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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  November 18, 2020 8:30pm-9:00pm +03

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can attorney generals, the talked about the strong law enforcement partnership between the countries and the united front. those words when she gave an important bilateral relationship. but they raise questions through. if there is such trust in the relationship, why didn't the u.s. authorities tell them? it's come ones about the investigation in the 14 months that they were conducting it. and what's going to happen now, when the general returns to a country with rampant impunity? john, home and oh, does it or mexico city? hello again. i'm fully back to bill with the headlines on al-jazeera u.s. drug make a fire plans to request emergency approval for its goal, the 1000 vaccine in the coming days. as after results from his trials show that it's safe and around 90 percent effective in all age groups. castro has more from data where these efficacy rates of 95 percent. they're really beyond what the drug
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makers had hoped or even expected. but the irony is that these clinical trials, racing to completion, is really enabled by the spike in infections happening now in the united states with now 11400000 cases in the country. but today's good news is that by either says, it has a 95 percent efficacy rate for this vaccine. boeing 737 max jet has been given approval to fly again by the u.s. aviation regulator once a planes are fitted with new software and pilots are retrained. the fleet has been grounded worldwide for nearly 2 years after crashes killed nearly 350 people u.s. secretary of state. mike has praised the normalization of ties between israel and the number of countries. he made the comments during a press conference with these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and
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bahrain's foreign minister. in the us. donald trump has fired his chief of cyber security just days after he rejected the president's claims of electoral fraud. chris crabs and his agency are responsible for election security. he said the poll was the most secure in american history. at least 3 people have been killed and dozens more injured in uganda. after confrontations between protesters and police, supporters of the pop star turned politician bobby windburn tires in the streets after he was arrested at a rally in the east of uganda. and in ethiopia, the leader of the people's liberation front has admitted his fighters have lost ground. ethiopian government forces have been advancing as the conflict in the north continues to escalate. i have more news for you in under 30 minutes with the al-jazeera news hour coming up next here inside story to stay with us.
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a dangerous journey for a new life. hundreds of migrants die off the coast of west africa on a route that have been largely abandoned. so why are they now risking everything to get on unsafe boats in the north atlantic? this is inside story. hello, welcome to the program. and it's a sea journey to europe once shunned by many migrants for being too dangerous, is busy. again, hundreds of drowned this year in the north atlantic ocean. in the latest incident on monday night,
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at least 80 people were killed when the engine of the fishing boat exploded near cape that the vessel carried about 150 people mainly from senegal and gambia. it's believed they were trying to reach the canary islands, a spanish territory, and a gateway to your the north atlantic route became popular after european governments clamped down on crossings through the mediterranean coast guard to say more than 16000. people have reached the canary islands this year. 10 times last year's total. more than half of them arrived in the past month, refugee reception a full, some migrants are living in hotels. up before the pandemic would have been packed with tourists. but 2000 people have been sleeping in the open by the harbor in gran canaria. the spanish government is promising to build more emergency shelters and increased naval patrols to rescue migrants. locals say the situation is inhumane and degrading the event of a terrific and we are here fighting for
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a more dignified reception system for people arriving at our island seeking a better life. we want a chance to offer them a more humane reception and the conditions of the harbor. we're also here to fight against the latest racist behaviors that we have seen in our island and also because no human being is eagle. let's bring in our guests in dhaka mamadou manga he's coordinator of the human rights organization. and a dire poll where he advocates for migrants returning from abroad in madrid. pablo iglesias, a spokesman for doctors of the world, and joining us from brussels, diaz, policy analyst at the european policy center. welcome. so each of you, olivia, our, begin with you. why is this particular route getting busy again? well, there is a range of factors as you know it yourself one significant element. the increase in
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controls in the western mediterranean cooperation between spain and morocco, to tackle smuggling and arrivals has strengthened significantly since 2018. so that is one of the reasons that that route has become less viable and more people are crossing the atlantic displaced despite the great arrests. there's also been an increasing complex in this to help particularly in mali, of course, covert 19 house worse and such economic conditions. but the recent, if i can point here, is that the present arrivals isn't that new. of course it's increased aster recently, but we started seeing this already in 2019. so this raises, i think, important questions about everything else that could have been done to prepare for a rise in arrivals that was quite predictable. for example, to set up reception centers to invest into reception facilities. so you have the capacity to deal with an increase in arrivals in the canary islands. and so you didn't have to rely on emergency accommodation that isn't suitable for adequate reception conditions. ok, i'm, i'm a do. why do you, why do you think the route is getting busier again?
