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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 26, 2020 12:00am-1:01am +03

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of china although we do have somewhat and it ties wintry weather if it was the west . 0. 0 i maryam namazie a watching the news hour live from london coming up millions of chileans cost that ballot in a referendum which could release the country from a lost in legacy of the pinochet era. and on rest return to the streets of the iraqi capital protesters tried to storm the falsified green zone security forces respond with tear gas. peaceful protests descends into violence in baton rouge the president is still resisting calls to
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resign. u.s. vice president might bans continues campaigning off the reports suggest at least 5 senior staff members have tested positive for corona virus. and a ban on nuclear weapons will soon become a reality but is it worth the paper it's written on. the program we begin this news hour in chile where voters i have just a few hours left to cost their ballot in a historic referendum on whether to change the country's constitution a vote is a result of fierce anti-government protests which of consume the country since last year at the heart of the unrest lingering inequality enshrined in the current constitution which was enacted decades ago during the pinochet dictatorship more
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than $14000000.00 people are eligible to vote including president sebastian pinera who cost his votes in the capital santiago they have been long queues of people outside polling stations and soldiers a controlling entry with strict sanitary measures obviously because of the pandemic our latin america editor you see in human. a message impossible to miss displayed in front of chile's presidential palace approve a new constitution for a better future it says. on the other side of the street that the lean as it is joins the celebration so that her daughter she says could live in chile with dignity take care of. our constitution is our original sin it regulates all the laws that what we can and cannot have and clearly it's no good. 40 years ago military dictator general pinochet called for a new constitution to be drafted it was all for terry and it also concentrated in
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extreme free market economic model with almost no state oversight it was ratified in a widening contested referendum which is why all these people say that it was good legitimacy from the conception over the years is that money has become known as the bad in american success story but the fact that the government has been forced to cave in to demands for this new referendum seems to suggest that something was seriously wrong. chile's not the poorest country in latin america by a long shot but it has the highest income disparity the constitution does not guarantee many basic social rights as in most modern democracies. when millions of chileans took to the streets last year to demand better minimum wages education pensions and health care they pointed the finger at their politicians but
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also at their magna carta look at the silk us a government that we can also constitution basically recognize private property as the supreme right above all others the rights of an individual or private interests take predominance over those of society as a whole. but critics insist drawing up the current constitution and starting from scratch creates force. expectations and economic instability are not there by police or nabby ultimately blames chillies but when you're not change things make this is a more inclusive there are people bottom up reports graphically transformed. everyone else there. that's the pessimistic view but right now the prospect of drafting a new constitution with popular input is seen as a major triumph by those who are hoping to set chile's democracy on a new more socially equal path alycia joins us live now in put this into
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context for us what are the choices facing voters today and what does this referendum mean to the people there. it is something that has to do with emotion it has to do with history as as i just mentioned chileans will have to decide and have been deciding throughout the day whether or not to accept the possibility of rewriting the constitution and that in other words putting to bed finally the last member in the leftovers of the dictatorship in that is that constitution which has been changed over the years but not enough to satisfy the demands for social change and for social justice that most of the chileans are asking for so what they have to decide is yes or no that will they change it and b. if they change it what kind of an organization or congress will actually write the constitution whether it will be half made up rather half of congressmen and
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senators and the rest voted in a popular election or whether all of the delegates will be democratically elected in a popular election and that makes a big difference because many people say that as long as the current political class which has been very discredited all the political parties has any participation in the drafting of a new magna carta then it won't be as good as it would be if ordinary chileans were able to do it so that is ultimately the choice we know where we're pretty sure according to all the polls and everything we've been seeing and hearing that the approved option will be accepted and that chile will be the new constitution that will take at least 2 years to happen so there won't be any changes any time soon right now i'm in a upper middle class neighborhood in santiago people have been voting all day now just about everybody has but i'm being told that more people have voted in this election than in the last presidential election and we've been seeing that all over the country and all of the capital as well in all the social areas sectors of the
