tv The Stream Al Jazeera October 22, 2020 11:30am-12:01pm +03
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this recognition from pope francis that all couples are also families that gays lesbians bisexuals and trans people have rights to form a family we're taking a step forward especially for people of faith but we know that we have to recognize the rights of civil unions that's where we say it's progress but not so much. this is a man who's opened his heart to the progress takes time in a church that's so old for many this message of togetherness and inclusive is just what the times require. and chapelle al-jazeera. it is good to have you with us holloway dream for going to here in doha the headlines and i was here a u.s. intelligence official say that iran and russia have obtained voter information to interfere in the upcoming election the f.b.i. says the aim is to cause confusion and chaos we've been working for years as
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a community to build resilience in our election infrastructure and today that infrastructure remains resilient you should be confident that your vote counts early and verified claims to the contrary should be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism we encourage everyone to seek election and voting information from reliable sources namely your state election officials and to be thoughtful careful and just surname consumers of information online and if you suspect criminal activity we ask that you report that information to your local f.b.i. field office and asked try can afghanistan has killed at least 12 children it happened yeah a mosque in the city of telecom it appears the ass trunk was called to counter a large taliban advance in the area it's not yet clear if us all afghan government forces are responsible. france and spain have become the 1st 2 european union
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countries to supply 1000000 confirmed coronavirus cases and germany's daily infection count has risen above 10000 for the 1st time thailand's prime minister has reversed an emergency decree banning protests tens of thousands to fight the measures for more than a week. turkey says that it will send troops to the disputed region of the go to cover back if the requested by azerbaijan sporadic fighting between armenia and azerbaijan has been going on now for more than 3 weeks despite to ceasefire deals violence between security forces and protesters in guinea's capital is left at least 9 people dead it follows a tense presidential election between president on day and his main rival there's the headlines more news for you on al-jazeera after the stream next. i want you to . defeat this center but china virus as we call it there is no place for hate in america well i'm feeling great about your mask is not
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a political statement it's a scientific organization the final presidential t.v. debate live on al-jazeera. dying to feed the public activists say that poultry workers in the united states of being put at unnecessary risk during a pandemic. today on the string we discuss the hardships these laborers face and ask who will help them you can join in the stream as a way you can tweet us at a.j. stream and also jumping to the live comments on the you change chat and be part of today's show. the current virus has put thousands of poaching processing workers across the united states in a horrible predicament restore health by continuing to work or lose that job
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a few months into the pandemic i joined up with out as it was for clients to find out what was happening to these essential workers risking their life to feed america. the management there they care more about a piece of meat going in the tree then they care about their team members in that it became very evident this year. if you could conjure a perfect incubator for a virus like hope at 19 i mean packing plant as a great read. get your sympathy on that but above see better known as this is. no no this year never
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leave that get out of. joining us to discuss the difficulties many polje workers are currently facing in virginia bailey who you just saw in that tape she is a former poaching plant employee in arkansas michael e-coli she's the co-founder and director of friends of animals that's a food chain a workers alliance and in washington d.c. dave marash skin he's an attorney and allegedly direct public justice for you project he also is featured in the 4 documentary how everybody is really good to have you i have a theory magalie most people have no idea what goes on in a poultry processing plants how would you like to interact in them. well i mean work you mean process in plan is definitely a very than generous and difficult job for workers here in america lost the workers come from a latino married can last of them a refugee in asian or black communities that work in this plan so prior to the and
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they're made the conditions were all really difficult for most of this workers have been organized in workers are on the amount of chemicals used in this plant so whenever we saw that and then we come in we saw we knew that these workers were very vulnerable to copy main teen because of the long live 3 speed archery each shoes that they have phased by working with this chemicals and so when we saw the outbreaks happening across the country we knew that he was just a matter of time. experiencing these here and it's because of their lack of the workers are not allowed to practice social distancing workers were shorted to shoulder to shoulder as we saw in the documentary any so much impossible for borger's the fact is there is and so that's why many of them got sick because the
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company was not protecting them they don't have basic leave they don't have any of the sensual protections that the older workers may have these workers were lacking in that so that's why help it meant team kit so hard in this industry in this industry keesha what was that like that moment when covert started spreading through the party ponce way you lived and you knew workers and you initially were working there as beginning a covert 19 what was that like what did it feel like how freddy were here. it was very scary i must say and generally i have never felt like that working for tyson where i never felt like my safety was ever in fear or fear of my safety or at risk. and for our numbers skyrocket for this little area the way that they did it that was very alarming it was
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a fear that was set here that we never imagined and we all know this is our president at times but the fact that our numbers were rising higher than the higher populated areas in for jamia was was very very very scary in the nervousness just seeing the fear on everyone's faces coming into work while i was still there before i took a stance to leave i had never felt anything like that and like i mentioned i have 5 years' experience working with tyson and by far this year was the most fear for my safety i've ever experience what would be stereotyped out poaching processing. one of those particular conditions like that well because we get to come to luck. the answer is basically everything would be terrible to think about poultry processing during covert 19 as you know the video you showed highlighted these are
