tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera November 9, 2020 12:00am-1:01am +03
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mimo will vote for a new parliament faced with international pressure over a military crackdown of revenge or misled will and sign suchi is national league for democracy hold on to its majority. on al-jazeera. her the world. in a. 0 . this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london thank you for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes u.s. president elect joe biden sets the tone for his presidency delivering a message of hope and pledging to heal a divided nation donald trump is still refusing to concede and legal challenges to
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voting results in key states are still in play a 4th straight day of record coronavirus infections across the u.s. joe biden makes the pandemic his 1st priority and celebrations in azerbaijan as the government announces it now controls the city of shoe shop in disputed nagorno-karabakh. and in school child care is testing its ability to host a safe olympics next year the city's staged its 1st international competition of the games venue since the new pics have to be postponed due to canonical. us president elect joe biden has declared it's time to heal a deeply divided america. even as his predecessor still refuses to concede defeat
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in a bitterly fought presidential election biden vowed not to divide but to unify and called on americans to give each other a chance reaching out to the 70000000 people who did not vote for him his running mate kemah harris will be the 1st woman black american and american of asian descent to serve as vice president and she paid tribute to the women who paved the way for her victory meanwhile is threatening multiple lawsuits in an attempt to challenge the results but election officials in states across the country say there has been no evidence of significant fraud while biden has spent his 1st sunday as president elect attending a church service with his family in his hometown of wilmington delaware planning for his presidency has already begun and the coronavirus task force will be launched by his team on monday former president george w. bush has congratulated biden on his victory but top republicans in congress have
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still not a good knowledge biden as the winner. well let's speak to our white house correspondent kimberly how could in washington d.c. of course following all developments for us is so you know while he's getting messages of congratulations from leaders around the world president trump is not conceding and also there are some republicans that are still not really accepting. biden as the president elect what is the picture right now within the republican party can really. well you're absolutely right because the feeling of many in the republican party and there is a significant schism there is the party of trump and there is the party of the traditional republicans like george w. bush and his father herbert walker bush who tend to be a little bit more center more aligned with democrats and what the feeling is among those who support donald trump top republicans like lindsey graham the top senator one of the top senators as well as ted cruz is that the media does not get to
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decide who the president of the united states is it's very important to note that while we're talking about joe biden this president elect he is projected as president elect none of this has been certified or official and that is what those who support donald trump are trying to underscore now the argument coming from the other side is that even if all of these cases of alleged fraud are investigated that will no way change the outcome once it becomes official but still this is something that many in the united states millions of americans who support donald trump watch investigated they say there are increasing allegations of affidavits that are coming forward of people that have deserved alleged fraud and so that's why they want to have this investigated in fact it's not just the president who is saying this and some of his supporters but even the 1st lady of the united states malani a trump who normally does not weigh into controversy but then today tweeted that she believes that it is important for the transparency of the united states and its
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electoral system to have every case investigated so what we're seeing is a continued appeal to trump supporters via text via e-mail to support the fund raising to finance these out of allegations and also the investigations that are taking place across many states so until that happens there is no expectation that donald trump will concede even as there are members of his own republican party that are suggesting he should do so can we help you with the latest there from outside the white house can really sink you. well my camera joins us live now from wilmington delaware where joe biden gave that acceptance speech just yesterday mike so considering that the president hasn't conceded and that there could well be legal cases brought forward on monday what is the biden team doing when it comes to the transition period. well the biden team is essentially
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leaving those legal issues to its very large legal team who have been deployed to various areas where these legal actions may be happening they are focusing on policy at the moment is vice president elect and joe biden are sitting down figuring on policy now this is something they've been doing for a long period of time and as we heard in joe biden's 1st speech as president elect last night making very clear that his immediate priority the most important thing is to deal with the ongoing pandemic for months now he's been putting together a pandemic plan he has been consulting expertise in the experience consulting scientists and in the next 24 hours we expect him to announce the composition off a coronavirus task force which has been a long period of time in setting up now we understand that that task force will be headed by 2 co-chairs one a former surgeon general of the united states the other former commissioner of the food and drug administration this is
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a heavyweight commission it is drawing on the top resources of scientists including academics from very renowned universities this is just a tangible demonstration of biden's often rip peter the surgeon that he believes in science that when it comes to dealing with the pandemic he will be guided by science and guided by the scientists so this will be the 1st visible sign we'll see of joe biden getting down to work along with camilla harris and that is setting up the coronavirus task force preparing these months weeks of transition and a plan of action which biden says will go into effect on generally the 20th the day he is inaugurated as president i can then wilmington delaware and joe biden's home state mike thank you. all the state of georgia has been pivotal in this election razor thin difference there like in some other states and. and now
