tv News Al Jazeera October 26, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm +03
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al jazeera. iraq battles a rising number of corona virus cases as the u.k. says it expects to roll out a vaccine in the 1st year. i don't know this is out there live from doha also coming up president reza typo and calls for a boycott of french goods as criticism grows over comments about israel and. libya is set to resume on oil production after an 8 month blockade by forces loyal to the wall to be for. a 3rd attempt to uphold
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a cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan the u.s. has both sides respect the need to say. so and coronavirus cases are rising shopping across europe with several countries reporting record numbers of new infections on sunday france announced more than $50000.00 new cases for the 1st time well it's only in spain they're also struggling with the 2nd wave hopes for a vaccine all growing in britain the u.k. health secretary says the government is preparing for a mass rollout in the 1st half of next year but in the united states the trumpet ministration has been accused of giving up the fight against cave in 19 this soft white house chief of staff mark meadows conceded that the us is not going to control the pandemic let's cross to kimberley how it gets used like for us at the white house so. rather surprising acknowledgement that was not.
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yeah very surprising in the u.s. president now pushing back on twitter against some of the comments made by his chief of staff mark meadows the u.s. president tweeting this sensually that the reason that these infections are op is because the united states is testing we should point out when it comes to infections the united states now at 8600000 and counting and in terms of deaths more than 225000 but the us president also pushing back on some of the reporting about mark meadows comments that essentially that the approach of this white house is to treat the virus but not slow the spread or even try to contain it the u.s. president saying the fake news media is riding covert covert coated all the way to the election losers exclamation point as it's clear the president's pretty angry with some of the coverage but this is something that's been seized on by the rival
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of the u.s. president the democratic presidential nominee joe biden who has really accused this administration of waving the white flag if you will essentially throwing up its hands in terms of trying to contain this is a really stark contrast to what the biden. says he would do as president that he would make it mandatory for people to wear masks he himself has been wearing a mask and has been having social distancing in advance that he's been holding in contrast to the president's very public large scale rallies were often people are not only not social distance but are not wearing masks in many cases so this is a real stark contrast it appears it's going to be the stark contrast all the way to november 3rd the voting day here in the united states and in the midst of all of this with the white house continuing to deal with its own outbreaks yet again it's just been 3 weeks since the u.s. president was hospitalized for covert 19 now the vice president's office having
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another rash of outbreaks but the press. vice president for his part is testing negative and he's on the campaign trail he'll be in minnesota and the u.s. president has just left the white house he's headed to pennsylvania a key battleground state that could help decide this election. could be great thanks very much could be how could the white house mention that glimmer of launch on the vaccine rollout in the u.k. and it's enough for me. from london. a shred of optimism here from the u.k. of course the oxford team in partnership with the pharmaceutical giant astra zeneca are plowing ahead with trials at the moment i'm up one called the health secretary he's been speaking this morning has been talking about very optimistically about the hope of rolling out a mass vaccine for general consumption general use in the 1st half of next year asked whether or not the vaccine may be available to some before the end of the year he said well who isn't ruling it out but it is the government's central
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position that they believe that the vaccine will be available a vaccine may be available at the start of the year of course the british government pinning its hopes on the research being carried out in oxford also last week we did hear from a scientific advisor sits on an organization called the sage committee that advises the government he said that he believed also at the start of next year a vaccine would be available but there are a variety a whole range of possible vaccines may be available to given the wide portfolio of different options the different scientific teams are working on in different places in the world we are also hearing a report also on monday morning in one of the british newspapers suggesting that a major london hospital has been told that it could receive a bunch off the oxford astra zeneca vaccine as early as november the 3rd next week we believe also that health officials have doctors nurses and other health workers
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are being trained in how to administer that vaccine so some possible glimmer of hope there as well. president recip typer one has called on the turks to boycott french goods as tensions rise over plans to reform islam in front on saturday 0 to one question president to mentor matt khan's mental health his attitude towards islam and muslims that prompted france to recall its ambassador from turkey micron has been calling for changes to the ways lamb is practiced in france should be banned. i'm now telling my nation just as the saying in france not to buy anything from turkish brands i call on my nation here now do not pay attention to french labeled goods do not buy them but we haven't talked about less than a buy for us in paris for the latest reaction from there but 1st let's cross over to stumble where it can tell us more about what the president had to say.
