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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 3, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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yeah. but isn't that the american way. tells us what kind of people we are. when. america's nursing home. just 0. 0. hello there i'm just on the attack and this is the news hour live from our headquarters here and coming up in the next 60 minutes i think we're doing very well all over at the polls open in the u.s. presidential election with donald trump already predicting victory. but his rival joe biden closed his campaign in the key battleground of pennsylvania promising the beginning of a new day. for people killed as gunmen opened fire in the austrian capital of
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vienna the government is calling it a terrorist attack. on president allison which are as declared the winner of ivory coast's general election but the opposition is refusing to accept the results. and football legend diego about a donor has been admitted to hospital those doctor says it's not related to code 19 all of the details coming up later this hour. well it is now just after 10 g.m.t. and we begin this news hour in the united states where voting for the highly anticipated presidential election is getting underway now polls have already opened in the state of vermont just hours after both donald trump and joe biden poured months of campaigning and often divisive political rhetoric to a close now the uncertainty around the results and if they. i'll be accepted as
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that business owners to board up their stores in anticipation of potential on the rest our white house correspondent can be how begins our coverage from washington d.c. . u.s. president donald trump wrapped up his reelection campaign still behind in the national polls but convinced he'll pull off a victory and i think we're going to have a tremendous victory truck rally in 4 different battleground states but made his last rally in michigan as he did in 2016 with an 11th hour pitch to voters but if biden and harrison the radical left gain power they will collapse our economy and send our nation into a very steep depression trump's rival former vice president joe biden focused on the northeastern state of pennsylvania calling in celebrity artists like lady gaga to wrap up the final night and in. pennsylvania is the same state
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where biden's campaign started and also where he was born stabs tearing up the dirt back. where your dough that's where you're preventing the well we burn. you're big. you're an idiot states of america as the candidates presented their closing arguments the number of americans who have voted prior to election day has set new records nearly 100000000 people have cast their ballots in early voting. both polls show early mail in voting favors biden but trump believes his supporters are waiting until tuesday to cast in person votes but in the final hours of the campaign both candidates signaled they may not accept the results on election day sheeting can happen like you've never seen this is their dream and they are they are known for trouble even called
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a recent supreme court decision allowing an extension to count votes in pennsylvania as dangerous twitter flagged the tweet as potentially misleading with an immediate result on election day in doubt both candidates are preparing potential legal challenges to the results under no scenario while donald trump be declared a victory a victor on election night casting widespread uncertainty over poll results now appears to be a tactic employed by both campaigns you know we've already seen challenges to extended deadlines for allowing a mail in ballots that have been postmarked by election day but that arrive a few days later they have been challenges to adjustments in the law as american voters are anxious hoarding food. and boarding up businesses from new york to los angeles joe biden will be in pennsylvania on election day donald trump will be
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watching the returns come in from the white house or to additional fences have been erected around the perimeter in anticipation of civil unrest can really help at al-jazeera the white house. well 2 very small new hampshire towns with a fast open to voters in a 60 year old tradition at the stroke of midnight local lawyer says headed to their polling stations near the canadian border and those results are already in joe biden has won the 5 votes in dixville notch while the no fail to 20 kilometers to the south president trump won 16 votes to biden's 5 and as can be held at mentioned a record 98000000 americans have already very said and many of them have done it by mail before election day that's largely due to some reluctance to vote in passenger in this pandemic but across the u.s. there's no single uniform procedure for processing and tabulating those votes from
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bennett's explains. there's been a tremendous surge in mail in and absentee ballots cast in this election we're going to see tens of millions of more americans vote by mail than have than any other former presidential or any election really this despite president donald trump's repeated false claims that mail in voting is rife with fraud no there's there's no evidence of widespread fraud the process catch is that the process is designed in to catch these sorts of issues percentages about 0006 percent of all ballots cast 9 states plus the district of columbia send ballots automatically to all active registered voters in the rest voters may request absentee ballots despite fears that trump appointed postal officials were engineering a mail service slow down observers say delivery time has not so far been an issue we've actually been hearing good stories about very quick delivery when will all
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these ballots be counted well it depends on the state all across the spectrum of the united states you have a variation in the rules of which the voters need to abide by the way in which ballots are counted be the laws and policies and procedures or the type of equipment that they're using. most states begin processing and preparing mail in ballots for tabulation well before november 3rd that means they'll get results quickly it's just a handful of states that don't allow that processing to occur until election day or after but that handful includes the crucial swing states of wisconsin and pennsylvania ballot counting there could delay knowing who won if we're down to the wire and it's all contingent upon a couple of states we may not know the projected outcome and tell long after election day a couple of days maybe a week and as millions lined up for early voting armies of lawyers from both sides
