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tv   Shadow World  Al Jazeera  October 23, 2020 11:00pm-12:01am +03

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business leaders resort to find a bright spot. i know i maryam namazie in london quick look at the main story sudan and israel have agreed to begin the process of normalizing diplomatic relations as president announced a deal the 3rd now between israel and an arab nation as part of the agreement on a trump says he intends to remove sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism after agreed compensation payments israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu called a dramatic breakthrough for peace but the palestinian leadership called it another stop in the back sudan they wanted to do a deal and that was it particularly nice because they essentially better war with israel for. a long time i don't know if it was fighting i don't know that but
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probably there's been a little bit but certainly expect for many years you've been officially at war with the know it's not only to do it but it's peace so that's official that's you know we have at least 5 that want to come in. and fish is at the white house with more eyes for donald trump but he seems to embrace the idea of making small deals across the middle east rather than previous answers trying to build one all compassing middle east deal he believes that this changes the reality on the ground he already got a deal signed between the united arab emirates and bahrain to recognize israel remember the abraham accords were signed here at the white house just in september just over a month ago and he believes that there are 5 other countries who are ready to sign up to this deal him organising hard to and with more on the impact on sudan. lifting sudan out of the u.s.
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list of state sponsors of terror means an improvement incidentally economy maybe not immediately like be acting minister of finance said on tuesday following the announcement from u.s. president donald trump that he will be lifting of that list but they say that within the coming months they will expect the banking systems to open internationally so that sudanese can transact between sudan and other countries they also expect that this would be a way for them to be able to basically get loans from the international monetary fund and the world bank and it will also help them be able to clear their debt of more than $60000000000.00 that's what the government is hoping to achieve by being lifted out of the u.s. that list of states hans's of terror of course sudan's our prime minister has welcomed the steps when president donald problem mounted on monday he again welcomed the step that the us president took in notifying congress to deal with sudan in the next 45 days the prime minister has previously stated that he is very
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worried about taking such a step because this is a transitional government not an elected government and it's a government of various political parties with various of various ideologies various leanings well in our headlines this hour libya's rival factions have signed a permanent ceasefire agreement but there are concerns that it won't last the u.n. brokered pact which orders all foreign fighters out of the country comes out of political talks next month fighting has been in a lull for months now with both sides entrenched on a front line in the city of sirte after a failed attack on tripoli by forces supporting the eastern administration. view all the gold and regional directors to respect the provisions of the ceasefire agreement and ensure its implementation without delay and i call on the international community to support libyans in implementing the ceasefire and in bringing an end to the conflict. these includes ensuring the full and unconditional respect for the security council arms embargo security forces in guinea have
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dispersed opposition protesters with tear gas comes as early results show the president winning a controversial 3rd term in office at least 17 people have been killed in unrest since sunday's election the commission says 82 year old alpha condé want to round twice as many votes as his main rival selu dahlan jalla. and space prime minister says the number of corona virus infections than in the country could be 3 times as high as previously thought it comes days after the country passed a 1000000 infections france has also now passed that milestone reporting more than 42000 new cases in the past day do stay with us shadow world is a program coming up next i'll have more news for you after that to a bit later.
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lord. still. we are at war. i'm responsible for the deployment of thousands of young americans to battle in a distant land. somewhere. and some will be killed. and so i tell you what a cute sense of the costs of armed conflict. filled with difficult questions about the relationship between war and peace and our effort to replace one with the other . that we. know him to feel good he said. thomas in term had almost.
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the need to make it all. good come sit through things.
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there were 5 months in a world war one both sides were in trenches they were just mass slaughter across the landscape men were standing up sleeping they were in their own feces and their dead comrades were sitting there no man's land they couldn't even get them and bring the bathtub area. it was christmas eve and a german high command sent little christmas trees it was like a stage set all of a sudden across the german front you saw these little christmas trees lighting up and then the allies are silent night being sung by the germans and started applauding. and then all of a son a couple of guys on both sides get out of the trenches and start walking toward each other. and expected any minute to pull back with machine guns or you know and . and we're going to as we were walking about and talking and it was nothing
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like. hundreds get out of the trenches and thousands get out of the trenches. and they embraced each other a $100000.00 men. both of them as bad as we could see a great impact that it was maybe talking shaking hands exchanging names addresses after the war wrecked one another. oh i got it back in your trenches you know jumped the generals b. i must've seen it and got a bit suspicious so well that day i gave all this for about 3 of guns behind us to fire on officers fire their revolvers at the journey. without stopping their
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war again or we were question. this was a war to end all wars. this was a war to make the world safe for democracy. at least $21000.00 new millionaires were made in the u.s. with billions and billions of dollars would be piled up a few. in addition makers ship builders meat packers. and let us not forget the bankers who finance the great war. to turn blood into gold. and their profits were secret as they were. all of them are looking ahead to or.
