tv News Al Jazeera November 10, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm +03
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we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter what we need in the music calendar for that matter to you. the end. of. celebrations in azerbaijan as a deal is sealed to end the conflict in the garden okada boss but there is anger in armenia protesters storm on a man demanding the prime minister resign. player watching al-jazeera live from doha with me for the back to book also ahead cyber era cat the man who negotiated on behalf of the palestinians for decades has died at the age of 65 after contracting kovac 19. the u.s.
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attorney general authorizes investigations into allegations of voting irregularities as donald trump's team tries to fight the election results in court . it's a deal that armenia is calling painful but azerbaijan is celebrating as a victory after weeks of fighting in the disputed region of mcgovern all catabolic both sides have agreed to hold all military action several previous attempts and the conflicts have failed. has. the deal comes after 6 weeks of relentless fighting it was 1st announced in a facebook post by armenian prime minister nicol pushing in within minutes confirmation came from a server sean and moscow he would. meet on november 9th the president of azerbaijan the prime minister of armenia and the president of the russian federation signed
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a state. which declares a complete cease fire and of military action in the nagorno-karabakh war zone starting from midnight on nov 10th in moscow time armenia's prime minister described the deal as unbelievably painful. the backlash was immediate moments after the announcement furious demonstrators stormed into parliament in europe want to protest the move the conflict they argue is about much more than land. but armenia had undergone a number of defeats as very forces overran nagorno-karabakh a 2nd city shoes shock and they were on their way to the capital when the deal was signed some analysts say armenia didn't have much choice the prospect of conflict it's cost could be so much worse for the armenians given the current rate of momentum so he's in a difficult position to be sure and it remains to be seen what the future holds for
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him more than a 1000 people on both sides have died tens of thousands are now displaced. the region is within a service john that has been under the control of ethnic armenians since 1994 decades of tension and violence have followed and while an agreement has been signed it's unlikely it will also and the animosity between the 2 countries russian forces are already being deployed to keep the peace. this with a gun al-jazeera. well they have been celebrations in azerbaijan over the deal to end the conflict with. people have been dancing in the streets of the capital baku azerbaijan president says the agreement which was also signed by russia and a long occupation of the area osama bin job it is in baku forests ossama a very festive atmosphere in azerbaijan.
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absolutely is seeing the party turning get bigger and bigger in the capital baku offer the president said that armenia house capitulated and the other johnnies have been winning this war to discuss that for that we have with us they love the lever the spokeswoman for them is your foreign affairs thank you very much for your time . there's so much blood that has been shed in this conflict so far now that this deal has been signed what that just means for the people of both sides well indeed chanst is starved of contradictions of measures spires the bridge on on the 27th of september during the last $45.00 days of continuing castilla to us yesterday on the 10 for november the president of azerbaijan prime minister of armenia and the president of russian federation signed an agreement and a nonstop complete cease fire and a session of hostilities well it means as you said the future for media and victory
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of azerbaijan why i'm saying this because by this statement the implementation of the united nations security council resolutions have been announced it means that those resolutions adopted back in 99 to free demanded the complete immediate and full withdrawal of or i mean on forces from the all of 2 parties of azerbaijan and with a statement of yesterday today the fact is today is a 10 for fun of ember. or the surrounding region so if not go in the car bomb all of the 7 surrounding regions will will be liberated the army and occupying forces will be withdrawn from these regions according to the concrete timetable you know that 4 of them have been already liberated by the azerbaijani army and the rest of the 3 regions will be liberated the army and on forces will be withdrawn from the
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other 3 regions according to their concrete timetable so it means that the security council resolution started to be implemented now the question is that because there has been such animosity between the 2 sides at think a series and armenians which varies in terms of population in various pockets of the going to karbala how do you bridge the peace there is also talk about turkish peacekeepers being present there as well which is not part of the deal so what is going to be the mechanism to ensure that there is a hot hostilities stop and people can live side by side peacefully while of course reaching the peace is not going to be an easy task it will consume time but the mechanisms have already started and according to the joint statement agreed and signed by the both parties to the conflict plus the midget to russia. the withdrawal of the armenian forces starts to be implemented then parallelly russian
