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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  November 5, 2020 5:30pm-6:01pm +03

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and the rainy season you also peak so we're warning all sides to get ready some areas have already experienced flooding and this is where the worsens the government has expressed concerns about possible infection clusters at emergency shelters for people who've been displaced brinton asia the transition in seasons and extreme weather that comes with it just adds to the troubles of a country already struggling with the impact of the pandemic just a washington out to 0 jakarta. to address is al jazeera and these are the headlines the race to the white house is going down to the wire after flipping michigan and wisconsin joe biden now has a projected total of $264.00 electoral college votes according to the associated press while trump has 214 you need 270 to win the election and the u.s.
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president has repeated unsubstantiated claims that there were major problems with voting and ballot counting georgia is now one of several states where republicans are fighting legal challenges over the election. and tom's claims of voting irregularities already sparked protests in arizona and other places police officers in phoenix could be seen inside accounting center as trump supporters gathered outside allen fisher has more from washington d.c. . all the secretaries of state will tell you that they are conducting the elections in line with their local laws and they are not doing anything untoward and they are observers from both parties and also independent observers in the room at the time now it's interesting as well that the truck company 100 hours to know where they are behind this saying you've got to count the votes you've got to count the votes meanwhile in pennsylvania they're saying you've got to stop counting the votes so if you take the argument to any judge they're going to see hold on a 2nd what's going on here we don't understand what your argument is kosovo is
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president says he will resign immediately to face a war crimes trial at the hague that she was indicted in june by a special tribunal investigating the 1999 conflict with serbia that she is accused of nearly 100 murders when he was a former commander of the kosovo liberation army group he's denied the allegations john mica fairly has been sworn in for a 2nd term as tons and as president by a fairly was declared the winner of last week's poll with 84 percent of that vote but opposition parties allege widespread voter force. and a new nationwide lockdown has come into effect in england as it struggles to curb a 2nd wave of the coronavirus so you can see that large large crowds were out last night gathered in london with very little social distancing scotland wales and northern ireland have their own restrictions in place well those are the headlines what matheson will have more news for you here after the stream stay with us. frank
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assessments if american public opinion pieces betrayed by social media platforms after november what would be the big the causes and if you believe that there are corrosive to our democracy one obvious solution is to break up informed opinions look you say is don't go anywhere the protesters aren't going anywhere either it's ability to get a revolution. in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines who is it that's really out there on the street inside story on al-jazeera. hi i'm femi oke ai and join the stream of people across kind of new album mourning the deaths of schoolchildren attacked in a school in the southwest and they want an immediate end to conflict between government forces and separatists today we ask what is needed to stop the violence for good if you're watching on you send us your comments and questions through the
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live chat i feel on twitter twitter us history. and phone crisis that is the hash tag dominating cameroonian social media after at least 7 children were killed by attackers who stormed a school in coombe. at the 24th and no group has claimed responsibility for the assault on the mother francisco academy in the english speaking southwest region the government blames on the phone separatists who haven't forced a school boycott since they self declared a state of amazonia that was 3 years ago the secessionist say english speakers have faced decades of marginalization by cameron's francophone majority bartz cumbers mayor called for unity a day after the attack this is what he said. we stand for the. new law did we start the ball or lose. the look on the multitude of the mood on
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the world or from all of the sides he learns to prove we are ready to receive the motto was good was a good bit of the corporate together with the lords who struggled to reduce. a heart felt appeal there from the mass of a bot attacks of continued elsewhere in the southwest region several teachers were kidnapped from 2 schools in cooma choose day after according to a teaching union and local church leaders more than 3000 people have been killed in violence by session this and government forces in the southwest and northwest regions since october 27th thing for more on all of this we're joined by edwin gang a senior presidential adviser for the self declared republic of amber sonya he's in the u.s. city of columbia maryland kawawa is president of the cameroon peoples party she
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joins us from dualla and in london we have eric he is executive director of the africa policy forum hello yes i'm just going to ask you to straight out i am just looking to see what is happening in cameroon right now cause i am just seeing a civil war can i call it a civil war. i don't think we can quite call it a civil war. i think. we have. people a significant people 20 percent of the population. has been marginalized for the last 60 years. that sentiment marginalize issues is general however is that 20 percent of the. very very small minority have decided to take up arms. to fight for their rights the majority of. do not agree with them right i think there is