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well the president has been personally attacking french president recently. over the weekend here again made a call to french president mark on saying that if you want to initiate sanctions imposed sanctions against turkey just do whatever you'd like in tricky there is a perception especially in ankara among president don and his ruling party that there is a by littrell rivalry between france and turkey but apparently the disputes the role between the 2 countries has become more of a personal dispute between 2 presidents and from the turkish side it has gone beyond diplomatic precedence recently as the german foreign minister said today. he said that this way of. communication has wiped a new law in 2 countries diplomatic relations. done made a call for boycotting de france products but i would like to give you some numbers
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turkey's exports to france's 8700000000 euros and imports from france is 5900000000 euros which is more than 14500000000 euros trade vala between the 2 countries were both countries. promised 2 years ago that the trade well then would reach 20000000000 euros how far this boycott can go or will it ever realize it is a question mark but a parent the president is not only making a call to it to his turkish citizens but also trying to make a call on the are up people are up streets basically and are turkic countries whose whose population is majority muslim so this is a new role this is a new stage of the row between the 2 countries our don is accusing europe in particular france for is the most for bia and basically it seems that he is also trying to get get some international support from the. muslim countries in his
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challenge against france but some analysts also say that this dispute which mean 2 leaders work for both of them both for france president micron and turkish president reject a paradigm as 2 leaders have domestic problems to deal with so far the spiritual goal is still an unknown but ok for many this is beyond the diplomatic precedence where it sort of takes a lot let's cross to paris france and russia but. clearly there is history between. him and he's being very pointed in his attack on michael what's a view in france about what. we've had some reaction from france's culture minister from in response to president. latest comments rosalina has said that boycotts are not in the french to tradition and
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that she says a better way of dealing with things is to have. discussion and dialogue on both sides she says that the french president emmanuel michel is not anti muslim the water is doing is fighting what he calls radical islam in france she says that radical islam in france as named by the french president is a threat to french society to muslims and muslims and she says that of micros never been against the muslim community in france now of course that is not how the turkish president has presented things with some of his comments over the past few days we heard him on saturday and saying that a man or michael's attitude to muslims meant that he needed a mental health check up with that kind of talk all those kind of comments have not gone down well as you can imagine in french diplomatic circles the foreign ministry
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putting out a statement saying that that kind of wording is very provocative and not constructive and not the sort of thing you would expect of a fellow nato ally because turkey of france both members of the nato alliance of course france has recalled its ambassador to turkey for consultations to discuss the situation further in touch with a lot of their birth. still ahead here on out there are demonstrators demanding reforms in thailand a back on the streets as parliament holds a special session to discuss its reaction. in 2016 donald trump won the presidential election in part by winning key swing states in the great lakes area ohio michigan and wisconsin we take a tour of the great lakes states to see how they'll play in the 2020 election.
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hello it's a quiet time of the year moment was for wait for winter to come in in china but that's a long way north there is of course high enough ground in the middle to see snow but for most women there is an increasing cloud insulter of rain in the west of china it is trying to reach further east but there's nothing much to it all the action really is in the south china sea we had a good night's tropical storm just creeping on the bottom of your screen there on its way towards vietnam and yes it is another one now that's called. south which is a tropical depression made landfall within the last 24 hours as a very rain mass this is far more significant and it's like if you go quite quickly get there are think by the early hours of wednesday as it hits the coast of vietnam as the effective strength is for it to strength a category one hurricane so wind and rain to watch out for this time there it is
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going on shore during wednesday lose strength when it gets there but it gets there with that sort of strength and possible way fight of 10 meters lots to watch out for that further west much quaternary in the bay of bengal there are still shouts mistily and in the foot of india and in has a few showers but effectively the monsoon rains are almost gone. as protests and valorous continue calling for the resignation of president look at . some of the women who have become a driving force of the protests. took to al-jazeera. be the hero of the world. washing.
