tv News Al Jazeera November 6, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm +03
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they told us that they so look what happened to their loved ones was a crime. and they want justice the answers something water was. joe biden pools i had seen in georgia and pennsylvania inching closer to the 270 electoral votes needed to become the 46 president of the united states you know what the whole trouble is the supreme court to intervene in the counting of ballots over unproven fraud claims. that i am a hell of a hit in your watching al-jazeera coming to you live from doha also in the program after deploying troops in the northeast the opiates eclairs the region
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a no fly zone to stamp out it's a separate the struggle that mark plans to cold minks in the country to contain a mutated form all of coronavirus. well it's 1400 g.m.t. and the day is just getting started it's in the eastern united states and it's been 3 days since election day but we still can't say who the next president of the united states is things are heating up though every error the gap is narrowing we see donald trump and joe biden let's take you through the state of the race as it stands we have 4 battleground states that are still being counted in any single win for joe biden could effectively and this race he is now i had joe biden is not ahead in. georgia. in the last few minutes he's just crept ahead in
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the state of pennsylvania trump though he is still leading in the state of north carolina but the margins are reserved thin the states being karen says you can see here in yellow and this means that biden has 264 electoral college votes trump has 214 the number so hits as ever is 270 well biden as we were saying has just passed donald trump in pennsylvania as you can see yours no 5594 votes ahead of donald trump and the decision there could come in the next few hours spot that state is still charan singh ballots the remaining ballots are mostly mail in votes coming from democratic leaning cities like philadelphia pittsburgh and the suburbs bitin is still leading in georgia but look at that number he's ahead by just over
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a 1000 votes and if you see the numbers of course that have been cast around about 5000000 mark that is a very slim margin in deeds and again the bulk of the remaining to be counted or mail in ballots from democratic regions remember this is a state that has voted republican for the last 6 elections we're going to break this down with our correspondents there following developments across the united states our team this hour we have. been in biden's home state of delaware alan fischer he's covering all of this from washington d.c. but let's head 1st see kristen salumi she's joining us from philadelphia as the votes counted could see is in the crucial states of pennsylvania christen a bison has no crept in so the lead. things progressing where you are.
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yes says he kept inching closer and closer now joe biden ahead in pennsylvania by just over 5000 votes that's a 10th of a percentage point still a very close race here but the ballots are continuing to be counted particularly here in philadelphia where biden has been winning 87 percent of the vote that lead is expected to expand as it does president has been attacking the poll workers here the credibility of the count and launching legal challenges including saying that republican poll monitors haven't been given adequate access to watch the vote count here in philadelphia he won a court decision to that effect saying that the monitors could be within 2 meters of the count they are claiming that still isn't happening officials here deny that
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but these attempts to discredit the process do appear to be resonating with some of the president's supporters here in philadelphia 2 people were arrested by local authorities after they got wind of an alleged plot to attack the convention center behind me where poll workers were working through the night we know that they were in a vehicle that came from pennsylvania so all of this shows just how important pennsylvania is to donald trump he cannot win without winning the state and at this stage it looks like he is poised not to win however still very close still within the margin of error still. votes being counted. ok chris and so they made their live from that counts in philadelphia thank you very much and say it's less crossfire at sea alan fischer he's joining us from washington d c. and it's not looking good for president trump that votes
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in philadelphia certainly putting his rival in position has there been any reaction at this stage from. or his campaign. no i have my phone right here and i'm looking at his twitter feed to see if he responded because we know and we were told that he's been watching results and speaking to allies and so he will know that almost every single organization in the united states is reporting that joe biden is now ahead in pennsylvania his last tweet was 4 hours ago he was criticizing twitter that's because on his feet when he was alleging voter fraud they were attaching a lot of warnings to them and one observer said there were more warnings of don't trust twitter feed than a pack of cigarettes donald trump has to a degree made this a problem for himself because for months before the election when the democrats were saying because of corporate mail and mail and mail and he dismissed mail in
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voting he was telling his supporters it's a bad idea it's right for a fraud there could be a problem with it you don't want to do it you want to go and vote on the day i know of though he managed to obviously motivate a great number of people to tarnow it to the polls the mail in ballots are what are essentially doing him in because they're no counting all those mail in ballots and that's what's taking joe biden's total in pennsylvania above donald trump so this was a miscalculation by the president he was warned by a number of aides saying look particularly among seniors who tend to vote republican this is not a good idea because people will be what he did by going to polling places on election day you should maybe perhaps through your weight behind the idea of 1000000 voting he didn't want to do it i know it's coming back to bite and we know that he made those comments a little over 12 hours ago in the white house it was billed as a news conference but again he didn't take any questions he said there was