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really incubate as for the spread that you have people working shoulder to shoulder in the hallway is on the line 8 hours a day if not more 6 days a week and it was months before they got masks while the rest of the country was sheltering in place these people were going to work every day and putting their lives on the line they were told they didn't even need math until 2 months into the pandemic and these companies just don't have an interest in their employees we represent a family who during the 1st few months of the pandemic was working in a facility the mother in the family who worked at this facility went to the nurse who is not on the property and said i'd feel sick i have a fever i have a cough aching she was told no no no it's a cold to go back to the line go back to work she brought covert ho infected her daughter she her daughter was pregnant both ended up in the hospital the mother
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died at the daughter gave birth while she was on a ventilator b o c section and this is what's going on in these plants during a pandemic i want to show me some right here on my laptop this is the title of today's show and i did want to keep food on americans' homeless i want you to have someone else that i spoke to was i was doing reporting on the $4000.00 stock a month and i explained those 1st few months so we're looking at march april what it was like to what what is the what with all talent. you know one place the employer you know thumbing through in your must. not to list them i let them put i pulled out a marker of really. more of yourself use them because i was prosperous or or proud of our people for our service or where i am to be the. wall plug because i have already. let me put this to you did work
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to keep food on america's table start question the answer is what absolutely yes. why is that even acceptable. it's an acceptable. it's surely unacceptable because it just makes us feel like there our lives are disposable and we are essential but we're not disposable and i knew one of the poetry workers for one of our plants here she was from the produce i knew her she was a very nice lady got along with everybody she didn't have a bad bone in her body and that was devastating when i heard that she was still going to work carrying symptoms she already had preexisting conditions and
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just effect on how hearing that they treated her and right literally when she got off from work she died as soon as she got home. i am here or didn't think to emphasize this kitchen is absolutely right the workers died this was not necessary to keep food on america's table there's that this theory out there that we were about to experience a meat shortage we worked this we could have continued to have meat on the tables we're going to continue to have other put on the table this was a decision to part profits for these companies over these workers lives we had this was totally unnecessary for the american consumer. and also the company is really purposely expose workers to get say one of the things that we also experience here in arkansas and besides the stories all the stories are really similar by state and by companies and one of the things that workers were very best friend was the lack
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of transparency the company was not letting them know or if they were added ways of being close to someone who got to that boss that they if we saw a correlation all collaboration with the permanent health that were not reporting cases they were not telling workers if they were at risk so on. really well 2 workers were treated the friend and the rest of the workers from all other industries because they were going to food workers or and let them know that they were out there plans would be forced to shut down and precisely that was why i didn't want to shut down so they can have the information away from workers and that is why big companies were bristly our workers at risk because they've given no . banters or working closely with people that weren't coming away the every guess i want to put some of the comments are happening on you changed to us and you
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can respond immediately to them so candice says i have no choice but to work as a single mother in a high risk environment because no one else will feed us my children beg me to stay home i have no choice candy is obviously a meat packing processor nina jones says on on you tube several people i know work at tyson there is no distancing the problem is people need food and they produce prices and those prices are going up etc day can you respond to that people need food so there's no social distancing because people need food i want to show people some of the undercover video that we call from arkansas or and this is how close people are working together so one of the workers there was really kind to us at 4 lines and took a big risk so let's let's play that video so we can see how closely people are
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working together dave is there a choice here do these workers have to put their life. on the wine maker from montesquieu of america i've got a pretty celestial can buy that there's absolutely no need for workers to be this close what can happen is that the lines can be slowed down and then workers could be spaced apart for less meat goes through a supply and a given time the more workers can space because they have more room to make the cuts they have more room for to do their project without being close to someone else who needs to do the next step in the process that what you're hearing about the need for food is entirely a creation of one the industry and its marketing side and to the trumpet ministration that this was an effort by the trumpet ministration to justify a gift to the industry that it was going to issue an order saying that the
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repacking plants were essential because food was at risk and the meat packing plants were going to be able to leverage that to try to keep workers in place it's important to know that a the government does not have the power it can't actually force the packing plant to stay open and b that's a myth we have tons of food whether early in what's known as cold storage and that can be accessed the amount that's being processed there are actually less need right now because we're exporting less because the rest of the world also experience like a pandemic this is all a myth that meant and ensure that we keep on producing at the same levels so that companies can profit regardless of the impact on the workers who could be saved simply by some minor changes that would allow the production to continue while the workers could be say. i'm going to be really really honest here. and kitchen just might be really honest here it has been very difficult to get hold of either the lobbyists who work for the poultry industry or the companies themselves
