tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera December 1, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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they feel that others cannot, but fires are still going on. the way they tell the story is what can make a difference the in the the on al-jazeera however, i'm how i'm on here. seen with the al jazeera news are coming to you live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. the us congress once again tries to agree on a massive coronavirus bailout package for the possibility of a vaccine becoming available within months. we take a look at the enormous task, getting it distributed. iran's parliament's approves a draft motion to hopes, international inspections of its nuclear sites and deforestation in the brazilian
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amazon reaches its war worst level 12 years. and in support of european champions, byron munich are in need to continue a record breaking ride in bahrain take on athletic, obliterated looking to extend their champions league winning streak to 16 matches for the race to rule. later. corona virus vaccine is accelerating with pharmaceutical companies seeking emergency approval. in many countries fires around by on track of the latest to ascii, you, regulators to sign off on their vaccine review should be finished. going to center 29th, which means it could be available by the end of the month or distributes it, distributing this vaccine to every corner of the globe is being called the mission
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of the century. multiple times forces are working or it's the logistics for mobilizing fergusons of cargo flights to build and deep freeze storage sites. meanwhile, in the united states, 15 public health experts holding an emergency meeting to decide which americans will get the 1st doses of vaccine state summer expects. it's to use the information, it's place, or vaccine orders which are chewed by frazey. let's get more on this nie from our white house correspondent, kimberly whole kits. kimberly, the c.d.c. are set to meet in the next hour or so to discuss those vaccines will sort of thing, should we be looking out for what i think the thing that we're watching and looking for very carefully is when these vaccines are going to be distributed and the latest information that we are hearing is that the white house is not happy specifically the president. with the timeline,
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he wants it to be even more excel aerated. and that's what we understand it is being reported that the f.d.a. commissioner steven hahn is visiting the white house on tuesday today to discuss this matter. now we know that on monday the vice president pence had a phone call with the governors of the united states. all 50 of them talking about distribution and how that could look saying that the 1st vaccines could be out by the week of december 14th. so this is a pretty swift timeline. when you think about the fact that the f.d.a. is still holding hearings on not only the madonna vaccine but also the pfizer vaccine, those will be happening on december 17th of december 10th, respectively. so things are moving quickly, but even as we hear the numbers, your member, the population of the united states is about 330 plus 1000000. and when it looks like the 1st batch of vaccines will be coming out,
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it's more like in the 10s of millions, maybe even 30000000, if the numbers are correct. so this is still a long way to go before vaccinating everyone. what we know that front line workers and the elderly will be among the 1st to receive the vaccine. but still this is just a drop in the bucket as the number of infections in the united states continues to rise. the latest count of 150000 people, in fact, in the united states a day. congress speaking, kimberly congress are also trying to work coronavirus relief package. again. this will be more welcome news for the hard pressed people of the united states right now. that relief bill will be worth nearly a trillion dollars. do you think that this is likely to pass is that relief set to go into the hands of the american people? there's no question that this was held up prior to the u.s. election given kind of the partisan nature of so much in the united states. this
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unfortunately was yet another casualty. but since the u.s. election, it seems that things have picked up. what we know is that the treasury secretary, steve minutia, who's part of the trumpet ministration is meeting with house speaker nancy pelosi on tuesday. and what we expect is that this is really going to move things along. following an unveiling of a bipartisan package, that means republican controlled senate like the house democrats, controlled by democrats. they liked it to need passage in both chambers in order to become law, and you need the president to sign it. and so the indications are it's looking hopeful, it will provide a lot of relief for students who were looking for those moratoriums on their student loan payments to continue that could get extended was set to expire, also a victim protection and even paycheck protection continuing as well. and unemployment benefits and the transportation sector, another big one because not only have the airlines been struggling,
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but also some of the sort of state local, subway systems, bus systems. they're just not seeing the riders that they had even a year ago. because people, if either been unemployed and laid off or they're working from home. so this is certainly going to be a lifeline, but it's not going to be the cure. this is still a long way. ok in terms of the u.s. economy, which apparently is, i'm just sorry to have. sorry to cut you off. we're going to life night 7, delaware, where the president's at legg speaking. let's listen in. last week i announce the nominations of staff for critical foreign policy and national security positions. a 1st rate to it's going to keep us safe and secure. today, i have the pleasure of the pleasure without key nominations and appointments for the critical economic positions in the administration. a 1st rate team that's going to get us through this ongoing economic crisis and help us build an economy back, not just build it back to build back better than it was before. a team that's
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tested and experienced and includes groundbreaking americans who come from different backgrounds. but who share my core vision for economic relief here in the united states of america. and given a fair shot and equal chance, there's nothing. we all believe there's nothing beyond the capacity of the american people. let's not forget who built this country working class and middle class people built this country. and unions built the middle class and from the most unequal economic and job crisis in modern history. we can build a new american economy that works for all americans. not just some, all we need to act now though, and we need to work together. you know, in the weeks sense when in the election, vice president harris and i have a covered meetings with a number of people. we can name meetings with labor leaders and c.e.o.'s at the same time,
