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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  October 25, 2020 3:30am-4:01am +03

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i don't like i would vote for a candidate that can things for everybody and everything everyone has to show us the opposition's free market ideologies of attractive growing support some feel the ruling party's decades old welfare system hasn't helped people but others loyally stick to his historic socialist ideals many expect a close call between the 2 main parties results are expected someday malcolm webb al-jazeera. is al-jazeera these are the top stories colombia's past 1000000 infections becoming the 8th country in the world today so are the nations in last america also seeing a surge in creating brazil mexico peru europe why has closed its borders in a bid to stop the spread of the virus u.s.
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president donald trump has caused an early ballot near his private resort in florida he wants again called into question the legitimacy of mail in ballots without any evidence it was a very secure vote much more secure than when you send in a ballot i could tell you that everything was perfect very strict right by the rules when you send in your ballots could never be like that you could never be secure like that they've done a fantastic you have a great people and. so but it's an honor to be voting it's an honor to be in this great area which i know so well. joe biden is in the swing state of pennsylvania where he told they should say election could come down to them cards are hard unemployment is way out folks are worried about making their next run or mortgage very much whether their health care will be ripped away in the middle of a pandemic worried about sending their kids to school worried about not standing
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their kids in school. they see folks at the top doing much better on the roster wondered who are going to after me as donald trump's presidency and least 8 children have been killed and seriously injured in an attack on a primary school in south west cameron some officials are blaming anglophone separatists for the attack but no agree pass claimed responsibility a mosque in france's help pres in should be added to a teacher who was beheaded last week and there was heavy police presence often threats of violence against west suppose the matter has caused outrage all across from us. those are your headlines the news continues hay on al-jazeera often side story.
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yet another peace agreement is livia what will this one hold the main warring factions say it's a permanent deal that's what all of the government and cut it and outside interference in libya this is inside story. a welcome to the program. it's been praised as a story. but received by many with caution libya's warring sides have agreed to what the u.n. is calling a permanent cease fire the deal was signed after nearly
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a decade of conflict triggered by the downfall of long time leader mamata giveth he libya has been in turmoil ever since he was removed from power in 2011 there's been 2 rival administrations one interpret and one other in the east in tobruk both sides praised the deal and promised to abide by it let's take a closer look at the main terms of the deal military and armed groups must leave the front lines and all masteries and foreign fighters have to be out of libya within 3 months the 2 sides will work with the un to start identifying each armed group operating within the country and they'll form a combined limited military force of regular personnel that reports to a joint commission also the all important question of oil for production and
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exports are to resume as soon as possible well bring in our panel shortly but 1st al-jazeera as malik traina has been gauging reaction in misrata the city is dealt with severe hardship since warlords have to launch his push for tripoli in april 2019 here's his report. for libya which has been engulfed in violence for nearly 10 years these past 14 months have only seen the fight. for the east of the country is under the control of warlords for the for have to and the to replace house of representatives the west is controlled by the un recognized government of national court led by prime minister faison survived they are based in the capital tripoli. house there who was supported by russia egypt and the united arab emirates launched an offensive on tripoli in april 2019 but was pushed back earlier this year as pro g.n.a.t.