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widespread voter fraud but he didn't give any examples of that and that has been a pattern from the republicans over the past 48 hours or so they're making allegations about widespread fraud but offering no concrete evidence it's even been . by a judge the party has put together a web site and also a phone line where they're asking people to call in with evidence of that kind of fits a pattern when donald trump makes a statement and then his aides try to walk around to create the reality around that statement of course if this continues he really needed pennsylvania with pennsylvania he can't win the white house and if it looks as if he's losing that no doubt there will be legal challenges but i'm sure there are people in the white house who are know looking at one another and saying well who's going to be the one that's going to go term and say it's over it's done we're not there yet as i say there's probably still going to be a recount a couple in a couple of states there's going to be legal challenges but the the fact that joe biden is no ahead in pennsylvania his home state would suggest that donald trump
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may be coming to an end of his time in the white house ok alan fischer there live from washington d.c. thank you well let's. check it out on the biden campaign trail is joining us now from wilmington delaware these numbers keep tripping out jim we're hearing that joe biden has night taken the lead not only in georgia but also in the crucial states of pennsylvania this will clearly be good news for team by have the issued any reaction in the last few minutes. not that we've heard of yet but of course we will be expecting something as soon as one of those states or the next states is announced whichever that may be but the way in which the movement is happening around joe biden is telling in and of itself just in the
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past couple of hours we've heard reports that the secret service is doubling up or at least increasing the number of security personnel an apparatus that's will be with biden in an opponent's move all of them expecting an imminent announcements that you would be declared president elect if the numbers continue as they are obviously they have no announcements of the such has been made but the secret service have increased their presence with him joe biden himself is practically acting as if he has one although he hasn't announced it again he's been meeting with covert tal's coolest with an economic advisor force and has also been speaking in a way where he has been addressing the entire nation saying that he ran as a democrat but he will rule and govern as american presidents for everybody so that's been the movements from the buy them the message has been consistent all along all of this week patients patients patients where in
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a good position when all the votes are counted we will be announced as the winners and that's what's seems to be happening and especially when you're looking at the numbers in the figures coming in from pennsylvania and georgia one of the interesting points you're hot just very quickly is that yes there is it's a geisha and yes there is an expectation of a lot of court cases happening but because biden is ahead in so many of those different states and because of counties that 264 even if there were those legal cases taking place let's say in pennsylvania in a couple of others there is still belief that he has so many other states so many other electoral college points that they will take him to the troops. regardless and that's why they believe that the announcement is imminent. joining us there live from wilmington delaware joe be coming back to you and i thank you very much in a scene well let's continue our analysis on this crossover see steve clemons who
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joins us from washington d.c. and regular viewers will recognize him as the host of the bottom line steve let's get serious then joe biden is on the verge of the president. where does this late on a charm. in a tantrum i think we're going to see the rage continue i mean i look i don't mean to be trite about this it's very delicate there's you know obviously a very outside chance at this we have to actually say that but but donald trump i think what you're going to now see is the air begin to come out of the trump tires as. some of those around him begin to put some distance between the president's tantrums and his early declarations of victory which of course now given what we've seen unfold are going to be ones that he's going to be on the defense about there are some senators like senator ted cruz and senator lindsey
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graham who last night align themselves with the president but there are a lot of others that began tweeting out republican senators tweeting out we have to make sure that every vote is counted and that this is process is simple and just and from places like idaho which was surprising so i think you're going to see rage disappointment and tantrums from the white house and not presidential behavior which is you've been watching presidential behavior in the posture of joe biden during this tense time well this all fits into the essential of the last 4 years of the trump presidency he's not acts like year average politician he's not acted like your average. president has to be said and he has repeatedly said i'm not going to go die and fight saying it without fights and he wants to take this to the supreme courts the democrats have been here before with that election back in 2000 when al
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gore went up against george bush and the supreme court answer vanes and we had president bush where do you think that in terms of the the legal arguments that were going ahead that the lawsuits that president trump and his team apply are planning to bring do you think that these lawsuits the supreme court's kids in fact saved the donald trump presidency and we could be looking at another 4 years of i don't want some white house. i don't see a pathway the florida decision was highly unusual and the pathway for that very unusual supreme court involvement 20 years ago was based on the dissimilar treatment of ballots in different parts of florida and thus they were able to take this dissimilar treatment as being unequal treatment under the law to the supreme court even before the florida supreme court had taken action i don't want to lose