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poor neighborhoods to the wealthier ones and what that tells you is that people do care what is going to happen to their future and to the constitution. whether they believe that this is the right path the right way to do it is. that remains to be seen we'll have to see the final figures in about 3 or 4 hours we should know just which way chileans voted but if what we're hearing from a broader which is how chileans voted overseas from australia to do zealand to japan. just about everywhere in france they were accepted to the yes version by 93 to 95 percent and so you could see there's a lot of support for redrafting the constitution but it will be a long time before anything really changes thank you very much our latin america it's only seen him around us all the latest on that historic referendum and in chile thank you lisa. you are the news out live from london still ahead. though he
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has lost a lot of this support and it may make a difference. as president donald trump lost the votes of america's women. and a deadly attack on a school in cameroon is the latest front in a battle that comes down to language. now months after the pandemic brought them to a standstill iraq has again been thrown into turmoil by massive anti-government protests thousands of people turned out to mark a year since the movement against corruption started several people were injured after security forces fired tear gas when groups tried to storm the barriers to bank dad's fortified green zone so manifolds and has more now from the iraqi capital. after months of quiet but it's partly a square came alive on sunday to commemorate the one year anniversary of iraq's
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anti-government protest. students and teachers what previously marched to hear every sunday but had stayed away because of the coronavirus pandemic once again joined in. the atmosphere was part festive part somber they rejoice to the beat of the same revolutionary songs of last year but also remember those who died for the cause. we are commemorating the youth who have guard of the oldest time still haven't done anything for us we don't have the homeland we asked for us to get it seems impossible but we all right now is our rights and the rights of the protesters who died. protesters crying atop the barricades leading to the heavily fortified green zone which houses government offices taunting a ruling class they see as corrupt last year they forced the then prime minister either at the nothing. resign but the parties in the system that brought him to
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power remain close and out of the still married united stillness of want to give this constitution doesn't represent us it's a constitution that suits them because they wrote it to serve their interests these rich people have hotels commissions and millions while we are here starving. but the movement has been plagued by disunity and the lack of organization most protesters advocated poppy's whole demonstrations to watch. the revolutionaries agreed to make this a peaceful protest without is coalition and they are voicing their demands in a peaceful way. i but others decided to cross the barricades to the green zone in an attempt to lay siege to parliament riot police used tear gas to repel them resulting in several life injuries a government spokesman said dozens of security forces were also injured when demonstrators flew stones petrol bombs and homemade hand grenades.
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but. all of the security forces present on the 3 barricades and atop the buildings didn't carry firearms the day instructions were very clear and frank and until this moment there was high commitment from the side of the security forces to protect the protesters. the prime minister has called for early elections in june next year but many protesters feel the government hasn't done enough to meet their demands for sweeping reforms. sunday's the most ration is were to some extent a test for the protest movement to see if it could once again mobilize crowds the while it was the biggest gathering in months the numbers were not what they used to be last year what remains to be seen whether the protest movement can once again galvanize support in the days to come see what a fault in al-jazeera. well last year's protests in iraq were the largest anti-government movement since the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 it was tough risk where in the capital that really became the epicenter for these developments
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hundreds of thousands demonstrated demanding a change in the way iraq is run they accuse their leaders of corruption lack of jobs and being too close to iran at least $600.00 protesters were killed and thousands more injured in the months of unrest the movement lost momentum and then came to a halt because of restrictions around the coronavirus but it did force the resignation of the country's prime minister. in november iraq's new leaders however have yet to deliver major reforms in a country where the world bank says one in 3 people on employed or around months or is a senior research fellow in the middle east north africa program at chatham house he joins us via skype from london and so when i can you give us some put what we've seen today into some perspective for us is speaking about corruption in the country the protests that started last year and of course the economic situation and unemployment is it mainly young people who is still timing out to demonstrate.