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i stand before you tonight in my red star chiffon evening gown. based softly made up and my fair hair gently way. this extraordinary deal between the united kingdom and saudi arabia in which ronald reagan wanted to sell the saudis billions and billions dollars worth of equipment. stopped it and congress wouldn't approve it because they feared saudi would threaten israel so ronald reagan handed the deal of the effectively to his political soulmate margaret thatcher un soon enough and there was. a very effective fall.
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when we stumbled on the saudi arms. deal we really started to stumble on a central feature of british politics over the last 30 years. has been at the heart of many of the great events. i was pleased to see him when i was prime minister because he brought the extraordinary. she considers. friends and would be willing to support taking them with whatever they came to me and the discussion from there on everything else was going to get he explained to mrs thatcher this was a deal with saudi arabia and therefore things were done differently. they
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wanted 43000000000 worth of weapons that was 6000000000. holmes intermission. the fos majority of most people understand is bribes. we'll continue to work together against the turks who threaten the way of life of us 50. 1 day i started crying and it was a man to look at it coming i'm actually he said i've been working for a travel company and we had a kind of slush fund we used to distribute to saudis and other arabs when they came to britain for be all to help the path of alms deals. and they tell these extra interest stories that when saudi military officers would come along he would present them with canteens of cut 3 that was something that
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they liked the other thing they liked was girls so he would take about the town and get them girls. to be honest it seemed like quite small beer payments made some of them from rather on as manic activities and gaming chips david talks about cooldowns that sort of thing there's only 2 things that count in business my friend money and sex the rest you can write as much as you like is absolute garbage you can measure weapon beautiful the president's secretary. because they're more distracted looking at their secretaries the what the hell you are talking about. and that is sometimes all that is you need. to use and that's going to agency cold war kids because of the specialties of the chief of staff of the army like blowing bits of them. and. we had the secretary of
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the embassy come and review the photos she said i want this when i win this one i win this one i win this one i had the girls i arrived one day before and i said girls i know you will be paid handsomely for this but do me a favor if you get any people thought that is relevant please bring your cross because i could use it and for each interesting information i will give another 2000 euro bonus so with 60 grand i signed the contract with 3000000 so it wasn't bad deal. m m i phone rang again. it was another whistleblower and he said you have no idea what it is that you're getting into here. and he said this slush fund is much much bigger than you realize our job was to look after the really high level people those who used to come to england who were being bribed essentially by be people of the level of the head of the saudi air force who was a royal prince or. we would fly the 2 of us angelica's and they would buy cars
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dresses and it wasn't shopping like you would i would think in the end when they gather together all the shopping we would charge an entire jumbo jet to fly it all back to saudi arabia it was in the camp to try and trace through the bank accounts who the ultimate beneficiary saw that the case became really very serious is the trail appeared to lead towards senior members of the saudi royal family. the most outrageous example was that maybe 80 i don't want to to go the way with prince bandar at one point i made him a present of a huge commercial airliner all of his very. which he promptly have painted in the gray and silver colors of the dallas cowboys who were his favorite american team i mean is the fly around in that quite cheerfully. the case centered on establishing the ultimate beneficiary of exceptionally knowledge
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amounts of money paid by pitch sharing space for consultancy said to see. if there's evidence that mark fashion this is that your son got 12000000 in cash for his work as a fixer. this is started i know. this is who. don't want it it's a really beautiful weapon it's also made if you want to sell on the market and you're looking probably about 3500 euros and why you keep it in the house because of a song here and you can do that legally. yes or no but you got more work you can as long as it's in the house. and it's all should because of the name but. i don't know the use of money i don't mind paying bribes to politicians it's
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part of the deal the thing about politicians is that they're very much like prostitutes but only more expensive. politics is it dated by the whims of the arms industry politicians are nothing more than sales reps by their friends to have as much power as a middle ranking executive and want to martin a dent of the day they do with the tolls. when an executive goes to bribe a foreign official he says to himself look i've taken a lot of risk to take this $5000000.00 that i'm paying to the prime minister of x.y.z. who makes an arrangement with prime minister of x.y.z. . i'll hand over the 5000000 could you take half of that 5000000 and he said that in the following bank account in churchill and wilshere in this war. the 1st time an executive does that and he collects $2500000.00 he says wow this is
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a good business to be and within moments of that realization he is no no longer in the business of selling airplanes he's in the business of selling bribes and he is now scouring the world for somebody to find to bribe. it's. had to flee. the city can. to shoot. i. had to. see what it through. out exception. i play. each child to clean. each careful city. formed by. more. i.