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peacekeeping contingents start to be deployed in the region and then an exchange takes part of from the full size of the detained persons and. that the bodies of the debt people and then the internally displaced persons under cities return back to their homes so it takes like step by step and this is exactly which was part of the well known basic principles that considered it there. basis of the negotiations before before that very quickly this is not the 1st peace deal do you how confident are you that this is going to be the last one well it needs to be the last one because as i would join the army showed that we are capable to liberate our territories we have liberated our territories now we also show that we have the political will to stop hostilities and to continue by negotiations and to settle
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the problem with the political will deliver thank you very much for speaking to is that you have a do you from the other by john got to buckle after the speech celebrations continue your on the streets it seems that the push now is that there is no solution but peace but it is going to take time for all of these sides to sit together and sort out their differences osama bin javid in bako and as you heard earlier there's been anger in armenia over this deal hoda abdel-hamid has more from here on. there's a group of women who are from nagorno-karabakh who are visibly shaken by what's happening and who been also calling on prime minister nicola. to resign or the other people who actually say well no this was the right call for the prime minister to do because we were on our last on the ground militarily i was soldiers were dying and we were going to even lose more ground had the cease fire
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can come into action at this point bearing in mind that the azeri forces were within kilometers from carrot prime minister that's the message actually that the prime minister has been trying to give it to to have armenians accept he said it is a very painful moment but he had no other choice that the fate of those 7 regions that surround not going to care about have always been a precondition for azerbaijan to start even any kind of talks over the future of the enclave itself he said he had no way out of it and he said that armenia was fighting against. army in azerbaijan but also it was not as or by general alone it was turkey helping them mercenaries it is that's a message coming out from him but he is under a lot of pressure politically he has the support of the chief of staff of the military but they are also calls from opposition parties for him to leave to have
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another person get armenia out of this very difficult time. in other news chief palestinian negotiator barack out has died after contracting covered 19 he was transported from his home in the occupied west bank to a hospital in west jerusalem last month erekat served as the palestinians chief negotiator in talks with israel for 2 and a half decades jamaat and child takes on a back of his life. sidebar caught was a familiar face in palestinian politics for 4 decades and he sort of friends from an early age he was 12 years old when israeli tanks rolled into his hometown of jericho in 1987 he witnessed a war that would last just 6 days but which shaped the entire middle east in the decades since i thought i thought it would inform the decisions he made for the rest of his life. or quote says he had to grow up quickly under israeli
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occupation in the west bank his 1st arrest at the age of 13 was not his last he attended university in the united states and moved to england to complete a ph d. in conflict resolution it was the beginning of his fight for palestinian statehood through negotiation advocating a 2 state solution based on the 1967 borders it was a compromise and a major concession but throughout his life israelis would accuse him of being an extremist and sowing division while palestinians would call him a traitor to the palestinian cause giving away too much of the madrid peace talks in 1901 he insisted on wearing the coffee the symbol of palestinian national identity he was a hero to many back home but at the conference it caused a stir. 2 years later he was left out of the final talks some of the accords negotiated by palestinian leader yasser arafat's. but article it would rise to become the chief palestinian negotiator in 1905 resigning only for
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a time in 2003 reportedly in protest of the palestinian leadership at the time his strength was as the public face for the palestinian calls communicating across language barriers to explain their position to the english speaking world while also an acceptable voice of the palestinian liberation organization to israel but over the years he has described a growing pessimism at israel's failure to deliver on its undertakings of the building of yes more illegal israeli settlements increasing number of checkpoints who tell a t. against palestinians and the israeli separation wall now more than 700 kilometers long peace talks he would say were out of sync with the reality for palestinians on the ground he remained loyal to even through his power struggle with mahmoud abbas who is now president of the palestinian authority such was autocrats popularity as a politician he held onto his seat in the 2006 elections run from us won by a landslide but with hamas in power and benjamin netanyahu as israeli prime
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minister the chances for an agreement waned. 3 wars on gaza followed a cut described it as the new dark age saying that leaving the middle east's most emotive conflict unresolved was simply fueling a regional descent into chaos and extremism he turned his attention to the united nations and was instrumental in the successful campaign to gain observer status for the state of palestine within the un throughout iraq are to remain convinced that the 2 state solution based on the 1967 borders were still possible and the real alternative to a state of palestine living side by side the theatre israel in peace and security on the 1907 line. it's one democratic secular state where jews muslims and christians can live equal or the equal voice. those who believe that they can undermine the 2 state solution and replace it with what i call one step 2 system.