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all eyes turn to january's senate runoff which could flip control to the democrats when the passion amos covering developments from atlanta in georgia is so a fascinating state when it comes to the presidential election very small difference of a say that was historically republican but georgia still has a role to play doesn't it. indeed georgia still has a role to play in georgia is still counting it spodes just let me give you a quick update election officials hope by the end of the day monday they will finish counting the votes tuesday they will begin a statewide audit the 20th of november the results certified and a recount is likely according to the secretary of state because of the margin being so small but as i speak the margin between trump and biden continues to grow in the state of georgia biden now leads trump by $10350.00 votes it's clearly not
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a factor right now when it comes to the outcome of the presidential election but it is a very symbolic significant development bitin showing here in georgia that is for the democrats considering that in 2016 trump won the state by 5 percent and for 20 years the state had thrown its support. behind republican presidential candidates this is the result of almost a decade of grassroots organization getting out the vote particularly in communities of color and combat voter suppression but george is very much still a state divided much like the rest of the country on saturday we were at freedom park in the atlanta area which by the way was the core of biden support this is a very atlanta and the metro area is a very progressive area and there's a big celebration there but in front of the capital trump supporters again gathered about 200 of them chanting we will not let the gates of hell prevail they said that
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the election was being stolen. and that it was due to voter fraud despite the fact that there is no credible allegation of voter fraud here in the state of georgia or anywhere that has surfaced at this point but it does give you an idea of the a and rancor that remains not only in the state of georgia but in the united states unfortunately george. ins cannot sit back and forget about the election because they will now face 9 weeks of campaigning and advertisements on january 5th they will head to the polls and vote for the 2 senate seats they had to go to a runoff because neither candidate got a majority of votes and that's required by state law those 2 seats are currently have held by republicans and democrats are hoping they can flip at least one of those seats if and this is a big if political analysts think it is unlikely they could flip both of those
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senate seat that would create a 5050 tie in the senate which would mean that biden would go into office with control over not only the house but the congress because vice president elect come all the hero's would be able to offer a tie breaking vote but that is really a big if we do have to acknowledge that 70 percent of white voters in the state of floor georgia rather voted for trump and the farther you get outside of the atlanta metro area the greater the support for trump but for the time being georgians are going to be bracing themselves for another election. name with the latest from atlanta georgia. and coming up on al-jazeera this news hour mian maher holds its 2nd election since the end of direct military rule but many say there still isn't much of a choice on the ballot in sports christine o'donnell those on target for you ventas as they aim to close the gap on the italian leaders.
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president elect joe biden has promised a more traditional take on foreign relations following trump's america 1st policy he says he'll cement old alliances like nato and be tough on russia he's also pledged to rejoin the world health organization and the paris climate agreement or diplomatic editor james bass says there will be relief among u.s. allies over the result but things are unlikely to go back to the way that they were before trump. certainly they are breathing a very big sigh of relief most european leaders and they're hoping that what they've seen so far from the speech in wilmington it wasn't about foreign affairs but it was the speech of a very traditional president hoping that the u.s. is going to return to that very traditional u.s.
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role which means taking part in an international institutions taking part with its allies in its alliances the most important being nato but i have to say there are 2 things to say on the other side of the tally one is that president elect biden faces an amazing set of challenges taking over at the time of code 19 globally over a 1000000 people have been killed the worst recession the sentry we got to gloat growing clark at time of crisis so he's got a lot on his plate the other thing is i think that other countries around the world and particularly the u.s. as our allies won't forget the trump years they know how close this election was they know that technically president trump could run again in 4 years time and if it's not president trump there may well be another trump ian counted up with the same sort of agenda so i don't think they're going to take the u.s. role for granted in the way perhaps they have ever since the 2nd world war well
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when it comes to reaction further afield palestinian president mahmoud abbas has congratulated joe biden in a statement that indicates sees ready to end his 3 year political boycott of the united states about pictured here with biden in 2016 said in a statement that he looks forward to working with joe biden and strengthening palestinian american relations he's refused to deal with the white house and strums decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel in 2017 and move the u.s. embassy there from tel aviv. well meanwhile israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu one of donald trump's closest international allies is hoping for a similar relationship with his successor. holt i would like to start by congratulating joe biden and kemal haris i've had a long and warm personal connection with joe biden for nearly 40 years and i know him as a great friend of the state of israel i'm certain we will continue to work with both of them in order to further strengthen the special alliance between israel and
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the united states. on one joe biden's war delicate foreign policy challenges will be in afghanistan where u.s. troops remain 20 years after 1st invading peace talks are underway between the taliban and the afghan government but violence remains high failure control for a has more now from the capital kabul. afghan president asked for afghani earlier this morning along with other senior afghan officials like dr abdullah and former president harm coming karzai gradually to president elect joe biden and vice president elect kamla kerry saying and i quote of ghana stan looks forward to continuing and deepening our multilayered strategic partnership with the united states calling the united states afghanistan's foundational partner this happened this morning now most of the reaction we've been getting here is in social media from ordinary afghans who have been reflecting presidential spokesman
