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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  November 18, 2020 5:30pm-6:01pm +03

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well, you can follow those stories on our website at our so dot com, our top story, the moment to iran, saying that it may well rejoin the chase. if your way, if the president like biden thinks it's a good idea to know, what you're observably. so romney, reminder of our top stories, u.s., drug maker, pfizer plans to request emergency approval for its covert 900 vaccine in the coming days. this after results from its trials show that it's safe and around 95 percent effective in all age groups. harder to castro has more from wilmington, in delaware, the rates of 95 percent. there really be yond what the drug makers had hoped or even expected. but the irony is that these clinical trials, racing to completion, is really enabled by this spike in action happening now in the united states with now 11400000 cases in the country. but today's good news is that by either
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says, it has a 95 percent efficacy rate for this vaccine. the chinese vaccine is the latest to show some success during trials. coronavirus has reached stage 3 trials. researchers say it could provide enough protection against the virus. they believe the vaccine could be suitable for emergency use during the pandemic. it's made by a company called sign of a kind is being tested in china, brazil and turkey. protests have broken out in uganda's capital after the arrest of opposition. politician bobby wine, the presidential candidate was dragged from his car by police in the district of luka. he's been arrested multiple times in what his supporters say is an attempt to silence the opposition. ethiopia's government says to ground forces are destroying bridges in an attempt to stop the military's advance to the main city. this week, prime minister announced what he called the final offensive to end the conflict in the region. and boeing 737 max jets have been given approval to fly again by the
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u.s. aviation regulator. the planes are fitted with new software and pilots. every trained, the fleet has been grounded worldwide for nearly 2 years after 2 crashes killed nearly 350 people. pompei is doing is rail on what's that to be his last tour on behalf of the trumpet ministration. he's holding talks with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, bahrain's foreign minister, who's also in jerusalem. thousands of anti-government protesters in thailand have rallied in bangkok a day after violent confrontations. they've gathered as parliament debates a road of possible amendments to the constitution as a key demand of protesters along with reforms to the monarchy. those were the headlines. i will have more news in half an hour the news hour with ali, but next time around as there is the stream to take her to al-jazeera. we heard scott realistically having to deal with institutionalized corruption in this country. we listen. if this breaks up and real conflict between
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pakistan and india, this has implications for the rest of the world. we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on al-jazeera jaywalking to the stream home edition. today we're going to be talking about fakes and the coming info. i know the person, he can say that he is the author of this book. me now welcome to the stream. really good to see. we are going to use you as a result most really have you to we have commenters, we have people online again, a chat. so if you are in the comments section, you want to talk to, meaning absolutely true. and you know what's to jump into the comment section, but you're coming in there, which i get as many as possible into the show. you know, we have so many questions for you. people have read the book. people are curious
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about the ideas. i'm going to see a sentence and i want you to finish the sentence. so this book is about the correcting information. he said, the foreign ministry thinks there are 3 things i want to see just to get out of the way before i open it up to our audience around the world. one is the perfect perfect description of his information. go ahead. it's basically bad information that is spread even without necessarily an intent to deceive you or description for what this information is. this information is another type of bad and information, but this is made with the express intent of deceiving in folk and that's, that's not what's great. leave relates to a lot of the work you're doing. he explained that the info collapse. so
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you know, it's kind of a wordplay on information apocalypse and i use it to describe events, information, ecosystem which we exist in, which is increasingly defined by misunderstood from ation. your book is incredible. credibly presson a very, very relevant for right now. some to read your book and then he wanted to ask you a question about it in a very creative way. he is, have a listener. after reading your book, i started playing with all these new technologies, and soon i was able to create a clip of your voice to take a few photos of you from social media and retreat you doing insane things that you never did. that made me wonder what will have room to our shared sense of reality if everybody is old version of reality. and even if you look,
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there are deep roots of conspiracy theories. are we all really bored to board with no reader? that is absolutely fantastic. i know founder we've worked together and he's basically portrayed so vividly there by actually face warping into what was my former living room and manipulating my words. why are just so dangerous because they are the latest evolving threat in this crisis of information that we're facing. but they're the most sophisticated form of manipulation we've ever seen because anybody's words their image can be used manipulated in hijacked, by any actor who basically because ai is going to also mate fake media doesn't even need any resources or expertise to manipulate media. so we're about to face an avalanche of ai jewett,
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generated fake media in an intimation ecosystem which is already replete with bad information. so this is just the next step in, in a row, a ready corroding information ecosystem where the notion of reality is already being undermined. you know, when to give people an idea of how easy it is for ai to create people, create faces as a web site called. this person does not exists, view what you like. now you're going to have a look at it. this is the safest that i'm going to start with, and then i'm going to refresh my browser. and then you see the face who changed. and what you're looking at these people don't actually exist. this is not a real person. nina, what's happening here? well, essentially the power of ai to generate fake media and this can be anything, it can be an image, it can be a video, it can be a piece of or do you know it could even be synthetic text is nascent. it's been