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are poised to dispute the results in the courts there have been more than $300.00 lawsuits around election administration so far this year just days ago the supreme court ruled against republicans allowing pennsylvania and north carolina to continue counting ballots after election day look i'm i'm a former elections official litigation can reach havoc in the election process specially in the middle of the conduct of the election there are many variables but the bottom line is have patience unless one of the candidates wins in a landslide americans and people around the world may have to wait a while before they learn who has been elected president of the united states robert oulds al jazeera los angeles. well the us has a rather unique way of electing its president it's called the electoral college system it's complicated and it's contentious if you're talking about who actually got the most votes what each state is given
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a share of electors and that share depends on the size of the state's population and therefore the number of their representatives in congress so populous states like california texas new york and florida have more electoral college votes now the entire nationwide electoral college is made up of $538.00 members candidates need just over half of those votes to win that means a minimum of $270.00 becomes the magic number so during an election when people vote for their preferred candidate they're actually voting for those electors who intend give their votes to the candidates now most states have a winner take all system so if you get the most votes at the ballot box you get all of the electoral college votes for that state except for maine and nebraska they split their electoral college votes so that also means that in america it is still possible to lose the popular vote and still win the election it's happened 5 times now twice in the last 5 elections like back in 2016 when hillary clinton got nearly
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2900000 more votes than donald trump but trump flipped some crucial states with high electoral vote counts and got past that critical number 270 well with 38 electoral college votes at stake texas is one of the most important battlegrounds in the country it hasn't supported a democratic nominee for president since 1976 but polls do suggest that joe biden is trailing donald trump by just 3 percentage points raising hopes among democrats there is a chance for victory how does your caster is in houston with more. i am at a day of the dead raid organized by democrats and showcasing this tradition of the texas work you know community that school rolling and political strength lets you know make up 40 percent of the population in texas and since a favor democrats but historically have struggled with low voter turnout but perhaps not this year because a lesser number of new voters have passed the ballot many of them hispanic in fact
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more people have already cast their ballots early this election than all of the vote in 26 but perhaps the biggest surprise is that polls show joe biden within striking distance of winning this state which is unheard of texas has not supported a democratic candidate for president in more than 40 years a while back in support in places like houston and other big cities is strong in the back rural areas of texas to support her president from 3 main unshaken political analysts say it's unlikely that biden will win texas this year but he could come close by and that in itself could cement the state's new status as the biggest political battleground. another key battleground that the outcome of this year's election could come down to is florida which is considered the biggest prize now trump won the state 4 years ago but it was by little more than once
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a sentence point and you got to explain why florida is just so important. it seems like every 4 years when a presidential election comes around we end up talking about florida the states of course has a long history of razor thin elections that have a huge national impact but what makes it so important well the demographics are tend to reflect those of the entire nation about 20 percent of voters are elderly and there's a very large latino and hispanic population here but perhaps more importantly this state has 29 electoral college votes only texas and california has more interestingly no republican nominee has ever made it to the white house in almost a century without winning this state now voter turnout here has been huge shattering all records but coded 19 has been a massive issue in this state but one thing is. whatever happens on election day in this state really matters well back in 2016 donald trump won pennsylvania by
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0.7 margin turning that state red for the 1st time in nearly 3 decades and 4 years later voters there remain more divided than ever with polls giving biden only a slim leans over his rival christensen he has more on how this swing state could determine the outcome. if we win pennsylvania we win the whole thing that was president tribe's message to voters at a rally here in the state that he and vice president joe biden have been crisscrossing in the final days before the election clearly both campaigns think pennsylvania is essential and while joe biden has consistently led in the polls here that lead has been tightening and is now right about where hillary clinton was in 2016 when president pulled off an upset winning pennsylvania by less than a percent he has attempted to go back to his previous winning strategy focusing on working class voters and the economy while joe biden has focused on management of
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the pandemic and made a special appeal in recent days to black voters in particular that after a shooting in the last week by a police officer of a black man led to unrest in the streets as important as pennsylvania is to this election we may not know the results here for several days after it as the counting of mail in ballots does not start until election day itself and as for how seriously voters are taking this election you can see by the line behind me that interest is high. 2 candidates to contrast in visions for the future of america that start with the coronavirus pandemic trump has promised to develop a vaccine by the end of this year but he's refused to collaborate on global efforts while biden has promised access to free testing and investment of $25000000000.00 in vaccines to make them free for all americans as well as a nation wide mosque mandate or trump also says he'll create $10000000.00 new jobs