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subjects to dicky said yesterday that there is a perception here in afghanistan that a joe biden victory will bring changes both in the pre peace process and the troop withdrawal now the peace process has not been going exactly as people had hoped for same thing with the u.s. taliban deal that was signed at the end of february it has done nothing here on the ground to reduce the file the violence in fact violence has been increasing by the day and if there is any twit that a pit in my eyes is all this yesterday was by an afghan who said americans now got what they had hoped for now we're hoping that one day we will get what we hoped for and this is peace. we're going back to the domestic side of things in the united states says who's been reporting don trump has refused to concede this election and most republican politicians have yet to acknowledge the election outcome but one
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senator mitt romney has warned against some of the language being used by the current president. i think one has to be careful in the choice of words i think they would you say that the election was corrupt or stolen or rigged but that's unfortunately rather rhetoric that gets picked up by authoritarians around the world and i think it also discourages confidence in our democratic process here at home and and with the battle going on right now between authoritarianism and freedom why i think i think it's very important that we not use language which which can encourage. a course in history which would be very very unfortunate when meanwhile the transfer of power has begun to bite and harris transition team has already started filling $4000.00 roles throughout government as they prepare to take the reins the electoral college meets in the center to cast their votes for president and vice president on behalf of each state that results will then be
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certified by the new congress on january 6th according to tradition trump would then attend by the nz inauguration ceremony at the u.s. capitol on january 20th well tom brokaw says the dean and a professor of law and government durham law school in the u.k. he explains what the next few months will look like in the lead up to a biden administration. what's going to happen now is that biden will be certified as the president elect he. normally recounts can can lead to some variation in the numbers but but nothing close to the many tens of thousands across multiple states that the trump trump would need so the chance of winning on recounts is nil and the in the legal challenges amount to run to nothing at all they've already been $11.00 court i think it was concentrating threw it out to just
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a matter of hearsay and i'm guessing and no new evidence or facts so i think that you know it's just a matter of local time but will the president elect's and we'll be getting all this transition one of the main things that the transition will be back out will be about appointing a number of people that had various agencies of the united states the the the head of all the different different departments are our presidential appointees so he will be expected to be making about a 70 appointments for the next next week or so there must be about 300 they think maybe by the end of the year he'll be getting on with the getting support from the civil servants as he already has here in kemah harris the virtually vice president elect now they've both been getting advice and support and they'll be getting on with that they will see a lot of people expect from from biden's political career people who've been close to him but also people who are part of the obama administration. well for the
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republican party the question is what now how will he use this result to respond to the challenges of the next 4 years well it's speak to joe walsh former republican congressman and a former 2020 presidential candidate he joins us from chicago sir thank you for joining us it's a real pleasure to have you on the program 1st of all just having a quick look at your twitter feed or looking what you've done you are no fan of donald trump but what do you think will be the damage to the republican party from the fact that he doesn't seem to be conceding the election and there is a slight chance that even if the courts don't find in his favor he may still not necessarily agree that biden is the rightful president i think the republican party is in a lot of trouble because the republican party now is going to be dominated by donald trump look donald trump has been attacking our democracy for months he's been
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telling his supporters not to accept the results of the election and i can tell oh you most of his supporters will not accept his loss and i think that's going to lead to ugliness in america and that's on donald trump. you know the republican party incredibly well obviously we have seen in the media for years now people that will always support donald trump no matter what but there must be millions of other republicans who maybe don't particularly like the man but still want to vote for the republican on the ticket what is their role both as voters and crucially the people in congress. well my hope is that people in congress the republicans in congress are not going to cross donald trump as long as donald trump's voters are devoted to him they're afraid of trump's voters this is why trump's stranglehold on the republican party is going to be even greater next year
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and i don't want to scare anybody but donald trump could run for president again in 4 years even if he doesn't whoever whatever republican runs is going to have to kiss trump's ring and represent trump ism trump ism now is going to dominate the republican party and that's a bad thing that you mentioned that some republicans would be scared of trump's base i mean you yourself when you went against trump you said you've had threats and attacks every day just paint us a picture of that is was it abuse on twitter or one of the forms that it take all of the above for a republican or a conservative to publicly opposed donald trump in this country right now it's a dangerous thing you get attacks you get death threats on social media i'll get people contacting me directly it's a it's a scary thing and this is why most republicans in conservatives don't do it i mean