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well, we're all open for the world bank. and that's the one thing. well, life where you are poor when people are moving the zoo because simply because of the luck of policies that can be granted to them on the contrary. and then see public use to vending and then see they have milked the senses. and then you see the terms for them to so rather than going for some such as either i or other gods, so the through to completion. we have been on our concious then everyone did, then this is secondly, when we decide to do if the defense is made demented by the film company is in terms of, in the service of the broadest and the best of them. let's be in the position to move and mobility the rights committed by the international
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community to be true for to the dissolution of the human rights to some circumstances. you know enough to human beings have a choice to move from the cells to live or they want to. so the limitations of the mobility of today which is i mean joomla to the full. this is going to buy you to think in terms of my, my wish from one, let's say 2 is a we can say and do us. so we can also know that our work or the government will not implemented my daughter to the policies that can grant he one simple device to move a source of us who to that's a politically involved in the process of the mentee policies in that country. ok, i will come back to the policy and shortly we'll just cover the situation as it is today. at the moment i'm popular you'll,
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you've got colleagues on the ground that are in the canaries. what is the situation at the moment? and one of the what's happening to those. 'd migrants who are evicted from the poaching canary particularly well, the situation and grab a gun. i am in. it's particularly war and we have to point out that the did. the situation is clearly an acceptable from a humanitarian point of view. there's a lack of, it's an important lack of infrastructure and it has led to turn to pour their heart out again into a measure that tension there says reed, a reception center where the conditions so bare deficient around 2200 migrants are being housed there. and the conditions such as sad, sad,
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are really war and we are seeing how people are packed in intense that are a lot of thought to have capacity for $5050.00 people. but they are leaving a hole up to $100.00 people in each of the stands, which as you can imagine, as makes it impossible, for example, to maintain the basic safeguards against the cockpit 19, so displaces the risk of a serious health. but that's, are they held at a serious risk they, what we have, we have heard from, from our colleagues there that the migrants in this days harbor that not having access to sufficient drinkable water. they're not having access to quality food. they claim that they haven't even shot word for almost 10 days and definitely their health condition is not being that. you'll recall that by the author it's, he says there's only 11 doctor and one nurse to to provide health assistance,
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4 days 2200 people. so this is really a very war and situation. ok. and olivia has the corona virus outbreak being playing a role in this because i read particularly people in senegal, in gambia or in morocco, might once have made money this year from tourists that haven't been any. is that increasing the, therefore the migrant flows? it's certainly a factor, not only because of the direct impact that could 1000 has had on certain economies in certain populations who of course may fear catching the virus. but also because of the related meshes, for example, border closures have had very negative impacts on west africa and northern african economies. a lot of commerce is conducted just across the border. so in that falls apart, that you spoke elation in a very vulnerable situation. but it's also worth pointing out, i think that it is completely right that the situation in the islands, it's also a lot worse because of the fact that spain and many other e.u.