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around iraq, 3 and a half years, and what you're seeing there on that website is basically an ai in model that's been trained on data of hundreds or hundreds of thousands of human faces. so that it's learned what a human face of and can automatically generate nonexistent human faces. and this is why depictions of the tick media are just so fascinating because they are the very start of a process whereby artificial intelligence will be wholly able to generate fake media. you see it there in those people. but as this technology gets better, it's going to expand into video audio text. it's not only going to be human faces, it's anything you can imagine really. but the fascination is doubly being picked up by our audience. have a look at this tweet we were telling people about you coming up on you being on the stream today. so talking about deep fakes. and then underneath that john byrne says, how do we know that it is really you and we have another comment say well,
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could it be really you maybe it is mostly it's not. so there's some tongue in cheek fun about that, but there is a serious underlying point which is how do we tell if it's a real person and not a real person? well that is exactly one of the dangers of the coming age of synthetic media because one of the manifestations of synthetic media is going to be in these digital avatars and include creasing the increased completely synthetic humans, which also will be used for, misunderstand from ation. but even before we get there, the weird paradox is that eyes people become aware of fakes, which is necessary to inoculate the public against their risks. it also means that everybody starts denying or, and the credibility of authentic media starts being undermined as well. so you're really in this place where if you're a bad actor,
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you can also dismissed any kind of authentic media as being a defect or faked. so you get into the place where you simply don't know what's real are not anymore. even before synthetic media is ubiquitous, this thing called the liar's dividend is already giving bad actors a lot of currency. i just want to bring in you here because people are watching right now. and they're wondering about the age that we're in. so taylor says hightail, a sense of being part of the show i saw previous shows learned young that just because you see something on a blog, social media or website, that doesn't mean that it is true. how can we fix if we teach this the tech in the church, the inner well, it's really one of the biggest challenges because i think the 1st step is just the conceptualization of the vast scale of the problem. the challenge here, it's an entire paradigm change in the way that we understand information consume and process information. so when you talk about digital literacy,
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that is one part of the puzzle when it comes to building solutions and it's a very important one. but i think there has to be a recognition that the scale of the problem is so vast that it's not only about digital literacy, but it's also about enforcing technical solutions and building society wide resilience to which digital literacy is $1.00 part of the solution. you're watching this conversation, i'm sure it isn't, and you may not see the dangers quite yet in ai synthetic tension. ology, i want to share with you a quote from nina's book deep sleep porn is an undeniably gendered phenomenon. after hundreds of videos i scrolled through in the new deep state porn sites, but it was the single one of the male celebrity, you know brad pitt, george clooney dead. now he'll, we're getting into that dark side of dean face. tell us more. well,
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the 1st manifestation of surprise, surprise, when it started leeching out of the research community, this amazing ability of ai to generate fake media, the 1st application, the world in nonconsensual porn in so many ways pornography is pioneering just as it was at the very beginning of the age of the internet and enormous user calling himself fakes basically use some of these open source tools out of the research community to start making its own ai generated nonconsensual porn films, where he took real point arms and managed to get ai to generate the faces of female celebrities into the film. so these were female celebrities being targeted. he showed other users how he had made them. and from there he was posting them on reddit. it went wild because a fury was banned off reddit. but the genie was truly out of the bottle. and since then, which was less than 3 years ago,
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there is an entire deep fake porn ecosystem. online, every celebrity you can imagine is targeted, but it's not only celebrities. it is also increasingly normal women. but again, it is a gendered phenomenon, it is almost universally targeted against women and there's been some very alarming reports recently of deep acorn also being targeted against minors. so this very malicious use case of ai shows how your biometrics can be hijacked to put you in a situation which you never inhabited. i want to bring in dr. giorgio, who talks about an investigation that he and his colleagues did looking into. i don't want to spoil the story, but it's to do with deep fake news and porn and have a listen to what he found out. this is something to happen in just the past couple of weeks. once we uncover an investigation that more than 100000,
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people were adopted by the fake bots posted a message in person down able to feed naked pictures of people starting from a single photo taken from their social media account. now we very body able to place our face and take imagery showing us and compromising our intimacy to ition. we are person on there to see your friends, blackmail, extortion, and public shaming. online. this was an incredible for, for at that george's company sanford is actually a fake detection company released just last week or last month, which basically unveiled their own telegram the messaging app. this technology had been wrapped up in an interface where users could simply send an image of any woman or miner fully clothed, which they taken perhaps from our social media. and then this bot,