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it can think about it donald trump is attacking our very elections but most republicans are afraid to speak out against him because they're afraid of his voters but his voters what do you think it is that keeps them at so aligned and so faithful to trump is that the policies of the man himself what is it. it's the man himself i've left the republican party because it became an old it was no longer about it vance dio's it was all about it you know look these are people who for a long have celt ignored by our politics 4 years ago all along came an ugly down like i said i'm going to build the wall and keep brown people lot of this country and that was horrible but decent people believed it and now they've klong him and they're not going to let go of him because they now believe he won and it was
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stolen from him this is a scary time in america i'm speaking to you from europe and many european countries have a system of proportional representation so for example there could be several right wing parties some far right parties and then depending on the vote they form coalitions now i'm not implying that it would be simple to change the american system but do you think that the future actually is to no longer have a 2 party system where the choice is either trump or a democrat that a lot of conservatives don't believe in do you think that that might be what it will come to. i think that's our future but it's going to be difficult to get there because over the last 100 years in america the 2 major parties have structurally made it almost impossible for a 3rd or 4th party to be viable but this is what's going to happen because right now the republican party is die donald trump is like the last dying gasp of
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the republican party something's going to replace it but man it's going to be an ugly bumpy ride to get there but so i mean i hate to look ahead to 2024 because we still haven't really sort it out 2020 but these think that the current situation will benefit the democrats for example with some republicans abandoning trump or do you think that actually it may benefit whatever form a trump like republican party will take in the future i think if joe biden governs from the middle and i think that's what he's inclined to do i think you'll see a number of republicans gravitate toward biden because they don't want any part of this trampy ugly intolerant tropfest party so in a way the democrats are in the ascendancy right now the republican party will be a minority party there are their trunks support is intense and it's hardened but
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it's shrinking. very sobering conversation there but thank you so much for sharing your views and experiences with us joe walsh former republican congressman sir thank you thank you. still to come on news hour as corona virus cases surge across europe officials fear the continent's 2nd wave critic clips the 1st. blocked from reaching the palace type protestors trying to deliver a message to the king and the force of the race to win the motor g.p. world championship seems to have taken a decisive turn. to get more clout and ryan rolling into western parts of europe still very unsettled
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but these areas of life pressure just drifting in from the atlantic and they got to spin some further cloud wet weather and it's quite a keen breeze as well central pos as the place to be for the quiet weather we do still have the fog and frost problems so early on it is going to be on the chilly side but you get some afternoon sunshine coming through lifting temperatures in vienna to well it's pretty paltry 6 degrees celsius but in life one feel too bad there's that west of weather looking at its how to increase in the shower there across spain and portugal into france into england wales all and i think the upper to scotland eventually some of that west's weather just not going towards scandinavia as well as we go on through choose day rather more persistent rain garage making its way in towards allat by the state for central areas not too bad but looking at the 8 in vienna then laci try shower just around to bulgaria pushing over towards to i was still in play there across that eastern side of the mediterranean wanted to the shower was running down across the north of egypt libya
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could see a few coastal showers as well before much of north africa central areas it slushy dry come down into the gulf of guinea into central parts that's where the seasonal showers continue pushing south. gang life this was our foundation and what. i tried to do some 2 different when i met daisy it was the best day of my life. and wish that day could have gone on forever. but my past caught up with me. and made us all pay the price desean back on al-jazeera. when the news breaks and the racism protests continue in a number of cities across the united states when people need to be heard in the council area line nearly 500 points were destroyed and about 80 percent of this
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land does al-jazeera has teams on the ground people are just talking about wind and solar as if that's going to solve the problem if want to bring you new moon documentaries and light means on air and online. news. welcome back here's a reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera u.s. president elect joe biden has attended a church service for this family one day after being projected the winner of a betrayal action against donald trump biden has pledged to unify the country and govern for all americans including the 17000000 who did not vote for him but trump
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has so far refused to concede the election and is promising to press ahead with legal challenges to the results in several key states on monday. well while all eyes have been on the presidential election the united states has recorded a record number of corona virus in a day for the for stay running more than 126000 cases and over 1000 deaths were reported on saturday at least 230000 people have died from corona virus in the u.s. and nearly 10000000 have been infected well biden is promising to make the coven 1000 responses top priority and plans to announce a 12 member task force on monday our work began to getting covert under control we can only prayer the economy restore our vitality a religious life most precious products are going our grandchildren our children our birthdays weddings graduations all the moments that matter most to us until we
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get it under control on monday i will marry a group of leading scientists and experts as a transition advisor. to help take the bright hairs color crime and convert it into an action group route that will start on january the 20th 2021. but we're joined now via skype from the united states by dr amish i. consent to for health security and a doctor that just thank you for joining us here on al-jazeera and certainly we see joe biden there putting the covert pandemic really at the top of his list of priorities from what he said from what you've heard what do you make of his plans to deal with the pandemic. i think these are very welcome to many of us in the infectious disease and pulp public health field these are the themes that we've been echoing basically since january to be able to have the infrastructure to deal with cases to have testing tracing isolating ability to have the c.d.c.
