoner who was forcibly taken away from her baby rena was not able to say goodbye she was not given a chance to say goodbye to her sick baby and she was only given 3 hours in total to visit the funeral and say goodbye today the day of the burial from even before the program even before the battle began police. with our lord and stop people from joining us a lot of friends and comrades and even the family members enough is enough from joining. the program. all i ever
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wanted was for mother and daughter to meet for my granddaughter to be buried to have a peaceful meeting but it didn't happen i even had my head on the funeral car because i was holding onto it. no rights groups say the treatment of rayna is proof of the harsh methods of the philippine government towards political prisoners activists and rights workers who know the plight of political prisoners is included in the latest human rights report by the united nations by amnesty international and volume on rights watch these are again is asians have been calling on the philippine government to improve the living conditions of political prisoners and to ensure that those cases should have been dropped should be released immediately they say the philippine government has a responsibility to treat filipinos the mother what their status is and to ensure
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equal protection under philippine law. so i have for you on this news out from the london. a united front in pakistan opposition parties caught together in a massive show of dissent against the government of iran khan. and sending radioactive water back to the sea japan's controversial plan for a damaged nuclear power plant.
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now protests have caused major disruptions in cities across nigeria as demonstrators call for a range of government and police reforms in the capital of protesters there are defied a ban on street protests rallies started more than a week ago over allegations of police brutality ahmed address has from. protesters back on the streets in numbers because before on foot and in their cars despite concessions from the government clogging the streets of cities already victoriously gridlocks the been don't straighten for more than a week and have vowed to stay on the streets was long as it takes to achieve their objectives. along u.s. brother was taken by officers of this crap police unit the special a trooper is called or sobs 12 years ago and hasn't been seen since then she says
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what they're asking for more than the changes government has offered to give was just these people. to start with the i.g.p. should resign because obviously he doesn't have the control of the police force the police force to listen to so if you come up onto what is under your control you're not you don't have any business. and we also ask that all peaceful protesters be released immediately in some states like lagos some protesters have been freed when the government to be for 2nd consecutive day protesters are back on the streets of the capital defying an earlier government ban on street protest what we see here is being replicated in cities right across nigeria security services up so far showing restraint but what is not clear is how long will that be. as the demonstrations gather momentum protesters demand also keep changing we are asking. people. to be accountable to us to be reformed out. what is the only way they can have the
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goods on the corrie through the police that. like many other cities in nigeria is bracing for more of these disruptions for now though the police are we going to continue with you greece. which are. well now security forces in guinea are on high alert and have bombed the entrance the capital city center ahead of sunday's presidential elections military count was attacked late on thursday just as the candidates held their final rallies this vote will see president alpha condé running for a 3rd term the 82 year old was once sentenced to death as an opposition leader but now critics accuse him of drifting into authoritarianism on his main challenger is set to jell-o. he served as prime minister under lansana conte in the early to thousands the jello has lost the last 2 elections but is hoping to benefit from what he calls condé is catastrophic record. reports. it's time for me to become
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your president a final gathering for opposition candidates. after he called them a military to come out and vote president alpha called day out of power soldiers attacked the military camp in kinda where the rally was held killing the camp commander a close ally to the president in the interview with al jazeera in september jello warned about growing discontent in the ranks of the military with the risk of a coup is real yes we would rather see them stay put in their barracks but so far they've always been on the side of the dictator. i hope that our soldiers will change their position and stand by to guinea and people whose. government shut the country's borders and is restricting internet access over security concerns the presidential guards have been deployed in the capital who are setting up checkpoints tension is rising ahead of sunday's polls so this is owned. by
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the city with. this kind of surprise and this is going to need a big problem. and support this so for me that is the one thing in the kind of real for it to be. the way i think that to to increase in them since. the octogenarian president amended the constitution allowing him to run a 3rd mandate suppressing demonstrations in a referendum boycotted by civil society and the opposition during a campaign marred by violence condé stoked ethnic divisions in this multi-ethnic country make up the majority but never has a philosophy been elected to power jello is hoping to be the 1st with the slogan to unite and serve in a bid to bring together a country bitterly divided ahead of the polls because hawke al-jazeera.