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member states are unable to provide adequate reception conditions in all areas is concerning. at the best of times, but it's especially concerning in the context of kogut in which there have been very clear e.u. guidelines about the need to provide suitable accommodation to separate groups from each other to allow physical distance to and allow basic hygiene, access to health care these things are not what we are seeing right now, and how do you mean, and that is indeed quite concerning. and that is why, as i mentioned before, it's a shame that you have and have had for investment into reception facilities both before we saw this rice and arrivals, but also at the start of the year when it became apparent that it would continue creasing. it's a shame that we haven't seen transfers to the mainland where there is adequate reception capacity. and it's also unfortunate that we haven't seen greater solidarity from other even member states to support same and other countries. 1st arrival, such as crates. and it's really that have been facing some of their challenges. the practicalities of the coronavirus, making it harder to help people on the canaries,
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on the other migrant dropping off points. well as sad as set the conditions and again are not suitable to provide the security situation for, for his people in there in the context of 19. i would like to point out in this and in a sense as well that one of the main issues in and are going to get is also the lack of transparency. and neither n.g.o.s nor media can access to the hardware. so let me say that makes also very difficult for us to assess which, which is antimony and or which is the actual respect of human rights and the added basic conditions to provide ab an acceptable situation. we know for sure that the people that are arriving today for the hardware i'm being given test to check whether they have that are not where they are not positive and go it bad as that. but again,
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it's very difficult to whenever they are said positive case adopted as the necessary measures to, to mourn and to honor all the people who have been in contact with this person. you to decide that overcrowding meant the facilities in senegal, you have employment there of 17 percent. unemployment of 17 percent of a nation of 16000000 people. half of them under the age of 20, we often hear the or peon union talking about trying to make a turn itself into a fortress, europe. but what can it do for countries like senegal to try and mitigate the amount of people trying to leave your country? well, there one thing to do is to the right stuff for the young people and also to other very soft put it in the tenses of the muslim and then can do, can lead them in, you know, but that's a good thing i think are we have to this day,
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to the best way to when to fix the young people, you know, accomplish is to create drops for them, but also to multiply that for guests. it does distance to provide for the other people. i would, that was so to come back to the club at 9 to one of the reasons why young people now come to go to europe is that they have been coming to sabotage that there's a lack of months now in new york. and the number of deaths in the different countries of the gay. think that once we have the is in the employment. so this is one of the reasons what are people's sense of us fighting to, to, to, to move from the conflict. but i think then the gravest sensibility that is under, i mean 1st of all is of the governments, but also of the local local elected people. because migrant migration is something
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that is, i mean, is done at the level of local territory. so they should normally design policies that can, i mean, limit their list of disclose, but also give the young people enough capacities in terms of employment in terms of the scene so that they can forget about get up and try to promote themselves in their own country. amadou going to quickly ask you, then when, when people come back to senegal, who try to make it to your work, what are they? who is telling them that europe is short of manpower. why? why are they leaving senegal in the 1st place, and what do they find when they come back? what are that? what are that complaint? well, well, right, we are and you know, because, and that's what is, has been, has been working with my question since yes. what we are doing is
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a very good example that should be number to develop, where we need to partner with us and time this is positive. you have to run to call the kind of mind that is that 7. 7 miles. so we give them capacity of the 21st of all, in terms of management, in terms of, let's face how to, how to conduct and then to price, but also give them enough money. we give them money or that's too much to their sons. they can't carry out our economy to be hidden or to be able to also that is because the policy dementing talking to the less and less is to fight the great my within the look of the sun. and so that i may be seen at the level of our limitations are i live it. we always hear about how much money europe is spending on keeping people out $150000000.00 euros. for example, given to morocco last year,