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coordinating this response to have how to have a lot more respect for science and public health guiding the response and has been in the past so i think it's going to be tough no matter what because we've got such a burden of infection but what i'm seeing so far in the biden plan and the fact that he's made this a priority of his incoming administration is all something that we are all looking forward to of course it's going to be 2 months before he takes power so there's not much that he can actually do until then or is there well i do think just the fact that he is elevating the discussion by naming a coronavirus transition task force that's going to include a lot of public health and infectious disease experts is going to go a long way because those individuals can then speak to the public tell the public what to expect what type of guidance may be coming in even issued their own guidance even before it has the force of being from the government i do think that just getting people to take this seriously to remember that we're in a pandemic and that we can't move forward completely without getting some control
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of this virus and getting our hospitals out of crisis and i think that's an important reminder and i do think even that coming from the president elect and his team will help to help americans really gauge what they need to do in the months ahead yet because it mean if we look at the numbers now they're pretty disastrous for 4 days in a row the u.s. recorded record number all the corona virus infections more than 826000 cases 1000 deaths just on saturday this is obviously been a divisive election that has sucked the public attention d. think that things will change now that these figures will shock people into perhaps taking it more seriously more masks on the street and the rest of that. hopefully it's been very hard to actually break through a lot of the politicization of this outbreak to get people to take this seriously i do think now that the election is behind us hopefully people will get back to trying to think about how they move their lives forward in the face of this pandemic we cannot have hospitals go into crisis and that has to be the key thing
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that shocks people into to thinking about their behavior when we see hospitals in texas and utah and north and south dakota and wisconsin in trouble that really spells disaster for us in the coming months as it gets colder and cases only increase ok we have to leave it there dr a mission just senior scholar at johns hopkins a center for health security service thank you for your time thank you. so that's a situation in the united states but the latest figures show that europe has become the global epicenter for the cove in $1000.00 pandemic once again the 2nd wave is hitting nations across the continent hard with hospitals coming on the renewed pressure several countries are now on the various stages of lockdown again that has more. we've covered 19 infection serging these are worrying times for hospital staff around europe here in france the death toll from the virus is now more than 40000 at this private hospital in the city of santa t.n.
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they have prepared for a 2nd wave but they're still nervous connection you know who want that we've managed to order equipment we've requested some stuff which is very important in terms of organization and things are going better at the moment but it is nevertheless more stressful because we know that we are going to reach a level that we didn't reach during the 1st wave. front is currently a week into one of europe's tightest lock downs and police have been stepping up checks on the roads people can only venture one kilometer from where they live that's unless they have a permit to travel for work the can't be done from home family obligations or medical visits greece has become the latest european country to enter lockdown for the next 3 weeks people can only leave home if they make a request via mobile phone and get approval nonessential shops have to close in the middle of the other month i believe people understand the urgency of the moment and will respond to the situation from the very 1st day they have been moving around the city i hope this will continue britain has imposed a ban all non u.k.
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citizens coming from denmark because of concerns over a new coronavirus strain linked to main mutations of the virus that causes the covered 19 disease have been detected in more than 200 people in denmark most cases were connected to mink farms in the country's north days or thora teas avoided the cull of all mink thought to number around 70000000. in like in neighboring germany thousands of people demonstrated over the weekend against the current 4 week partial lockdown it's aimed at fighting a rise in infections some protesters ignored in order to disperse scuffling with police and attacking journalists a reminder of the challenges much of europe faces as it tries to avoid reaching. back in the spring. stick a look at some of the day's other news now and there's been an escalation in the conflict between as oppression and armenia president the. troops are now in control
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of the city is the 2nd largest in the corner klavan one of the most influential areas in the fight armenian officials deny that the city has been captured or the town has played a pivotal role in the nagorno-karabakh conflict that overlooks the regional capital stefana kept and it's from there that as oppression shelled the city in the 1st war it also sits on the main highway connecting armenia to step on the cat armenia's capture of the town in 1902 was a turning point in the conflict that has been celebrated by armenians ever since some a binge of fight is in the capital baku were people are celebrating news of the takeover . being. a victory in the making in many many.