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forces receive support from turkey here in central misrata coffee shop worker are below watch the news of a nationwide cease fire played on the t.v. he's optimistic the agreement will lead to a stable libya. we have had enough we want a democratic and united libya and an end to this bloodshed we have dreams and aspirations and want to live peaceful and happy nice but not everyone is as optimistic. who will guarantee ceasefire we've seen these agreements before and then the fighting continued libyans don't have the power to make these decisions it's the foreign parties who will decide if we will have a ceasefire if they decide to end the fighting maybe then we will have peace in misrata libya's 3rd largest city and a primary source of military power for the internationally recognized government in tripoli according to city officials over $700.00 men from the city have been killed in the fighting since world war 2 so they still have to launch his failed military campaign to capture the capital. although many libyans are hopeful that this
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agreement will lead to a permanent ceasefire and a political solution some are skeptical that warlord cliff will have to and his foreign backers will actually add here to it for of the law and many libyans like him there's a sense of hope that things here will get better but the real test lies in implementing the commitments of the agreement now the train a 0 misrata. for more on this i'm joined by our guests in paris must offer an award winning journalist and contributor to middle east monitor daily his work focuses on the mena region and libya imperator italy loney a libya researcher at durham university and international development consultant in london jason pack founder of libya analysis c one called to your
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most of the un and many capitals have been saying this is an historic moment the question do you think this deal will hold. well it depends how you look at it as it could be and i really hope for him i pieced i hope it will hold but unfortunately the agreement does it is a flawed 1st 1st fall. and then this is not the 1st time as your report mentioned we have seen cease fire being signed but never implemented. let alone the reinforced in the ground treaty and the current agreement actually and the way it is. a very viable mechanism there's no way to why the the the deed itself underground to bless couple of other. you know shortcomings if you like the document itself so besides one last point
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i would like to mention neared the fact that most likely those who call the shots whether d.d. sees final hold are not part of the libyans anymore they are foreigners especially turkey and russia ok. how different is this equipment from the past agreements that were signed. collapsed immediately. well i think we need to start by saying that i don't know if the other speaker is referring to the calls for a cease fire. that took place in august. that is what these were called for a cease fire so there wasn't a real agree with the start of the process a sort of speak so what we have today it's an immediate complete and permanent cease fire agreement so it's different from from the course that we saw in august and i think one important difference there is that this is the 1st sort of the 5
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plus far a joint military committee so this is one of the trucks of the u.n. mediation the military truck and these truck has been working in the past few months on reaching a form of agreement and these agreement has now been reached and the main part in these agreements are the governmental national accord on the one hand and the libyan national army on the other so this is a clear indication that in this case the 2 parties have found. a temporary or let's say like a way to move forward the transition and to and to reach an agreement and then any is on board where they wasn't told. were launched by political jason does it make sense to agree on a ceasefire without addressing the main issue which is bridging the divide between 2 entities a government based in tripoli and another government based in
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total. well you're right that the main issues haven't been addressed i would argue that bridging the divide between us to quote unquote government is not the main issue at all the main issue is about how libya's economic resources will be allocated and how the corrupt system with subsidies and semi sovereign institutions will be dealt with and those issues have been kicked down the road however i agree with what my friend in paris mustafa jury has said which is that libyans have a right to be hoped for the optics of this deal are very powerful and stephanie williams has been a genius at stealing away for the u.n. primacy from competitive processes there's an attempt to dominate the libya file and russia and turkey have dominated mediation over the last 8 months just as it dominated the conflict militarily and now the u.n.
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and therefore into ali the western powers have asserted and attempt to control the libya file moving forward they say the devil lies in the tails and let's talk about some of those specifics so the agreements mostafa is it possible to disarm militias when this has been a problem 'd that all the institutions that came to power in libya since the 1012 fail to address. december lancers very difficult to process to do actually it's not the boss of it but this very difficult thing to do plus it would take time you know if one definite usually lurks in the details and every detail of libya you have 10 differences at least and one of the this is very interesting point you brought up because the the greenman to even agreement yesterday talks about integrating them an individual basis within certain
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procedures that to be supervised by the united nations mission in the country but we already know mr bush the minister for terry has already started to broach this with degrading those groups and to his ministry months ago 3 months ago as a reward for them after the fighting subsided around to be and the softer was defeated and activity so this remains one of the difficult things and if you allow me half a minute here i would add that the reaction to the 2 d. agreement is already coming from turkey from one from the south as well or from such a groups where by day are saying we cannot accept such agreement unless those who try to feed the children leave last year and continuing to work to this area you know to the last summer should be held accountable and many other demands which are . pretty all side disco but the geneva agreement and let's say i have to retreat