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mean. i'm in the phone rang again. this was somebody who said you have no idea what you're getting into he said this whole be a thing is much much bigger it goes right to the very top what he had was something that you never see as a journalist swiss bank records of international corporate payments going all over the world he showed me how be a set of a whole system with lloyds bank under which they channeled secret payments into a british virgin islands offshore company called red diamond and from red diamond the money went into this guy's swiss bank account and he then used it to distribute to the local politicians taking a big chunk of himself of course we don't control the surely we don't we and i believe most companies all go to the business of labor's policy as you suggest
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a lot of sums of money to employees of government it is just don't the way business is done. we were actually able to publish what was the most dangerous story that prince bandar had been given not just the plane but over the years a total of 1000000000 pounds we did not invent. corruption i mean i mean he would have been and they had hanky panky and they had to go down to edit so i mean this is this is. i salute you prince of state run and a friend. how do you agree. of course none of us are greedy it's only the other fellow who's greed. this the world runs on individuals pursuing their circulators. all those people who believe that greed violence etc these primal so-called primal instincts other religions things and everything else is
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a social construction they've lost their mind and for the last 50 years at least policy has been made based on the assumption of greed and it's ruined the wouldn't . catch a night's believe there is no nature of society so you have to nurture individual is i don't accept that at all i think there are very many good policy initiatives for creating societies. and the beirut dancing i look to you. as a comment isn't a good 47 kalashnikov. a society that decides that the bulk of its budget is going to go to arms manufacturing building of a military eccentric the have made a moral decision that militarism is more important then the creation of wellbeing for the population. that's not the world i want to live in i want to live in the real world and the real world is
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peopled by real emotions including love and generosity. my god if you want is freedom the freedom of human beings of individuals to pursue their own say is i think what they term freedom means is economic license and economic license and those who control property and those who control capital has in fact been a threat not only to equality but a threat to the freedom of peoples all over the world and not only in europe and in the united states but nafta in asia and in latin america i want you to name me any society in which you have any large measure of that freedom where capitalism and free enterprise has not been the predominant mechanism of the free enterprise system has spread through the force of on some notes on through wielded by governments that was government intervention under the name of the free enterprise system but a government intervention which destroyed the freedoms of many people not least of which are the people of chile.