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in 10 months cut taxes for workers and increase manufacturing at home while biden wants to spend $700000000000.00 on american products and recess his proposals include raising taxes for wealthy americans and increasing the national minimum wage trump has responded to nation wide and he races in protest more aggressively calling for the use of troops and military style equipment he's also against defunding the police will biden also doesn't want to defund the police but wants to spend more on community policing trump has promised to continue to be tough on immigration by barring health care free tuition and welfare for undocumented immigrants biden on the other hand says he'll reverse trump's travel ban on 6 muslim majority nations reunite children who've been separated from their families at mexican border as well as increase refugee admissions well let's speak now to scott gluteus he's a professor of american studies at the university of birmingham in the u.k. new joins us from there now thanks for being with us scott i feel like we've got
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plenty sick of us or let's start with one very divisive issue for americans this election health care and support especially for preexisting conditions in the middle of a pandemic and both candidates have very different views on obamacare do you think that's been decisive aversions this time round. i think it's important in the 2800 bed terms where democrats gained control of the house of representatives and really sort of recovered from that last 4 years ago health care was the most important issue now obviously the pandemic historic focused everything on what's happening with coronavirus with more than 230000 americans dead but it has that broader issue of if we get sick are we covered and here's the story difference between the 2 joe biden wants to expand obamacare to continue to bring more coverage to americans including for preexisting conditions donald trump wants to bury it and that will put tens of millions of americans at risk of having no insurance at all trump failed to bury this by going through congress in 20172018 narrowly losing the
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revote for repeal so now he's doing it through the course you clued in trying to get a macone barrett on the supreme court in part of the court obamacare judicially scott i want to talk about a few other priorities for votes as well as health care now depending on which state there and plenty of voters of either said the economy or the coronavirus pandemic have been the biggest factor in their decisions this time around but they're also very linked how do you think a shutdown is have affected voting behavior. well i think the immediate impact is it removed what was the trump campaign's initial strategy which was we are hash tag wedding on the economy in fact the growth rate under donald trump was not as great an you know as that under president obama but you could still maintain that argument and then the pandemic grew into between april and june u.s. g.d.p. fell at its greatest root 9.6 percent in recorded history now it has bounced back
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in the 3rd quarter but it's done so at the cost of a surgeon coronavirus and because of course when you're reopen the economy if you have to contain the virus you get what we're seeing now which is what could 7 cases for the united states even greater than those in the 1st wave of march i think if donald trump would stay focus on the economy in recent days and said look we are recovering you would have a good chance but the problem is he's wound up talking about coronavirus by saying that doctors are making money off inflating dustman by calling his chief expert dr anthony fauci a disaster not exactly the message you want to reassure people now well many also thought that this election's october surprise was the president himself testing positive for corona virus has that changed anything do you think. i think it was the october surprise i think it it focused on coronaviruses the main issue with the truck campaign were rude rather talk about the supreme court in a county fair or trucks culture wars against supposed extremists in an archivist
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but what happened is everybody focused on coronavirus and the donald trump instead of trying to connect with those who have died so look i understand now understand how serious this is welled up saying by maybe i'm into this i'm a great physical specimen don't be afraid and again it was that distance you know trump what is really happening on the ground doesn't make you know possible for him to wear but it did make his chances i think made it more difficult in the final days of this election but there are so many issues here and it does feel like even through the tunnel of this year the racial justice protests we've seen even the pandemic polling has been remarkably stable so both parties been focused on these undecided voters is what do you think is the tipping point for them what's tipping the balance in their decision. well you know different voters will go different ways so i can tell you a coronavirus of the economy but those a trump so-called base there with him come hell or high water the question is how big is that base after the beating that america has taken so i think the tipping
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point will vary from state to state in terms of people's conditions but here's how it break it down if donald trump does not win pennsylvania he does not win this election it's as simple as that but if joe biden doesn't win pennsylvania he still has a weird way to win by taking florida where the older population has been hit hard by the pandemic he has the possibility of doing it by winning north carolina or by even winning former republican states like arizona and georgia where he's ahead in the polls in these final days what unites those states where he might have another path to victory florida north carolina arizona georgia they're most the top 10 states in the u.s. in rates of coronavirus. they fought many many fascinating hours that coming up here over the course of the day scott lucas there professor of american studies and you know mastery of banning and thanks for being with us great to get your insight here on out of their skulls. and don't forget we will have live uninterrupted
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special coverage of the u.s. elections from $2200.00 g.m.t. our correspondents will be reporting from crucial states across the country we'll have expert analysis and of course live reports as there is all important results come in you can watch all of that here on al-jazeera from 22 g.m.t. . there's also plenty more ahead for you on this news out including ugandan politician bobby wine has been arrested shortly after he was officially nominated for next year's presidential elections. cleaning up the damage operations began in the philippines after its head by the worst storm of the here. and i.x. head into the champions league match missing 11 players because of credit peace will have those details for you in school. in vienna at least 4 civilians have been killed and 14 others injured and what's