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borders but has an emotional importance for them as people. from all backgrounds coming in the streets celebrating the victory present he's been able to do it with the birth of not just his military but the people standing behind him there have been conflicting reports about whether. the last 48 hours there's been a lot of fighting that's been happening around the city but the people here say that they are behind their military and their president and they're hoping that this will be the beginning of the recapture of the home to treat them tested liberal in a region. votes are being counted in me on mars general election only the country's 2nd since the end of direct military rule the national league for democracy led by . is expected to win a 2nd term but with a smaller margin than 5 years ago florence louis reports. this is what voting looks
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like during a pandemic mosques and physical distancing despite a surge in coronavirus cases across myanmar voters were eager with some arriving even before polling stations had opened. even though the covered 90 not break seems really bad right now i have made up my mind that i must vote in this election all my family members are voted to the national league for democracy led by aung san suu kyi is widely expected to win a 2nd term while her international reputation has suffered because of her failure to speak up for the rich after they were targeted in a violent military crackdown in 2017 she remains hugely popular at home but the n o d is margin of victory is expected to be smaller this time economic growth has fallen short of expectations and ethnic conflicts persist in the country. the polls have been described as fundamentally flawed by rights group human rights watch more than
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one and a half 1000000 people mostly ethnic minorities want to be able to vote voting has been cancelled in more than 50 townships in areas the election commission says are troubled by unrest some ethnic political parties have accused the election commission of trying to block votes in constituencies dominated by ethnic parties most of the ruling that minority are also excluded having been stripped of their citizenship and rights throughout the years. and whichever party wins they'll have to share power with the military which is guaranteed 25 percent of the seats in parliament enough to block constitutional changes but despite the challenges voters optimistic by louisiana. i think this election is very important and everyone who is already 18 should vote because one vote can change the result so everyone should vote regardless of which party they support. and in this election as it was in the
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last is the military backed union solidarity and development party florence li al jazeera thousands of protesters have gathered in thailand's capital bangkok demanding political reform protesters marching to the grand palace were blocked by a barricade of buses and barbed wire police used water cannon to disperse the crowd demonstrators were trying to deliver hundreds of letters to the king of the type parliament to be dissolved the monarchy reformed and for the interrogation of government critics and scott hyder was with protesters as they marched to bangkok scran palace a little earlier. the protesters have started their march in which you see there are these mark post boxes back here what's inside of those are letters open letters from some of the protesters to the king himself now what they do is they started for democracy monument they're marching down toward the grand palace and they say they're going to deliver these letters to the king himself obviously that's going
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to be a big challenge but this is a symbolic move because one of the 3 big things these protesters are asking for is reform in the monarchy they're also asking for the prime minister to resign and for the constitution to be written so this is one thing they're focusing on this is the largest protest we've seen in about 2 weeks this comes after a week of the beginning of the political process for these protesters but again the protesters are saying they're not going to be part of this reconciliation committee it's now in parliament. ethiopia's prime minister ahmed has replaced 3 top government officials 5 days after the army launched an offensive in the northern t grey region no official reason has yet been given for the sacking of the foreign affairs minister the head of intelligence and the army's top commander ordered military action against the gray's relief ruling faction on wednesday after an attack on a federal base countries in the region fear that the fighting could spark a civil war. or the 300 people in bell of roofs have been detained following the
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latest anti-government protests security forces armed with battens were filmed chasing protestors and taking them away in a van it comes a day after dozens of medical workers were also arrested during a march outside the minsk hospital since august tens of thousands of belive lucien's have held protests against the disputed reelection of president alexander lukashenko many previously detained have reported beatings and torture. go back to our top story now the u.s. presidential election donald trump is so far refused to concede to joe biden claiming voter fraud without providing evidence legal proceedings that challenge challenging election results are expected to begin on monday and while he has not spoken publicly from continues to question the electoral process see buzzes through with twitter of course asking in a tweet why the so called quote lame stream media gets to call the winner and he