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one more thing the fact that there's joint committee between to do sides that the supposed to be supervising the dementation of the digging into itself and identifying who violates it it doesn't work like that like back you know you have to have barson but do you have don't you have to have a 3rd but you wouldn't a country from outside there is out of 5 who is really doing that. is good it is definitely going to be a delicate task ahead for both commissions or which will be operating on the ground in libya the general feeling is that there is absolutely no way people will trust. the accused him for the atrocities committed against their own people in misrata in tripoli and so on who are in different places vice a versa you have the same sentiment in these people will tell you we we want. to trust in the militias operating in the west can you unify these people into one
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security force operating alongside of the whole territory of libya it's an ambitious for sure by i think the last few years have shown us that there is no military solution to the libyan conflict so i think that and led by the new are different on the on the ground there now in libya is to actually find a solution not a military one so in this respect i would say the security operation room set up as part of these agreements is meant to find a form of life security arrangement then and wait for this in parties to work together if you like you know we can say it's ambitious and certainly it is but it is that a step forward and certainly it would be the details and the implementation that we would have to look at in the next 3 months because that greenland is the place of 3 months transition period during which these groups are expected to rethrow so we'll
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have to see in the next 3 months what happens ok so within these 3 months we have to see what happens jason. can you think about the moment when in 3 months from now. the u.n. will be able to convince messines foreign fighters pull out from libya. i've thought about it a lot the u.n. won't be able to because it lacks the leverage if however the russians and turks have something to gain from participating in this process then it might work it was obviously very disquieting to wake up this morning and see that early want him to put the deals and it seems like it can't be implement it and that's a very polite and euphemistic way of saying i'm going to prevent it from being implemented so in libya you have to create wind winds to roughly talk about how mediations a failed in the past the skywriting we would fail because it put the political track 1st it brought together different people from different parts of the country
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who claim to represent communities but actually have no power on the ground this deal puts the security track 1st and it is the culmination of the cairo military talks which have been going on since $20000.00 that stephanie williams participated in when she was charged fair for the u.s. and the security track is a closer approximation because it asked people representing those who have armed forces on the ground except it represents the top level the generals and not the militia commanders who actually control the forces so it's closer to people who have power but i believe it's still flawed it should have been the economic track because in libya people only join militias because there's money in it and there's money in it because you can hijack refine petrol and you can get access to letters of credit because libya's economic system pays you to be in a militia and they gauge in corruption so it can numb attract needs to follow and this could be one small step forward but if it's just
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a security track it's bound to fail as it doesn't address root causes ok and then. i would have to cover different angles here why do you think been very skeptical about the agreement. well the off season 1st grief very much with much of what my friend jason and london have seen and for your question you know 1st of all. like the russians even however in directly in the 2nd case of the russians he invested heavily in libya did the libyan situation as it is now with him is versity and the us and his subordinates political and military would fight there is and equipment to the government of national court in tripoli so he would like to see some kind of hysteria and as a basement there's one thing to 2nd thing is is he when will he be actually willing to let go of what he has done in libya especially and try to maintain the what you
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know but never base just south of sirte for going to berman and pleas from the libyan authority whatever it is i go back to guy that i don't think this time the sounds of god would he be mean that he too so borse aziz fayyad even if he you know try to spoil the whole thing troll pressure on the gene itself there's no there's no interest served by by the cease fire agreement of yes the date for thirst especially if you look at the bar graph to a graph of the general principles of the vehement itself and backing off 2 of the fatah could one whereby it's come fairly close to naming turkey as the forces that has had to be evacuated we already know that the russians never acknowledged that they have anybody to be a. safeguard there just dependent to
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a group you never send them there and we have no control over them unlike turkey and of course there's one more thing if you love me to mention it's very important towards ducks and it does the maritime agreement bordering the mentor economic zone agreements which was signed last november. between g n a and turkey and. turkey government of course and that was something turkey has never been able to do since the defeat to give eden 2nd world war so that mr byrne knows very well that the next government could libya however even if not elected is likely eager to do not have the ok men to all together all are suspended. and this was to libya understands that the military support that was provided by the turkish government made a significant impact it was can it was the main reason why the hospital was defeated but at the same time have to understand that without the egyptians the
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russians and the emirate is there's absolutely no way he can survive do you think that would be possible in the near future to negotiate a deal where foreign players will have to just step out of the whole political equation in libya. and that's that's a key here one thing on turkey it's playing a big of a game in the eastern mediterranean so i think it tried to strengthen its position in libya also because it's so its possession in that way so many tenant think that the issues of energy security and the. confrontation we create. and so on so it's position deteriorating i think what it would be very interesting here to see is the european union coming together and trying to strike a different type of. a deal so to speak where turkey are on issues in a summit there and cyprus energy security would be at the top of the list and that