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from the 1950 s. all the way through the 1970 s. the cia and the u.s. military were engaged in covert actions throughout central mad america throughout africa really throughout the world where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right wing military juntas funding and arming death squads like the contras in nicaragua or battalion $316.00 and under us and i and there were these spate of assassinations across the globe. in countries like mine people have been killed to be quiet to know that any day any time you're going to be killed you don't know how but it's coming. we were fighting in the league and still we are fighting you know body guards minds
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that don't want to work going inclusiveness they just pick. the action is not only about taking from india but taking from the people. even to dreams. the last half of what is called the cold war i don't know it to be a very hard war for many parts of the wood. from the standpoint of want it badly and went cause the victims or what i think of really as of people trying to make their own future is. there was an attempt in the global south to create an alternative imagination for people. but in the early 1970 s. this attempt was destroyed and it was stopped through a real genuine attempt by the global lot to take over the institutions of the world including the world bank the i.m.f. . souls not zim believe that the people of the south were incapable of carrying
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forward their dreams. it was a very strong with these dreams were assassinated. it's not just the one off killings that corey other cool there. it's the entire dream that had to be killed. to be sure to do less than to be a book. but aren't going to or much else. going to live by a similar and near. the merely or the sure loser will be because i'm the only indian. look see your job was he not one dust got to put some on you must have
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a me by these. when i said kind of guy is here. is holy your men team you who leave your god to what are the salmon. you know be your command. is unfit yeah that might indeed. each of them go to micio. a joint hearings of the house select committee to investigate covert arms
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transaction with iran. and the select committee on secret military assistance to iran in the neck iraq an opposition will come to order. as countries begin easing coronavirus restrictions scientists warn of a 2nd wave of infections in the last few days are going to stand in front of the neighborhood and many fear the economy is be prioritised about for human life kind of thought fall off the people yet again the focus is on doubt here because i can put it like you racist we bring you the latest developments from across the globe coronavirus condiment special coverage on a. he began with war and the good it used here i call shall i fall dog i felt like i was that a documentary filmmaker once granted unconditional assignment contrasts his
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experiences with those seeking refuge today an intimate note of the consequences of the policies of detainments is really almost the sort of the oldest misery they cannot absorb this number that people have to suffer and in this way it is a mix of the refugees tan on to 0. amidst a climate of fear violence and paranoia and. those still willing to dream. in honduras dennis seeks a brighter future for his son and community. using aat to reclaim the city. and transform the very symbol of cost oppression. if you find in latin america liberating a prison on al-jazeera. if you want to help save the world. sneeze into your own.
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oh i maryanne demasi in london quick look at the headlines now sudan and israel of agree to begin the process of normalizing diplomatic relations u.s. president announced the deal the 3rd between israel and an arab nation as part of the agreement donald trump says he intends to remove sudan from a list of state sponsors of terrorism after it read compensation payments israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu called it a dramatic breakthrough for peace but the palestinian leadership called it another stab in the back alan fischer is at the white house as for donald trump well he seems to embrace the idea of making small deals across the middle east rather than
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focus producers trying to build one all in compazine middle east deal he believes that this changes the reality on the ground he already got a deal signed between the united arab emirates and bar room to recognize israel remember the abraham accords were signed here at the white house just through september just over a month ago and he believes that there are 5 other countries who are ready to sign up to this deal well in other headlines libya's rival factions have signed a permanent ceasefire agreement but there are concerns that it's unlikely to last the u.n. brokered pact which orders all foreign fighters out of the country comes ahead of political talks next month fighting has been in a lull for months now with both sides entrenched on the front line near the city of sirte after a failed attack on tripoli by forces supporting the eastern administration. security forces in guinea of dispersed opposition protesters with tear gas it comes as early results show the president winning a controversial term in office at least 17 people have been killed in unrest since
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sunday's election the election commission has said that 82 year old alpha condé one around twice as many votes as his main rival in the election salute dahlan chalo. spain's prime minister says the number of corona virus infections in the country could be 3 times as high as previously thought it comes days after the country passed a 1000000 infections france has also passed that milestone reporting more than 42000 new cases in the past day poland it's early and the u.k. are also seeing dramatic rises in that case numbers for you more on that story in the rest of the headlines in the news hour 2100 g.m.t. in around half an als time i'll see you then bye for now. dissecting the headlines in the midst of a pandemic let's start with some of the on the ground realities affecting the news coverage what's the lay of the land there stripping away the spin eclipsing still