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being called a terrorist attack austria's interior minister described at least one of the attack as as an eyesore sympathizer. reports. gunshots in central. american cauldron several opening fire at 6 locations in the austrian capital. one assailant armed with a rifle filled walking down an alleyway and shooting a bystander. being vicious so suddenly the shooting started 1st we did not know what it was but suddenly people who were sitting another scare scoggins started to run 1st we kept standing there because we didn't know what was going on then there was the shooting again but closer so we started to run away because we didn't know if we were running in the right direction we ran into a hotel and he. police killed one suspect. the austrian interior minister says the
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man was an isis sympathizer there ask you 1st the track down attacker was equipped with an explosive belt which turned out to be a fake and with an assault rifle the terrorist was a sympathizer of the terror group islamic state. the attacks happened while many were enjoying their last night out before new coronavirus restrictions start on tuesday the shootings took place near vienna is made synagogue which was closed the austrian chancellor described it as a repulsive terror attack this is not religion i say i understand it is of course a very tense security situation while we pursued the perpetrators we noticed they are very well equipped with automatic weapons very professionally prepared it is definitely a terrorist attack police are still looking for at least one suspect to go to way several injured people remain in hospital some in a critical condition the public has been warned to stay home and avoid public transport european leaders condemned the shootings including french president emanuel macron who said europe must not give up in the face of attacks germany and
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hungry have offered help which the austrians say they will use if needed victoria gayton be there. now a 4 year old gal has been pulled from the rubble in techie 4 days after a massive earthquake there rescue workers found the child who was trapped in 1001 hour in the earthquake demolished tripod in a building in the city of mia more than 100 people are now confirmed dead but cray's are still working to try to find the bibles they were also casualties and damage caused in greece. now ivory coast's president our son tara has been declared winner of the presidential election there the electoral commission said he secured 94 percent of the voters but the opposition says it's ignoring the results and is creating its own transitional government they have been boycotting sunday's election and say president of ataru shouldn't have been allowed to stand for.
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the mission of the national transitional council is to prepare the framework for the organization of transparent and inclusive presidential elections to set up a transitional government in the next few hours and to convene the national conference for national be conciliation with a view to the return to definitive peace in ivory coast armitage just as following this for us from a bridge on a med where to from here it does seem that the 2 sides are at an impasse now. absolutely and every side is insisting that it's right a lot and worked out for peace camp it's a celebration time. excuse with. his supporters are extra ticket about this victory they call it a long slide and this much was expected so the 2 leading opposition candidates and also they are boycotting the election in fact. his only challenge in the vote in
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the election pulled only 64000 votes out of the 300 sorry 3000000 250000 votes and that's not on the other hand scored 3000000 and 30 $1000.00 vote but the opposition leadership is saying that the vote was illegal unconstitutional so also was a lesson or 2 as candidacy result they form their own transitional council and it by one of the contestants pulled out of the we can vote. or economy big year for the president from 1980 to 1990 and saying that very soon that will rule out a transition program that will take into consideration efforts to conduct free and fair elections and we can solve that deeply divided country they're also calling on their supporters to come out on the streets on mass to protest the elections that were carried out over the weekend they want to see supporters on the street
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continuously until allison one is forced out of office on the other hand allison what and his people are saying that we are preparing to sway in the name of the president forth for another 5 years 5 year term and they're looking at even the possibility of forming a government that will reunite the country so that's the situation right now what is expected now is what many people are afraid of actually not expected is when the 2 sides one side celebrating and the other one protesting on the streets and that is what i've been afraid of for a very very long time which of course reminds everybody about the events of 2010 when former president laurent gbagbo refused to concede defeat and then violence erupted at least 3000 ivorians died in the process so a lot of people are hoping that this time these bloodshed this bloodshed will be avoided but from the looks of things both sides are not backing down from their own
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positions and i've honestly continue watching that question for you here on out is there a middle interest there with all the nationalist thank you ron. well speaking of elections ugandan opposition leader musician bobby wian has been arrested how to look at this video was posted online social media showing police forcing their way into his car his party says police broke into the vehicle and forced one out it all happened shortly after he handed in his nomination papers for next year's election has been calling for a long time president yoweri mr bennett to step down well let's speak to malcolm webb he's monitoring developments from neighboring kenya malcolm body one now in custody do we yet know what he's being charged with. we haven't been charged yet as far as we've heard but he just submitted his papers and successfully be nominated to run in that presidential election which is bent out of the beginning of next year in uganda he wants to challenge a long time ruler president. howard for the 4 years he just