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a. marginal rise that we have to all this problem but for those of us who live in cameroon and overwhelming majority do not believe in the use of by. to fight for our rights. and yet 3000 people have been killed since 2017 and that's probably quite a conservative estimate i want you to hear because he said this is not a civil war these are a few people fighting each other i want you to hear a witness who saw what happened at the school in combat and then a parent of a child who was murdered let's have a lesson. those shooting with a lot of guys who are trying the worst they can with the bodies most so to know where they had. and is that they shoot in here where i never knew they were killing
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people here so we're out there on the run away before we're we're running away or dead bodies. it. used to be really yesterday i carried ronnie i told me please don't disappoint him diary and she said father i will not disappoint you i had so much hope for any so much hope and now she's gone i know she struggled to live if she didn't battle for a life she would have died immediately when she was shot but she battled for her life for better for the moment so edwin no parent wants to ever bury their child but in those particular circumstances it's horrific when you heard about school children being murdered what was your reaction. i don't consider what is going chemical right now as a consequence of defeat hero by the night the nations to implementing results of the $961.00 player decided you see we cannot be skirting around the edges of the
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problem this cameroon is arguably a failed state by meanwhile experiment which unfortunately r.-y. our parents to in good faith in the brotherhood of prime afrikaners them has fear we just declared it has failed i'm looking for the permanent solution. i think what is important is a walk or a process is addresses problems based on those parts of lived on affected real people those children died because cameron is trying to make an experiment in merging 2 incompatible systems it can't work let's just put on them by exit which is the equivalent to breaks that just happen in the united kingdom where you are by union on a lower under the auspices of the marxist treaty everybody in europe or you know any of the conscious unit from countries are what time to leave the united kingdom have let you buy your ticket anyway and they will probably go for months i don't we
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just we just heard we just heard that parent grieving over his child and you go back to a parasite so that was your 1st reaction your thinking 161 policy asking about the same thing so you're thinking politics your know why i see that irony and what's that what's the hash tag right now cameroon explaining ok the cameras are cameron is paid to 961 rabbits i ask where that was your 1st feeling that was shoved that was your 1st feeling that was and everybody has that let me just point out let me just block them because i wanted eric and i can't have there are enough permanent solution and i think that's what you thought you saw the dad he saw every morning i knew so and you thought 961 at. i think and i think this is the problem we have a political problem in cameroon back to clear as anglophones we feel marginalized as anglophones we do not have the same unanimous opinion on the solution sean
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want to separate and go into your call for me something for someone to state that we believe in the family room and have a federal solution and some even want to stay in the unitary state as it is why are we killing children over this. i would like we want those of us who live in cameroon we want mr edwin van and everything that who to keep clear that they are going to stop their troops from attacking children in schools so we know why aren't you kind of really problematic one car meter you know we've got on the board yet we don't want to be clear time for a moment i've never had to call time so early in the show before quitting time doesn't exist for a moment have arms i want to guess get it done to get out of hope one day for part
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of carrying out whole. not just bringing the sound down a little bit car listen to me just for just for a moment i do want everybody to hear your your your your point that you're making i want to bring in eric cantor eric carr post a really good question the international community asked stream viewers want to know why are children being killed in cameroon can you explain why you know. there's a big one you're sure you are getting on the. big bucks well be silent while listening to my 2. colleagues talking. before i even answer the question which you are asking i want to take this opportunity to extend my sincere condolences to the families the concert
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that shouldn't last. in the most horrific way which one can imagine now having said that. there is no justification what that may be there is no justification that would. allow. children who wants to cody children who. had to get educated be slaughtered in the classroom that is one aspect about who is behind what was so include or is another question which we begin for the next couple of hours are not really get that answer because we are dealing here with the situation doctors are green well you know you didn't know was not a solution please we should stop politicizing this problem but it is a problem we have missed in a shed with every if i misunderstood me if i missed finish i am not politicizing the situation because i understand this group i own the hand of government so well
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and reason why i am saying we should not be qualifying or pointing fingers at the moment i think the point being saying that. knowing his regime knew what the capable of doing they shouldn't be taken of there and also being called part of those of the kind that my consent i'm calling you i don't something if you're allowed me to defy a little bit with them but i'm carla on this aspect of whether we sing it warning come she get a different answer which artistic opinion but. or a new one will be all in obvious conflict all are great but there is no or there are not after the military that can qualify what we are seeing come rather than what people are good think you we your gun shop where do you think i want your gun shot every morning that might work and go on about normally because you don't