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yeah i think very clearly we look at the images we're speaking to as well throw this out of your i can but it is the young people it's these many different movements in the squares who are coming out to show their force but also to say that they may have doing those over the last few months but that they are still there and that they are not happy with what the government has done has done so far so out late managed to get in their eyes the prime minister to resign there's still shelling the new prime minister as well as the government that's not enough they're focusing on accountability the focus not corruption and of course they're focusing on better jobs and services you know over 50 percent of iraq is under 25 years old these are kids who don't remember anything before 2003 all they know is the system that was imposed on them up to 2000 and. then these are because that we're seeing 5
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essentially a better quality of life and for the government to deliver on basic services what about efforts to discredit these protests. yeah and has been something that the elite specific groups particularly in this elite are focused on these are not the 1st time to have seen protests in iraq in fact many times since 2003 there have been protests but in the past the elite leaders i mean one been able to kind of either through economics i.e. giving more jobs to giving people more employment or through ideology using terrorism baathism sectarianism they've been able to kind of manage protests these protests they really have no answer to they can't use either ideology or give by them off in that way because it was said the economy is on the brink in iraq and the people are tired of the same political parties and the misgovernance this is a population that has been traumatized there 17 years of misgovernance and they
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want just take it and so. they're calling for accountability they're calling for things that the elite cannot give them because that doing that would have to undermine the whole system they call them they're calling this a revolution there and they want to end that system so it's on the brink and there isn't really a bush a point there there's no mutually herding stalemate as it were to get them together in that way so the only thing the prime minister is left with is calling for this early election but in iraq we've had many elections we've had many electoral law reforms but we've never we haven't changed the same political parties put in power out of 2003 but it's really you know spreading and sort of dividing up the spoils of that war. and i thank you very much appreciate an admin staff and chatham house thanks dan. well the men continue protests as well in
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belarus on rest across the country where thousands of opposition supporters rallied against president alexander lukashenko demonstrators face to face response from security forces that activists have set a midnight deadline for the shanker to step down and the opposition has fought on a chicken off sky is calling for a national strike alexy o'brien reports. this was the police response on the streets of the belorussian capital minsk. in what the opposition is calling state sponsored violence. security forces deployed stun grenades and tear gas on protesters who'd been marching against the president alexander lukashenko. the rally had started peacefully with wide columns of demonstrators fanning out across ments they were heading for the president's home determined to send a message that it's time to go. the march was
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called by opposition leader on a taken off skya who'd given look into lee end of sunday to resign or face a nationwide general strike. organizers say more than 100000 people were out banging drums chanting strike and long live valorous. chickens coming out has managed to galvanize an enormous support for her a serious as she calls herself a housewife and president elect. recognized by most european countries always gotten out of order for her. this is the 11th straight weekend of process since the disputed election in august 1. that the opposition says was rigged taken a skier as his main rival she ran against him after her husband was jailed. it was forced into exile in lithuania following the vote. lucas shank has been in power of
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more than 25 years and doesn't want to quit his main ally russia has offered both political and military support in assistance remains extremely strong bill says you've got all your little united states with the rest of the house giving very clear warnings to caution and i think sooner or later he will have to step and we have to be able. an advisor to take enough scios is lucca schenker only knows the language of power and fear and that it will lead him nowhere elixir brian al jazeera. well now a number of us vice president's senior staff have tested positive for corona virus us media is reporting at least 5 people are on while one is his chief of staff mark
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short who is now in isolation despite that mike pence is planning to continue campaigning around the country he and his wife are reportedly in good health and tested negative on saturday all those decision not self isolate has also attracted its fair share of criticism. this week alone there actually we are breaking records of the number of people that are contracting deadly virus and this is a ministration fails to take personal responsibility for responsibility in terms of leading the nation through this thing a dangerous and deadly mass casualty event. well democrat joe biden continues to lead in national polls with just 9 days to go until the election but the race is much closer in several important swing states and he gallagher is live for us in miami now so i suppose that time is running out for president trying to try and gain ground in the polls what about how close are the figures in some of these
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battleground states. well i think essentially at this late stage it may be all about the battleground states here in florida the last poll i saw had joe biden 4 points ahead of donald trump but the margin of error is about the same remember there are 29 electoral college votes here this is a must win state for president donald trump so he needs to really claw back as much support as he can joe biden has taken the day off today went to church. just heard from his in michigan mike pence despite all those close sade's contract in the coburg virus is in north carolina where president trump was a few days ago and president trump himself is in new england in new hampshire and maine so this is a last minute rush towards the finish line with just a few days to go but the messaging isn't essentially changing you've got the democratic candidates biden and harris saying look messed this up their record numbers of cases on friday and saturday both over 80000 cases and hospitalizations