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worrying about presidential corruption it is real reporting it's not if you can meet the challenge assumptions of the official line or the side agree need to cut our security we don't want to live on the authority and it's media listening post on out is the right. hearings of the house select committee to investigate covert arms transaction with iran. and the select committee on secret military assistance to iran and the nicaraguan opposition will come to order congress began to address what they perceive to be an insanely out of control series of covert actions with little to no congressional oversight we have been
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supplying lethal weapons to terrorist nation involving the us government in military activities in direct contravention of the law and lying to the congress now i believe that democracy cannot survive that kind of abuse. and people like dick cheney and donald rumsfeld who are relatively new to government at the time did not like when congress said we need to step in and confront the national security state and what's become a very out of control kill program cheney then went on during the reagan years in the eighty's to serve in congress and when the iran contra scandal broke out into the open. cheney did not like congress being involved with anything that the executive branch was doing. and you had to see other scandal that emanated from the highest echelons of power and the reagan administration was acting as though it had nothing to do with it i've told you all that i know and you know the truth of the matter is for quite some long time all that you knew was when i told you. to let
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me. be. our witness this morning is mr robert mcfarlane the former national security advisor to the president. mr mcfarlane we welcome you to the committee and we look forward to your testimony. mr mcfarlane. did you have any discussion about the possibility. of in effect farming out the whole contra support operations in nicaragua to another country which will call country run yes that's correct and did you in fact succeed in obtaining money from another country. which will call country to. that's correct. had they practice meeting periodic lee
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with a official from country to about a systems we could provide some cases arms sales. and they intended to provide a contribution of a $1000000.00 per months to the contras through the end of the year. you had no problems working with the cia we have no problem working with the united states government and unless the cia does not work for the government then i think we have a bigger problem there have been occasions where some americans are question that as you know well thank heavens those occasion was not in connection with saudi arabia. i think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs united states these
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events have been characterized by some pretty strong statements we've heard talk of a grave constitutional crisis and even been treated to talk about a coup in the white house not only does cheney sort of defend iran contra but he argues that iran contra is actually a model for how the u.s. should be conducting its national security policy he is a radical subscriber to this notion of the unitary executive effectively what you're doing is saying on certain parts of american policy we don't have a democracy we have a dictatorship. as a matter of fact i was. very definitely involved in the decisions about support to the freedom fighters my idea to begin with. in my opinion there is no justification for further restrictions on the power and flexibility a future president. of the national security lead today is mostly composed of people who hit the revolving
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door multiple times during their long nomination of richard b. cheney to be secretary of the friends is the make a name for themselves in the private industry and then they come into the go. this revolving door keeps the national security leak very small and very wealthy. and increasing its wealth as it goes up the chain to the extent that then when you get to the top as cheney did then you can become a member of the plutocracy that runs the country to this is impressive crowd the haves and the have more. money commissioned a study by halliburton to find out how much more of the defense department could be privatized proud to serve our troops and was he laid to get this $1000000.00 contract and of course returned a verdict that oh mr secretary lots more of it can be privatized.
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dick cheney leaves the defense department and goes and heads halliburton himself and he spends the entire 990 s. building up the how important war empire well if we're going to talk about star wars we might as well invite darth vader and i. am. happy to accept. that he comes back into power as vice president and then they start hiring halliburton to you know in advance even if u.s. troops going into iraq. an eloquent that was being deployed to the gulf it's hard to look at this and not say these guys had a very long term plan for how they were going to increase the powerful infrastructure of private companies. what we've essentially done is to create a network of corporations that have the fire power of small nation states that could you know overthrow some small governments around the world. in
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essence we in the united states have privatized the ultimate public function war. and i want to get on the market right now even obama's of got a time with them like food. you know munitions is good does good to know so much that it's you know it was. just. you can see. in iraq the f. 15 s and f. 18 s where firing 6000000 dollars within seconds coming back we army and going up again.
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there's no hope of any harm because there's always a small kabul of people for foreigners who really really good business. it doesn't matter that we're losing the war in afghanistan albert could care less it's good for them good for profit. i don't mind if you know the mineral. i don't want as you have heard of a. bad lot i was told at about 5 really good enough and i know there are your eyes.
