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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  October 27, 2020 10:30pm-11:01pm +03

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poland's predominately roman catholic church strongly opposed to abortion wields enormous influence on the move the country even further a poll from the european mainstream e.u. leaders have accused the polish government of violating shared standards for years in the rolling back on democratic reforms demonstrators are promised many more days of action. just look at the headlines now with exactly a week to go before the u.s. election donald trump and joe biden spending choose day crisscrossing the united states in an intense day of campaigning national polls giving democratic contender biden a solid lead but it's a lot tighter in some of those battleground states the court of ours and then it continues to overshadow the campaign infections are surging in the country with some states concerned about a lack of hospital beds and a half
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a 1000000 cases have been confirmed in the past week. well president trump has focused on the economy at a campaign rally in michigan it's trouble believe the number one reason that i'm standing here because of we turn that around. 7. we're going to win the great state. we're going to win for 4 years in the way. in our all the headlines this hour police in zanzibar have reportedly killed 5 people who took part in protests alleging ballot fraud ahead of tanzania's election on wednesday main opposition leader that was arrested earlier on tuesday but has since been released the african union is calling for a peaceful poll. at least 8 people have been killed in a bombing a religious school in the northwest pakistan city of bashara over 100 others were injured police say the bomb was hidden in a 5 left in the school's main hole the the device then detonated
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a students gathered for their lessons. 4 people including 2 children have died after a boat carrying migrants sank off the coast of france all than a dozen people have been taken to hospital the boat was thought to have been trying to reach the u.k. when it hit rough seas it's believed to be the biggest loss of life from a single boat during migrant crossings in the english channel a united nations delegation has made its 1st visit to several camps in ceres italy province and jez it comes a day after a russian as strike killed at least $78.00 turkish rebels in northern syria syrian special envoy to the u.n. is cooperation between russia and turkey. well coming up next the stream examines the cause and effect of the unrest in pakistan.
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hi for me ok and you're watching the stream today people in pakistan for weeks people have been taking to the streets to protest an economic crisis mass unemployment kind of rising food costs the opposition say they want prime minister iran khan out but it doesn't look like he's going anywhere there is a lot to get into if you're watching the you tube you can join the chat of be part of today's conversation if you're following via twitter tweet us at a.j. stream. joining me to talk about the situation in pakistan we have come out of his ear as
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correspondent in islamabad well he's the fine that's and health minister for pakistan's path to up province he joins us from peshawar and venia russell she's a political organizer who focuses on feminism and gender issues in islamabad we also had a representative from pakistan's democratic movement they were ready to speak to us today but they dropped out just before the show saying that it was against their party's policy to debate a provincial government representative minister jogja were you aware of that where you were as you were today we need to be debating with what do you make of the. so we are seeing protests right now in pakistan rallies big rallies and they are asking for there to be change which is the slogan for the ruling how does
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the slogan from iran come on what do you make of them how do you explain the numbers turning up who are unhappy. well i take exception to the fact that they that there are protests that have been 3 opposition rallies who told the opposition can that i think that is the opposition job in particular with what they have out there to run the arctic. image are on the park on the american government. do our job right in terms of product of being our own politics over the next. over the idea. oh i had no i haven't i don't think that it right got a karate what's been happening out by the matters that have been korea opposition rallies. and we're talking in of
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a lot that are led by 2 parties that have that are basically ordering to be heard all then at the early on by a familial dynasty and i think we've seen how seriously they take their own cause by running away from what the program or that it or not. where they could have prevented their own so many say let me go to one of those rallies this one is from october 20 twentieth's in lahore and you mention one of these political dynasty so we're going to go to money in no wise she is the daughter of the former prime minister nawaz sharif and this is what she said at that rally part of what she said at the rally so listen. that break up promise me that you will hold them accountable for the hunger at your homes and tears in your eyes and sufferings of your families and promised me that when you asked yuri give you