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rising in about 30 states meanwhile president continues to talk about this nation turning a corner and the vaccines will be available soon and i think yesterday he even said look come november the 4th nobody will even be talking about this so i think if you look at the national polls that is one thing if you look at the battleground states like here in florida that's an entirely different matter it may come down to those battleground states who becomes the president whether trump gets another 4 years or whether biden wins so this furious pace i think will continue right up to election day all right thanks very much an idiotic it was all the latest thanks. well donald trump's win 4 years ago is partly down to a key group of votes his white suburban women but as he heads for another time in office it's nothing less likely that he has what it takes to secure their votes this time around also in jordan has a story. it's the 1st rule of running for office ask the people for their
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vote but begging for support this close to a luncheon day that might be a sign of desperation shift bergrin women would you please like the. i say damn neighborhood ok donald trump's campaign is faced with a problem polls say the president is losing a key part of his base suburban white women voters to his democratic rival joe biden in a recent washington post poll 62 percent said they were planning to vote for biden versus just 34 percent for trump you know instead of just being a candidate and having of the candidates record to run on we have 4 years of a trump record is women i think largely viewed as a failure on a number of levels and i think that's going to and of encourage them to show up make sure we don't have another 4 years of political experts say in 2016 republican
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women overlooked trumps with solid uni because they liked his conservative economic policy but this year these voters are alarmed by the collapse of the economy. as well as by trump's apparent stoking of racial tensions in the country they say what matters most is the president's handling of the covert 19 pandemic he has really lost that group of women with their concerns over the coronavirus the health of their families women are more burdened by by the childcare by the educational difficulties by their parents being in situations so he has lost a lot. out of this support and it may make the difference for him women's suffrage was born from a desire to the truck campaign strategy reminding women that the republican party fought for their right to vote 100 years ago and with one unified voice we will vote for freedom why do you say these caps and resurrecting the party's racially
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inflammatory law and order message of the 1970 s. and 1980 s. i'm sorry that there is no one here to answer your party call if you were elected this guy the suburbs would be overwhelmed with violence and grime meantime and supporters see their chance to win over republican women want you to grow up proud and strong in an america that believes in you and to a return to civil political discourse made fight like hell on the floor and then they go eat lunch together because they mostly put their friendship and their country 1st the party that's going to win over these moderate voters and the suburban women voters is the party that able to prove that it's really going to unify the country and help us heal after all the trauma that we've been dealing with the past 4 years the suburban housewife line is getting donald trump applause
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you know what women want more than anything else they want safety security and they want to be able to. have. whether that applause translates into votes where the president won't be known until election day rosalyn jordan al-jazeera washington. developments donald trump's pick for the m.t.c. only u.s. supreme court is set to be approved on monday the senate voted to the limit to the limit to limit the debate tell and on the nation of judge and accelerating the process it paves the way for a final confirmation vote which is all but certain in their public and majority chamber it's on the quickest supreme court nominations in u.s. history with the aim to fill that justice ruth bader ginsburg seat before the election takes place. now i want to tell you about. some developments in cameroon because the united nations the african union have condemned an attack on a school in that country at least 8 children were killed several others were
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wounded the attackers reportedly used guns and machetes at the school and all this happened in the southwestern city of combat a city officials have blamed english speaking separatists for the attack but no group has claimed to have carried it out will the attacks being seen as the latest development in cameron's a bitter separatist movement the country is majority french speaking having gained independence from france in 1960 but the northwest and southwest provinces are mainly english speaking with a strong breakaway movement well this is developed into an armed conflict with by separatists and government troops accused of killing each other they've accused each other of killing civilians since 2017 fighting has claimed the lives of more than 3000 people it's forced over 700002 flee their homes so let's bring in frisco r.b.a. a cameroonian refugee who fled because of the crisis he joins us from athens can i start by asking you about this attack on a on
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a schooling. have you been hearing much about developments from people that you know in cameroon friends and family. but. the. borders the. people you're doing all that is and you must be very worried for your friends and family there fears that the fighting could spread into could become more widespread in the country it could go into other towns and cities and regions. in 2000 eating a buzzing us tried to switch to extend the fighting in military john and in the senate or the senate in the r. and l. in the because decided the country fight the country's fight and kill each other and just in the region done to bring it to the floor so subtle do you know if there