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mares and governors of both political parties. there's a consensus out there. as we battle the covert 19 disease, we have to make sure that business and workers have the tools, resources, and guidance, and the health and safety standards to be able to operate safely. the goal is simple to keep businesses and schools open safely. and for millions of americans who have lost their jobs or hours and have had to claim unemployment, we have to deliver them immediate relief. that includes affordable health care for millions of people who have lost it and are in danger of losing child care, sickly family. so workers don't have to choose between work and family. relief from rent and student loans. we need to support small businesses and entrepreneurs who form the backbone of the communities that we live in, that are teetering on the edge. you know,
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there's an urgent need to fund state and cities so they can, the front line workers on those jobs can stand the jobs. you know, the founders are pretty smart. i could have gotten this lesson in the future, secretary of the treasury. and there's a reason why all the states and localities have to have a balanced budget. we're allowed federally to run a deficit in order to deal with crises in emergencies. and we have in the past and we have to keep vital public services running. we have to give lending, aid to local and state governments to make sure they can have law enforcement officers, firefighters, educators, as we did the recovery act of 2009. right now, the full congress to come together and pass a robust package for relief to address these urgent needs. but any package passed in a lame duck session is likely to be at best just a start. my transition team is already working on what i'll put forward in the next
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congress to address the multiple crises, refacing, especially our economic and covert crisis. and the team i'm announcing today will pay a critical role in shaping our plan for action starting on day one. and move fast, revive this economy. they're going to help me help us help the country lay out why build back better plan. a plan that an independent analysis from moody's a well respected wall street firm projected would create 18600000 jobs. is based on a simple proposition. reward hard work in america, not wealth. it's time to invest in infrastructure, clean energy, climate change manufacturers so much more. so create millions of good paying jobs. and it's time we address the structural inequities in our economy that this pandemic has laid. bare economists call this current economy and recovery case
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shaped well, like the 2 lines coming off of the k. . some people, some people are seeing their prospects shore up, or while others are watching their economic prospects drop sharply. for those at the top jobs and come back, their wealth is rising. for example, luxury home sales are up over 40 percent compared to last year. from those in the middle and the bottom, it's a downward slide. there are a lot figuring out how to pay the bills and put food on the table. almost $1.00 in every 6 renters, was behind in rent payments as of october. let me be clear with this team and others will add in the weeks ahead that we're going to create a recovery for everybody. for all, we're going to get this economy moving again. we're going to create jobs, raise incomes, reduce drug prices, advance racial equity across the economy,
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and restore the backbone of this country, the middle class, our message to everybody struggling right now is this help is on the way my dad, you heard me say this before when he lost his job in scranton when i was a kid. and we have ventured, we moved the family not far from your claim on delaware snouts. kurtzman wilmington used to say joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. it's about your dignity. it's about respect your place in the community . it's about being able to kidnap and say, honey, it's going to be ok and mean it. and also used to say, joey, i don't expect the government to solve my problems. but i do expect, you know, understand my problem as this team understands for secretary of treasury, i am really pleased to be able to nominate janet yellen. no one is better prepared to deal with these crisis. i wish it were as much of
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a crisis. future secretary should be the 1st treasury secretary was also chair, the federal reserve vice chair of the federal reserve and share the president's council of economic advisers. janet as one of the most important economic thinkers of our time, she spent her career focused on unemployment and the dignity of work, which is really important to me. and to all of us. china stands what it means to people and their communities when they have good, decent jobs, respect across, not to be looked at by their neighbors and be respected. it matters a lot to them and respected across party lines and around the world. by main street and wall street an educator, a mentor above all. 'd the daughter of a working class from a reward wearing glass, brooklyn neighborhood, who never forgot where she came from. her husband george is pretty good too. if you
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want a nobel prize, but he's the one that married up janet over for the 1st woman to hold this office. we might have to ask. then manual miranda, who wrote the musical about the 1st century treasure hamilton, to write another musical about the 1st woman secretary of the treasury yellen. so that's what i'm working on right now. jan for director of office and managing the budget. i nominate neera tanden, you know, i've known narrow a long time, a brilliant policy mind with critical practical experience across government. she was raised by a single mom on food stamps, an immigrant from india who struggle worked hard and did everything she could for her daughter. to live out, the american dream. a nerd did just that gender stands the struggles that millions
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of americans are facing. and should be the 1st woman of color from south asia, from south asian, a schumi from south asia. and, and i think that to lead on be we also have another one of those women is what is president i's days of merican? and so look, i'll be very serious she, she should be in charge of laying out the budget to help us control the virus and deal with the economic crisis and build back better. but above all, she believes what i believe a budget should be flecked our values. again, quoting my dad for real, my dad's people say, joe, let me tell you that i value they look at him as a high school educated guy very well read. and he was is, don't tell me what you value. show me your budget. i'll tell you which that's what you're going to do for us. is deputy secretary of treasury. i nominate wally out erno. wally is you know, i don't know. tell you what senator warner really likes you.