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maintaining the start of cornell apartheid i don't think in the 21st century they will get away with it but impossible. it was amongst the most critical voices of the us sponsored normalization deals which saw the united arab emirates and behind establish full ties with israel he described the deal as the birth of our obscene ism and said the agreement was like a poison diagram stamped into the palestinians back. so i bought a card for it for an agreement between israelis and palestinians for decades but for his last years he was fighting his own battle lung disease kept at bay by an experimental drug eventually he would need a transplant of both lungs in 2007 he said he would hate to be a grandfather living under occupation he wasn't able to change that will suffer barghouti is the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative he
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joins us now live from ramallah in the occupied west bank. mr barghouti thank you very much for being with us dr erekat passionately advocated for an independent honest indian state for decades how big of a lost is this for palestinians and what will you remember hans. when fessor her alone so sad they have ruined us it's a sad day for this family it's a sad day for palestine. we lost bill clinton who lost 5 out for the palestinian cause. and their colleagues are actually in fear into other structures. i believe very his dream for achieving. 2 state solution not to be a function because this policy and because of their unfortunate united states support to these israeli forces and that's why are you that they could
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not be for a friend but he would be harmed but he has been active in palestinian struggle since he was a young student and he continued when you was a teacher in niger and aversive then when he was part of his youth and funcinpec and actively and 2nd the 1st intifada then and there palestinian negotiating team in madrid. he was very current for everybody he was you have to chip with all groups that are part of this of political. and you will remember him as a as a good friend one can turn to from willits knew that he was and that magic. you know he was emblematic for a generation and you know an emblematic leader of palestinians who and he had very strong ambitions for a palestinian state who takes up the mantle today who will replace him i imagine is going to be very hard to replace side that got. well there are many good police who
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could do their job for sure but the question is what what political stage we are in as you know during the last 4 or 5 years that has no that has been on equal shushan for ever and in reality the victims that we face today are stuck there going to anthony for getting rid of trump who rises who interviewed the worst president in modern in modern times not only in the united states but rather only a world wide and who has harmed the oxygen cause more than anybody else. during this period the big challenge for mr biden is neither he will be able to question is there to stop the processes that can pour in peace and that couldn't that possibility that could kill the possibility of a distance that if that is there isn't a legal settlements in the occupied territories and the big challenge for president
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biden is going to fight in his word that he would be able to see it with i hope you are there 2 different people actually on the ground are you hopeful though and you know as you say there's a new president now do you think erekat thought that they could be promise perhaps for some movement in the peace talks under the biden administration. well i can say i am hopeful yes we are relieved that we've got an end of something very dangerous but we are not yet hopeful and that the whole idea of the deal of the sushi which is not in part our program to liquidate palestinian rights or that ringback it's our right in jerusalem hold that out as to your diffused return. will be it will be will be there the question is will there be new policies that will be exercised by sharon is very much without pressure mr and without popular honesty and resistance on the ground of course external pressure from his own nothing will change what we don't want to achieve is to go into another cycle in this
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negotiations without a distance we don't want negotiations to be a substitute for a solution and we don't want a peace process to be such that the peace that is exactly how every post in your treats today as a chief negotiator mr barghouti how much respect did sign barack act and from the israelis. one valuable of course because there are people who object or distracted in a lot of respect and their money already for this good of expected important the principle of good and not giving just invites but you are just what it is like nothing the whole and this cloud actually invited. what you have constructed are there to kind of be got experienced like now is all of us and these people who have not ability or not understanding of the possibility of compromise among the facts the whole idea of the state solution to the credit crisis support that negotiated