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spain has given tens of millions of dollars to spend on scanners and drones and not sort of thing. is that the way to manage this long term, or is there another way of giving economic support to these countries in the 1st place? i think that's a very good question. and i also want to set it in the context of the e.u.'s latest proposals, because around a month ago, the commission set forward a new pattern migration and asylum, which among other things places a very strong emphasis on the external dimension of migration. our whole creation with their countries. and indeed something that we have seen in the proposal is as you noted, a very large focus on return and readmission. the commission has they took that it wants its partnerships with their countries to have an even greater focus on that. we have a mission of migrants, that least europe without permission to remain even greater than it has had in the past. for example, this looks like making development aid legal pathways, education and these opportunities for settlement contingent on whether countries cooperates with your own returns. and i think this is actually quite risky. on one
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hand, i'm not sure that it's going to be very helpful towards relations with 3rd countries because they tend to be kind of returns quite sensitive. so they tend to be quite reluctant to cooperate with europe on readmission. this is for a wide range of reasons, but largely because migration as part of their political economy, they, it's quite domestically unpopular to readmit migrants that have made it into europe and a broad range of other things make it quite sensitive. so personally, they find that the corporation and the relationship they have with europe is already very heavy, leaning towards return and readmission and not giving enough attention to other elements. they find important including legal pathways including development, making further work on these areas. contingent on readmission is likely to not lead to a long term, mutually beneficial partnership. that is, in my view, the best and most sustainable way to manage migration. but the 2nd concern is that if this fails and the e.u. doesn't successfully increase, the number of migrants returned,
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which is one of the ambitions of the new pact if their countries don't actually agree to that, i think a lot of the proposals on the new pact rely on this quite heavily. the whole package doesn't work out coherently any more if the e.u. doesn't actually increase the number of returns. so i think there's a significant risk of creating inflated heightened expectations can't be met and the e.u. may be setting itself up for failure. just quickly though, olivia, the e.u. was criticized for giving too much to countries like poland and hungary and the czech republic who were against more external european migration. giving too much for them rather than creating a policy that would want to welcome genuine migrants and provide a quick streamlined system for them to settle in europe. is that the problem they gave too much to the, to the populist countries or leaders, if you will. that's a common criticism of the new pact. indeed, i think when the commission was setting out these proposals, it had a very strong, real politik that shouldn, its party was clearly to find agreement between member states for good reason as
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well. because disagreements between those countries and southern european countries have blocked progress on common european asylum policy for several years because of these divisions. so i understand the rationale and wanting to find something that all member states could agree on. and indeed, one of the ways that it has done so is like creating a new solidarity mechanism by which all your member states would have to support those facing the most pressure and the most arrivals. so spain, greece, italy, for example, but they can choose how to do so they can do so by either hitting asylum seekers, which is what these countries have called for, or by sponsoring returns to their countries, or in some cases for operational assistance. many people argue that this is indeed ceding a lot of ground to base a grab states, hungary, poland, etc. who don't want to relocate asylum seekers. but there is one important element which is that they would still, if they fail to conduct those returns. after 8 months, they would have to transfer those potential returnees to their territory to
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continue conducting their returns from there. and that is something that these countries are very unhappy with. so negotiations will certainly be very complicated . red lines necessarily have to be crossed. even the basic rights aren't very happy with the current proposal. so i'm not sure what that says about the state of negotiations, but i think we'll have to follow this for several months. if not years. can you just help us understand how dangerous this crossing of the atlantic is, the north atlantic compared with others, i guess in the mediterranean, or going from turkey to the greek islands. this just to say north atlantic on a, on a boat like that seems incredibly dangerous. journey yes and it, i mean on one hand, there's an obvious risk of a trip going to waters that lia lasts at least 3 days, but up to 10 or 12. the conditions on board in this trips are again humane, a humane and constitute a high risk to people's health and life. on the one hand that the weakness of the boat itself means a great risk of sinking and drown him. but on the other hand,
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people are not having, again, access to drinkable water, the air in all those they face. therefore there is a high risk of the high of a 100 taishan. you have to add after that the fact that the people are exposed to the direct sunlight for the whole journey and as that it can last up to 12 days. again, they don't half ass sufficient food. so there is a risk of my nutrition. and we also would like to point to the fact that people can even develop certain diseases during the journey as a consequence. and one had of that of that overcrowding of the boat. people cannot both in a very tight knit space or for a long term. and therefore they can develop ulcers or other sort of of wounds. but on the other hand, also that they sanitary conditions on board are basically in existence. people cannot relieve themselves for days and this also places at risk their, their,