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completed that nomination left the venue where he was arrested in the video as you said it's a live facebook feed from both the ones facebook page somebody inside his car is filming with the police riot police surrounding it breaking in the window and then dragging the people inside out of the car and he was bundled into a police van and taken off to a police station now this kind of violence isn't unusual in uganda politics specially in election years but what's different this time is that somebody with his broader support base or young following uganda's very large population following the wind and this is presenting a new kind of challenge from a 70 previous opposition politicians have always complained that they haven't been given a fair chance to challenge with 70 election they say all the elections have been rigged and they're not free and fair but this time a pop star with a nice following is now expected to be on the ballot paper and this reaction from
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the police would suggest they're quite anxious about the kind of crowds that he can pull on to the streets of. the council come power but in previous similar incidents they often cite rules that were brought in about 10 years ago to try and stop any kind of public gatherings organized by opposition and in addition to those restrictions on opposition activities they now also have in the rule book covert restrictions which can have been cited in recent months to try and block any opposition and activities and gatherings as well malcolm webb there across that for us from nairobi thanks so much mark. well it is a now time for the weather has. got me has gone thankfully it was the strongest record anywhere on her since 2030 and that was high on which hit actually the philippines now you know how much damage has has done when damage principle you have to say. being put to some use admittedly gone is
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a much smaller storm it was only a tropical storm and supposed to a typhoon now it's a super typhoon of course where it would have the philippines but it's still got some life left in it it will enter well the coastal waters of vietnam by the end of thursday and make landfall i suspect later enters your early on friday as a fairly weak storm but very involved tensional of 400 millimeters at sunny may well strength but at the moment it's out over open water that these are just 2 of the sri existing tropical systems in the world them or the other one is coming on to the coast of nicaragua hurrican eat a record breaking because of the number we've got to in the season to $28.00 now i think this is a nasty piece of work 240 kilometer per hour winds it's moving west was steadily into nicaragua now it's been classified as nick stream the dangerous hurricane it's slow moving it is windy it also contains a significant storm surge and 402900 millimeters of rain. well still ahead here
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on al-jazeera the green shoots of recovery in the sounds that could help feed some of brazil's poorest people. plus how robots are coming to the rescues to help keep a pop art exhibition and london's fundament. and the raise that famously stops a nation goes ahead behind closed doors the nobel peace will have a state out of support for taco trucks and. from fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to meet such 2 moms as a global power developed into the basement company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the state we provide business growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound energy
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solutions for future generations the brush pioneering future energy a journey of discovery. which is the kochi of a letter to germany addressed to my grandfather zeros barbara 0 traces of family links back to the regime of benito mussolini the non-spouse is fascism returned to italian poultry freshers in the family it makes me sick this letter although a profound. on al-jazeera. hello
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again i'm home let's remind you of our top stories here of a salad after months of campaigning donald trump and joe biden have brought their campaigns to a close bowling green fat now open in the long but nearly 100000000 americans have already voted by mail trump has again suggested he may not accept the results. at least 3 people have been killed and 14 others injured in the austrian capital vienna the interior ministry is calling this a terrorist attack several men on death rifles opened fire starting near the city in the senate. and ivory coast's president alassane ouattara has been declared the winner of the presidential election that the electoral commission says he secured 94 percent of the voters but the opposition has rejected the results. well iran's supreme leader has spoken out ahead of the u.s. presidential election ayatollah ali khamenei says his country's stance towards washington will remain the same regardless of who wins you see through. our
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policy views of you the united states is a calculated and clear policy and this approach is independent of political individuals today is the election day in the u.s. some speculate what happens if x. or y. wins some incidents may happen but it won't have anything to do with us whoever wins the u.s. election will not change our policy. correspondent us a back has all the latest from tara. well he is the supreme leader who is the political and spiritual leader of this country and he was speaking of the occasion that marks the birth of the prophet mohammed is a national holiday here he's addressed was broadcast live on state t.v. and what is essentially saying is that it doesn't matter who wins donald trump or joe biden iran's policy will remain the same he also went on to say the supreme leader also went on to say that the u.s. was on a downward path morally socially and politically and that from this day forward that he wouldn't last long he also said the united states had chosen iran as an
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enemy because he said iran had opposed u.s. crew u.s. policies accrued policies in the region and that iran has stood up for the palestinians so very much using this date this event to target the united states and address directly the u.s. elections the donald trump presidency has had a dramatic impact on iran both economically and politically the president donald trump pulled the united states out of the 2015 nuclear deal a deal that took years to negotiate imposed sanctions on iran to really affecting the economy. economy here but also the reputation of president hassan rouhani and his reformist have taken a massive hit because what the 2015 nuclear deal had done had given people iranians hope hope of a new era a hope of new relations with the united states now that hasn't happened and there are some that are hoping that joe biden will win the election that the united