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to get it. well we've undergone a corporate coup d'etat in slow motion coke approach at all since all 35000 lobbyists in washington they write the legislation they write the bellows. all it takes is one phone call from somebody on the hill to someone in the pentagon saying hey turn on the dogs the hills out to get our program the guys in the senate are on board we need you to turn on the gucci shoes guys to straighten this thing out because she had guys been the lobbyist. and what this does is just like the system up and that's the whole name of the game it's it's called political engineering and i'm like political science political engineering is real. one of the most important things done understand it essentially creates what we call a self like an ice cream cone. and it's like
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a perpetual motion machine for getting ever increasing defense budgets the way we do it is by downplaying the future consequences to start a new weapon we over promised as performance under promise it's cost we then systematically spread dollars jobs and profits to as many congressional districts as quickly as possible so that everybody has skin in the game. the people who are invested in this day or people like the largest defense contractor in the world. they will die before they see it. what's. going to change the world. we're probably already working. for good margin basically just similar to last to push them to goals you know in all branches of the government. of the whole. and this is the grid
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that make them if you look like a bunch of schoolboys. fiscal year 9992.3 trillion missing fiscal year 2001 point one trillion missing the pentagon has claimed year after year that the reason it can't account for the money is because its computers don't communicate with each other one trillion $1.00 bills stacked high would reach nearly 68000 miles into space one 3rd of the way to the moon. i got a phone call from the f.b.i. saying that i was a target of a death threat. and that's what happens when you go against the big boys who has the contracts today to make those systems communicate with each other and how much have the taxpayers paid for them there are times that corporations do things they should not do in which case they tend to be suspended for some period there are times then that corporations can get out of the penalty box it is you know any was
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never in the penalty box if you could proceed to my 2nd question please the 2nd question. i forgot what the 2nd question was. in the vigils operating in the shadows and never having their names called are able to leverage the power of the military and the foreign policy apparatus for their own personal pick uni ery in. what's now who's the enemy how do we justify. this play is all this bullshit what better our new other me and i put. it this is. the war on terror.
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you can bring to mind a salerno mutinies that's our unity back home by the end of the see those for me. that have gone by that i know but he didn't get years in by the romans to be dorian out of the many guys who were no further than your let the analysis. which you see mean this is tony dances and similarly i'm going to see mean you know better you know i know you know a foot on the left. but
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i have a nary doubt. less it will be very dark even they let our money earned to that extent i am in a fabulous find a marvelous to see on my c.v. of a civil service and i knew him as he goes for me you. is a seat mate for my mental demand your home on a c.c. you. get the wheel and i nak maintenance young to get a 2nd a bit earlier that. i bethink at the most basic level when we realize how we've entered into a permanent state of war like what often proponents of. counter terrorism on a global scale think of as a long war but a war without end something like that. and
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i think that what we've accepted is a political regime that is stained by fear is a very old very old political tactic i mean machiavelli asin the prince is it better for the prince to be feared or loved and his conclusion is because the locus of fear the the source of fear resides in him in the prince it can be constant for his rule whereas the locus of love resides in the people it's in their power and so for them could be tossed in a long lasting means so much already opens a question that he probably doesn't provide us the answer with what would it mean to have our social arrangement like the basis of our social choices. be founded on love. i don't think one has to justify the cost and nature of the
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national security state one just has to keep the people fearful of knopf to support it but what i want to bring to your attention today is the potentially much more sinister nexus between iraq and the o'connor terrorist network. every word in that speech was gone over by the director of central intelligence and his deputy director after so it was nothing that i made up it was nothing that i stuck in there and in fact some people tried to stick extra things in there that the intelligence community wouldn't verify with multi-sourcing and i said no powell grabbed me physically which was unlike him and drug me into a space at the cia at langley and said throw all the material in my presentation about terrorism out cut it out out this amount this is just within an hour george tenet the director of central intelligence made a spectacular bombshell presentation we have just learned from
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a high level al qaida operative under interrogation about significant contacts between baghdad's mukoko rot and al qaeda. this was devastating. here's the director of central intelligence telling the secretary of state that he has interrogated evidence well the secretary turned to me and said put it back in. al qaeda continues to have a deep interest in acquiring weapons of mass destruction as with the story of the kawi in his network i can trace the story of a senior terrorist operative telling how iraq provided training in these weapons to al qaeda later i learned that that was shakeout would be that had to happen just instantly happened it happened months before they'd been water boarded in egypt when he did this no u.s. personnel were present and he had recanted within a couple of weeks and we never were told about that every statement i make today is