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now to pakistan an alliance of opposition parties in the country is called for a series of anti-government protests in pakistan democratic movement accuses the government led by prime minister and ron kahn of failing on multiple fronts hyder explains. don't go of thousands of papers a country watching on the largest the day of august on good for a while which is also the industrial country now due to the combined efforts by the opposition parties ranging from the far right to the left god will be trying to exert pressure on the government to resign and they have always been a legend that the government was elected after a massive rigging they are of course also a member of the same parliament the government has allowed the opposition to hold a large rally as was a. soap it must be followed because of the danger over the surgeons over 19
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but the people we have seen are oblivious to that today it is going to be important to also see whether this political parties that have now come under a common agenda are going to try to exert pressure and to be able to stand a movement. yet today we are waging protest for the rights of 220000000 pakistanis for the rights of jobless people and business communities for the rights of course farmers and those lady health workers who are protesting in islam about for their service benefit and for the respect for the vote of ordinary people of this country. and the differences within the opposition i've always lead to failure of such a line saying i didn't did a warning sign for the present government we're just been struggling through their lives the economy the opposition that they killed the government of prime minister imran khan of massive mismanagement of the economy and then out that name
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countrywide protests going on imran khan has not fulfilled any of his promises he has made before elections he has fooled all of us by giving false hopes we all the jobs he has promised and way is to face. of new pakistan today everyone is repenting on his selection. imraan yasi has failed miserably he has mismanaged the economy and the poor people are facing huge inflation and unemployment this day should be marked as the end of iran's era and he should immediately resign before it's too late there's a political party from the far left or the far right and it will be important and see whether they can manage and unity and order to bring a session on the government to resign and they're still wiccan monks ribbit critical but the government on the other hand says that didn't help vent on rooting out corruption and other something that the op or there's an ad saying it's being used as a political rant that they're said to call. now japan will reportedly relation to
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the same treated radioactive water from a destroyed nuclear plant follows years of the bay of how to dispose of in a plane which was used to call the fukushima power station hit by massive tsunami in 2011 the government is expected to make a formal announcement this month with the release to start in 2022. but the thing to understand is that the government in japan would have everyone believe that it's only one type of radioactivity so called city and it's in the water again that's also not true there are many different people who plights in the water including strontium 90 which is the bone sticking cancer causing isotopes. that will be released along with all the other radioactivity in the water over about 30 years starting possibly in 2023 if we can't stop them and that water then spreads through washing currents but the radioactivity depending on the type of activity concentrates in different marine life and sea weeds and ultimately in the human
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food chain unfortunately they have dismissed the alternatives did not use the best available technology and they have this crisis of over a 1000000 tons of contaminants of water. the alternative is very clear which is to continue to store in more robust tanks the japanese government's own committee in february issued a report or acknowledged that storage on site after 2022 was possible it ruled out because they said to them it would take time to negotiate there's also the land outside the fukushima daiichi site which of course is highly contaminated and will not create habited by most people from that era for the foreseeable future so the storage option is clearly the grassed option other than rather than releasing directly into the environment and that's what we've been telling the guy japanese government and that's what we'll be demanding that they do this is not over the government's making
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a decision but it doesn't mean it's going to happen. that wraps up the news al but also in a couple of minutes with an alpha focus. from fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to meet such to moms as a global power development of investment company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against east amounts we provide business growth promote
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social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound energy solutions for future generations no pressure by metering future energy on counting the cost the price of doing business with china see how the fungus is turned into the coercion of economic and geopolitical will also beijing for the tibetan farm laborers into reeducation camps and with more bailouts of bellaver east of moscow more of mints counting the cost on al-jazeera. if we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound. cinematic. al-jazeera bringing the news and current affairs that matter to. al-jazeera. you know that corruption has reached a level like never ever before in our country. rank outsider. to
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president of the united states. the power was in the data we will moderate the american people with the truth and nothing else discovered. for winning the white house on fair game on al jazeera. doused by water cannon but still defiant a 3rd day of protests in bangkok demonstrators want the prime minister gone and curbs to the monarchy. following maryam namazie in london you're watching out as they are also coming up on the program u.k. prime minister again dangles the prospects of a no deal breaks it is about us and claiming talks with the e.u.
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are over. french police open a terror investigation after a teacher is killed in a.


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