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their, their health and their general health condition worsens at the very end of the, of this your, if they reach port mamadou the seems to be, have been a suggestion that the spanish government is hoping that arrivals will subsidize over the winter months subside. i think it popped over the winter months because of the change in the weather from where you are does not seem likely or do you see the flow continuing? but i think a lot of are concerned those with a continual simply because they need it's high time for me. there's a small need for me to monitor. well, the art of the hug and undertaken by you the subconscious. since 2015, you develop the summits because i did if you have not been taken into my mind on the do the politicos. this is the fun thing is to come in the needs of the young people's person for taking time to do into accounts of the frontex
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a policy they demanded that have been among the line to be a little over, let's say 8800 medium, utils, to stuff the flows if that money was in that case, dedicated to throw more to prepare for the young people i think do we should have today's move, the situation. but number 2, can i ask you, then manager can ask you, how do you persuade the europeans to change that view because of the problem. they see migration as a problem rather than as a benefit perhaps at the moment because of the this is every day really are trying to sensitize abducted them and you don't read good. the television or the made to lead people without people know that it is good to to said the words, but i think this is not something that has suffered. i think to my mind, i think our government use of guns to the woman to sit together as a 7 time table and see how to channel policy and how to move support for them in
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the economy. and in the, in the, in the, in the 1st of this is a useful thing because it's not one was we have, have, you have talk of ups since your, there are many, much too much money who doesn't use to synthesize the sense of those young people but you see that things are getting worse, so it's not a time for mean that governments from a new view of get together but together and said see how do you new policies through school system since the film was in the schools subject, but is that it's good so if you have just time for one, very quick response to what mama do says he is not what you hear coming from the other side of your frustration of the policies in europe that are trying to just create this fortress rather than encourage the economies on the other side and migration i it's difficult to answer. i think indeed there is
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a focus on that. i think the new level. i think there's mixed public reaction to this policy. of course, there is a large person for population that strongly welcomes migration on them understands the importance of half for european economies. i think in the context of coping 19 there for so been an important narrative shift in which we realise the importance of migrant workers. we realise the importance of regular a station measures for people that are not in a regular situation may not have access to health care to employment when you know certain safeguards. so i think there has been some movement in that direction. one of the problems though, is indeed a lack of political well as the institutional level and a lot of divisions between member states but some having a former hostile view of migration management. not as a priority for the commission. indeed, as increasing returns, keeping the rival arrivals low and being seen to achieve some progress achieved. some are from the table because there's a broad perception that the current system isn't working. that's not entirely true . there is your legislation in place. it's just not always implemented correctly.
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so it's a mixed picture, i would say thank you very much for your time. we are out of time unfortunately, but thanks to all our guests to mamadou mang, to publicly glaziers and livia sumburgh diaz and thank you too for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, al-jazeera dot com. and for further discussion, go to our facebook page, facebook dot com, forward slash a.j. inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. we are a.j. inside story from a bernard smith and the entire team here in doha, by how
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does one forgave after losing 32 family members in a heinous massacre? a survivor of one of colombia's 50 year long conflicts, worst atrocities dedicates his life to reconciliation. but his peace falters around him. laying up the last year as life and mission are in jeopardy. witness buckeye are caught in the crossfire on al jazeera. in 2012, al-jazeera traveled to iraq. it will hear exactly scared to speak on camera, saying that if they talk to us, they think they'll be arrested down the line to take the pulse of a country ravaged under us occupation. some of these graves are completely destroyed. it's one of the most holy and sacred sites in all of iraq and turned into a battleground between the mahdi army and the americans. rewind returns to iraq after
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the americans at this time on al-jazeera. understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world to so no matter how you take it will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you the rule al-jazeera, the arab you know, this is the news hour on al-jazeera. i'm fully back to all in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. hope for the fight against covert 19, pfizer says it's vaccine is more effective than originally thought, and will now request emergency approval. after years of controversy.


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