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she really recommended you buy one sure she wore it. i stole you as well. thank you for being willing to do this was a skilled leader and thinker on issues ranging from macro economics to consumer protection and from national security international affairs i work with while i do in the great recession. that was my excuse to senators, and that's why i was the and i saw him tackle one big job after another deputy national security advisor to president obama, deputy director for the national economic council, former chief of staff to elizabeth warren, where he helped create the consumer protection bureau and for of the financial bureau which has done so much good, is designed to protect consumers and working people of one fair, deceptive and abuse of financial practices. and now wally will be the 1st african-american ever to hold this post. and the highest ranking african-american in treasury department's history and immigrant from nigeria, the son of a nurse,
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an elementary school principal, wally honest, and everything we do is basically for the people for families, hard working people to understand their struggles. and most of all their dreams. he understands both, and i want to thank you all right for you were willing to do this for chairperson of council economic advisers. i nominate notwithstanding, she was a very distinguished professor at princeton, a joe my, my children who went to penn, used always kid about no one, but seriously she rouse well the most distinguished economist in the country. an expert on labor economics and race poverty and education. dean of the princeton school of public american action affairs, member of the council of economic advisors to president obama and advisor to president clinton at the national economic council. more than that, she's a proud daughter whose mom,
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a school psychologist encouraged her to pursue her pursue economics and her dad. one of the country's 1st african-american astrophysicist who dared her to dream., she's done both. if confirmed c., she will be the 1st as an issue. screamy the 4th woman to lead the council national exam of economic advisors in the 1st african-american ever to hold that post. and it is cea chair. she'll serve as a member of my cabinet, as well. as a member of the council of economic advisors, we also appoint jared bernstein, an old friend, who's been with me a long time, a brilliant thinker, quite quick wit with a heart as big as his head and heart he got from his mom. an educator raised him correctly. a social worker turned economist, jared is one of my closest economic advisors. and friend, he says, my chief economist during the vice president's. he was there in that foxhole during
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the great recession, with the economy on the brink and our country are spack. i can think of anyone else who i'd want to be in my side to face the challenges ahead. jad will be one of the leading voices in my ministration. economic policy. i can always count on him, delivers straight from the shoulder as his hero, f.d.r. used to say straight from the shoulder. the one thing i'm going to share is working . people always have a voice with jared in this comes as a member of the council economic advisors, i appoint heather blue. say, heather, thank you for all the help you've had in the transition team and getting me here. she's one of the foremost economists working to make sure we build an economy that works for all americans. the daughter of a union family. it's no wonder she believes so deeply in the idea that leave no one out leave, no one behind us during a campaign or a line or council one addresses structural inequities in the economy. and i'll do
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so again as president because the sense that's one of the central issues of our time to this team. thank you very exceptional. the call to serve again. you are out to your families and 2 year i thank them for their sacrifices because it's real sacrifice. we could not do this without you. and to the american people. this team will always be there for you and your families. this is family oriented team. we've got to make sure ordinary people get a chance to do well because they've never when given a chance they never, ever, ever, ever let the country 11 years ago. president obama and i entered office during the great recession and implemented the recovery act has saved us from a great depression. i didn't see the map of america the time, nor did he turns a blue states and red states where only saw the united states of america. we work
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with everyone for everything. and we recovered memory built together as one nation, vice president harris. and i will do that all over again. the outstanding team there, ready on day one to united states senate. i hope those outstanding, these outstanding nominees will receive prompt hearing and that we will be able to work across the aisle in good faith and move forward as one country. so let's begin the work to heal, to unite, to rebuild an economy for all americans. they deserve and expect nothing less. thank you. may god bless you and may god protect our troops. i now turn this over, to a new t.v. starting with our next secretary of treasury. janet yellen began. janet, thanks for accepting the question that they're going to clean this office.