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for is big on the on so. on but live between us and then when time is ever to think that nothing now that. some one must. know please come from continuation of settlement activities means they will not compromise things must love others in your recovery from. the money they fix things that are useful for the who the provider stands are gone by i mean there's no compromise in my opinion today if they're going to and that's what i'm sort of got sense as you have mentioned in a good part of this is that in the last 2 conflicts this solution we would have not option but to fight for it runs for the democrats if i'm for the one democracy equal rights for the fun equal national archives that is not of the we will never ever accept the people living the masses the prosthetic or the continuous good fish
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you remember accept to be slim the whole corporation will suffer by go to secretary-general of the palestinian national initiative thank you very much for talking to us thank. well in the united states the attorney general has authorized federal prosecutors to investigate allegations of voting irregularities if there is strong evidence but the man in charge of election crimes resigns just hours after that campaign has filed lawsuits in battleground states alleging voter fraud and separately the u.s. president has scientists defense secretary alan fischer reports out of sight in the white house for the moment but still using his poem as president donald trump settling scores sacking his defense secretary mark casper finding out he'd been terminated by tweet esper dubbed yes spurred by the president finally fell foul of the oval office in the summer as racial justice protests worked american cities the
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president considered putting troops on the street insisted that wasn't going to happen the election is still on donald trump's mind sending out a series of tweets about states he claims are in dispute in the senate republican leader said the president was right not to concede right no president trog is 100 percent with owners right to look into allegations of irregularities and way legal options but his democratic counterpart admitted he was worried with the president was taking the country baseless claims by the president and his supporters that there's been widespread voter fraud and that the election was somehow rigged or stolen from president trump. that kind of rhetoric is extremely dangerous republican see they're just at the start of the legal battle this election is not over. under pulling together evidence to put before the courts what we do have
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a whistleblower which i discussed earlier this week who was in detroit as an election worker not as a republican poll watcher who under affidavit says that they were told to back to balance that their supervisor came in and they were there november 4th ballots that came in with no date they were told by the supervisor fact take the ballots to november 2nd or november 3rd so they will count so that has been submitted to the eastern to the u.s. attorney in the eastern district of michigan and attorney general william barr has told prosecutors to investigate any substantial allegations of fraud before the results are verified is being seen by critics as a political move to give more credibility to unfounded allegations made by the president. joe biden is a new adult he's one and he's already getting ready for day one as american hit 10000000 covered cases he announced his coronavirus task force which will go to
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work straight away i will spare no effort to turn this pandemic around once we're sworn in in january 20th to get our kids back to school safely our business is growing and our economy running full speed again and again to prove x.e. manufactured and distributed as quickly as possible to as many americans to as many americans as possible free of charge will follow the science to more people who are at the president's election night event have tested positive for covert cabinet secretary ben carson and david bossie who is leading the legal efforts in the contested states as america faces a spike in cases vice president mike pence who leads the administration's coronavirus task force is heading to florida for 5 days on vacation alan fischer. washington. well the covert 1000 pandemic could also be causing a pandemic of mental illness scientists who studied millions of us health records
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found around a 5th of corona virus patients have been diagnosed with new or mental illness almost 6 percent developed a psychiatric disorder for the 1st time the most common risks include anxiety depression and post-traumatic stress disorder and the researchers report that people with existing mental illness are more likely to contract the virus well joining us now is paul harrison who's professor of psychiatry at the university of oxford and the author of the study which is published in the lancet psychiatry thank you so much for being with us also just looking at this report even people who have not been admitted to hospital but have had call that are higher risk of having mental health problems what are the reasons and links between contracting cover 19 and psychiatric diagnosis. that's a good question it's not it's not can't really answer that question to many possibilities potion which we may be correct the 1st is course the virus might in