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states will return to that nuclear deal and those sanctions will be lifted offering of relief to the economy and a normal. now the philippines is bracing for the arrival of another storm and that's as people continue to deal with the aftermath of typhoon go any at least 20 people have been killed after the world's strongest typhoon this year destroyed houses and triggered floods across the country present world record to tatty says the new storm named at sunny will cause severe damage in its path as it makes landfall later this week our correspondent allan darken sent us this update from alberta province which is seen some of the damage. the beagle region has always been a model for emergency response but this by forward has proven to be extremely difficult not just for recall but all the other areas that was called by this wide i warm up by finding the country has been reeling from the impact of the economic crisis
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brought about by the growing up i respond and of course we're seeing a lot of civilians who lost their homes are currently in evacuation centers really finding it very hard to practice social distancing or even adhere to the very basic sanitary requirements by the fund them in force not to mention that they have lost their farms their livelihood these schools that have been empty for months because of the coronavirus bundy may be their home for a while and so it's clearly a hand to mouth existence the government admits resources are stretched they've been giving a lot of aid over the last few months but they assure residents there will still be enough and it will be given to those who need it most president that there was here yesterday vice president still here yesterday trying to assure civilians basically that they are not alone but this is a very difficult situation because there seems to be no end in sight since another typhoon is also on the way again. the afghan government has announced a national day of mourning after an attack a couple university left 22 people dead i saw says it was behind the attack which
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also left 22 others injured contraflow reports from the capital. as students rushed to get out of kabul university gunshots could be heard by. witnesses say attackers answered the campus through its north gate and started shooting indiscriminately as i wanted to do them. we saw them when they entered they were shooting at every student they saw even shot at students who were running away a few of us mama should leave the scene through another gate security forces quickly surrounded the. it took security forces more than 6 hours to get the situation under control 3 gunmen have been killed and the bodies of the dead are now being removed from the campus for identification. doing these long hours until the attack
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was over parents of students trapped inside waited for news. i was downtown when i heard from people that there was a suicide attack at kabul university i got here so quickly and started ringing my son's phone i don't know whether he's in class or somewhere else in the university campus i asked him where he is but he just told me to pray for the attack happened during a book exhibition but after any rain in publishers the taliban says its fighters are not involved this is the 2nd attack on a school university in the last 10 days while government and taliban negotiators meet in qatar to broker a peace deal violence is still affecting the lives of many afghans. will turn into the current a virus pandemic now and the head of the world health organization says global leaders are facing a critical moment with a 2nd wave of covered 1000 infections tendrils out how to says it's now time to
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step up against this pandemic w.h.r. need to himself has gone into self isolation after coming into contact with someone who tested positive but the organization says he will not be tested for the virus unless he develops symptoms. over the. we saw that while many countries abroad could be mounted i'm going to drop cases in countries in europe and north america continue to survive this is another critical moment for action another critical moment for leaders to step up and i'm of a critical moment for people to come together a lot of common purpose. it's not truly. and in the u.k. a prime minister barak's johnson has defended his decision to impose a nation a nation wide lockdown in england starting thursday all non-essential businesses
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will close from month and everyone must remain at home paul brennan is in central london and he explains why parts johnson space and criticism. he's been spending at least a month criticising the labor leader. for advocating a national lockdown while boris johnson has been adamant that his preference was for regional markdowns this tier system that the government had proposed and executed and now of course the data on the situation in britain's hospitals has meant that the prime minister has had to go back on that and it's left him open to criticism from the opposition parties from within his own party as well very angry about the impact on the economy the reason why is illustrated here where i am in the center of oxford street now this is a major shopping street in the center of london there are flagship stores of furnishing sportswear fashion on thursday all of these will have to close cafes and restaurants will shut this place will become
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a ghost town the impact is enormous the 8 weeks leading up to christmas last year 42000000 people came down here to do their shopping and the revenue generator is about 3200000000 dollars this year the prediction is it will be around $9000000.00 people if that and the generated generated revenue would be about $647000000.00 you can see the impact in the 10s of thousands of temperate christmas jobs as well that are impacted by that too so the prime minister is in a very very awkward position in the debates he wants describes himself and his attitude to cake as being pro having it eating it and the reality when it comes to coronavirus is you can't have the economy and the same time protect the n.h.s. . environmentalist's and brazil have found an unlikely ally and their quest to slow deforestation around made a generic the caret of iris pandemic has provided unexpected help to sustainable agriculture want to expand. rio de janeiro