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statements or totally ghosting we did get some statements from tyson foods and i'm going to share that with you in response to our saying we become a bit on this program but in the conversation as we were trying to make the documentary i had a back and forth of bergersen he works with p.r. for tyson food and eventually after weeks of trying to get an interview the interview didn't happen but i did find derek talking about the safety precautions that tyson foods is taking during covert 19 have a look this is from you chief. before the start of every shift key members to richards are taken with this one through to put your scanner if there fever is 100 kids or greater takes another tip if that fever is still 101 or greater than. this area is where team members are also provided their required facial coverings their man asks for their work every single day and so they can take it
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from this area at the end of the day to go home as you go into the plant floor inside of our facilities you see there are some instances where social distancing is naturally occurring in other areas there are workstation dividers were team members are working closely together you also see the required use official coverings and in some cases the plastic visors covering or team members face. so terry did send a very long statement for us to share program officer captcha the entire statement with you but something that jumped us at top priority is the health and safety of our workers and we've implemented a house to protective measures at a facilities that meant. to destroy disease control and which is the department for united states guidance for preventing 19 say tyson food to say we are proudly doing this for the keesha you sank what.
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they might be doing that now but they should have started that when the 1st case was reported in each play it that way and after a little bit of heat and attention is drawing about say become star. but you're going to stop you're going to start doing this after the cases have already reached over at least 50 percent of the player population. and from my understanding currently tyson has gone right back to normal operations as if covert nighty never hit with does that mean what does no operations will. they're not doing any more testing or sight from my understanding as for the temperature checks some team members are still a little bit leery about their temperatures and how they're checking down. the line speeds have raised they have been working 6 days
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a week. oh it's just like nothing ever happened i'm going to put this team ugly maria says the problem is workers in the us have 0 protections the regulation frenzy of the trump of ministration has made this situation more precarious it is about politics or at least about the companies being so big so powerful they can do whatever they want. to meet companies have so much power in the go remember they've been able to log on to reviews and then there is such as workers' comp for years they've been able to increase the line speed in the union that and then make the line speed increase the $174.00 births per minute and that was quietly done by the us the a in these companies and saw into yeah i think that all everything that you're saying tell us and to us put in the a lot of money in a p.r. campaign because we were organized you know we're 300 workers in this process in
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plan where they made these video and they were lying and we know that whenever there is cameras or journalists cami impaired to the record inside the plant everything is slow down everything is cleaned they pretty much as they age everything so be it looks nice to people that are not really familiar to this so the company has been lying about how they are protecting workers is pretty much protecting themselves because they see if these workers are sacrificial this force of war and because workers been working in the hole and then made just to keep the profits running and that's what we saw that in in april of this years 130000 pounds of meat were exported to china so they were never essentials to keep this so if so just to save make sure that people follow this export hate so notice
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. even there when a global pandemic exports and there was something that i really want to show you because this is kind of finds it as well as what i saw. a.j. lapse put together a digital version of the documentary and picked out some really big points here so in $29000.00 the u.s. produced at least $19000000000.00 chickens which still cry $100000000000.00 this is a massive industry is it possible day where so much money at stake to make any improvements for the workers the what cars are actually doing the uk taking the rest can i interject real quick them yet in the kitchen what you say i would just like to say when those numbers right there i believe it was fiscal year 19 tyson can actually afford to put more safety measures in place for their team
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members if the fight if the top 5 executives for tyson if their salaries are grossing 35000000 combined there should be no excuse to why the bonuses that they gave out the team members back in april to make them satisfied and to make them keep coming to work they should have been taxed a lot of team members didn't even receive that $500.00 bonus to only receive maybe half of it or quarter of it in the catch was you had to work 90 story consecutive days in order to receive a bonus for working in a pandemic which is insane to me. and there are so many people not only put in ourselves in jeopardy going to work in a pandemic i was putting my mother in jeopardy working during the pandemic she was diagnosed with palmeri sarcoidosis the beginning of march and she had lost a total of 50 pounds at least and when her doctor told me hey if you keep
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continuing to go to work you cannot be your mother's caretaker and i'm her only child so just imagine carrying that way and on top of me also being a single parent of 2 children he said no i'm just thinking half out where we go from here because people like yourself and i see michael is organizing davis playing in the law. to make companies make the change something that i really wanted to share with him and this is tom who is thinking about whenever there is the next big economic package. he's thinking positively about the poet she was and what may all happen to them 7 isn't a top all together about 3 in 4 undocumented workers are actually in jobs the federal government itself recognizes as essential to the critical infrastructure of this country but despite this undocumented workers and even their u.s.