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some people be direct effects in the brain in some way maybe through the immune system and that is it so then leading to the mental health problems but also and probably more importantly the experience of having had written understanding all the things that might happen to you in all she has it could. doris is likely to lead people to have may also be a reason why people don't develop depressive symptoms not to it's also interesting and surprising in this study is people with mental health issues psychiatric patients are more likely to be diagnosed with coronavirus why is that what makes them more vulnerable. well that was an unexpected find you have to say although interesting a couple weeks ago another large study from different populations found the same findings so i think this is i think it seems to be true the question is as you're implying what does it mean well again it's possible that there might be some shared biology between the the causes of mental illness the 1st place and the causes of the vulnerabilities to covert it might also be though that patients with
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preexisting mental health conditions are different in some other ways than other people for example in a social economic circumstances they might live in a more crowded housing the much more they might have additional problems and although we try to control through all those latter sort of factors and the association maint it's impossible in a study like this to be sure that was not some as it's called confounding by these things we could so nevertheless import and nothing is that needs further investigation indeed indeed so what then are the most common mental disorders associated with call that and do we know how widespread this is so in the in the 90 days after the commonest cycles to catch was an exam anxiety disorders and that includes think you mentioned p.t.s.d. but also other forms. the 2nd common is form of psychiatric diagnosis was depression and various guises also some of the rarest psychiatric diagnosis happened as well as probably anxiety and depression a trust extent to ensure that with the most striking findings right professor
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harrison you know even before covert diagnosing and treating mental health patients what was the challenge in many countries how much more difficult has the pandemic in your view made it to effectively diagnose and treat mental health issues. well it's become more difficult for several reasons the 1st person to stop this is that it's been much more difficult patients to access health care facilities or indeed i may be more reluctant to do so because of the fears of contracting copd so this being as so often as occur despite the fact overall 30 percent fewer patients presenting with mental health. seeking health mental health problems so i think that the may well be a rebound that as people in different countries have different times begin to be able to react as health care facilities one possibility is that maybe even more mental health difficulties becoming. so is the kind of the logistics of it there's also the the challenge of trying to deliver psychological treatments which traditionally have been done face to face at
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a distance through the internet or other modalities you know the evidence in fact is increasing that those sorts of non direct interventions can be very effective i think many patients still will forward to the days and it's easier to go back to seeing someone in a room face to face for that sort of that or thank you so much for talking to us paul harrison from oxford university joining us there where the latest on the study on covert and mental health thank you very much for your time. well the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect britain's job market more than 300000 people are now unemployed and that number is expected to rise experts warn a 2nd markdown will stifle job recovery last week the government extended emergency and unemployment payments until march and brazil's health regulator has suspended trials for a potential coronavirus vaccine because of what it's calling its sivia adverse event the vaccine is being developed by chinese bio pharmaceutical firms in
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partnership with a state run research institute they say they're surprised by the regulators decision one volunteered died during the trials but researchers say that had nothing to do with the vaccine more than $10000.00 brazilians taking part as always more news on our website at al-jazeera dot com the very latest on all of our top stories on their dot com. again i'm fully back to go with the headlines on al-jazeera different celebrations in azerbaijan after a deal was signed to end weeks of conflict with armenia azerbaijan's president says the agreement which was also signed by russia and long occupation of the box region but the agreement has sparked outrage on media with angry protesters storming government buildings in the air of on the deal calls for armenian forces to turn over control of some areas protesters are demanding.
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