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oh, while we wait for the disinfecting of the podium, just sort of recap what we've been listening to see, that's the president elect, joe biden. introducing his economic team. his message to america is help is on the way and he said that his team is ready to start on day one set to address the structural inequities that the pandemic has laid. bare. he also nominated janet yellen to be the 1st female secretary of the treasury, and she's speaking now. let's take a listen economic team at this moment of great challenge for our country. mr. president elect. when you reflect on what your father taught you about hell we job is much more than a pay check. i hear my own father who raised our family in working class brooklyn.
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when he graduated from medical school during the great depression, he looked for a home in a place to hang it shingle near the brooklyn docks backs in bush terminal on the upper new york. there was a thriving hope for manufacturing in transportation and for the union workers whose life likud's depended on them. knowing they didn't have clothes or as my father found a flume near a bus law and he started his family practice in the basement. while we lived on the floors above, at the end of the day, he would talk to me, my brother and my mom, about what workmen to his patients or friends and neighbors. especially if they lost a job, the financial problems, the family problems, the health problems,
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the loss of dignity and self-worth. the value of work always stuck with me. so much so that i became an economist. because i was concerned about the toll of phone employment on people, families and communities. and i've spent my career trying to make sure people can work in achieve the dignity and self-worth that comes with it. mr. president elect. i know you've done the same. i saw it that understanding during the last great recession and the recovery act that followed. and now we're facing historic crises, again, the pin to make an economic fallout fit together. of course, so much damage for so many. and if had a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable among us, last law, it was lost jobs, small businesses struggling to stay a lawyer for closed,
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for good. so many people struggling to put food on the table and pay bills and rent . it's an american tragedy. and it's essential that we move with urgency in action will produce a self reinforcing downturn, causing yet more defense station. and we miss, we risk missing the obligation to redress deeper structural problems, inequality, stagnant wages, especially for workers who lacks a college education. communities that have seen industry disappear with no good jobs, replacing lost ones, racial disparities in pay, job opportunities, ousting food security and small business lending to deny wealth. building
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to communities of color, gender disparities. they keep women out of the workforce and keep air or economy from running at full force. it's a convergence of tragedies that is not only economically unsustainable, but one that betrays our commitment to giving every american an equal chance to get ahead. but i know this team will never give up that commitment. as you've said before, mr. president lay it out of our collective pain. as a nation, we will find collective purpose to control the pandemic and build our economy back better than before, to rebuild our infrastructure and create better jobs, to invest in our workforce, to advance racial equity and make sure the economic recovery includes everyone to
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address the climate crisis with american ingenuity and american jobs. working together with the at standing national security and foreign policy team, you announced last week to help restore america's global leadership. and above all, we share your belief in the american dream of his society, where each person with effort can rise to their potential and dream even bigger for their children. i pledge as treasury secretary to work every day to its rebuilding that dream for all americans. and to the create public servants of the treasury department. i look forward to working with you and wolli to rebuild the public trust to the american people. we will be an institution that wakes up every morning thinking about you,
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your jobs, your paychecks, your struggles, your hopes, your dignity, and your limitless potential. thank you. ok that's we've been hearing there from jalen janet yellen, the president elect biden's nominee for treasury secretary, if confirmed she'd be the 1st woman to hold that position. biden said, no one was a better prepared to deal with this crisis than janet yellen, which is present in seeds. we're following this with al-jazeera as kristen salumi. she's been listening. she's joining us now from wilmington in delaware. kristin, we've been hearing quite a lot about the veracity of joe biden's picks for this economic team,
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but also very much underlining that the serious job ahead. what with did you take from president elect biden's remarks, and what do you think this says about the way policy will be directed? yes. well, as you say, a real emphasis on raising the fortunes of all americans with a special emphasis on working class and the most vulnerable who have been hit hardest. by this pandemic, we heard that reflected in the remarks of joe biden and of janet yellen biden. you know, talked a lot about his own family, as he often does. he talked about his father losing a job and saying that he didn't expect government to fix his problems, but he expected government to understand his problems. and joe biden said this team