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a city surrounded by mountains of lush they're just taishan which is rapidly disappearing sprawling slums have been devouring the forest for decades there's still growing invading protected areas like this one. but now environmentalists like ghana some dos have founded the coronavirus an unlikely ally to fight deforestation and oil when the pin demick began and the started knocking on her neighbors' doors to distribute organic vegetables along with seeds sprouts and instructions on how to grow them for oh. the idea was to convince people to build less and turn to mother nature at a time when the economy had shut down and 10000000 brazilians were going hungry for the for the catch. of the age of the pandemic helped and the
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prove her point when she moved cheerily u.g. had dreams of a bigger house but covert 19 left her husband unemployed with the family discovered that nature could feed them if only they'd let it live you knew her buying food for everyone costs us at least 1000 ryall but by planting our own organic food we're not only eating healthier but saving at least 300 ryall a 3rd of what we spent in the supermarket. lot of in the heart of religion there are not one of the village most violent strong. family of 12 where they plant. corn avocado and. also. herb. the family lives in what is called the promised land an extension of the bang a complex slum home 250000 people it's controlled by the red command one of
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brazil's largest drug cartels they're responsible for occupying new territory and distributing it and it was still available it took a lot of negotiation with the drug traffickers and the neighbors to convince them that destroying the forest is not the best way out paper made roofs over their heads and as families grow they build more and more but with a pandemic they realized that cement bricks can't feed them. and that is now building a cistern to store rainwater in the promised land. while nagel maida who spent 6 years in jail for drug trafficking is helping very clear the land but he is a season i was in prison when the pandemic began unable to help my wife and 3 children i was lucky to be given this new opportunity it's not only a job but a new way of looking at life that my that ad she used to be a street vendor until the pandemic with no job and time on her hands she started
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raising chickens. she plans to transform this whole area into a fruit and vegetable garden an urban slum still surrounded by poverty and violence but her mango trees are now allowed to flourish and children and animals roam free as if they lived on a farm monica and i give all just sirrah rio de janeiro. rescue mission is underway on a beach in sri lanka to free dozens of whales stranded on the coast crowds defied a coronavirus calf here to get the animals safely back out to sea the coast guard and members of the navy also joined those efforts south of colombo because of mass stranding still not buying despite scientists studying the problem for decades. still ahead here on al jazeera 2 of europe's biggest clubs meets in the champions league but neither has won a game yet people have been a few supporters. it
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is now time for sports and peace a marathoner a hospital he certainly isn't a star the argentine football legend has been admitted to hospital the 60 year old has been suffering undisclosed health problems but they're not related to covert 19 according to his doctor donna was taken to hospital in la plata which is an hour away from where our site is where he coaches a local club his condition is not described as serious and i had 86 world cup winner has struggled with his health in recent years of the battling alcohol and
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drug addiction wells national team coach ryan giggs has denied allegations of assault british media reported that the former manchester united player was arrested on suspicion of attacking his girlfriend his representatives say he is cooperating with police and will continue to assist with their investigations biggs's coach the welsh team since 2018 was expected to take part in a news conference to announce the squad for 3 upcoming matches but that has now been cancelled by the welsh f.a. touch football club i.x. confirmed they will play their champions league match against the mitchell and later despite 11 players testing positive a covert 19 his squad will consist of only 17 players after the break as they head to denmark for tuesday's group game they're still looking for their 1st points and i acts are not the only ones affected didn't make here were also missing 6 players out with coronavirus as they prepared to face barcelona on wednesday. spanish
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champions real madrid host inter milan in the champions league on tuesday remarkably real have not yet won a match in the group stage equally odd is that interval also winless after their 1st 2 matches however both clubs have substantial pedigree and into boss antonio can't say is aware of the challenge he's seen faces. but continue. but we came here to continue what we are doing we want to play our football against a great team like real madrid we didn't come here to stay in a corner like a boxer taking punches and hoping to maybe throw just one to knock out his rival we want to face them with the right attitude but without any fear barcelona's board of directors will proceed with cutting wages at the spanish club after its finances took a big 8 because of the coronavirus pandemic interim president cardless to skates has also warned that no one will be given special treatment including star player leon l. macy the issue of wage cuts did not go down well with 1st team players when it was
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discussed a few months ago but the board is determined to push ahead before it elects its new president in december. you know this but will be able to pay according to the amount of money we have we must take into account that we will have a decrease in our revenues around 300000000 euros if we can't open the stadium and if we are able to open the stadium we won't be that far from that because we won't be able to open it at full capacity or maybe a quarter of the seats june a couple of months followed by half the house for another period of time but very likely we won't be able to open the stadium at full capacity during the current season. now to a bit of football action benfica missed the chance to return to the top of the portuguese league they suffered a shock defeat by a boyish that in porto who were 2nd from bottom of the table with the sort of play in figure had a goal disallowed by a v.a.r. and then went on to lose 3 nil engo gomes alberts ellis and younis from