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a call when the pakistan democratic movement will give you a call you will stand with your sister and your daughter when she comes out both carpark bergen senior that's very passionate what you have what the minister said how he characterized what was going on and he didn't say he's a protest he said they were opposition rallies how do you catch mice what is going on explaining. honestly i absolutely disagree and i think it's really unfortunate to paint it as such because i do think that while we can question the mortar over why the opposition is doing what they're doing i think that that can be debated and i do think that the debate of i think i think the direction of the conversation needs to be taken away if wrong elite politics and talking about means stream political parties. away from the ruling party and opposition parties and whatever is going on between them onto the masses and we constantly ignore the fact that the
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masses are attending these protests or or these rallies that. will have you believe so it's not that these these the protests aren't being attended massively by people in douglas to show that the people aren't aren't happy with how things are going and how the government is running the ruling party is running this country and simultaneously i think it's sort also worth mentioning that that it's not simply the b.t.n. movement out at the moment. resisting the status quo resisting how the government is how the ruling party is running the country but simultaneously there is a lot of resistance coming in from all quarters so we have students health workers street unions and workers in general staging protests in cities all over all across pakistan at the moment which we don't see on main stream media inbox on
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because of a variety of reasons of which censorship is the 1st and foremost we in the last a week or so now i want you off the minister to respond listening sitting there patiently waiting to respond back to happen a step. look i remember the thought and we talk of the ship dog bed and i remember a time when i was ready to. seem to be spearheading the opposition movement on you tube sitting in a flat in london while. at a point when convicted green your disagree with that but you don't need revolutions on you do you when you've gone abroad. with the permission of. i i'm glad that the next step the fact that most of the opposition may be debated and i think that is really important. those motives have to be
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a debate that the lady that you showed the daughter of nick our prime minister laci . very convenient and it's quite on order yet and are you doesn't give a single public statement when she feel that that is all that the government ought to wear mostly but the e.u. is going to give some sort of flexibility to. be and when they feel that that is not the case they're going to suddenly barter it in court that. you do not need drop it like they're all the movement principle or not all convenient if you're doing it product. you do it can it than you do it because you believe it the right thing to do now no one will tell you that everything would up upon it. but when you believe option to me about a cog you work through difficult times you work to fix them and i also don't
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believe that we can just. go on the air of. a burning within. that broad 8 mm and stocked numbers in our world of gone through one of them all challenging yet in the pot 100. and make that's going on. in bahrain where in this very government led by the very prime minister went through a very difficult they where they took them all the things in the earlier on but remember that movie and new short samina said let me just let me just take let me just let me just see how cd is responding to this because both of you could speak each for half an hour and i'd be delighted to hear that but i want you to go back and forth and then come out as we may fashion out of income. so within the context of how the it is and he said really tricky time for for pakistan to be
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looking at how to use the people better change and rallies and opposition voices this is what the minister saying is economy member the context here and you say walks. i think i mean our this isn't just about i think i think again the thing with the government is that they would like us to believe that this is simply an outcome in a product that their bag governance and performance is simply an outcome of all that and that they deserve some kind of empathy but that's not really the case they've they were in power well before colbert as well and there was a the food inflation was considerable. the inflation in lifesaving drugs prices was considerable civil liberties were greatly restricted and that's not that's not something that's hidden from from the rest of the world and all that the sitting government focused on instead was on on this entire conversation of who was
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lawyer to the flag and who was loyal to the country or not and i think that's a very dangerous debate to simply talk about in this country where you have people starving and dying with jobs whatsoever and at the same time with food that is simply cannot afford so you have food that you can't afford and same time you have a job market that simply. well it's absolutely dying or or it's don't come i want to defend your expertise here because we have a lively conversation happening on you civitas getting a free mentions in today so attention if beacon says there is no democracy in pakistan under the government can respond to that come our festival and then the other side of that conversation started saying. it's a savior of pakistan he has a chance he has his detractors. well 1st of all you have.