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is any support or help being given to the families of some of these have the school children not do not support from the gottman also point so fast on those of from the infamous i got an earful from a culture you know supposedly from the moment and almost by the serve someone who we come to town and to not only just latino would still be on the us the money should work just the way it's what to eat and whatever the government on here i mean the government even though they conform to their region the center and listen can i ask why you left the country yeah i was calling in the lot of us which on in 2006 doesn't serve until way to progress the greatest at it by your true true or the peaceful protests of the lawyer us and uk continue with teach us and then dip the police reacted by between
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a mob that protest us are risking their not putting them in jail and prison with no charge not called a nazi and then if they want to maurice wait wait get more put in on people you'd like me to get to use like me than a person just for no good isn't going to notice because dick dismissive and you really want to know all of this and want to raise a little me to the to leave the not was a comment to the to our where i was a was the face by the police when it's going to come. what do you want for the future of your country do you would you like to see the former colonial powers take perhaps try and offer more support or do you think that these issues have to be resolved by the people themselves and internally what you want the future of cameron a puzzler think luol go flow government but politically dovish was diving just to you and because it lets the body not just of the situations because if the
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government it's not government and very little if you have some problems we accuse the government of quid is 4 minutes of the day you and that is how does right and the hunt is this the this is this of the disk disposal to do this will she be able to do it under what respecting what or the can only us because of him body would be put in as i do the president will all experience for this president does but it is 7 years of boma to create the power and give it $100.00 to do it will only keep pushing the country from these and do the 1st year or the coming us need not. a deep love thank you thank you very much i appreciate it it was really good to get some insight into your country and yeah definitely share your thoughts thank you for joining us on the news hour brace joining us there thanks. to add on the problem. a big electoral upset in the tiny country of
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the seychelles the opposition takes al for the 1st time since independence. but. we got some rather lively weather pushing in from the atlantic at the moment lots of rain add some blustery showers rattling in quite an intense area of low pressure here bringing some very strong winds into were northern parts of the british isles as we go through the next couple of days and then we got this cold front sinking further south who is very active on this one some some very downpours moving across france pushing up its woolsey out's will see some snow significant snowfall possible over the high ground and heavy right to lower levels of weather too pushing across northern areas obviously just around saudia and corsica that's all making its way further east was very heavy rain coming back in behind them we
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got some really blustery shower as for the british isles as we go on through chews day and this little swell up here that says they are remnants of what was or can epsilon and that's going to bring some very blustery conditions in across that western side if you have as we go through the middle part of next week then some outbreaks of write a possibility to into northern areas of morocco but for much of northern africa it will be dry you might just catch the coastal parts of libya for a time and then down into the central areas that's where we're going to see the heaviest rain we said particular big down pulls around the gulf of guinea. 'd held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison cell denied the right to a fair trial no charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent must move to saying his crime journalist. to demand more neutral thinks and boy
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solidarity with all detained journalists sign the petition. 'd free news send. frank assessments look at any way the protestors are going anyway either the bullet was hit with a missile and in-depth analysis of the dailies global headlines as it is really out there on the street inside story on al-jazeera a korean doomsday cult as would hundreds of fellow was to a tropical paradise. one o one a stint with the gates the secretive 6 accused of abuse and violence in fiji. on al-jazeera.
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a comeback the main stories now voters in chile have just a few hours left to cost their ballots in a referendum on whether to change the country's constitution the move was a key demand in violent protests which gripped the country last year protesters of all the projectiles and security forces have used tear gas in iraq's capital thousands of people on the streets to mark a year since major anti-government protests swept the country. and u.s. vice president mike pence is continuing his campaign even though a number of close aides have tested positive for the coronavirus his opponent kamel harris has branden him irresponsible. well now several european nations are taking drastic measures in their fight against a rise in corona virus infections some of the worst hit countries places like italy
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and spain public cooperation will mean there's no need for another complete and damaging lockdown and the mob reports. one of a string of protests in italy against pandemic related restrictions demonstrators converged on the government building in rome to denounce a nighttime curfew they say it's shuttering the economy. sunday the prime minister announced tough new measures so uncovered 19 cases were rising dangerously across the country and placing pressure on the health system. just. managing the pandemic means to permit all medical system to give a prompt response guaranteeing treatment and proper hospitalizations to all citizens it means to prevent a 2nd complete lockdown like the one we had in spring the country cannot afford it . bars and restaurants have to close at 6 pm although they can offer a takeaway service gyms swimming pools cinemas and theaters are being ordered to
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shots people are being strongly advised not to leave home except for work health or education purposes but so far there's no ban on travelling. spain is going further with a new state of emergency coming into effect on sunday night the country is desperately trying to avoid going through the trauma it suffered in the spring the new law includes night time curfews everywhere except the canary islands prime minister pedro sanchez says the legislation will last for 15 days but he lost parliament to extend it for 6 months and don't accord to the whole legal constitutional it gives legal constitutional coverage for the temporary restriction for 6 months of fundamental rights such as freedom of movement from 11 pm to 6 am it also gives regions the ability to stop people coming in or out of certain neighborhoods of a city or a whole region the world health organization says europe reported 222000 new covered $1000.00 cases on saturday accounted for nearly half the global total but addressing the world health summit happening in berlin but also online the head of