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understands so hoping to strike a sympathetic note with those who've been hardest hit by this pandemic in the economic fallout from it as well. and that would be minorities in particular. and the working class interesting that he pointed out that there is he referred to what he would do to improve the situation and talked about the fact that any relief package passed. now, by a lame duck, congress would be just the start that more would need to be done. so while there are efforts underway in washington right now towards a relief package is progress being made on some new stimulus for americans. the bias, the president elect signaling that that would be just the start and he would be looking for even more relief. and he talked about issues that would have to be solved in order to build back better after the coronavirus. things like affordable
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health care, child care for family sick leave relief from rent, student loans, a long laundry list. items that he thinks government should support, that will help raise in particular, the lower classes, the working classes, and give everyone as he said. and janet yellen add code an equal shot, so everyone can have an equal shot at the american dream. it was a rather ambitious shopping list. as you put of things that joe biden is wanting to achieve, as you see, he said, any relief package would be just the starts and he's clearly planning to carry some, some radical changes to build america back. but he didn't win the senate in that election. so what are his chances of getting these proposals through congress or indies of getting this team confirms
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absolutely, well, what we're hearing is a certainly a big government plan for bringing back the economy. interesting that he talked about creating jobs and suggested that the way to pay for all this is by putting money into infrastructure, putting money into clean energy. he suggested that that would be a way to create jobs and bring bring the economy back. and this entire team that he has nominated, you know, we've talked a lot about its diversity, but in terms of its view, these are a group of people who have promoted fiscal policy on the part of the government. we had the, the woman that he has nominated for the council of economic advisors to head that she put out a letter earlier this year, calling for more fiscal policy for more to stimulate the economy. the other nominees for the economic council as well. these are people who are very much
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proponents of targeting black unemployment in this country, for example, and taking steps at the level of the federal reserve to target those issues in particular. so very much a big government type response that is likely to have some pushback from republicans in congress, but also paying lip service to reaching across the aisle and working together. as you say, a lot of this will hand john, how much control the president will have over the senate. there's an outstanding senate race in georgia that could determine the makeup of the senate and whether it goes to the democrats or republicans. but even if it goes to the democrats, it's going to be really small margins and, and both sides are going to have to work together. so compromise is going to be key in getting any of these proposals across the finish line. will be interesting to see how that plays. chris's salumi there. joining us from wilmington, delaware,
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with an economic team still being rolled out. we'll let you get back to that prison . thank you very much. indeed. let's head back sir. top story now. the race to develop the coronavirus vaccine. the u.s. wants the 1st vaccines delivered within 24 hours of getting approval. but once distributing vials to every corner of the ball, google brother is being called the largest and most complex that just sickle exercise ever. so who will this work? thousands of cargo flights will be needed. it finds a plan alone depends on some 20 flights a day. there's also the issue of keeping vaccines at the necessary temperatures for them to work. pfizer's vaccine has to be kept at minus 70 degrees celsius. well, airlines are working on how to safely use larger quantities of dry ice and shipping companies are building new freezers sites around the world. drug companies are already getting large quantities of their vaccines to strategic points,
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so they'll be ready to go as soon as they get the green lights. united airlines flew the 1st mass air shipments of a coronavirus vaccine from belgium to the u.s. on phrase able let's find out more about how this is likely to work. out of these files are smith is a professor of emerging infectious diseases at the london school of hygiene and tropical medicine. she joins us now from the vaults in switzerland. good to have you with us on the news are developing this vaccine was hard, but really it's just the beginning, how much of a challenge will use to say it's going to be for governments to actually get that vaccine into people's arms. so the 1st good news, obviously lexie is looking very promising, but very high advocacy is much higher than we ever anticipated. so this is really the message of hope that for those you know, biden's speech of hold. but now indeed,
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we have to face the challenges of delivery. and the little bit of the 1st back scene, which is likely to good to be the closer and be a bit more dynamic scene. and r. and d. vaccines, both will need a very strange culture change from phase it's minus 70 as you said, and for one day and it's minds and 20. so even for high income countries, that is a, is a real lot just take charge and encourage aren't, as you also said, currently there are teams out preparing the delivery. so it's a lot of starters, that the vaccines need to be flown into the capital cities or into big cities of the, of the country and that the banks in nations for these cold chain required scenes would then be in specialized centers. so her people want to be vaccinated and the. 'd initially made up their workers and all the people will need to travel to these