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a funny sight every time anybody and that. goes for all the parties that ready you lose the election you never accept there is a. response political instability has been given primarily because of the polarized nation within the political parties you are talking about the political parties. the august undemocratic and lines the grouping of mine political parties the main party would be the bugis on people's park a ritual is funded by the godly or. ironic any of those because they put out was also promoted by a military dictator and later on. when they came into paul what he brought in so should lead them that particular modernized the ny state and that led to
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a complete collapse of august on industrial. as far as i. was concerned they were the. guys in a did they call it political attack and they. by. george in general he had said and then unfortunately all that in general. there were no border taken august on for over a decade after it's been a day. that's a lot of reports or a parent i am telling you have go ahead if you find my i'm looking at a laptop here of some of the many stories that you filed out of pakistan and i'm looking back one from lyrica almost a year ago to the thai pakistan's opposition joining time sinks time minister calls resignation this is a year ago what is the legitimacy for them to oscars from your perspective covering this as so many signs are still able to this was like a quick i think there was
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a now it seems bill bradley. there's always been drama when it comes to bugs. that you were referring to modify the rhythm on it for my religious parkade that. there were that my it has been. when it comes to the religious schools around the country it can be heard lamo by tens of thousands. and brought them and i've been you. know bob said maybe bring back. however at the last minute he also complained that gabe are let down by the mainstream political parties and therefore decided to end. bugs on had their magic developments earlier emraan condoms has stayed that sit in this nominal but if it did do a word choice and now the open issue and the technique to do the same so the sort
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of drama that have happened then. everybody and bug is on the opening that there's no more political instability because the country coming out of a financial crisis that should not be forgotten that although the president government has made some mistakes it's mistake that the progress on economic mess is problematic because of the. government i never dynastic rule or exam but one. handing over their minds to another family member so that unfortunate but the government all good they all had to get their checks together in order to be able to decide this by the people elected as a very think dive into the ice tea question son of a wrong content and to distract us from iran contra thank you so much i want to bring in need to come on because she has a very different time on why these rallies happening i want to push this out.
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you are coming from this from a very different perspective but when it happens to me. the current protesters leave this in fact is known should be understood not as a protest against the sitting government for gravity as a protest against the military so what is quite the pakistan democratic movement repeatedly and which is a rule for opposition parties will basically come together to call out the sitting government which is the fact that we can answer government. for basically being puppets of the military so that is the way we should understand it rather than a government kind of protests seen here at the beginning of the show i must say employment be a column e. this food shortage is a need is just saying it's about the military which will take. i think i think i understand military and governance and bias than is to understand that it's pretty
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intertwined so for example any political i mean in terms of we're talking about it's important to understand that the political that that the ruling political party and its linkages do the military has a lot to do with how badly the economy is doing so for example the how much budget is to the military how much money the military gets in return has an impact on how much money is there instead of spend elsewhere and and that also then has a lot to do with regional stability that has a lot to do with how regions where where instability happens right in pakistan specially along the front years but it stands war policy prigs will that has a lot to do with how pakistan's economy fares and i think that's a much longer discussion to be had but i think but it sounds political landscape is intertwined with the military to such an extent that the economy sort
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of goes hand in hand with it so i think it's it's a bit simplistic to say that movement is simply against the military it's not the the movement is against. is against the ruling of the ruling party right now which might which if elected mayor may not be selected by the military but it's also against how bad how badly the economy is doing at the moment because of. because of the kind of economic policies that have come about because of. how much ok she enjoys i want to bring some voices from the cheapie for the minister when he said this is what. you're saying on the whole idea of the economy what gets us why is inflation exponential surging in pakistan why does iran call not talk about it
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it's a pressure we've got an economic strike well for the voting party how are you handling that. remember a couple of things and give me a couple minutes 1st of all i don't think it's military i don't think it's anything other than self-preservation as part of the opposition is concerned they haven't thought about a single issue in the supposedly protests other than trying to create an hour or to mitigate cases it's what the prime minister calls that often cordon and model a national reconciliation ordinance a disguise to try and wash the. remember that bales of corruption whether that led to the party this is a politician being convicted multiple. this is a politician whose. whose financial empire was never relieved