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the united nations urged countries to think beyond their own borders and we need global solidarity every step of the way developed countries must support all systems in countries that are short of resources and we must join together as governments the private sector of civil society and all partners to make sure vaccines tests and treatments are available to everyone everywhere and vaccine must be global public goods. on the edge of europe russia's caseload remains the 4th largest in the world they've recorded more than 15000 new coronavirus infections every day for a week but the government's repeatedly dismissed the idea of a new lock down or shutting down businesses an outlier in the response to the pandemic at least for now the dean barber al jazeera. meanwhile global health experts are considering how to keep fighting the coronavirus in the long time many of gallatin virtually for the world health summit with the head of the
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w.h.o. taking a central role. it's not enough to be reactive we must plan and take him for respond i mean over the long haul we have to move from hope solutions to long term planning to protect lives and livelihoods we still have a long haul ahead of us we can not slow down and we can not waver it's more important than ever that we focus on the elderly and the vulnerable populations who already struggle to access services including migrants and the marginalized groups we have a huge challenge ahead of us but this is not the 1st challenge we have faced this will not be the last. and we're now joined by dr sound swaminathan chief scientist at a world health organization she's been participating in the world health summit joins us live from geneva and just listening to the message there from dr tried to
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address i suppose the sort of dilemma that governments around the world are still grappling with is the fact that this is not just a medical or public health crisis it's become an economic crisis and the fear is that the kind of measures the w.h.o. is calling for to protect people could end up causing more damage to the lives and livelihoods than the virus itself. so the world of the organization from the beginning has been talking about an approach which protect the economy and the health and we have to understand that the intellect and if we cannot. protect and keep people free of the virus and people out of hospitals the economy is not going to recover and so i think we can take examples of countries that did a really good job early on they reacted quickly they were out of the trees that invested in the primary health care and public and systems so it wasn't just
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a question of having high tech hospitals that could get of sick patients but having a garden of community had workers having relationships with that you're going to be in a country 0 firing tear well a good example of being which till date has had just 1000 cases and only 35 deaths and it's because of this kind of where the top dark and certain very early response they did not do countrywide lockdowns they went after small commune even streets parts of villages which they locked down but they did they did go up to cases they expanded to 100 and every one of the far 10 to 20 or sometimes up to 40 for every suspected case and pointing them and pursue liddy's but they were looked after they were given. to provide some entertainment so they did the very basics of public out there was nothing high tech about their response but it worked because what you have to do is prevent the virus from spreading but does it as it always
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worked because we have seen in some countries in asia for example that did a very good job with preempting the virus and with testing and contact tracing the measures that you describe are still suffered a 2nd and 3rd wave. yes i mean i think as you heard dr drew are saying that we're in for the long run because we have suppressed little rodent doesn't mean that it will stay like that without continuing the actions and efforts that are needed enough closet starring in people tend to give up but the factors that we have to keep on doing these things do we've gotten to the point of view we've got back scenes for enough people around the world as wasn't getting much better treatments there have been a lot of innovations and diagnostics so we've not had rapid and huge and direction desk that really good not going to play a big role in investigating outbreaks of the must use all of the new tools that
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really able to develop at an actress event to speed at the seemed and we have to keep focused on doing all the things that are necessary to keep suppressed and keep but not that kind of ask you about. dr if i can ask you about the the unprecedented pressure the world health organization has faced since the start of this crisis and i don't have to go into into particular detail but i mean you know we've seen political power play we've seen real disagreements over science and funding it's affected funding as well how how worried are you about how this could impact the organizations ability to respond to the urgency of this crisis particular if it gets worse. one thing is clear that you need global collaboration solutions for this is a virus does not respect borders it doesn't nor anything about national borders and therefore for a pandemic as far as the you know global challenges like climate change we do need
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global summit at. the same and i have seen that happen in the same depict the kind of collaboration we see with researchers academics the private sector as well coming together you know to develop unheard of to have developed a vaccine wondering here up and to develop all of these new a testing methodology i think is the only organization that can dream all countries together and i wanna drop dominant platform or to share experiences to learn from each other and to me rules for the work for every country to follow because as we've seen viruses and bacteria wherever they arise in the word can very quickly spread and therefore we need to find these solutions and cooperate to to implement them thank you very much dr sell me some enough in chief scientists the world health organization and you on our azerbaijan and armenia of agree to humanitarian