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a show with the girls it's been he has 1st loss of the season sporting state up. that's one of the biggest horse races in the world the melbourne cup in australia no events were allowed in because of covert 19 restrictions and once again the race was marred by tragedy with the death of another horse david stokes reports. the melbourne cup usually attracts around $100000.00 spectators but although the city emerged from months of lockdown last week large gatherings are still prohibited so only jockeys trainers and operational staff are allowed into fleming to racecourse the race that famously stops a nation held behind closed doors for the 1st time and its 159 year history. track racing can give them a cheer australia where ever your viewing on listening despite the pandemic there were lots of overseas runners in the race and it was the irish bred twilight
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payment he led for virtually all of it before seeing it home in a thrilling finish to claim the $4400000.00 1st prize i still try to try to buy the 10 but. that's about the time i got back at pretty good can you put into place how this feels oh yes it's too many emotions . it's a very big i met the day he was marred by the death of one of the previous favorites anthony van dyck you had to be euthanized after pulling up with a broken leg. he's the 7th melbourne cup hole. the parish on race day since 2030 a day before demonstrators had gathered outside flemington to protest cruelty to resources with a crime are subjected to severe abuse every band up with a 5 year old horse has won $4000000.00 he was pushed well beyond his limits and that's why he's dead. this isn't
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a surprise this is horse racing horse racing kills horses that's what horse racing does once again both the dark and lighter side of racing on display at the melbourne cup the debate about animal cruelty will no doubt continue as long as the race does david stokes out 02014 u.s. open tennis champion marion chili cheese through to the 2nd round of the paris masters former world number 3 was up against canada's felix earlier seen the a straightforward start for the croats as he took the 1st set 6 love but he surrendered the 2nd 63 chile to regroup both to take the deciding set $63.00 and progress to the next round. that's when we leave the sports news for now i'll be back here again a little later with more thanks so much peter while now a pop art exhibition has opened in central london but you don't actually have to be in the city to see it robots are being used as guides so people can take in
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everything from the comfort of their homes just bought one went to see them in action. follow the lobster there is bound to be modern art zany works by philip called there a natural progression from andy warhol and pop art but it's not just the art that's interesting these robots are awaiting instructions from viewers at home the machines will follow the commands of virtual visitors zipping the one work or lingering on another that's incredible it's a pandemic proof show. visitors can stay safe while going to a museum i really miss being able to see art so i think the road out of options is is appealing. certainly if there's nothing else available it's it's creative it's interesting and it gives you a chance to feel like you're in the museum to kind of simulate that experience there are strict rules for the robots they have to keep their speed down they're
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not allowed to run into other robots or real visitors if they do a plug is called and they're logged off. call there came up with the idea during lockdown to ensure his show was seen i thought will i have to try and like use the situation do some interesting and then i was it were actually with technology to be reached into almost critic exhibition which is almost like a fantasy shipwreck under the sea where you have to send like diving cameras into it and i thought was something quite poetic about this idea of basically making art something new and crying to create like a new dimension to experience an exhibition who knows contemporary art is always a step ahead and the future could see the robot put to use for countless tasks bringing the outside home if lockdowns continue and people feel the pinch of code restrictions jessica baldwin al-jazeera london. all that is it for me anastasio tay for this news outlet clark will be here in a moment with more coverage of election day in the united states and i will see you
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back here after that to stay with us. in an election that's seen as a test of its fossum across a key elected government will vote for a new parliament faced with international pressure over a military crackdown ever engine muslims will i'm saying suchi is national league for democracy hold on to its majority. may mar lection on al-jazeera. be the hero the world needs. washing. frank assessments look at any way the protestors are going anyway even with the belittle their revolution and in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines who is it that's really out there on the screen inside story on al-jazeera. decades ago manila was called the pearl of the orient the manila metropolitan
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theatre was once a testament to the city's grandeur but decades later the theater has become a symbol of moneyless decay now the philippine government is changing their government buildings the universities and monasteries were just some of the many structures that were destroyed in manila during world war 2. but rebuilding a lives and a city from scratch has proven difficult and some experts say manila has never truly recovered. think of some of the biggest companies in the world today all of them big tech with algorithms as they're called the more that we use them the more data we produce we're in the midst of a great race for data and big tech companies are on a chase and fires are rising on a wealth of information and we do all the commodity and the 2nd the far pharmacy recently re-examined is where the corporations are colonizing internet like the
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majority and power of big track on al-jazeera. cheating can happen like you've never seen this is that dream. of polls opened in the us presidential election with donald trump again questioning the legitimacy of postal voting. take back our caucus. as rival joe biden closed his campaign in the swing state of pennsylvania promising the beginning of a new day. and i'm glad this is al jazeera live from the hall also coming up 4 people were killed as gunmen opened fire in the.


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