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relieved by his old family until 3 days before the phantom elite when conveniently they decided to disclose the number of properties they had any time i hear that and if you think i'm a quite extensively on out here in fact i've been reading fed gangs about all of the stories i understand that's why this is a new chief right now showing off to tell inflation yes go ahead absolutely you know because you said this is something we wanted to talk about and the prime minister the government keeps on talking come on don't take my word for it they come out in terms of the challenge in the myth that we have to think of all the program i googled pockets aren't economy and me and you know what the 1st topic of that comes up another disease article called family in pakistan delivers economic growth but it won't call and then model the economic performance of the
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emollient think concluding that pockets are going to have to go to the i.m.f. and go to. warcry very difficult. art of the prime minister of fashion or of what who are people who are comparable. to konami find them private if they're leaning the meeting on good prices on controlling inflation or what they've been doing and i'm like the opposition in the pop the federal reserve there are things that atop the provincial representative because what i know the one thing that i all can believe about enron our coverage button for the poor and of rebellion to bring in whatever difficult part of it and they have evidence that we will get through it give me 30 seconds imperio it up or in nomic republic go bit later like india where do you run cry greater than 10 percent
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you know a potted plant bigger than the large lump are you go ahead prop an economy that permits wrinkling there's a real g.d.p. growth oh yeah they're difficult i must say i made a gadget mention that i did because and because one of the guests that we spoke to us from the south asia institute and he was he he he takes something of the drama which come out describes politics in pakistan he said there's more important things to talk about let's have a listen. it's never actually speed as an opposition is irresponsible to see the least during called 900 pakistan imran khan's administration and very christian belief decreases 28 is no better and pakistanis if you could still be better than either of them especially given that the end of the china backs an economic good deal is always be she did when she said 1000000000 pounds little point 6 percent of
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its g.d.p. . not quite the rosy figures that you were sharing with us minister i want to go for all of you and just ask you a question about iran kannan in a year's time why do you think you might be so packed why don't you chief says democracy is a right to choose alameda's most of us choose imraan khan if he's favored by the minute change then so be it the p.p.m. can cry all they want and he's pat mine on you to come out briefly this time next year imran khan what will he be doing what will he still be where there is a question the $1000000.00 question but i don't think anybody had it on their. own on might not be forgotten or go they were that huge challenge the country i mean if they were saying yes you know i did not come out with $911.00 it's very
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arrogant and they're going to go after here until they. were that if the government where did it get where you couldn't. double it or oh i thought i heard. him run on after a year yeah we'll have to wait and you know that's a very i think and i don't know when it's moving on arriving on we're after wait and see favorite line of every journalist when it's a free for me when i will in one county this time next year. i mean one thing that i. know i did i thought on the program about really great before. going to 20 why not it's over 2021 well we've now got 3 prime minister today iran god willing still be in that job all right thank you mr siniora. though for it it's unfortunate that the ruling party is still concerned about defending the military
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as the bulls are defending themselves because i knew we learned something we should be more concerned about and i do think that had them focused on their own performance and their in going in they wouldn't have the situation that they have right now in they wouldn't be facing such a big issue at the moment and if you would allow me to do that when we are at the end of the show xenia say prime minister anyone can this time actually yes no yes i don't think i don't think his own religion is going his own hands to be honest i think other people have decided for him as to where he will be in the next year but i mean yeah. it's been such a pleasure as come our set there's a lot of jobs in pakistan political you choose audience you are amazing thank you very much to be continued our discussion continues actually on instagram at 2030 g.m.t. on tuesday i'll be joined by another out to see a correspondent is some of that assad has seen him for an instagram live chat about
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pakistan on the a.j. stream instagram account looking out your questions we will see you there thanks for watching everybody see an x. tie. business leaders is for to find a brass path. from
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. business leaders just for to find a brass path. he began with. and it was to i caught short but full blown by folks like i was that the documentary filmmaker once granted unconditionally his line of contrasts his experiences with those seeking refuge today and intimate mood of the consequences of the detainments is really on that's the sort of all this misery they cannot absorb this number that people have to suffer in this way it is unacceptable and refugees taney on to 0. play an
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important role. ringback in the world. hello i'm maryam namazie and london just a quick look at the headlines now with exactly a week to go before the u.s. election donald trump and joe biden is spending choose day crisscrossing the united states and an intense day of campaigning national polls giving democrat contender biden a solid lead but it's not but it's much tighter actually in some of the battleground states that could decide the election the coronavirus pandemic continues to overshadow campaigning infections are surging in the country with some states concerned about a shortage of hospital beds and a half a 1000000 cases have been confirmed in the past week alone addressing supporters in georgia vida.


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