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ceasefire of the disputed region of nagorno-karabakh is the 3rd such agreement in as many weeks and will take effect from monday morning local time the us announced the truce after hosting foreign ministers from both sides but 2 russian brokered agreements have already failed hundreds of people have been killed since fierce fighting over the mountainous enclave broke out 4 weeks ago. now 7 suspects have been detained after the suspected hijacking of an oil tanker in the english channel u.k. special forces were involved in the incident on board the liberian registered navy its crew reported stowaways had made the threats tanker was on route from lagos in nigeria to an oil refinery in southampton when it halted off the isle of wight so paul brennan joins us live now from southampton he getting any more information poll. we've had a statement fire social media from the ministry of defense tonight just about an
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hour and a half ago but confirming that the armed forces personnel were called in by police in order to bring this incident to to a resolution and that's exactly what they've done the minister of defense saying in response to a police request the home secretary of defense secretary authorized military personnel to board a ship to safeguard life and secure a ship that was subject to rock the minister of defense is described as a suspected hijacking taking control 7 individuals have been detained on the crew are safe and well the backdrop to all of this of course is that this not andromeda jus to arrive this morning in fact here in southampton discovered some 6 miles off the isle of wight as it was approaching southampton that it had stowaways on board and i've heard from lloyd's list the editor of lloyd's list the shipping magazine saying that the his information was that these stowaways had become rowdy and violent when they were tried to when the crew tried to confine them to
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a cabin that said another security experts who spoke into the financial times described it is definitely not a hijacking he said it was essentially stowaways who got in his words a bit rowdy with the crew now the own forces went in they have brought this massive to a swift close we don't know where those detained a stowaway is on now and i know that the boat itself the ship itself is still circling in the sea off the isle of wight so there are more details yet to be found about exactly how this has been resolved but for the moment it all seems to gone off peacefully thank you very much brian. on out to power police have discovered the bodies of up to 7 people inside a shipping container the decomposed remains were found in a shipment of fertilizer from serbia prosecutors say the bodies were all adults and 2 had identity documents suggesting they were moroccan the person who bought the
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container noticed a foul smell and then notified authorities place of confirm 2 bodies were found the containers owner says investigators found more. with the news hour live from london still ahead. colonies probably outdoors indoors pandemic apocalypse. the joke's on them new york's comedians keep the last rolling in despite the pandemic shutdown. building a wall was the promise made in the bid for the white house 0 tolerance approach the southern border became government policy detaining children and separating families the stark reality of picture too much to bear for many americans in a country that was built on immigration. follow the key issues of the u.s.
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elections on al-jazeera. examining the impact of today's headlines the escape from own countries the misty but we don't feel safe here setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussion which my blood probably in my will as is my old team has been weaponized international film makers the moon cars journalists tell us how and why the textile and fashion industry is a major force of polluters bring programs to inform and inspire news. on al-jazeera . the earth.
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but come back now thousands of protesters in thailand have converged in the capital bangkok after the prime minister ignored that deadline to resign demonstrators had given prior of chair not sure until saturday night to step down following weeks of almost daily rallies they say his hold on power is illegitimate and of call for a form so the government in the morning but the former army chief says he will not quit thailand's parliament is set to discuss the protests over the next 2 days will now at least 3 people have been killed during an explosion in pakistan's baluchistan province the tack happened in a suburban neighborhood of the prevention capital cueto 6 others were injured when a bomb went off a vegetable market police say was caused by an improvised explosive device fixed to a motorcycle well now in the same city an alliance of opposition parties was holding a mass rally at the same time as the attack took place the demonstrate the demonstration
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against prime minister amman khan was the 3rd in a week rallies have been organized by the pakistan democratic movement which was formed last month by 9 major opposition parties it claims the military backed khan in a rigged election 2 years ago. well the opposition candidate in the seychelles has won the country's presidential election while still took more than 55 percent of the vote it's the 1st time the opposition has won in more than 40 years after independence from britain. reports. it's the 1st change of government in seychelles since the 1970 s. . to be elected for the presidential election it was the 6th time around color $100.00 run for the presidency in all his previous attempts the last of the governing party
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candidate with a steadily growing share of the vote in these elections there were no losers there were no winners our country was given the opportunity to come out as the ultimate winner with more than $70000.00 voters scattered across dozens of islands in the indian ocean the polls posed a logistical challenge light aircraft and delivered ballot papers to remote polling stations it took 3 days for everyone to vote for president danielle for voted in the capital victoria. his party has governed the archipelago since independence from british colonial rule more than 40 years ago 1st as the soviet aligned one party state and then within every previous election on the remote tea party system the economy depends mostly on tourism wealthy foreigners flock to the islands pristine beaches but few have come since the global pandemic seychelles is one of