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but again you're watching al-jazeera might have our top stories this hour and france has registered a record of new daily infections with more than $52000.00 confirmed cases on sunday several other european countries including italy and spain and i'm posing stricture measures as infections which donald trump is being accused of giving up the fight against covert 90 after the president's chief of staff conceded that the u.s. is not going to control the kind demick his presidential rival joe biden accuse the trump administration of waving the white flag. president recip typer to one has
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called on tugs to boycott french goods on saturday 0 to $1.00 question president a man on that khan's mental health is at shoot towards islam and muslims and that prompted france to recall its ambassador from turkey. now libya's national oil corporation says it has reopened its last oil field that had been closed maybe old libyan oil exports was stopped in january by. really for have to force is based in the east and production started ramping up in september as some of libya's largest oil fields reopened now libya produce more than a 1000000 barrels of crude a day moammar gadhafi is down for in 2011 plunged the country into violence the security situation since has had a negative effect on the economy its central bank want to earlier this month that libya faces an economic collapse if it does not increase oil production mom who had is in tripoli with more now the national oil corporation that's the state oil for
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based here in tripoli stated that it is left. on all. fielders ports and installations across the country the 2 remaining oil field ports that will. have to sit there and. actually the to measure the oil exporting ports in the country and now the state oil phone also stated that oil production is going to increase to $800000.00 barrels per day within 2 weeks after that these recent arrangements and maybe a 1000000 barrels a day within a month now remember that this is not going to happen easily because in order to bring get production back to normal this takes a lot of effort and also sophisticated maintenance per operation to bring. to produce oil back to normal well let's hear from an introduction who's not
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international all in energy consulting he does not anticipate any problems in getting production up and running again. so when we close an oil well which is growing already on their pressure or pumps when we close it down it takes time there well it is and it will get skid taking but doesn't mean that it is destroyed in fact no oil that is not produced is kept in the reservoir and there is a word pressure is maintained and that's good but technically to get this started they have to close open venerate i don't know lubricate and so on to get that well restarted again and the installations also to get responded so as matter of operations it is quite normal people think of the tragedy in nickel rate when saddam hussein forces were leaving. a day with the wells on fire and so on and off course into. many many months or years to get kuwaiti production back in libya
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thanks scott it is not the case in technical people no one here where they are located they are have been feeling responsible for their own installations and so when they close them down to go is the proper precautions a 3rd attempt to uphold a humanitarian ceasefire between azerbaijan and armenia is already coming under pressure the 2 sides have been fighting over the disputed territory from going to come about but is during previous attempts to stop the conflict both have already accused the other of violating the agreement latest truce was mediated by the united states despite heavy fighting on sunday or a challenge says more i mean in reaction which from the town of it john if you know which is outside the capital you have a 5. the prime minister nickel question and is saying that so far though he says there have been provocations this cease fire is holding for the moment and armenia is it hearing to it there have been accusations from both sides that violations
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have occurred but in the moment it does seem like this cease fire attempt is lasting a bit longer than the previous one just over a week ago which collapsed pretty much within minutes how long it will last well it's difficult to say how many i'm in a cemetery here but about an hour outside of your a van and you can get a sense here of the kind of history the way that this conflict is so deeply ingrained into the psyche of armenia these graves down this side of me here they're all soldiers some of them died in the 1st and we're going to karabakh war of the early ninety's and then at the end there's a new grave and that contains the bodies of commander and his son who were both caught in the same drone strike about 10 days ago the son died instantly and the father passed away 2 days later so that gives you an idea of how much armenia is
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hurting at the moment you see the funerals taking place all over at the moment and this cease fire i think is more in the interests of the armenians than it is in the interests of the there is because as a by john has been making territorial gains over the last few weeks and you get the sense there that you know the popular mood is to keep on pushing. harder has the latest on the cease fire from we could see here in azerbaijan. but i think it's a bit early to say where it's going to go if you base it on the 1st 2 announcements of cease fire the 1st one being up to a bit 10th and then a week after an october 17th then this is all the reason to be a bit skeptical. about this 3rd fear mention of a cease fire there have been accusations from both sides that the ceasefire had already been violated but by and large if i compare those early hours to early
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hours of a cool job or 17th and when that 2nd ceasefire was supposed to come in place it is a much calmer well there's a billions actually. are actually supporting this war whoever you speak to tells you the army this time has the upper hand it's not any more the army of the ninety's when i was there by john was given really a humiliating defeat a bitter defeat that no one has forgotten here there's a army is making advances and those advent those gains are basically announced on a daily basis yesterday another key town the town of 2 badly which is northwest of. itself towards the border in me and also closing in from the north from a part they. took under control it down called so certainly people are very happy about that also because terry tauriel gains means yes. buying those areas that belong to a nearby judge but also getting hold of natural resources. factory workers and
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students of on sudan opposition call for a national strike in bella ruse piling the pressure on president alexander lukashenko to resign the war come follows a major rally on sunday more than 100000 people you say that because shanker is no longer illegitimate leader more than 500 people were arrested there have been mass protests every week and she told me we can claim victory to speak to them which. large crowds of protesters have marched on the german embassy in the thai capital of bangkok they want to petition in to investigate the tyke use of his powers during his day in the very now where he is from. they believe he may have violated german sovereignty by exercising power on this oil scott hydel has more now from bangkok. so after marching for about 2 hours the protesters a few 1000 of them have arrived here at the german embassy now there's something they've been announcing for a while that they're going to come here and do the german embassy official said