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centers. and so that's interesting. you say that because you know, there aren't many places. certainly my local chemist doesn't have a freeze that stores things that minus 70 degrees. so in terms of, do you say that people will have to go to these specific centers rather than going to smaller sensor to be distributed? and that surely will pose a challenge as well. given that this pandemic is still raging, you can't really get hundreds of people congregating in one small space to get an injection. surely. so, i mean, are these the kind of details that are still being worked out or do you think governments are having these plans to be able to, to get it out to the individuals who need to? so initially clearly for this is the axiom that needs an ultra cold chain. it needs to be delivered in specialized centers that know how to keep the alps, of course,
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and so kindly for example, in germany, they're repurposing the whole of the factories or certain places the source of that indeed people who need to come to those places. so, but the next, you know, the not coming back saying that we will have, you know, a 2nd, 3rd, and for the next a very they look easier in terms of logistics and they can probably be delivered in under normal temperatures of need 2 to 8 degrees celsius and then decide to make, see that can be delivered in your real holding your outpatient clinic or at pharmacists, etc. so the initial baxi that have now a bigger logistic hurdle, but because we are desperate to start vaccinating then we now need to proactively, you know, save these challenges and find solutions. just a higher many people would say, need to be vaccinated to achieve hurd's immunity. and how long do you think it will
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take for us globally to get there? because initially will rely on these very, very cold vaccines. once the, the other vaccines are rolled oats, then it will be easier, but we will sort of time frame. are we looking at as a skin to be another 12 months of this we're going through or, or do you think will be able to get to her at immunity a bit sooner? so every man, you know, that scene supply will increase and as well as the diversity of vaccines will have various things, scenes and x. in platforms at our disposal. so it was so bad we are all thinking that it probably only get to the 2000000 doses needed by the end of the 2021 are. but part of the want of a lesion is kind of the 7700000000. fortunately, do not need to mix in age the complete global block relation. we need to focus on
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those at high school. it's also ear disease, not cancer and ass and that, and that's really the older population and they present about 20 percent of our population. we also have to deliver the next scene, of course, to those that are serving us time. it is at how care workers we need to protect our health care workers. we also need to protect essential workers who continue to work so that society can function during these times of unfortunate lockdowns. ok, so in short, the for her duty you probably need to 50 to 70 percent that remember every kind of restart, opening our economies. what we have tackled and reduced deaths. ok, so certainly the end doesn't sights, but we're not quite there yet. out of these well just smith going to get your thoughts. thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us here at al-jazeera.
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thank you. there are police in germany say at least 4 people have been killed after a car drove into a pedestrian area in the southwestern city of tree or more than a dozen others were injured. police of address have arrested the driver of the car who they've identified as a 51 year old local man. another suspects is being questions. officials say there's so far, no indication the incident was politically motivated. iran's parliament says passed a draft motion to hold on restricted access by the international atomic energy agency to its nuclear sites. the proposed changes could allow iran to resume uranium enrichment at levels of 20 percent ones of the 2050. new, clear deal that the united states pulled out of iran was limited to below 4 percent . the amazon rain forest is shrinking at an alarming rates with deforestation. now
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at a 12 year high. scientists say the race of clearing has accelerated since jr. balsam r. o became president of brazil and weakens environmental protections or sounder m.p.'s. he reports now from bogota, colombia, from the sky. large swaths of brazil's amazon are increasingly looking like this, with long patches of rain forest destroyed by fires and logging. and it's getting worse. new government data shows the level of destruction rose almost 10 percent this year to more than 11000 square kilometers, equivalent to 7 times the size of london. it's the highest level in 12 years. and monday, brazil's vice president promised to fight to destruction. point 6 percent is not a number to celebrate. on the contrary, as i said here, i desire is not to have illegal deplores station at all inside the amazon. this is
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what we're fighting for. but environmentalists believe the government is to blame since taking office 2 years ago, president jacques made it clear down there is watch. the amazon was opening to business and development. he weakened the country's environmental and forced mint agency and called for more farming in mining. in protected areas, which critics say has emboldened illegal ranchers in miners to clear the forest from that had been built in brazil over. but we have a president that existence of climate change. a growing international outcry led by european countries a special scenario to send the military into the region to fight the forestation,, but little has changed. now, critics hope the election of joe biden as u.s.,
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president willing crease the pressure given the strong stance on climate change. but just days ago, both took an indirect swipe at biden, in this policy in the rain forest. i recently heard a presidential from a country say that if i don't put out the fire in the amazon, he's going to restrain barry's against brazil. how do we deal with all of that? diplomacy is not enough. when there is no more saliva than there must be gum powder, but they have to know that the amazon is ours. that's for the world is like nobody has what we have. it will be difficult to convince a defy impulse, an arrow to change course, but with effects of climate change looming. many believe it's a fight on which the health of the entire world depends. i listen to them or as you heard in that report, samson deforestation has surged to