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the most on equal countries in the world hotels and businesses a owned by a wealthy minority mostly of european origin. many others the descendants of in slave the africans who were brought here by the colonialists past inequalities persist there's so many people who are in. some. respects because they are so poor this i don't like i would vote for a country that can do all things for everybody in every everyone in. the opposition's free markets are ideologies and anti corruption message have attracted growing support some felt the governing parties decades old welfare system had failed to help people. and now for the 1st time since independence the opposition has a chance to deliver the changes it was promised for so long malcolm webb al-jazeera
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. now a ban on nuclear weapons will come into force in january after 50 countries ratified it but there are some key reasons why it might not bring change honduras was the latest to sign the treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons that never under any circumstances to develop tests or produce any devices very keen aims missing from the list including the 5 original loop nuclear states person china france russia and the us with america calling the treaty a strategic mistake while the us secretary general said he was hopeful it remains that 9 countries can't hold a stockpile of around 13 and a half 1000 weapons nearly $4000.00 of which are deployed around the world. well the nonproliferation treaty only had 3 of the nuclear countries on it when it entered into force and it took some of them actually france and china in particular some 20 years and other nuclear states india pakistan israel never joined never
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signed and north korea also as we know has been trying to to test and acquire nuclear weapons so we have 9 problems state as far as international security is concerned with the threats and the mate major risks and dangers from nuclear weapons now that the treaties and to enforce we have the legal and normative instrument and it's backed by a growing number of states not just the 84 who signed that but many more in the pipeline what we have to do is work together as happens with all treaties to build up and a verification and implementation system and to bring those additional states on board now i can has already been persuading cities all around the world including washington d.c. and los angeles and paris and and manchester and edinburgh here in the u.k.
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and many more around the world to sign support statements that they want to get their governments to bring to sign and to bring into force of the treaty probe it prohibiting nuclear weapons now these are powerful important cities why they signed because cities a target in nuclear war and it would cause a massive humanitarian catastrophe if any nuclear weapon by accident or by intention were used in in any of our towns and cities around the world. now you said he is still a long way from fully reopening off the coronavirus fast hit most of the city's entertainment venues remain closed bought live comedy is coming back getting much needed laughs to those who need it april as a points i want to get if you could what am i going to get in a city where there has been little to laugh about this year finally some live stand up comedy in pandemic times while you are not in that you know we're on a recent early evening dozens of people came to central park in new york to get
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a laugh their reaction right away from comics. i mean is amazing we haven't performed in 3 months that atari were tired of doing the same shows because you don't get any audience reaction when the pandemic hit new york city in march everything's shut down overnight any place where people gathered was shut and locked including broadway theaters and comedy clubs they've yet to reopen while most actors and musicians still don't have a place to perform in front of large crowds many comedians have found a way to adapt colonies comedy outdoors indoors pandemic apocalypse it's a simple arts mike crowd go it means nothing so that's why i guess we're the 1st thing in showbiz to come back up is because there's no production value it's just
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such a simple art that people like so i'm not surprised that we're here before broadway here before all the movies that's get back up that make sense to me i should make too much because new york has beaten back coronavirus at least for now city officials have been slow to reopen entertainment venues and you hear of a 2nd wave the outdoor shows certainly have a different feel but it appears to work for both the comedians and the audience now it's big it's open people are 6 feet apart from each other so like there's. times when there's also audience behind me because they're just trying to keep their distance but in a wild way it works i think the audience wants it as much as the comics want it and like somehow we're coming together and we're able to make a show. and make people laugh at a time when everyone seems to need it gabriels hondo al-jazeera new york. a lot to the news hour but i'll be back in a couple minutes. since
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2013 wish the world innovation summit to health has gathered health care leaders practitioners and researchers together to learn interact and engage with innovative organizations. this year wish will take place spiritually under the banner of one world are all. registered wish dot org dot q a. the
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latest news international crisis group but using the government of in danger of social leaders by allowing the exploitation of natural resources details coverage the borders of the news boy really stuck claiming there were losses. now taking control of the stocks from around the world yes a drought speak economic crisis prices unemployment soaring complacent and not grownup fires that hot. amidst a climate of violence and paranoia. there are those still willing to dream. in honduras dennis seeks a brighter future for his son and community. using art to reclaim the city. and transform the very symbol of past oppression. you find in latin america liberating a prison on al-jazeera. revealing
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eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet on al-jazeera. millions of chileans cost their ballots in a referendum which could release the country from a lasting legacy of the pinochet era. hello i'm maryam namazie and london you're watching al-jazeera also coming up on the program anger and unrest return to the streets of the iraqi capital protesters tried to storm the fortified green zone security forces respond with tear gas. peaceful protests descends into vile.


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