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would certainly life in opposite the pressure on the presidents and turkey in there and when it comes to the supporters of the other side i would say that there's a clear indication that the talks were led by egypt and egypt has been very keen on supporting these military truck so they clearly stand by these agreements and i think their position somehow gives us a good sense of where the other beca. might be aligned let's wait and see what happens next jason you've been insisting on the economic angle of the story have to has been halting access and production to oil to put more pressure on the government in tripoli now that that access could be granted following the agreement do you sense in a way or another is the one who is likely to be pushed aside in the near future for the cease fire agreement to hold. well that's
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a very nuanced and sophisticated question you're exactly right huffed are spoiled blockade backfired against him he did it to undermine the berlin conference and try to show that there was no solution in libya without him but of course to cause power outages and economic troubles among his supporters in the east even more than it did in the west there will and kate was nominally lifted already more than a month ago by the mighty did have the qatar deal in sochi mediated by russia and what stephanie williams has done with this agreement is steal the thunder of that oil blockade and say actually the lifting of it is connected to this cease fire and 0 after supporters have always wanted to ditch him he doesn't people's agreements he's late he's stood up put in mosque out she likes and they've been friends for decades but yet he doesn't deliver so yeah the problem is there's no one to replace
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him but he must salah has a role in the house of representatives but his own representatives won't give him a quorum and he's a nasty person who just wants to hang on to power and no one is waiting in the wings to replace kottaras head of the ellen and his sons or disliked the residents who are he has no charisma so it's not that easy to get rich off there in the fascinating thing is he lost the war for tripoli but yet he appears to be defectors of the peace and he gets to stay in place all right that just shows his media savvy and he had a vatican press political reality mostafa this is just the beginning and ultimately we have to see methods or magic things happening in the near future for this political process to continue now when it comes to the next prime minister who do you think will be the next by minister libya briefly if you will suffer. no it's ok when it comes to the prime minister what do you think will be the next prime minister a libya well i think it's more more or less if you mean the head of the presidential council i think it's already agreed that mr ibish on it is likely the likely
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contender from so far and here is some kind of agreement to hear oral agreement among the different parties you know just to kind of to reward him before he leaves the whole political scene in the country but then if i could add you know there's a reason why i ask you this question most of you do understand that the presidential council is not going to have any biggest say of the near future it is going to be the government when it comes to the government we're talking about prime minister the one who is going to take over from phase assad has and he's most likely someone who is politically backed by people in tripoli and most of the one that's this is very difficult to say because there are traitors different names you know but the government such a government will actually have less power not more power and if there's one you know one thing i could add here very important there is just for geneva agreement to yesterday's the fact that the political track that's going good start in tunisia
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. are 7 just a few days from now at if we can you know if the different parties can translate what happened in geneva yesterday and to litigate agreement then we could say ok we are under ought to be easily be otherwise known and this is going to be my last question to. see libya moving from direction to another since 2011 calls for freedom that a civil war than a political divide do you think that this could be the moment for the east west to bridge that divide in the sense to recognize that this could be the last chance otherwise it's going to be a descent into chaos and anarchy. these persons. are very known and normally very tense and all of them to be on earth to to. for sure intention when it comes in particular. to the libyan people it's to keep united and regain the national sovereignty and some empty of its situation in the of
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its actions so i think what will be interesting to see at the beginning of november if the libyan political dialogue for that is the forum that is meant to bring together the friends of political and civil society and that will be discussed. amanda and new governments framework is no i think it will be very interesting. to see what the country will go from and we will continue to keep a close eye on libya as the political process continues to unfold for the coming months ahead most of it or to alice i learned jason ppaca really appreciate your insight thank you looking forward to talking to the near future and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com for further discussion go to our facebook page that's facebook dot gone for was less a.j. inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter al hunt it is. for me about i'm the entire team here in doha by phone and.
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sneeze and hero. hello our money inside in doha here are your top stories on al-jazeera colombia has passed 1000000 corona virus infections becoming the 8th country in the world to do so other nations in latin america also seeing a search including brazil mexico and peru meanwhile europe has closed its borders in a bid to stop the spread of the virus that michelin has been following the latest developments from when is it is the health ministry in colombia and i'll start supporting that 1000000 figure 30000 deaths there it's the 8 in the world surpass that grim asked.


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