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isn't gay members have been left out of most of the relief provided by congress for the last 8 months in 2021 the mexican history shrink congress will have to enact a national recovery package that protects american families promote public health and get this economy back on track for that recovery to be as brain damaged and durable as it needs to be and as inclusive inevitable as it ought to be. for those individuals and their families who have done the work he perceives and will keep doing the work toward us rebuild stronger and better for. tom bring some positivity into this conversation he's saying there is hope and this is what needs to happen. well i think what you're hearing throughout this entire discussion is to your question about is this political or is it corporate the answer is yes that it's both and what we need to do is when that kind of gets gets passed we have to make sure that the agencies who are administering it aren't capture we represent
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another group of workers this time in pennsylvania who wrote a letter to osha what you referred to as the apartment of labor party for workers and they said we don't we're not being given masks we're not being allowed just based on the why we are in constant fear of repeat there was already an outbreak we're going constant fear of a repeat of an outbreak and they wrote to osha osha did nothing and why did osha do nothing because the regional office said well they do it there still are allowed to bring out 6 and maybe it's not possible to space and why was the regional office thinking that way because when the c.d.c. wrote its original report on what meat packing plant should do it gave some very clear guidelines work it masks but then the companies intervened and got c.d.c. to pull back that her death and the same price at the end of the chavez this conversation that will go on we will revisit it i promise we'll in a sentence full. i had to be hopeful because.
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i thought about it. a day for. mike lee thank you so much also lots of times happening on you tube for you there saying thank you for bringing the voice of the voiceless america's forgotten about this story months ago as kesha said no one is disposable kesha your words are resonating in my belly your words are resonating dave thank you very much indeed all right this is time to wrap up this conversation that we're having on t.v. but i'm taking it over on instagram so in 13 minutes if you're watching the live show on the a.j. stream instagram account i'm going to be chatting to suzanne he's the code director for the food chain workers alliance if you're not afraid of all right now just go to the a.j. stream instagram account click on the id t.v. button and you'll find that conversation still there and then one more thing that i do definitely have to tell you and that is about the 4 lines documentary and we
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just put it up here on my laptop virus on the poultry line you can find it out 0 dot com also running on al-jazeera t.v. thanks for watching us see you next time. but this is our 1st stop a singer songwriter dreams of making a mock up of the oval office one day here. a world away a famous you tube artist works in secret. of her chill connection spark some magical collaboration. presenting princess shores. witness on al-jazeera. to al-jazeera we is the government taking the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that at travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories
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that matter on the old a 0. the health of humanity is at stake a global pandemic requires a global response. w.h.o. is the guardian of global health delivering life saving tools supplies and training to help the world's most found mobile people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that scene working with scientists and health workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the ward and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential health services now more than ever the world needs w.h.o. making a healthier world. for everyone. we
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have identified that 2 foreign actors iran and russia have taken specific actions to influence public opinion relating to our elections just days before the us presidential election the f.b.i. says that russia and iran are trying to sway the vote. but i'm a very emphatic and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming out thailand's government's lifts emergency measures which last they failed to stifle mass protests in.
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