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encounter the military on the street or the fight so there is a war going on and well i think you are right that is why that is why i was reluctant at this and saying this is got to be a civil war but what is more important is what is happening to civilians to women to children for civilians who are not fighting at all so we spoke to human rights watch in italy and they just listed they listed the atrocities they every day issues that people in cameroon were having to deal with having this crisis in young regions of commit one has had the devastating impact on civilians hundreds of thousands have been displaced because of the violence forced to flee their homes and are currently living in particularly our conditions in the bush lacking access to basic services such as what to afford an education and care and the majority of
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those internet he displaced are women and children civilians have been directly targeted by bored parties to these crises to government forces and to separate his fighters they've been killed how rust has faulted i don't i know you are really focused on how do we get out of this situation as is. i would say the majority of people coming catherine is watching you on each in fright now caffein says the united nations cannot solve cameron's problems edwin who can solve cameron's proppants what what id's do you have for where do you go from here where innocent children are being slaughtered at school now what does come a long day we have a problem which clearly come to solved by the commission of the farce of of the kids we are a sovereign people will have recall about sovereignty as republican voters or no we came into this union with the 1st begin people and it hasn't worked so you make it mission has president's already been in the issue in 94 and so in pakistan.
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did the pashmina you know i'm not saying let it template for how you can solve a problem by invoking the articles of applied we asked we have the article some 6 b. having been implemented. and left on implement that and we are only asking now that seems these 2 people come out of the lead to leave because the systems that be inherited are it's is that we get incompatible let your answer is missive referendum just because it happened for the united kingdom people of backseat people unless you're as it can separate say breck say is an economic facts it was an economic situation i think you know if you're going to use an analogy scotland breaking away all of voting to break away from you cannot a kingdom is a more apt analogy not an economic community are using it because of that spark you have it in marxist treaty we are no longer going to be led astray by politicking
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which is always why all of this is all come across the russians sinks i think best i think it's only just and there i was beginning to plan the whole solution so one man earlier last year rebut our lie that i. martin that's good for her under those governments who follow her i'm. wrong the while that may or may not be generous enough and share the conversation can go ahead yes i think that. the position that some people have that the only solution to the marginalization they have experienced over the last 6 years is separation is a legitimate political position to hammer and i think that i respect i don't agree with their position but i respect it when you asked earlier whether this was
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a civil war definitely we are in a war situation i said no to the civil war because i don't want to tell you don't answer to you don't have to go back to a conversation that you already had micah's you already you ready put your position very clearly but what i do want to push i want to push on with i want to push on the cop because i was we're going to go round in circles we don't have time for that i want to push on with this idea about speaking to the government because this is not yet separatist groups talking yet took tanking to talking to themselves hmm but how do you speak to the government if we're not just talking about the. breakaway and the separatists are fighting now what do you do it can lead to a cease fire out. yes right now we being on the ground we have requests to the government who is the primary person responsible and we ask that the government
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initiate cease fire that the government. release all the prisoners because the unjust and arbitrary arrests which have taken place over the last 4 years after you willing the sentiment of in justice we ask that the government create the conditions for dialogue because interest only if we have conditions where every opinion can come to the table and dialogue so i'm good i'll say to you if i may just interject just for a moment i we did ask the government if they would be part of this conversation they said they were unavailable they all talking edwin to some some parts of the separatists groups and the problem i am having an actual problem you are having is that there are so many different separatist groups and there are people who have been infiltrated the separatist groups so how do you come to any sense of
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peace well right now we understand under both our government or whatever. but i would say that it's part of our as i'm sure you can run has visited our revolution but we know how to tackle this and a simple kind of world dreads the mission of legalities of the problem if we go on to construct how this english speaking people came to be associated with his friends but he could well the solution is apparent and i like the challenge of democracy because come on it's a legit democrat see the reason why you haven't seen any opposition in the law to become a world they have had 2 presidents since 1000 succeed is because their house will sit it democratic change with the independence of a simple less not be skirting around i'm pretending francophones y. y. had to have been killing our english to get people because they're afraid to support our cause fearful that their plantation is going to leave but i'm asking