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people in the weeds of this show but this is going on are you going to represent a similar steve sorry to cut you off this is an election as well we've seen tara knight in the hundreds of millions you know say look at the voting by mail as well . yeah well by mail they've been voting under state laws which were pre-established and preset before the election began and as long as those states had reasons and if they if they diverged for any reason as in north carolina did when they extended the polling hours because of errors that were made by the state they did that in concert with the court and the court rubel in those states so i think you've seen a court case after court case after court case get thrown out i tweeted out you know kind of mockery of it saying another one bites the dust in terms of the complaints you had rudy giuliani saying about philadelphia and about pennsylvania voters that they didn't know who who were casting all these votes they didn't know
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they were if they were martians canadians or dead people and so it has a kind of comedic element there's no james baker the former secretary of state and kind of the conciliar ery to george h.w. bush who really was the one who set the discipline in frame for the florida outcome for president george w. bush and so in my view when you kind of see the white house saying the arizona count must keep going on that georgia count must stop where the pennsylvania they have not had a consistent message and in that i think it's kickoff finished and highly unlikely that that any of these legal claims will get that and i've really tried to find a path and talk to a number of legal experts saying what is the way in which this bounces from the states remember states typically with the exception of the florida case 20 years ago have sovereignty over how their election system works as long as those rules are set and established all players play by the same rules and those those frames
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differ from state to state it's really $51.00 a lections in the united states that the 50 states plus the district of columbia that vote for the presidency there may be some other districts like puerto rico and others and not. but i think that they have their own system they are sovereign unless there's some superseding federal issue that gets involved but the supreme court just cannot willy nilly intervene in the state elections and i think that has been something that hasn't been reported as well by the media so while donald trump may call him that is now conservative dominated supreme court may just can't decide to intervene there's no pathway there's no lane for them to swim in unless an extraordinary circumstance happens ok well it has been an extraordinary last 4 years who knows what the next 4 hours will bring about i will keep an eye on it thank you very much and dates there as steve clemons there joining us from washington d.c.
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a lot still to come here on al-jazeera including how ivory coast's constitutional court weighs in on the election crisis there as government forces surround the holds of opposition leaders. there's a little tropical cycle in relative terms of course just going for us the bottom of taiwan is winds are more than $120.00 calories for a it's rain briefly will give flashlights quite possibly and then it's gone and it's gone over to the south china sea or part of this system which is briefly regenerated the he station monsoonal catch the southeast of china south of honshu and then the north you're caught here by showers generator the fairly warm waters of the sea of japan then the cult comes afterwards. maximum temperature on sunday
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plus one with some snow in the air which might just catch our current day as well but for the most part the korean plants are in charge enjoying fine weather hong kong included hong kong forecast though briefly spotting was right in cloudy on sunday returns to normal in the northeast monsoon all monday and tuesday gollies made landfall not just the massive rains more to come for vietnam laos cambodia and thailand developing here the tropical potential cycler have to say if it really does develop and go into the south china sea that is when we'll have to watch quite closely but it's just there's a mass in the south of that widespread shout out in the media it is after all the rainy season. and jump into the stream and join our global community by diversity is bio security is that essential for our species to survive be part of the debate i know her mind
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you can be part of this conversation when no topic is off the table that are not neutral and all of these cases going here is the terrorizing here's the other part of this there's no consequence to this stream on out is there. the war. my. this is al jazeera a reminder of the top stories for you know that our graphic nominee joe biden has pulled ahead of president trump in the key states of pennsylvania and georgia
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that's 2 of 4 battleground states that are still counting votes but the presidential race still remains 2 calls to call. joe biden is urging people to be patient he says he has confidence of becoming the next president currently has 264 electoral college votes 270 are needed for victory not at all trump is making false claims that if only legal votes were counted he would win the election and says legal challenges may end up in the supreme courts. if the o.p.'s prime minister says the military operation in the northern tikrit region is clear and limited goals that's after calls for immediate deescalation from the international community. sense in soldiers on wednesday after accusing the region's ruling t.p.o. f.r.c. of attacking federal troops and accusation tonights the government has declared a state of emergency and a new 4 zone tensions grew in september after the g.p.l.