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which telegram was hosting would use the ai to generate an image of that woman or indeed child nude. now there were over 100000 images being shared publicly and when censor to recently asked telegram to take down the bot they didn't even answer and it was only when this report was released and it got a lot of public attention that telegram for least that part. but the most important thing to remember here is that technology is becoming increasingly accessible and anybody can be targeted, right? we're talking here about one image taken from a woman or a child social media. and while this manifestation was a nonconsensual fake porn, it can be used in a whole host of other settings. it could be used as fraud. it could be used as blackmail. so we're only really starting to see the tip of the iceberg of what's to come. we could do the whole show on say porn, the new. what's happening to women online women includes online. when i think i'm
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going to move on because maps suffered to one another. or you were talking about a newly really looking to geopolitics and what's happening with a $96.00. this is, this is a sweet spot. and we hand over to matt, arthritic. one of the things i find most alarming in the book is an hour of potential military applications. of the fakes an idea that they could be used to create a kind of a world war. and we very in mind, given that it is much cheaper to set up and maintain and operate a troll, filemon is to do the same with a tank battalion. what do you think the future is of military spending over the next 10 years or so? how will we see a shift towards information warfare as opposed to traditional warfare? i think that's a brilliant question, and i think although i can't comment on that spending figures, the top line is that in the 21st century,
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increasingly warfare is going to be forward in this information ecosystem. information warfare is increasingly going to define warfare, and it's very difficult because unlike physical warfare, where you can see the tanks at the border or the little green men invading, you can't see information warfare. it's not tangible, therefore it becomes very, very effective. and the other thing about information warfare and the democratization of the weapons of information warfare is that it is no longer a thing that only state actors can wage. well organized groups can wage information warfare. even an individual can wage information work for a win against the states. i think when you look at warfare in the 21st century, it is increasingly going to be fought in this information space by more actors and it's community creasing league difficult for citizens or groups to realize that they're actually under attack. and you can even look at the debate in the united
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states right now, to understand how aspect of information warfare is, especially when it comes to foreign interference and just information what's making even more difficult. and you point this out, is that more now? i'm not sure what's real and what's not real. so if something looks a bit weird. now we're going to think that potentially it's not real. and so i want to bring in a story from the new shit, which is when the leader of kevon went missing. when a legit to saudi arabian just went missing. and so doing this hoping of people not knowing where he was this video was released. i'm going to put your picture in picture nina, so you can explain why people thought this might be a deep fight. let's roll the video and media you can comment on it. why does this look like it? so this is the perfect example of something known as a liar, as dividends in a world where anything can be faked and everything can also be denied. and that can
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be used by bad actors. and now the president of the barn have basically gone on a trip. and foreign media reported that he had been ill, and it probably transpired that he had had a stroke. and he basically didn't appear in public for many, many months. and his critics were saying that the president was actually dead. he was incapacitated. and in order to quell those rumors, the president of the barn and his allies released this video. but he looked very strange. his face didn't look more, ma, has eyes looked wide, it didn't quite look like him. so his opponents basically said that this was a deep faith and evidence that the president was dead. and 2 days later, excuse me, there was the start of a military coup. it failed, but it just showed how powerful this video which was actually authentic. and he probably looks odd because he had had a stone stroke and probably had botox,
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the bad effect of the stroke. it shows how effective it can be to say authentic video is fake when there's not a little bit of an a cost rate. then you know, it's hard when you're the only guest on this show and you've got to keep talking. so i'm going to go for a moment to tyler jeremiah and tyler journey to stand about. what is possible yet, what we've been doing for a big chunk of the show with nina is working out why deep shakes when they used in a sinister way are problematic. tyler is a student, he knows a lot about ai and even he is surprised how to listen. you know, as someone who's pretty much grown up on social media, i feel like before i have a pretty good understanding of how information gets manipulated by men. it was, or someone i didn't know and coming at this as a political science student, my main concern is how will this ai technology and was the fix impact our projects
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. so my main question is,, given that your biden just won the presidency here in the u.s., what advice would you give his administration in dealing with this technology going forward? i think that every politician who believes in love liberal democracy and a shared reality to govern society and doesn't want to have neverending information warfare, should make an absolute point of priority. the problems of the information ecosystem and focus on fixing the architecture in which this information ecosystem is molded . so what are the technical solutions we can embed right into the architecture of the information ecosystem so that as consumers and citizens, we basically get to separate some of the noise from the truth from the noise. so feinstein's groups, for example, for example, you are increasingly able to think about the provenance of all media. so if,
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for example, you're a journalist, you are a human rights activist and you have, you want to show that the media that you're portraying is true and that hasn't been tampered with. and that you're not somehow trying to benefit from the live dividend . you can build technology right into the hardware of your device, whether that's your own or your camera to prove that throughout the life of that media that media has not been tampered with. so that's the prominent side of the solution. on the other hand, you also have to think about building ai software to detect fakes, because as deep fakes become ubiquitous, they're not only going to be even dangerous, but their quality is going to be so good that to the naked human eye, we simply won't be able to tell whether it's real or fake. so you basically build ai detection to also comply automatically whether or not it's safe, but that is always going to be a cat and mouse game. because as soon as your detector improves,