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a 12 year high. this is what it looked like in 2008. went off 1000 square kilometers of vegetation has been destroyed in july of this year. destruction bruised and 10 percent from a year earlier. that's almost the same rate as in 2008. let's get more now from carla snow bray. he's a senior research or at the institute for advanced studies at the university of south parlow and joins us now from san jose. those campus in brazil, schizo have you with us. we were hearing in that report from our correspondent just how serious the situation is. we know that destroying the rain forests is bad, but the governments in brazil argues that they need to focus on economic developments in the need to lift people out of poverty. so do you understand why
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the government is watering? very nice environmental protections and doing, you know, enabling the destruction of the rain forest because people argue that poverty is also a pressing issue as well. yes, there is a pressing issue all over brazil, however, are the 50 years of this model development in the amazon system, 1970, s. the people with the poor cess ots the call to development. the majority of the amazon a population 65 percent are very, very poor. so this is not really a doorway to goal because the traditional agricultural cattle ranch is they are very low productivity type of program. they all exist because they burn to forests and then they use the ashes of the trees as fertilizers,
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natural particularize it. but then after 570 years, the soils are already very poor, and that they abandon that pasture land and they move around and of course, so that's the way it's been going on for people years and the courtroom could be forestation is increasing again, a forest fire of course a degree of the nation as well. and in fact, this spending is porous, has a much, much higher economic value, then clearly the forests and so. so why do you think that, why do you think the government still persisting with this strategy that i mean, is there a better way of preserving the rain forests and developing other other farm lands in a much more sustainable way? and if so, why hasn't the government taken that path?
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the government is gone. who in the, when we came into power in the office, they were being supported, but the most conservative, traditional and best, who are sector of our agribusiness in brazil, we have this very clear separation. we have a small percent of modern agriculture, and then we have 80 percent of traditional every business in which they only want to expand the commodities crunchier to make money to make money for a few years and then keep driving for a special quarter. so he was fully supported politically by this 80 percent or service of business sector, brazil. that's why he feels he loyalty to this type of agribusiness sector, which is still practicing 20th century. every culture. ok,
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i'm afraid we're out of time carlos. not great at that. thank you so much for joining us at al-jazeera and sharing your thoughts and perspective on the challenges. brazil faces when it comes to protecting the rain forest. thank you. thank you. lots more still to come here and i'll just say we've got the score for you coming up in the organizers of the tokyo olympics. signal there in tents, in sports, in your head. far out will be here with us after this break. or
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a ferryman for the sport? here's how i thank you so much. liverpool manager you're going klopp as back calls to introduce concussions, substitutes and football. but klopp says players will still want to stay on the page if they can't waltz forward roll. jimenez fractured his skull after a collision with arsenal's dad louise during a premier league game on sunday. the mexican 4 was taken straight to hospital but louise continued playing until half time. i'm not sure if they were do new rule with a concussion subsidy would have helped in that moment because the player can play on. i was a player myself, a few different injuries, my life and, and these kind of things or if the player feels completely fine, the concussion protocol is fulfilled, then i think it would have played on anyway. but yes, it makes sense that we can do things like this. of course, leagues can apply to star concussions, substitute trials from january with premier league expected to begin tasks next season. under the new rules, teams would be given an extra substitute as
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a player left. the pitch with a head injury that sort of system is already used in other sports, including rugby and cricket. and we've been speaking to chief medical officer at the world players union fees pro. he believes football authorities have been slow to take the issue of concussions seriously. unfortunately, football is one of the most conservative sports where many people are not progress even off in order to explore all the same now you saw or yes, it's very regretful that we are beyond as a sport when it comes of advancements to once a bad concussion recognition, nevertheless, 2021 we will be on the move. we've tried, we've got to them and then concussion shifted to shine, but again, i repeat, i'm not sure that it will solve the problem of on feel recognition of concussion. we would like to see or tried to watch a temporary conclusion. superstition as well. champions league holders byron munich,