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af held regional elections despite the government's perspire mintz gita coronavirus seagraves rulers say that was a paragraph by ethiopian prime minister william davison this is a senior analyst for ethiopia at the international crisis group he says ethiopia has entered a conflict situation that can only be resolved through dialogue. unfortunately that clash of the election really was a very serious constitutional disputes over the rights of take rate to autonomously hold an election and that was as it happened against federal rulings so this is a very serious constitutional disputes ends with the federal government saying that to grace government was unlawful and to raise government saying that the federal government is out of a state its constitutional mandate so you can see what a serious of a legal position that is within a federation that is built upon a very toxic political disputes emanating from
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a power struggle within the ruling coalition with the tea party losing a lot of power so unfortunately this me also is not produces for dialogue these people in power were previously part of the same ruling coalition they have gradually become opponents and now they have ended conflict of course we need dialogue and it's imperative that both sides and embrace dialogue and that the international community pushes for that we also have to be realistic that we have now reached a conflict situation. the constitutional court in the ivory coast has extended the deadline for official objections to the presidential election result either factions have been fighting since weekend's elections that returned president allison wants threats of power to candidates split cause since the elections say a 3rd term for the president is unconstitutional extension one gives opposition parties until monday to file an official jackson. is in abidjan with more on how ivorians are reacting to the political uncertainty. the streets of the
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economic capital are much calmer than they used to be in the early days of the election now there is less security presence on the streets however there is significant presence of the security forces around the homes of opposition leaders in abidjan here and apart from that there is because of the car situation economic activities are picking up here is one of the markets in the city and here traders are opening their shops and i'll go there are many traders and businessmen who are still skeptical of the situation they would prefer to wait until after the pronouncement of the constitutional court and see how things go from there apart from the economic sector the education sector is also being closely watched our schools are due to resume next monday and there are concerns from families and people in the capital here about whether or not to send their children back to school there are people with spoken to who've moved their families out of the
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country ahead of the election fearing that violence will break out what calling it was whether it's safe to bring the children back to school now people are watching closely to see on monday whether these schools were open all some schools will be hard to see how things go after the pronouncements of the constitutional court and see whether or not there will be reaction from opposition supporters. 8 pro-democracy politicians in hong kong have appeared in court over a fight that's alleged. as of council meeting women 5 months ago for granted bail until the next appearance in february their kids stole contents and obstruction officers to view the pollen is in hong kong says more court cases involving activists are hence. this is the initial hearing for the 5 sitting legislative councillors and we pro-democracy politicians they came into the court premises holding up banners calling their arrest political persecution they are being charged with contempt and interfering in legislative council affairs now this stems
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from a may 8th legislative council session in which there was a dispute over control over a key house committee that descended into a brawl but these defendants the 8 say this is an issue that should have been settled within the legislative council instead of having to go into court of course there's a political dispels among the front. but the government. cool . that has been they make us off the political force and put us in the legal proceedings for us to cure you back to the full 30 and hope that we will. fight if found guilty they could face up to a year in jail this is just the latest in a series of court cases featuring activists or those from the pro-democracy camp
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the governments in hong kong and beijing have stepped up efforts to clamp down on dissent and this includes a national security law which was imposed by the communist party on july the 1st. all along. regardless of how this trial turns out we can see a red line has been clearly drawn in front of us peaceful protests are not allowed inside the legislative chamber anymore. this is not the 1st time a legislative council or a has been charged for disrupting a meeting but critics say the sheer numbers of those charged and the fact that police did not arrest any probate jang legislative councillors indicate that the legal system is being used to silence the opposition but the police and the const government have said that these charges and the prosecutions are not politically motivated. new zealand's prime minister just into our journey has been sworn in for a 2nd term. i just say ok we're. going to feel
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a thing to hear the words urns labor party won $64.00 of the $120.00 seats in parliament last month but 20 person cabinet includes 8 female 5 maori and 3 ministers including deputy prime minister grant robertson who's the 1st openly gay man to hold the position. that mark has begun the coing of millions of mink after a new strain of corona virus was discovered on hundreds of fur farms the government's confirmed the mutated virus is infected with 200 people is feared the new strain could limits the effectiveness of a coronavirus vaccine the fokker reports. as europe scrambles to control coded 19 warnings from denmark of a new strain of the virus full 40 supported by the military have begun culling the country's entire population of up to 17000000 mink after
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a mutation of corona virus found in the animals spread to humans. and. so we can. do it fast it's we can and i hope we can do it on 2 days more than 200 people in denmark are now infected and the numbers are rising. sheer health authorities have observed a serious development in the current virus infected mink infections have been found on 207 men found and this development has taken place despite intensive efforts to limit the spread of the infection. what's worrying scientists is that the new strain showing decreased sensitivity against antibodies meaning vaccines currently under development to treat covert 19 might not be able to stop it the world health organizations praised the decision saying denmark show determination and courage
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despite the huge economic impact on mink farmers the move is likely to devastate the country's pelt industry minke of also being cold in the netherlands u.s. and spain after infections were discovered the dutch government said it was speeding up its timeline for shutting down all of the country's mink farms china is also one of the world's largest producers of pelts beijing's made no announcements about changes to its industry. the virus mutation a main cause confirms scientists fears that multiple strains of corona virus could emerge simple taney asli winning the war against war doesn't mean destroying the whole barca al-jazeera. this is al jazeera and these are the headlines democratic nominee joe biden has pulled ahead of president trump in pence.
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