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backed up by sources solid sources these are not assertions we're giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence we were indisputable we were allowed to. at this hour american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger as karl rove famously said to this reporter you know you guys are reality based communities we make reality by the time you figured out you know what's wrong with our reality we've moved other creation of another reality digital cell or cause to come into the possession of saddam hussein weapons of mass destruction did the united states sell to him absolutely not. iran iraq was on such a scale and i was on the iranian side and i went down to the battlefield i was
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actually given a gasket and so let me take the train back right away up to town and the carriages with crimes with iranian soldiers had been gassed someone just cause aggression and one man who has read. it was so he put a handkerchief white blood on his lips. gradually cargoes became permeated with this sort of 36 mile and i realized it was the smell of the gas they were coughing up from the lungs i was going around the car has no windows and my tears trying to clean the train out of the smell of obviously chemical warfare. after 2003 i was being attacked on radio shows especially from america you know complaining about the american invasion or you proceed and i said excuse me i was on the train of iranians gassed by the iraqis and the chemical components came from the united states at the very time that you all rumsfeld was meeting saddam you were meeting with saddam hussein i think we have some video of that. of that
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meeting tell me what was going on during this is where did you get this video from the iraqi television is on the iraqi television when did they give it to you recently or back then we dug this out of the c.n.n. library i see. isn't that interesting. there i am. all more on terror. begins with al qaeda. but it does not in. this very phrase war on terror is a rational a slight say. a war on war. when the serious fraud office launched its investigation into the crimes that we
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were covering it turned out that many of these arms deals had been forced through by tony blair personally piece of dirty case you don't sell. and once you start a war. you open a kind of pandora's box you don't control it it controls you. said. mr. cameron. today there are good terrorists and bad the bad terrorists those in yemen who the united states deems to be a threat the good terrorists those who are in syria the job here is we've been there before. i mean if you consider the of the honest on story they have learned
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nothing. today if i say that the saudis are giving money to groups that are inside the un that are not only illusory models so the. people who say you are a conspiracy theorist. american song review put $1000000000.00 each to give them training equipment we out of that was so clear to all those people to go we had. peace that's what we want freedom and peace no doubt. the doctrine that has endured from bush to obama is that the world is a battlefield and that the united states has the right to go into any country
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around the world to conduct what they call kinetic operations lethal operations regardless of what international law says if you're a small state like we were for 150 years in in essence these are these spain france . russia you've got to be exquisitely good at diplomacy you got to be able to talk yourself out of lots of things and make deals and compromises and so forth but if you're the world's head human you don't deal with anybody you smack him you your military and you smack him. and you can.
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we got some really nasty weather pushing across eastern parts of australia over the next couple of days warnings in forceful severe thunderstorms and some very heavy rain that right could well lead to flash flooding at also some trees down and see a line of storms already pushing across the heart of australia south australia pushing for a switch and if they don't thursday we saw winds in excess of 120 kilometers per hour so damaging winds trees down power lines at also the very heavy rain which will gradually make its way further race with sliding across victoria new south wales will see some very wet weather in some very windy weather as well as all courtesy of this intense area of low pressure we're drawing in some tropical moisture and that's going to continue just making its way further east was really heavy rain coming in northern parts of victoria eastern parts of victoria eastern
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areas of new south wales seeing some heavy right on that wet weather pushing right up across a good part of queensland as well eventually it will make its way over towards new zealand so the south thought in turning rather wet as we go on through sunday north of that generally fine it's like what a contrast in temperatures you know just the christchurch at 28 celsius but a high in wellington just 17 degrees. moved out of his parents' house after he got to me he says he found more space to begin 50 after run of eating it last year it's now. his home along with his wife daughter and all but the israeli government said that he was to be constructed we've gotten permits and issued at the militia in order last month our interview were cut short as he hears that the israeli army has arrived in the village with a bulldozer residents say soldiers gave them one minute to get home it took the
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found me months to build their brick house and less than an hour to see it get demolished. on counting the cost for the biden victory means for china as the democrats line up a multi-billion dollar plan to confront beijing and president she's project to rival silicone valley plus how africa businesses are coping with the pandemic counting the cost on al-jazeera. stranded 8 long years on the su is canal. creating their own community and the economy there was you know president bush used to go in even al-jazeera world tells the tale of 14 cargo vessels accidentally caught up in the arab israeli conflict it was quite a surprise to find myself in russia in the middle of a war through the sailors whose ships of the desert sands the yellow fleet on
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al-jazeera. understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the mountains so no matter how you take it we'll bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm marianna marzio watching the news hour life from london coming up in the next 60 minutes president trump says sudan and israel have agreed to normalize. relations and what the palestinians of called a new stab in the back. has not stopped. nigeria's president said 51 civilians and 18 members of the security forces have been killed in the last 2 weeks of protests.


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