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that they recognize the protesters right for a peaceful gathering and that's exactly what's happening here what they're going to do they're going to present this document to the embassy officials here saying that they want our investigation into the things you said his power on german soil we know that the german government has already started to look into this at the same time that this march started the german foreign minister and now instead he has been looking into his car on german soil for a long time long term so obviously they're looking into the legality of it what is there the king oh a lot of the time spends in germany but also particularly this year he's been spending an overwhelming amount of time so the protesters are here are saying that they want an investigation into the german officials saying they are going to do it and this is kind of their symbolic move to deliver this letter to say that they want that investigation to go and they have been doing it now it's going to be interesting what we'll see on tuesday the ongoing political dialogue and emergency session of parliament will continue the right now the focus is on this and will be
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very interesting to see what the german government does after this letter is officially deliver. the republican controlled u.s. senate is expected to confirm president trump's choice of supremes court justice later monday off for a marathon all night session that still going on it's a caps off a sprint to replace amy county ballots in the court despite opposition from democrats' new nominee to the supreme court has ever been confirmed this close to a presidential election. well we're just a ways to go until the election the attention of both sides is now focused on battleground states the state of wisconsin lies on a political knife edge the traditionally democratic state recently reclaimed the post of governor from the republicans and now the democrats hope to recapture the state itself which seems to be swinging their way $100.00 reports from dole county in wisconsin donald trump swept into wisconsin like
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a cool wind off lake michigan and he left in 2016 with an upset victory in a state that hadn't voted for a republican for president since 19 eighty-four any did it in part here in door county a swing county that voted twice for george w. bush twice for barack obama and in 2016 for donald trump door county is a tree lined peninsula jutting into lake michigan home to dairy farms apple orchards multimillion dollar lakefront homes and tourism. at the farmers markets in quaint stalls on this scenic landscape voters seem is divided as they were 4 years ago i went into the biggest. depression had. american people could actually vote for somebody who. treated other people that way it's just. totally totally blew me away our president has done a good job. and by the way going to get in or not i don't know and i hope he does.
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i don't think any guy is. strong enough to handle the job. with just days before the sun rises on the november 3rd election party activists say both sides know if not for wisconsin hillary clinton would be running for re-election and they are more motivated this time very early on they realize that joe biden was py going to be the candidate they could best beat donald trump there's a lot more enthusiasm and energy on both sides people didn't realize probably that it you know they maybe didn't think it was going to go to trump so i think they know ok we want to last time we got a shot this time too and i think people realize how pivotal wisconsin is in wisconsin and elsewhere political odds makers say battleground state polls are more reliable than they were when trump won upset victories across the great lakes states but 2016 has left many wary i think biden will win wisconsin but i think it will be fairly narrow even though the polls are saying 5 to 7 points it wouldn't
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surprise me if it came down to a point like last time or maybe 2 points whatever the polls say if there's one thing we learned from wisconsin in 2016 is that you can't take this great lakes state for granted john hendren al-jazeera door county wisconsin. and in part to have a series touring some of the battleground states in america's midwest 100 reports from detroit in michigan to find out what matters to voters in the trump majority county that's tuesday on. they cried of ours pandemic has severely affected the all sold over the world in the u.k. some artists are not just surviving but thriving so a new gig or as this report in times of crisis when normality fulls upon it is a time many say well great talent can come to life when hardship fi is the imagination to escape a harsh reality. from hollow spaces to the streets outside the pandemic has
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pushed both artists and imus's alike to find creative means of expression creative hubs around the country have been quietly carrying on and providing a much needed supporting role such as this make a space in liverpool where art fused with technology is funded and run by the community at the start of the lock down they set to work making personal protective equipment and have adapted to the new way of working on sites and online the diversity of. people using the space which that means there's a bit more resilience and a diversity of ways that it's funded. because i'm because there's a community but there have been enormous challenges with lockdowns compass bone shows and gallery closures hemorrhaging funds and there are fears over how the sector will survive. before the pandemic hits the creative industries were
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generating the equivalent of $145000000000.00 for the british economy however for many working in the sector that fact doesn't seem to resonated with a government that says that struggling artists ought to retrain and find a job in the new normal for arts organizations reliant on public funds support from the government is crucial and an investment the way that they are treated in the way that it's monetize isn't it's not equal to industries where all of our projects of hard at least if operated 30 percent return on. investment prepare local government and there's no other district that would expect a 530 percent return on investment for them and expect that to be the norm and still cap what they're willing to give you the following year what happens in these studios impacts the world outside whether it's regenerating spaces or creating
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objects that are bought and sold the u.k.'s artistic wealth will be a vital part of its post pandemic economic recovery would its creators require on guarantees that they will be able to afford to work and to test britain's reputation as a cultural heavyweight sony diagonal al-jazeera liverpool. or it is time for a quick check of the headlines here and out there and france has registered a record of new delhi infections with more than $52000.00 confirmed cases on sunday several other european countries including italy and spain are now imposing stricter measures as infections. donald trump is being accused of giving up the fight against david 90 after the president's.
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