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added that the country has learned a lot over the past 2 weeks so what sort of legal problems could donald trump be facing once this presidency no longer protects him for more on this we're joined by former u.s. deputy assistant attorney general harry littman he's the host of talking feds podcast and he joins us via skype from la jolla in california sir thank you so much for joining us here on al-jazeera i'd like to start with the legal process that the trump camp is i guess you know has said that they're going to start on monday if we compare it to the last in in memory where an election was potentially disputed and that's a bush versus gore in 2000 what are the similarities and differences between then and now. the main thing barbara our differences because in bush versus gore in 2000 there was a claim that either side could bring that would decide the election that would
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change the results there was an astonishingly small razor thin margin of a few 100 votes and there was a recount procedure going on so the court could say the u.s. supreme court eventually did i'm going to i'm going to honor your claim in there for grants or relief all the sort of scattershot claims that the that the. administration is saying they will bring tomorrow we can't do that there are 50 votes year 100 votes there the barn is door is already open there's no real way for a court to grant them relief and they're all going to get dismissed sooner or later probably sooner because there's just nothing to be done so i think it's a public relations idea possibly but if any any lawyer would advise them that there's nothing to be done about this for these these little ragtag claims no
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possible success i guess maybe hadn't spoken to any lawyer that would advise him about that when he started tweeting and talking about potentially going all the way to the supreme court now you seem to be saying that it would never even get to that that it would stop at state level but of course some people are worried because donald trump did manage to put a conservative majority in the supreme court i appreciate that you don't think it will ever get to that but if it does do you think that people that don't support donald trump and don't support he's idea that the election was rigged have something to fear in the fact it's a conservative majority supreme court. you know the short answer is no there's just there's no facts there's no evidence and there's no legal claim that could change things so even if by some. miracle it went all the way up there there would just be nothing for them to get their hands around even if they wanted to even positing that they were part is in his pocket but it's never going to get
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there he's over 9 so far all the cases have been dismissed and what they're complaining about are these teeny little tranche of votes that are now you know are irrelevant it's a fed accompli if he had a claim say there's a recount in the claim went to all the votes or something as florida did then you could try to get your hand around it but he's not going to have such a claim ok so he's obviously a man trying to hold onto the presidency now he may not like to lose so he could be pried it could also be that he might be facing some legal problems of his own when he's no longer protected legally by the presidency do you think that that could be a factor and how does the legal situation for him i'm not talking about the voting i mean his personal affairs how does that change once he's no longer president. yeah i mean it's been reported it is a factor once he's no longer president it's quite clear he said he's an ordinary
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citizen like anyone else that's a principle established since george washington and he's an ordinary citizen with a lot of legal problems it's been reported that he has size hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to whatever extent creditors want to forbear foreclosing on the president of the united states that will stop he is clearly on their active criminal investigation by the district attorney of new york that's something that couldn't have preceded while he was president but absolutely could when he isn't his and his organization the trump organization is under scrutiny by the attorney general of new york and that will go forward he's just he's he's under a lawsuit for defamation by i alleged victim of a sexual assault that he called a liar he's going to have i think terrible legal problems for the rest of his life
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and nobody knows he could it could be ruinous the financial situation he's in he's he's so expertly hid in it for the several years but now the the curtain will be drawn and we'll see if he's in desperate financial straits or not i guess we will the u.s. deputy assistant attorney general how do we let men and also the host of the talking feds a podcast speaking to us from law in california sir thank you. well still to come on al-jazeera this news in sport the paris masters have produced a 1st time championship winner and they will be here that's the way. it goes hand in hand with growing old age refusing to be defined by their age
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mexican women and bringing out their dancing machine. and rediscovering the even one step at a time in. my johnson hot part of the viewfinder and latin america seeing. is there. as countries begin easing coronavirus restrictions scientists warn of a 2nd wave of infections in the last few days left in front of the neighborhood and many senior economy is be prioritised about for human life until fall of people come here to the caucuses and they are here the last quite important month didn't exist we bring you the latest developments from across the pool coronavirus condiment special coverage on al-jazeera.