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the generating ability of ai to beat that detector will also improve. this is to some, earlier this year connected with code where there's been a lot of misinformation and disinformation surrounding it. and that relates to belgian and told you how to deep fake situation, but it came via extension rebellion and will exceed your 1000000000 did was they made their premier do a speech, make an announcement that was all about connecting climate and climate crisis to the current covert crisis, i'm just going to lead a close up view of the premier. this is the defect. if you look really closely, you can actually see, looks like the join here and mean, how would you put this into a category of a deep state being misleading, or is it in a category or fates can be helpful and useful if you're in the middle of
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a climate crisis, it's not a grey area. so i would absolutely say that a misleading because extinction rebellion the controversial ecological activist group, basically manipulated a speech made by so few of them over the prime minister of belgium in which she was made to say that covert 19 was directly linked like other pandemics. evola to ecological destruction. now she had never actually said that if you watch the video, it's not completely high fidelity. femi already pointed out, you can kind of see that her face doesn't look quite right, but that is not indifferent. terror sometimes the quality of the media, whether or not people are for and indeed some people when they saw that video circulating by extinction, rebellion we thought that serbs yvel most have made those comments. so it is a mis representation, an actual fabrication of a speech that a politician did not make. and given that it wasn't labeled very clearly,
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i would say that's absolutely a misuse of the technology. so many questions linger about, how do you know, what should we do in the, what should we do? cut a great. i want to bring in the program director of this sentiment, gregory, because sam is putting the onus not on ask the public, trying to deduce is, is a deep thinker. it is not a deep sake. he's putting the onus on the creator is serious. we can't expect the average person to be able to spot a fake, it's already hard and it's going to get harder. so there's a responsibility on the people who make the tools to create the pricks to make it as easy as possible for a machine to spot the manipulation and on platforms and video sharing sites to detect those manipulations and tell their users they've seen it. and then we can make decisions if something is malicious and to be careful or whether it's funny until after so, it's
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a brilliant insight by sam gregory who i know while his organization does incredible work, not only with regards to thinking about the folks at this information and misinformation in general, and he's absolutely right. this goes back to the point i was making earlier about, we need to build safety into the architecture of our information ecosystem because we, as sole individuals and sort of them's are not going to be able to tell when something is a deep, they are not. and there are many, many companies going to be working in this space of generating a synthetic media. basically area generated fake media because it was going to be so many commercial viable applications. it's going to rewrite the future of the industry of film fashion, corporate communications. so as these people work on building the school technology, they absolutely have an ethical responsibility to ensure that it is not misused. oh goodness me,
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let me just do this one more time so that you can see leaders who are completely sick of seeing the book cover that coming in for clips that is needed. but it's fascinating at the very end, you give people ideas about where they should go to get credible in the nation. what are your 3 favorite sites? so actually obviously it's a real example of how part of that in our political environment has already become or how potent in fact the last 30 seconds of the shad nina dish your 3 favorite places where often you read when it's raining for snow because there's a fantastic resource as well that i'd really, really recommend witness the organization as well. thank you very much. need a shake. she's the deep shakes the coming into collapse. thank you to this really appreciate your really great questions. all of our video coming to us as well. you
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make the show, anthony ok, sending off from the stream home edition. i see next time and switching everybody. the kina faso is heading toward elections, but spiralling insecurity is overshadowing the vote. hundreds of thousands can register and much of the country is off limits. thanks to roaming armed groups. so what real change can these elections bring? join us as we assess the outlook for want to africa's most troubled states. an invitation to bear witness to all that life office. the highs the lows, the trials and tribulations, the unseen lives, and the everyday miracles. the injustices, the defiance, the tests of character and the closeness they 2 weeks witness. documentaries, with
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a delicate touch on al-jazeera. one of the most wanted men on the planet masterminded a $4500000000.00 fraud. they want to put him in jail, but you cannot help being in the past ages 0 reveals never before heard recordings implicating some of the world's most powerful players. every one poster would benefit by the abuse of power and the corrupt jolo hunt for a fugitive on a just, you know, when the music breaks apart from when people need to be heard. and the story needs to be told. that's why having face testing in areas with a high infection rate with exclusive interviews and in-depth reports, see people here tell us they are desperate. they're hungry. at home, al jazeera has teams on the ground more kind of loves to impact the 2nd law with
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power to bring you more award winning documentaries and life news. i think the air back to below this is the news hour live from our world headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes hope for the fight against 19. pfizer says it's vaccine is more effective than originally thought and will now request emergency approval reports of fatalities in uganda's capital after clashes over the arrest of, opposition. politician bobby, why also this hour u.s., secretary of state's mike, bump ala touches.


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