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have a chance to extend their record breaking 15 game winning streak in the competition later on choose day. but does either side will be facing at leduc on the dread. byron have already secured their spot in the knockout stages and are resting key players for this game. a win for athletico, however, will guarantee the spanish side a place in the last 16. we are getting ugly because you go as for the influence of political will be a huge challenge for the whole team. and we're looking forward to the match this 2nd in the league and have won game lists. so if they win that they'll be top of the league that says a lot, they have the best defense. they have a coach was done outstanding work with the team throughout the last year is always brings the team up to a new level 7 times for real on world champion. lewis hamilton will miss this sunday's graham period bahrain after testing positive for corona virus. the briton 1st reported mild symptoms on monday, but is said to be otherwise fit and well replacement driver will take his spot for
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this weekend's race, which will be the 2nd consecutive grand prix in bahrain and has already sealed the season's title. argentina's rugby captain has been suspended for making discriminatory and xenophobic comments on social media. a series of statements made by problema, terribly tween 20112013 have recently been highlighted, but airheads just led his country to their 1st, ever win over new zealand. but he's now bad and stripped of the captaincy, pending a disciplinary process for terror has apologized saying, i'm very ashamed. sorry to all those who were offended at that time. i never imagined who i was going to become today. i have to own what i said 9 years ago, and the tokyo olympic organizers have signaled their intent for the sporting year ahead. the olympic rings are back in tokyo bay. they were taken away 4 months ago when the games were moved to 2021. due to coronavirus,
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the 12 month delay is set to increase cost by close to $2000000000.00. the overall budget of $15000000000.00 will make these summer games the most expensive and history. ok, and that is all your support for now, hala back to you. thank you very much indeed. a fire and finally, a monthlong exhibition on face coverings opened in japan. it has one of the most developed wearing cultures in the world predating the pandemic. and it's believed that that could have helped japan tackle the coronavirus bride reports. it's billed as a theme park for masks. the mask is fashion statement, a thing of beauty, but also life preserving functionality, requiring maintenance and accessories and available those festive offerings just in time for the holidays. yes,
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and i think everyone wears masks as are their lindy sethi, but i don't think they have the chance to find and try something new. we hope to provide their kind of opportunity. there's mask chic in abundance. but on this opening day, not that many visitors, perhaps unsurprising with japan tackling gets the wave of the coronavirus. it's fitting the mask should be celebrated here with few countries in bracing face covering as widely as japan. the practice was already well established, long before people knew of kobe dying teen. i've always worn masks, especially around spring and autumn, because i'm allergic to pollen, and i change my masks depending on what i wear. so i want to see what kind of masks i can find here. but japan's record on dealing with the corona virus has been mixed . former prime minister shinzo r. bay was widely ridiculed for his national mask plan that was branded benaud
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mask for its small size and poor quality. the government was also accused of responding late to the outbreak to try to save the 2020 tokyo olympics, which got postponed anyway. of course, i understand the economy's in trouble, but if the government measures aren't effective against the virus, then even holding the olympics next year will be difficult. i hope the government can get it together. with the postponement of the games, the olympic rings floating in tokyo bay where unceremoniously towed away. but those rings have now been returned to public view, raising hopes the ill fated games will eventually be held if they are, it will be thanks in no small part to the humble mask. and the nationwide willingness to mask up rob mcbride al-jazeera. well, a sense for me and the team here in doha for never get a hunch over to barbara,
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sarah and her colleagues in london. keep it here on al-jazeera by to jump into the story and to lean on global community bio diversity is bio security. it is that essential for our species to survive. be part of the debate. i know you heard my d.s. and he can be part of this conversation when no topic is off the table, the complaints are not neutral and all of these cases goal here is to terrorize. and here's the other part of this. there's no consequence to this stream on out. is there december on al-jazeera,
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it's 10 years since of revolution in tunisia ignited the arab spring. al-jazeera looks back at the uprising and asks what really changed across the middle east. the stream is where al jazeera is global audience becomes a global community. a year after the 1st coronavirus case in china will examine the devastation caused by the virus and the efforts made to eliminate covert 90 people in power is back with more investigative documentaries and in-depth stories. climate leaders will gather online to press ahead with a new stage of the paris climate agreement and examine the possible global solutions. december on al-jazeera pakistan's k, a. c $100.00 s. said more than 36 percent. we bring you the stories in development. it's the rapidly changing the world we live in. the water is going dispensable to economic activity, but industrial uses, worse than this to freshmeat, a,
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counting the cost on al-jazeera the race to roll out a coronavirus vaccine. pfizer seeks european approval in the u.s. officials the side who will be the 1st to be immunized. hello, i'm barbara starr, you're watching al-jazeera live from london also coming up on the program. iranian lawmakers back a motion to boost uranium enrichment just days after the killing of a top nuclear scientist prevented from their homes and now living hand to mouth, ethiopian refugees fighting hunger and uncertain.
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