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that for the permanent solution to the letter on the stand that we have hauled for an exclusive run do we know that this is being debated by the united kingdom house of. our. internet is kind to me because i needed a pause in the internet gave me 100 i'll come back to you a lot i lost your audio for a moment but i do i want to bring in to add another thought and another idea from another cameroonian which is that edwin is in the united states right now he's not in cameroon but in cameroon some of the people that we reach out to said it's even difficult to talk politics how do you have that conversation right now it's a really difficult situation for that to happen have a listen. to morris is. moved. of the country. or are those things you political. will is going to get is for a few. people of one priest one order and struggling to
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adopt. or right. of the countries that is that of improving balances are those events which the country. eric i'm wondering if just going back to this one incident with the school children they have been so many is this now a tipping point for the government having to talk to people there is going to be the government suggested regional elections is that a way to maybe share power with english speaking cameroonians is there something in there that you're saying might be like a sliver of potential for a cease fire to happen. none of. what we're seeing in congress. it's from their playbook become one government has the playbook
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and they are good i am surprised when i am of the powerless saying that they have spoken to the government they have requested them to do the requested him to do that though she says change after the government become one government is not one that listen they do things the way they want to go that. what's happening to me is the tipping point for the international community to stand up the need to clear we're not losing they're not going to come i don't think that the government is not willing to resolve this problem and therefore we are going to of the pressure that is what is required and come out of the regional elections. don't forget what we are talking about here is something that came up since 1906 because of the promise in 99 to 6 years original come for the election why are they are winning now is it because of the conflict or just because the one or whitewash a lot of war and mislead the international community of the world and then they
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don't listening did the thing according to the playbook for the international community most of this point and it's not something for coming to do you know a lot of it's gone past that stage that we need an independent an independent maybe i thought there and help with thought of this both can build their company look it's going by that there is no there's no question that the international. the international community should step up pressure we have been asking the international community to step up pressure for the last 4 years and that does not mean that we in cameroon stop demanding from government to action we we are the front line here and we want to keep demanding from the government that we get an end to this conflict until we get it and at the same time we are asking for
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government to what we are asking government to end because these crises we are also asking that and that's only an movement to to put an end. to the killing and to tell us i agree with you 100 percent that i would not dare to say this question who who who carried out the killing in combat it is these people who carried out the kidnappings in all the incidents in libya this morning however we would love to have the end by some young groups caught out in public and seeing when he would never cause harm to our crew that is not right who causes harm to children and claimed himself call myself old that i am but only on men can we i'm not a party to the cause we knew the fighting to end to go to a political solution i want to leave the last thought in a conversation with
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a doctor who went to combat saw some of the wounded children and saw how the children. just over a week ago i think it just concentrates everybody's mind song why we need a piece of fish and some desperately encountering have a listen. to the veterans of america cause it's going to be me because i got to see this kids. do something we call them moving about so we talked about this because from the c.d.c. that. saw the injuries there is. nothing was. said. for those guys but them moving about and just go with who he. was. i will say thank you to edwin carr who have been on the stream before every time we talk to edwin in car talk
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about cameroon and we're talking about war issues in cameroon always file out ones unfortunately eric thank you for bringing your analysis is a really difficult issue right now i appreciate everybody who was on you tube helping us understand a lot more thank you guests thank you i will see you next time thanks for watching everybody. november on al-jazeera. following huge protests and the introduction of the beijing back national security will carry lamb sets out have
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a vision for hong kong. all hail the look down explores the complexities of our global response to the coronavirus pandemic. in a series of special reports we examine the global gaming boom as other entertainment businesses struggle to survive up front returns with emmy award winning journalist richelle carey she'll cut through the headlines and leverage of the stick baked and former french president nicolas sarkozy will face trial on corruption charges we'll bring you the latest november onal jazzy. ballad aided in south by a is a type of performative activism. let's go back to specifically you calling donald trump a white supremacist the lights are on the there's nowhere to hide join me richelle carey is up with the question so my special guest and challenge them to break talking political debate. front row times on al-jazeera.
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in part 2 of a special investigation one o one ace visits western australia's only youth detention center and travels to the remote outback towns where many of the indigenous inmates come from. 0. this is al jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes but i am here to report the count is finished we believe we will be the winners well 2 days after the u.s. presidential election there is still no one but democrat nominee joe biden says
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he's very close to victory. and now comes the legal challenge president donald trump sends out a team on.


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