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ok let's go to andy now in doha with the sport and the. thank you so much barbara while you ventus and ac milan of both dropped points in their pursuit of the it's highly in a league title you very in health to a 11 draw by lance c.e.o. christian arnold i gave eventis an early lead in rome this is 6 goals in 4 league games. and he could have added to that total and made the game safe for the 9 time defending champions. instead it was lance here who grabbed an equaliser in the 95th minute you very considerate to read as much they do suits you with us for a. roma after 3 points off the top and make
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a torrid scored a hat trick in this $31.00 win of a genuine his team now heading into the international break having secured 3 wins in the last 8 days. before manager you can cop is not happy says too much is being expected of premier league players this season's fixture list has been compressed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic the title holders during 11 with manchester city in their latest game liverpool taking the lead through a hard sell a penalty double has a scored city's equaliser kevin deployed then mr pennel see little paul 3rd in the table city are down in 10th everything changed apart from defeats who is so usually in a season we all have in october november and then the very very tricky december this year october is like the december the november is like december and december as do i get december the bigs this is in intensity is really difficult so and i
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don't ask you know but i don't think anybody asked for regular wednesday night it's completely normal that we play said it's that $1230.00 which is the killer. let's have a look at the day's other results tottenham are 2nd in the table hurricanes scored his 150th premier league goal in this when against west brom and 2727 same title winners lestat there a point clear now at the top jamie volleys penalty so then beat wolves one male incredible story and so happy for the players you know in any season it's important your 1st steps are positive steps and. with you know the summit with all the players to be able to start this year would have been would have been really really good to have the pleasure harder for the guys to still. not quality and resilience of course as a manager is what you want that world number 5 down on medvedev has won the paris mass just
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a claim his 1st title of the season the russian against alexander their affair in the final ever beaten rafael nadal in the last full day and he got a great start taking the 1st set but the german couldn't quite keep that momentum going medvedev fighting back to win the title in 3 sets he took the decider 6 warmed up. think so by the way are vastly were. first our 1st are going for us 1st final in france i mean. just super happy and i'll believe you can see it is that you do this game now tokyo has been testing its ability to host a safe games next year the city's held its 1st international event of the games venue since the event was postponed in march 2 to coronavirus some founds were allowed to attend the gymnastics competition for an athlete's were required to test negative coronavirus within 72 hours of their arrival in japan libby president thomas banks says this is an example of how an event can happen safely despite the
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pandemic for the games themselves organizers will be dealing with $15000.00 athletes as well as thousands of officials and media personnel as well the games are costing more than $12000000000.00 and this one year delay will add $2.00 to $3000000000.00 more to that total and fans from abroad well they're worried they won't even be allowed into japan and the asian nations there's a ban on visitors from more than 150 countries well earlier on we spoke to him pick sportswriter stuart where he's expecting a diluted version of the games to go ahead. well. we are. last month. spoke very passionately saying that there is just to quote him there are many reasons to be optimistic i'm really confident we can deliver the best gigs you could say that he was her bit short on detail but that her real well for the film critic with critically are they
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have said that they will not be possible so it's working 21 on olympics but before if you are how do you keep people back is also talked about enough of a must have things of athletes and he is assuming that there will be of acting so i think will run back without. eating fast results testing it isn't he that will last again i wonder if he will 5 was use the numbers so that you don't have this 50000 people living in sort of cement meets a normal limb is probably not possible and that is the whole question of whether we mean the good news is that this weekend we were domestic about in pole where it is our spectator but you know being with a functional football and all other forces can be operating without any like it is
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a toll and can you do it on the big without by cancer and then to all it sounds like the olympics have been and we think. sprains drown me looks on course to win his 1st moto g.p. world championship he took advantage of an early crash involving title rival abby of course aurora and claimed victory at the drawn preview time country it was the night different winner in 12 races this season he leads the title standings now by 37 points with just 2 races to go. and see richest days you know was tracing of concluded with the breeders cup classic it's the last big race of the year in north america was won by authentic he's become just the 4th horse in history to claim the kentucky derby classic in the same season the winner is jack a call $6000000.00. ok that is just for for now it's get back to barbara in london andy thank you very much for that and that is it for this hour we are going to be
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back there in just a few minutes with more of the day's news and of course all the reaction and analysis of the u.s. election results to stay with us. since 2030 wish the world innovation summit where health has gathered health care leaders practitioners and researchers together to learn interact and engage with innovative organizations. this year wish will take place spiritually under the banner of one world our health. register now wish dot org dot q a. my
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name is matthew castle i grew up jewish in america and i support the palestinian struggle against occupation when politics can pass and my mom saw me at a protest in chicago carrying a palestinian flag she told me i was no longer her son is it possible to be jewish and critical of zionism. i do palestinians over there to work against the most jewish thing i can do what about the treatment towards the palestinians in the occupation of gaza al-jazeera correspondent. with jealousy they spoke she just exquisitely she's very glamorous it's part of our culture to need to look at our very very best part of a special occasion and full of people to spend money everything you see on the catwalk they do it here. if there is going to be longevity is the goal have to come
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in and tell you things are allowed into the mind nigeria on al-jazeera. investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on al-jazeera. u.s. president elect joe biden sets the tone for his presidency delivering a message of hope and pledging to heal a divided nation. hello i'm barbara starr you're watching al-jazeera live from london also coming up donald trump is still refusing to concede even legal challenges to voting results in key states are still in play
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